  • 1. Is Your OnlineMarketing Plan Complete?
  • 2. Introduction
  • 3. Who Are We? We are a company that We offer: offers internet Standard Websites marketing consulting Mobile Websites services Mobile Landing Pages We help businesses SMS Messaging Service create custom marketing SEO Services strategies to maximize Social Media campaigns their income Facebook YouTube
  • 4. WordpressWebsites
  • 5. Wordpress With Wordpress you will have much greater control over your site Having a Technical background is no longer needed. Wordpress is not getting as much credit as it shouldhere is why
  • 6. Its Free Installing Wordpress on your site is 100% FREE Compared to a normal site the costs to run a WP site are minimal With most hosting its just a 1-click-install As an entrepreneur you understand the need to save money
  • 7. Looks Matter! You need to present your business online in the right way An awesome looking property on a poor looking site wont impress a single potential client Wordpress sites are clean and professional looking by default
  • 8. Real Estate Oriented Themes There are tons of Wordpress themes that were specifically created for Real Estate Agents They bring many awesome features, such as: Full-Featured Property Listing Engine Multi-Date Appointment Setting Systems Google Maps Integration Communication Tools Skype Instant Messaging SMS Messaging And many, many more
  • 9. Search Engine Optimization SEO = higher ranking search results Google loves Wordpress You dont want to rank lower than your competitors and loose those sales! Just by having a Wordpress site you will rank higher!
  • 10. Use Your Website To Ease Your Pain Every sales person knows how tough it is to deal with people Use appointment systems available for WP to schedule the meetings with clients call only when you have to!
  • 11. Multimedia Nothing will get people more excited than a cool picture or an awesome video Post these on your site and talk to clients that are ready and prepped this does wonders for your closing rate!
  • 12. Ready To Get Started?Contact Us Today and Get Your Business OnlinePhone: 925-997-3708E-Mail: [email protected]: ken.sapp16Schedule an appointment on our & Click on the Contact tab at the bottomof the page BUSINESS BUILDERS CONNECTION YOUR ADVOCATE FOR SUCCESS Need to Hear More? Click to Continue
  • 13. Mobile Site
  • 14. Current Trend There are now more mobile devices than televisions and computers combined! Mobile is the fastest growing communication channel in history iPhone & iPad users are 160 to 300 times more likely to contact a real estate agent than desktop users Join in and benefit!
  • 15. Dont Run, Embrace The world has already gone mobile Being left behind will drastically affect your business! It is a well know fact that if a business doesnt go mobile it will die within two years
  • 16. If you run? Potential property buyers will give up on browsing through offers on your non-mobile friendly site You will get less clients instead of more You wont make it far going against the flow
  • 17. If You Join In? Connection to buyers on the go You never know when and where people decide to look or to buy Be ready for whenever & wherever to get more clients More clients => more buyers => more revenues!
  • 18. Good Impression Be customer friendly it WILL pay off! Leaving a good impression will make people more likely to recommend you! You cannot go wrong here!
  • 19. Mobile LandingPages
  • 20. What is it? One page website for collecting new leads Think of it as an ad or commercial that automatically collects contact information of potential clients Name Email Address Phone number
  • 21. Rule #1 - Value Give massive value to those who submit their contact information Make them want to submit their contacts Make them feel that if they dont submit regret will eat them alive!
  • 22. Rule #2 - Personalization Make your clients aware that you are not a robot but a real person Would you host open house with a paper bag over your head? Probably not, dont treat your site differently!
  • 23. How to use the Information captured? Email your subscribers Text your subscribers Let them know of every new offer One email/text message can get you more clients than you can handle!
  • 24. Dont underestimate This is an amazing marketing tool for generating new leads You can even analyze your conversion rates and improve your sales tactics Big potential for little work
  • 25. Ready To Get Started?Contact Us Today and Get Started With Your Mobile Web SitePhone: 925-997-3708E-Mail: [email protected]: ken.sapp16Schedule an appointment on our BUSINESS BUILDERS CONNECTION YOUR ADVOCATE FOR SUCCESS Need to Hear More? Click to Continue
  • 26. Social Media
  • 27. Whats the point? Get new leads Create relationships Engage people Build rapport Have a presence where your audience already is
  • 28. Whats it about? Sharing an Experience Sharing IdeasYou are interested in the experience
  • 29. Why experience? Good experience will make the buyers recommend you to their friends Positive reviews left on Social media networks will get you more leads Incentivize customers to leave a positive review
  • 30. Marketing of the present Social media is frequently used as source of information to help people decide whether to buy something or not Especially important when facing big decisions - like purchasing a property
  • 31. Inexpensive Ads do bring leads to your business But Social media will do better and for much less! Often free!
  • 32. Learn and improve Collecting reviews and feedback will help you with improving your closing rates Social Media offers you an invaluable opportunity to learn how successful you were at selling a property from the buyers perspective
  • 33. Brand Start building your brand! Social Media is perfect for that Become the best known Real Estate Agent in your local area!
  • 34. Dont get overwhelmed! There are way too many Social Media Networks Dont get into all of them! Pick just one or two but excel at it! Here are two Social Media Networks that we recommend
  • 35. Facebook
  • 36. Why Facebook? It is THE biggest social media network out there If you want a big social media campaign this is the place to start Its the first place buyers will look for you
  • 37. Reviews Facebook simply excels at review collecting But dont just look at them Respond and engage
  • 38. Involve your subscribers Engaging people will help you Understand who are you dealing with on daily basis Make your clients feel that theyre getting your attention logic does not make the sale, emotion does
  • 39. Remember Dont try to advertise Just show your personality Make it less about business and more about people
  • 40. Create a community Create groups on Facebook that can relate to each other, i.e. group of first time home buyers Be more than a dude who showed them a house The amount of referrals will simply drown you! As the creator of the group, you control the group.
  • 41. YouTube
  • 42. Why YouTube? YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the Internet Being very different from Facebook it will complement your Social Media marketing strategy Videos do wonders! Attention spans are so short, people love video.
  • 43. Turn it into a Video Make a video of yourself and your properties Nothing will get people more excited then a good video A picture is better than a thousand words, a video is better than a thousand pictures
  • 44. Easy videos Get video testimonials for people that bought properties from you Upload them to your YouTube channel This is bound to improve your conversions! Turn property pictures into a video
  • 45. Make a building into a neighborhood Show nearby schools, parks and other amenities of the local area Let the video suck them into a whole new world
  • 46. SEO Boost! Ever since Google bought YouTube, having a YouTube channel boosts your SEO! Have your site rank higher than ever! You want to pop up as high as possible when somebody does a search for properties in your local area
  • 47. BUSINESS BUILDERS CONNECTION YOUR ADVOCATE FOR SUCCESSSo, Whats The Bottom Line to Your Business?First some Facts: 47% of all searches are from a mobile device 70% of mobile searches result in some type of action either purchase or in-store visit 57% of mobile users say they WILL NOT recommend a business that does not have a mobile friendly websiteWe live in an increasingly mobile society. Consumers looking for a business orservice are not driving around with their desktops or laptop in the car. They are usingtheir mobile devices. If they cant easily navigate your website they will find acompetitors site that can be viewed quickly and easily. Click to see what we offer
  • 48. Our WordPress Offer We install WordPress on your site! We install your handpicked theme! We insert your initial content! $350
  • 49. Our Mobile Offer We make a full-blown 5-page mobile version of your website! We custom design unique graphics to suit your style! $850
  • 50. Our Landing Offer We create your mobile landing page for you! Your mobile landing page will be designed to blow away any and all indecisiveness $250
  • 51. Our Facebook offer We create your Facebook Fan Page for you! We help you create your Facebook marketing strategy! $550
  • 52. Our YouTube Offer We create your YouTube channel for you! We help you integrate YouTube with your website! We work with you to create a custom clip designed with a call to action $450
  • 53. Our Combined Offer We create your entire internet marketing strategy: A WordPress site A mobile version of your site A landing page to build a list of potential customers A Social Media strategy Facebook Fan Page YouTube Channel $1997
  • 54. Get In Touch Today Email address: [email protected] Phone number: (925) 997-3708 Website:

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