Page 1: Issue 1 March-April 2012

A life long family Business:The Interview withGregory Bowling

“Fashion &Construction”:

Trinity &Joseph Homes


on & Beyond Magazine





ue 0


“The History behindMetropolitanEL PASO”

“Everything you


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12Gregory Bowling

19-22Fashion and Construction

36Tax Remedies

32Interior Decorator

Hommework2603 N. Stanton915-219-9041




Special thanks to:

Editors In Chief:Monica [email protected] [email protected]

Editorial Design: Marcela [email protected]

Writer: Saray Argumedo

Photography:Edward Louis [email protected]

Advertising Executives:Monica [email protected] Carlos [email protected]. Monica Saenz915.726.7307

Clothing Boutique for all InterviewsHOMMEWORK [email protected]

For information on advertising please contact our Advertising Executives or please email us at [email protected] or call us to 915.726.7582.


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22 30


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El “boom” de los bienes raíces durante la última década elevó en los Estados Unidos el número de compradores nacionales y extranjeros, quienes consi-deraron la adquisición de propiedades como la inversión más lucrativa; sin em-bargo, la pregunta es si en la actualidad éste continúa siendo un buen negocio. A medida que los valores inmobiliarios caen y las ejecuciones hipotecarias inundan el mercado, cada vez más los posibles vendedores de bienes inmo-biliarios están decidiendo a alquilar sus propiedades en lugar de venderlas.

Los bienes raíces en Estados Unidos siguen siendo una inversión con la cual nunca se pierde; La desventaja inicial para los inversionistas (extranjeros) se presenta precisamente en la falta de conocimientos sobre las deducciones fiscales que pueden tener en caso de comprar bienes inmuebles como inver-sión. Pudiendo ahorrar miles de dólares en impuestos los propietarios de bienes raíces a menudo pierden las deduccio-nes fiscales relativas a sus propiedades inmobiliarias, por falta de asesoría.

En una economía donde cada centavo

cuenta, asegúrese de tomar ventaja de estas diez deducciones fiscales algunas de las cuales son exclusivas para los inversores inmobiliarios y los propietarios de bienes inmuebles.

1. Intereses delpréstamo hipotecarioEsta deducción es ampliamente conocida y entendida, pero el interés de la hipoteca puede sumar miles de dólares cada año que no se deducen, asegúrese de contar con un especia-lista en bienes raíces que le explique cómo hacer deducible los intereses de su préstamo hipotecario.

2. Seguro contra riesgosSi usted es un propietario reticente, puede alegrarse por lo siguiente: los propietarios de casas no pueden deducir el seguro de la casa, pero los propietarios e inversionistas de bienes raíces si pueden deducir la prima del seguro de riesgos como un gasto deducible. Asegúrese de guardar una

copia de su factura de prima de seguro, y darsela a su contador.

3. Impuestos sobrepropiedades(Property Taxes)

Asegúrese de tomar ventaja de estas diez deducciones fiscales

¿Invirtiendo enbienes raíces

en USA


4. Depreciación de la propiedadA veces la depreciación de los bienes raíces es un concepto que no se entiende bien, pero si lo to-mamos en cuenta es una cantidad considerable cada año. Básica-mente, el gobierno permite a los inversores de bienes raíces tener una “pérdida de papel” es decir el gobierno nos permite deducir una disminución del valor de su precio de compra a un valor de $ 0 en 27.5 años; esto significa que usted puede deducir una monto conside-rable por depreciación cada año. La depreciación puede ser complicada sin embargo puede representar un ahorro considerable al momento de pagar sus impuesto.

Por extraño que parezca, miles de dueños de propiedades se olvidan de la lista de sus impuestos de bienes raíces como gastos deducibles todos los años, y terminan pagando efectiva-mente los impuestos dos veces.


on & Beyond Magazi



Page 9: Issue 1 March-April 2012

5. Honorarios y gastos legalesLa mayoría de las facturas por hono-rarios y gastos legales, incluyendo el costo de los contratos de bienes raíces, son deducibles de impuestos; con excepción de los costos de des-alojo en caso que fallara en el cumpli-miento de su contrato, pero hable con su contador para más detalles sobre exactamente qué gastos pueden y no pueden ser deducidos.

6. Los costos por laadministración depropiedades Si usted ha contratado a una compa-ñía o personas para la administración de sus propiedades, para supervisar a sus inquilinos, revisar sus contratos de arrendamiento, y el mantenimiento de sus propiedades. Los costos son deducibles de impuestos, así que asegúrese de agregar como gastos los honorarios que page por los concep-tos arriba descritos.

7. Seguro Privado de Hipoteca (PMI)Si usted tiene una hipoteca con un

monto alto con respecto al valor de su propiedad (y ahora, ¿quién no), es pro-bable que pueda pagar un cargo extra cada mes por el seguro hipotecario pri-vado, junto con el pago de su hipoteca. Estos cargos le pueden dar a usted y a los suyos una mayor tranquilidad y seguridad del valor de su inversión.

9. Publicidad Cuando los propietarios tienen propiedades vacantes, se pueden deducir los costos relacionados con la promoción de la propiedad, como la publicidad de la propiedad de alquiler, los reportes de crédito, la obtención de antecedentes penales, etc.

10. Los costos de cierreSi usted es una de las personas que pueden comprar propiedades en este momento como forma de inversión, debe recordar que los costos de cierre que usted paga se pueden deducir, como los honorarios del prestamista hipotecario y los costos de registro. No todos los cargos de liquidación son deducibles de impuestos, sin embargo asegúrese de enviar una copia de su declaración HUD-1 a su contador para que peine a través de ella y encontrar todos los gastos deducibles.

Por último recuerde que la cuenta de su contador es deducible así que asegúrese de incluir las deducciones fiscales en su declaración de impues-tos del año que viene.

Como siempre le recordamos que aquí en Paul Meza, CPA contamos con es-pecialistas con amplia experiencia en bienes raíces que le pueden asesorar al momento de hacer sus inversiones en Estados Unidos!.

Office (915) 544-1040Fax (915) 544-1044Cel (915) [email protected]

1325 Montana 2nd FloorEl Paso, TX 79902

8. Mantenimiento y ReparaciónMientras que los propietarios de casas no pueden deducir el mantenimiento, los propieta-rios e inversionistas de bienes raíces si pueden! Hay algunas excepciones pero en general todas las reparaciones que son necesarias para la habitabilidad y la seguridad son deducibles de impuestos.


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“There is no better place to build homes but in El Paso,” stated Gregory Benjamin Bowling a third generation builder in El Paso Texas.

Bowling is an Irvin High School and Texas State University graduate. Today he is the Vice President of Tropicana Homes and won the El Paso Association of Builders award The Builder Of The Year for 2011 award.

“I started off sweeping floors, chopping leaves, soon enough I was given little promotions by my dad,” said Bowling, “This building world is all I have seen since I was growing up.” Bowling’s grandfather R.L. Bowling Jr. created Tropicana Homes in 1950. It begun with a house here and there throughout El Paso, a small business that little did he know would be booming in the years to come. After R.L. Bowling Jr., R.L. Bowl-ing III took over Tropicana Homes in the mid 1970’s.

Interview by Saray Argumedo

After graduating high school, young Gregory Bowling became his father’s assistant. “From there I learned everything about building homes, from cleaning to building.” His duties became landscaping and detailing houses. He would only be in town for the summers while he was in college, after his undergraduate work he be-came the superintended of Tropicana Homes. Here is where little Bowling stepped foot into the world of build-ing and soon enough it bloomed into a passion that till this day we have seen expand throughout El Paso. While attempting to make Houston a second home he met his soul-mate Jill. Nevertheless, he received his Bachelor’s in 1999 and they decided to move to El Paso together. Mrs. Bowling finished her bachelor’s degree in Education at the University of Texas at El Paso and was a first grade teacher at Logan Elementary School.

Bobby and Randy Bowling are both Gregory Bowling’s brothers and


together they have planted their own seed within the business their father left them. Bobby manages tax credit, and Randy Bowling is in charge of sales. “Somehow we make it work,” said Bowling.

Little did Gregory know that a new era within Tropicana Homes had just begun.

“We have evolved with the green movement,” stated Bowling. Tropi-cana Homes has been building more efficient homes for El Paso. They have had a little more difficulty trying to preserve the old homes rather than constructing green buildings. The business has been booming in the Northeast and in the Eastside of El Paso. Tropicana Homes has approxi-mately 10% of their customers living on the Westside of El Paso, 15% on the Eastside and Horizon City and making the Northeast their top buyers with 25%. “Our troops and our Ciu-dad Juarez brothers and sisters are our top two customers right now.”

A life long family Business: The Interview with

Gregory Bowling: Vice President of Tropicana Homes and Ex President

of the El Paso Association of



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Tropicana Homes has also stepped foot into the educational system in El Paso, offering internships for high school and college students. Schools such as Riverside High School, Ysleta High School and El Paso Community College have worked closely with Tropicana Homes. The internship provides them hands on experience in the world of building. “It has given me the drive to pursuit a higher educa-tion and has helped me advance in my major,” said Edward Arriaga a Riverside High School graduate and an El Paso Community College student major-ing in Architecture. Arriaga has been interning with Tropicana Homes for the past year in a half, he was offered an internship as a Design Associates Assistant while in high school. After graduating, Tropicana Homes had a job opening and hired him right on the spot as a Design Associate. “It has been a privilege to work with Mr. Bowling and the Tropicana Homes family,” said Arriaga.

El Paso’s historic architecture has been one of the Bowling’s family utmost inspirations, one being the old Camino Real Hotel. “Many El Pasoans do not take pride on the uniqueness and beauty this city has to offer.” His love for El Paso has made him a successful builder within the community; Bowling has been asked by various families to help them create a second home.

Tropicana Homes has demonstrated their full dedi-cation and has proved to El Paso they are capable of conveying results. A company that knows what will benefit their community and has the passion to make it a great place to live. “I thank my grand-father and my dad for giving me this gift, but most importantly I thank my second family; my staff and my workers for making this dream come true.”

“Our students graduate without the experience and they find themselves lost after graduating and without a job,” said Bowling, “We want to be able to provide them as much experience as we possibly can, giving them the confidence to apply for a job.”


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Daniel AndrusHome Builder / Owner wearing HOMMEWORKCommune Tayler JacketG-Star Arc Chino Pants



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Frank Gonzalez: Home Builder / Owner wearing HOMMEWORKComund Black Denim JacketG-Star Blade Slim Denim


on & Beyond Magazi



Page 21: Issue 1 March-April 2012

and security to fulfill their personal needs and relaxation.

Saray: That was beautifully said! When could you start building my home?

D.A- (Laughter) Whenever you want Saray, we are here to serve the community.

Saray: Great, I’ll need to save up some cash first! Now, in a few words give us a semi description of a builder?

F.G- I would describe a builder as someone who thinks outside the box while still having a mindful of the performance of the home and its amenities.

Saray: That is very impressive! Now I want you gentlemen to step outside of the work place and tell us a little bit about the things you do to “free the mind” after a long day or long week of work.

F.G- It is always nice to take a lit-tle brake! (Laughter) Our personal hobbies range from spending time with our children to sports, sports, sports. (Laughter) We

love the outdoors and exercise frequently.

Saray: I could definitely see where you gentlemen get your inspiration from. Speaking of inspiration, what inspires you and or builds that passion within your business?

D.A- Our passion steams from the sense of joy and fulfillment of creating a plan on paper and being responsible for making it come to life. Witnessing a home go from a frame stage to completion never gets old to us. The day we walk the home with our customer for the last time is one of the most rewarding days for us.

Saray: That is amazing! It is al-most like a child’s birth!

D.A and F.G- Yes it is! (Laughter)

Saray: To end our session, gives us a sneak peak of a day within your company Trinity Homes

F.G- There is no such thing as a normal day in construction, especially custom home construc-tion. We wouldn’t change it for the world.

This was Saray Argumedo with “The builders Talk” till next time!

Danny Andrus andFrancisco Gonzalez

Trinity Homes

Saray Argumedo went in search for the best builders of the month and tumbled upon Danny Andrus and Francisco Gonzalez owners of Trinity Homes and Joey Najera owner of Joseph Homes. They took a few minutes of their busy week to share their knowledge and talent with Construction & BE-YOND magazine.

Saray: Good afternoon gentlemen and thank you very much for this opportunity.

Danny Andrus and Francisco Gonzalez, Trinity Homes- It is our pleasure Saray we are excited to be here.

Saray: Glad to hear, before any-thing tell us a little bit about your personal motivationsand what gives you the drive to create such a unique piece of art?

D.A- It is a form of art Saray and our motivations are moved by the desire to produce a home for our customers that they are proud to present to their friends and family. At the same time we are providing them a sense of comfort, warmth



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Joey Najera:Home Builder / Owner wearing HOMMEWORKG-Star Recolite OvershirtG-Star Western Checked ShirtG-Star Nippol Denim


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the gym, hiking, traveling with my family and watching movies.

Saray: Wow! You are active both inside and outside of the work place, that’s great! What inspires you and or builds that passion within your business?

J.N- My passion is making my com-pany the best in the El Paso market. I build beautiful, well built homes that people notice. Even if they can’t af-ford us right away, people remember us and when they ARE ready they come to us for their next home. I am very proud of my product.

Saray: I agree! Your company is quite easy to spot!

J.N- (Laughter) Why thank you very much, I am sure my staff will be glad to hear that!

Saray: You are very welcome! To end our session, gives us a slight preview of a day within your com-pany Joseph Homes.

J.N- Let’s see its starts off around 7am job site, meetings with custom-ers, bankers, real estate agents, subcontractors, suppliers, planning for the next day and week. At the end of the day is goal setting and projec-tions for the next year. All of these things happen every day.

This was Saray Argumedo with “The builders Talk” till next time!

Saray: Good evening Mr. Najera and thank you very much for taking your time to speak with Construction and BEYOND Magazine.

J.N- No thank you and your magazine for considering me, I am very excited to be a part of this new project for the El Paso community.

Saray: Why thank you! So are we! First of all I would like to start off by asking you to give us a semi description of what a builder is to you?

J.N- As for me, a builder is some-one that can provide an energy efficient, quality built home to buyers in order to have a strong, long lasting company. I don’t just think about today and tomorrow, I think long term. I keep in mind the need to maintain an excellent reputation and company record so that my children can someday proudly take over my company.


Saray: Well said, I am glad to hear you are starting to train our future professionals (your children) to get accustom to this business. Besides your children, tell us what your per-sonal motivations are and what gives you the ambition to create such a unique piece of art?

J.N- Well it would have to do with be-ing innovative, dedicated, driven, cus-tomer service oriented and energetic.

Saray: Energetic! I think that is very important when it comes to custom-ers, we not only want a beautiful home but someone that makes the whole process fun!

J.N- (Laughter) I agree Saray, we need to find the fun it! A little joke here and there helps us make the process easy and successful.

Saray: Great! I am sure El Paso loves that! Now, besides all your hard work I want you to step outside of the work place and tell us a little bit about the things you do to “free the mind” after a long day or long week of work.

J.N- Free the mind huh? (Laughter) Well I like triathlons, working out in


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Saray Argumedo: Primeramente me gustaría agradecerle a usted y a Winton Homes por haber nos dado la opor-tunidad de entrar al mundo de construcción a través de su empresa.

Cristian Guerra: Al contrario Saray, les agradecemos a Construction and BEYOND por habernos dado esta oportunidad.

Saray: Gracias Cristian. Ahora, nos puedes contar un poco de la creación de Winton Homes y que a sido su motivo para crecer?

Cristian: Winton Homes es una compañía local que fue fundada por Jack Winton hace 35 años. Comenzamos construyendo viviendas en Santa Teresa, Nuevo México en el año 1975. Estamos muy orgullosos de servir a la comunidad de El Paso y Las Cruces, nuestra reputación nos ha ayudado a crecer a través de nuestros propios clientes y recomendaciones. Nuestros clientes en par-ticular han sido nuestra motivación.

Saray: Gracias. Este proceso puede ser demasiado confuso para alguien que nunca ha adquirido una casa. ¿Puede compartir con nosotros los pasos necesarios que requiere su compañía para clientes nuevos y si ahí alguna diferencia si el cliente es internacional o local?

Entrevista ConCristian Guerrade Winton Homespor Saray Argumedo

Cristian: Este proceso es muy importante, tendremos que preguntar varias preguntas antes que nada, por ejemplo…• Primera Pregunta: ¿Cual es su presupuesto? • Segunda Pregunta: ¿Cuál es su lugar ideal para vivir? Por ejemplo; El Paso, Las Cruces o hacia el sur de Nuevo México. Construimos subdivisiones en toda esta área local. • Tercera Pregunta: ¿Le gustaría crear la casa de sus sueños o adquirir una que ya hemos construido?• Cuarta Pregunta: ¿Cuáles son los elementos mandatorios que usted quiera que tenga su casa? Por ejemplo; cantidad de cuartos, baños, salas, almacén, casa de dos pisos o casa de un piso, alberca, etcétera.

Cristian: Para contestar la segunda parte de tu pregunta Saray, si trabajamos con especialistas de financiera al nivel local e internacional.

Saray: ¿Qué le están ofreciendo a la comunidad este 2012?

Cristian: Este 2012 hemos estado ingresando el mundo ambiental en cada proyecto. Aplicamos Energy Star Certi-fied al igual que energía eficiente para cada hogar en el área de subdivisión. Estamos comprometidos con la comunidad de integrar aun más energía solar

Saray: ¿Qué hace Winton Homes tan incomparable?

Cristian: Winton Homes le ofrece a la comunidad fronteriza lo mejor en casas personalizadas disponibles a variedades de precios. Queremos lo mejor para nuestros clientes, nos hemos dedicado a crear mas hogares que requieren de energía eficiente implementando nueva tecnología y ciencia técnica en cada construcción. Además, estamos compro-metidos con nuestros clientes en estar al tanto de cada modernización que requiere su hogar y junto con la pasion de crear el hogar que siempre ha anhelado. Nuestro equipo certificado de diseño, ventas, casa financiera, nuestros recursos electrónicos y el departamento de redacción les garantiza un servició al cliente excepcional y una gran expe-riencia durante este proceso. • 6300 Escondido Dr.El Paso, TX 79912 • 915.584.8629 • f. 915.225.0087

Hablamos Español: 915.204.1922El Paso, TX / Las Cruces, NMCo


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All buildings have a story to tell, but only a few can be traced back to its creation. As time has gone by many of these historical buildings have either been demolished or departed of its originality. Construction and BE-YOND Magazine brings to you our region’s most momentous build-ings that still enlighten us today.

In a land not so far away, when Texas was still a part of Mexico’s territory, there was a place that connected the north and the south called Paso Del Norte. Today this pass of the north is our very own El Paso, Texas.

A Franciscan priest by the name of Fray García de San Francisco and the indigenous community of Paso Del Norte built what is today the oldest mission in the El Paso-Ciu-dad Juárez region. The year was

Construction and BEYOND magazine used some information on the following sources:- -

1659 and the mission was recog-nized as La Misión Nuestra Se-ñora De Guadalupe del Paso Del Norte. Sources state that García de San Francisco was on his way from Senecú, New Mexico when he came across Paso Del Norte. While stabilizing himself he had the privilege to work closely with the indigenous community that lived there and asked them to help him build the adobe mission.

García de San Francisco worked at the mission for twelve years after celebrating mass for the very

History Construction&

first time on December 8, 1659. He then returned to Senecú, New Mexico where records show he passed away in the year 1671. La Misión Nuestra Señora De Gua-dalupe was the central mission for what is today known as San Elizario, Socorro, Ysleta, Ciudad Juárez and El Paso.

To preserve the mission’s original-ity, a cathedral was built right next to it so that it could be used on a daily basis. Today, the mission still stands and is used for special occasions in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua México.


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on & Beyond Magazi


Let’s face it, bed linens are like a cute outfit. Whether they are chic, comfy or neutral, they are one of the first things that pop out at us when we enter a room. It can say a lot about your person-ality, so why not mix color and prints to create a style that’s all your own.

While bed linens can be your centerpiece, don’t forget that what surrounds your bed can also be the perfect compliment. Your night tables don’t have to match and sometimes a flea find lamp is the perfect piece to give this area unique charm. Books and magazines make great accents while working double duty to make you look brainy all at the same time.

Make Your

Bed a Fe



Wall ColorfulThrows



Page 33: Issue 1 March-April 2012

Pillows, pillows, and more pillows. No two pillows should have to be the same, mixing scale and shape is a fun and practical way to use all the pillows you like to sleep with. Small graphic pillows can liven up a room’s attitude, giving it that final touch. Adding a nice throw or a favorite blanket at the foot of the bed, is the perfect pair of shoes to complete your look.

White and neutrals can be calming and versatile, proof that light tones are a perfect background for a splash of color. Everything needn’t be matchy matchy, layering bedding can help you combine colors and prints effortlessly. Play with scale and don’t be afraid to mix styles; repeating a bright color from other elements in the room can help connect the space.

Your bedroom will look anything but ordinary if you dare to mix it up. Creating a cool look is easy when you add the right elements to your space. Linens, pillows and throws, along with all the little personal touches; from bookends to night creams hidden away in baskets, will all make your space inviting, functional, and uniquely yours.


“For this bedroom, I chose a grey and white comforter combining dramatic stripes with pillow covers in a modern floral design. The effect is bold with a feminine touch without being too girly. Touches like the bright yellow pillow, a dramatic silver lamp and art pieces tie in the look. Don’t be afraid to showcase quirky objects like an antique fan or rustic little baskets to soften the geometric patterns throughout the room.”




6551 Westside Dr. • El Paso, TX. 79932t. 915.346.4747 • f. 915.585.9034 • [email protected]

Two TonedShams

* Article and bedroom design bySofia Orrantia of Smart Spaces


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YOU are entitled to an explana-tion of the remedies available to you when you are not satisfied with the appraised value assigned to your property. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is required to publish an explanation of remedies avail-able to taxpayers and it must include advice on preparing and presenting a protest. The Legislature further directs that copies of this document be made readily available at no cost. The first step in exercising your rights under the TAX CODE is to protest your prop-erty’s appraised value. These following steps should be addressed by local taxing units.

How to Protest Property Value:

• If the appraised district appraises your property at a higher amount than in the previous year: A. You should receive a notice by April 1st or May 1st if your property is a residential homesteadB. Notice should show how much tax you have to payC. Date and place the ARB will begin hearing protest

• What can be Protested:A. Notice of Protest may be filed at Protest; value the appraisal district placed on your property is too high, property unequally appraised, apprais-

al district denied a special appraisal, appraisal district failed to provide you with required noticesC. Must identify the protesting person claiming an ownership interest in the property, property that is subject to the protest and dissatisfaction with a determination of the appraisal district

• How to Resolve Concerns: A. Find out the process your appraisal district followsB. Demand an explanation on how the district arrived at the value of your propertyC. Be sure property description is correct and that the measurements for your property are accurate

• What is ARB?-An independent, impartial group of citizens authorized to resolve disputes between taxpayers and the appraisal district.

• When Are Protests Filed?A. 30 days after the appraisal district mails the Notice of Appraisal ValueB. ARB will notify you 15 days before your hearingC. Hearings begin around May 15th and complete around July 20th (dates may vary)

• What Steps to Take to Prepare for Protest Hearing:A. Ask questions and stick to the facts avoid emotional pleasB. Review the ARB hearing procedures C. Present your information in a simple

and well-organized mannerD. If protesting appraisal of home there are available sources such as How to Present your Case at an Appraisal Review (ARB) Hearing video and at

• What if you are Dissatisfied with the ARB’s Decision:A. You have the right to appeal the decisionB. You may appeal through binding arbitration if your property is valued at $1 million dollarsC. Must file the appeal no later than 60 after you receive the final ARB order

• What is the Comptroller’s role in the protest process?- Comptroller does not have oversight responsibility over the ARB and has no authority to investigate complaints about the ARB.

• Where can you get more information?- For more information on ARB protest process or property taxes please use the following sources:• Taxpayer Bill Of Rights• Valuing Property• Setting Rates• How to Protest• Paying Your Taxes• Appraisal Review Board Manual• Texas Property Tax Code•• Email Comptroller’s Information Ser-vices at [email protected]



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Project Name: MATOCProject Address: Albuquerque NM/El Paso TX/ Amarillo TXCounty: VariousWork Type: Seed ProjectsBid Date: February 29 2012@3 PM MSTProject Estimated Cost/Category A: $2,000-$150,000Project Estimated Cost/Category B: $150,000-1.5 millionProject Estimated Cost/Category C: $1.5 million-$10 millionContractor Bidding: XX Plans@Planit YES XX PDF XXPrebid Conference & Site Visit: January 18@ 9 AM/AVAHCSBldg 34 Rm 3409/6010 Amarillo Blvd W/ Amarillo TXOwner: Dept of Veterans AffairsProject Summary: The Department of Veterans Affairs, Veter-ans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 18 has a requirement for on-going facilities construction, alterations, and repair of building, structures and other real property at the NMVAHCS, AVAHCS and EPVAHCS. The intent of the project.

Project Name: La Clinica de la Familia Medical& Dental ClinicProject Address: 385 Calle de Alegre/Las Cruces NMCounty: Dona AnaWork Type: NewBid Date: January 27 2012@2 PM MSTProject Estimated Cost/Category: $1,700,000.00Contractor Bidding:XX Plans@Planit YES___No___ InRoute XX Prebid Conference & Site Visit: January 12@ 2 PM/on Site Ad-min. Bldg Conf Rm Owner: La Clinica de Familia Inc/POC Harriet Brandstetter CEOProject Summary: La Clinica de Familia (LCDF) is requesting Competitive Sealed Bids for the construction fo a new detached two-story Medical & Dental Clinic- Building C, at the Owner’s property and headquarters, 385 Calle de Alegre, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005.

Project Name: TXDOT Replacing Low Water CrossingProject Address: El Paso, TX.County: El PasoWork Type: ReplacementBid Date: February 6 2012@2 PM CDTProject Estimated Cost/Category: $32,281.50Contractor Bidding: XX Plans@Planit YES___No___ In-Route XX Prebid Conference & Site Visit: None ScheduledProject Manager: TXDOT/El Paso District Owner: TXDOTProject Summary: Removing Stab Base and ASPH PAV(8”)/ Conc Pvmt (Cont Reinf-Crcp) (8”)/RIPRAP (Conc) (CL B)

Project Name: YISD Classroom Remodel at Eastwood Knolls ESProject Address: El Paso, TX.County: El PasoWork Type: RemodelBid Due Date: January 13 2012@ 2 PMBid Openning: January 13 2012@2:30 PM/YISD Mission RoomProject Estimated Cost: $350,000.00Contractor Bidding: XX Plans@Planit Yes XX PDF XXPrebid Conference & Site Visit: January 4@ 9 AM/YISD Mis-sion Room Owner: Isleta Independent School DistrictProject Summary: The project consist of classroom remodel at an existing elementary school as follows: Six Classrooms and Corridor at Eastwood Knolls Elementary School in El Paso, TX.

BIDDERS1. High Ridge General Constractors Inc.2. J Carrizal General Construction.3. Medlock Commercial Contractors.4. Martinez Brothers Contractors LLC.


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