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Tender Submission Deadline:

8 March 2019 5 pm

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Tender Documents 1. PART A – Instructions for Tenderers 2. PART B – Specification and Format of the Tender

Appendices APPENDIX A – Forms to be completed

APPENDIX B - TUPE Information

APPENDIX C – Tender Envelope Label

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Cleaning Services Tender

Invitation to Tender – Part A: Instructions to Tenderers

1. General Requirements Broads Authority (‘the Authority’) is seeking an e xperienced contractor to supply cleaning services for two of its main buildings. The individual contracts will be for a 3 year term with the option to extend for up to a further 24

months. It is expected that the contracts under which these services will be delivered will

commence on 01 April 2019. A simple contract will be drawn up based on the specification

details provided in Part B.

Tenderers must comply with these instructions. They are designed to ensure that all tenders are

treated equally and fairly and to comply with all legal requirements for public sector

procurement. Failure to comply with these instructions and conditions may invalidate your tender.

The Tender documents are and shall be the property of the Authority and will not be copied or

reproduced in whole or in part, save as is necessary to enable you to complete the Tender

and must be returned to the Authority on demand.

2. TUPE Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) / Acquired Rights Directive a. Cleaning services are presently supplied to the Authority by a private contractor. Tenderers

are advised to seek independent professional advice on the applicability of the Transfer of

Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (“TUPE” or the “Regulations”).

The Authority makes no assurances or assumptions as to the likely effect of the Regulations

on the contract resulting from this tender process.

b. Tenderers are to form their own views as to whether the Regulations apply before

submitting tenders. Tenderers must bid on the basis of the view they take.

c. Tenderers shall not at any time make use for their own purposes or disclose to any

person (except as may be required by law) any of the TUPE information provided to them

(whether communicated orally, electronically or in writing). All TUPE information shall be

deemed to be strictly confidential and for use solely in connection with the preparation of

tenders and the administration of any contract arising from this tender. It may also amount to

personal information protected by data protection legislation.

3. Procurement Process and Tender Procedures 3.1 Tenderers’ responsibilities Tenderers shall make themselves fully conversant with the requirements as set out in all

tender documents before submitting their tender. No claims arising from neglect in this respect

will be entertained by the Authority.

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All tenderers are required to read these instructions before submitting a tender as referred to

below. The Authority will assume that Tenderers are fully aware of the contents of these

instructions and that unless queries are raised by Tenderers they are fully satisfied and have no

queries upon them. The Authority will not entertain any claims for compensation arising from the

neglect or failure of any Tenderer to comply.

Information supplied to Tenderers by the Authority is supplied for general guidance only.

Tenderers must satisfy themselves by their own investigations about the accuracy of such

information and no responsibility is accepted by the Authority for any inaccurate information

obtained or for any loss or damage of whatever kind and howsoever caused arising from the use of

such information.

It is the responsibility of Tenderers to obtain for themselves at their own expense all

information necessary for the preparation of their tender. All works of investigation and

preparation of tenders shall be carried out at the Tenderers’ cost.

The Invitation to Tender and any other information issued by the Authority relating to the services

shall be treated by you as confidential and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part to any third

party without the prior consent of the Authority other than for obtaining sureties, guarantees or


3.2 Basis of the Tender All prices quoted in the tender and any supporting documents must be in pounds sterling and

must be exclusive of VAT and must include the cost of delivery, packaging, and any additional

related costs to the place(s) specified by the Authority. If requested the Authority will return

packaging at the Tenderer's expense.

Tenderers are required to keep tenders and prices valid for acceptance for a period of four

months from the closing date for receipt of tenders.

The Tenderer shall bear all costs expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with the

preparation and submission of the Tender.

3.3 Arithmetic accuracy of the Tender

If the Authority suspects that there has been an error in the pricing of the Tender it reserves

the right to seek such clarification as it considers necessary from the Tenderer only.

It is the responsibility of the supplier to check that all unit rates and other information entered in the

cost templates are accurate. If any errors in the unit rates or in the totals are detected they will be

corrected by extending each unit rate by the quantity to which it applies. Any item for which no unit

rate is entered in the appropriate column will be treated as if it is free of charge.

3.4 The Tender The Tender shall be submitted in accordance with these Instructions to Tenderers. The Authority

may reject any tender not complying in any particular matter and its decision in that regard shall be


All relevant forms for completion in Appendix A shall be signed and submitted with all other

documents comprising the Tenderers Tender.

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The Authority reserves the right to amend any information or the Specification contained within

the invitation to tender at any point prior to the award of contract. Such amendments will be

notified to the contractor within a period of 5 days. The Authority reserves the right not to award a contract subsequent to this tender and may accept

or reject the whole or any part of a tender. The Authority does not bind itself to accept any tender

and will not accept responsibility for any expense or loss which may be incurred by any potential

supplier in the preparation of the tender. The Authority reserves the right to make all or any bids received available for inspection by

the Office of Fair Trading or any other regulatory body. Any Tenderer who: ▪ fixes or adjusts the amount of its Tender by or in accordance with any agreement or

arrangement with any other party; or ▪ communicates to any party other than the Authority or, as applicable, relevant other

commercial body, the amount or approximate amount of its proposed Tender or

information which would enable the amount or approximate amount to be calculated

(except where such disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary

for the preparation of the Tender or insurance or any necessary security); or ▪ enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other party that such other party

shall refrain from submitting a Tender; or ▪ enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other party as to the amount of any

Tender submitted; or

▪ offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum or sums of money, inducement or

valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any party for doing or having done or causing or

having caused to be done in relation to any other Tender or proposed Tender, any act or

omission, ▪ may (without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to the Authority and without

prejudice to any criminal liability which such conduct by a Tenderer may attract) be

disqualified from this procurement exercise.

3.5 Contact details Any questions regarding these documents and the specific requirements of the Authority should be made to Rob Rogers (Director of Operations) who can be contacted by telephone on 01603 610734 or by email on [email protected] The deadline for questions is 1pm on Friday 1 March 2019. Tenderers should note that the

questions and responses will be anonymised and shared with other Tenderers via the website. Contact by any person acting in the name of the prospective contractor with any employee of

the Authority other than those mentioned in this ITT will be grounds for the Authority to

terminate the tender process for that supplier.

3.6 Tender Submission All tenders must be returned to Broads Authority as per the instructions below and arrive not later than 5pm Friday 8 March 2019. Tenders must be returned either by post or electronically. For those who choose to return their tender

via post this should be either in the brown envelope provided or by attaching the tender envelope label

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provided in the appendix C, to the Chief Executive, The Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe

Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY.

Tenders that arrive late shall not be considered. The envelope shall NOT bear any information identifying the name of the sender and this shall include frank marks and recorded delivery marks. Non-compliance with any of the above will invalidate the tender. Tenders that are to be submitted electronically should be emailed to [email protected] It must be clearly marked in the subject line Tender for Cleaning Services. Any offers of inducement or other consideration intended to influence the Authority to award the contract will render the tender immediately invalid. Any queries relating to the tender procedure should be made to Emma Krelle (Chief Financial Officer) at Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY (telephone 01603 756060 or email [email protected]). No extensions to the closing date for Tenders can be granted. However the Authority may at its

discretion extend the closing date and time specified.

The Authority will not accept any responsibility if any tender is unable to be submitted by

the deadline unless it can be evidenced that there is a problem with the Authority’s IT


Qualified tenders or tenders bearing any unauthorised alteration or addition to the form of tender

or any other tender documents may be rejected by the Authority.

3.7 Tender Timetable The following dates are applicable to this tender:


Estimated Dates

Tender documents available 18 February 2019

Clarification period starts 18 February 2019

Site visits to be arranged with Rob Rogers Week commencing 25 February 2019

Clarification period closes 1 March 2019 1pm

Deadline for publication of Tender query responses 4 March 2019 1pm

Closing date for receipt of tenders 8 March 2019 5pm

Notification of successful/unsuccessful tenders 15 March 2019

10 day Standstill Period ends 29 March 2019

Contract Commencement 1 April 2019

This timetable is indicative only. The Authority may amend at its discretion.

3.8 Visits to Sites Arrangements will be made for Tenderers to visit the sites included in the contract in order to

better understand the layout of the buildings and other relevant details to help in putting

together tender bids. The site visits are planned to take place week commencing Monday 25

February 2019 and will be arranged to keep the number of sessions to a minimum. Therefore it

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should be noted that tenderers will be visiting the sites in groups. Tenderers should limit their

attendance to two persons.

3.9 Evaluation of Tenders

Tenders will be evaluated using a method known as MEAT (most economically

advantageous tender). A panel of the Authority’ Officers will undertake the evaluation process.

The Authority will consider both quality and price in the evaluation of tenders. These are

weighted to reflect relative importance and scored accordingly:



Price - specified work 50%

Price ad-hoc work (hourly rate) 10%

20% Trade references 10%

Social value 7.5%

Ability to clean areas within allocated timeframes 7.5%

Quality control assurance 15%

Total 100%

The calculation that will be used to determine price is as follows:

Score = Lowest Tender Price x 50 (maximum mark available for specified work)

Tender Price

The Potential Provider that achieves the highest total score will be awarded the Contract.

If two or more Potential Providers obtain the highest total score, the Potential Provider with the

highest score for the Price element will be deemed the winner and awarded the Contract.

If the Authority receives only one Tender, the Potential Provider will be awarded the Contract

provided that they meet the Minimum Total Score of 70.

No tender will be considered unless the potential supplier has submitted a full proposal

including the completed forms in Part B within this tender document.

The Authority will advise each Tenderer whether its tender has been successful. The Authority’

aim is to notify each Tenderer in writing by 15 March 2019.

3.10 Freedom of Information Act The Authority is bound by the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOI”) 2000. All

information submitted to the Authority may therefore need to be disclosed and / or published by

the Authority in compliance with the Act. Any other law, or, as a consequence of judicial order, or

order by any court, tribunal or body with the authority to order disclosure (including the

Information Commissioner).

If you consider that any of the information included in your Tender should not be disclosed by

the Authority please identify it and explain (in broad terms) why. Please also indicate how long

you think the information should be covered by a non-disclosure provision. Please include

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this information in the “Freedom of Information” Schedule included in these ITT Documents and

return with your Tender.

In terms of FOI information may be exempt from disclosure if it is: ▪ A trade secret ▪ Information which is likely to prejudice someone’s commercial interests if disclosed (this could

be your interests or the Authority’s)

▪ Personal data where disclosure cannot be justified in terms of the Data Protection Act 1998

▪ Subject to an enforceable obligation of confidentiality. (This means that the information

should be recognisable as confidential in nature and must not be in the public domain already; it must have been received in circumstances which impose an obligation to maintain confidentiality on the person receiving it; and any unauthorised disclosure would cause you harm.)

You should therefore seek to ensure that those parts of the Tender which you would prefer not

to be disclosed fall within these broad categories. The Authority is more likely to resist

disclosure and be able to justify non-disclosure of information in response to an FOI request if

the suggested non-disclosure items are restricted to these categories. Please note that the

Authority reserve the right to disclose if it is satisfied (acting reasonably) that it is in the public

interest for the information to be disclosed.

It should be remembered that, even where you have indicated that certain information ought not

to be disclosed, the Authority reserve the right to disagree. Even when the Authority agree that

the information has been correctly identified, it may nonetheless be required to disclose it or elect

to do so in the public interest. Receipt by the Authority of any material marked ‘confidential’ or

equivalent should not be taken to mean that the Authority accept any duty of confidence.

In all cases, the Authority may publish (either proactively or in response to a request) the

following information:

▪ The identity of all tenderers ▪ Overall value of the Contract awarded (or a general indication of the rates applicable under

the Contract)

▪ The value of all tenders received (not necessarily correlated to the identity of the tenderers) ▪ General performance standards to be achieved under the Contract ▪ Performance and progress monitoring arrangements; and early completion incentives

and penalties for failure to meet targets.

Tenderers should not mark anything as confidential which falls into the above categories.

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Cleaning Services Tender

Part B: Specification and Format of the Tender

1. Specification

1.1. Delivery of Cleaning Specification

Tenderers shall provide fixed price annual rates in relation to the delivery of cleaning

services. Prices are to include provision of labour, transport, plant, equipment, materials and

consumable supplies necessary for the full and proper completion of the contract obligations as

described. Prices should include for providing services to each location in the specification. All

overheads and profit charged to this contract to be included in these prices. Prices are to be

exclusive of VAT.

Tender prices will remain fixed for the first year of the contract period and thereafter may be

subject to an adjustment on the anniversary of the commencement date of the contract to reflect

changes in labour, plant and materials costs (the Adjustment Percentage). The contractor must

make written application with evidence to the Authority at least 8 weeks prior to the anniversary

of the commencement date regarding any proposed upwards or downwards adjustment to

the rates. Application for upward adjustments will be capped using the CPI taken at the

immediately preceding September with the contract commencement date as the base start date.

The successful tenderer will agree to meet the following cleaning specification. The frequency of each type of cleaning is set out within tender form 8 and 9:


Requirement Description

1.1. Flooring

The Authority has a range of flooring types, both hard and soft. All hard floors will need to be mopped, scrubbed and polished (if required / depending on floor type in order to meet health and safety regulations) to meet the acceptable standards. All soft floors will need to be suction cleaned.

1.2. Vertical surfaces

The Authority has a range of vertical surfaces in scope, including walls, doors and lockers. These surfaces will need to be dusted, wiped and washed to meet the specified standards.

1.3. Furniture / Fittings

The Authority has a range of furniture and fittings in scope, bookcases, etc. but excluding desks. These will need to be dusted, wiped and polished to meet the specified standards.

1.4. Sanitary fittings

The Authority has a range of sanitary fittings in scope, including toilets, showers, sanitary bins and basins, etc. These will need to be wiped and cleaned to meet the specified standards. However toilet’s in Yare House are not included as they are the responsibility of the landlord.

1.5. Kitchen units / sinks / drainers

The Authority has a range of kitchen units in scope, including sinks and drainers, etc. These will need to be wiped, washed and scrubbed to meet specified standards.

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1.6. Waste

The Authority has differing arrangements for the collection and disposal of waste and recyclable products. However, all waste receptacles will need to be emptied free of waste and wiped / washed free of removable stains and odours to meet the specified standards.

Bin liners should be replaced as appropriate and the removed contents should be deposited into appropriate storage containers for collection by the Authority’s waste collection contractor.

1.7. Minor blockages

Removal of minor paper blockages from toilets, urinals and sinks will be necessary to maintain use of facilities with minor disruption as much as possible. All practicable steps to remove blockages from toilets, wash-hand basins, sinks, urinals, etc. However, should it prove impossible to remove a blockage without the use of specialist equipment the fault must be reported to the nominated Broads Authority contact.

1.8. Desk Telephones

Desk telephones will need to be dusted and wiped (sanitised) to meet specified standards.

1.9. Kitchen appliances

The Authority have a range of kitchen appliances in scope, including fridges, toasters, dishwashers and microwaves. These will need to be wiped down inside and out to meet the specified standards.

1.10. Mirrors

Mirrors will need to be dusted and polished to meet the specified standards.

1.11. Removal of cups, cutlery and litter

Remove all leftover cups, cutlery and litter from rooms; place these in dishwashers where applicable.

1.12. Maintain cleaning stations

Keep contents of cleaning stations (in each kitchen area) replenished.

1.13. Microwave

These will need to be wiped to keep them free from impacted debris, dust, removable stains, fluids, scale and odour-free to meet specified standards.

1.14. Internal windows

These need to be cleaned inside with a proprietary cleaner and polished to remove marks and streaking.

1.15. COSHH Regulations

Contractor must be fully compliant with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations. Up to date copies of Materials Safety Data Sheets and COSHH assessments must be made available for all products used or stored at Broads Authority premises.

1.16. Environmentally Friendly cleaning products

Waste water treatment at the Dockyard is provided by biodigester treatment units prior to discharge in the River Yare. All products use that enter the waste water system, i.e. drains, sinks, toilets etc, need to be safe for such sewage treatment plants. Similarly, all detergent products used at the Dockyard, that enter the waste water system must be 100% phosphate free (often labelled as inorganic phosphate or sodium triphosphate) to align with the Authority’s water quality and environmental protection aims.

1.2. Rates for ad-hoc work These rates are those that will be charged for works over and above the specified

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standard servicing or ad-hoc work, only requested by the Authority. The Tenderer is to complete this section of the pricing schedule to give an inclusive rate per hour. The labour rates will be fixed for the first year of the contract period and thereafter may be subject to an adjustment on the anniversary of the commencement date of the contract to reflect changes in labour. The contractor must make written application to the Authority at least 8 weeks prior to the anniversary of the commencement date regarding any proposed upwards or downwards adjustment to the rates. Application for upward adjustments will be capped at the rate of CPI taken at the immediately preceding September.

Travelling costs are deemed as included within the tendered rates and shall not be chargeable at any time. Only time spent on site shall be chargeable. Mileage rates are deemed as included within the tendered rates and shall not be chargeable at any time.

1.3 Provision of Equipment The successful tenderer shall provide sufficient tools and equipment as necessary to undertake the contract.

1.4 Ad hoc Work

Cleaning standards should be applied on a regular, ongoing basis. However, there are specific

types of work which are only applicable on an ad-hoc basis. The Authority would like to

commission this type of work as and when required at a set cost. There is no guarantee that this

type of work will be commissioned on a regular basis and the Authority reserve the right to go out

to quote from other Suppliers for this work, where it is deemed beneficial to do so. The frequency

of requests for each of the requirements listed below has been provided for information, based on

historical data

Fulfilment of the Cleaning Specification

Contractor Quality

How well the requirements are met

% of weighted criteria marks

per question

Fail Does not meet any of the specified requirements or no response to the criterion or falls significantly short of meeting the specified requirements.


Poor Meets a number of the specified requirements, but with at least 1 significant issue.


Acceptable Largely meets the specified requirements with minor issues.


Good Fully meets the specified requirements. 61-80%

Excellent Fully meets the specified requirements and exceeds in some areas that will offer added value.


1.5 Contract Management In order to ensure that the contract operates in a successful and efficient way, as well as

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delivering all outcomes described in this specification to the correct standards, the contractor will

be required to attend regular meetings at the request of the Authority to monitor performance.


Requirement Description

5.1 Recruitment

The Contractor shall:

▪ Recruit and train sufficient suitable staff with appropriate abilities and skills to plan, carry out and supervise the contracted services.

▪ Appoint a Contract Manager, to be responsible for the management of all aspects of the Contract. The Contract Manager shall have a current driving licence and access to a suitable vehicle for the carrying out of the management and supervision or the works.

5.2 Invoicing

Consolidated Invoices shall be produced on a monthly basis.

The Contractor should divide annual cleaning rates by 12 months in order to provide monthly invoices at the end of each month. These invoices should include any additional ad-hoc work and labour rates delivered during the previous month as separate lines.

2. Format of the Tender

Appendix A - Tender Form 1 The signed and completed Form of Tender

Tender Form 2 Details as to referees

Tender Form 3 Insurance Certification Form

Tender Form 4 Quality Control systems

Tender Form 5 Contingency plans

Tender Form 6 Signed and completed Certificate as to canvassing

Tender Form 7 Signed and completed Certificate as to collusive tendering

Tender Form 8 Completed pricing schedule – Yare House

Tender Form 9 Completed pricing schedule – The Dockyard

Tender Form 10 Completed details as to social value

Appendix B - TUPE Information

Appendix C - Tender Envelope Label

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Name of Tenderer __________________________________________________ Tendered price for the provision of cleaning services To: The Broads Authority (hereinafter called “the Authority”) Having examined the Invitation to Tender and its accompanying documents and being fully satisfied as to my/our abilities and experience in all aspects to satisfy the requirements of the Conditions of Contract and the draft Contract, I/we ____________________________________________________________ of ______________________________________________________________ hereby offer, subject to the Conditions of Contract, to provide cleaning services in accordance with Tender Forms 1 to 9 attached hereto pursuant to the Conditions of Contract and upon the Terms and Conditions of the draft Contract. Unless and until the formal written Agreement referred to above is prepared and signed, the Tender together with your written acceptance thereof will form a binding Agreement between us. Signed (1) ___________________________ Status ________________________ (2) ___________________________ Status _________________________ (For and on behalf of _________________________________________________) Date _________________________________________

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Name of Tenderer ________________________________________________ Referees To The Broads Authority You may seek references from my/our following trade/bank referees: 1. Bank 2. Trade 3. Trade (add more if you wish)

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Name of Tenderer _________________________________________________ Insurance Certification Form Third Party Insurance covers to sum of not less than £5 million Dear Sir I/We certify and declare that I/we have made arrangements with our Insurance Company to take out an Insurance Policy for public liability in the sum of £5m. I/We attach confirmatory note from the Insurance Company. The following is the name and address of the Insurance Company (not broker) with whom the Insurances have been effected: NAME ………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… PLEASE NOTE: Evidence must be included with this form to prove that such insurances as are required will be effected. Failure to do so will render this Tender invalid.

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Name of Tenderer __________________________________________________ Quality Control/Quality Assurance System Please describe any system you have:

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Name of Tenderer __________________________________________________ Contingency Plans Please detail any contingency plans you have for delivering the services to meet the requirements of the Contract.

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Name of Tenderer _______________________________________________

Certificate as to Canvassing (Invitation to Tender refers) I/We certify that I/we have not canvassed or solicited any member, officer or employee of the Authority in connection with the award of the tender or any other tender or proposed tender for the service and that no person employed by me/us or acting on my/our behalf has done any such act. I/We further hereby undertake that I/we will not in future canvass or solicit any member, officer or employee of the Authority in connection with the award of this tender or any other tender or proposed tender for the services and that no person employed by me/us or acting on my/our behalf will do any such act. Signed (1) ____________________________ Status_________________________ (2) ____________________________ Status_________________________ (For and on behalf of _________________________________________________) Date _______________________________________________________________

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Certificate as to collusive quotation (Invitation to Tender refers) To: The Broads Authority (hereinafter called “the Authority”) The essence of selective tendering is that the Authority will receive bona fide competitive tenders from all persons tendering. In recognition of this principle, I/we certify that this is a bona fide Tender, intended to be competitive and that I/we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender or the rates and prices tendered by or under or in accordance with the following acts: (a) communicate to a person other than the Authority the amount or approximate

amount of my/our proposed Tender (other than in confidence in order to obtain tenders necessary for the preparation of the Tender for insurance); or

(b) enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that he shall

refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted; or (c) offer or agree to pay or give any sum of money, inducement or valuable

consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender for the service any act or omission.

Signed (1) _______________________________ Status______________________ (2) ________________________________Status_____________________ (For and on behalf of __________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________

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This tender form provides the costs for the provision of the service between the hours of 16:30 and 19:00 on each working day; note that the cleaners will not need to be present for the whole of this time if tasks are completed earlier. Please provide any additional cost effective proposals by photocopying this form and making it clear what times the service will be conducted.

Yare House Total (excl VAT if applicable)



Daily cleaning of all reception, general office, kitchens, break out and meeting rooms in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(a) (cost per day)

2. Weekly cleaning of all clear exposed surfaces below head height in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(b) (cost per week)

3. Fortnightly cleaning of three fridge units in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(c) (cost per two weeks)

4. Quarterly cleaning of all clear exposed unit surfaces above head height in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(d) (cost per quarter)

5. Quarterly review meetings with the Broads Authority in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(e) (cost per quarter)

7. Six monthly cleaning of internal windows in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(f) (cost per six months)

8. Ad-hoc additional general cleaning requirements in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(g) (cost per hour for management and labour)

Signed (1) ____________________________ Status ________________________ (2) ____________________________ Status ________________________ (For and on behalf of __________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________

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This tender form provides the costs for the provision of the service between the hours of 08:00 and 15:30 on each working day; note that the cleaners will not need to be present for the whole of this time if tasks are completed earlier. Please provide any additional cost effective proposals by photocopying this form and making it clear what times the service will be conducted.

The Dockyard Total (excl VAT if applicable)



Twice weekly (preferably Tuesday and Thursday) cleaning of all reception, lobby areas, first floor main office, kitchens, staircases, toilets, welfare unit and meeting rooms in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(a) (cost per day)

2. Weekly cleaning of all clear exposed surfaces below head height in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(b) (cost per week)

3. Fortnightly cleaning of two fridge units in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(c) (cost per two weeks)

4. Quarterly cleaning of all clear exposed unit surfaces above head height in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(d) (cost per quarter)

5. Quarterly review meetings with the Broads Authority in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(e) (cost per quarter)

7. Six monthly cleaning of internal windows in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(f) (cost per six months)

8. Ad-hoc additional general cleaning requirements in accordance with Contract Condition 1.1(g) (cost per hour for management and labour)

Signed (1) ____________________________ Status ________________________ (2) ____________________________ Status ________________________ (For and on behalf of __________________________________________________

Date ____________________________________

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Details as to social value

Please confirm how you achieve good ethical standards and ensure that your staff benefits

from the impact of equalities legislation:

(You may wish to refer to your employment policies and procedure in responding).

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TUPE Information

The current contractor is Hannants Cleaning Ltd of 306a Dereham Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 3UX,

telephone 01603 610895.

It is believed that there is no individual primarily assigned to the current contract and that the cleaner

works on other premises in addition to those owned/leased by the Broads Authority.

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For administration purposes only

Date Tender Returned___________________________ Time Tender Returned___________________________ Signature_____________________________________ Print Name___________________________________ Job Title______________________________________

Chief Executive Broads Authority Yare House 62-64 Thorpe Road Norwich NR1 1RY

Tender For Cleaning Services

Envelope not to be opened until after:






Pass returned envelopes to Finance Officer

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