
James Andrews, Admissions Officer

Dr Cath Lambert, Associate Professor in Sociology

University of Warwick


Three and a half years after their degree, 78% of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates were in employment. The number for social science graduates was:

A 84%B 64%C 44%

Answer is A

The data showed that 84% of social science graduates were in employment, compared with 78% of STEM and 79% of arts and humanities graduates. More STEM graduates go on to further study.

(source Campaign for Social Science 2013 report)

Q2 3.7% STEM graduates work in finance and insurance. What is the % for social science students?

A 9.5%B 7.1%C 3.9%

Answer is B

7.1% social science graduates work in finance and insurance, compared with 3.7% STEM graduates, and 3.9% arts and humanities graduates

(source Campaign for Social Science 2013 report)

Q3 Which graduates have the highest rate of overseas work?

A Business and Economics

B LanguagesC Geography

Answer is B

Language graduates had the highest rate of overseas work of all subjects (10.1%). Language skills remain very important as 74% of employers are looking to employ people with language ability. These degrees also have the lowest unemployment among the arts and humanities (8.5%).



Which of the following famous people have an English Literature degree?

A Michael Murpurgo (writer of children’s fiction)

B Caroline Lucas (Green Party MP)

C Paul Ackford (Rugby international player and columnist)

The humanities, done right, are the crucible in which our evolving notions of what it means to be fully human are put to the test; they teach us, incrementally, endlessly, not what to do, but how to be. Their method is confrontational, their domain unlimited, their "product" not truth but the reasoned search for truth  Mark Slouka, Essays from the Nick of Time: Reflections and Refutations

. Anthropology . Archaeology . Art . Business Studies. Design . Economics . Education . Classics . Criminology . Cultural Studies . Communication and Media Studies . Health Care Studies . History . Human Geography . International Studies . Languages . Law . Linguistics . Music . Sociology . Theology . Theatre and Performing Arts . Philosophy . Politics . Psychology .


























Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.

Adrienne Rich

Businesses Find the Right Intellectual Wattage in Students of the HumanitiesDecember 6, 2014

‘Business leaders around the world have told me that they despair of finding people who can help them solve wicked problems — or even get their heads around them. It’s not that firms don’t have smart people working with them. There are plenty of MBAs and even Ph.Ds in economics, chemistry, or computer science, in the corporate ranks. Intellectual wattage is not lacking. It’s the right intellectual wattage that’s hard to find. They simply don’t have enough people with the right backgrounds.

This is because our educational systems focus on teaching science and business students to control, predict, verify, guarantee, and test data. It doesn’t teach how to navigate “what if” questions or unknown futures. As Amos Shapira, the CEO of Cellcom, the leading cell phone provider in Israel put it: ‘The knowledge I use as CEA can be acquired in two weeks … The main thing a student needs to be taught is how to study and analyse things (including) history and philosophy’. People trained in the humanities who study Shakespeare’s poetry, or Cezanne’s paintings, say, have learned to play with big concepts, and to apply new ways of thinking to difficult problems that can’t be analyzed in conventional ways.’

Arts and Humanities in the 21st Century Work Place

It is a convenient truth: You go into the humanities to pursue your intellectual passion; and it just so happens, as a by-product, that you emerge as a desired commodity for industry.

Damon Horowitz (Philosopher and Entrepreneur)

Social science graduates span sectors

1 Marketing / Advertising / Public Relations / Media2 Management & Consultancy3 Banking & Finance4 Human Resources5 Public Sector & Services6 Science, Technology & IT7 Accounting8 Retail9 Sales9 Education

Campaign for the Social Sciences

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