



Mr. Constantine S. Lifuliro BSc Ed (Dar)MA Population Studies (Ghana)

Rector and Senior Lecturer

Mr. C.S. Lifuliro is the Rector and Senior Lecturer at IRDP. He the chief executive officer of the Institute. He also provides training to certificate, diploma, bachelors and post-graduate diploma students in a range of modules including: Mathematics, Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Population Studies (Substantive and Technical Demography) and Research Methods. Besides training, Mr. Lifuliro is involved in designing and conducting of short course programmes to various clients in animation concepts for development: Participatory Rural Appraisal, Needs Assessment, Baseline surveys, Plan formulation by use of Opportunity and Obstacles to Development (O & OD) Methodology; Monitoring and Evaluation, Effective Communication for development and Gender concepts, planning and its spectrum consideration in development. Mr. Lifuliro is capable of carrying out institutional development and organizational strengthening. He has also published widely in international and local peer reviewed journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Designed a training manual/guide to be used by resource persons from the Rural Financial Services Programmes in Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation using O & OD and Log frame approaches at community level.

• Technical committee for evaluation team for the project titled strengthening the capacity of the Institute of Rural Development Planning under the Netherlands Programme for Institutional strengthening of Post - Secondary Education and Training Capacity.

• Transformation exercise of the Institute of Rural Development Planning Academic Curricula from the Syllabi format to competence Based Modularized Curricula for the three Bachelor Degree Programmes of: Population and Development Planning, Rural Development and Regional Planning and Environmental Planning and Management.

• Identification study on District Development Programmes of the Kigoma Region.

• Preparation of the training of Trainers manual for the short term Skills Enhancement Programme for Civil Society Organisations as key Actors of Poverty Reduction initiatives in Tanzania

• Training of Trainers in Data Collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and Dissemination to District Functional Officers from Tabora and Kigoma Regions.

• Editing of Training Manual, Resource Text and Trainer's Guide of "The Participatory Plan Formulation by use of Opportunities and Obstacles to


development Approach (O&OD) Training materials• Evaluation and Needs Assessment for the Chilonwa Area Development

Programme co funded by Bread for the World and ICCO under the Diocese of Central Tanganyika Department of Development Services Dodoma.

• Formulation of the Five Years Biharamulo District Integrated Development Plan (1994-1.999).

• Formulation of the Five Years Kahama District Integrated Development Plan (1994-1999).

• Conducted various Training of Trainers courses to Animators of Kilosa, Iringa and Mpwapwa Districts under the Planning for Rural Development at Village Level (PRDVI.).

• Planning and Management Skills course to Water Aid supporting staff of Dodoma and Tabora Regions and Kiteto District.

• Importance of Demographic Data in Development Planning at Village level in Biharamulo District.

• Preparation of socio-economic district profiles for Morogoro and Tanga Regions

• Baseline survey for SUMASESU Project in Makete District (August 2008)• Social Economic Profiles for Morogoro and Tanga Region (January 2007)• Designed and facilitated a two week course on Training of Trainers in

Data Collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and Dissemination for District Functional Officers from Tabora and Kigoma Regions. A course sponsored by UNFPA through Demographic Training Unit of the University of Dar es Salaam

• Socio- economic surveys by use of PRA for Ruhekei Division, Mbinga District


 Dr. Batimo D. Sebyiga

Adv. Dip. Economic Planning (IDM)M.A Agric. and Rural Dev. (ISS)

PhD Economics (OUT)

Senior Lecturer and Deputy Rector (Academics, Research and Consultancy)


Dr. B.D. Sebyiga is Senior Lecturer in Development Economics and Deputy Rector (Academics, Research and Consultancy) at IRDP. As a Deputy Rector he is the head of Academic affairs and is responsible for assisting the Rector in all academic matters of the Institute to ensure smooth operation and development of academic activities. As Senior Lecturer, he lectures on a range of courses including agricultural development planning, agricultural economics and environmental economics. He has undertaken a number of roles as a consultant and facilitator for various clients and organizations including the Central and Local Government Authorities, NGOs and the Private Sector. Dr. Sebyiga is an expert in participatory rural development planning and participatory rural rapid appraisal, development plan formulation, impact studies; community development needs assessment and baseline surveys. Dr. Sebyiga is one of the founders of Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O & OD) planning methodology. He is also a member of a number of committees that are involved with management of environmental resources and development management. Dr. Sebyiga has published widely in international and local peer reviewed journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Project Formulation-Eastern Selous Game Reserve Natural Resource

management Plan for /Rufiji and Kilwa Districts• Literature study on the Past and Present Policies and Practices for Rural

Development in Tanzania and the way forward.• Training of Dodoma Rural and Urban supporting officers in Logical

Framework. Analysis and Participatory Project Cycle Management.• Training on Participatory Monitoring and Impact Assessment for Staff of

the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security• Piloting of the opportunities and obstacles to Development Planning

methodology (O & OD) in 2 villages (wards) of Dodoma District and 2 wards in Dodoma Municipal District.

• Training of VEOs, WEOs, District Staff and Communities from Dodoma Rural and Urban districts in O & OD and enshrined tools for application

• Testing (Piloting) O & OD in Hai district in collaboration with UNICEF• Evaluation of Mwitikira Household Food Security Programme


• Baseline Survey and Community Needs assessment for Reproductive Health in Babati, Karatu, Monduli and Arumeru district in Arusha region, and Moshi Urban, Same and Rombo districts in Kilimanjaro region.

• Study on opportunities for increased social sevices (health and Water) for older Persons in Magu District, Mwanza region

• Preparation of staff development plan for Kigoma Regional Integrated Programme, UNDP(1994)

• Labour market survey studies• Impact studies• Socio-economic development planning assignments


Mr. Tiberio R.K. MdendemiBA Economics (UDSM)PG. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP)MA Population Studies (Ghana)

Senior Lecturer and Deputy Rector (Planning, Finance

and Administration)

Mr. Mdendemi is Senior Lecturer in development economics and Deputy Rector (Planning, Finance and Administration). As a Deputy Rector he is responsible for assisting the Rector in all administrative and financial matters of the Institute. Mr. Mdendemi has outstanding experience in academic management at different capacities as programmes coordinator, registrar, and dean of students, project coordinator and currently as a deputy rector. His key areas of competence include project/programme evaluation, training facilitation, local governance and institutional development, population issues and poverty reduction. Mr. Mdendemi has also published widely in local and international journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region;

Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas

• Tracking of the best practices in the Village Travel and Transport Programme (VTTP) areas for the way forward

• Facilitate the preparation of District Strategic Plans by the District Heads of Departments for Bunda, Meatu, Liwale and Development officers from CCT Churches.

• Field study and project development on economic empowerment of Itiso and Mundemu communities of Dodoma Rural District

• Preparation of Cooperation Management Manual that guides Participatory Development Process and Conflict Resolution Process

• Evaluation of Chemba and Chinyika Area Development Programmes with view to identify implementation bottlenecks and give recommendations

• Assessment of the current participatory and gender sensitive planning at District and Sub-district level

• Programmes evaluation for ELCT-HEKIMA project (Dodoma), food security project for Ihumwa, Vikonje and Mtumba Villages; Kibaigwa financial services for Savings and Credit Cooperative society. Riziki kikundi cha walima zabibu Hombolo (RIKIWAZAH) and Sustainable Self Scheme for people with Disabilities (SSHSPD) in Makete.


• Internal monitoring of the Land Management Programme (LAMP) in Babati, Kiteto, Simanjiro and Singida Districts

Prof. Innocent J.E. ZilihonaBSc Forestry (SUA)

MSc Environmental Studies (Helsinki)PhD (Helsinki)

Associate Professor and Head of Research and


Prof. I.J.E. Zilihona is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Research and Consultancy at IRDP. As the Head of Department, he is responsible for overseeing all research, consultancy and publication activities at the Institute. He supervises the development and marketing of short courses; planning and delivery of consultancy assignments, management and development of Rural Information Centre and advises the Rector on all matters pertaining to research, consultancy, short courses, rural information centre and outreach centers.

As Associate Professor, he lectures on a range of subjects including Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental Pollution/Economics, and Rural Development Planning. He has also wide knowledge on Curricula development. Prof. Zilihona was involved in designing training materials on Development Planning and Strategic Planning in Local Government Authorities. The training material is currently used for training Local Government Authority Staff and elected officials for capacity building programmes under Local Government Capital Development Grant (LGCDG) System. Prof. Zilihona is also one of trainers and facilitators of short course training programmes under the LGCDG System on the following modules: Development Planning and strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation of development projects, leadership and management skills for LGA staff and elected officials, data collection, information management and record keeping, project planning and management and budget and budgeting procedures. He is conversant with various adult learning facilitation techniques including brainstorming, short lectures, role plays, games, group discussion, individual exercise and group work.

Prof. Zilihona has undertaken research activities for several projects including Assessment of Environmental Health Management Strategies in Dodoma Urban District, Potentials of Non Wood Forests to the Livelihoods of Rural Communities in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania, Potentials of Biogas as an alternative to wood fuel in Dodoma Region, Effects of human-induces disturbances on biodiversity, Contribution of Agroforestry farming systems in environmental conservation and poverty alleviation, The role of local knowledge and practices in management of natural resources. Prof. Zilihona was also involved on the review of the Research Master Plan for Tanzania


Forestry Research Institute and subsequently development of the National Forestry Research Master Plan 1999 – 2009.

On consultancy point of view, Prof. Zilihona has undertaken a number of roles as a consultant for various clients including the Central and Local Government Authority, Non Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organisations, UNICEF and the Private Sector. Some of consultancy assignment undertaken include assessment of the impact of training for district teams and village Most Vulnerable Children committees, facilitation of local communities in identification of development opportunities, mainstreaming of gender in development activities and poverty-environment in Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) planning methodology as well as preparation of standardized training materials for Local Government Authority (LGA) Development Planning and Strategic Planning.

Prof. Zilihona is also a member of a number of Committees/Associations that are involved with the overall management of environmental resources, rural development planning and career development. Prof. Zilihona therefore has extensive experience in participatory development planning, participatory community assessment/training/facilitation approaches as well as academic supervision for students and professional staff.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Identifying and analyzing existing training programmes and providers

including potential institutes for the lead training institution for Local Government Authority training programmes(PMO-RALG)

• Facilitate Consultative workshop for urban Development and Environmental Management (UDEM) programme for Namanyere Township Authority(Nkasi District Council)

• Tracking usage of urban Development and Environmental Management Grants in Local Government Authorities Relative to the Local Government Development Grant System [FY 2007/2008] (PMO-RALG)

• Developing Curriculum for the proposed Bachelors degree in Statistics for the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre – Dar es Salaam

• Facilitate Stakeholders’ consultative Workshop on the Proposed Bachelors Degree in Statistics at the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre – Dar es Salaam

• Facilitate Workshop to leaders of political parties with permanent registrations, Civil Society Organizations, Council Directors and Regional Local Government Officers on the preparation process for the regulations of 2009 grassroots election (PMO-RALG).

• Organizational strengthening in Project Cycle Management Monitoring Skills for Maji na Maendeleo Dodoma (MAMADO)

• Facilitate Consultative workshop for urban Development and Environmental Management (UDEM) programme for Laela Township Authority in Sumbawanga District council)

• Conducted Interim evaluation of World Vision Kisiriri and Sanzawa Area Development Programmes (World Vision Tanzania, Central Zone)

• Examining practical implications of decentralization by devolution from higher Local Government Authorities to lower level of Local Government Authority (PMO-RALG)


• Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas(RAS KIGOMA/UNDP)

• Preparation of Training Manual on the Role of Community Development Officers in Stimulating Development (PMO-RALG)

• Facilitate training of Ward Executive Officers on good governance, roles and responsibilities of Ward Executive Officers

• Determine and analyze relevant General area competences and their appropriate work place skills for Lecturers in Higher Learning Technical Institutions in Tanzania (NACTE)

• Facilitate training of Heads of Departments on Good Governance, preparation of fundable projects and monitoring and evaluation of development projects in (Sumbawanga District Council.)

• Developing curricula for certificate and Diploma in Statistics for the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre, Dar es Salam.

• Development of Curricula for Masters Degree in Environment and Sustainable Development as well as Masters Degree in Development Economics at IRDP.

• Training Village Executive Officers on Leadership and Management skills, good governance and codes of conducts and ethics in Sumbawanga District Council.

• Assessment of Environmental Health Management Strategies in Dodoma Urban District.

• Assessment of the impact of training to district teams and MVC committees in Makete, Magu and Kisarawe Districts.

• Facilitate training for members of Regional secretariats from Mwanza, Sindida, Mara, Kagera, Shinyaga and Tabora Regions on mainstreaming Poverty-environment and MKUKUTA into Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) Planning methodology (PMO-RALG)

• Train Councilors on their roles, responsibilities, ethics and their code of conduct, and good governance (Sumbawanga District Council)

• Train Head of Departments in Leadership and Management Skills in Lo cal Government Authorities ( Sumbawanga District Council)

• Preparation of Standardized Training Materials for Local Government Authority (LGA): Development Planning and Strategic Planning(PMO-RALG)

• Mainstreaming of MKUKUTA into Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) Planning Methodology(Vice President’s office)

• Undertake a contracted research on host plant use of Kihansi spray• Undertake a contracted research on host plant use of Kihansi spray

wetland indicator insect species• Identification study of the Kibondo District Development Programme in

Kigoma Region(PMO-RALG)• Validation of Ground Beetles (Carabidae: Coleoptera) as indicator taxa for

monitoring studies in Tanzania. Research Grant No. D/3531• Lower Kihansi Hydropower Project: Immediate Rescue and Emergency

Measures. Entomological Component.• Review of the TAFORI Research Master Plan and thereafter Develop a

National Forestry Research Master Plan 1999 – 2009


• Assessment of biodiversity forest user groups and their relationship to the condition of the natural forests in the Uluguru Mountains.

• Survey of the status and domestication of potential for medicinal plants in the Uluguru Mountains

• Contribution of Agroforestry farming systems in environmental conservation and poverty alleviation

• Evaluation of performance and productivity of promising agro forestry tree species in the West Usambara Mountains

Dr. Frank G.H. HawasiDip. Ed. (Monduli), BSc Agric (SUA),MSc Agric Econ (SUA), PhD (SUA)

Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Rural

Development and Regional Planning

Dr. Frank Hawassi is Senior Lecturer and the Head of Department of Rural Development and Regional Panning at IRDP. As Head of Department he is responsible for supervising all activities at the department, prepare performance reports on departmental activities, prepare training programmes for personnel development, coordinate subject panels and update and develop appropriate training methods. As a Lecturer, he lectures a range of subjects including micro and macro economics. He has undertaken several consultancy assignments with various clients including Central Government, Local Government Authorities, Faith Based Organizations, Non Government Organizations and Private Sector. Dr. Hawassi has also facilitated short training courses. He is therefore has vast experience of working with various stakeholders. As academician, he has published several papers in recognized local and international journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Evaluation of Provincial Development Programmes (PDP) Strategic Plan

2003-2005/2006 (Anglican Church of Tanzania)• Evaluation of integrated community development initiatives (ICDI) Project

Phase II: 2005-2008 (AF-TAN-3-717-01)• Assessment of Participatory and Gender Sensitive Planning at District

and Sub-district Levels in Dodoma Municipal and Dodoma Rural District, 2001

• Analysis of Processing, Marketing and Demand for Processed Fruits and Vegetables in Tanzania

• The Effect of Fertilizer Subsidy Removal on Fertilizer Use and Production of Maize in Mbinga District


• Capacity Building at Grassroots Levels in terms of Training of 140 Grassroots Leaders on Leadership and Planning Skills, 2006

Dr. Israel B. Katega

Adv Dip. Urban and Rural Planning (Ardhi),PG. Dip. Human Settlement Analysis

(India),PM Geographic. Information Management

(ITC),MSc Urban Development. Planning

(London),PhD (UDSM)

Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Environmental


Dr. I.B. Katega is Senior Lecturer and the Head of Department of Environmental Panning at IRDP. As Head of Department he is responsible for supervising all activities at the department, prepare performance reports on departmental activities, prepare training programmes for personnel development, coordinate subject panels and update and develop appropriate training methods. As a senior lecturer in environmental planning and management related subjects including land use planning, physical planning, transportation planning, environmental impact assessment and strategic development plan. He is obliged to undertake research work and consultancies and hence produce peer reviewed publications.

Dr. Katega has undertaken various consultancy works including Feasibility Study on Piloting O&OD Participatory Strategic Planning in Tanzania, Environmental Impact Assessment for the IFAD Participatory Irrigation Projects in Dodoma Rural District, The Effect of Gender Gaps on Chikuyu Participatory Irrigation Projects. The research works conducted include Rural-Urban Migration and Poverty Alleviation in Dodoma Region, and Urban Costs and the National Capital Transfer in Tanzania. Dr. Katega was involved in preparation of Tanga and Morogoro Regions Socio-economic profiles.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Preparation of Standardized training Materials for Local Government

Authority (LGA) Development Planning and Strategic Planning.• Editing the Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O & OD)

Planning Methodology Manual.• Study on Gender Gaps identification and Reduction Strtegies in Chikuyu

irrigation Scheme – Chikuyu Village, Manyoni District – Tanzania


• Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposed irrigation projects in MPWAYUNGU, Mtitaa and Uhelela Villages in Dodoma Rural District.

• Assessment of the Capacity and Willingness of District and Sub-district levels to undertake O & OD Planning in Dodoma Municipality and Dodoma Rural District.

• Assessment of Participatory and Gender Sensitive Planning at district and Sub-District levels in Dodoma Municipality and Dodoma Rural District.

• Assessment of practical implications of decentralization by devolution in local government in Tanzania.

• Updating of Tanga and Morogoro regions socio-economic profiles.• Forest reserves encroachment and rural livelihood in Tanzania: a case

of Biharamlo forest reserve.• Piloting O&OD participatory strategic planning: A feasibility study in

Dodoma municipality at Dodoma Rural District.• Rural-urban migration in Tanzania; A case study of Kondoa District• Characteristics of rural-urban migration activities in Tanzania. A case

study of migrants from Kondoa District.• Rural-urban migration remittances and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania;

a case study of Kondoa District.• Rural Housing and Health in Tanzania; a case study of selected villages

from Bahi and Chamwino Districts in Dodoma region.• Supervision of more than 30 research work (dissertation) of

undergraduate and Post Graduate Diploma IRDP student.• Urbanization, rural urbanization and poverty in Tanzania; a case study

of Kondoa District (paper presented at the fifth African population conference in Arusha held from 10th- 14th December, 2007.


Dr. Francis B. NjauBSc Agric (SUA)

MSc Agronomy (Nottingham)PhD (SUA)

Lecturer and Registrar

Dr. F.B. Njau is a Lecturer and Registrar at IRDP. As registrar, he is responsible for advising the Deputy Rector (Academics, Research and Consultancy) in all matters related to admissions, examinations, academic quality maintenance and improvement. He is as also the secretary to the Academic Planning Committee, Admission Board and Examination Board. As a lecturer, Dr. Njau lectures a range of subjects including climate change and variability, Environment and Development, Gender and Environment and Research Methodology. He has published widely in various peer reviewed journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Carried out pasture development projects in central Tanzania and coastal zone

• Translation of strategic plan for Tandahimba District council• Training Local Government staff on leadership and Management,

data collection, processing and analysis, Project monitoring and evaluation


Dr. Omari B. Mzirai

BSc Agric Eng (SUA), MSc Agric Eng (SUA) PhD (SUA)

Lecturer and Coordinator of Research and Consultancy

Dr. Mzirai is a Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Panning and Coordinator of Research and Consultancy at IRDP. As Coordinator of Research and Consultancy he is responsible for coordinating all research and consultancy activities at the Institute, prepare performance reports on research activities, prepare training programmes for personnel development. As a lecturer in environmental planning and management related subjects including land use planning, physical planning, transportation planning, environmental impact assessment and strategic development plan, water resources planning.

Dr. Mzirai has also been involved in preparation Kigoma Region Integrated Development Strategy Plan for five years, development of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for ASDP and in several studies on promotion of rainwater harvesting in Tanzania. Dr. Mzirai has undertaken various consultancy works including Feasibility study for sunflower and groundnuts production in Morogoro and Singida and undertook the Global farm power assessment for the year 2015/2030. Dr Mzirai has published a lot of paper in peer received, journals and contributed in several chapters in handbooks. Further Dr. Mzirai was involved in a team which have produced Agro hydrological model for planning rainwater harvesting.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas


• Feasibility study for sunflower and groundnuts production in Morogoro and Singida undertaken by SWMRP consultants on behalf of HIGH FARM LTD.

• Member of a team of three consultants undertake Global farm power assessment for the year 2015/2030

• Member of a team of three consultants to review module 6 titled “Project Preparation, Investment Appraisal, Environmental Impact Assessment and Safeguard Policies”.

Dr. Youze O. Mnguu

BSc Agric (SUA), MSc Soil Sc. and Land Mgt (SUA), PhD (Phillipines)

Lecturer and Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies

Dr. Youze Mnguu is currently a Lecturer and coordinator of postgraduate studies at IRDP. He teaches a number of courses including Land use planning, Natural resources planning and management, Agricultural planning and management and management of environmental resources. Dr. Mnguu is also an expert in monitoring and evaluation of development projects and community needs assessment. He has undertaken a number of consultancy and research assignments such as soil fertility constraints for irrigated areas of Morogoro, Coast and Mbeya regions, formulation of irrigation research programmes within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security as a member of the task force selected for that purpose, evaluation of the impact of Mwera irrigation scheme in Morogoro on the livelihood of the people and preparation of training materials for urban environmental management.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken Conducted a study on soil fertility constraints for irrigated areas of

Morogoro, Coast and Mbeya regions in 1997 Conducted feasibility study for irrigation development at Central Wami

River Basin in Morogoro region in 1998 Conducted training needs assessment and later on farmers training on

impact of irrigation on the environment in collaboration with AICAD (African Institute for Capacity Development) and KATC (Kilimanjaro Agricultural Training Centre) for farmers in four irrigation schemes of Morogoro and Coast regions in the year 2005.

Participated in the formulation of irrigation research programmes within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security as a member of the task force selected for that purpose in the year 2005


Conducted a study at Mwega irrigation scheme in Morogoro region to evaluate the impact of improvement of irrigation infrastructures on the livelihood of the people in 2006

Preparation of training materials for urban environmental management in 2007

Ms. Domitilla A. R. Bashemera

Adv. Dip. Community Development (Tengeru), PG Dip. Regional Planning

(IRDP), PG Dip. Population and Sustainable Development (Cairo), MBA



Ms Domitilla Bashemera is a Lecturer at IRDP Dodoma where she lectures in National Regional Planning as well as Rural Development Planning. Ms. Domitilla has conducted different studies which have included: Situational Analysis on the suitability of establishing training programmes; Population and integrated Development planning with special references to Poverty alleviation. A case of the Leprosy victims; Exploration of Social Cultural Practices affecting the efforts of HIV/AIDS Prevention; Male involvement in HIV/AIDS control in Mpunguzi ward, Dodoma (2002); Rural girl child and primary education: Enrolment, Drop out, completion and performance in Dodoma Rural District and Participatory Gender Assessment in the NGOs in Dodoma. Ms. Domitilla has extensive experience in participatory approaches as well as experience in training staff and people at the grassroots, Furthermore she has experience in organizing and leading social and economic groups.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Assessment on the Gender integration in the Development programmes- Kasulu District

• Facilitator of Workshop recommendations on Population Development Planning and Implementation for District Executive Directors organised by UNFPA and Ministry of Planning, Economic and Empowerment.

• Facilitator for the Strategic Planning workshop for the Concern supported NGOs and CBOs Network (KIKANGONET and KINGONET) in Kigoma region


• Facilitator of the workshop on Mainstreaming of Gender issues and Population variables in development plans for the district functional managers and Ward Executive Officers and Village Executive Officers in Kasulu district council

• Facilitator on the workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Development Planning for the Regional Secretariat and District functional managers in Singida region

Dr. Hija W. Mwatawala BSc Agric (SUA), MSc Agric (SUA), PhD (SUA)


Brief profile

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Comparative growth performance of Tanzania Shorthorn Zebu (TSZ), Boran and their crosses in Tanzania

• The evaluation of the performance of Kagera region herds of cattle • Training local government and civil society organization personnel

on Poverty Policy Analysis• Household-level impact assessment of food security coping

strategies in sub-humid and semi-arid areas of Tanzania • On farm performance of Mpwapwa breed of cattle in Dodoma,

Manyara and Singida region.


Mr. Juvenal B. Nkonoki BSc Forestry (SUA), MSc Forestry (SUA) 

Senior Lecturer

Mr. J. B. Nkonoki is a senior lecturer in the Department of Environmental Planning where he lectures different modules including environment and development, environmental pollution and control, environmental impact assessment and environmental planning and management. Mr. Nkonoki also has extensive experience in design, conducting research programmes in natural resources conservation and management.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Review and translation of civil Society training manual for poverty

Policy Analysis• Training of civil society organizations on poverty policy analysis in

Mbeya and Morogoro • Review of the poverty analysis training manual for civil society

organization (2005)• Translation of the poverty policy analysis training manual for civil

society organizations (2005)• Evaluation of transmission poles in Tanzania (2002)• Research on Rural Housing and Health in Semi –Arid Areas. A case of

Bahi and Chamwino District, Dodoma Tanzania.


• Research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Environmental Sanitation. A Case Study of Dodoma Municipality.

Mr. Juma S. KidundaCert. in General Agriculture

(Nyegezi)BSc Farm Management (California)

MSc Agric. Econ. (London)

Lecturer and MISAB Manager

Mr. Juma Kidunda is a Lecturer at IRDP where he lectures in a range of subjects including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Development Planning, and Project Planning. He has also held different posts at the Institute including Coordinator of Research, Consultancy and Publications Unit, Head of Furaha Campus, Head of the Short Courses Unit, Head of Information Centre and Library Services, Head of Department of Economics and Planning, Manager, Mipango Students Accommodation Bureau. Mr. Kidunda has vast experiences in participatory development planning gained through undertaking research and consultancies for various clients including Central and Local Government Authorities, Non Governmental Organizations, Donor agencies and the Private Sector. Between 1995 – 2005, Mr. Kidunda was a Member of Parliament representing Kilindi Constituency. As Member of Parliament, he was engaged in various development activities both within his constituency and at national level. He is one of the trained experts on animation methods of participatory planning processes and procedures.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Designing a Planning methodology for use at Village level (PRDVL)

(Kilosa District – 1987 – 1989) sponsored by UNICEF.


• Assessment of the utility of FAO/ILO/PMO built village godowns in the Country (1990 – 1991) sponsored jointly by FAO, ILO and PMO

• Designing a participatory methodology of sustaining development programmes and projects animation for VDP-GTZ programmes in Tanga region (1992 – 1995) sponsored by GTZ.

• Design and Analysis of a Farming System approach for the Southern Highlands Zone (Rukwa, Mbeya and Ruvuma regions) of Tanzania (1978 – 1983) sponsored by UNDP

• Analyzing available national grain storage capacity in Tanzania, to find out the use and available national storage capacity of FAO and ILO funded godowns in Tanzania. Sponsored by PMO

• National coordinator of the Tanzania Planners’ Handbook Project.

Mr. Gerson N. NdiwaitaBSc Agric (SUA), MSc Agric Ed & Ext (SUA)


Mr. Gerson Ndiwaita is a Lecturer in Environmental Sociology and Research Methodology at IRDP. He has been teaching Research Methods and Environmental Sociology. He is an Agricultural Extensionist, having experience in Project Write-up. He has been a tutor at Tengeru Community Development Institute and Uyole Agricultural Centre. He has been a consultant in Management Skills training for Ward and Village Executive Officers, where he prepared a Resource Book and eventually a Trainer. Mr. Ndiwaita has been a Consultant with a Vice President’s Office, Division of Poverty Eradication in preparing a Text on Poverty Policy Analysis and eventually a Trainer for six Tanzanian zones. Mr. Ndiwaita has also been a Trainer on Civic and Voter Education Programme. He as well participated in facilitating the Ulambo District Council Head’s Departments workshop for Planning Skills, and Bariadi District Council teaching the same Heads.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Training local government staff of the district on Data Collection and

Management Skills in Bariadi district.• Upgrading Ward Development Officers [Ward Executive Officers,

Education Officers, Community Development Officers and Agricultural Officers at ward level] in Temeke Municipality

• Preparation of resource text for training Civil Society Organization and Local Government Authority personnel in Poverty Policy Analysis.

• Needs assessment in the area of data collection and capacity building at the local authority level.

• Impact assessment of Africare’s Mlali Child Survival Project


• Training of NGO’s of Rukwa region in civic and voter education programme

• Training Civil society organization and Local Government Authority personnel on Poverty Policy Analysis

Mr. Benedict M. Kilobe BSc Engineering (SUA), PG Dip Pop and Sust. Dev. (Botswana), MSc Water Resource Engineering (UDSM)


Mr. Benedict Kilobe is currently a Lecturer at IRDP where he lecturers on a range of subjects including Statistics and Quantitative Methods, Environmental Pollution and Introduction to Computer. Mr. Kilobe has undertaken several consultancies which includes the Needs Assessment in the Area of Data Collection and Capacity Building Needed at Lower Level of Administrative System, commissioned by National Bureau of Statistics, Evaluation of Mlali Child Survival Programme conducted at Kongwa District, A Baseline Survey for Food Security and Nutritional Situation in Villages of Itiso Division in Dodoma Region and A baseline Survey of Mlali Child survival Programme. Mr. Kilobe has been involved in the preparation of training manual on Management Skills for Village and Ward Executive Officers. He has also involved in the training of management skills for Village and Ward Executive officers. Mr. Kilobe has vast experience on training of grass root leaders extension staff and community as a whole.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Conducted a baseline survey for Mlali child survival Programme• Conducted a baseline survey on food security and nutritional

Situation in 8 villages of Itiso Division


• Consultancy on the need assessment in the area of data collection and capacity building needed at lower level of administrative system in Tanzania

• Training of village chairpersons, village and ward Executive officers on their roles and responsibilities under multi-party system

• Training on Integration of Population Variables into Development Planning for Regional Secretaries of Tanzania mainland

• Conducting a training for Management Skills for Ward Councilors of Dodoma District Council

• Conducting a training on Capacity Building for Village and Ward Executive Officers for Ngorongoro District Council

• Training on Integration of Population Variables into Development Planning for Regional Secretaries of Tanzania Mainland

• Conducting a training on Management Skills for Village Executive Officers from Coast Region

• Facilitation of training of Trainers on civic and Voter Education in Tanzania

• Conducting training on Management Skills for Village Executive Officers from Dodoma, Singida, Manyara and Arusha Regions.

• Training of village chairpersons, village and ward Executive officers on their roles and responsibilities under multi-party system

• Conducting a training on Management Skills for village Executive officers from Mwanza Region

• Conducting training on Management Skills for Ward Executive Officers from Morogoro, Arusha, Mtwara and Lindi regions.

• Conducting a training on Management skills for ward Executive Officers from Mara, Mwanza and Kagera regions

• Undertake consultancy service on the need assessment in the area of data collection and capacity building needed at lower level of administrative system in Tanzania


Mr. Gregory M. IsoteDip Ed. (Kreluu), BA Education (UDSM), MA Geography (UDSM)Lecturer

Mr. Gregory Isote is a Lecturer in Development Planning at IRDP. He has been teaching Regional Planning and Industrial Development Planning since 1991. From 1991 – 1997, Mr. Isote was a Coordinator of Short Courses Programme. He has also been a consultant and facilitator of various consultancy assignments and workshops for various clients including Government Departments, Embassies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Faith Based Organization (FBOs). Between 1998 and 2003, Mr. Isote was attached to the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) as Director for Development Services (on a six year contract). While at CCT he coordinated and supervised Development Projects of Member churches of CCT and organized and conducted Workshops for lower, middle and senior Church staff including Bishops and Diocesan General Secretaries. Upon his return to IRDP, Mr. Isote has continued with teaching of short and long courses students in Regional Development Planning, Industrial Development Planning and Project Planning and Management. He also undertakes research and consultancy works e.g. the Poverty Policy Analysis Project under Vice President’s Office – Division of Poverty Eradication.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken Good Governance and Leadership Training Course for Ward Executive

Officers for Babati Town Council


Good Governance and Leadership Training Course for Ward Executive Officers in Bariadi and Nachingwea District Councils

Up scaling of the SUA Methods in Mbinga and Morogoro District CouncilsTraining programme for the Civil Society Organizations in Tanzania

conducted at IRDP, Dodoma and BukobaPreparation of the Poverty Policy Analysis Training Manual for Civil Society

organizations (CSOs) in TanzaniaWorkshop on Local Government Reform in Tanzania for the Dodoma

Regional Secretariat and District Functional ManagersAdvising the ELCT Development Committee, train church leaders and

Development Committee Members planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of church projects

Evaluation of the Church Projects of the CCT Dioceses and church related organizations

Training Programme for Board Members of the -Nakatuba Namlebe shallow-Wells and Transport Project in Bunda District

Training Course of the District Functional mangers leading to the formulation of the Biharamulo District Rural Development

Training of Trainers Workshop on approaches to Community Participation for Sustainable Domestic Water Supply Programme in Shinyanga region, Tanzania

Preparation of Training Manual on House Hold Post-Harvest Practices in Tanzania

Training programme for village Extensionists in Project Planning, Implementation and Management of the Handeni integrated Agro-forestry Project (HIAP)

Preparation of Ulanga District Integrated Development ProgrammeIdentification of Training Needs of the Programme Animators of the

Catchments Forestry Project, (CFP) Handeni, TangaSocio-economic survey leading to the formulation of the rural Integrated

Development programme support (RIPs) in Lindi an Mtwala Regions, Tanzania

Research on a Rapid Rural Appraisal in Tambi, Mlembule and Mwenzele Villages, Mpwapwa Tanzania.

Evaluation of Projects of the Conference and Training Centre (CTC) of the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT).


Mr. Allan W.E. MfuruBA Econ (UDSM), MSc (Agric. Economics)

(WYE College)


Mr. A.W.E Mfuru is a Lecturer in the Department of Rural Development and Regional Planning at IRDP where he lectures various subjects including Macro Economics and Industrial Planning. He has vast experience in supervising researches, conducting capacity building programmes to different clients. Mr. Mfuru has also undertaken number consultancy assignments, researches and published in various journals.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Capacity building to councilors of Mufindi District Council• Capacity building to Dodoma Municipality Councilors• Capacity building to village executive officers in Shinyanga District

Council• Capacity building to councilors in Sumbawanga District Council


Mr. Stanslaus M. MsuyaAdv.Dip. Urban and Rural Planning (ARDHI)PG. Dip Regional Planning (IRDP)MA. Geo Info. Systems for Rural Application (ITC)

Lecturer and MISAB Assistant Manager

Mr. Stanslaus Msuya is a Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Planning at IRDP where he lectures on various subjects including physical planning, land use planning, settlement planning and environmental management. Mr. Msuya is a qualified physical planner with extensive field experience in participatory land use planning, settlement planning, environment management and GIS. He has been working for 16 years as a town planner in various district councils and one year as associated physical planner at UNHCR Kasulu and Kibondo field office. He has also undertaken a number of consultancy assignments on strategic planning, participatory approaches, project monitoring and evaluation.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken Training on Strategic Planning and Participatory Project Planning to Heads

of Departments in Shinyanga District CouncilTraining on Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O & OD)

planning process to Heads of Departments for Mpwapwa District Council

Training on Project Monitoring and Evaluation in Community Participatory Projects for Meatu District Councilors

Preparation of Guidelines for Environmental Mainstreaming in Opportunities and Obstacles Planning Process

Training on the relationship between, PRA and O & OD to District Focal Persons for Participatory Agricultural Development and Empowerment programme


Mr. Mwabless N. MalilaDip. Ed. (Korogwe), BA Ed (UDSM), MA Rural Development (SUA)Lecturer

Mr. Mwabless Malila is a currently a Lecturer in the Department of Population Studies at IRDP. He lectures a wide range of subjects including Applied Social Science Research Planning and Management, Rural Industrialisation Planning, Population and Human Geography, Rural Settlement and Development Planning, Disasters Preparedness/Management and Mitigation and Social Development Planning. Mr. Malila is also an expert in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Learning and Appraisal (PLA), Project Planning/appraisal, Evaluation and management, Curriculum Development and Evaluation, Public Administration and organisation, Decision Making (Theories and Practices) Data Collecting, Processing, Cleaning, Verification, Analysis and Management and Scientific Report Writing

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Curriculum development (Research Methods) for Ordinary Diploma -

Vocational Education Trainees Course–VETA Morogoro.• Training manual preparation (Research Methods) for Ordinary Diploma -

Vocational Education Trainees Course–VETA Morogoro.• Training Manual Preparation: Aspects of Applied Social Science

Research Methods for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.


Mr Fausto G. SimimeAdv Dip. Economic Planning (IDM), PG. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP), MPhil Pop and Sust Dev. (Cairo)Lecturer

Brief Profile

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


Ms Martha J. NhemboBA Ed (UDSM), PG Dip Pop and Sust Dev (India),MA Rural Development (SUA)Lecturer

Brief Profile

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Facilitation on Gender and Development: DCT/DDS Mwitikira Household

Food Security Programme• CDTF Short Course Facilitator Provision of Training of the Extension

Staff and Project Animators of the CDTF Shinyanga (Western Zone) at the Institute of Rural Development Planning Dodoma.

• Civil Service Restructuring Programme Facilitator Provision of Training to the Civil Service Retrenches at the Institute of Rural Development Planning Dodoma.


• Facilitation of Participatory Rural Appraisal; Training Officers President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government Ministry.

• Needs assessment for Environmental and population studies, Gender and Development courses – for Shinyanga, Mwanza and Dodoma regions.

• Participatory Gender Assessment In NGOs and the related CBOs In Dodoma Region.

• Identification Study: District Development Programme in Kigoma Region.

• Identification study; Area Development Programme for ICROSS T. Mndemu and Itiso Divisions

• Management skills training for Village Executive Officers in Tanzania Mainland – Conducted at CCT and DCT –Furaha Hostel Dodoma – Commissioned by PO-LARG.

Dr. James Lwelamira

BSc An. Sc. (SUA), MSc Tropical An. Prod (SUA), PhD (SUA)


Brief profile

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


Mr. Andrew M. Komba

Adv. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP), PG Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP), MSc

Development Policy (MU)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Andrew Komba is currently the Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of rural Development Planning, Dodoma. As an Assistant Lecturer, he teaches a range of courses including Development Policies, Development Administration, Project management and Poverty Analysis. He has relevant experiences in rural development planning, research and consultancy on various aspects affecting the rural life. He has been facilitating various short course training on project management. Opportunities and obstacles to Development (O & OD) Planning Methodology and LFA Approaches, Good Governance issues, policy formulation and analysis and poverty reduction strategies. Also he facilitated the design of the IRDP Strategic Plan and communication strategy. Mr. Komba therefore has vast experience on rural development and good governance issues.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas

• Review and Develop Strategic Plans of CONCERN partners NGO’s in • Kigoma and Kibondo, (2005)• Formulation of Micro Financing Participatory Plans in Rombo,

Mwanga and Dodoma Rural Districts, (2005)• Formulation of IRDP strategic Plan, (2004)• Training of PCB Officers on Project Planning using the PCM and

LFA • Methodologies, (2004)• Assessment of the Impact Corporate Social Responsibility on

Poverty Reduction.


Mr. Emmanuel M. AyoDip An. Prod. (UAC), BSc Agric (SUA), MSc Tropical Animal Prod (SUA)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. E.M. Ayo is a lecturer of applied social science research methods involved much to prepare students at the onset of their research work in the final year. He is also a member of IRDP student research committee that ensures quality research work. He also lecturer in population, food security and livelihood. As a programme coordinator he performs activities for smooth running of students academic and social undertakings. Mr. Ayo has undertaken a number of field activities including research on household food security and income improvement in Njombe district, community development (transformation) in Kwamtoro area development programme (ADP) in Kondoa.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Improvement of food security and household income, through dry season feeding of dairy cattle in Southern Highlands of Tanzania (with TARP-II SUA 2002-2004)

• Social life improvement through community sensitization on social services in Kwamtoro Area Development Programme (with WVT 2004/05)

• Means of improving performance of Village Community Banks (VICOBA 2006)

• Capacity building for district council officers such as management and leadership styles(Tunduru) official minute writing and meeting handling techniques (Liwale) conflict management and problem solving techniques (Mbulu)

• Workshop facilitation on safer cities-Dodoma MC.• Undertaken responsibility of institute’s admission 2006/07


• Moderation and review of making of community development training institute- Tengeru. (CDTI) as external examiner.

• Supervised over 25 students research work of IRDP undergraduates and postgraduates students of IRDP and over 10 research works of undergraduates students of College of Business Education (CBE)

• Preparation of socio-economic profile for Bahi District Council.• Evaluation of industrial wastes (brewers) as feed resource for animals

and rescue environmental pollution TBL factories of Arusha and DSM• Assessment of available fed resources for dairy small holder’s farmers

in southern highland of Tanzania: a case of Njombe district.• Evaluation of benefits of multipurpose trees (MPT’s) integrated in

agroforest system as a measure to improve household food security and income: case of selected villages of Makambako division in Njombe District.

• Preparation of extension training manual for small scale diary farmers titled; Utnzaji w Ng’ombe wa maziwa wakati wa kiangazi Nyanda za juu Kusini mwa Tanzania (Booklet ISBN 9987) No TS2078 TARP-II SUA Project 2003).

Mr. Provident J. DimosoAdv. Dip. Business Admin (IDM)

MSc Dev. Policy (MU)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Provident Dimoso is currently the Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma. As an Assistant Lecturer, he teaches a range of courses including Development Policies, Development Administration, Project Management, Principles, Marketing Management, Financial Management and Poverty Analysis. He has relevant experiences in rural development planning, research and consultancy on various aspects affecting the rural life. He has been facilitating various short course training on project management, lobbying and advocacy, opportunities and obstacles to Development (O & OD) Planning Methodology and LFA Approaches, Good Governance issues, budgeting management, office management and community mobilization, policy formulation and analysis and poverty reduction strategies. Also he facilitated the design of the IRDP Strategic Plan and communication strategy. Mr. Dimoso therefore has vast experience on rural development and good governance issues.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


• Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas

• Review and didactization of local government Authority budget and Budget and Management standard module.

• Developing curriculum for certificate, diploma and bachelor Degree in Statistics for East Africa Statistical cater.

• Developing curriculum for Bachelor Degree in Investment Planning and Development Finance as well as Master Degree in Development Economics for IRDP.

• Review of Postgraduate Diploma in Regional Planning Curriculum for IRDP.

• Departmental Admission and examination officer for the Department of Rural Development and Regional Planning.

Mr. Zacharia S. MasanyiwaBSc Animal Sc. (SUA), PG Dip.

DevelopmentTraining and Education (Wolverhampton),

MSc Development Training and Education (Wolverhampton)

Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator of Rural Information

Centre and Publications

Mr. Z.S. Masanyiwa is currently an Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator for Rural Information Centre and Publications. As a coordinator, he is responsible for coordinating all activities of the Rural Information Centre and Publications activities including the Rural Planning Journal. As an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies, he teaches a number of courses such as Development Studies, Development Communication, Social Development Planning and Project Planning and Management. Mr. Masanyiwa has undertaken a number participatory project evaluations, was involved in developing an integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma region, training on leadership and management skills in Local Government Authorities, training on staff training needs assessment in Local Government Authorities, and training in Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Impact Assessment to various clients. As an academician, he also published widely in different journals.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Interim evaluation of World Vision Sanzawa Area Development Programme

in Kondoa District• Interim evaluation of World Vision Kisiriri Area Development Programme in

Iramba District • Developing integrated strategic development plan for Kigoma Region;

Preparation of Kigoma Regional Socio-economic Profile; Preparation of Public-Private Partnership Development Plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of sustainable capacity building plan for Kigoma Region; Preparation of consolidated plan for human security for Refugees Repatriate Areas

• Training on Leadership and Management Skills for district council staff at Sikonge District Council

• Training programme on Staff Training Needs Assessment for district heads of departments and units at Karagwe District Council

• Baseline Survey for World Vision Nsimbo (Igunga District) and Ndala (Nzega district) Development Programmes

• Baseline Survey for World Vision Kinampanda Community Development Project in Iramba district.

• Transformational development indicators measurement in World Vision Chipanga Area Development Programme, Dodoma Rural.

• Baseline Survey for Mundemu Area Development Programme, Dodoma Rural.

• Mid-term evaluation for Mpwapwa Area Development Programme, Mpwapwa.

• Mid-term evaluation for Chipanga Area Development programme, Dodoma rural.

Mr. Baltazar M.L. Namwata

BSc Agric (SUA), MSc Agric Ed &Ext (SUA)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Baltazar Namwata is currently an assistant Lecturer in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies where he teaches social development planning, development studies, project planning and management, environmental sociology and gender and development. He is a creative and enthusiastic person with a diverse range of experience in extension, adult and non-formal education, agriculture, environmental and rural sociology, gender and development, social development, enterprise development and business planning, the Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) Methodology, conflict resolution and management, urban development and environmental management (UDEM), use of SWOT Analysis, Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and Field


Force Analysis (FFA), development and training needs assessments, organizational development, planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessments of development interventions.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Assessment of the Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Approach in Njombe

District.• Dissemination and Adoption of SUA-Bean Varieties in the Districts of

Lushoto, Hai and Magu.• Gender Focus in Community Development Initiatives in a Grassroots

Umbrella CBO (UVIMTA – Mdandu) in Njombe District.• Dissemination and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations among Maize

and Rice Farmers in Mvomero Division, Morogoro Rural District.• Training for agro forest project staff on Participatory Planning,

Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessments of Development Interventions (LFA and O&OD Methodology were also employed) for VI Agroforestry Project

• Didactization of the Standardized Course Participants’ Handbook on Project Preparation, Investment Appraisal, EIA and Safeguard Policies for the Local Government Authorities

• Training Agricultural Extension Officers and Farmers on Enterprise Development and Business Planning for Tandahimba District Council

• The Use of Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) and Logical Framework Approach (LFA) in the Preparation of Community Development Plans

• Training DCT Staff on Development/Gender Needs Assessment and the Use of LFA as a Tool in Preparation and Management of Development Projects for Diocese of Central Tanganyika

• Training of Councilors, Village Chairpersons, Ward and Village Executive Officers on the use of O&OD Methodology and Management and Leadership Skills for Liwale District Council

• Training of Divisional Secretaries, Ward and Village Executive Officers on data collection, information management and records keeping held at Bunda District Council

• Rural household characteristics and poverty incidences in Bukombe District.

• The demographic context and its implication for rural household poverty in Bukombe District.


Mr. Daniel F. MpetaDip Ed (Tabora), BA Economics (UDSM), PG DIP Regional Planning (IRDP), MA economics of Development (ISS)

Assistant Lecturer and Head of Department of Development Finance and Management Studies

Mr Mpeta is currently an assistant lecturer and Head of Department of Development Finance and Management Studies. He lectures on a range of subjects a including, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and National Development Planning. He has also knowledge on Curricula development, he was involved in the development of the new curriculum at IRDP of Development Finance and Investment Planning, and currently he is involved in development of a Diploma curriculum expected to start at IRDP during the academic year 2009/2010. He supervises students’ researches and he conducts research and consultancies He has recently together with other colleques accomplished the work of reviewing one of the ten standardized Training courses of the Local Government Reform Programme courses. Being a teacher professionally, he is conversant with various adult learning facilitation techniques including brainstorming, short


lectures, role plays, games, group discussion, individual exercise and group work he has conducted training at various places and levels. And as a head of department he is responsible for overseeing the teaching and learning process, research and consultancy activities. He advises the Rector on all matters pertaining to administration of departments.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Didactics and Revision of standardized course of Participants Handbook M3 for LGAs on Budgeting and Budget Management.• Training on Facilitation of Strategic planning Process for District Plans in Nachingwea District Council• Training on Facilitation of Strategic planning Process for District Plans Muheza District Council.

Mr. George F. KinyashiAdv. Dip. Community Dev. (Tengeru),

PG. Env. Planning (IRDP),MSc Urban and Regional Planning and

Mgt (Dortmund and Ardhi)

Lecturer and Admissions Officer

Mr. George Kinyashi is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Rural Development and Regional Planning, and Admissions Officer at IRDP. As a Lecturer, Mr. Kinyashi teaches Poverty and Environment, Regional Analysis and Integrated Rural Development Planning. He is an expert in Community Development and Regional Development Planning focusing on designing and managing community/regional development plans/programmes using logical framework approach in participatory environment.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Training on capacity building to Regional Secretariat Planners and

Economist from eight regions on integrating poverty and environmental issues in poverty reduction strategies.

• Training on participatory, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment for District Planning Officers, Livestock Development Officers and District Community officer from Iringa Region.


• Reviewing of Poverty and Environment Curriculum for Degree program in Environmental Planning at IRDP.

• Designing and preparing cooperation management learning manual for the Participatory Support Unit, Road sector support programme. Village Travel and Transport Project (PSU - VTTP) Morogoro.

• Reviewing of the UUWAMA learning process manual-A prototype of participatory approach for the Participatory Support Unit, Road sector support programme. Village Travel and Transport

Project (PSU - VTTP) Morogoro.• Logical framework approach training Workshop for Ngorongoro District

heads of departments and NGOs staff.• Training of trainers workshop on Data collection, processing, analysis

and dissemination for Shinyanga and Bukoba Regions heads of departments

Mr. Deogratius L. Njunwa

Adv. Dip. Public Administration (IDM)PG. Dip General Management (IDM)MSc Comm. Econ. Dev. (SNHU-OUT)


Mr. Deogratius Njunwa is currently as Lecturer at the Institute of Rural Development Planning, where he lectures from basic certificate courses to Post- graduate courses on subject matters of Development Administration, Public Policy Analysis and Human Resources Management. He is also involved in carrying out researches on different socio-economic disciplines and provision of consultancy services to various stakeholders including NGOs, CBOs and Public/Private sectors. Apart from the normal scheduled duties, he is also involved in designing modules, updating curricula and training materials for long and short courses offered by IRDP

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Training newly elected/ appointed councillors during (2005) by National elections as Regional Facilitator for Kagera


• Capacity building on coordination and supervisory skills for development activities

• Capacity building on leadership skills to heads of department and councilors Ludewa Muheza, Sumbawanga,

• Development of the Report on WMC KaR Project (Zero Draft Synthesis Report) for Water Aid Tanzania

• National –wide Training program for councilors-Tanzania Mainland as a Regional Team member and facilitator


Ms Sarah MamboyaDip. Education (Mkwawa)

Adv. Dip. Environmental Planning (IRDP)PG. Dip. Environmental Planning (IRDP)

MSc Dev. Policy Analysis (MU)

Assistant Lecturer

Ms S.Mamboya is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Rural Development and Regional Planning where she teaches Development Management and Public Administration, Public Policy Analysis and Development Finance to various courses at IRDP. She is the Departmental Admissions and Examinations Coordinator where she assists the Head of Department in all academic matters to ensure smooth running of academic activities in the Department. Ms Mamboya is also involved in supervising researches, field practicals, carrying out consultancies, researches and publishing in a variety of scholarly papers.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Training on Budget preparation,  management,  control and execution to Councilors and 

Head of Department in Tandahimba District Council


• Training on Budget Preparation, Data collection, management and control. This was conducted to Head of Department, VEOs, WEOs, and Agricultural Extension Officers of Kongwa District

• Training on Good governance, budget, budget control, monitoring and evaluation and Resource Planning to Councilors, Heads of department, WEOs and VEOs of Ngara District

• Training on Financial Management and control and data collection, maintenance and retention of data to District Executive Directors, Councilors, Head of Departments of Kongwa and Mpwapwa District Councils

Mr. Godrich I. MnyoneAdv. Dip. Urban and Rural Planning (UCLAS)MA Geo Info. Mgt (ITC)


Mr. Godrich Mnyone a qualified Physical Planner specialized in Urban and Rural development planning, Geographic Information Systems and participatory planning facilitation. He has extensive experience in Participatory urban and Rural Development Planning and has participated in participatory forest management programme sponsored by CARE (T) through DEMAT at Chilonwa Division in the former Dodoma Rural District. Mr. Mnyone has facilitated participatory natural resources assessment; training of trainers, facilitating Community needs assessment (CAN) in more than twenty six communities. Mr.Mnyone has had significant experience in terms of the practical application of participatory village and urban land use planning management in Zanka village, Hombolo Bwawani village and Haneti Township. Mr. Mnyone has fully and successful participated in participatory natural resource appraisal in the Netherlands, Community Project planning Financed by the World Bank through the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) in the former Dodoma Rural District, Trained target groups at Chilonwa division on participatory land, forestry and beekeeping management, trained national census enumerators at


Chilonwa division Dodoma. Trained researchers who carried out the socio-economic survey in the former Dodoma rural district the exercise sponsored by the Local Government Reform Programme, conducted Socio-economic Research a special task contracted by the Rural Financial Services Programme. Mr.G. Mnyone has extensive experience in Participatory Training at various government levels and Non-government Organizations. He conducted consultancy at Bunda District on Staff capacity assessment, Serengeti on leadership and management skills, in Hai district on project planning through Opportunities and Obstacles to development, in Karagwe district on training needs assessment, in Karagwe on preparation of bylaws.

Facilitated research at Hombolo Village on integrated development planning, Hombolo Makulu village on preparation of village development plans (O & OD planning). Mnyone has conducted various researches on knowledge, attitudes and practices of Dodoma urban residents, Dodoma urban environmental health, and evaluation of implementation of Hombolo Bwawani village development plan. He has written a number of publications, attended conferences for example impact assessment and strategy development conducted by HIS the Netherlands, urban transport network planning organized by Tanzania Roads Association(TARA) to mention a few and involved in various development planning teams .Mr. G.Mnyone has been a member of the Dodoma Rural District Agriculture Dev. Task Force, Member of the “Kilimo cha kuondoa umaskini” Programme Task Force under the KKKT Jimbo la Makao Makuu Dodoma which made him able to deliver advisory services to small income generating groups.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Teaching on training Needs Assessment and preparation of bylaws in

Karagwe District Council• District Council Mapping water Users and Database development for

DUWASA• Training on Good Governance for Serengeti District Council• Training on Opportunities and Obstacles to development Techniques for

Serengeti District Council


Mr. Titus O. MwageniAdv. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP), PG Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP)

Assistant Lecturer


Mr. Mwageni is Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator for the Bachelor degree in Regional development planning second year students at IRDP. As assistant Lecturer he is a consultant, coordinator and researcher. He lectures range of subjects including: Regional development planning, Development planning techniques, Integrated Rural development Planning and National development planning. He has undertaken a number of consultancy assignments with various clients including Central


Government, Local Government authorities, Faith Based Organisations, Non Governmental organizations and Private sector. Mr. Mwageni has also facilitated short training courses; therefore he has vast experience of working with various stakeholders.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken • Training on Local Government Authority Budgeting and Budget

Management conducted to Councilors, HoDs, WEOs and VEOs for Moshi District Council.• Training on Strategic Planning Process conducted to Councilors and Planning officers of Iringa District Council.• Training on Leadership Skills, conducting meeting and minute writing to Ward Executive Officers and Village Executive Officers, conducted at IRDP• Training facilitation on Strategic planning Process for District Plans conducted to Heads of Departments for Liwale District Council

Mr. David J. Mwendamaka

Adv. Dip Coop Mgt (Moshi)PG. Dip. Business Mgt. (Moshi)

MSc Comm Econ Dev. (SNHU- OUT)


Mr. Mwendamaka is currently a lecturer in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies where he lectures on a range of subject including rural finance, accountancy and entrepreneurship, business administration, financial management and accounting. Mr. Mwendamaka has also an experienced researcher and consultant with a keen interest in cooperative management, savings and credit schemes, micro finance and rural finance schemes.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Establishment and Management of income generating activities facilitator-Serengeti District 2008

• Capacity Building Course for head of departments, village and Ward Executive Serengeti district-facilitator-2007

• Training of Manager in Small Projects- Community Development Ideological College Dodoma and Singida Zones-Facilitator

• Savings and Credit Training-Dodoma, Singida -Facilitator• Business Plan Preparation- Duwasa 1998 Consultant• Village Community Banks(VICOBA)- Research

Mr. Deogratius Buberwa BA Sociology (UDSM)MA Policy Studies (Zimbabwe)


Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Mr. Maseke R. MgaboDip Ed (Mpwapwa)

BA Sociology (UDSM)MA Sociology (Makerere)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Mgabo is an assistant lecturer in the Department of Population Studies where he lecturers in social development planning and rural sociology. He also has a wide knowledge and has extensively offered consultancy services in areas of Health, society and Development ; project management, Rural Development Studies, Group dynamics, behavior changes and social baseline survey.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Developing and Presenting Case Studies on Community involvement on Malaria Control in Mtwara Rural District.

• Mid Evaluation on Mtwara Community Based Malaria Control Project TANAM/AMREF-Tanzania.

• Principle investigator for Kilombero and Ulanga District Baseline Survey on Empowers Project-Ifakara health Research and Development Centre.


• Technical Assistant –on the Mission for Development of Information Education Communication (IEC) and Material and Operational Procedures for the IEC Programme for Karagwe District-Kagera.

• Co- Consultant on a ualitative study on utilization of insecticide treated mosquito nets in Nachingwea and ilala districts of Tanzania, client-london school of hygiene and tropical medicine

• Facilitating qualitative data collection –Mkuranga –Ifakara health institute.

• Evaluation of the c-IMCI community intergrated Management on childhood illness-client Ifakara health research and development centre (IHRDC)

• Evaluation on Moghabiri farmers Extension centre programs as for 2001 to June 2003

• Evaluating Pass-AIDS- A project undertaken by CMSR, Dododma Tanzania.

• Publication on a technical note on conflict management skills for farmers organizations involved in socio-economic activities –INADES Formation, published by creative prins LTD DSM Tanzania 2003

Ms. Aisia LawuoAccounts   Technician   Level   II   (Former D.S.A­Dar).Adv. Dip Regional Planning (IRDP).Post   graduate   Diploma   in   Regional Planning (IRDP).MA. Community Development (La Trobe). 

Assistant Lecturer

Ms Aisia  Lawuo  is   an   assistant  Lecturer   in   the  Department  of  Rural  Development   and Regional  planning  at   IRDP.  She  teaches  a  number  of   subjects   such  as   rural   finance  and investment,   industrial  planning  and  regional  planning.   In  addition,   she  has  knowledge  of gender and development, strategic planning, negotiation and mediation and heritage planning. Moreover, she supervises students’ researches, and project paper and conduct researches and consultancies in her area of specialization.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


• Training  on capacity  building to   leaders  at  village  and wards level,  nine wards in Tabora District council.

• Designing of income generating activities projects for small Entrepreneur in Arumeru District.

• Designing of women income generating activities projects in Arumeru District.• Formulation of Mbulu District profile. • Formulation of Hanang District profile.  

Mr. Idd S.S. MasumbukoB. Education (UDSM)

PG. Dip Environmental Plannin) (IRDP)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Idd Masumbuko is currently an assistant lecturer in the department of environmental planning where he teaches a range of subjects including environment and development, environmental sociology, environmental planning and management, environmental pollution and settlement planning.

Mr. Idd has undertaken research activities including the contribution of private operators to rural water supply and sanitation and the increase of


illiteracy rate in Tanzania. He was also involved in the preparation of sectoral and integrated plans for Miyuji ward Dodoma Municipality. In 2000 Mr. Idd conducted field work on Sustainable city programme Arusha. Mr. Idd currently is preparing the training manual on Environmental Impact Assessment for Development Projects.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Review of the curricula for bachelor degree in environmental planning and management and bachelor degree in population studies and development planning (2007)

• Train Head of Department and Councilors in Leadership and Management Skills in Local Government Authority Kishapu District Council (2007)

• Train Ward and Village Executive Officers on Leadership and Management Skills, good governance and codes of conducts and ethics Kishapu District Council (2007)

• Environmental policy analysis: the role of NGOs in implementation of environmental policy (2007)

• Correction and scrutiny of the Master Degree Curricula (2009)

Ms. Irene ReginardBSc Human Nutrition and Home Economics (SUA), MSc Agricultural Economics (SUA)

Assistant Lecturer

Ms. I. Reginard is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Planning where she teaches Micro Economics, Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Planning and Management to certificate, diploma, degree and postgraduate students at IRDP. She also conducts researches, consultancies and supervises students’ researches and field practicals in her area of specialization.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Facilitating and implementation of the project operations (training, distribution of materials and creating awareness)

• Carried out a research on the Contribution of Horticultural products to the household welfare in Morogoro Municipality.

• Conducted a research on sugar can out grower scheme on household poverty reduction in Mtibwa sugar estate.

Mr. Hozen K. MayayaBSc. Education (UDSM)

MSc Environmental Science (Wageningen)

Assistant Lecturer and Examinations Officer

Mr. H.K. Mayaya  is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Planning   where   he   teaches   a   wide   range   of   environmental   related   issues   such   as environmental  management  and  conservation,   environmental  policy   (formulation,   analysis and   evaluation),   environmental   impact   assessment   and   environmental   education   and communication.   Mr. Mayaya is also an experienced researcher and consultant participatory development   planning   and  participatory   environmental  management.  He  has   also  widely published in different journals.  

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken Species composition of the viable seed bank of Pande Game Reserve, Tanzania (2001).


The   implications   of   the   changing   conservation   approaches   to   nature   conservation   and livelihood of  the surrounding local  communities at  Arusha National Park –  Tanzania” (2004). 

Potentials   of   indigenous   natural   resource   management   practice   on   restoration   of environmental quality. a case of Ngitili in Shinyanga District, Tanzania (2008)

community participation in Forest management: An approach towards sustainability of forest resources in Mkoka village, Kongwa District, Tanzania (2008)

Writing a training manual on “environmental Impact Assessment for development   project” (2007/2008)

Reviewing   a   training   manual   for   PMO­RALG   under   InWent   Coordination   on   “Project preparation, investment appraisal, EIA and safeguard policies” (2008)

Participating in writing a training manual for VPO – DoE and PMO­ RALG on “Strategic Environmental Assessment” – Swahili Version (The task is still in progress).

Ms. Christina Geoffrey

Adv. Diploma Community Dev. (Tengeru)PG Dip. Environmental Planning (IRDP) 

MSc. Geo­Info Sc. &Earth Observation (GIS&Remote Sensing) NRM. (ITC­Enschede)

Assistant Lecturer

                                                       Ms. Christina Geoffrey is currently an Assistant lecturer and Departmental Admissions and Examinations   Coordinator   in   the   Department   of   Environmental   Planning   at   IRDP.   Ms Christina is involved in training basic certificate to post­graduate diploma courses in subjects 


related   to   Natural   Resources   Planning   and   Management,   Environment   and   Population, Environmental Impact Assessment, Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing and other  Environmental related subjects. She supervises students’ researches and carries out researches on different socio­economic and environmental issues and providing consultancy services to various stakeholders. 

In addition she is involved in designing, preparing, modularizing and updating curriculums and  materials   for   long   and   short   courses,   and  other   training  needs.  Apart   from  that  Ms Geoffrey   has   a   strong   interest   in   community   development,   micro   finance   and entrepreneurship,   policy   analysis   and   its   integration   into   participatory   approaches   and development agenda.

 Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major assignments undertakenDesigning   and  preparing   training  manual   for  Community  Development  Officers  with 

focus on the Role of Community Development Officers in Stimulating Development.Training  on  Participatory  Monitoring,  Evaluation  and  Impact  assessment   for  Kibondo 

District.Training on data collection, processing, analysis and management to heads of departments 

and WEOs for Kongwa District. Reviewing   of   Environmental   Pollution   II   curriculum   for   Degree   Programme   in 

Environmental Planning at IRDP. Training  on  PRA and  O&OD to  District  Focal  Persons   for  Participatory  Agricultural 

Development and Empowerment Programme

Mr. Africanus C. SarrwattAdv. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP)PG. Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP)PG. Dip Poverty Analysis (ISS/ESRF/REPOA)M.Sc. Development Policy (MU)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. A.C. Sarwatt is an Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator for the Certificate in Rural Development Planning at IRDP. As assistant Lecturer he is a consultant, coordinator and researcher. He lectures range of subjects including: Regional development planning, Development planning techniques, Development Policy Analysis and National development planning. He has undertaken a number of consultancy assignments with various clients including Central Government, Local Government authorities, Faith Based Organisations, Non Governmental organizations


and Private sector. Mr. Sarwatt has also facilitated short training courses; therefore he has vast experience of working with various stakeholders.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Conducted a Workshop on Campaign, Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy Analysis to PELUM Tanzania member Organisations

• Strategic Planning and Development Planning to Maswa District Council Officials

• Strategic Planning to CCT member churches and other related organizations

• Management and Leadership skills to Kongwa District Council Officials

Mr. Mark M. MsakiBSc Agriculture (SUA)MA Rural Development (SUA)

Assistant Lecturer

Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


Mr. Berling M. Sospeter

BSc Home Eco & Human Nutrition (SUA)MSc Rural Development (SUA)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Berling M. Sospeter is currently an assistant lecturer at the institute of rural development planning. He teaches and conducting research in diverse socio-economic issues, providing consultancy services in area of development planning.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Research on evaluation of the nutritional quality and acceptability of germinated bambaranut (virgnia-subterranea (L) Verle) based products as a supplement for weaning food; the findings were published in the international journal for tropical food science in USA.

Comparative research study on factors contributing to the increase of street children between cities and towns in Tanzania.

Mr. Vedastus TimothyB.Com (UDSM) MBA (Lioaning-China)

Assistant Lecturer

Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Ms Damaris S. MaluguBA Educ (UDSM)

Assistant Lecturer

Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Mr. Joseph HauleB.A Economics Hons (UDSM)PG. Dip. Dev Plan. Techn (ISS)


Mr. Joseph Haule is currently a lecturer at the institute of rural development planning in Dodoma. He teaches at a wide range of subject including Industry development planning; entrepreneurship, Rural investment planning and Micro economics from prior to engagement IRDP I was employed by SIDO (Small scale industries development organization) to 2001, as Regional Economics and Regional Manager. Performed various activities including preparation of industry development plans. Conducted project appraisal for industry projects for implementation etc.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Conducted research on the ability of artisans in Dodoma to produce/manufacture their own working tools (blacksmiths/ carpenters) for the purpose to reduce their over dependency on imported tools – commissioned by TFSR – Tools for self Reliance, a charity organization based in UK. That resulted to Dodoma Pilot programme financed by TFSR and Tanzania Ministry of Community development in 1995/96.

Supervise research activities undertaken by IRDP students as partial fulfillment of their degree award.

Mr. Emmanuel Y. KiondoB.A Education (UDSM)

M. dist Ed (OUT)MSc development Policy (MU)

Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator of Short


Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Mr. Emmanuel HauliDip Education (Korogwe) B.A. Education Hons (UDSM)M.A Linguistics (UDSM)

Assistant Lecturer

Mr. E. Hauli is currently an Assistant Lecturer and the Departmental Admissions and Examination Coordinator in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies. He teaches communication skills and is a specialist in Linguistics a field that involves translation, editing, lexicology, phonology and report writing skills. Mr. Hauli also supervises students’ researches, conducts researches and consultancies.

Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Translation of the PMO-RALG “Methodology and Operational Guidelines for the National Rollout of VTTP” from English to Kiswahili.


• Translation of IRDP Strategic Plan for 2004/2005 – 2008/2009 from English to Kiswahili.

• Training of VEOs and WEOs on Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) and Leadership Management Skills in Mbinga District Council

• Participated in writing a training manual for VPO-DoE and PMO-RALG on “Strategic Environment Assessment” Kiswahili Version.

Mr. Edward B. HomangaAdv. Dip Rural and Urban Planning (Ardhi) Adv.Dip Information Technology (IFM).MSc Info. Tech and Mgt (Avinashillingham and IFM)

Assistant Lecturer

Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

Mr. Antony W. Kambuga

Adv. Dip Banking (IFM)PG Dip. Financial Management (IFM)ACCA (Glasgow)MSc Finance (Strathclyde)

Mr. A.W. Kambuga is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies where he teaches Investment Planning, Financial Management, Management Accounting, Risk Management and other financial related subjects. He is also involved in designing and preparation of training manuals, supervising students’ researches and carrying out researches and consultancies in his area of specialization.


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken

• Research on Performance indicators of Banking Failure in Tanzanian Context

• Research on Determinants of Capital Structure using Mc Companies data stream

• Research on Fundamental Analysis of Scottish and New Castle PLC, a UK based Company

Mr. Laurent M. Gubuzo

Adv.Dip. Community Dev. (IDM)PG.Dip. Regional Planning (IRDP)


Brief Profile


Selected Consultancies, Research and Other Major Assignments Undertaken


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