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TWITTER EFFECTIVENESS: A Primer for newsies (and newbies)

Susan Mernit Presented to Center for Investigative Reporting & California Watch January 11, 2010

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+Why do you want to use Twitter?

  Build your own brand within an almost real-time network

  Connect with communities of interest

  Drive traffic to web site or link

  Stay current with your peers

  Extend your social media ecosystem (Twitter, Facebook, flickr, video-sharing sites)

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+What you need to get started

 Log in/account; Profile with photo, keywords, URLS

 List of people to follow (start with Find People and select the Find on Other Networks tab)

 Know how Twitter search works & can use it

 Know what a hashtag is; Know what @ symbol is

 Know what RT or retweet is

 Know how to use BIT.LY

 Know how to search and measure results

 Plan for how you want to use twitter

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+Getting started: Top Tips

  Profile: Make sure you have a URL in your profile, a PHOTO & use keyword for your description

  Twitter search--Best way to follow a topic: type a phrase, @username, or #hashtag in the search box

  Follow & unfollow: Follow someone whose tweets you like—and unfollow them as well! (no stigma)

  Use RT. Retweet is what you put in front of a re-tweeting of someone else—like a quote!   Example: @rosey18, Would like feedback, suggestions for site

and story ideas @californiawatch #futureofnews #california

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+Learn about #Hashtags

  #hashtag makes a topic searchable across ALL twitter accounts: try #futureofnews or #FAILEDPICKUPLINES and see what you get   EX: @gotcha21 #failedpickuplines Do you believe in love at first

sight, or should I walk by again?

  Note: Find #hashtags on twitter randomly, and at

  If you follow #hashtags, the site will automatically add any hashtags you create.

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  Ever think about how, if you used a “real URL” it might take up all 140 characters of your tweet?   That is why URL shorteners now exist. I recommend offers URL redirection service with real-time link tracking added in, so you can see how many people clicked on a link you set up.

  To use, create an account so you can take advantage of its tracking features.   You can link multiple accounts together to track, such as

@californiawatch, @cironline, @rosey18.

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+Have conversations!

  Twitter is about dialogue.

  One terrific (and very active) media Twitterer is Joan Walsh of Salon ( Some sample tweets from her:   @MWJ1231 I don't dare RT that Michael Steele letter! @JoeNBC would

be mad at me! It is simply not fair! But it is hilarious.   @MarkKohut Yes, that is the brilliant @harrislacewell, and I haven't

checked her profile to see if she's weighed in on this...

  @blogdiva Yes and thanks for #FF reminders: @KatrinaNation @racialicious @jennpozner

  Can anyone think of an example of Bush detailing intelligence failures and saying "the buck stops here.”

  Discussion: Why is Walsh a good Twitterer?

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+Use Twitter to share links

  Drive traffic to a specific site or story, some examples from around the web:   AspenInstitute: The WaPo reviewed Paul Goldberger's "Why

Arch. Matters today: Listen to Goldberger discuss fave DC bldgs in 2009 talk:

  digiphile The @NatGeoSociety relaunched - Details: Uses #opensource platform (Django) [HT @RitaJKing]

  MyrnaTheMinx : Reviewing my notes for "Future of News" on KNPB at 6pm. Might mention @OaklandLocal & @CaliforniaWatch as ex. of new journo models. #fb

  Discussion question: What is a cultural curator and how does that relate to how you twitter?

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+Get the most out of your efforts

  Be consistent: Set a schedule for twittering (and posting to Facebook). Example:   15-30 minutes in am, reading and posting 1-3 tweets

  15-20 minutes lunch break, reading and posting, 1-2 tweets

  5 pm: quick 15 minutes, reading and posting

  Evening: optional

  Remember: you can never follow everything.   Manage interests via Search function, friends’ names (see what

they twittered today).

  Discussion: Did you know you can tweet from your phone?

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+Invest in using some basic tools

  Measurement & Tools To Use   Google analytics: Check traffic sources to see how many

referrals a specific site got Check account to see who clicked on your links   Retweets: Check retweets right on twitter—Click retweets, see

Your tweets, retweeted   Twitterholic: See who is most popular,

sort by region   Directory: We follow, Add your account

where it is relevant, search for accounts to follow

  Question: Are there other tools you like?

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+Practice, right now!

  Add everyone in this workshop to your twitter stream.

  Send a tweet right now! Retweet a tweet of someone who you follow

  Send a message that starts with @(name of user) and addresses them directly

  Search twitter for a topic that interests you. Follow someone who is tweeting about that topic. Retweet the tweet of someone you have not followed before

  Search Find people to see who is on twitter who is an email connection; add everyone you are interested in, whether you are good friends or not.

  Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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  Some common questions:   Why use Twitter?

  Who do I follow?

  Will people follow me?

  But what if I have nothing to say?

  Are people going to judge my tweets?

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+For more info

  Susan Mernit

[email protected]

  PS Mobile twitter options:—twitter’s mobile site

  Tweetie-, iPhone app for twitter--

  Blackberry clients: Ubertwitter, OpenBeak

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