Page 1: It Only Takes a Minute

It only takes a minute..


Calke convestival 16 May 2012

(followed on from Dan Rose’s Ok Computer workshop)

Casey Morrison

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• Lots of people have heard of microvolunteering..

• Few people have done it

• Few people know how to define it

• We said: “convenient, bitesized, crowdsourced, and networked managed” (definition by Sparked)

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What are others doing..?

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How would this work in NT..?

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Video explaining microvolunteering

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There are LOTS of platforms..

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There are LOTS of platforms..

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There are LOTS of platforms..

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There are LOTS of platforms..

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There are LOTS of platforms..

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There are LOTS of platforms..

• Do we need a platform?

• How would it help our work in properties..?

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What if we start with what we’ve got..?

• In groups, please write a NT role profile for The Queen.

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Now - what about having exactly the same qualities, but spread across 100 people..?

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Next steps..?

• We have 27 million people who want to help us with our work

• We have lists of micro tasks by property• We have lists of micro tasks which can be done

online• We can use our existing communication tools to

connect the two!

• We need to work on ‘letting go’• We need to work on people self-managing their

volunteering if we never meet them

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There’s some excellent examples already happening in properties:

• text reporting broken fences • leaflet collection & distribution points • Help setting up facebook accounts• Focus groups & polls via twitter

• Your volunteers will help you..!

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