
iPad for School Administration Use

iPad for School Administration UseModified by Judith M. Tucker from presentation created by:Dr. Richard J. Voltz, Associate DirectorIllinois Association of School Administrators

Change is coming!

Watch you thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."It is our job to know what is effective teaching practices and to hold teachers accountable."Dr. Mike SchmokerDo all your teachers?

Teach the districts adopted curriculum

Use Common Assessments

Based On

Engage StudentsClassroom WalkthroughsTimely and Effective

Used to improve teaching and learning

You do not have to have a Gmail account to create a Google Form you only need a Google account and students do not need either to complete the form!

Google Form the Google Doc you wont find in MS Office!

Spreadsheet Results created automatically when survey is submitted and forever linked to the Google Form.

A Google Form can be completed on any Internet-connected computer or mobile device, including iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, or any SMART Phone

Google Form Results Summary

See the Apps well be reviewing today

This presentation wasDownloaded from SlideShareEdited & saved in PowerPointUploaded into iTunes file sharingOpened on iPad using Keynote

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