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Sometimes we often put up a show in face to betray the world’s eye but often we forget that not always walking in rain help conceal tears. The scar that rends the heart wounds it again and again to bleed afresh. Memories are such that die hard. Udita’s face suffered from no sign of perplexity but deep inside her was the deep agony that fed on her voraciously like a parasite that entirely drawing her soul away from herself. When tempest is certain to arise a still sombreness is the surest sign before its arrival. Udita had fought for the right but what was she to answer the girl who had long cherished hopes of life filled with love. What right she had to extort the burgeoning bud that was yet to blossom/ she stood in front of her mother’s photo, tears rolled down her eyes and she asked “Could you forgive my dad? Am I wrong?” she was helpless in the fight between her and herself; she was disillusioned. Not only her in the war against her. Her emotions were true for Arman. Her love was not a lie to be so brutally castrated. Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of the scarf she rushed towards it and began to caress her face, she remembered his note on the box…she wanted to scream her heart out to him “I love the colour, I love everything that starts with you Arman.” She went in front of the mirror “See Arman I am wearing it, I love it Arman, I love you…” all of a sudden she saw standing in the mirror and beside him it was she. Udita was dazed to see her happiness with Arman. Suddenly, Udita saw image in the mirror saying, “You were envious because you saw Arman not with you but with your best pal. Oh so sad… you could not control your anger and so you killed him. It is you who killed him. It is you who killed him and you act like saint. I pity you and hence you suffer. You are destined to suffer you had ruined your self. You had destroyed your happiness with your own hands and there is nothing that can save you. You suffered from the lack of love and you will in future as well. You could never be happy never be happy never never.” Udita hut her ears with both her hands “What did her own elf say to her? Was it then her jealousy that murdered him? Was she faking herself in font of all to be great?” These questions filled her with self reproach. The blame on herself was like a stab to her it was mortal blow that broke the very fortress of her soul. She was tired. She gave up this time she accepted her defeat in order to find eternal peace to embalm her soul.

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