  • Is ethics, philosophy and religion relevant in todays modern world?LUQMAN HAKIM ROSLI CE 16098CHAN SIN WEI CE 16173ABDULQODOS MOHAMMED AL-ORABI CV 17802AREZOO SHAHRAD PE 17742POR HONG YANG EE 16148


  • What is the answer?Is ethics, philosophy and religion relevant in todays modern world? Many have argued and debated over this question. Below are both sides of the argument taken from Those who said yes People need religion more now than ever. I absolutely believe that religion is more than relevant in modern western society. In this day and age, with all the wars, poverty, economic failure, disease and natural disaster. People not only need but want something to believe in that is better than the hell we live with on earth. by 5h4yGloryThose who said no Religion is no more relevant in western society, it has lost its battle with science in modern world. I think that in western society with the rise of science, the fall of religion began. Also in this fast moving world people have no time for themselves so how will they get time for god? by delicatepink

  • The answer is yesEven with all our technology and modern cities, we still fall prey to the dark side of mankind. We are still driven by greed and selfishness. Below is the CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX of 2012 from Transparency International which proves the world is still driven by selfishness.


  • Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat itTo understand how religion, ethics and philosophy can help us in the modern world, we must first understand life before it.Ethics, religions and philosophy play a significant role in our human life. But before we proceed, we must truly understand the definition of each one of them, religion, philosophy and ethics. Understanding them will help you relate more religion and science

  • What is religion?Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith, belief system or sometimes set of duties.There are numerous definitions of religion. The typical dictionary definition of religion refers to a belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods or the service and worship of God or the supernaturalHowever , writers and scholars have expanded upon the belief of god definitions as insufficient to capture the diversity of religious thought and experience.

  • The meaning of philosophyPhilosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language.The word Philosophy comes from the ancient Greek (philosophia) which literally means love of wisdomPhilosophy is an activity of thought, a type of thinking.Philosophy is critical and comprehensive thought .

  • Definition of ethicsThe word ethics comes from the Greek word ethos, which means character.Ethics is the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it.Ethics defines the elements essential to human well-being and proposes principles to be used as guidelines for generating an ethical culture.Ethical wisdom is the product of a long history of human struggle. By trial and error societies discover how to create mutually enhancing relationships.

  • An Overview of Society Without Ethics, Religions and Philosophies in History

  • Society Without PhilosophyThe behaviour, thinking, attitude and belief of people living in pre-Renaissance philosophy period were indifferent.Three of the most common conflicts society in pre-Renaissance faced were questions about the value of individualism, human life and democracy in society.According to Socrates, society in the pre-Renaissance period lacked to develop philosophic thinking.The thinking of people in pre-Renaissance period was largely based on their daily encounters and teaching by the old.The attitude of the society was poor because there were no philosophers to provide the correct guidance to direct their life in the right natural ways.

  • Society Without ReligionArabs in Jahiliyyah period led a terrible life and carried indifferent kind of thinking.Their broken life can be clearly seen from different aspects: social, economy, believes and values they carried.In terms of business conduct, businessmen conducted their business with suppression.Society of Jahiliyyah also practised a system called Kabilah in which different clans with their own tribal characteristics.

  • An Overview of Society With Ethics, Religions and Philosophies in History

  • Society With EthicsSince the rise of Renaissance period, ethical values became an important part in the life of all people. The ethics involved are applied ethics, descriptive ethics and normative ethics.Applied ethics taught human beings how to exam issues from philosophical and moral standpoint and put into real life practice.Normative ethics which can be defined as the study of ethical action investigates the set of related questions when considering how one should act.Descriptive ethics is the study of peoples beliefs about morality and it is a form of research on What do people think is right from generation to generation.

  • Society With ReligionThe establishment of Madina city which is closely related to the spread of Islam in Arabic region can be considered as a foundation of the transformation in the life of Arabs.In terms of social, all the Muslims are considered as a whole big family which lives together as one.Discrimination and stereotype on the minors must not be practised among Muslims.Islamic teaching in Quran and laws are instilled among the muslims in order to promote healthy and organised life-style.In terms of economy, there shouldn't be discrimination or suppression in business conduct as it opposes the laws and teachings of Islam.

  • Society With Philosophy

    Philosophy has a huge impact on the life of european people after the Dark Ages. Socratic Problem which is a famous philosophy by Socrates taught the society how to develop philosophic thinking in daily life. With this philosophy, the question and answer method is used to solve daily conflicts and difficulties.In terms of politics and government establishment, it is noted that Platos Republic is a standard guideline of european countries to establish their own government.


  • How religion and HSE connectsCompanies that consider environmental protection, occupational health and safety at work as important as providing quality products usually have departments responsible which are called Environmental , Health and Safety or in other way HSE. The goal of HSE is to prevent incidents or accidents .To achieve the goal set by HSE departments, we must understand value as they are an integral part of H&S culture.Belief in and practice of a religion eg. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, positively affects a persons approach to, each of occupational H&S, labour productivity, and quality (Smallwood, 2000).

  • The Golden RuleEckhardt (2001) says the golden rule which establishes a moral level of care for others that we are responsible to provide is a common theme in most, if not all, of the worlds major religionsBuddhist: hurt not others in ways that you would find hurtfulChristian: all things whatsoever he would that men should do to you, do ye even so to themIslamic: no one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himselfJain: in happiness and suffereing, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own selfHindu: this is the sum of the duty, do naught unto others which if done to thee would cause thee pain

  • The Golden RuleConfucian: do not unto others what you would not have them do unto youTaoist: regard your neighbours gain as your own gain and your neighbors loss as your own lossZoroastrian: that nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.By the general golden rule concept work is a deed of spiritual value thus we must know where and how to apply it to make our work more safe and beneficial. According to Sadeq and Ahmad (1999), work is a deed of spiritual value, which requires that Allah approve actions and behaviours. The Islamic Tawhidic principles of justice and equity, dignity of labour, and removal of hardship, all amplify the need for H&S.

  • Integrating the proper values of religion and ethics into our working livesValues : they are important as they influence the vision, goals,mission,assumptions, and to a degree, the perceived purpose of H&S( Krause,1993). Ethical business practice incudes compliance with legislation. Given that values embrace ethics, the existence of Occupational Health and Safety legislation amplifies the need for the inclusion of H&S as a valueWaste : Sadeq and Ahmad (1999) maintain that Islam seeks to unify the schism between ethics and economics, one of the six issues being the avoidance of undue waste

  • Integrating the proper values of religion and ethics into our working livesEconomic issues : From a Christian perspective, Neff (1991) maintains that emphasis on the financial bottom line to measure success can result in unreasonable practices, which can result in hardship and suffering and consequently, lack of justice. In terms of Christianity, justice is important as it reflects Gods character and His concern for his peopleAccountability : the Islamic Tawhidic principles include public accountability. Public accountability implies and requires organizations to protect and ensure the H&S of workers derived from their respective communities

  • Integrating the proper values of religion and ethics into our working livesSustainability : Larkin (1999) describes a right livelihood business as a business where the bottom line is one of principles. Such a business embraces balance and does not waste resources, acknowledging that energy and creativity flow naturally out of well-rounded lifestyles.HSE and Religion are tied together because if we chose to ignore all these values, it will affect us in the future. Would you like to have your life compromised as a result of inadequate H&S on the part of someone else.

  • ConclusionOur world right now is as stated from the very beginning is very corrupted, while not in some countries but we should not ignore the fact that someday we might be as corrupted as them if we do not take action. Technology have rapidly developed through the centuries but some argue that religion only hinders the development and some have even stated that without religion technology would have progressed farther and faster but is religion, ethics and philosophy really all that unimportant?Religion. Ethics. Philosophy. We cannot ignore them. They are a part of us and with practice of religion, we improve ourselves followed by our life and finally our future

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