Page 1: Italy commercial Real Estate: Investment Transactions 2013

Italy Commercial Real Estate

Disclaimer !Le informazioni contenute nel presente documento derivano da una pura attività di monitoring e raccolta dati, e successive elaborazioni. Le informazioni inerenti transazioni immobiliari avvenute nel periodo di riferimento sono tutte pubbliche e non riservate. La decisione di includere od escludere singole transazioni dal presente documento è del tutto discrezionale. È possibile che transazioni avvenute nel periodo di riferimento non siano state ricomprese poiché rese pubbliche soltanto successivamente alla data di pubblicazione; le stesse potranno essere quindi incluse nel documento del periodo successivo. Questo bollettino viene prodotto a fini puramente informativi. Nonostante lo sforzo per assicurare la massima accuratezza del documento, nessuna responsabilità diretta o indiretta verrà assunta con riguardo all’uso dei dati in esso contenuto. !The information included in this report are part of a monitoring and data collection process, and following elaboration. The information about the real estate transaction occurred in the reference period are all public and not confidential. The decision to include or exclude a specific transaction from the report is purely discretional. It is possible that transactions occurred in the specific period are not included because made of public domain only after the publishing of the report, and they could be included in the report referring to the next period. This bulletin is for general informative purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, no direct or indirect liability will be accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from its use.

Investment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

Page 2: Italy commercial Real Estate: Investment Transactions 2013


Italy Commercial Real Estate Investment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

Vengono incluse transazioni riguardanti acquisto/vendita di immobili o partecipazioni (totalitaria o parziale, in veicoli societari la cui attività esclusiva è la detenzione di immobili), quando viene trovata evidenza della sottoscrizione di contratti definitivi o contratti preliminari vincolanti. I dati riferiti ai periodi precedenti potrebbero differire da quanto riportato nel precedente report, poiché aggiornati dopo la pubblicazione dei prezzi relativi transazioni avvenute in tali periodi e già riportate, e di cui non era ancora stato reso noto il valore.

Transaction Volume

The report includes transactions related to Asset Deal or Share Deal (total or partial interest, when the vehicle’s exclusive activity is the ownership of real estate assets), when evidence is obtained about the signing of a Final Sale & Purchase Agreement or of a Binding Preliminary Contract. Numbers related to previous periods could differ from the one included in the previous report, as they has been updated after the publication of the prices for transactions occurred in these periods and already recorded, and for which at that time the transaction value was not of public domain yet.

Quarters – in € million 2013 2012 delta same Q 2012 previous Q delta previous Q

Q1 847.1 1,074.8 -21% 384.5 +120%

Q2 1,409.2 884.2 +67% 847.1 +66%

Q3 585.9 602.5 -3% 1,409.2 -58%

Q4 1,736.6 384.5 +352% 585.9 +196%

Total 4,578.8 2,906.0 +58%

Il dato riferito a Q1, Q2 e Q3 2013 è superiore a quanto riportato nel precedente report poiché è stato inserito il valore di operazioni rese note o stimate solo successivamente alla pubblicazione del report.L’operazione Beni Stabili – INPS su L’Aquila, del valore di €20m, non viene considerata nel Q4 2013 in quanto già inclusa nel report 2012. Il totale 2013 include, oltre all’operazione Hines – Qatar su Porta Nuova, tre grossi deals ove sono passate di mano quote di fondi immobiliari: - Fondo Boccaccio (Futura Fund SICAV – Aedes / Cordea Savills) valutata circa €230m- 52% Fondo Krypton (Immochan - Morgan Stanley per circa €325m- Fondo Clarice (GWM - Europæiske Ejendomme Holding) per €220mInoltre e’ stato inserito il valore del preliminare tra Klepierre e Carrefour limitato ai 7 assets italiani, valutati circa €221.1mRicordiamo poi che il totale 2012 andrebbe aumentato di circa €85.2m (tot. c. €2.99m) poiché sono state registrate 5 nuove operazioni (vedi elenco allegato) chiuse nel 2012 ma di cui si è trovata evidenza solo dopo la pubblicazione durante il 2013 di bilanci e rendiconti ufficiali da parte dei soggetti interessati.

Q1, Q2 and Q3 2013 figures are higher than the ones inserted in the previous report as it has been added the value of some deals (both in Rome – see attached list), disclosed or estimated only after the publishing of the report.The Beni Stabili – INPS deal in L’Aquila for €20m is not considered in Q4 2013, as already included in the 2012 report.Total for 2013 includes, in addition to the Hines – Qatar transaction on Porta Nuova, three big deals where quotas of real estate funds have beed exchanged: - Fondo Boccaccio (Futura Fund SICAV – Aedes / Cordea Savills) valued circa €230m - 52% Fondo Krypton (Immochan - Morgan Stanley for about €325m - Fondo Clarice (GWM - Europæiske Ejendomme Holding) valued €220m Furthermore it has been included the value of the preliminary agreement between Klepierre e Carrefour limited to the 7 Italian, estimated circa €221.1m Please note that total for 2012 should be increased by c. €85.2m (tot. c. €2.99m) as 5 new deals have been recorded (see attached list), closed in 2012 but with evidences found only after the publishing during 2013 of official financial accounts by the relevant parties.

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Italy Commercial Real EstateInvestment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

Transaction Volume per Asset Class

Q4 2013Amount in

€ m in % Q4 2012

Office 156 9.0% 297.9

Retail 1,403.7 80.8% 0

Residential 0 0.0% 7.5

Industrial 0 0.0% 0

Hotel 73.7 4.2% 9.6

Mixed-Use/Other 103.6 6.0% 69.4

Total 1,736.6 100.0% 384.4

Full 2013Amount in

€ m in % Full 2012

Office 821.2 17.9% 725.9

Retail 2,071.4 45.2% 848.7

Residential 4 0.1% 13.9

Industrial 245.3 5.4% 14.8

Hotel 448.7 9.8% 871.1

Mixed-Use/Other 998.2 21.6% 431.6

Total 4,578,8 100.0% 2,906.0

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Italy Commercial Real EstateInvestment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

Geographical Distribution

€ m Amount Q4 2013 % Amount Full 2013 %

North 935.1 53.85% 2,736.6 59.8%

Center 2.3 0.13% 740.8 16.2%

South 15.1 0.87% 97.3 2.1%

Nationwide 784.1 45.15% 1,004.1 21.9%

total 1,736.6 100.0% 4,578.8 100.0%

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Italy Commercial Real EstateInvestment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

Other Statistics

Number of Transactions

Average Transaction Size €m

Deals with Real Estate Fund (YTD, seller or buyer)

2013 same Q 2012 previous Q

Q1 22 27 11

Q2 17 11 22

Q3 12 21 17

Q4 27 11 12

TOT 78 70

€ m 2013 same Q 2012 previous Q

Q1 38.5 39.8 35.0

Q2 82.9 76.7 38.5

Q3 48.8 28.7 82.9

Q4 64.3 35.0 48.8

TOT 58.7 41.5

Year Nr% on Total

Number €m

% on Total Amount

YTDAverage €m

2011 57 61% 1,703.7 48.8% 29.9

2012 35 48% 891.4 30.2% 25.5!2013 40 51% 2,738.1 59.8% 68.5

Full Year Average value excluding 2007 €m 4,560

Full Year Average valueincluding 2007 €m 4,965

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Italy Commercial Real EstateInvestment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

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Italy Commercial Real EstateInvestment Transactions Q4 & full 2013

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