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Page 1: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Ke Kalahea 1Tuesday, September 4, 2012 k






Page 2: Issue 1, Fall 2012

2 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Ke Kalahea 3Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A brand new semester has started once again, full of exciting opportunities and new prospects! Whether your schedule this semester is dull and mundane, or you just don’t have anything to do, they say only boring people are bored. So, if you need an escape from the drudgeries of your routine, have too much time on your hands, or if you just want something to do, try some of these activities on campus that should help you make it through the semester.Get acquainted with Mookini Library With multiple computer labs and print stations, and plenty of quiet nooks and private rooms to study in, Mookini Library is a favorite spot for many to hang out at. The library also has an ATM and DVD rentals. If you need help with anything be sure to ask one of the brilliant staff at the circulation desk. They are awesome and are always glad to help you out. Returning students will notice that the Starbucks Cart has relocated to a structure on the library lanai. This makes it convenient for students to grab a cup of coffee on the way to class, or a sandwich while waiting for a friend. The hours of operation will remain the same, 7:30am-8:00pm during the week.

“Taro, passionfruit, sugar cane, sweet potatoes and papaya are just a few features of this garden adjacent to Mookini library. Students in Dr. Norman Aroncon’s Sustainable Agriculture class design and manage the garden plots each semester.”

Check out the Student Life Center The Student Life Center (SLC) can be one of your best resources if you take advantage of all it has to offer. The gym and the pool are the two most obvious and popular amenities. However, did you know that you can take free fitness classes and become SCUBA certified? In addition, students can rent recreational equipment and SCUBA or snorkel gear. You can even join one of the group outings to some of the best locations on Big Island. Each term students pay a fee to the SLC, so use of the gym and pool, as well as fitness classes are free. The Aquatics program offers students the opportunity to take classes and become certified SCUBA divers; you can even rent all the gear you’ll need once you’re certified at the SLC office. If the underwater world isn’t your thing then you can sign up for an outing with Outdoor Adventures. Each week they plan fun outdoor activities and trips to places like Hapuna beach, Green Sands, Anaehoʻomalu Bay, Waipio Valley and the summit of Mauna Kea. All information regarding hours, class schedules and availability, equipment rentals, and activities is available at the SLC’s website at

Zen out in one of the Campus Gardens Enjoy the lush, tropical environment of Hilo in one of several beautiful gardens on campus, where there are ample opportunities to nurture your green thumb, or to just quietly admire the simple beauty of nature. You can see native Hawaiian plants behind the Kipuka in PB 12, harvest your dinner from the sustainability garden by the library lanai if you want a tasty local treat, or peruse through the palms behind the dorms if you need to relieve some stress after a long day of class. If you want to get your hands dirty you can even plant your own veggies in raised beds behind the dorms. Students in Dr. Norman Arancon’s Sustainable Agriculture class manage two gardens which produce fruits and vegetables that are sold at the Agriculture Club’s Student Farmers Market in Campus Center. To find out more about how to get involved with the gardens or market days, contact the Agriculture Club at [email protected].

“Stone steps lead you down a cinder path which is adorned with orchids, bromeliads and other tropical plants in this garden next to Nowelo bridge. Some of the produce grown here is sold at the student farmer’s market, which is hosted by the Agriculture Club.”

Score at the Free BoxDo you have clothes that don’t fit any more, old binders, mismatched kitchen utensils, text books or other junk cluttering up your life that you want to get rid of? Do yourself and your community a favor and bring it to the Free Box where you can leave it for others who may find it to be useful. Can’t bring it to the free box? Post it on the adjacent free board! It’s a great way for us to reuse and recycle things within our campus community, and it can be fun too! Many people have found great treasures in the free box; there is always something new.Join a clubNot only will joining a club or two provide that physical, creative, technical, political or intellectual outlet you’ve been looking for, but attending club meetings and activities is a great way to get involved with school, meet lots of people, and have fun. And with more than fifty Registered Independent Student Organizations to get involved with, there is truly something for everyone. If you can’t find a RISO that suits your interest you can create your own. All you need is some paper work, six students and an advisor. A list of all RISOs and information on how to establish a new one can be found at

Top Things to do on CampusMichael PierronStaff Writer


Photos courtesy of Michael Pierron

Ke Kalahea Mission StatementKe Kalahea is the student news publication for the University of Hawai’i at Hilo and Hawai’i Community

College. We express the voice of the student body using our rights to the freedom of speech and press.The mission of Ke Kalahea is to provide coverage of news and events affecting the university and our community. We offer a forum for communication and the exchange of ideas and provide educational training and experience for students in all areas of the newspaper’s operation. Ke Kalahea operates a fiscally responsible organization, which ensures our ability to serve the university well.Through Ke Kalahea’s publication, we encourage students to take advantage of academic and personal opportunities – ones that will deepen their knowledge, enhance their experiences and broaden their perspectives.

Letter From the Editor

Ke KalaheaCampus Center Room 215

200 W. Kawili St. Hilo, 96720(808) 974-7504 Fax: (808) 974-7782

Editor in ChiefDorothy Fukushima

Business ManagerKaryle Saiki

Layout DesignersDenarose Fukushima

Anthony Hruza

Staff WritersKeane Carlin

Sarah KekauohaMichael Pierron

Webmaster Alya Azman

Ad ManagerHeather Bailey

Staff AdvisorTiffany Edwards Hunt

View past and current issues, submit Rants & Raves and more

Questions, comments or concerns?Please contact our staff at:

[email protected] or visit our office in Campus Center

“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” - Walt Disney

With summer vacation coming to a close it’s time to focus our minds on all things academic. The beginning of the school year is filled with excitement, apprehension and optimism. It’s a time when we feel completely rejuvenated and ready to take on our most difficult courses and claim those ever sought after A’s. Three months into summer vacation, restlessness sets in. On my days off from work, I’m zombied out in front of some sort of screen for a good chunk of the day and hibernating for the rest of it. In my boredom, I think about school. Going back to college will bring back a more invigorating routine and discipline to my lazy brain. I perk up.

Suddenly I’m thinking about the sweet new things I get to buy for school because it’s ok to indulge in school supplies. Colorful binders, fine point pens, mechanical pencils, staples, paper clips, erasers, white-out and college-ruled paper galore. I’m going to be so prepared for school. From what I can recall, my classes are going to be awesome; I can’t wait for the first day of school. The month whittles down to the week before the academic year starts and the jitters set in. After blocking out all things related to school for three and half months, I look over my course load and the nail biting begins. Can I handle the amount of credit hours I’m signed up for and work? Are my homework assignments and exams going to be intense? Will I be able to maintain the little bit of social life that I have? How many hours do I have to devote to my family, boyfriend, friends and the puppies in any given week? Is it naïve to hope that I will average eight hours of sleep every night? How many more days of summer do I have left!?After the first day of classes, my worries are assuaged. I’m starting to feel optimistic. The professors and syllabi make the courses seem very manageable. I can get through this semester and do well in my classes. I am entering my sixth year of college and am hoping to finish my degree in Astronomy. As Walt Disney said, I have put all of my energy and talent into pursuing this dream. From middle school, I knew that I wanted to major in Astronomy, so I took as many courses in science and math that I could. In college, I have taken the required courses, sometimes more than once, to complete my degree. Along the way, I discovered that I could not part with the Japanese Studies courses I had come to love, nor could I ignore the sense it made to study Physics as well. So, in 2010 I decided to major in Japanese Studies and Physics as well. It’s been a long and often trying time, but I am happy that I have persevered. It’s great to be alive.

Dorothy Fukushima Editor in Chief

2 Cover Photo by Anthony Hruza

Page 3: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Ke Kalahea 5Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

University of Hawaii at Hilo Media SymposiumFocus to be on journalism and Hawaiian newspaperingSarah KekauohaStaff Writer

While Symposiums originated in Ancient Greece as a social for young men to converse and celebrate on entering the noble society, the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Hawaii Community College Board of Student Publications will be hosting its own Symposium on Sep 21-22. And like the Symposiums of Ancient Greece, it’s as much a social and celebration as it is an educational conference. The Media Symposium is open to UH Hilo, HCC, and all Big Island High School students. The two day event will allow each participant to attend workshops focused on journalism fundamentals and the history of Hawaiian newspapering. Students will be able to mingle with professors, workshop speakers, and other community members over a bento lunch on Friday and a sit-in lunch on Saturday. Friday’s activities will kick off with Patsy Iwasaki, an English and Journalism Professor at UH-Hilo, giving a workshop on Journalism 101. Of the past Symposium, Iwasaki said, “All that I heard helped increase my knowledge on this ever changing field [of journalism], especially the online/digital workshops.” She is excited for the upcoming event for its focus on Hawaiian language, culture, and the latest on Hawaiian newspapering.

Pictured is Sherry Bracken, the moderator, who is standing with the red folder, and seated at the table are (L to R) Ian Lind, of, Andy Parx, of Parx News Daily, and John Temple, former editor of Civil Beat.

Following Iwasaki, a pre-recorded workshop of Steven Strauss, a local attorney, will play. He enjoyed presenting at last year’s Symposium and is looking forward to this year’s upcoming event. He regrets not being able to personally attend the Symposium, but he hopes that his prerecorded session will have informative answers to frequently asked questions that usually arise on copyright law developments and defamation. Because technology is always changing and advancing, Strauss stated that “in both copyright and defamation areas, aspects of the law react to changing technologies. Nevertheless, knowledge of the underlying legal principles in these areas helps guide effective responses to emerging issues.” He hopes to “correct some of the common misconceptions that exist in the fields of copyright and defamation.” He also plans on participating in a panel discussion by video conference on the second day of the Symposium if the logistics get sorted out. After Strauss’ presentation, a Sunshine Law workshop will take place with Senator Les Ihara and the Office of Information Practices. The much awaited Candidate debates by Billy Kenoi and

Harry Kim will follow. Todd Belt, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Political Science at UH Hilo; Sherry Bracken, a reporter at Lava 105 and the Hawaii Public Radio; and Patti Epler, an editor at Civil Beat, will monitor the debates. Following the Candidate debates will be a Prosecutorial debate by Mitch Roth and Lincoln Ashida. The exciting efforts of Puakea Nogelmeier and Kau’i Sai-Dudoit will follow as they explain the digitization of Hawaiian newspapers. Following the sit-in lunch, Toni Bissen of Pu’a Foundation will give all the details about Ua Mau Ke Ea, Sovereignty Endures: An Overview of the Political and Legal History of the Hawaiian Islands. The Symposium takes a turn from Hawaiian newspapering to an iPad workshop by Marty Orlando from Tropic Mac. Patti Epler from Civil Beat will return with Ian Lind,, and Karin Stanton, of Hawaii, for a workshop on journalism in the age of new media. Their informative workshop will end the two day event. So while Ancient Greece allowed only young men to participate in their Symposiums, the UH-Hilo Media Symposium invites and encourages everyone to attend. “We want to attract the Hawaiian language programs and have them participating,” says Tiffany Edwards Hunt, coordinator of the Media Symposium. Members of Ke Kalahea, other student publications, and students of Hawaiian language are highly recommended to attend. Hunt adds, “We would also like to attract high school students from around the island because it’s not just about newspapering, it’s about the media.” The past Symposiums hosted by UH Hilo and Haw CC have proved worthwhile experiences. “People from broadcast journalism found stimulating information,” she says and adds, “Anyone interested in media is encouraged to participate.” The symposium fee for UH Hilo, Haw CC, and high school students from the Big Island is $10 while the general fee for community members is $20. The fee includes both Friday and Saturday’s lunch and workshops. Registration forms are available by calling the Ke Kalahea office at 974-7504 or by emailing either [email protected] or [email protected].

Cheryl Kakazu Park of Office of Information Practices gives a workshop detailing the state Sunshine Law, or open meetings and open records law.

UH Manoa: Athletic Department Fundraising MishapKeane Carlinstaff writer

Over the summer, UH Manoa’s athletic department produced a nationally publicized debacle, which included fraudulent European booking agents, the FBI and Stevie Wonder. According to the athletic department of UH Manoa, athletic director Jim Donovan went through local promoter Bob Peyton who was supposedly in contact with Wonder’s representation. Peyton has been promoting concerts through UH Manoa for over 40 years and thought that the company Epic Talent was in charge of Wonder’s concert bookings. The university sent $200,000 to a bank account in Miami and started advertising and selling tickets (on July 6th) for the concert, which was to be a fundraiser for the athletic program on August 18th. The following Monday UH Manoa was notified that Stevie Wonder only has one representation, Creative Artists Agency in Los Angeles, CA, and that Wonder was not available to perform on the specified date. Epic Talent, Wonder’s faux-representative, was only opened in February of this year. The UH Manoa staff notified the FBI and an investigation was launched. Staff of UH Manoa had to suddenly switch gears and inform everyone of the cancellation. As a result, ticket holders from neighbor islands, and even mainland invitees in rare cases, had to terminate booked travel arrangements and hotels. Wonder hasn’t made an appearance in the 50th state in 25 years. 6,000 tickets were already sold and the event was expecting to sell out an 11,000 seat venue. Donovan was put on a permanent leave of absence on July 11th, but on August 12th it was announced that Donovan would return to work, but not as part of the athletics department. Donovan will now move to a position reporting to UH Manoa Chancellor Tom Apple. He will retain his current base salary (Associated Press). Donovan booked the concert without the consent of UH president MRC Greenwood. Soon after,

Chancellor Apple announced a nationwide search for the new AD. Rockne Freitas stepped in as acting AD on July 12th and there has been no word as to when a new AD will step in. Being that the Wonder concert fiasco was under investigation by the FBI, Freitas and other staff have not commented extensively on the matter. The case was given national exposure on various news outlets. Several UH Manoa staff were both embarrassed and angered by the mistake made by the athletic department. As an ex-NFL All-Pro offensive lineman, Frietas has plenty of experience doing damage control and can be an asset to the reeling

UH Athletic Department. Freitas is part of both the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame and the Oregon State University Hall of Fame (his alma mater). He has also played 11 successful years in the NFL from 1968-1978. Before being taken on as part of the UH Manoa staff, Freitas was the chancellor of Hawaii Community College for six years and served as the chief executive of the main campus in Hilo and its University of Hawai‘i Center in West Hawai‘i. Freitas had no idea

how long the investigation would last and said he hoped it would be over quickly. UH Manoa Chancellor Tom Apple was hopeful that the money could be recovered. There has been no athletic department fundraiser-concerts put in place since the incident, but maybe Stevie Wonder will feel bad about the whole thing and be available sometime in the future.

Photographs courtesy of:

Jim Donovan

Stevie Wonder

Page 4: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Ke Kalahea 7Tuesday, September 4, 2012

6 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Beekeeping Club Creates A BuzzWith the acquisition of new equipment and access to apiaries, Beekeeping Club has all they need to start bringing home the honeyMichael Pierron Staff writer

Last semester UH Hilo welcomed the formation of a new Registered Independent Student Organization, the Beekeeping Club. You may wonder, ‘What does the beekeeping club do?’ The original intent was to bring a hive on campus for students, faculty and community members to observe, discuss, and use to develop skills that they can in turn share with others. According to the club’s constitution, Beekeeping club exists to ‘provide educational opportunities to students and community members, to encourage beekeeping as a hobby and as an industry, to create a positive public image of beekeeping , and to enhance the health and productivity of campus gardens and landscape through the promotion of natural beekeeping methods and planting of bee gardens.’ This means that members of the club will have a chance, not only to learn about bee biology, natural beekeeping methods and honey and wax production, but will also have opportunities to actually work with bees each week and develop skills that are critical for maintaining healthy hives.

As many of you may have heard, honey bees are currently in a crisis situation. Honey bee populations around the world are declining dramatically, and Hawaii is no exception. Until recently, Hawaii was a beekeeper’s paradise; but with the recent introduction of both the small hive beetle and varroa mite, beekeepers are scrambling to find solutions to all the new problems they are encountering with these pests that can devastate a colony in just a few days. Big Island is the main agricultural producer for the state and has a significant honeybee industry supporting the agriculture. Since many crops, such as macadamia nuts, are heavily dependent on pollination by bees, it is essential to preserve the health and stability of honey bee populations on Big Island. Beekeeping club aims at helping individuals within the university system as well as community members to develop their interest in apiculture. Danielle Downey, advisor to the club and Hawaii State Apiary Specialist, has over twenty years of beekeeping experience. “This is a great opportunity,” she says about joining the club. “It’s not every day you get a chance to do something like this without having to invest in all the equipment first.” So who invested in all the equipment? We all did. Last semester the UH Hilo Student Association accepted the club’s request for funding, which enabled them to purchased

equipment and materials for everything needed to do basic beekeeping practices. This year the club is excited to participate in the Hawaii Natural Honey Challenge, hosted by Big Island Beekeeper’s Association and the Hilo Downtown Improvement Association. This will be the third annual challenge and has been compared to the Olympics of honey, drawing beekeepers from all over the state to see which of their honey is best. The event culminates with the public tasting and announcement of the people’s choice award, which will take place on November 10th at the Let’s Grow Hilo harvest festival in downtown Hilo. Other events to forward to this year are a honey extraction demonstration and tasting on campus, plaza market Mondays, bee garden planting days, a traveling presentation on beekeeping in Hawaii, and various fundraising events. For information on how to get involved, contact the club directly at [email protected]. For additional information on BIBA challenge, visit their website at Courtesy of Bob Sumner-Mack

Members of UH Hilo’s Beekeeping Club show off their new equipment purchased last semester by UHHSA.

The University of Hawaii’s New Artistic AdditionThe Sculpture at the Entrance of UH Hilo is Turning HeadsSarah Kekauohastaff writer

As students and faculty return for yet another semester of school, an artistic attraction is grabbing most people’s attention. The tall, metal sculpture at the entrance of UH Hilo has people asking, “what is that?” As the sculpture has not been officially named and dedicated, many are left guessing at what it might be. The truth is, what we see as we come into the school doesn’t exactly show what went on behind the sculpture, both beautiful and astonishing.The artist behind the structure is Albert Paley. His work has been showcased in many places, such as colleges and museums, across the United States. He works with a variety of materials, from glass and metal to wire and steel. The Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts (SFCA) was involved with the proposal for as far back as 2010. The Project Manager, Jonathan Johnson, began the project with an “open call” for entry. In other words, Johnson requested applications from all artists to submit their own design proposals for the location at the entrance of UH Hilo.The Art Committee is a group that is directed under the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs and serves a dual purpose by keeping tabs on the affairs of the Project Manager for Art in Public Places. This Art Committee and SFCA went through the applications, submitted by dozens of new and old artists, and narrowed down their choices, conducting additional reviews until they made a final decision on who should be awarded the commission. The process of selecting the artist was similar to that of Maya Lin, the artist behind the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. Michael Marshall, head of the Art Department, said that the process was “in itself an extraordinary experience.” While many proposals were submitted, only one was chosen. Marshall recommends anyone interested in this process should watch the DVD, Maya Lin: A Clear Strong Vision, as it clearly shows the long, difficult process of selection for highly competitive art designs.After the selection process was complete, the SFCA invited Albert Paley to UH Hilo to show his updated work to the Art Advisory. In October 2010, Paley became an “artist-in-residence.” While there are different artist-in-residency programs, Paley’s program had him work side-by-side with UH Hilo students, creating 32 large monoprints, and giving two public lectures, one at UH Hilo and the other at the Volcano Art Center.

The unpacking and assembling of the sculpture was done in early July 2012 and will be officially dedicated on Sep. 14 at 10am. Student voices are varied on the sculpture. A sophomore, majoring in English, said, “It’s a typical modern art.” He added, “If I knew more about it, if there was something that told people what it was for or the inspiration behind it, I think I’d be able to appreciate it more. Right now it looks like scrap metal. But I guess it’s like a metal Picasso: random and crazy but beautiful from the right angle.”A senior, majoring in music, said she “feels like it takes away from the natural beauty of the campus. I still can’t figure out what it is.” A sophomore, majoring in art, found the sculpture a different experience. She said, “The architecture of this sculpture is quite inspiring. You really

feel a sense of rising to the top, embracing all cultures, and having an awareness that the campus really needed a special piece of art. Albert Paley really is talented. He gave a presentation with a mini model of the sculpture itself. There was so much talent and detail that I was just blown away.”So while students are debating, ranting, and raving amongst themselves what the metal sculpture really is, nobody will quite know for sure. Well, at least not yet. Until the dedication on Sept. 14, everyone will have to wait. But for now, all will have to enjoy the rare beauty that art offers. As another school semester rolls around, there’s always room for this artistic, visual pleasure, even in a piece as unique and inspiring as Albert Paley’s metal sculpture, saying E Komo Mai, welcome to UH Hilo.More information on Albert Paley can be found at If you like the sculpture, check it out on facebook where the process of the sculpture assembly as well as other interesting art-related posts are available: The UH Hilo arts webpage also offers valuable insight of the mission of the university’s unique art program. A special powerpoint

of Albert Paley can be found and is titled, “Albert Paley: Artist-in-Residence.” Check out the Art Department’s website at

Page 5: Issue 1, Fall 2012

8 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Ke Kalahea 9Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The (David) Miller’s Tale Stephanie Salazar, UHH, English, 1984Contributing Writer When I attended funeral services for Professor David Miller this summer I expected a crowd of colleagues, students and with a eulogy that included a literary journey through one man’s study and teaching of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and other pillars of English literature. This is a traveling story, from Dr. Miller’s roots in pre-war Germany, to various parts of the United States – the East Coast, the West Coast, and on to Hawaii, with stops for a doctorate, marriage, children, another marriage, grandchildren, training dogs, baking, gardening and having a metal plug put into his skull. Dr. Miller was my English professor back in the 1980’s at U H Hilo... the most memorable study with him was of Chaucer’s Canterbury tales. Dr. Miller explained to his students what motivated folks in Middle English times to make a pilgrimage to Canterbury in the spring:Whan that April with his showres sooteThe droughte of March hath perced to the roote,And bathed every veine in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flowr;...So priketh hem Nature in hir courages--Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,And specially from every shires ende...Of Engelond to Canterbury whey wende,The holy blisful martyr for to seekeThat hem hath holpen whan that they were seke.A decade later I again took Dr. Miller’s class on Chaucer. Dr. Miller was just as enthused and tickled to share the Miller’s Tale, (no relation), the Knight’s Tale, and that of the red-stockinged “gat-toothed” honey, the Wife of Bath. These are my deep set memories

of Dr. Miller, my English professor. [Once I asked him whether I should take a Russian literature course. He abruptly turned away from me, hung his head and tapped his forehead against a wall and muttered ‘WHY would ANYONE want to study such depressing stories?” I did not take the course.] Years later I saw him at dog obedience training, surprised at how he efficiently directed his dogs, off leash, in a routine behind St. Joseph school. I never knew he was a dog person. I learned more about my English professor at services held at Dodo Mortuary. His son Ben has the same calm manner, engaging speech pattern, and bright-eyed friendliness as did his father. Ben identified the items set on the small altar, noting one of his Dad’s treasured old books, the subject of his father’s dissertation. The leather bound book was set alongside a well-worn floppy, pork-pie hat and Dr. Miller’s photo. This was a service not just for the English Professor with the walrus mustache and slight bumbling nature, but for a brother, a Dad, a step-dad, grandpa, a good husband, a good ex-husband, a good son. I learned that his parents came from

the old country and while the elder Miller insisted his sons study medicine, David Miller had other ideas and was thrilled when he failed a key science course, and headed West to study literature. His family recalled stories of, and photos evidenced, Dr. Miller’s rich life away from literature: Dr. Miller the baker at a table filled with loaves of his home-made holiday stollen, in his garden, on hikes, reading to his grandson, and telling his son Ben how important it is to be kind to others. From time to time, I would run into Dr. Miller around Hilo, most recently at a 7-11. When I asked how he was doing, he took delight in telling me of his recent, strange medical symptoms that led to brain surgery. He smiled as he bent forward, to point out the spot at the top of his head where the surgeon inserted a metal plug to close the hole drilled into his skull. He joked about going through metal detectors. Last year, as I planned to visit Canterbury, I asked his advice for sight-

seeing. “I’ve never been to Canterbury,” he answered. In fact, he had never been to England! How could an English professor never have been to England? But that was answered at his memorial this summer. England, with its riches of literature, Chaucer’s Middle English, the Bard’s sonnets, and wry humor had been to him.

offered me near the learning experience it did. To any of those people who have consciously lived life at all, we all know it is a personal undertaking to dig the lessons out of each experience, and Professor Miller led a course that demanded this skill. The second lesson I took from him was the ability to see each professor’s style as a new type of personality to come into harmony with. Some professors are overbearing, some professors are too forgiving, and some professors are just right. Regardless of where on that spectrum a professor falls, the student must learn to not only complete the work placed before him or her by the professor, but they must also learn how to complete the work to the satisfaction of the individual professor.

Finding it my duty to make the most out of British Literature I taught me a great deal about Shakespeare, sure, but it also taught me a great deal about interacting with people in the workplace. Just like being on the job, I was forced to reflect on those class sessions and adjust my approach in order to make the most of the topics and get the A at the end of the

semester that I demanded of myself. Professor Miller was, without a doubt, a unique character when I had the privilege of interacting with him. Within that character, I found a teacher that demanded more from me than circling answers or recalling rote memory facts into essay format; he made it so I had to consider the information I was taking in, judge for myself its relevancy or lack thereof, and then put together a personal thought based on that information in order to pass his class. At the very least, I am a better person in society for having taken his class.

Professor Miller exploring a nest in Winterthur, Pennsylvania.

Professor Miller at a book presentation in Boston, 2006

Courtesy of Martha Miller

Courtesy of Martha Miller

Remembering Professor MillerMichael Pankowski Contributing Writer

I took British Literature I from Professor Miller during my second semester at UH Hilo. I believe that was the fall semester of 2010. Professor Miller took some getting used to. My perception of a university classroom has always been one of great rigor

where difficult concepts come to be understood if not mastered. His classroom was much more lax than that. Instead of the lack of rigor making for a waste of classroom time, I took two great lessons away from his course. The first was self motivation in the classroom. It was up to me to make the most of the information he was so conservatively giving out during his

lectures. He would often digress into personal recollections of his experiences with literature and the real life historical sites related to it. Finding the relevant information or even making the connection between story and lesson was often left to the students. Without the ability to personally make those connections, his class may not have

Memoriam for Dr. Richard CroweKatherine HallContributing Writer

Dr. Richard A. Crowe was a beloved and idolized professor of physics and astronomy for manyUniversity of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UHH) undergraduate students. He was born in Quebec, Canada on February 12, 1952 and was killed in an accident during a tour of Canyon de Chelly in Arizona on May 27, 2012 due to a vehicle malfunction. Dr. Crowe earned both his bachelor and master degrees from the University of Western Ontario in 1977 and his PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto (UT) in 1984. During his graduatestudies, he became the Resident Observer for UT’s 24 [in] Southern Observatory at Las Campanas in Chile. Before joining UHH and becoming its co-founder of the astronomy and physics department alongside Dr. William D Heacox in 1987, Dr. Crowe was the Canadian Resident Astronomer for theCanada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) observatory during 1984-87. In 1992, he was awarded tenure at UHH for teaching physics and astronomy to aspiring students. I personally had the privilege of having Dr. Crowe not only as my professor through most of my astrophysics courses, but also my undergraduate advisor, work colleague, and planetariuminternship mentor. I met Dr. Crowe in May 2007 when I had traveled to Hilo to scout out UHH as my potential undergraduate university. Within our first meeting he had helped me plan my next five years as an undergraduate in astronomy and physics. He did not just stop there. Instead, he helped to get me a position as a planetarium operator at the `Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai`i where I worked for the next four years, eventually learning to be a programmer. He even introduced me to the Onizuka Visitor Information Station, where I became a weekly volunteer for several years, and continued to volunteer there during my entire undergraduate career. Dr. Crowe had a great impact on my life. Through his dedication and desire to see me advance and be the best I could possibly be, with constant patience and sincere kindness, my understandingof astronomy flourished. Now I share the same excitement that he did whenever talking about astronomy and its many marvels. I will always remember that whenever we would pass each other there was always a joke, either about wormholes or someone being the brightest star Sirius, or an x-ray passing through a bar.

Dr. Crowe loved sharing his knowledge of the stars and the physics behind them. His classes were always amazing! His colourful and inspiring astrophysical images on PowerPoint matched hisjubilant personality, which was also seen in his homemade shirts. He would even share his own stories and astronomical images, typically on photographic plates, to us. One of my favorite stories he shared was when he used to image the Large Magellanic Cloud on photographic plates and was just a bit too early to catch the supernova 1987A. Even though he was early, the idea of potentially being the founder made him just as thrilled. He taught me that even if you do not catch something great, just being involved is well worth it. Fellow student, Elizabeth Quilinquin, most vividly remembers the passion for astronomy that he always shared with the students. “Dr. Crowe was always so cheerful and pleasant to be around. He was definitely more than just a professor, and will be deeply missed.” Dr. Crowe was a great mentor and an astonishing person. I will be forever indebted to him, which I amsure is the sentiment felt by many of his other students. Dr. Crowe will always be remembered (along with his shirts) and notably missed. Cheers Dr. Crowe. “You - you alone will have the stars as no one else has them...In one of the stars I shall be living. Inone of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were

laughing, when you look at the sky at night...You - only you - will have stars that can laugh.”―Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Professor Miller and Professor Crowe were truly admirable men; they dedicated their lives to nurturing and guiding the minds of generations of students. Thus it is fitting to have students share their fond memories of these beloved teachers.

Photo courtesy of Gary FujiharaProfessor Crowe wearing one of his famous homemade shirts.

Page 6: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Ke Kalahea 11Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Hawaii Stars: Professional baseball on the Big IslandKeane CarlinStaff Writer

In 1993, a high level professional baseball league emerged in the state of Hawaii. Known as the Hawaiian Winter League, there were five teams; one on the island of Kauai, two on Oahu, one on Maui and one on the Big Island in Hilo, the Stars. If you go down to Wong Stadium, you can still see the remnants of the 1997 ball club; a beautiful, large, covered batting cage, donated by the Hilo Stars. The league, which was heavily funded by Major League Baseball (MLB), was a launching pad for several young ball-players, but folded after the ’97 season because funding from the MLB dried up. Ichiro Suzuki played for the Stars for a brief amount of time, before the higher ups in Japan realized he was the real deal and belonged at the highest level in Japan. Suzuki tore up pitching in Japan then went to the United States and the MLB to play for the Seattle Mariners in 2001, winning the Rookie of the Year and the Most Valuable player awards in his first season. Adam Kennedy, Bill Mueller, Derek Lee, Craig Counsell, Bo Porter and the glorious knuckleballer R.A. Dickey (pre-knuckleball) all played during the five year life of the league. Dickey pitched for the Hilo Stars during the final year and went through many ups and downs before becoming one of the greatest knuckleballers of our generation and an All-Star this year. After a 15 year hiatus, professional baseball in Hilo was back over the summer, this time representing the whole island as the Hawaii Stars. The Stars are a part of a 10-team summer league called the North American Baseball League (NABL). The league has two divisions: the North and the South. The Hawaii Stars, Maui Na Koa Ikaika, San Rafael Pacifics and Sonoma County Grapes represent the North division. Six teams in various parts of Texas make up the South division. The North division teams play each other in six-game series until the end of the regular season on August 19th. The two teams in each division with the best records meet for the playoffs. The season started on June 5th and the Stars finished with a 25-29 win-loss record. This summer league doesn’t have quite the competitive field that the ’93-’97 teams did: those teams were filled with highly ranked

prospects; whereas now the teams are filled with players vying to be signed by major league organizations. There are five local Big Island guys on the team: Reece Alnas, Michael Kenui, Cortney Arruda and UH Hilo’s former aces John Holley Jr. and Ronnie Loeffler. Alnas, a Kamehameha-Keaau graduate plays in the outfield while the rest of the local players are pitchers. Of the several storylines and stand out players this season, one

woman stands above the rest, figuratively speaking of course; the 5 foot tall, 20

year old Japanese knuckleball pitcher Eri Yoshida, or known simply as the “Knuckle Princess”. Yoshida throws a 50-60 mile per hour knuckleball, which is a pitch that has no spin and causes the baseball to move randomly and often in erratic fashion. Because the pitch is so erratic, only a few players have made careers out of throwing the pitch. If you can control it enough, you can have a long career as it is easy on your arm and it is extremely difficult to hit. R.A. Dickey is the only pitcher in the MLB currently who throws the pitch. Before Dickey, there was Tim Wakefield of the Boston Red Sox from 1995-2011. Wakefield happens to be Yoshida’s inspiration and she has actually taken some lessons from him. Make no mistake, Yoshida is not a publicity stunt, she was the first Japanese woman to pitch professionally in both Japan and the United States. She looks fearless on the mound and keeps hitters off-balance. Her weakness, like every other knuckleballer is controlling the baseball, but perhaps one day she can meet with Dickey and pick up some pointers. They could reminisce on their days of playing professional baseball in Hawaii. The league has had players signed to Major League teams in the past, and the dream of playing professionally is still within reach for these ballplayers. The Stars played six-game series and were knocked out of the playoff contention. However, next season the Hawaii Stars should be more settled in and there are talks that the NABL will switch to a winter league. Professional baseball is back on the Big Island, and hopefully it will be a mainstay in the future.*** If you have a sports article suggestion, please feel free to shoot me an email at: [email protected]

“Knuckle Princess” Erin Yoshida tosses a knuckleball.

Hawaii stars Shake hands after an 8-3 win on August 11, 2012.

All photos courtesy of Keane Carlin

‘08 graduate Michael Kenui throwing a strike.

G e a r u p f o r f a l l ’ 1 2 c o m p e t i t i v e s p o r t sNew coaches for soccer teams bring change on the field

Keane Carlinstaff writer

Change seems to be the perfect word to describe the upcoming 2012 fall semester of sports at UH Hilo, and as usual the teams, coaches, players and staff hope for positive change and winning seasons. Over the next four months men’s and women’s soccer, basketball and golf will battle out on the field, court and course, while the women’s volleyball, cross country and softball teams will also be competing.New head coaches for the men’s and women’s soccer teams; Ziggy Korytoski and Unity Beddingfield, respectively, represent the most drastic changes for the upcoming season. The men’s team was busy over the summer running a soccer camp for about 50 local youngsters ages four to fourteen. The camp took place at the soccer field on campus. Head coach Korytoski has experience in the field, most recently as an assistant coach for Harvard University’s team. In 2001 he was the Penn State’s women’s Club Soccer head coach who led them to a national championship. After that he jumped from various schools and universities as an assistant coach. He was a successful head coach in the First Division Professional Soccer League, fashioning a 38-win, 10-loss and 13-draw record for Antigua GFO. Korytoski is sure to bring a professional attitude and style to every practice and game as the Vulcans’ head coach.Joining Korytoski is local product and former second-team all-American and professional soccer player Duke Hashimoto, who will help as an assistant coach. His experience will prove to be valuable in the upcoming season. Most recently, in 2010, he was on FC Dallas in Major League Soccer. Korytoski expects some positive change for the program and said, via the UH Hilo Athletic Department’s press release, “We play for each other, we play for Hilo and we play to be champions.” Unity Beddingfield has played professionally with the Claremont Stars of the Women’s Premier Soccer League. and most recently was an assistant coach at San Bernardino Valley College (SVBC). Beddingfield was an assistant coach at UH Hilo six months before joining SBVC. “This is the biggest step I’ve taken and a great opportunity in a great atmosphere,” said Beddingfield in a press release through the athletic department. “I’m hoping to bring a different dynamic and atmosphere to help the program grow.” The women’s soccer team plays their first game on Oahu on September 2nd, while the men will begin their season two days later, also on Oahu.The women’s volleyball team has already started ramping up for the season; their first practice took place in early August. “This practice was better than last year’s practice,” said UH Hilo head coach Tino Reyes. “We ran some things and saw some good things and things that we need to work on.” Change doesn’t just come with new head coaches. “There’s a lot of changes the players need to make and they adapted well,” Reyes said about his team’s first practice. Reyes can definitely push towards a positive season, as he has accomplished an impressive 33-12 record in his two years as head coach. Later in the semester, men’s and women’s basketball and golf will come into full swing, culminating in an exciting last couple months of 2012 with post-season races and championship marches. The Vulcan athletes will continue to fight and strive for a better record, a better season and a stronger future. When the game is winding down and these strong Vulcans are losing steam, it helps to look out and see the faithful fans, which in turn, fire up their Vulcan-ways. Get out there, cheer our athletes on and watch them transform throughout the season.

Page 7: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Ke Kalahea 13Tuesday, September 4, 2012

12 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Let’s Grow Hilo! Edible landscapes provide nutritional education and sustenance in downtown Hilo Michael Pierron Staff Writer Have you noticed how much greener it has gotten downtown? Maybe you’ve helped yourself to a handful of poha berries, or snapped off a sprig of rosemary. Gardens have been popping up in medians, along sidewalks, and in boxes and raised beds all over downtown. This is largely due to the efforts of UH Hilo graduate Sam Robinson, who began working on what has developed into a community gardening organization promoting edible landscapes called “Let’s Grow Hilo!” which is responsible for initiating the gardening revolution that is taking over downtown Hilo.LGH has received a wide range of publicity ever since it was adopted by

the Hilo Downtown Improvement Association as a pilot project for installing public food gardens and edible landscapes in the downtown area. The DIA’s Executive Director, Alice Moon, shared Robinson’s vision of planting food in public places and using community gardens as means of building relationships among community members and local business owners, and demonstrating just how easy and accessible growing food can be. Publications like Ke Ola magazine, Honolulu magazine, the Hawaii Tribune-Herald and Big Island Weekly are just a few who have reported on the makeover of downtown Hilo that’s been happening at the hands of volunteers who wish to make a difference over the last two years. Before being adopted by the DIA, Robinson managed each garden on her own time, enlisting help from Girl Scout troops, local businesses and fellow students and friends. These days LGH hosts ‘beautification days’ every month to manage and develop garden spaces downtown, and is now working with several businesses and organizations like Recycle Hawaii, Connections public charter school, Natural Farming Hawaii, and the UH Hilo Agriculture and Beekeeping Clubs. In addition to beautification days, LGH organized a harvest festival last March where kalo, sweet potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, leafy greens and various herbs were harvested from downtown locations, cooked by local restaurants, and served to the public. Prior to the first fundraising event, LGH operated exclusively on a volunteer and donation basis. All the plants, tools, mulch, time and labor was donated. When asked about how she felt volunteering so much

of her time, Robinson responded: “When I see the look on someone’s face when their seed pops out a sprout, and the excitement of seeing something that they made themselves, its f***ing priceless. Money can’t get you that.” In November the Big Island Beekeeper’s Association is teaming up with LGH to bring us the second harvest festival which will feature the Hawaiian Natural Honey Challenge, drawing beekeepers from all islands statewide to compete for the people’s choice award. With many exciting activities and demonstrations, entertainment and vendors, Robinson expects a large turnout for this zero-waste event; the first event drew a crowd of about five hundred and raised enough money to purchase new tools and equipment for the organization. If you would like to get involved with gardening downtown, then please come to the next beautification which is always held on the last Sunday of every month. This month LGH volunteers and interested parties will meet on Sunday, 30 Sept at 2:00pm in front of the East Hawaii Cultural Center on Kalakaua Street. Activities are designed according to the Hawaiian lunar calendar and vary from month to month, but typically include mulching, seed collection, weeding, and general maintenance of gardens and landscaped areas downtown. Robinson also encourages everyone to bring seeds and plants that they wish to contribute to the gardens. For more information on LGH, beautification days, natural farming, plant donations, or how to get involved, you can visit, find them on Facebook at, or contact them directly via email at [email protected].

“Volunteers from the community weed a garden bed planted with kalo, sweet potatoes and other veggies in a median along King Kamehameha highway in downtown Hilo.”

This garden bed has just been covered with wheelbarrows full of fresh mulch. “The mulch is to keep weeds from growing everywhere and to keep the county from spraying herbicides on our gardens.” says Lets Grow Hilo coordinator Sam Robinson.

Page 8: Issue 1, Fall 2012

14 Ke KalaheaTuesday, September 4, 2012

Ke Kalahea 15Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ACROSS  1.  Angry  4.  Distribute  8.  A  large  bag  12.  The  length  of  time  something  (or  someone)  has  existed  13.  South  American  armadillo  14.  Body  that  defines  computing  protocols  15.  Earnings  17.  Consideration  18.  Digressions  19.  A  long  narrative  poem  telling  of  a  hero's  deeds  21.  This  (Spanish)  23.  A  distinctive  odor  that  is  pleasant  26.  Abba  __,  Israeli  politician  29.  A  person  who  commits  larceny  31.  Talk  32.  Ponds  33.  A  nucleic  acid  shaped  like  a  double  helix  34.  Researches  36.  A  way  to  be  full  of  praise  for  37.  Dissuade  38.  A  measured  portion  of  medicine  40.  Type  tenus  of  the  Anatidae  42.  More  clean  46.  Centers  48.  Repetition  of  a  word  or  phrase  as  the  beginning  of  successive  clauses  50.  A  small  island  51.  Beyond,  transcending  52.  Feeling  ill  53.  These  (old  English)  54.  Skin  55.  River  in  NE  Scotland      

DOWN  1.  Chadic  language  2.  Turkish  leader  title  3.  Source  of  exotic  cooked  meats  and  cheeses  4.  Regions  5.  Sacred  texts  6.  Arctic  explorers  (abbrev.)  7.  Goidelic  language  of  Ireland  8.  Sarcasm  9.  Large  arboreal  boa  of  tropical  S  America  10.  Reciprocal  of  a  sine  11.  Collection  16.  Arabian  Gulf  country  20.  Political  action  committees  22.  Having  ears  or  earlike  appendages  24.  A  list  of  options  available  to  a  computer  user  25.  Rumanian  city  26.  Oh,  God!  27.  Affliction  28.  OK  to  diminish  30.  Sound  with  resonance  32.  Ancient  Asian  city  35.  Focusing  devices  36.  Wife  of  Jacob  39.  Rumpled  lepas  41.  Cornmeal  mush  (British)  43.  Any  of  various  tailless  stout-­‐bodied  amphibians  44.  A  Great  Lake  45.  Abnormal  breathing  46.  Concealed  47.  An  established  custom  or  practice  49.  Born  of  

Counseling Services This Fall

To get more information or make an appointment, call 974-7399. Walk-in appointments are also welcome.

Located in the Student Services Build-ing, 2nd floor.

Offer 3 new groups open to students: 1. "New to UH Hilo" is open to anyone who is new to UH Hilo

or the Big Island. It will meet Wednesdays nights. For more

info contact Andrew Polloi.

2. "Cup of Tea" is especially for Japanese Women to support

them while at UH Hilo. It meets Fridays at 3 pm in 205 Stu-

dent Services Building. More info—Dr. Nadia Kholomeydik.

3. “Mana'olana” (Hope) is available for graduate students to

address the unique demands of graduate school. Interested

students should contact Dr. Armeniox for more information.

Along with the new groups, Counseling Services offers individual, cou-

ples, family and group counseling, as well as personal coaching, and

consultation free of charge to students for all UH Hilo and Hawaii

Community College students. Whether you are struggling with an

emotional issue, a relationship, or simply want to improve your health

and wellness, the expert counseling staff are available to help. The

staff consists of Dr. Leslie Armeniox, the Associate Director of Coun-

seling Services, Dr. Nadia Kholomeydik, and Mr. Andrew Polloi.

Coming Soon!Ask Aunty Advice ColumnSubmit letters to Campus Center room 215.


The visual media division for UHH and HawCC is looking for:

Videographers & Editors Are you passionate about T.V?

Join the TEAM and Make History!

We have OPENINGS for Stipend & Volunteer positions.

Applications are in the Lava Shoot Office (CC 202), Campus Center Rm 210, or Email [email protected].

Positions Available Reporters Assistant Music Directors Assistant Technical Coordinator Assistant Promotions Director Assistant Program Coordinator Disc Jockeys (DJs)

Page 9: Issue 1, Fall 2012

Applications can be picked up in campus center room #215 and #210 or online

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