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It is time to wake up America

Please read this, research this on your own and find the truth for yourself. I write this as a wakeup call

to be shared. The moment is near, will you be prepared or shall you brush this warning aside?

We in America have an enemy within and if we do nothing we will pay for our complacency with ourown and our families blood. This will be a little long so please it is important to understand what is

going on under our noses. They are warning us shall we heed the warning? I write this so the pieces can

be put together.

First we must understand who our adversary is and their tactics. How they will use sides against others

at a moment of convenience then smite their necks when their purpose is done. Starting with the fall of 

the Ottoman Empire and the rise of a Secularist in Europe, it gave birth to a movement. The fall of the

Ottoman ended the nearly 13 century reign of terror of the Islamist from Moors to the Turks. The

Muslim Brotherhood and its charter have had only one stated purpose and goal.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 stating quote “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our

leader. Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” To the west

it has largely been ignored. But what exactly does this statement mean and what does it mean to the


To the west and its ignorance of this religion may be the roots of its downfall to it. The Brotherhood first

states “Allah is our objective.” Would it not be wise for the west to understand exactly what they

believe “Allah” wants? To do this you must look into the Koran and the Hadiths and you soon realize

that there are full of contradictions and learn that later verse abrogate earlier one. So when you hear

Muslims say that Christians and Jews are people of the book. This is from the earlier verses known as

the Mecca period. The Mecca period can be described as the earlier portion of Mohammed life. He

spent in Mecca under the protection of a rich uncle. He was trying to gather a following and simply took

traditions and teaching of Judaism and Christian beliefs and incorporated into his new religion. The

later portion of the Koran is the Medina period. This is where Mohammed after the death of his uncle

was force out of Mecca and he fled to Medina. The Verses in this portion include the verse of the

sword. You can see anger and resentment towards Christians and Jews in this portion of the Koran. I

have attached some of the later verses that abrogate the peace Mecca portion. This is the true belief of 

Islam and proves it is not a religion of peace.

Secondly they state “The Prophet is our leader.” If we examine that that clearly states that they take no

alliance to any country only to Allah. We have seen this impact our own military in recent years. In fact

Nidal Malik Hasan the Fort Hood shooter gave a 50 slide presentation about Islam and how their

religion prevents them from fulfilling their duties and swearing allegiance to anything other than Allah.

The next portion is “Qur'an is our law.”  This simply states that Sharia will be the law of the land. When

you combine that with the Muslims belief that the world must submit to Islam it takes on a whole new

meaning. We have examples of Sharia today from public beheadings practiced just as it was in AD 627,

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when Muhammad committed an atrocity against the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina.

Sharia laws cover various things from family law, government to banking. That’s right banking, Sharia

complaint banking is required to donate some proceeds to Jihad. Do not let the Muslim fool you with

the politically correct term, when we have literally thousands upon thousands of acts of violence in the

name of Jihad since 9-11.

In this portion they glorify the fight. “ Jihad is our way.” Jihad is fighting against all non-Muslims, to

bring about Islam dominance in their grand Jihad. This brings me to another thing that the west had

better learn. 9th

Surah of the Qur'an; any treaty between Muslims and Infidels is not binding on the

Muslims. This mean treaties or contracts do not have to be honored with non-Muslims.

The final part clear states what they are willing to do. “Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” 

This makes this adversary like those that the west saw in Japan in WWII. It is a fanatical adversary that

values honor in death while we simply value life. Take them at their word; they are willing to die to get

what they want. The Brotherhood and its tentacles can be found wherever you find Muslims. During

the Holy Land Trial a document was exposed that was produce by the Brotherhood and circulated

throughout the Muslim community in North America. The Document was created back in 1991, the

plan itself was approved by the “Sharia Council and the Organizational Conference” in 1987. It spells

out how they intend to bring down the west through its own hand. It spells out exactly how they would

infiltrate our very society and government. Today there are several known Muslim Brotherhood

Operatives in this White House. It is troubling to hear such news, but when you look closer could it be

that the Seal team that was killed may have been betrayed by this White House? Most American would

blow that off, but we should not. It was just too much of a coincident that the team would be struck

down like that. After all, the plan was for them to infiltrate our Government and use our own laws

against us and when possible use our intelligence against us.

The Muslim Brotherhood has several front groups operating within the US. Then there is the more

troubling issue that the Obama White House calls this Organization a Secular Organization. They are

either lying to the American people or they a totally incompetent, either way they are putting us in

danger as a result of their policies of inviting them into the Cabinet and the Department of Homeland

Security. They are flat out in bed with people who have declared war with the west.

The Left in this country thinks they can buddy up to the Islamist and will soon learn a lesson that they

were not expecting to have to learn. There is an old Arab proverb. “The enemy of my enemy Is my

friend.” But they are forgetting that or have never learned that Muslims are not bound to any

agreement made with non-Muslims. So the left joined the Brotherhood in the first “Freedom Flotilla”.

It included were Code Pink, Bernadine Dorn and William Ayers. The American union of SEIU was heavily

involved in the Arab Spring in Egypt’s uprisings. International Hedge Fund operator George Soros even

provided funding for the signage that you saw on TV. There were those that warned you are siding

with Islamist and they will take over. They brushed off those assertions. Now that Egyptians have had

their first election, the Brotherhood is now in control and working with the Military. Sharia law is too

come. The Coptic Christians are being slaughtered and the Camp David accord is about to be tossed

aside. They have even detained a son of an Obama Administration official. Islamist will use anything at

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their disposal to achieve dominance the dispose of what they no longer need.

Then there are the countless offshoots from the Muslim Brotherhood like Sheik Muburak Gilani. Gilani

from Pakistan has set up over 35 compounds across the U.S. to train Jihadist right here in the US. Why is

the media not interested in this story? Why is the government (both parties) letting this happen?

Gilani’s group is using our Prisons system as recruiting centers for Jihadist using religion as a means of 

getting his foot in the door.

The Brotherhood is but one problem that Islamist is causing for one area of concern. In a Nutshell there

are two primary sects within Islam. Sunni, which believes the leader can be taught Islam. The

Brotherhood is Sunni. Then there is the Shi’a which believes that the leader of the Islamic world needs

to be a descendent of Mohammed.

Shi’a makes up a smaller portion, but the most dangerous portion is a group within the Shi’a known as

the 12vers. What is the belief system of the 12vers that make them so dangerous for not only their own

people but the world? The murder of the 11th

Imam forced the 12th

Imam when he was a child to gointo hiding in a well. They believe the 12

thImam will return to rule the world in Armageddon. What is

really troubling is they believe they can hasten the return of the Mahdi by covering the earth in blood.

So Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad surprised not only many Westerners but also many

Iranians when, during his first speech at the United Nations, he prayed for the hasty return of the

Hidden or the Mahdi, we should heed his warnings. When the Clerics in charge of Iran Theocracy state

that they have been talking to the Mahdi, we should listen. Remember at that point it is not what you

believe, but what they believe and are willing to do to hasten the return of the Mahdi.

So when reports of  Iranians operatives are working with the Drug lords in Mexico, one would think there

would be more concerns about the border. Yet it is nothing but a political football. When you look atIran refusal to stop the development of a nuclear device and developing intercontinental missile, Iran is

a clear and present danger not only to the US. Israel and Europe are now in range and with a

government that believes the can hasten the end days, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this

is a bad situation that can only get worse. Iran tested a missile and the west believed it failed but one

analyst simply question perhaps they did not want it to go to orbit.

This brings us to an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) which would cripple any society it was fired over. It

would fry all electronics. That means no cars, no buses, no planes, no defense. What happens to the

three day food supply in stores? Are you awake? I said a three day supply, which means there will be

no shopping centers, no malls, no conveyance stores, NOTHING. You will have to fend for yourself. At

that time we will face two enemies. The enemy within that has been fostering in the Mosques across the

country and sadly our neighbors who did not heed the warning. They say we will be driven back to the


century. They say that 100 million will die within the first year due to starvation.

This is a very serious and very real threat that Iran poses to us. So when Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian

supreme leader announces “In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the

 Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated ,” What exactly is he referring to? Will our

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government, this White House that has been getting a little too friendly with the Muslim Brotherhood

even take note? What should Americans do?

It is time to stop playing POLITICS with our SAFETY. It is time we face the facts that Islamist want to kill

us. Islamists have been infiltrating the west for years and the so called Moderate Muslims do not say a

word. We know that they are on our border. We know they are within our own government. This iswhere it comes down to the individual. Americans from all walks of life and all backgrounds need to

prepare. We need to try to wake up those around us to the danger that is very near. We need to start

to prepare. This includes stock piling food. It is time to buy guns and ammo to defend what is yours and

to keep your family safe. I would strongly advise taking safety courses on guns if you have never had

one. We do not know how much time we have or if it will ever come to pass. Bu there is nothing wrong

with Prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

In closing I would like to add at which point do we charge those that run this

government in any party or non-governmental positions with at the very least

negligence if not outright treason?

The following are from the Medina portion of the Koran.

"Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorder in the landshall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter." (Sura 5.33) "O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Whoso of you makes them his friends is one of them. Allah guides not the people of theevildoers." (Sura 5.51) "Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strikeoff the very tips of their fingers!' That was because they defied Allah and His apostle. Hethat defies Allah and his apostle shall be sternly punished by Allah." (Sura 8.12-13) "In order that Allah may separate the pure from the impure, put all the impure ones [i.e.non-Muslims] one on top of another in a heap and cast them into hell. They will have

 been the ones to have lost." (Sura 8.37) "And fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshippingothers besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah alone (in the whole world). But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah) then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do." (Sura 8.39). 

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"Muster against them [i.e. non-Muslims] all the men and cavalry at your command, sothat you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besidesthem who are unknown to you but known to Allah." (Sura 8.60) 

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