Page 1: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Jacqueline Du Plessis Jacqueline Du Plessis

Latin ProjectLatin Project

Page 2: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Parish RegisterParish Register

What?What? Baptism Record of Catholic Baptism Record of Catholic ChurchChurch

From?From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, PolandPoland

Place?Place? All Saints Parish in Gliwice, All Saints Parish in Gliwice, Katowice Poland.Katowice Poland.

(Previously Gleiwitz, Silesia, Germany)(Previously Gleiwitz, Silesia, Germany) Date?Date? 1605 1605 Languages:Languages: Latin (Polish & German) Latin (Polish & German)

Page 3: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All
Page 4: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Events 1605 Events 1605 April 13April 13 - Tsar - Tsar Boris GodunowBoris Godunow dies - dies - Feodor IIFeodor II accedes to the throne accedes to the throne May 16May 16 - - Paul VPaul V becomes becomes PopePope June 1June 1 - Russian troops in - Russian troops in MoscowMoscow imprison imprison Feodor IIFeodor II and his mother. and his mother.

They are later executed They are later executed June 20June 20 - Pretender - Pretender DmitriDmitri and his supporters march to and his supporters march to MoscowMoscow July 30July 30 - Pretender Dmitri is crowned - Pretender Dmitri is crowned tsartsar Dmitri IIDmitri II September 27September 27 - Swedish armies defeated by the - Swedish armies defeated by the

Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the in the Battle of KircholmBattle of Kircholm November 5November 5 - - Gunpowder PlotGunpowder Plot: A plot by to blow up the English : A plot by to blow up the English

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament is foiled when Sir is foiled when Sir Thomas KnyvetThomas Knyvet, a justice of , a justice of the peace, finds the peace, finds Guy FawkesGuy Fawkes in a cellar below the Parliament building in a cellar below the Parliament building and orders a search of the area. About 20 barrels of and orders a search of the area. About 20 barrels of gunpowdergunpowder were were found and Fawkes was arrested for trying to kill King found and Fawkes was arrested for trying to kill King James I of EnglandJames I of England and the members who were scheduled to sit and the members who were scheduled to sit together in Parliament the next day. together in Parliament the next day.

Polish troops occupy Polish troops occupy MoscowMoscow Miguel CervantesMiguel Cervantes' ' Don QuixoteDon Quixote is published. is published. Pope Leo XIPope Leo XI is elected, but dies before the year is out. is elected, but dies before the year is out. Tokugawa IeyasuTokugawa Ieyasu abdicates as abdicates as shogunshogun of Japan, becoming Ogosho. of Japan, becoming Ogosho.

His son Tokugawa Hidetada succeeds him to the office. His son Tokugawa Hidetada succeeds him to the office. English colony founded on Barbados English colony founded on Barbados French Huguenot refugees settle in Dublin and Waterford French Huguenot refugees settle in Dublin and Waterford De Nieuwe Tijdinghen, Dutch proto-newspaperDe Nieuwe Tijdinghen, Dutch proto-newspaper

Page 5: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 17th and 18th Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 17th and 18th centurycentury

Page 6: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Rzeczpospolita PolskaRzeczpospolita Polska.. Pola


Page 7: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

POLANDPOLAND Country in central Europe In the 16th Century Poland was on one of the most

powerful and richest country in Europe because of the Jagiellon royal dynasty.

Officially a republic since 1995 Population almost 40 million 16 Provinces Almost entirely Polish speaking Roman Catholic major religious affiliation/creed Many Universities Nature: ocean, mountains, fauna, floraNature: ocean, mountains, fauna, flora History: old towns, museumsHistory: old towns, museums Homeland of:Homeland of: Chopin Chopin Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II

Page 8: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

16 Provinces

Page 9: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Gliwice, Katowice, PolandGliwice, Katowice, Poland

Page 10: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

GliwiceGliwice South West Poland South West Poland Industrial city: A coal-mining and steel-Industrial city: A coal-mining and steel-

making center of the Katowice region.making center of the Katowice region. Busy port on the Gliwice Canal - access Busy port on the Gliwice Canal - access

to the Baltic Sea via the Oder the Baltic Sea via the Oder River. Ceded by Austria to Prussia in 1742, Ceded by Austria to Prussia in 1742,

returned to Poland after World War II. returned to Poland after World War II. Approx. 200 000 inhabitantsApprox. 200 000 inhabitants

Page 11: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All
Page 12: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All
Page 13: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

TranscriptionTranscriptionAnno 1605

20 die Mensis Februarii P. Laurentius Zelosko Baptisauit filium Matthum Johannis Zagian Et Anna[e] coniugis. Comp[at]res Valentinus G(igsk)a et Barbara Minarska.

25 euisdem mensis Idem P. Laurenti[us] baptizauit Agnieszakam Joannis Strapek et Reginae coniugis euis. Compatres Adamus institor Rector Rattborem et Dorothea Stephetii.

1a Martii Idem qui supra Baptizauit filiam Susannam Gregorii Keilbassa et Dorothea[e] conuigum de villa advocati. Comp[at]res Martinus Bathoc et Magdelina Weyłowa de Villa advocati.

2đa die eiusdem mensis idem q[ui] sup[ra] Bapti[zauit] filiam Gregorii Balezercik et Anna[e] coniugum de Villa advocati. Comp[at]res Simon Simula et Anna Skolutkora de eadem Villa.

9 die eiusdem mensis Idem su[pra] Lauren[tio] Bapt[tizauit] Gregorium Gregorii Textoris et Barbara[e] Coniugum. Comp[at]res Joannes Strapok, Heduigis Croslinna Gliuicen[sis]

10 die e[u]i[s]dem mensis idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filium Albertum Andrea Buzi et Agnitis Conuig[um] de Villa Lgotta. Comp[at]res

Stanislaw Scislowicz , et Agnis Fichona de eadem Villa.

Page 14: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Transcription continued…Transcription continued…

Eadem die euisdem mensis idem q[ui] supra bapt[izauit] filiam Marianna[m] Jacobi Koroel et Margarethae coniugum. Comp[at]r[e]s Tisches Compenators Gliuicen[sis] et Anna Romaskorsa Gliuicen[sis]

11 die e[u]i[s]dem mensis idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiam Annam Simonis Svensk et Agnitis Coniugum. Comp[at]r[e]s Aasparus Gievebuch et Susanna Bzrezinka Gliuicen[sis]

18 Martii idem q[ui] supra baptizauit filiam Armarm Stamslas Russek et Lucia coniugum. Comp[at]res Felix Zamicsky Nobilis di Villa Zabrda et Elizabeth Obeslawa de Gliuicen[sis]

25 Martii idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiu[m] (Stephanum) Petri Kloss et Regina[e] Coniugum. Comp[at]res Regula et Regina Podgorska Gliuicen[sis]

29 Mart[us] idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] Susanna Joannis Cziesla et Susanna Coniugum. Comp[at]res Stanislaw Dziedziak et Cathrina Farburka Gliuicen[sis]

Page 15: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All


1st Person Ind Indicitive

2nd Person Ab Ablative

3rd Person Ac Accusitive

TENSE Dat Dative

Present Gen Genative

Imperfect Voc Vocative

Future VOICE

Perfect Act Active

Pluperfect Pass Passive

Future Perfect

Perf pass part ibid See above


M Masculine

F Faminine

Nut Neuter

Part Participle

V Verb

Prep Preposition

Conj Conjunction

Adv Adverb

Num Numerals

N Noun

Pr Pronoun

Adj Adjective













Sub Subjenctive

Ind Indicative

Imp Imperative

Inf Infinitive


S Singular

P Plural

Dec Declention

Cong Congugation


Page 16: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

PARSINGPARSING Anno ………………………………………………………................Anno ………………………………………………………................ N, 2nd Decl, M, S, AblN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Abl 1605…………………………………………………………………………1605………………………………………………………………………… Cardinal NumCardinal Num 20…………………………………………………………………………… 20…………………………………………………………………………… Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time)Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time) die ………………………………………………………………………… N, 5th Decl, F, S, Abl (time)die ………………………………………………………………………… N, 5th Decl, F, S, Abl (time) Mensis ……………………………………………………………………Mensis …………………………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, M, S, GenN, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen Februaii …………………………………………………………………..Februaii ………………………………………………………………….. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, GenN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen P. Laurentius …………………………………………………………….P. Laurentius ……………………………………………………………. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom Zelosko ……………………………………………………………………Zelosko …………………………………………………………………… ibidibid Baptisavit ………………………………………………………………V, 1st Conj, S, 3, Ind, Act, PerfBaptisavit ………………………………………………………………V, 1st Conj, S, 3, Ind, Act, Perf filium ………………………………………………………………………filium ……………………………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, AccN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Acc Matthium …………………………………………………………………Matthium ………………………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, AccN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Acc Johannis ……………………………………………………………N 3Johannis ……………………………………………………………N 3rdrd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ Matthum Decl, M, S, Gen w/ Matthum ZagianZagian ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Et ………………………………………………………………......……..Et ………………………………………………………………......…….. Conj Conj Anna[e]……………………………………………………….......N, 1Anna[e]……………………………………………………….......N, 1stst Decl, F, S, Gen w/ Matthum Decl, F, S, Gen w/ Matthum coniugis …………………………………………………………………..coniugis ………………………………………………………………….. N, 3rd Decl, F , S, GenN, 3rd Decl, F , S, Gen comp[at]res …………………………………………………………….comp[at]res ……………………………………………………………. N, 3rd Decl, C, P, NomN, 3rd Decl, C, P, Nom Valentinus ……………………………………………………………..Valentinus …………………………………………………………….. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom G_______ ………………………………………………………………G_______ ……………………………………………………………… ibidibid et ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….. ConjConj Barbara ………………………………………………………………….Barbara …………………………………………………………………. N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Minarska……………………………………………………………..….. Minarska……………………………………………………………..….. ibidibid

Page 17: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… 25 …………………………………………………………………………Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time)25 …………………………………………………………………………Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time) euisdem …….…………………………………………………..……..euisdem …….…………………………………………………..…….. Definitive Pr, M, S, GenDefinitive Pr, M, S, Gen mensis ……………………………………………………………..…….mensis ……………………………………………………………..……. N, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen N, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen Idem ……………………………………………………………………..Idem …………………………………………………………………….. Definitive Pr, M, S, GenDefinitive Pr, M, S, Gen P. Laurenti[us] ……………………………………………………….P. Laurenti[us] ………………………………………………………. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom baptizauit …………………………………………………..baptizauit ………………………………………………….. ………….. ………….. ibidibid Agnieszakam ………………………………………………………....Agnieszakam ……………………………………………………….... N, 1st Decl, F, S, AccN, 1st Decl, F, S, Acc Joannis …………………………………………………………….N, 3nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ AgnisJoannis …………………………………………………………….N, 3nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ Agnis StrapekStrapek …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. ibidibid et ……………………………………………………………….…………et ……………………………………………………………….………… ibidibid Reginae …………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ AgnisReginae …………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ Agnis coniugis …………………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, F , S, Gen coniugis …………………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, F , S, Gen eius …………………………………………………………………..Possessive Pr, M,S ,Gen (Agnis)eius …………………………………………………………………..Possessive Pr, M,S ,Gen (Agnis) compatres ……………………………………………………………….compatres ………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Adamus ………………………………………………………………….Adamus …………………………………………………………………. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom Institor …………………………………………………………………..Institor ………………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Rector ……………………………………………………………………Rector …………………………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, M, S, GenN, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen Rattborum ……………………………………………………………Rattborum …………………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom et …………………………………………………………………………. et …………………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Dorothea…………………………………………………………………Dorothea………………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Stephetii.…………………………………………………………………Stephetii.………………………………………………………………… ibidibid

Page 18: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… 1a ………………………………………………………………………….1a …………………………………………………………………………. Ordinal Num, M, S, Abl Ordinal Num, M, S, Abl

(time)(time) MartiiMartii …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. N, 3rd Decl, M, S, GenN, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen Idem ……………………………………………………………………..Idem …………………………………………………………………….. Definitive Pr, M, S, GenDefinitive Pr, M, S, Gen

qui ………………………………………………………………………..qui ……………………………………………………………………….. Relative Pro, M, S, NomRelative Pro, M, S, Nom supra……………………………………………………………………….supra………………………………………………………………………. AdvAdv Baptizauit………………………………………………….……………..Baptizauit………………………………………………….…………….. ibidibid filiam ………………………………………………………………………filiam ……………………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, AccN, 1st Decl, F, S, Acc Susannam………………………………………………………………..Susannam……………………………………………………………….. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, AccN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Acc Gregorii ……………………………………………………………N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ SusannaGregorii ……………………………………………………………N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ Susanna KeilbassaKeilbassa ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ibidibid et………………………………………………………………………. ….et………………………………………………………………………. …. ibidibid Dorothea[e] ………………………………………………………. N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ SusannaDorothea[e] ………………………………………………………. N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ Susanna coniugum………………………………………………………………..coniugum……………………………………………………………….. N, 3rd Decl, C, Pl, GenN, 3rd Decl, C, Pl, Gen de ………………………………………………………………………….de …………………………………………………………………………. Prep, AbPrep, Ab villa ……………………………………………………………………….villa ………………………………………………………………………. N, 1st Decl, F, S, AblN, 1st Decl, F, S, Abl advocati ………………………………………………………..……….advocati ………………………………………………………..………. N, 3rd Decl, M, S, GenN, 3rd Decl, M, S, Gen Comp[at]res ……………………………………………………………Comp[at]res …………………………………………………………… ibidibid Martinus ………………………………………………………………….Martinus …………………………………………………………………. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom Bathoc ……………………………………………………………………..Bathoc …………………………………………………………………….. ibidibid et …………………………………………………………………………….et ……………………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Magdelina ………………………………………………………………..Magdelina ……………………………………………………………….. N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Weyłowa …………………………………………………………………Weyłowa ………………………………………………………………… ibidibid de ………………………………………………………………….…… ………………………………………………………………….…….. ibidibid Villa ………………………………………………………………..……..Villa ………………………………………………………………..…….. ibidibid advocati.…………………………………………………………………..advocati.………………………………………………………………….. ibidibid

Page 19: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… 2đa ………………………………………………………………..2đa ……………………………………………………………….. Ordinal Num, M, S, Abl (time)Ordinal Num, M, S, Abl (time) die ………………………………………………………………..die ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid eiusdem …………………………………………………………eiusdem ………………………………………………………… ibidibid mensis …………………………………………………………mensis ………………………………………………………… ibidibid idem ………………………………………………………………idem ……………………………………………………………… ibidibid q[ui] ……………………………………………………………….q[ui] ………………………………………………………………. ibidibid sup[ra] ……………………………………………………………sup[ra] …………………………………………………………… ibidibid Bapti[zauit] ……………………………………………………..Bapti[zauit] …………………………………………………….. ibidibid filiam ……………………………………………………………..filiam …………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Gregorii …………………………………………………………..Gregorii …………………………………………………………..N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/

filiamfiliam BalezercikBalezercik ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ibidibid et ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Anna[e] …………………………………………………………Anna[e] ………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ filiamN, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ filiam coniugum ………………………………………………………coniugum ……………………………………………………… ibidibid de ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Villa ……………………………………………………………….Villa ………………………………………………………………. ibidibid advocati …………………………………………………………advocati ………………………………………………………… ibidibid Comp[at]res ……………………………………………………… Comp[at]res ……………………………………………………… ibidibid Simon ……………………………………………………………Simon …………………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom Simula ……………………………………………………………Simula …………………………………………………………… ibidibid et ………………………………………………………………….et …………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Anna ………………………………………………………………Anna ………………………………………………………………N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Skolutkora ……………………………………………………… Skolutkora ……………………………………………………… ibidibid de ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid eadem ……………………………………………………………eadem …………………………………………………………… Definitive Pro, F, S, GenDefinitive Pro, F, S, Gen Villa. ………………………………………………………………Villa. ……………………………………………………………… ibidibid

Page 20: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… 9 …………………………………………………………………..9 ………………………………………………………………….. Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl

(time)(time) die ……………………………………………………………….. die ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid eiusdem …………………………………………………………eiusdem ………………………………………………………… ibidibid mensis ……………………………………………………………mensis …………………………………………………………… ibidibid Idem ………………………………………………………………Idem ……………………………………………………………… ibidibid su[pra] ……………………………………………………………su[pra] …………………………………………………………… ibidibid Lauren[tius] …………………………………………………….. Lauren[tius] …………………………………………………….. ibidibid Bapt[tizauit] ………………………………………………………Bapt[tizauit] ……………………………………………………… ibidibid Gregorium ……………………………………………………… Gregorium ……………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, AccN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Acc Gregorii …………………………………………………………N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ Gregorii …………………………………………………………N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/

GregoryGregory TextorisTextoris …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ibidibid et ………………………………………………………………….et …………………………………………………………………. ibidibid Barbara[e] ……………………………………………………N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/ Barbara[e] ……………………………………………………N, 1st Decl, F, S, Gen w/

GregoryGregory coniugum ………………………………………………………coniugum ……………………………………………………… ibidibid comp[at]res ……………………………………………………… comp[at]res ……………………………………………………… ibidibid Joannes ………………………………………………………….. Joannes ………………………………………………………….. N, 3rd Decl, M, S, N, 3rd Decl, M, S,

NomNom Strapok, …………………………………………………………Strapok, ………………………………………………………… ibidibid Heduigis …………………………………………………………Heduigis ………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Croslinna …………………………………………………………Croslinna ………………………………………………………… ibidibid Gliuicen[sis] ………………………………………………………Gliuicen[sis] ……………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, M, S, N, 3rd Decl, M, S,


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PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… 10 …………………………………………………………………..10 ………………………………………………………………….. Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time)Ordinal Num, F, S, Abl (time) die ……………………………………………………………….. die ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid e[u]i[s]dem…………………………………………………………e[u]i[s]dem………………………………………………………… ibidibid mensis ……………………………………………………………mensis …………………………………………………………… ibidibid idem ………………………………………………………………..idem ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid q[ui] ………………………………………………………………..q[ui] ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid sup[ra] ……………………………………………………………sup[ra] …………………………………………………………… ibidibid bapt[izauit] ………………………………………………………bapt[izauit] ……………………………………………………… V, V, ibidibid filium ……………………………………………………………… filium ……………………………………………………………… ibidibid Albertum ………………………………………………………… Albertum ………………………………………………………… ibidibid Andrei ……………………………………………………………Andrei …………………………………………………………… N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/ N, 2nd Decl, M, S, Gen w/

AlbertAlbert BuziBuzi ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid et ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Agnitis ……………………………………………………………Agnitis …………………………………………………………… N, 3rd Decl, F, S, Gen w/ N, 3rd Decl, F, S, Gen w/

AlbertAlbert Conuig[um] ………………………………………………………Conuig[um] ……………………………………………………… ibidibid de ……………………………………………………………….. de ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Villa ………………………………………………………………..Villa ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Lgotta ……………………………………………………………..Lgotta …………………………………………………………….. N, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom N, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom comp[at]res……………………………………………………….comp[at]res………………………………………………………. ibidibid Stanislaw………………………………………………………….Stanislaw…………………………………………………………. N, 2nd Decl, M, S, NomN, 2nd Decl, M, S, Nom Scislowicz ……………………………………………………….Scislowicz ………………………………………………………. ibidibid et ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. ibidibid Agnis ………………………………………………………………Agnis ……………………………………………………………… N, 1st Decl, F, S, NomN, 1st Decl, F, S, Nom Fichona …………………………………………………………..Fichona ………………………………………………………….. ibidibid de ………………………………………………………………….de …………………………………………………………………. ibidibid eadem …………………………………………………………….eadem ……………………………………………………………. ibidibid Villa. ……………………………………………………………….Villa. ………………………………………………………………. ibidibid

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PARSING Cont…PARSING Cont… Eadem die euisdem mensis idem q[ui] supra bapt[izauit] filiam Eadem die euisdem mensis idem q[ui] supra bapt[izauit] filiam

Marianna[m] Jacobi Marianna[m] Jacobi Koroal Koroal et Margarethae coniugum comp[at]r[e]s et Margarethae coniugum comp[at]r[e]s Tisches Tisches CompehatorsCompehators Gliuicen[sis] et Anna Romaskorsa Gliuicen[sis] et Anna Romaskorsa Gliuicen[sis] … ibidGliuicen[sis] … ibid

11 die e[u]i[s]dem mensis idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiam 11 die e[u]i[s]dem mensis idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiam Annam Simonis Annam Simonis SvenskSvensk et Agnitis Coniugum comp[at]r[e]s et Agnitis Coniugum comp[at]r[e]s Aasparus Gievebuch et Susanna Gliuicen[sis] … ibidAasparus Gievebuch et Susanna Gliuicen[sis] … ibid

18 Martii idem q[ui] supra baptizauit filiam Armarm Stamslas 18 Martii idem q[ui] supra baptizauit filiam Armarm Stamslas RussekRussek et Lucia coniugum comp[at]res Felix Zamicsky Nobilis de et Lucia coniugum comp[at]res Felix Zamicsky Nobilis de Villa Zabrda et Elizabeth Obeslawa de Gliuicen[sis] ...ibidVilla Zabrda et Elizabeth Obeslawa de Gliuicen[sis] ...ibid

25 Martii idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiu[m] (Stephanum) Petri 25 Martii idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] filiu[m] (Stephanum) Petri KlossKloss et Regina[e] Coniugum comp[at]res Regula et Regina et Regina[e] Coniugum comp[at]res Regula et Regina Podgorska Gliuicen[sis] ….ibidPodgorska Gliuicen[sis] ….ibid

29 Mart[ii] idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] Susanna Joannis 29 Mart[ii] idem q[ui] sup[ra] bapt[izauit] Susanna Joannis CzieslaCziesla et Susanna Coniugum comp[at]res Stanislaw Dziedziak et Cathrina et Susanna Coniugum comp[at]res Stanislaw Dziedziak et Cathrina Farburka Gliuicen[sis] ….ibidFarburka Gliuicen[sis] ….ibid

Page 23: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

TranslationTranslationIn the year 1605In the year 1605

On the 20th day of the month of February P. LaurenOn the 20th day of the month of February P. Laurencece Zlosko Zlosko baptized baptized the sonthe son Matthew Matthew the sonthe son of John of John ZagianZagian and Anna his and Anna his wife. The godparents were Valentinus G_______ and Barbara wife. The godparents were Valentinus G_______ and Barbara Minarska.Minarska.

On the 25th of the same month, the same P. Laurence Zlosko On the 25th of the same month, the same P. Laurence Zlosko baptized Agnieszak (the daughter) of John Strapek and Regina baptized Agnieszak (the daughter) of John Strapek and Regina his wife. The godparents were Adam Institor, Rector Rattborum his wife. The godparents were Adam Institor, Rector Rattborum and Dorothy Stephetii.and Dorothy Stephetii.

On the 1st of March, the same who is mentioned earlier, On the 1st of March, the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized the daughter of the married couple Gregory baptized the daughter of the married couple Gregory KeilbassaKeilbassa and Dorothy from the village of the advocate .The godparents and Dorothy from the village of the advocate .The godparents were Martin Bathoc and Magdelina Weyłowa from the same were Martin Bathoc and Magdelina Weyłowa from the same villagevillage..

On the 2nd day if the same month, the same who is mentioned On the 2nd day if the same month, the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized the daughter of the married couple Gregory earlier, baptized the daughter of the married couple Gregory and Anna and Anna Balezercik Balezercik from the village of the advocatefrom the village of the advocate. . The The godparents were Simon Simula and Anna Skolutkora from the godparents were Simon Simula and Anna Skolutkora from the same village.same village.

Page 24: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

On the 9th day of the same month, the same Laurence On the 9th day of the same month, the same Laurence mentioned earlier, baptized Gregory, (the son of) the mentioned earlier, baptized Gregory, (the son of) the married couple Gregory and Barbara married couple Gregory and Barbara TextorisTextoris. The . The Godparents were John Strapok and Heduigis Croslinna Godparents were John Strapok and Heduigis Croslinna Gliwice.Gliwice.

On the 10 day of the same month, the same who is On the 10 day of the same month, the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized Albert, the son if the married mentioned earlier, baptized Albert, the son if the married couple Andre and Agnis Buzi of the village Lgotta. The couple Andre and Agnis Buzi of the village Lgotta. The godparents were Stanislaw Scislowicz and Agnis Fichona of godparents were Stanislaw Scislowicz and Agnis Fichona of the same village.the same village.

On the same day of the same month, the same who is On the same day of the same month, the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized Marianna, the daughter of the mentioned earlier, baptized Marianna, the daughter of the married couple Jacob and Margaretha Kornel. The married couple Jacob and Margaretha Kornel. The godparents were Tisches Compehators of Gliwice andgodparents were Tisches Compehators of Gliwice and Anna Anna Romaskorsa of Gliwice.Romaskorsa of Gliwice.

On the 11 day of the same month, the same who is On the 11 day of the same month, the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized Anna, the daughter of the mentioned earlier, baptized Anna, the daughter of the married couple Simon and Agnitis married couple Simon and Agnitis SvenskSvensk. The godparents . The godparents were Aasparus Gievebuch and Susanna of Gliwice.were Aasparus Gievebuch and Susanna of Gliwice.

Translation Translation contcont……

Page 25: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Translation Cont…Translation Cont…

On the 18th of March the same who is mentioned On the 18th of March the same who is mentioned earlier, baptized Armar the daughter of the married earlier, baptized Armar the daughter of the married couple Stamslas and Lucia couple Stamslas and Lucia Russek.Russek. The godparents The godparents were Felix Zamixsky, the Noble of the village Zabrda, were Felix Zamixsky, the Noble of the village Zabrda, and Elizabeth Obeslawa of Gliwice.and Elizabeth Obeslawa of Gliwice.

On the 25 of March the same who is mentioned above, On the 25 of March the same who is mentioned above, baptized (Stephan) the son of the married couple Petri baptized (Stephan) the son of the married couple Petri KlossKloss et Regina. The godparents were Regula and et Regina. The godparents were Regula and Regina Podgorska of GliwiceRegina Podgorska of Gliwice

On the 29 of March the same who is mentioned above, On the 29 of March the same who is mentioned above, baptized Susanna (the daughter) the married couple baptized Susanna (the daughter) the married couple John John CzieslaCziesla et Susanna. The godparents were et Susanna. The godparents were Stanislaw Dziedziak and Cathrina Farburka of Gliwice Stanislaw Dziedziak and Cathrina Farburka of Gliwice

Page 26: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

Anno domini mmv die i xber mortuus est, Jacquelina du Plessis nata Mcmlxxxv

ii Julius civis Afrique du Sud.

Page 27: Jacqueline Du Plessis Latin Project. Parish Register  What? Baptism Record of Catholic Church  From? Archive Diecezjalne Gliwice, Poland  Place? All

SourcesSources1. Search Engine: 2. Answers?

3.3. Family History Library Catalogue -Family History Library Catalogue -

3.3. Polish Roots: Polish Roots: ht

4.4. Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz. Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz. Polish First NamesPolish First Names, , Hippocrene Books Inc, New York, 2000 Hippocrene Books Inc, New York, 2000

5. Encyclopedia:

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