
It May Be Time for New Battery

Life with your hybrid Honda had been going well for several years now.

You had been enjoying the expected savings at the pump and maintenance costs have

been routine and budget-friendly.

Then it happened: the IMA light on your vehicle’s control panel suddenly lit up, like a

bad beacon cutting through your bliss.

How Long Does Your Battery Last

Don’t panic. That IMA light (integrated motor assist) is merely reminding you of the hard fact that your hybrid’s battery does not

last for the lifetime of your vehicle.

Honda Insight hybrids, for example, have been on the road for over a decade now, so

it’s not surprising that to keep your aging hybrid rolling down the highway; you can

expect to invest in a new battery pack.

If your IMA light has indeed turned on, the first thing you probably want to do is check

for any available warranties that might apply to your vehicle.

Honda, like most hybrid automakers, has become much more lenient in recent years as far as covering battery replacement as long as the IMA light indicates there is a


Several automakers have started to come out with greatly extended battery warranties

in the past year, with some even providing lifetime warranties.

Is Your Battery Old

But if you have racked up quite a number of miles on your Honda already, or you have an older model, you are less likely to find help

shouldering the cost.

The important thing to watch for when it comes time to replace your Honda Civic or

Insight battery, is quality of your replacement.

You will be hard-pressed to find a quality battery replacement for less than about


The challenging part is, you can also get stuck with a battery of dubious quality.

Many services offering battery replacement for your Honda hybrid will actually install used, refurbished, rebuilt or re-balanced


Its All About The Battery

When it comes time to replace your hybrid’s battery, either because your IMA light has come on or you have seen performance deteriorate,

look for battery replacement that guarantees new cells throughout, not just refurbished parts.

Also, look for a service that offers a warranty for your new battery.

Beware of battery replacement services that won’t guarantee new parts and offer no


Invest wisely in your hybrid’s continued years of performance.

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