Download - ITALY






• Officially the Italian Republic

• The capital city is Rome

• The president is Giorgio Napolitano

• With 61 million inhabitants, it is the 5th most populous country in Europe.

• Literacy rate is 98%

• Their religion is mostly catholic.

• About 96 percent of the population of Italy is Italian, though there are many other ethnicities that live in this country.


• Italian culture is steeped in the arts, family, architecture, music and food.

• The official language of the country is Italian. About 93 percent of the Italian population speaks Italian as native language, according to the BBC. There are a number of dialects of the language spoken in the country, including Sardinian, Friulian, Neapolitan, Sicilian, Ligurian, Piedmontese, Venetian and Calabrian. Milanese is also spoken in Milan.

• Family is an extremely important value within the Italian culture.Their family solidarity is focused on extended family rather than the west's idea of "the nuclear family" of just a mom, dad and kids.

• Italians have frequent family gatherings and enjoy spending time with those in their family. Children are reared to remain close to the family upon adulthood.

• The major religion in Italy is Roman Catholicism. This is not surprising as Vatican City is located in the heart of Rome. Roman Catholics make up 90 percent of the population while the other 10 percent is composed of Protestant, Jewish and a growing Muslim immigrant community.

• Italy has given rise to a number of architectural styles, including classical Roman, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical. Italy is home to some of the most famous structures in the world, including Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.Florence, Venice and Rome are home to many museums, but art can be viewed in churches and public buildings.

• Opera has its roots in Italy and many famous operas.

• Italy is home to a number of world-renowned fashion houses, including Armani, Gucci, Benetton, Versace and Prada.

• Italian cuisine has influenced food culture around the world and is viewed as a form of art by many. Wine, cheese and pasta are important part of Italian meals. Pasta comes in a wide range of shapes, widths and lengths, including penne, spaghetti, linguine, fusilli and lasagna. No one area of Italy eats the same things as the next. Each region has its own spin on "Italian food," according to CNN. For example, most of the foods that Americans view as Italian, such as spaghetti and pizza, come from central Italy. In the North of Italy, fish, potatoes, rice, sausages, pork and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with tomatoes are popular, as are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto. In the South, dishes are dominated by tomatoes, either served fresh or cooked into sauce, and also includes capers, peppers, olives and olive oil, garlic, artichokes, eggplant and ricotta cheese.


• The traditional Italian breakfast (prima colazconsists of coffee with bread or rolls, butter, and jam and cookies are commonly eaten. Other products such as breakfast cereals, fruit salad, muesli and yogurt are becoming increasingly common as part of the meal. However the traditional Italian breakfast varies by region and by season.


• Lunch is traditionally regarded as the most important meal. Most shops traditionally close down in the pausa pranzo (lunch break) between 13:00 and 16:00. In most schools, children are given a lunch break when they can go home for lunch, or eat at the school cafeteria.A typical Italian lunch consists of a first course (pasta, rice or similar), a second course (meat, fish or vegetables) and fruit.


• Many children and adults have a mid-afternoon snack called merenda, generally consumed after school or in mid-afternoon. This may include a wide variety of foods. Traditionally, merenda was similar to breakfast, and might have consisted of a hot milky drink with bread and honey/jam.nevertheless, other foods are eaten, such as yogurt, gelato, granita, fruit salad (or just fruit), nuts, biscuits and cookies, cake, sweets.


• Dinner is usually a light meal in Italy. For cena, people tend to have lighter food, such as soup, broth, salad, cold meats, or the leftovers from lunch.

• Italy is home to some of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world, and Italian wines are known worldwide for their broad variety.

• There are also other famous drinks like Limoncello, Amaretto, Martini, Sambuka.


1 January New Years Day

6 January Epiphany

25 Aprıl Liberation Day

1 May International Workers Day

2 June Republic Day

15 August Assumption Day

1 November All Saits' Day

8 December Immaculate Conception

25 December Christmas Day

26 December St. Stephen's Day


• Education in Italy is compulsory from 6 to 16 years of age.

• It is devided into 5 stages: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and university.

• Italy has both public and private education systems.


• When someone says something that doesnt make much sense to you

• When there is nothing to do about a situation

• When you want to gossip about a maybe couple

• When you are not interested in something someone is telling you

• When someone is afraid

• When you want to signal to someone to calm down

• When something has gone smoothly, without any complications

• When you want to leave or want someone to get out of your sight

• F**K OFF.No need for an explanation here



• The Corriere della Sera is an Italian daily newspaper published in Milan with an average daily circulation of 358,000 copies.

• La Repubblica is an Italian daily general-interest newspaper. Born as a radical/socialist newspaper, it has since moderated to a centre-left political stance.

• La Gazzetta dello Sport is an Italian newspaper dedicated to coverage of various sports.


• The internet usege rate in Itali is 57%. Italians use mobile internet 2.2 hours and use internet on laptops or ps’ 4,7 hours per a day.

• The usage of social media is 47% in Italy and Italians are the most active social meadia users with 2 hours in the world.


• Sky Italia

• Mediaset

• RAI (Radio Televisione Italiana)

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