Page 1: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 Heart · generation of Kelview when it was started. If you visit her gravesite today, you will find no date

Kelview Women’s

Ministry Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014

Volume 11, Issue 1

Heart Talk PURSUING GODLINESS … Titus 2:12

Inside This Issue

The Beautiful Wife 2

What’s Cookin’? 2

Event Review 3

Group Meetings 4

Books We Love 4

Mark Your Calendar! 5

Birth Announcements 6

Leadership Team Coleen Catalano

Women’s Ministry Director

Samantha Burgess

Julie Catalano

Beverly Dillow

Deanna Dunn

Rosa Jones

Bethany LeRoy

Susan Lilly

Teresa Patteson

Marleah Reed

Katie Robinson

Our Mission

The women’s ministry of Kelview Heights Baptist Church

seeks to encourage women in spiritual growth,

discipleship, enrichment, ministry and evangelism.

This goal will be accomplished by providing resources,

training, enrichment events and a supporting network.

A Place Where Age Doesn’t Matter but Friendships Do!

P recious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

2013 has been a year of great loss for us as a church family. Some of us have

personally lost family members, but we all, as a church family, have lost

loved ones as more and more of our older generation have been called

home to be with the Lord.

This older generation is the one who sacrificed and gave with a generous spirit to

make Kelview what it is today. They leave behind big shoes to fill but what a blessing

to see younger generations stepping into those shoes, willing to serve and be used by

the Lord to continue His work. The Bible tells us to “occupy” till He comes. We are

not to just sit around and wait for Him, we are to be busy working to further His


My grandmother passed away in 2009. She was among the ones who were in that

generation of Kelview when it was started. If you visit her gravesite today, you will

find no date of death due to an oversight. The thought struck me how fitting that

was. As Christians, we never die—we have eternal life, from now through eternity.

We don’t know what 2014 holds but, undoubtedly, more of our church family will be

called home. It could be me or it could be you...or the Lord could come back and

take us all home! I want to be busy serving Him when that time comes. How about


Coleen Catalano

Page 2: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 Heart · generation of Kelview when it was started. If you visit her gravesite today, you will find no date



As I write this, it is the days between Christmas and

New Years, the time I always begin to look back at the

last year and take note of where I have improved and

where I have fallen short. My marriage is always a large

area of my life that I look at during this soul-searching


Questions I ask myself: Did I encourage my husband

every day, or were there days I was hard to get along

with or quick to point out his flaws? Did I work diligent-

ly to create a peaceful home for him to come to for

nourishment and rejuvenation? Has my marriage gotten

stronger this year, through the bumps and bruises of life,

or have we let those events become a wedge between

us? Did I pray without ceasing for his strengths and

weaknesses alike, or did I just grumble instead?

Ouch. These are hard questions to answer. Most of

them I can answer, “Both.” I am sure you probably can,

too. So what can we do to make 2014 a better year for

our marriages? I believe all of the answers can be found

in the Bible.

In First Thessalonians 5:16-18, the Bible says, “Rejoice

always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Wow. That steps on a lot of toes. It also gives me the

uncontroverted answer to pretty much all of my ques-

tions. If I am rejoicing always, it would be impossible to

grumble or point out his flaws. If I am giving thanks in

everything, it would be impossible to let the bumps and

bruises of life create a wedge between us. If I am praying

without ceasing, I can turn all of my hurts or concerns

over to the Lord and just enjoy the union with my

husband that God blessed me with.

Will you take a few minutes to take inventory of where

your marriage is? It would do us all good to let First

Thessalonians 5:16-18 be our key verses for 2014. We

can expect great things to happen in our marriages when

we live out these verses, because as it says, “This is the

will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Happy New Year!

Susan Lilly

Heart Talk Page 2

Amish Breakfast Casserole

Makes 12 servings


1. In a large skillet, cook bacon and onion until bacon is

crisp; drain.

2. In a large bowl, combine the remaining ingredients;

stir in bacon mixture.

3. Transfer to a greased 13 x 9 baking dish.

4. Bake, uncovered, at 350º for 35-40 minutes or until a

knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

5. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting.

Resolutions are just flimsy ideas.

Goals are better. They are specific,

measurable, and have a deadline.

–Dave Ramsey

Ingredients: 1 pound sliced bacon, diced

1 medium sweet onion, chopped

6 eggs, lightly beaten

4 cups frozen shredded hash brown

potatoes, thawed

2 cups (8 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese

1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) 4% cottage cheese

1-1/4 cups shredded Swiss cheese (or substitute


We gotta speed this up, Solomon. Your next wedding is in 15 minutes.

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Heart Talk Page 3

HIGHLIGHTS – By Susan Lilly

Christmas Tea 2013

The December Christmas Tea could have been a night right out of a fairy tale. As we

entered the room, we were welcomed to tables decorated with nutcrackers,

snowmen, reindeer, popcorn, trees, lanterns, angels, glitter and poinsettias. Each table

was decorated and hosted by one of our sweet ladies, so everyone had a seat chosen

just for them.

The meal was catered by our very own Robert Perales. He made us yummy grilled

chicken with this decadent butter sauce, rice and veggies. It was divine comfort food.

All of the ladies brought Christmas cupcakes for dessert that were decorated so


We had the pleasure of hearing sweet little Allie Catalano sing “Happy Birthday,

Jesus,” with the Ladies Trio. She did such a great job! We watched a video that

reminded us all of how easy it is to get caught up in gift-giving and cooking and

shopping, and leave Jesus out of our celebrations.

Then we were entertained by a Fashion Show like none we had ever seen before – an

Ugly Christmas Sweater Fashion Show. We laughed as we saw some of the ugliest

sweaters you could ever imagine. They were ridiculously gaudy, decorated with lights,

garland, 4th of July, bears, balls, and mesh-o-plenty. It was really fun.

Oh, then it was Door Prize time! Cookie jars, cookbooks, cookie cutters, apron sets,

pens, journals and gift cards, oh, my! Every single lady that won was the envy of all the


As we closed our evening, we were blessed to have Jenny Broughton speak to us about

“Come to the Table.” She encouraged all of us to look at all the tables that are around

us, and find ways to expect wonderful things while we sit around them, ways to

encourage others as we invite others to sit at our tables with us, and to use all the

tables in our lives to evangelize to those who are in our world.

She admonished us to share our kitchen tables, our coffee tables, our card tables, our

picnic tables or even a bed table at a hospital or nursing home. We are the light of the

world, so we must use our tables to embrace and equip others to live the life Christ

created them to live.

Pictures of this event are posted on our women’s ministry website.

Page 4: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 Heart · generation of Kelview when it was started. If you visit her gravesite today, you will find no date

Heart Talk Page 4

No More Perfect Moms By: Jill Savage

If you’ve ever forgotten to pick your kid up from

soccer practice or accidentally worn two different

shoes to the grocery store, this book is for you.

Being a mother is not for those who display symp-

toms of the “Perfection Infection.” There is simply

no such thing as the perfect mom. And there are

no such things as perfect kids, perfect bodies,

perfect marriages or even perfect meals. With refreshing honesty,

author Jill Savage exposes some of her own parental shortcomings

with the goal of helping mothers everywhere shelve their desires

for perfection along with their insecurities of not measuring up to

other moms.

Jill delivers some much-needed realism as she explains why we

need to stop comparing our insides to other people’s outsides. She

challenges every mom to exchange her vision of being a “perfect

mother” for God’s beautiful grace in order to learn to love her

real, but imperfect, life.

You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream Opening the Door to All God Has for You By: Holley Gerth

We all long to live with more purpose, passion, and

joy. Yet in the middle of our hectic lives, the God-

sized dreams that have the potential to lead us into

all God has planned for us are the ones that tend to

get lost. With her intimate, approachable style and

constant encouragement, popular author, Holley

Gerth invites women to rediscover the big dreams

God has given them...and then dare to pursue them.

With the enthusiasm and honesty that we all want from our

closest friend, Holley encourages women to overcome excuses …

too busy, too late, too far out of my comfort zone … and believe

that their God-sized dreams can become reality. She take readers

by the heart and says, “Yes! You can do this! Let’s go!” and then

guides them forward with a loving hand. A licensed counselor

and certified life coach, Holley insightfully combines inspiration

with practical application in this positive book.

Books We Love

Check Us Out On the Web!

January & February Group Meetings

Heart to Heart Widow Support Group

January 21, 6:00 p.m. February 18, 6:00 p.m. For location information:

Contact Connie Griffin at 697-1951

MOPS January 10 & 24, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. February 14 & 28, 9:30 -11:30 a.m.

Kelview, Room 132 Contact Jessica Hillger at 269-2067

Things Treasured Scrapbooking Club

January 11, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. February 10, 5:00—9:00 p.m.

Kelview Kitchen Contact Amy Suggs at 689-2438

Moms of Teens

January 13, 6:30 p.m. February 10, 6:30 p.m.

Kelview, Room 132 Contact Helen Whitehead at 553-3924

Women of the Word Ladies Sunday Morning Bible Class

Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m., Room 136

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Have you ever seen a toddler hold up their arms to be picked up and carried when the little one’s legs have grown

tired from too much walking? No decent parent would ignore the child’s plea. At other times, a child might just need

some attention and nurturing. If you’ve ever carried a child, with their head resting on your shoulder, arms and legs

wrapped around you, you know what a precious time of bonding it can be. Children grow up, but that doesn’t mean

they don’t need to be carried from time to time. Your heavenly Father is always available when your legs have grown

tired and you can’t take another step. And He loves it when you wrap your arms around Him and rest your weary

head on His shoulder. It is His delight to carry you. Climb into His arms today. —Excerpt from Breath Prayers

Carry Me, Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaiah 40:11


Heart Talk Page 5

B eacons For Christ!! February 17, 2014

6:30 p.m.

Page 6: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 Heart · generation of Kelview when it was started. If you visit her gravesite today, you will find no date

Blessings From Above

January 10 ................................................................................................................................... MOPS Meeting

January 11 ........................................................................................... Things Treasured Scrapbooking Club

January 13 ................................................................................................ Moms of Teens Fellowship Group

January 21 ..................................................................................... Heart to Heart Widows Support Group

January 24 ................................................................................................................................... MOPS Meeting

February 10 ............................................................................................. Moms of Teens Fellowship Group

February 14 ................................................................................................................................ MOPS Meeting

February 17 ..................................................... Beacons for Christ! Ladies Missions Event

February 18 .................................................................................. Heart to Heart Widows Support Group

February 28 ................................................................................................................................ MOPS Meeting

Ladies, please be in prayer for each one of these women as they prepare and plan for this

special day. What a blessing and responsibility to give birth to a little one and raise them in the

nurture and admonition of the Lord. If you or a loved one is expecting, we would love to be

praying for them. Contact Coleen Catalano at [email protected].

Congratulations to these new moms

and remember to keep them in your prayers:

Jenelle Milam .......................... Baby boy, Layton Wayne

Congratulations to these special ladies in the

upcoming births of God’s little precious ones:

Chelsea Stephens .................................... February, 2014

Kristen Hager .................................................. April, 2014

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”” Psalm 127:3

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