
It’s never too late

to study abroad!



iiBeing in the field of education, I

know it well that there are a lot of

learners who find it really difficult

to cope up with the commitments

needed for earning a degree. They

often dream about getting a degree

to further in their career graph but

they do not really know about the right path to take to achieve their

dream. For them, it really becomes tough to juggle between works,

other family engagements, and study all at the same time. So, I

have finally come to the conclusion that online learning can be their

helping hand.

Last week I was browsing through the web and suddenly my eyes

got stuck into an article by Amy Dresser, who is a freelance travel

writer and also runs a blog on the web along with her boyfriend.

While going through her write-up, “How I went international for

Grad school and why you should too”, I understood that it is not

necessary to leave your present work to gain a degree which you

have wanted forever. Although Amy had something else to say, I

guess my thoughts on online learning could easily be attached to

her thoughts.

Amy’s way of earning the degree!

iiiAmy always wanted to earn a degree from abroad but she could

never do that. She switched jobs, travelled to places and finally she

applied for a Master’s degree in five different places in UK and spent

three years in earning her dream

Master’s degree. She wanted to get a

degree from UK and it happened for

her! Like many other learners, Amy too

believed UK to be one of the education

hub of the world and she was lucky to

have got the degree from the place

which she had adored for long. She travelled in UK, she visited

different places and the US Federal Loans didn’t even burn a hole in

her pocket for getting the degree.

For Amy, her stay at UK was one of the best things which happened

to her till now. She got to meet various international learners, she

learnt a lot about the British culture and travelled to places which

are absolutely gorgeous! Amy could travel to UK and fulfil her

dream of getting a degree from there, but what about them who do

not find it feasible to travel to UK for various reasons?

My way of earning a degree abroad!

ivI often talk to a lot of learners

from around the globe and

almost all of them have one thing

in common to say to me, it is that

they want to get a degree from

UK, a place where there are a

number of reputed universities

available. But most of them also

tell me that due to some

unavoidable circumstances, they cannot apply to these universities

as moving to UK would mean a lot of financial strain, leaving home

and family behind and also leaving work in some cases. So, for

them, I think online education can be a good choice!

Amy was lucky that she could travel to UK to get her degree but not

everyone is as lucky as her. So, for them, an online degree from a

UK university might do the wonders. Simply search through the

best online degree providers in UK, connect to them and apply to

the course you wish to pursue, and bingo! You will get the degree in

just a few months time! UK is quite famous for serving online

university degrees to the learners worldwide.

I know that moving to UK is not thatv

easy for many of my learners and so I

often suggest them about going for an

online course. They know that I will

never advice them anything wrong and

so, not only to my students but I would

suggest online degree courses to all the

learners who wish to get a degree from

an university which is far off and moving there isn’t feasible for


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