Download - Jan 18 2009 Sermon

  • 8/8/2019 Jan 18 2009 Sermon






    18 JANUARY 2009




  • 8/8/2019 Jan 18 2009 Sermon


    A Sermon for the

    Second Sunday of Epiphany

    18 January 2009

    The Revd Rob GillionThe Revd Rob GillionThe Revd Rob GillionThe Revd Rob GillionRector

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    Revelations 5.1-10 - John 1.43-51

    As we begin this week of Christian Unity, I simply want to

    state the obvious. Our commonality in our denominational

    diversity is the person of Jesus Christ as Lord. All of us in our

    Gospel reading are asked to consider what this means

    through the simple invitation of Jesus Come, Follow me: our

    response to others as we accept this journey. Please Come

    and See Jesus.

    Nathaniel had already made a start for Jesus witnessed a

    longing, a desire of the heart. For to the Jews the fig tree

    always stood for peace. Their idea of peace was when you

    could sit undisturbed under your own fig tree (Micah 4.4).

    Furthermore, the fig tree, like the one in the Rectory garden,

    has huge fig leaves to give shade so Nathaniel could sit and

    meditate under the roof of its branches. Thats what Nathaniel

    had been doing praying for the day when Gods chosen one

    should come, meditating on the promises of God. Now, herewas Jesus, seeing into the very depths of his heart the man

    who knows my prayers. Nathaniel capitulated forever to the

    man who read and understood and satisfied his hearts


    The belief in a Christ like God - and a new way of seeing.

    Nathaniel sees Jesus at first as simply a man from Nazareth

    a no-place, then a man of discernment, and finally as a man

    who really knows him no escape!

    These stages in seeing are wonderfully illustrated in thecontext of the empty tomb on Easter morning. When John

    outruns Peter he peers in and sees - a verb simply meaning

    to use your physical eyes - the linen wrappings lying there.

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    Peter goes into the tomb and sees - a verb meaning looking

    with an eye to detail - the napkin was rolled up in a place by

    itself. The John goes in and he saw and believed, and here

    the verb means to see with discernment and insight, the

    penny drops and you see what you have never seen before -

    the insight of the individual. Then as Christ is encountered as

    our eyes are opened by the spirit we relate to each other.

    In our small communities we create love, show compassion,

    work for justice or help reconcile those who are divided, grant

    forgiveness or ask for it, or stand for truth. The Church, in so

    far as it is the Body of Christ, where the Word is read and the

    bread is broken, should be the place where these things

    happen, when the spirit of Christ is self-evident.

    But of course Gods discernment is evident from the

    beginning. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well


    Then Jesus speaks the word and it happens forgiveness,

    healing, illumination, mercy and grace, joy and love, freedom

    and resurrection. Everything broken and fallen, sinful and

    diseased, called into salvation. Somewhere along the line

    things went wrong and are in desperate need of fixing.

    Keeping company with these words saying I believe for

    instance, marks the difference between hope and despair, life

    and death. Our words are more important than we ever

    supposed. They accrue dignity and gravity in conversation

    with Jesus. Jesus narrates salvation through leisurelyconversation, intimate personal relationships, compassionate

    responses, passionate prayer and putting it all together a

    sacrificial death. We dont casually walk away from words like

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    that! The words of Jesus in our Gospel to be savoured this

    morning are Come, follow me.

    What does that mean for you and me? Well first we learn that

    when Philip heard these words he immediately recognised

    who Jesus was and straightaway wanted to share this

    incredible news with his friend.

    Nathaniel needed convincing the promised Messiah fromNazareth!! But as soon as he came into his presence and

    he spoke a word of truth about him, he believed You are

    the Son of God. Well, says Jesus, just you wait to see what I

    have for those who follow me and for you and so the

    Gospel of John unfolds.

    First Jesus made the move to meet with would-be followers.

    Jesus makes the move, we respond. Thats how it works.

    What are the words we need to hear for ourselves, what signs

    in our lives will point us to Jesus Christ?

    For a friend of ours, Lorraine, she needs to hear the active

    word of healing. Lorraine has been staying at the Rectory

    because on New Years Day her husband Steve who has

    been living with cancer for the last four years and his immune

    system is tough, caught a very violent and destructive virus.

    He is now at the Marsden and the first word of healing came

    from the consultant surgeon as they discovered what the

    virus was. Four life and death operations have since taken

    place their own children have also been staying in London

    in our home too.

    Their journey has been so so tough, so Janine and I have

    been in urgent conversation with God and have heard words

    of hope and encouragement, words of love and support and

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    passionate prayer, to aid them on their journey along with

    whatever hospitality we can offer.

    Neither of these friends have reached out to God in any

    traditional way, neither have professed any faith but each

    time they are in trouble were there. We ache for them during

    their trials and tribulations sharing something of their

    journey is what we can do and keep our eyes firmly fixed on

    the man who speaks healing and illumination. It all begins

    with him.

    I can not say follow me. I can say why not try our way and

    approach life acknowledging the presence of God and believe

    he can overcome. Today what word do you need Jesus to

    speak into your life? What word do you want him to speak to

    those in your life? Forgiveness, healing, illumination, mercy,

    grace, joy, love or freedom.

    What words am I encouraged to share from our reading fromRevelation? My eyes and heart were drawn to the gold bowl

    filled with incense which represents the prayers of Gods holy

    people. You and I for better or for worse have responded to

    the call of Jesus - Come and See, or have been brought by

    a friend, or have simply been drawn here to worship.

    In Revelation we are invited to fill our gold bowl, our heart,

    with adoration, intercessions and petitions. Having offered our

    bowl of prayers, we continue our journey of sorrow and joy to

    worship the Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall, and return

    singing a renewed song of healing and hope into a darkneedy world. What a journey, what an adventure. Come,

    says Jesus, follow me.

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    Other sermons are also available on theHoly Trinity website

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