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Purpose Counseling ID Card

10 Point

20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

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30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

30 Points 30 Points 30 Points

40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points


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Name at least 3 places where one

can use a computer.

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Hullabaloo Hall, MSC, SCC, Annex, Evans, WCL, Cain


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Where is disability services?

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Cain Hall

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Where is the Leadership


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The Commons

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Where is the Financial Aid


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Second Floor of the Pavillion

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Where is the Office of Professional

School Advising?

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Henderson Hall

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Where is the Leadership Office


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The Commons

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Who can teach you about the many

different cultures on Campus?

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Multicultural Services in the


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Where are the Northside and Southside Area Offices located?

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Hullabaloo Hall & The Commons

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Who can you ask to make a presentation on the issues women

face in the Aggie community and


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Who teach you and make

presentations about personal


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Who teach you and make presentations

about personal finances?

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The Money-Wise Aggie in the 2nd

floor of the Pavillion

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If you need help in a class, what can

you find in a syllabus to help?

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Professor’s Office Hours

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What does SI stand for?

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Supplemental Instruction

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What are Tutor Zones?

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These are zones all over campus where tutoring is offered. Hullabaloo Hall,

Commons, 2nd Floor Evans.

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Where can you go if you need help

writing an essay?

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The Writing Center. 2nd floor of

Evans & 2nd of WCL.

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Name at least 5 majors with their

own help desk.

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Languages, ENGR, CHEM, ECON,


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Where is the GLBT Resource Center Located?

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Cain Hall

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Do you physically have to go to Counseling Services?

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No, you do not.


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Where can you get advice on careers?

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Career Center in Koldus Building

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Where would you send students that would like to learn

about A&M?

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Prospective Student Center in

Koldus or the Visitor Center in Rudder Tower

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Where can you get legal advice?

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Student Legal Services in Cain


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Who can you call when traveling

through campus at night?

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A friend or Corps Escort

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What is the difference in calling in an emergency in

an on campus?

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On Campus, you dial 9-911 and Off-Campus you dial


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Who can take CARPOOL?

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Literally anyone that is physically in

the B/CS area.

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How much does it cost to replace an


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It costs $12.00

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What do you do if you find an ID?

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Email the student, give it to your RA, CD, or

GHD, or send it to Aggie Card Office,

P.O. Box 30015, College Station TX


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