Page 1: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Introduction to the Global AMR Action

PlanDr Danilo Lo Fo WongProgramme Manager 

Antimicrobial Resistance

Page 2: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Antibiotic resistance

• WHO meetings, consultations, workshops in 1971, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009

• World Health Assembly resolutions in 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009

• WHO global strategy for containment of antimicrobial resistance published in 2001

• Despite progress, strategies for containment not widely implemented

Page 3: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Renewed global efforts

• Centralized secretariat at WHO HQ (December 2011)

• WHO Global AMR Task Force

• AMR Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG)

• High-level awareness raising, e.g. World Health Assembly

AMR Side Events2012 – hosted by Sweden, Ghana2013 – hosted by Sweden, UK2014 – hosted by Netherlands, UK and Turkey

Page 4: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Global AMR Action Plan

• Resolution adopted at World Health Assembly (May 2014)

• Call for Global Action Plan by WHA 2015

• Stakeholder and public engagement

• Technical consultations– AMR surveillance (Dec ’12, Mar ’14, Sep ‘14)

– STAG (Sept ‘13, Apr ’14, Oct ‘14, Feb ‘15)

Page 5: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Global AMR Action Plan

• Online consultation– 4 July to 1 September 2014

– Contributions from MS, NGOs, Private, Academia, Int Organizations

• High-level ministerial meetings– Netherlands (June 2014)

– Norway (Nov 2014)

– Sweden (Dec 2014)

• Submit to World Health Assembly 2015

Page 6: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Global AMR Action Plan

Page 7: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Guiding principles

• Whole-of-society engagement

• Actions based on best available knowledge and evidence

• Prevention first

• Access not excess

• Sustainability

• Incremental targets for implementation

Page 8: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Five strategic objectives:

1. Improve awareness and understanding

2. Strengthen the knowledge and evidence base

3. Reduce the incidence of infection

4. Optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines

5. Develop the economic case for sustainableinvestment

Page 9: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Framework for action

Page 10: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Implementing, monitoring and evaluation• Countries to develop and implement national action plans

– “building blocks”

– National priorities, circumstances

• WHO to develop monitoring & evaluation framework– Reporting every 2 years

• Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle

Page 11: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

European strategic action plan on antibiotic resistance (2011 – 2016)

• WHO European action plan adopted by all 53 Member States

• Recognizing

– AMR neglected in many countries of the region

– No systematic AMR surveillance in large part of the Region

– Need for intersectoral coordination

– International spread through travel and trade

– Need for international standards and data sharing

Page 12: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Action Plan Strategic Objectives1. Strengthen intersectoral coordination

2. Strengthen surveillance of antibiotic resistance

3. Promote rational use and strengthen surveillance of antibiotic consumption

4. Strengthen infection prevention and control and surveillance in health care settings

5. Prevent emerging resistance in veterinary and food sectors

6. Promote innovation and research on new drugs

7. Improve awareness, patient safety, and partnership

Page 13: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Implementation activities• Country situation analysis

– Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

• National AMR workshops

– Belarus, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan

• International AMR workshops– November 2013, Bilthoven, The Netherlands

– July 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

– February 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

Page 14: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Central Asian and eastern European Surveillance of

Antimicrobial Resistance (CAESAR)

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

Countries submitting data to CAESARCountries visited for CAESAR participationCountries to be visited for CAESAR participationCountries participating in EARS-Net

European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network


Expanding AMR surveillance throughout Europe

Page 15: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Expanding AM use surveillance throughout Europe

European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network (ESAC-Net)

WHO/Europe-ESAC Project Group

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

Countries which reported 2011 data to WHOCountries in the process of collecting dataCountries invited to joinCountries participating in ESAC-Net

Page 16: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Infection prevention and control• SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands - WHO's

global annual campaign

• 2014 – link to AMR

Page 17: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

AMR in the food chain

• Booklet: AMR from a food safety perspective

• National workshops– Albania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

• Subregional workshops– Balkans (Albania), Central Asia (Kazakhstan)

• Advisory Group on Integrated Surveillance of AMR (AGISAR)

• World Health Day 7 April 2015

Page 18: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Materials:• Infograph

• Website

• Video

• Press release

• Presentation

Activities• Country events (press conferences, seminars)

• EC/ECDC/WHO twitter chat

Awareness day

Page 19: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Campaign support

Call for proposals (April 2014)‐ Template, SMART objectives, selection criteria

Proposal review (May 2014)‐ Panel of expert partners (WHO, RIVM, ECDC, BAPCOC)

Grants awarded (ARM, BIH, GEO, KGZ, MKD, MNE, SRB)‐ Implementation June 2014 to February 2015

Workshop (February 2015)‐ Exchange experiences and expertise

Page 20: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


Page 21: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


• Division of Communicable Disease, Health Security & Environment

– Guenael Rodier– Cristiana Salvi– Siff Malue Nielsen

• AMR Coordination– Danilo Lo Fo Wong– Nienke van de Sande-Bruinsma– Saskia Nahrgang

• Food Safety– Hilde Kruse

• Health Systems and Public Health– Hans Kluge

• Health Technologies and Pharmaceuticals

– Hanne Bak Pedersen– Nina Sautenkova

• Influenza & other Respiratory Pathogens– Caroline Brown

• Vaccine Preventable Diseases & Immunization

– Robb Butler– Catharina de Kat-Reynen

• Alert and Response Operations– Ana Paula Coutinho

Page 22: Introduction to the Global AMR Action Plan · • Other stakeholders to develop own action plans and report within normal reporting cycle. 9th EURL-AR Workshop 2015 23 - 24 April

9th EURL-AR Workshop 201523 - 24 April 2015

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

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