Page 1: Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times · good businessmen, many of them P.O. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452 763-559-4444 August-September-October 2020 ... Chinese at the end

Jan Markell’s

Understanding the TimesOlive Tree MinistriesOlive Tree Ministries OLIVETREEMINISTRIES

“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15 1

Dark news proliferates today, and who likes to dwell on it? You cannot have the nightly news on for thirty seconds without being stunned, disheartened, horrified, angered, and almost made to feel war-weary. I have been a chronicler of our times for a few decades but I have not seen a year like 2020 in my lifetime.

I asked folks in a summer e-newsletter if they had enough of “crisis fatigue?” That happens when we get overwhelmed with unrelenting pressure, images, dilemmas, and heartaches. And that describes our state of affairs since early March of 2020. This year is not for the faint-hearted and we have half a year left!

Minneapolis Becomes Ground ZeroI’ve also shared frequently how utter lawlessness and anarchy visited my hometown of Minneapolis right after Memorial Day this year. Over 1,500 businesses and other buildings were burned to the ground, looted, or seriously damaged in some way.

I found myself at “ground zero” for a summer of insanity. I saw mankind at his worst, although I am currently in a safe suburb. But, no one should get too comfortable since there is a war on law and order.

Police stood helplessly by, paralyzed by fear and a lack of leadership. Our fire departments were equally helpless as hundreds of infernos raged. Law enforcement professionals are leaving their jobs by the

thousands as you read this. Do you not think this is paving the way for the utter “lawlessness” of the Tribulation referred to in Matthew 24:12?

This crisis was made worse when our anarchists were called “peaceful protesters” even though their actions caused parts of Minneapolis and St. Paul to resemble Aleppo, Syria. Yes, it was sparked by a reckless police officer who bungled the arrest of George Floyd, who didn’t deserve to die in such a horrific manner. However, thousands of good businessmen, many of them P.O. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452 763-559-4444 August-September-October 2020

Everyone Doing What is Right in Their Own Foolish Eyes

By Jan Markell

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“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:62

minorities, didn’t deserve to lose a lifetime of work.

Furthering the DisasterSo, now the City Council of Minneapolis has furthered the disaster by succumbing to strong delusion. They voted unanimously to disband the Minneapolis police department. What a wise conclusion to the chaos: Set the stage for even a worse meltdown of law and order. Surely we are reliving the days of Judges 17:6 when everyone did what was right in their own eyes!But the delusion gets even worse! The ultimate goal in my home town is to try what Europe did—Islamic patrols. These Sharia Law-minded officers would replace traditional police officers and can you imagine the outcome? Even Minneapolis’ pajama-boy liberal Mayor Frey has said “enough” and has sworn to keep our police department. But can he push back the extreme leftist mob who wants the days of Al Capone to come back!?What we have in Minnesota is the red/green alliance, or the horrific convergence of Communism and Islam. Few states have this combination of stealth attackers.

And in the meantime, leftist loonies want to replace our Star Spangled Banner with John Lennon’s “Imagine”—a song celebrating Communism. It calls for a glorious

era of no heaven, no hell, and a globalist paradise!

But the lunacy doesn’t stop there.

More Crushing of the Spirit and an Invisible EnemyWe have watched the economic implosion of America thanks to a global health crisis sparked by the Chinese at the end of 2019. The spirit of the average American was crushed starting in mid-March as it became apparent that businesses owned by three-generation families could fail due to forced closings.Two unknown health professionals—Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx—forcibly turned our lives upside down in March and as I write this, the saga is far from over. Welcome to the world of the Coronavirus—the new invisible enemy. They filled our minds with both true and false information. The media swallowed every word, hailed them as heroes, and exaggerated the nightly press briefing information, convincing many that this was akin to the Black Plague of the Middle Ages.Welcome to the New World OrderMany also succumbed to the delusional spell of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who announced he had a plan to vaccinate every person in the world. The globalists had found the crisis they wouldn’t let go to waste. And, all of this in just a few short months!

Everyone Doing What is Right in Their Own Foolish Eyes

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3“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15

We have watched a societal obsession with new terms we had never heard of. Many became fixated with “social distancing.” If we listened to the supposed smart people, we just had to shut down our economy and our churches! The churches were not only unessential, they were a real nuisance. They might offer real hope in a time of despair and isolation.

Is the Mad Hatter in Charge?So folks had to find comfort and counsel online rather than in a church setting. We couldn’t be built up in the faith and meet with fellow believers for many months. Yet demonstrators and rioters, from sea to shining sea, could tear down our cities and monuments with no restraints! And if their cause was seriously anti-American, they were actually celebrated. Again, what universe am I in? Is the Mad Hatter in charge?

People I know could not visit loved ones in assisted living or nursing homes. Some of those folks died all alone. But rioters had the right to loot, burn, and destroy unhindered until things got to a point of desperation. Such delusion. No, strong delusion.

Lawlessness is Coming!The Bible predicts a coming lawless time. The worst of it will be during

the Tribulation when the Man of Lawlessness, the Antichrist, will be reigning.

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends them strong delusion so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (II Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Note that the activity is “of Satan” but that the strong delusion is sent by God. I can’t help but think that such is the case playing out now in America, and other parts of the world as well. Of course it will go out-of-control during the Tribulation from which the Church is absent.

How About Some Good News!It’s not all despair! A number of folks—most of them unbelievers—have asked me how I think this will all end. Like me, they are weary of the nightly scenes of pandemonium and a daily dose of talk about round two or three of the Coronavirus. They can’t take it much longer. What an open door we have to share the ultimate good news now!

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Everyone Doing What is Right in Their Own Foolish Eyes

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Page 4: Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times · good businessmen, many of them P.O. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452 763-559-4444 August-September-October 2020 ... Chinese at the end


“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:64

I tell these folks that I have a biblical worldview and that this will all end with what is called the Rapture of the Church! I explain that the Church is not a building but a group of people who love God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible promises to remove the Church prior to the terrors of the Tribulation, also called “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” Jacob isn’t the Church. The Tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation.

Did these folks jump enthusiastically

on board? Not quite yet, but they were intrigued because they have had it with “crisis fatigue” and they want a way out! Seeds were planted that will be watered. In the meantime, they will continue to watch everything fall into place as we wait for the shout and the trumpet!

And we will watch such things with expectation as well. Nothing here has been shared to scare you but to prepare you. Jesus is coming soon.

Everyone Doing What is Right in Their Own Foolish Eyes

continued from page 3


If you want to enjoy audio only, tap into the mobile app found at A new program is downloaded to the app each Saturday. If “Understanding the Times Radio” does not air in your neighborhood, take advantage of these additional electronic opportunities.

We now have a more visual version of our radio program on YouTube and His Channel. Find the program on our YouTube Channel under “Jan Markell.” Find this version on His Channel at We also present this visual format on the OnePlace “Lightsource” channel or app. If you learn by seeing, take advantage of these options!

Watch Us On YouTube and His Channel

Page 5: Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times · good businessmen, many of them P.O. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452 763-559-4444 August-September-October 2020 ... Chinese at the end


5“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15

Bill Koenig, author, commentator, correspondentConservative Christians (including me) were concerned about Neil Gorsuch’s liberal Boulder, Colorado, church that had a pro-LGBT female rector named Rev. Susan Springer when President Trump nominated him. Secondly, Gorsuch was highly endorsed by Justice Kennedy, a huge disappointment for his support of LGBT issues and same-sex marriage in his five affirmative votes.

Unfortunately, those concerns surfaced in Gorsuch’s vote and opinion on whether an employer can dismiss an employee if they were found out to be gay or transgender. In other words, a person’s religious views have no grounds. Worse yet, he wrote the opinion siding with the liberal justices and Chief Justice John Roberts. Roberts continues to draw the ire of conservatives.

Once again, a justice appointed by a Republican president sides with the liberals. The liberals never change sides or join the conservatives in their decisions. It is always a few conservative justices that join the liberals.

Hal Lindsey, author, commentator, prophecy scholarSome Christian ministers are telling us that Coronavirus is not a sign of the times. They point to the Black Plague and the 1918 Spanish flu as examples of worse pandemics.

But there is a difference this time. In 1918 and in the mid-13th century, the primary prerequisite for end-times events had not taken place. The Jews had not yet formed a new nation of Israel.

The other difference today is that this is only one of a series of signs striking the world all at once. And the current pandemic perfectly fits the warning Jesus gave in Luke 21:11. He said the time near His return would be characterized in part by plagues. And, Covid-19 is a plague.

The most devastating plagues will come during the seven-year Tribulation period which will take place sometime after the Rapture.

Franklin Graham, evangelist, commentatorDemocrats across this nation are calling for the dismantling of the police. In places like San Francisco, the police can no longer respond to non-violent crimes. The Pacific Northwest has been controlled by progressive Democrats for years, and now anarchists have taken the center of Seattle, driving out the police, calling it a “cop-free zone.”

The Seattle mayor says that the people doing this are “patriotic” and this is like a “block party.” What?? This is anarchy, and this kind of progressive leadership is dangerous.

Worth Quoting

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Page 6: Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times · good businessmen, many of them P.O. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452 763-559-4444 August-September-October 2020 ... Chinese at the end

“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:66


It’s time for the PEOPLE to rise up and let their voice be heard by voting these irresponsible progressives, who are destroying their states and cities, out of office. These city council members, mayors, and governors are the ones responsible for this chaos, and only we the people—which is you—can change that. You may think your vote doesn’t count—but it does!

Cast your vote for candidates who are going to serve as compassionate conservatives who will support law and order.

Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas, TXRacism is not the root problem in America today. Lawlessness is not the root problem in America today. Racism and lawlessness are symptoms of the root problem. The root problem in America today is sin, rebellion against God.

The only cure is faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only person who can change their heart and their behavior. We are dealing with the problem, not the symptoms of the problem. Be reconciled to God

We have carried Curtis Bowers’ products for years, where he spells out the Marxist agenda to take America down. We currently offer a twin-pack DVD set featuring both of his award-winning films in one package. Ten years ago he began warning about the drama now playing out in the streets of America.

In just a few months here in 2020, they have advanced that agenda so successfully we hardly recognize America. Using the Covid pandemic, plus the racial component, the advancement of Communism in America has made staggering strides forward.

For the radical left, 2020 is their dark dream come true. A level of

dependency on the government has arrived and it wasn’t even voted on at the ballot box! As Bowers’ points out,

all the Marxists had to do was get hold of our children through education. They are populating Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc.

For good measure, they have also taken over entertainment, sports, the media, Hollywood,

the Democrat Party, technology, social media, and the prize—our seminaries. If one doesn’t have a biblical worldview and a strong faith, they don’t stand a chance to not fall for the sinister leftist agenda.

Find this DVD set in our resource pages in this magazine or call us M – F CDT at 763-559-4444.

Worth Quotingcontinued from page 5

The Fundamental Transformation Continues

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7“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15


I Never Thought I Would See the Day (Part 5)By Jan Markell

Because our times have so changed since early 2020, almost everyone is breathless and almost everyone is saying the same thing— they never thought they would see the things happen like they are happening today!

Whoever thought an invisible enemy, a virus no less, could turn the world upside down? Then add racial strife to the stew and who could have imagined what would follow?

Let’s consider just a few of these issues.

I never thought I would see the day when:

• Prisoners would be let out of jail at the very same time Christians were being kept out of church.

• It would be so obvious why America is not a prominent player in Bible prophecy. Something had to neutralize us, or a series of events would weaken the superpower.

• People I admired and trusted told me they were going to report good people to authorities who weren’t keeping the “letter of the law” such as proper social distancing. Friends reporting friends? Neighbors reporting neighbors? Has love grown cold?

• The Coronavirus would do us all a favor and put “Drag Queen

Story Hour” out of business for a season!

• There would be talk of replacing our national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner”, with John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Imagine that! Lennon’s song celebrates Communism. What has happened to my country?

• The one institution pushing back on the despair, the church, would be declared “non-essential” but not marijuana shops or some abortion clinics.

• It would be so blatantly obvious that we are in the absolute last of the last days—in fact, the last hour—but our pulpits still insist on being quiet about that. For the first time, many people truly want to understand the times and how the Bible applies to them!

• In just a matter of weeks, people accepted surveillance in the name of health safety and security. No one questions drones, cameras, and apps watching our every move.

• Some cities are asking churches to keep logs of every person who enters their building so they can then be tracked and traced.

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“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:68

I Never Thought I Would See the Daycontinued from page 7

• Vaccines, that once saved lives, would get so corrupted that they now risk lives, yet there is talk that all Americans must get a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Constitutional scholar, Alan Dershowitz, says the government absolutely can “plunge a needle into your arm.”

• Two unknown doctors appeared daily in press briefings presenting their evidence to ruin our great country and it seemed like our leaders never gathered a second opinion. And when some spoke up to differ, they were shut down.

• Segments of the church and several denominations would celebrate the organization called Black Lives Matter, a blatantly Marxist outfit determined to destroy America. And all of this in the name of “social justice.”

• I would watch America’s history be dismantled by leftist lunatics who believe that even Abraham Lincoln was a racist. What spirit has taken over our country?

• Jesus Christ is too white for today’s revolutionaries playing out demonic roles in our major cities as churches become prime targets.

• Crime is soaring almost 400% in some big cities and yet the leaders of those cities embrace the idea of abolishing their police department!

The stage is clearly being set for the Tribulation, yet most people are clueless because Bible prophecy has been deemed irrelevant and inconvenient. The world is being prepared for a demonic savior, yet the masses are not only clueless,

they will run pell-mell into his arms. He will promise to restore order out of this chaos. He is waiting in the wings. His title is Antichrist.

You never thought you would live to see this day either, did you?

We’re not just end-time kooks wandering down Main Street warning about a zombie apocalypse. We’re warning that the Bible predicted some things that would set the stage for the final moments of history as we know it. The Church would be removed before the curtain could go up and that final dramatic scene could be played out.

That final scene is imminent. Everything is falling into place. Don’t delay putting your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. You are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that call.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx

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9“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15

Sins of the FathersBy Jill Martin Rische

Are we guilty of the sins of our fathers? Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy thinks so. He chose to kneel and shine the shoes of a black man so all the world could see his rejection of inherited racism. This racism remains unforgivable—no matter how many shoes he shines.

So why did he do it? Cathy bowed to the accusation of systemic racism, a new term for a bitter and broken system of the past—a system called Apartheid—where discrimination is woven into the very fabric of American law and government.

The LieAccording to the Black Lives Matter movement, all “whites” are born with “white privilege,” so their skin color protects them from the worst punishment under the law. They demand that whites acknowledge this and atone for it.

But what about those who have one black parent and one white? Are they only half-privileged or completely free of privilege, as in the case of Barack Obama?

What about the millions of Americans who are of mixed race? Are they entitled to ritual apologies and reparations?

Black Lives Matter and the anarchists, Antifa, say that whites don’t deserve “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” because

they deny it to others. If you are white, you were born sub-human, “useless…stupid…heinous” (Urban Dictionary).

The sad irony here is that, once again, we are fed the lie that to be born a certain race is to be sub-human. Sound familiar? Translate this lie back to 1700 and you have Black slavery in America and Native American genocide. But it’s okay to walk this path again today?

The TruthDan Cathy groveled as a white man before the social justice warrior mob for a sin that they invented. He is an example of “taking a knee” to evil masquerading as good (2 Corinthians 11:14). This is the book of Revelation come to life—a man of the church of Laodicea living out prophecy (Revelation 3:14-22).

America was founded as an anti-racist nation. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...” There is no such thing as “systemic racism” in the American system of government, but there is human sin—and sin leads to cruelty and discrimination.

Today, we see a new “revolution” rooted in the bigotry of Communism. The leaders of Black Lives Matter are trained Marxists. The people funding Black Lives Matter are liberal, dark money slush-funds

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10 “My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

Sins of the Fatherscontinued from page 7

called ActBlue, Thousand Currents and The Tides—and this is only scratching the surface of their financial chain.

They promote “Climate Activism, Alternative Economies, and Food Sovereignty” (see The Blaze). You can donate to support American terrorist and Obama mentor, Bill Ayers, on the ActBlue website. They appear to love anything Marxist in nature.

But history reveals that the founders of Communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, were undeniably racist. They mocked the “cranial formation” of blacks and referred to them as “a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us.” Engels wrote snide comments on “lazy Mexicans” and the Jewish-born Marx summed up his contempt for the Jews with this public assessment: “Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist” (Williams, The Ugly Racism of Karl Marx).

What will happen if this transformation occurs?Freedom dies. Our children and grandchildren will see the destruction of any spiritual/moral system; the elimination of the family as a social unit; the overthrow of capitalism and

the abolition of private property. (W. Cleon Skousen) The elites behind Black Lives Matter and Antifa want to destroy America as we know it and rebuild it in their own image of violence and revenge.

In the end, this revolution is about far more than just race. It is the war of the America-hating cultural elites against loyal Americans. Antifa and Black Lives Matter are the foot soldiers of the Left.

What Does the Bible Say?We are all equal. In Christ there is no black or white—there is no male or female. “We are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

As Christians, we can see through the lie of systemic racism. Jesus does not require us to humiliate ourselves nationally for the rest of our lives. He does not require us to carry the sins of our fathers.

But…He does require us to stand against evil. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

Jill Martin Rische is the daughter of Dr. Walter Martin. She is a part of the Olive Tree team and manages our social media. Learn more at

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We have now sold thousands of these DVDs with stunning response. Consider getting a copy for a friend or even your pastor! Order the DVD on our enclosed order form or by calling our office M – F CST: 763-559-4444.

The film is in two formats: drama and commentary. It centers around the biblical case for the Rapture of the Church—although reveals that 98% of the church has abandoned this message. It uses the illustration of a Jewish wedding in Galilee. Speaking into it include Amir Tsarfati, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Pastor J.D. Farag, Jan Markell, and others. It is narrated by Kevin Sorbo and has 100 actors.


11“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15

Available Late Summer and Fall

For years, renowned scholars have been working to uncover lost knowledge from the first century that will shed more light on why Jesus told His disciples what He did about the last days… especially regarding the Rapture; an event that most of the world no longer believes will occur. It turns out that recent discoveries have indeed uncovered ancient Middle East evidence that is believed to prove that Jesus is coming back.

This discovery is so monumental, in order to properly unveil it to the world, Brent Miller Jr (the writer and director of the hit film “The Coming Convergence”) shot “Before the Wrath” to recreate this new discovery on a massive first-century Hollywood set with almost 100 actors and extras.

Actor Kevin Sorbo talked with Brent about these incredible new findings and immediately jumped onboard as the film’s official narrator. In addition, Bible prophecy leaders and teachers are featured in, this film offering commentary. They include J.D. Farag, Jan Markell, Jack Hibbs, and Amir Tsarfati.

“Before the Wrath” is aiming to be in select U.S. theaters at the end of August 2019 and releasing globally on DVD, Blu-ray and digital the following month.

For more information, visit or call 844-411-3456. Olive Tree Ministries will have some of these products available by September. We will hope to have them at our annual conference September 21 near Minneapolis.

Olive Tree only carries the single DVD. For a combo of book/DVD/Blue-ray and related items, you must consult or call 844-411-3456. All future information on any theater showings must be found at those locations.

Only call Olive Tree Ministries for the single DVD.


Amir Tsarfati

Pastor Jack Hibbs Pastor J.D. Farag

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“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:6


“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:612

If you enjoy social media, we have a presence there. Jill Martin Rische manages our Facebook and Twitter outreach. Tens of thousands are reached there with articles, radio programs, and other vital updates to keep you informed. Interact with like-minded believers on social media. Find our Facebook page at “Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries.” Find us on Twitter at “OliveTreeMin.” Find us on Instagram at

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Everyone is deluged with fundraising letters and emails but Olive Tree Ministries has never sent such items. But, we live in a very real world where every service costs thousands of dollars. Radio expenses alone total over $700,000 a year. Thanks to those of you who partner with us both prayerfully and financially! All gifts are U.S. tax-deductible.

You can donate safely online at our website: There is information there as to how to text-to-give: 763-251-9095. We get our mail at Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452. Call us M – F CST at 763-559-4444. Donation receipts are sent annually in mid-January.

We offer this print newsletter free for one year then we hope for a donation or purchase of a product to help pay for the printing and postage. It is posted on our website under “Resources”, then to “Print Newsletter.” Never hesitate to call or write us and unsubscribe. Our e-newsletter is sent 1-2 times a month at no cost. Subscribe at our website under “Resources.”

Our Thanks

We offer many of our books and DVDs in this newsletter but we actually have an online store that has many more items! They will help you understand the times and become watchmen on the wall. Visit and then find our store link and enjoy your shopping.

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Check Our Daily Headlines & Articles

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13“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15

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We began airing in the Twin Cities’ area in October of 2000 on AM980 KKMS/The Mission. By 2004 we began our syndication and we now air across North America on almost 900 radio stations. We also have a sizable electronic audience.


KKMS AM 980 — The Mission Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN + 60 miles.Airing Saturday, 9 – 10 AM CSTSunday rebroadcast, Noon – 1 PM CST Listen live at

The Psalm FM Network Northern Minnesota — Airing Saturday, 11 AM CSTServing: Babbitt, Bemidji, Cook, Chisholm, Ely, Grand Rapids, Hoyt Lakes, Hibbing, International Falls, Red Lake, Tower, Virginia, Warroad, Paul Bunyan TV

We’re to “begin at Jerusalem” and Minnesota is our home base. In Minnesota, hear us on these outlets.

FM 91.5/102.7 — The Word FM Central Minnesota — Airing Saturday, 12 Noon CST

AM 1030 WCTSThe radio voice of Fourth Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MNAiring Saturday and Sunday at 9 AM CST50,000 watts beaming from Minneapolis to Rochester, Hutchinson, Alexandria, Mankato, St. Cloud, Hinckley and beyond! (consider using this station if your other Twin Cities station can’t reach you.)Listen live at


“My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4:614

Jan Markell, Amir Tsarfati, and Pastor Barry Stagner hope to team up online this summer presenting a “Prophecy Roundtable” on Facebook Live and YouTube. The live presentations will be every other Saturday. Those will be posted to YouTube a day later. Jan and Amir did a test run July 6 and with a response of almost a

half-million views, they decided to do this every other Saturday. We are not giving dates as they could vary. Watch our YouTube Channel or Behold Israel’s Channel. Barry Stagner is pastor of Calvary Chapel, Tustin, CA and is not pictured here.

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Administrator:Kevin Rische

Officers:Founder, Director, President: Jan Markell

Chairman of the Board: Dave Bergo

Vice Chairman of the Board: John Wicklund

Secretary of the Board: Angie Vokaty

Board MembersPastor Mark HenryKen MikleJill Patterson

Dan PetersonJill Martin RischeKevin RischeKerry SmithSue SwallenderTim VokatyDenise Bergo

Social Media Jill Martin Rische

Radio Production:Kevin Rische Steve Krumlauf

Administrative Assistants:BethAnn Rockett Gail Rubenstein Kelssee Rubenstein

Scan this code with your smart phone to go to our website. We have many more items available on our products page that

we don’t have room to feature here.

Thank You for Your Orders and Donations! Most of our financial support comes from those who graciously send us a check from

time-to- time. We depend on and truly appreciate those who commit to a regular plan of giving be it monthly or yearly. You also support this ministry through the purchase of our products.

Visit Our Website!

You will find two years of radio programming at “Complete Archives,” daily headlines, articles in various categories, some cutting-edge products in our store, our e-newsletters, a PDF of our print newsletter, and more! It will help you understand the times, contend for the faith, and become a watchman on the wall. We have 100,000 visitors a month accessing the content and growing in their faith!

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Returns can cost as much as $1.76 per returned newsletter.

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Jan came to faith in Christ through Jewish evangelist Dr. Hyman Appleman when she was just 11 years old. Jan has authored 8 major books with Tyndale House, Baker Book House, and Bethany Fellowship. She began the “Understanding the Times” radio broadcast in 2000 and it is now heard on about 900 radio stations and around the world electronically. She hosts the largest conference of its kind in North America every fall.

About Jan Markell

“I Trust in You, O Lord . . . Our Times Are in Your Hands.” Psalm 31:14-15 15

Olive Tree MinistriesPO Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452

763-559-4444 * 763-210-82918:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

[email protected] [email protected]

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Board and Staff of Olive Tree Ministries

Our print newsletter is free for the first year. During that time, or after one year, a donation of any amount or purchase of a product will keep you on our print newsletter list for 12 more months.

Donation receipts are sent in January.


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Hybrids, Super Soldiers, & the Coming Genetic Apocalypse DVD Set by Pastor Billy Crone

$55 – 16 DVDs - 32 messages

Clearly these are the days of Noah as man plays God and tries to re-invent His creation. Therefore, this study seeks to equip you with the hardcore scientific evidence and Biblical warnings from God concerning this modern day re-creation of virtually all life forms on the planet. This is Pastor Crone’s most important series. Jan Markell has a short interview in this.


The Final Countdown: Modern TechnologyDVD Set by Pastor Billy Crone

$37 - 8 DVDs - 16 messages

We are not only immersed in it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but we have become completely dependent upon it for just about every aspect of our daily lives. It’s called modern technology and little do people realize that it’s a major mega-sign that we are living in the last days. This study, seeks to equip you with the multitude of prophetic signs concerning the rise of modern technology and its Biblical ramifications.

Resources by Olive Tree Ministries

Corona Crisis: Plagues, Pandemics and the Coming Apocalypse Book by Dr. Mark Hitchcock

$15 - Book - Softbound - 176 pages

Mark Hitchcock shares how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to the vivid, end-time biblical prophecies about plagues, pestilence, and pandemics and how this is related to end-time prophecies.

Hidden in Plain View: The New World Order in Bible ProphecyDVD by Jan Markell

$12 – DVD - 60 minutes

The implementation of Antichrist’s system will require a crisis and Jan shows how all human efforts are leading to the Rapture of the Church. From secret societies to the banking industry, from the billionaire cabals to Celine Dion and the entertainment industry, the world is preparing for a one-world scheme that will end in failure. Their seven year paradise will be the Tribulation. Thankfully, the believer looks forward to the one true globalist system known as the Millennium.

We are only responsible to replace orders for 30 days. We will consider your order successfully received if we are not notified in that 30 day period. We will not replace after this 30 day time period.

Updated Summer of 2019 with New Info

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Resources by Olive Tree Ministries

Trapped in Hitler’s Hell: A Young Jewish Girl Discovers the Messiah’s Faithfulness in the Midst of the HolocaustBy Anita Dittman and Jan Markell

Book: $10 – 206 pages – softboundJan’s classic book, now celebrating 38 years of making a difference. The remarkable story of Anita Dittman and her miraculous survival during the Hitler years. The story spans 12 riveting years of deprivation, captivity, escape, and walking across Europe to find her mother in

a concentration camp. It is inspirational and puts trials in perspective. It demonstrates that with God, all things are possible. He truly never leaves or forsakes us.

“I read ‘Trapped in Hitler’s Hell’ and loved it. It was mesmerizing, fascinating, inspirational, and God-exalting. And it was a masterpiece of writing!” – Dr. Dave Reagan, Lamb Lion Ministries

Trapped in Hitler’s Hell Documentary DVD: $15 75 minutes, full color, produced by George Escobar

“Brilliant. Gripping. A touch of cinematic expertise seldom seen. This drama was carried right to the heart of the viewer—me. I trust this dual production of film and book will be like an emotional hypodermic needle for America to awaken to the fact that the present leadership has placed the Western world on the cusp of the whole thing being repeated.”—Merv Watson, Israel


Praying for America: 40 Inspiring Stories and Prayers for Our Nation By Dr. Robert Jeffress

$16 – Book – 197 pages – hardbound

Each chapter of this uplifting book includes an inspiring story demonstrating the power of faith in the life of our nation, a prayer, and a relevant passage of Scripture to inspire and encourage you in praying intently for our country. In these increasingly divided times, Praying for America will serve as a very necessary and timely reminder that “In God, we trust.”

The Mighty Angels of Revelation Book by Nathan Jones $16 - Book - Softbound - 400 pages

Come and travel along with a man called the Elder and his angelic guide as the end times are revealed throughout the book of Revelation in stunning detail. Along the way, meet 72 of God's mighty angels as they proclaim God's messages of warning and hope to a lost world. Terry James calls it the premier book on the subject of angels.


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We are only responsible to replace orders for 30 days. We will consider your order successfully received if we are not notified in that 30 day period.

We will not replace after this 30 day time period.

How the Blessed Hope Became the Blasted Hope: The Attack on Bible ProphecyBy Jan Markell

$12 – DVD – 60 minutes

Why has eschatology or Bible prophecy been downplayed in the last 25 years? What kind of damage have Rick Warren, Lynne Hybels, John Piper, Hank Hanegraaff, and many others done and how have they marginalized this topic? Dispensationalism has become almost a dirty word in the world of scholars and is seldom taught any longer. Support for Israel is also at an all-time low. How can we reverse these trends?

The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy By Dr. Ed Hindson and Dr. Tim LaHaye

$15 - Book – 414 pages – softbound

In this book you will learn detailed definitions of prophecy-related terms as well as helpful timetables of last-days’ events including the rapture and the glorious appearing. It includes thorough summaries of all the major prophetic viewpoints and a vital understanding of the key players.

Resources by Olive Tree Ministries

The Day Approaching (study guide optional) By Amir Tsarfati

$15 (book – 224 pages) and $10 (study guide – 144 pages) Books – softbound

As a Jewish native Israeli who is a Christian, Amir Tsarfati has a distinct perspective that weaves biblical history, current events, and Bible prophecy together to shine light on the mysteries about the end times. From his vantage point in the Middle East and through careful Bible study, Amir points to evidence that informs us the return of the Lord is imminent. The study guide can be purchased separately.

Rapture Kit Flash Drive I Am a Watchman Ministry

$30 flash driveHere is an item to leave behind to be a witness during the Tribulation for those who do not escape the wrath of this horrific time. It contains books, videos, a Bible, an explanation of what happened, and more—and what that person must do now that they’ve been left behind. This flash drive is just over one inch in length.


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Before the Wrath $20 – DVD – Ingenuity Films – 80 minutes

This production, with 100 actors, is both drama and commentary stressing the important theme of the Rapture of the Church. Those adding commentary include Jan Markell, J.D. Farag, Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, and more. Kevin Sorbo narrates. Learn how the Jewish wedding confirms a Rapture and even its timing.


We accept checks, Visa, MasterCard, & DiscoverTo order by credit card call

763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291Or order securely online at

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The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the Book of Revelation By Todd Hampson

$16 – Book – softbound – 216 pages

Hampson’s user-friendly guide to the Book of Revelation demystifies confusing literary images, provides clarity about key events, and helps you turn away from fear and embrace the joy of God’s promised future. The cartoon art work may be a draw for younger students of prophecy.


Item Title

Contributions are U.S. tax-deductible. Receipts are sent in January.

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