Page 1: Jesus heals damaged Emotions - Ross Wakeley's …In the hit film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Toula, the key character, has grown up being told by her dad that she is old, ugly and has

Ross Wakeley

Jesus heals



Page 2: Jesus heals damaged Emotions - Ross Wakeley's …In the hit film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Toula, the key character, has grown up being told by her dad that she is old, ugly and has


It‟s common for a person to be dealing

with damaged emotions.

It could be the divorce of our parents,

rugged days at school, being the victim

of a sexual assault, sibling rivalry, failure

at sport, actions by a church member,

rejection by our peers, ridicule, being

retrenched from our job ... a myriad of

triggers that leave us with a deep inner

well of unresolved pain.

In the hit film, My Big Fat Greek

Wedding, Toula, the key character,

has grown up being told by her dad

that she is old, ugly and has to marry

a Greek boy and have babies.

Still unmarried at 30, Toula‟s life is

a prison of emotional pain as she

is a woman crushed by her father‟s

unfair expectations and defeated

by her emotional hurt and low self-


Life changes for Toula when she

meets the hero of the film. Ian is the

charming man who sweeps Toula off

her feet. She is stunned when Ian

tells her she is really beautiful.

Love transforms Toula. The couple

navigate the challenges of their

wedding and head off into life with

a sense of freedom and hope.

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damaged emotions

will often be a cycle

of defeat, that affects

our everyday actions.

We feel like we are

living under it all and

never living in victory.

When we are feeling

rejected, hurt or wounded,

we can get trapped in our

pain. We can view issues

in our life as problems.

In addition, Satan delights

in having us think that way

by feeding lies into our head:

“I am stupid”, “I can‟t do

that”, or “I‟m not attractive.

We might be aware of the truth of what Jesus says, “the

devil … was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to

the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he

speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of

lies.” (John 8:44)

However, if we are struggling with damaged emotions,

Satan‟s lies are appealing. The deceiver speaks his lies to us

in the first person (rather than the third person), so that we

will be more inclined to believe them.

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Some of the indicators that we

have issues that need healing are:

I‟m always trying to figure

myself out.

I feel inferior to other people.

I‟m concerned about what

people think of me.

I must never make a mistake.

I worry about what to say, how

to present myself and how I look to other people.

I‟m never adequate for the task ahead.

I struggle to share deeply or build new relationships.

God comes alongside

us and asks us:

“Do you want to change?”

“Are you going to allow

Me to help set you free?”

So easily, we put up walls

that we think will protect us

from more emotional pain.

In reality, the walls act

to prevent us from being

healed by God. The walls

we put up keep God out.

Life is made up of 10% of what is done to us and 90%

of what we do about it. We can respond or react. God is

inviting us to respond and allow Him to begin the process

of transformation and healing in our life.

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The JOURNEY TO HEALING begins with

us recognizing there is a path we‟ll need

to follow. Initially we may feel a sense of

shock at what‟s happened to us.

We may even be in denial: trying to

keep the pain at „arms length‟ as it

threatens to engulf us. It‟s normal for

us to feel emotional: upset, angry,

depressed, alone or lonely. Sleeping

and eating patterns may get disrupted.

The sequence of events that led to us being so hurt, will

often go through our heads like a video replay. This replay

may trigger an internal cycle of self-blame and guilt and

we then find that hostility and resentment at the person

who hurt us bubbles up. We can become emotionally


This emotional journey is part of the process of us coming

to a place where we are ready to reach out to God and to

admit, “I need help.”

Emotional hurt will affect us spiritually.

In Proverbs 15:13 we find

this truth: Heartache

crushes the spirit. Physical

or emotional abuse,

violation, hurt or betrayal

damages the core of our

being. Such actions crush

our spirit—far more than

just hurt feelings.

The good news: When my

spirit grows faint within me,

it is You who know my way.

(Psalm 142:3)

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We take a huge step in the

healing of the damage to our

spirit as we invite God to do

a deep work within us.

This road starts as we re-focus

on the reality that GOD IS WITH

US in the pain and hurt.

LORD, you have examined

me and you know me.

You know everything I do; from far away you understand all

my thoughts. You see me, whether I am working or resting;

you know all my actions. Even before I speak, You already

know what I will say. You are all round me on every side.

(Psalm 139:1-4)

God has gone far beyond

just knowing about our pain

and damaged emotions.

Scripture makes clear that

Almighty God has suffered

for us and that God also

suffers with us. This is best

seen in Jesus‟ life.

He was despised and

rejected by men, a man of

sorrows, and familiar with

suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces He

was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up

our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him

stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. He was pierced

for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the

punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His

wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:3-5)

Page 7: Jesus heals damaged Emotions - Ross Wakeley's …In the hit film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Toula, the key character, has grown up being told by her dad that she is old, ugly and has


When Jesus looks at you or I, his response to us is not one of

discouragement or frustration. It‟s never a case of, “Oh look

who has failed Me again!” or, “Oh, it‟s you is it?” or, “You

expect Me to heal your pain again?”


NOT, I am one of His favourites. He

sees all that you or I are, with all

our hurt and pain, and we ARE His


The LORD your God is with you,

He is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in

you, He will quiet you with

His love, He will rejoice over

you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

Does Jesus care about our hurt? Does He want to bring His

healing into the depths of our life? In Mark 1, we have the

story of a sick man, who asks Jesus to heal him. Filled with

compassion, Jesus reached out His hand and touched the

man. "I am willing," He said. (Mark 1:41)

We have a Saviour who

comes to us where we are

at spiritually and emotionally.

With real empathy, Jesus

says, Peace I leave with

you; My peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the

world gives. Do not let your

hearts be troubled and do

not be afraid. (John 14:27)

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An example of how

Jesus is our HEALER

is seen in the way

the Lord Jesus

ministers to Peter.

At Jesus‟ trial, Peter

denied Jesus three


Weighed down by

his failure, Peter

feels hopeless and wounded. Jesus‟ resurrection occurs and

the two men meet up one morning at the Sea of Galilee. Guilt

weighs Peter down. “I‟m not worthy,” is the phrase echoing in

his head. Jesus looks at him and says, “Let‟s go for a walk.”

Peter is focused on his failure, guilt

and burden. Then, Jesus intrudes

into his thinking: “Peter, do you love

Me?” No condemnation in Jesus‟

words, only genuine care,

empathy and release from the

load as Peter says, “Yes Lord, I love

You.” Three times Jesus says „feed

My sheep‟, and by the time of Jesus‟

third affirmation to Peter, he has

been unshackled of his guilt, fear,

failure and powerlessness. Peter

responds this time from his heart,

“Oh Lord, you know that I love you.”

Peter is freed and liberated. He

walks into his destiny as an apostolic leader in the early church.

Jesus wasn‟t looking to Peter for information. He knew Peter‟s

heart. He looked at Peter from the other side of the Cross. In

the reality of Jesus‟ love and acceptance, Peter could face his

failure and pain and be set free (see John 21:2-17). Jesus will

do the same act of healing in our lives as we invite Him in.

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A further step in our healing

comes as we discover and then

experience at heart level, OUR


One aspect is the truth that we

are made in God’s image. For

You created my inmost being;

You knit me together in my

mother's womb. I praise You

because I am fearfully and

wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13,14)


I am accepted. Romans 15:7 I am God's child. John 1:12, 1 John 3:1 As a disciple, I am a friend of Jesus Christ. John 15:15 I have been justified. Romans 5:1 I am united with the Lord, and I am one with

Him in spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17 I have been bought with a

price, and I belong to God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 I am a member of Christ's

body. 1 Corinthians 12:27 I have been chosen by God and

adopted as His child.

Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been redeemed and

forgiven of all my sins.

Colossians 1:13-14 I am complete in Christ.

Colossians 2:9-10

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I am free from all condemnation

Romans 8:1-2 I have direct access to the throne

of grace through Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 4:16 I am assured that God works for

my good in all circumstances.

Romans 8:28 I am free from any condemnation

brought against me, and I cannot be

separated from the love of God.

Romans 8:31-39 I am significant. 1 John 5:18

I am confident that God will complete the good work

He started in me. Phil 1:6 I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love

and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 I am God's temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16 I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm. Eph. 2:6 I am God's workmanship. Ephesians 2:10 I may approach God with freedom and confidence. Eph. 3:12 I can do all things through

Christ, who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

The more we

affirm who we are

in Christ, the more

our behaviour

will begin to reflect

our true identity.

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The next step in the healing of our

damaged emotions has to do with

the FIRE OF GOD. Scripture has many

references to God as fire (see Daniel

7:9,11; Hebrews 12:29).

God's Word declares that there are

two kinds of fires in our universe: one

demonic, the other divine. (James 3:6)

The fire we get closer to, the fire we

allow to consume us will be the one that

determines our spiritual future, both for

this life and eternity.

Paul teaches about the two fires: one fire wants to destroy

us: It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to

get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex;

a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage;

frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness...a brutal temper;

an impotence to love or be loved...uncontrolled and

uncontrollable addictions. (Galatians 5:19-21, The Message)

The other fire is from God. A pure, holy

fire that will redeem and refine us

into the character of our Lord Jesus

Christ. “He brings gifts into our lives…

things like affection for others,

exuberance about life, serenity. We

develop a willingness to stick with

things, a sense of compassion in the

heart...We find ourselves involved in

loyal commitments, not needing to force

our way in life, able to marshal and

direct our energies wisely...everything

connected with getting our own way…

is killed off for good—crucified.

(Galatians 5:22-24, The Message)

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Selwyn Hughes of Every Day with

Jesus, highlights this truth: God

wants us to allow His refining fire

to BURN OUT of our lives every false

fire that ravages our lives and to


To burn out of us the pain; the hurt;

our confusion, along with the sense

of loss and betrayal.

Then, we invite God to burn in a

renewed identity; an experience of

His peace and security; a confidence and hope for the future

as we rest in the strong arms of our heavenly Father.

This Biblical principle comes to life in us when we invite the

power of God’s Spirit to do the healing transformation of

burning out the inner pain and burning in freedom and inner



to bring healing and release

into every part of our life.

Jesus said,"...Whoever

believes in me, as the

Scripture has said, streams

of living water will flow from

within him." By this he

meant the Spirit, whom

those who believed in him

were later to receive.

(John 7:38,39)

Our position as God‟s children is to sit in the Father‟s arms of

love. Our power for healing is released as we constantly invite

the Holy Spirit to renew, refresh and restore us. God‟s Word

commands: be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

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We may be going through a tough day, or

season: what sustains us is the Father’s

blessing. The Father spoke to Jesus: You

are My Son, whom I love. In you I am well

pleased. (Mark 1:11)

The Father speaks to us: You are my child,

who I love. In you I am well pleased. Hear

the Father speak that into our heart and

spirit: YOU ARE ACCEPTED. He is making us

whole by the renewing power of his Spirit

working within us.

When insecurity rises up, run back into

the Father’s arms, the Father’s blessing and the Father’s

approval. Cry out to him for a fresh release of his Spirit into

our life to empower us. Soak in his love, grace, compassion

and the transforming power only he can give us.

At times seeing breakthrough from emotional hurts can all

seem too hard. We may be aware of the wonderful promise

that Jesus says to us in John 14:25-27, "The Counsellor, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach

you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to

you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not

give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be

troubled and do not be afraid.

How do we gain victory? Graham Cooke,

a brilliant speaker and gifted man of God

[see] shares a

vision the Lord gave him that provides a

key insight. In the vision, Graham saw

himself as a tiny, puny man facing a huge

giant, over 8m high.

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Where fear once walked, love now reigns

Where heartbreak took root, love now reigns

Where dreams were crushed, love now reigns

And you can taste the everlasting joy in the place of His love © Annette Roberts

Graham was terrified. He felt intimidated, crushed and

powerless. Somehow he gained the strength to lift his head.

Behind the huge giant he saw the face of Jesus

pop out from behind a cloud. Graham felt his

spirit lift. Then Jesus began to smile and wave

at him. Graham found his confidence rising and

peace enfolding him. Then Jesus spoke, “The

giant can‟t see me. Only you can see me. Now

look back at the giant.” Graham was stunned!

The giant had shrunk and was now a puny

figure, while Graham had grown and was now

a giant.

At that point, Jesus reminded Graham, My

peace I give you...Do not let your hearts be troubled and do

not be afraid. (John 14:27) So easily we can focus on the

hurt, the person, the pain (the “giant”).

Or…we may chose to focus

beyond the person who has

hurt us. Beyond the problem.



Focus on the majesty of

Almighty God and reality of

the transforming power of

the Holy Spirit. Receive the healing God brings.

He loves you … he really loves us.

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Focus on who is with us in every step of our journey ...

Page 16: Jesus heals damaged Emotions - Ross Wakeley's …In the hit film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Toula, the key character, has grown up being told by her dad that she is old, ugly and has

In Jesus heals damaged emotions, you‟ll discover:

Indicators that our emotions have been damaged

Steps for the journey to healing

The liberating truth ~ we are the Father‟s favourite

Our identity in Jesus Christ

How the refining fire of God sets us free

The Jesus who is with us in our journey

Scripture quotations are taken from

The Holy Bible, New International Version ®

Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright ©1993-2002.

Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group

Fathers Love Letter, used by permission of

Father Heart Communications, copyright 1999-2004.

Acknowledgment: Selwyn Hughes [„holy fire‟ insights]

Booklet © Ross Wakeley 2009

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