Page 1: Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

Chapter: 2, Part: 2

Jesus' Training of Foul Play

"Do not resist the evil" (Mt 5:39) - The credo of all organized crimes, Mafiosi, Satan and the "Sermon on the Mountain"!

Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

Jesus tricks to become worshiped as "God"

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Firstly, Jesus "Christ" – the prophet of deception like Isaiah reveals (as introduction to the topic)

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

Secondly: What is a Trojan Horse in this context?

Thirdly: Jesus’ perfidy of semantic simulations (juggling with names) and Trojan Horses in detail

Fourthly: Jesus' trick of schizophrenia

Firstly: Jesus "Christ" – the prophet of deception like Isaiah reveals (as introduction to the topic)

For debunking the abominable organized crime on humankind ( Jesus "Christ" and Christian sect) the book of prophet Isaiah of the Jewish Bible should

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be a set book like the writings of ancient Greek philosopher Celsus (about 178 C.E.) Porphyry (232/233 – 304 C.E.) or Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 -1900).

Below, we are going to produce evidence that prophet Isaiah demonstrates that reason and faith consent about such “prophets” like Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ" ). Prophet Isaiah does not condemn less Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (aka: Jesus "Christ“) and his organized crime (Christian sect) less than reason does.

Allegedly the Bible of the Jews “proves” all the claims staked by Jesus "Christ" and the Christians. Prima facie, it is to say: It is not to understand why Catholic sect prohibited reading the Bible to their victims of deceit (sheep) from the Nicene council (325) until the council

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of Vaticanum I (in the second half of the 19th century), if this allegation would be true. Already this prohibition clues that the claimed evidence of the Jewish Bible for the Christian “New Testament” is quite different with that what the Christians presume to purport. To ignoramuses one can talk a lot …! Protestants allowing their pets (sheep) reading the Bible in the 16th century could talk big.

First, due to thorough Catholic crimes and abominations from which the Protestants benefited, Christianity at this time already was that established that only at the risk of one’s life one could refute Christian scriptures, even against Protestants and:

Secondly, the Protestants translated many expressions wrongly to keep their sheep guilelessly. For instance, Luther translates the expression “eunuch” by “cut” (see: Mt 19:12) or the Greek notion of

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names “paradidomi” (Latin: traditor) that means “deliverer” by “betrayer”, e.g., Mt 26:48, Mr 14:44, Joh 13:21 etc. Precisely that latter translation mistake (not error!!!) will turn out to be very, very decisive for us.

As purported favorite prophet Christian refer to Isaiah for (conceited) evidence of Yehoshua-Ben-Pandera’s (Jesus "Christ's") claims. Certainly, Isaiah is of importance for Christian sect. However, not pertaining to the Christians’ presumption of providing evidence of Yehoshua-Ben-Pandera’s (Jesus "Christ's" ) claims (allegedly being “Messiah”, “god’s son” etc.) but with regard to debunk Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) as liar or “prophet” of deception.

On the contrary, we argue that whoever wants to realize Yehoshua-Ben-Pandera’s (Jesus "Christ's" ) plots of

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deceits that one should read prophet Isaiah, anyway. Isaiah describes the pattern of a prophet of deception into which Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) astonishingly fits:

Isa 32:7 (NRSV)

7 The villainies of villains are evil; they devise wicked devices to ruin the poor with lying words, even when the plea of the needy is right.

Exactly in this sense „Jesus "Christ’s" and the Christians’ commitment to “charity” is to understand. Until today, nobody described Christian “charity” more accurately than prophet Isaiah did, already centuries before this abominable Christian pestilence crime came into being. Isaiah 32:7 exactly is that what is

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to say to Christian “charity”. Sometimes the Christians even call this treacherously „brotherly love“. (Love is a feeling only hypocrites and liars presume to command, anyway only impostors being all Greek to love).

Here, Isaiah says:

a) The prophet of deception uses the need and misery of the poor and the wretched for the evil and even murderous selfishness of his own.

b) He even worsens the misery of the wretched.

c) This stays villainy even if the „plea of the needy ones is right“.

Destitution and misery of others are as good as far the prophet of deceit villainously can use them for the selfishness of his own. The prophet of deceit is not interested in eradicating any injustice, misery or destitution because

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hereby he would annihilate the possibility to use them for the profit of his own, e.g., being worshiped as “god”. Therefore, he fosters the misery of others to indulge it.

Worsening the misery of his victims means improving the possibility of being worshiped as monkey-Christ or even as monkey-god. Due to this ambidextrous view of the misery of others, the Christian swineherds -- „pleasingly to god“ help the disabled -- however do not want to belong with his “rabble”. In contrast with Islam, no disabled one is allowed to become priest (n’ beast), monk (n’ skunk) or nun, in Christianity!!!

This fact betrays more than volumes of books can describe!!! Obviously the Christian swineherds try diverting suspicion that their disability of mind – that makes Christians Christians -- already can be recognized by a physical

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one or that physical disability questions that one of mind.

Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) precisely fit into this pattern. First, he tries to subject the upper crust to his deceits, in vain. Very typical of desperado, his failure aggravates his hatred and vindictiveness, all the more! Obviously, the upper crust does not want a slob n’ flop of nature, a deformity and misshape creature comparably to Satan, if not Satan as its “god” in place of god.

Lk 14, 16-24 (LUT 1984)

16 Then Jesus said to him, "Someone gave a great dinner and invited many.

17 At the time for the dinner he sent his slave to say to those who

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had been invited, ‘Come; for everything is ready now.’

18 But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of land, and I must go out and see it; please accept my regrets.’

19 Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out; please accept my regrets.’

20 Another said, ‘I have just been married, and therefore I cannot come.’

21 So the slave returned and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and said to his slave, ‘Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.’

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22 And the slave said, ‘Sir, what you ordered has been done, and there is still room."

23 Then the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.

24 for I tell you, none of those who were invited will taste my dinner.’"

Each distinguished one of position avoids the offered pigswill of Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“), rightly even according to Jesus "Christ’s" view. This impostor admits “none of those who were invited will taste my dinner” (verse 26). Therefore, they are clever and sensible to refuse such “invitation”. Hereby the imposter concedes that he is unable to bamboozle the sensible and the clever. However, those who are in need, the wretched and the miserable because

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of destitution, sickness, incidents, accidents or because they turned out badly by nature (“the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame”) easily are to be hoodwinked for the profit of the host (verse: 21).

Since everybody of the upper crust avoids sharing the pigswill of a prophet of his own, i.e., of deceit, the impostor resorts to the cunning trick that Christian doctrines otherwise attribute to Satan, namely, stirring up a rebellion of the laston the first . He promises the lastto become the “first ones” if they worship him as “god”. Below we will demonstrate that he flatters the last one all over for being worshiped as “god”, in return.

The main thing is become worshiped as “god”, if not by decent citizens then even by criminals, felons, murderers or nature’s flops – he calls “sinners”! The latter he fawns by lies, deception and self-

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deception to lure them into worshiping him as “god” while aggravating grudge, hatred and vindictiveness of those the wretched. That is the price he willingly pays for being worshiped as “god”. As prophet Isaiah correctly sees, such a prophet of deception is not interested in improving the situation of those miserable and the wretched but only in the profit and benefit of his own!

To the Pharisees he presumes to excuse his Satanic venture, in the following way:

Lu 5:31-32 (NRSV)

31 Jesus answered, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick;

32 I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.

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Oh well, this poor old sold is not up to do any mischief to his victims and does not want to cant his failure of getting the upper crust worshiping him as „god“, i.e., that no distinguish person of brain and position follows the prophet of Satan or that one of his own (both is the same!) … (The Christians obviously foster self-deception that somebody can be the prophet of his own if one lifts the concerned one to be “god” … Here; they miss to see that Satan does the same, even according to the Christian doctrines!!!).

In the beginning he thought quite different with that. This demonstrates the mentioned „parable“ from Lu 14:16-24 but also those chronicles (Christians' cant: "gospels") the Christians wanted to destroy once forever. Predominately talking by parables already is the speech of deceivers. On the

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one hand, it is a hidden and camouflaged way of communication with the companions of grudge, envy, hatred and vengeance, viz, of what the organized crime really is about. On the other hand, parables enable to contest the truths about the information that is given, e.g., by adventurous interpretations if the enemy also gets aware of the tidings, debunks and attacks those deceits. Mark my words: Parables are the particular way of veiled understanding of deceivers and religious rogues n’ frogs with frock and without frock! Parables include information as well as its camouflaging!

Besides Lu 14, 16 - 24 there are following parables to this topic in undisclosed chronicles (Christians' cant: "gospels"), for instance, in the chronicle of Thomas. Christian priests n’ beast, bastards n’ dastards or bluffers n’ duffers wanted to get rid of this gospel, forever:

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And he (Jesus) said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish

without difficulty.`` [i]

Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine sheep and looked for that one until he found it. When he had gone to such trouble, he said to the sheep, 'I care for you more

than the ninety-nine.'"[ii]

I see, for one big fish he would abandon file:///G|/WebsJun09/Bare-JesusJun09/e201.htm (16 von 94) [18.06.2009 13:18:32]

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his many maggots of “the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame” (Lu 14:21) or the deformities like he is one. Therefore, if he could he would prefer quality to quantity. However, this slob n’ flop of nature’s creation, this maggot n’ faggot cannot because that are “sour grapes”. Since a desperado never gives in, not to mentions, never gives up he now tries taking advantage of the misery of the wretched by faking to plead their case.

In truths, he only promotes the case, benefit and selfishness of his own: If the upper crust does not worship this slob n’ flop of nature, this thug n’ mug or this maggot n’ faggot as “god”, then those many miserable and the wretched shall do it, although he so gladly would throw them back into the sea!

Lu 14:23 is much revealing, too! Here the hypocrite of “meekness”, “humbleness” and “non-violence” etc. orders his fellow

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skunks n’ monks, schmucks n’ mugs, rogues n’ frogs or curs in furs to “compel people to come in”! Hark, hark! This order constitutes “meek”, “modest”, “humble” and “self-scarifying” Christian pestilence as an organized crime of psychological terror and terror (terrorism).

Here, he orders to compel others to share his pigswill! That means, he instructs to impose Christianity on others. At this moment he (“Jesus "Christ" ”) designs his Christian sect as an organized crime (Mafia)! Is there any human right of an organized crime?

This tallies with another passage, also from the gospel of Luke:

Lu 19:27 NKJV

27 ‘But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay

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them before me.’"

Is there any human right of slaying others only because the concerned do not want to be reigned by somebody that so gladly wants to reign, at any price, even at that one of murder? What else are the Christian stakes with its burning bodies but precisely this what this rogue without frock is puking, here? Oh well, „Jesus "Christ" “ – the model of Christian „love“ and “charity” each Christian should emulate and Christian felons’ sect sorrily imitated, too much! That is the real “love” the accursed of god (De 21:23)! That is the “love” those that are under curse of god (see: De 21:23) “love” one another, especially their “beloved” next ones and enemies! The rest is just camouflaging to get the perfidy and infamy of one’s own unassailable. Christians accomplish this by faking each abomination of theirs be its (moral) reverse, e.g., by semantic simulations (“juggling with names”).

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The orders of applying violence to force others to Christian organized crime is given by nobody less but by its instigator that is lifted as Christian sect’s god!!!

Forcing others to the belief of one’s own, means crimes on human rights, in particular, on that one of religious freedom but not only on that one. It means also crimes on freedom of speech, research and teaching! Those Christian crimes are instigated by the death penalty convict this organized crime lifted up to its dummy of “god”, in place of god!

Oh my god, what a tear-stained “lamb of innocence” …!

That is insidiousness of his profiting from the misery of the wretched by which he thoroughly worsens the misery of the needy ones while mendaciously “pleading” their case.

There is no spite, file:///G|/WebsJun09/Bare-JesusJun09/e201.htm (20 von 94) [18.06.2009 13:18:32]

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Like Jesus "Christ“!

There is no infamy n’ perfidy,

Like Christianity!

There is no calumny n’ depravity,

Like Christianity!

By Christendom,

The world dooms!

What perfidious this swine of deceits is, demonstrates another passage from Christian Satan’s word labeling as „god’s word“. To this context let us recall that according to this „misunderstood“ objectification (incarnation) of perfidy nobody can outdo regarding perfidy and depravity, he gathers the “the sick needing a physician” (Lu 5:31) and not

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the righteous ones (see: Lu 5:32).

Mt 5:46-48 NRSV

46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

48 (My fellow Christian sinners Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Well, this is he saying to the „the sick needing a physician” (Lu 5:31)!!! My word! That is the way the accursed one of god (De 21:23), i.e., Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) is fawning on those the miserable, viz, on the desperadoes

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(Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") that worship this objectification (incarnation) of perfidy as their “god”! Now, all of a sudden, those „the sick needing a physician“ (Lu 5:31) are perfect like god is perfect …! My word!

There is no hypocrite,

Like Jesus "Christ“,

Satan's very catamite!

This is the mire,

The Christians admire!

Wherever you can find a spiteful little devil sucking and licking more the fiends like Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) does? That is „Jesus“ flattering you and what you, Christian, flattering „Jesus”? One can deem Christiando(o)m to be permanent carnival! Whatever honest one really can doubt that Satan is addressed to be „god“

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in Christian organized crime or Christian sect?

Even the sometimes quoted passage from Le 19:2 (“You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy”) does not apologies the Lord Perfidy n’ Infamy (“Jesus "Christ" ”).

a) Here it is only spoken about „holy“ (Latin: sanctus). Human being can be holy or saint but not perfect. Perfect is attribute that belongs with god, only.

b) Le 19:2 is not that funny as to address the „the sick needing a physician“ (Lu 5:31) like “Jesus "Christ" ” is, respectively, does. Here are addressed the „righteous ones“ that do not need a physician according to Lu 5:32.

c) Le 19:2 only recommends file:///G|/WebsJun09/Bare-JesusJun09/e201.htm (24 von 94) [18.06.2009 13:18:32]

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being holy but not being like god. (There is a difference between “for” and “like”).

d) Whoever believes to be like god, that one does not believe in god? Only that one can make himself „god“, who does not believe in god because nobody can sit in a chair somebody else, is already sitting.

This is precisely what prophet Isaiah overstrained by Christians points out: Wanting to be like god – “Jesus "Christ" ” wants to be and recommends his fellow Christian desperadoes – is the desire of Lucifer and his fellows.

Isa 14:11-14 JPS

11 Thy pomp is brought down to the nether-world, and the noise of thy psalteries; the maggot is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.’

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12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, that didst cast lots over the nations! 13 And thou saidst in thy heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, above the stars of God will I exalt my throne, and I will sit upon the mount of meeting, in the uttermost parts of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.’

Precisely in this of all Christian writings that partly even copies out of Isaiah, Lucifer or Yehoshua-ben Pandera (Satan name: Jesus "Christ“) concedes being the morning star and thus being Lucifer or Satan.

Similar to the ancient Greeks who predicted that after their era Hades

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(Satan) and his brother (James?) will conquer one third of the world, prophet Isaiah had a foreboding of this organized crime (Christianity) that was to come. Isaiah foresees that first Lucifer will conquer most parts of the world before he will be defeated and punished.

Do not the Christians allege firstly ascension to heaven of their topmost underhand foul play and secondly that he was like the High Most "residing" to his right? Did not Isaiah correctly predict Lucifer that is called "Jesus Christ" and/or "god's son" by this (Christian) sect (of Satan)? Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ") thoroughly knowing the bible of the Jews confirms to whole world:

Re 22:16 NRSV 16 "It is I, Jesus, who sent my

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angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I (Jesus) am ... the bright morning star.

Christian sect,

Satan’s toilet!

It is to exclude, that Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (aka: Jesus „Christ“) does not know prophet Isaiah. To the latter he and the Christians refer for (spurious) evidence of Jesus „Christ“ as purported Messiah and “son of god” as to no other Jewish prophet. As already said, the author of the so-called „Revelation of John“ -- from whom the last mentioned quotation of Jesus “Christ” is taken -- even copies out of Isaiah. One even can call the purported „John’s Revelation“ a Christian imitation of „Isaiah“… Whoever wants to emulate somebody that one has to know the pattern.

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As each Christian knows that the (Christian) term of “god’s son” means Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (aka: Jesus “Christ”), each Jewish one knows that “morning star” is a synonym for Satan. Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ") is no Christian but Jew.

Possible apologies those abominable liars and deceivers now could unload on the market, e.g., that this bloody poor sod of Christian (“omniscient”) “god” regrettably did not know what a morning star means in Judaism although wanting to pose as Messiah of it, only make this impostor, “world redeemer” and “omniscient” braggart a laughing stock, all the more …

No god makes such mistakes but only an impostor and braggart of a underhand foul players’ or felons’ sect!

What did German keen minded philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) say? The critic of this foul play

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faked as “religion” cannot do without making it contemptible … Why? Because this sect is despicable, to the utmost! It even is keeping a “god” introducing himself to be Satan to his henchmen …! Oh well, Christianity – is not it something “unique”?

So, if the Christians have to go to hell on doomsday and will try apologizing being misled by Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (aka: Jesus “Christ”) as prophet Muhammad predicts according Su 1:159 in the Koran, then Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Satan name: Jesus “Christ”) rightly can reject his henchmen’s reproach having bamboozled them by the following arguments:

Firstly, did not he say he is the morning star, viz, Lucifer?

Secondly, the Christians know god’s word according to which each, who is hanged, is accursed of god (see: De 21:23). Hereby the henchmen of his evenly became the accursed ofgod.

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Thirdly, did not he warn of wolves in a sheep’s clothing?

Fourthly, did not he say to his henchmen’s (now called Christians) face that they are “sick one needing a physician” (see: Lu 5:31), viz, that those Christian rogues’ n’ frogs, bastards n’ dastards or schmucks n’ mugs want to be deceived?

On top of everything, he can put the question to his Christian henchmen: However, could I (Jesus Satan's Christ) ever have been more open to you?

Lucifer or Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Satan name: Jesus "Christ" ) confirms to the world that he exalts his throne even above god and that he desire to be like the High Most if not more:

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Joh 10:18 NRSV 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again…

Joh 16:15 NRSV

15 All that the Father has is mine…

Lucifer (Satan name: Jesus "Christ" ) presumes to fancy having the power haughtily to lay down or take up the power like Satan modeled it to him in the desert or desert’s dream … Lucifer and his (Jesus) Christ do not believe in god, they do not want only to be “god” but upper “god” or even “god’s” guardian. Both are atheists and only believe in themselves. If god desires something he pleasantly has to ask Lucifer or his (Jesus) Christ for permission. The latter of course is only granted if god behaves well

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names toward Satan and his (Jesus) Christ …! That is the way how the trinity of Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and all their Christians fancy god, if they believe in god, at all! That is how the dream their relationship to god, if they trust in god, at all! That is how Christian swineherds fancy “god” to be …! One never knows the occurrences in the brain of those “the sick needing a physician” (Lu 5:31) or of the accursed of god (De 21:23) …!

In view of these circumstance, whoever could doubt that prophet Isaiah correctly predicted Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) and Christian desperadoes’ sect?

The followers of Lucifer or his (Jesus) Christ fancy the relationship of Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and god in the following way:

1Co 15:23-24 NRSV 23 But each in his own order:

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Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ24 Then comes the end, when he (Jesus "Christ" ) hands over the kingdom to God the Father, after he (Jesus "Christ" ) has destroyed every ruler and every authority and power.

That is the way how the trinity of Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and their Christians fancy god to be: If at all, god only is allowed to be god if at first Lucifer or his (Jesus) Christ has subjected the entire universe to himself corresponding his or Satan’s imagination of grudge, envy, hatred and vengeance. Thus, Lucifer’s, Christ’s and the Christians’ “god” is not in the beginning of the universe, more over he even is no present power but the end of the world, again if at all. The

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present power is not up to god but to Lucifer and/or his (Jesus) Christ arranging the world corresponding the revenge of those who turned out badly on those who seem to be preferred by nature.

After having accomplish this world war of vengeance, Satan or Lucifer and his (Jesus) Christ haughtily hand over the universe to god, provided god consents with the changes Satan and his Christ made and will not alter them and will do nothing the trinity of Lucifer, his (Jesus) Christ and all their Christian do not like … Exactly that is how the described trinity fancies “god” …

Anyway, whoever believes to be like the High Most only has feigned “respect” for god, if he believes him to be existent, at all …! God is not the present power because the trinity of Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and their Christians believe him to

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be incapable of executing his job so Satan and his (Jesus) Christ had to usurp god’s power to show god how his job is well done …! Of course, Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and their Christians call the delusion of grandeur “the sacrifice of the innocent lamb” …! This is the Christians’ bedlam! Those are no delusions of inmates of a lunatic asylum …! That is Satan’s holy “church” Christendo(o)m! This is how “the sick needing a physician” (Lk 5:31) fancy “god” …! That is what is creeping and squeaking about “god” in the brains of those who are accursed of god (De 21:23) …!

However, here we are aiming at another topic.

If Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ" ) feels coerced resorting to the „the sick needing a physician“ (l

Lu 5:31), to the „poor, the crippled, the file:///G|/WebsJun09/Bare-JesusJun09/e201.htm (36 von 94) [18.06.2009 13:18:32]

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blind, and the lame“ (Lu 14:21) after failing to get the „great fishes“ to prostrate before him and worshiping him as „god“, then this does not work free of charge. On the contrary, Lucifer or his (Jesus) Christ has to proffer lies and deception to those the miserable to succeed in becoming worshiped as “god”.

To those the wretched he has to offer lies and deception, e.g., that the „the sick needing a physician“ are „in truth“ the “true the healthy”, yes even “the perfect ones”, the miserable, „in truth“, „god’s“ “true darlings” or “true chosen ones”, the liars are the “true truthful ones”, the vindictive ones the “true lovers” etc. “True” is only a semantic simulation for “false” to liar and deceiver because the fate their lies to be “truths” and their deceits “as “service” or even “sacrifice” of themselves … That is why those deceivers and Mafiosi steadily are “suffering” all over …”

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A prophet of deception has to declare good for „evil“ and evil for „good“ (semantic simulation), i.e., lying by concepts. Lying by concept means that the cliché of word (signum) mostly is the reverse of that what is the meaning of it (ad signatum). Cliché (signum) does not correspond but mostly even contradicts the meaning of the word (ad signatum) and vice versa. That is lying by concepts. Those are semantic simulations. Another weapon to put upside down and downside up are psychological projections, felon coach Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ" ) evenly mastered shrewdly …! However, in this chapter it is about Yehoshua-Ben-Pandera’s semantic simulations.

Otherwise Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ" ) or any other prophet of deception will not

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succeed the wretched in worshiping him as „god“, in return! Prophet Isaiah warns of such prophets of deception like Jesus "Christ" :

Isa 5:18 NRSV

18 ¶ Ah, you who drag iniquity along with cords of falsehood, who drag sin along as with cart ropes,

Isa 5:20 NRSV

20 Ah, you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

The trinity of Satan, his (Jesus) Christ and the Christians do not shrink from perpetrating that, precisely. Here,

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prophet Isaiah sees the problem of semantic simulations that are cunning ploys of Satanic prophets. How else can Lucifer and/or his Anointed One (Greek: Christos) bamboozle the wretched, disabled, sick and the evil, the slobs n’ flops, the bastards n’ dastards, the thugs n’ schmucks etc. into worshiping him as „god“ but by semantic simulations that the evil are the „good“ ones, the good the „evil“ ones, lie was „truth“, hatred „love“, vengeance „justice“ and crime or felon “martyrdom” and mostly vice versa etc. ? In contrast with occasional fuss of pretensions, the Christians precisely know that they are perpetrating that. Among Christian swineherds there is nobody deceive that does not want to be deceived and to deceive others! Aurelius Augustinus (aka: St. Augustine) writes:

"The rule of the divine providence is not distorted by ranking the unjust ones as just and the ugly as

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This is what the followers of Satan and his (Jesus) Christ fancy …! The always hypocritically „confessing“ sinners refuse to their fundamental sins. This constitutes evilness and the iniquities, perfidy, infamy, insidiousness, crime , outrages and barbarities in Christian sect. By “confessions of sins” this wickedness is not removed, only camouflaged. Here, Augustine says: We (Christians) lie a little bit, deceive a little bit, murder a little bit – god does not mind …! Here, the Christians – the accursed of god (De 21:23) -- confuse Satan and god.

These exactly are semantic simulations („juggling with names“). Prophet Isaiah correctly says in his picture language that they “drag sin along as with cart ropes” (Isa 5:18). That is what Jesus

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"Christ" and Christendo(o)m is about: dragging everybody to that maliciousness and abomination with those the accursed ofgod (De 21:23) are brimming all over!

Hereby semantic simulations (juggling with names) come into existence. No ideological deceit can do without semantic simulation, as far as one can call Christian toilet an ideology …! Of course the deceiver that wants to be worshiped as “god” has to flatter those ones he wants to deceive and the ones that want to be deceived.

However, he cannot call him and them to be liars, deceivers, brutes, scum of the Earth, brutes, rats in the trap or felons of hatred and vengeance but the prophet of deceit has to blarney those rogues n’ frogs, schmuck n’ thugs, slobs n’ flops or priests n’ beasts to be the only and “true truthful ones”, the “true lovable ones”,

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“honest”, “humble” and “modest” ones or “god’s darlings” etc. If he does not adulate them, they will not worship him as “Christ”, “god” or “god’s son” instead of god!

That is why the Christians on the one hand feign to be “selfless” but indeed profit very much of their Mafia’ faith, e.g., allegedly “keeping the power to bind and to loose on Earth what simultaneously is bound and loosed in heaven”, that mean faking to be authorized to perpetrate as humankind’s “gods” or slaveholders!

· The more impertinence and delusion of grandeur, the more they fake to be “humble”, “modest” or “committed to charity” …!

· The more those followers of his (Jesus "Christ" ) lie, the more he (Jesus "Christ" ) has to flatter them that they are “the true truthful ones” that even “die for the truths”, even if just having

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perpetrated a perjury in favor of the religious Mafia …!

· The more they hate other because they turned out better by nature, the more the prophet of deception (Jesus "Christ" ) has to adulate them that they are the “only ones that are committed to love and charity”...

· The more they commit crimes and even murder, the more the prophet of deception (Jesus "Christ" ) has to blarney them that the crimes and abominations they perpetrated are “(innocent) martyrdom” and

· that the murderers are the “true martyrs” etc.

That is nothing but fawning on others by semantic simulation for being worshiped, in return. Do not Lucifer and his (Jesus) Christ do so? That means he only can get them worshiping him as god for fawning n’ flattering by that they want to be

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blarneyed! He has to put upside down and downside up and a tool to do that are semantic simulations. That is the price he has to pay for being worshiped as “god”, in exchange. Does not Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“) do so? That is how religious rogues, deceivers and religious deception come into existence.

If the prophet of deceit does not do so, there is no reason for the “sinners”, the miserable and wretched and/or depraved ones to worship him. Therefore, he has to comply with that depravity and renounce being worshiped or to stay with the truths. The latter is too much of that what one can demand from death penalty convict Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (Christian jargon: Jesus "Christ“). The suffering of those Mafiosi is their failures and defeats. Each Mafioso must be ready to kill the rival by the gun or getting killed by the rival. That is sod’s law! Those are the Christians’ and all other Mafiosi’s law!

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Therefore, semantic simulations but only these ones come into being.

Also this attitude of Christians comes into existence, which German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) described as “avoid knowing what is


or “lying at any price”. [v]

Depraved ones suffer from the self-awareness of being the sum of all creatures. This suffering of mind sometimes can be more severe than suffering with destitution. Thus, depraved ones suffering with their depravity often are inclined to believe in deceits (self-deception) about themselves. That is the chance of a prophet of deception getting worshiped (as “god”) by adulating those wretched and the miserable by everything they are not but they want to be!!! Therefore, they even are inclined in believing in such deceits. There is no borderline to fix about that what is deception and what is self-

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This differs from individual to individual but also within an individual. At one moment the rogue might sneer at the trick he just succeeded in playing, however at another moment facing the mirror of truths, the same schmuck represses the truth to the unconsciousness and plays the “innocent”, “slandered” and “persecuted” one, for the same matter. The borderline between conscience and unconsciousness is like an elevator going up and down, even with regard to one individual. Believing in one’s lies is not apology for lying and deceiving but is the top of mendacity and depravity! If a lie becomes believed (self-deception), it worsens to be dangerous. Then, those Mafiosi feel “authorized” to perpetrate their perfidy, infamy, insidiousness, crimes, outrages and barbarities on their fellow human beings (“beloved” next

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ones)! That is what happened in Christian Middle Ages and that is what Christian Middle Ages “impressively” demonstrate …!

Again, we realize that prophet Isaiah in no way provides evidence of „Jesus "Christ" “ and the Christian claims. On the contrary, prophet Isaiah first warns us of religious rogues like Jesus "Christ" and secondly describes how religious deceit works. Whoever wants to debunk Yehoshua-ben-Pandera (aka: Jesus "Christ“), the accursed one onto god (De 21:23), should read prophet Isaiah! !

Secondly: What is a Trojan Horse in this context?

Lying and deceiving by concepts we call file:///G|/WebsJun09/Bare-JesusJun09/e201.htm (48 von 94) [18.06.2009 13:18:32]

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semantic simulations. If the cliché of well reputed terms get (hidden) bad meanings, mostly the reverse of that the clichés show.

Semantic simulations make concepts to be Trojan Horses. For instance, the worshiper is told to worship “god”. However, if Satan is called “god”, he does not worship “god” but Satan. So the bamboozled ones believe to worship “god” but in fact they worship Satan. Here, „god“is only the Trojan horse for Satan. The worshiper believes to worship a good thing but indeed he worships the reverse. That is how a prophet of deceit deceives. He knows he cannot accomplish his wickedness by telling the truths but by misguiding people. In this case, folks are misled by the pretty cliché of the word not suspecting the reverse “content” (meaning) of it.

Hereby prophets of deception even make the crimes unassailable. For instance, on

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vengeance one has to claim justice. However, one cannot do so, if this vengeance is fob as “justice” off on the victims of deception. Those are the secrets of Jesus "Christ’s" coaching of Christian swineherds and felons! That is the only way how evil successfully can spread among human beings and how evil makes itself unassailable. That what one has to object to evilness that is already claimed (and thus pilfered) but the cliché.

Those are the secrets of Christian “brotherly love”, “charity”, “truth”, “martyrdom”, “saints”, “god”, “god’s son“,“ holy father”, “remission of sins” in contrast with reality making a mockery of Christian those Christian terms. Those Christian concepts are Trojan Horses, mostly for the reverse meanings the clichés show. This contrast of reality and theory is intended part of Christian trickeries, ploys and plots. This is Jesus "Christ’s” coaching of bestiality and

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felons, viz, of those who are under curse of god (De 21:23).

Thirdly: Jesus’ perfidy of semantic simulations (juggling with names) and Trojan Horses in detail So, any successful crime starts by manipulating the concepts, the tools of cognition. The notions have to be manipulated in that way that the crimes -- one is determined to perpetrate and would be recognizable only by terms -- are no longer recognizable because the concepts as tools of all cognition are corrupted (by manipulation). So, the fist step Jesus and the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") do to fob off their successful enslavement on

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humankind is corrupting the terms. Under those circumstances crimes are only discernible on condition of a particular philosophical ability working out the meaning of terms independently. Though many may picture themselves being capable of doing that, only a tiny percentage of any population have that ability -- like only a small percentage of each generation has the ability of an extraordinary painter or musician etc. And if the felons have enough political power then those few ones don’t get anywhere. That tailoring of the concepts, especially those ones of morals for the advantage of one’s own and thus consequently for the crimes -- one is determined to commit -- represents the nature of complete crime, i.e., the barbarism. Nobody but Jesus is more skilled in corrupting notions.

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· The first level of a Mafia is to disintegrate a state by infiltration so that the conspirators, terrorists, slaveholders or the organized crime hardly can be recognized and counteracted. · The next step is perfecting the crime: Manipulation of concepts and consequently the minds of the victims, so that no longer crimes are recognizable as such (crimes) but mixed up as boons to the victims even if the latter ones are not tortured and tormented by them.

This is the supreme degree of crimes: Terrorism and totalitarianism. A Mafia still accepts the general morals and does not manipulate them systematically. This only happens when totalitarianism comes

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into existence. The first well-known totalitarianism and barbarianism was or

is that one of Jesus "Christ“.[vi]

Intent, purpose and objective of Jesus and his Christian sect is to submit all conspecifics as robots to themselves. In order to attain that they stop at nothing – neither at god nor the devil, nor the truth, nor any lie, nor morals, nor immorality and nor barbarity and least of all nor at “Trojan horses”. All those notions become tampered with the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners")' lies, deceit, crimes, felonies, atrocities, barbarities and terrorism in order to get them impregnable. That's the (almost) perfect crime! “Trojan horses” are the most important weapon of such terrorists, swindlers and/or totalitarian barbarians.

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Concerning such a slaveholders’ sect, for example, it is not about the truth, although one fakes even to peg out for it. It is only about the concept of the truth, which in misusing the hollow word -- in Latin: signum, or in our symbol: the exterior of the Trojan horse -- they confer a reverse meaning to that (hollow) word – in Latin: ad signatum or regarding our symbol: the contents of the “Trojan horse”. That is the way they give lie the hollow word of “truth”, “domineeringness” the hollow word of “modesty”, “vindictiveness“ that one of “love” or “crime” and “felony” that one of “martyr“ and vice versa etc. For such “truths”, “love”, “charity”, “martyrs” etc. they cut off the head of others or let cut off those ones of their own, i.e. commit suicide. When the Danaos (Greeks) placed their giant wooden horse in front of the Trojan

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gate they gave the impression of a gift of peacefulness and good will to the Trojans. The Trojans wanted to pull this horse into their city as gift of the Greeks. However, their priest Laokoon warned his fellow Trojans of doing so. In Latin language his saying sounds as if he was already warning us of the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners"): Timeo Danaos dona ferentes!

In English: I am afraid of the Danaos (Greeks) even if they are presenting gifts. However, his fellow Trojans ignored the advice of him and pulled the giant wooden horse into their city. In the dark at night, approximately thirty Greek soldiers leapt out of the big wooden horse, opened the gates of the Trojan city for their fellow Greek soldiers and thus the city of Trojan became destroyed.

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This applied to concepts is the most important technique of warfare and terrorism of Jesus and the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners"). Christianity is inseparable from such Trojan horses. Without such “Trojan horses” no Christendo(o)m! Each time the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") provide an ostensible boon: “Love”, “charity”, “truthfulness”, “enemy love” and or what sorts of “love” they always contrive -- or if they proffer only one plate of soup to the poor and homeless ones -- one should remember the wisdom of Trojan Laokoon in somewhat modified way:

Timeo Christianos dona ferentes.

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In English: I am afraid of the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") even if they are giving presents. So, not because of “truths” but because of giving their lies the reputation (hollow word) as truths or their malice that one love the Christian barbarians commit murders or suicide. Fobbing off wickedness as “love” deceit as “truthfulness”, crimes as “martyrdoms”, “injuring” as suffering etc. on others that is Jesus’ production of “Trojan horses” by concepts. I.e. if we once compare the term with a vase, then the vessel of “truth” is taken and they pour another “fluid“ in it, for example, the “liquid” of lie. Therefore, whoever opposes their (the Christian sinners’) deceit is vilified the liar or the mad one because the real liars repute their lies and/ their deceit as

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“truth” or those insane (Jesus: sick) ones fool themselves and others to be “god’s” chosen ones or even to be the “god”. Contradicting those camouflaged hatred and vindictiveness (of the very last ones) or disagreeing that those very, very last ones are reputed to be the first , consequently is reviled allegedly teaching hate and vengeance because the malicious ones (Christians)condition their slaves to repute their spite and malice as “charity”, “love”, “compassion” to the next etc. Those are the “Trojan horses” of Jesus and the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners")!

Why “Trojan horses”? Because the cliché of the word looks pretty, has a good reputation and John Bull and Brother Jonathan think that genuine meaning of the words tallies with those hollows. However, they don’t have. Mostly they have the meaning of the reverse.

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And thus, all well reputed concepts like “god”, “morals”, “ethics”, “truth”, “peace”, “love”, “compassion”, “commitment” etc. become their “Trojan horses” spreading lies, deceit, self-deception, abominable spite, malice, hatred, vengeance, ruthless and utmost egoism, lust for power, domineeringness, warfare, atrocities, enslavement etc. That is one of the best and most bent for lying and deceiving of perfidious Jesus "Christ" and his infamous Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners").

Most folks think it is sufficient to see what nice terms a sectarian like Jesus or the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") are offering. They mostly become very enthusiastic if somebody drivels about well-reputed notions like, for instance, love, truths, justice, compassion etc. John Bull or brother Jonathan is used to thinking: Oh, wonderful, the Christian desperadoes

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(Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") think. I’m very in favor of "love", "truths", "charity", "compassion" etc. – those notions one roughly can each minute twice from them. Thus, John Bull and Brother Jonathan are much designed victims of those Pied Pipers. It is not important what nice concepts a preacher is applying but what meaning of notion the preacher is conferring by using them. The latter one is the only thing that counts. The hollows of words one can forget if one does not know the meaning that is conferred to them. Pied Pipers like Jesus and the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") misuse well reputed terms in order to spread the reverse meaning by them. And this they are used to doing so in order to get their malice, spite, hate, vengeance, lust for power, enslavement,

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

cruelty, atrocities, murders on their conspecifics irrefutable and impregnable because on those condition the adversary is accused not fighting versus deceit, fraud, enslavement, spite, malice, cruelty, murders, atrocities etc. but versus god, truth, freedom, ethics, morals, war, atrocities, tortures, torments and all boons one can imagine. Yes even – and this insolence and spite they did not perpetrate seldom – the one that is engaged for truthfulness and decency is accused by those (Christian) gangsters committing blasphemy. There is no more blasphemy but Christendo(o)m! That is why the Christian want to have their self-made "god" (Jesus) in order to tamper with all notions and things ruthlessly to their unscrupulous lust for power.

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Thus they are not disturbed when committing their malice, tortures, torments, atrocities etc. – neither by any morals, nor by the bad conscience of their own nor even by the god… That is why they are not interested in having a prophet (like the Muslims or Jews) but a “god”, that means a golden calf. So, the one that lifts up himself to the “god” (Jesus "Christ" ) is passed off as the “modest” and “humble” one but his adversaries (the Jews, the Pharisees, Atrott etc.) that do not so, are “arrogant”, yes even “megalomaniac”... That one who shouted: “All authority is given to me on earth and in heaven” ( see: Mt 28:18 - I’m already getting the willies…!) is “modest” and “humble” at the utmost but those who contradict -- that trash belonging to a madhouse -- are “arrogant”, “conceited” and “megalomaniac”… That is the way in which this slyly deceit, this furtive spite

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and horrible malice of Jesus and the Christian are working. They fake providing “truths”, “love” and “charity”. However camouflaged that way they poison all human relationship even up to men and women’s bedrooms. And what is most abominable is the fact that one is paralyzed fight against them because one is immediately accused being against all “love”, “charity”, “truths” and all “boons” (they are faking by bogus labeling and juggling with names) etc.

· That is Jesus "Christ" ! · Those are the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners")! Look their history: Everything does not tally with the hollow of words they use but all to the meaning they confer to the hollow of words! Those hollows of words

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-- Jesus and the Christian allege to be apostles of them -- are just claimed in order to nip a fair debate in the bud -- they only can loose and never win. Jesus and his Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") knew they only can win by depravity, spite, deception, (concealed) malice, hypocrisy (that is lying as one’s lifestyle!), perfidy and lull the victims into a false sense of security. John Bull and brother Jonathan shall think that the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") believe in the hollows of words the Jesus and the Christian always claim. And the Christian want them believing that John Bull and brother Jonathan think they and the Christian confer the same meaning to the words. They never get aware of it that the Christian confer the reverse of the

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meaning a common man or woman attaches to the terms. So, John Bull and brother Jonathan are in favor of “love”, however the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") do not mean love when telling about “love”. The Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") just talk about “love” in order to get their enslavement of their conspecifics impregnable… Jesus "taught" his Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent sinners") how to deceive by juggling with names or to produce “Trojan Horses”. Jesus and his Christian sinners are just skilled in juggling with names. That is the way Jesus his Christian barbarians put upside down and downside up: The first as the lastthe last to the first , malice as “goodness”, enslavement as “commitment for the next”, hatred as “love”, murders as “martyrs”, deception as “truthfulness”,

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“lust for power” as “humbleness”, torment as “freedom”, barbarians as “moral attractions” and vice versa…

That is the foundation of infamy of the totalitarian Christian sect. Infamy has become lifestyle to the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners). And Jesus or the (Christian) hypocrite is always riding “Trojan horses”, i.e. feigning each contrary of that what they really made up their mind accomplishing. Perfidy is the utmost degree of mendacity. That is the true Christian sinners’ (despicable and spiteful) lifestyle. As we produced evidence in another treatise Jesus admittedly could perform no miracles, except bluff and hypnosis. However, until the present day he was or is the best virtuoso of juggling with names among all bipeds. There, he also admittedly performed no miracles but

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did it “wonderfully”...! Into the “vase” or hollow word of:

· Love Jesus “pours“ “hatred” -- in that one of · Hatred the meaning of “love” · Slavery the meaning of “salvation” · Lies the meaning of “truths” · “Vengeance” the meaning of “justice” (Jesus’ belief shifts mountains and the truths anyway!) · Charity the meaning of “slaveholders” · Modesty and humbleness the meaning of ruthless “despotism” and tyrannical “lust for power” at all costs · Loving your enemies the meaning of “inquisition” and “pyre at the stake”

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· Life the meaning of “death” and · Death the meaning of “life” · Protection of life the meaning of “murdering dissidents and renegades” of Christian swineherds' sect · Barbarian the meaning of models of “love” and “martyrs” · The last one the meaning of the “first ones” and · Good the meaning of “sinners” and · Irascibility the meaning of “meekness” and · Peaceableness the meaning of “vindictiveness” · Martyrs that of “godless heretics”, “felons” and “Mafiosi” · God the meaning of “Satan” (and/or Jesus "Christ") and

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· Satan the meaning of the “god” and “anti-Christ” and · Ugliness the meaning of “beauty” and · Beauty the meaning of “ugliness”, · Unscrupulousness the meaning of “conscience” and “obedience to god” · Conscience the meaning of “malice” and “spite” · Reverend the meaning of “Mafiosi” etc.,. So, one “martyrdom” happens by another to the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) as they perpetrate one crime, one felony, one barbarity, one atrocity and one abomination after the other. In a gospel that the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) even wanted to get rid off forever but failed to do so, Jesus admits that all his concepts vanish into thin air:

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"Jesus said, 'The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman who was carrying a jar full of meal. While she was walking on the road, still some distance from home, the handle of the jar broke and the meal emptied out behind her on the road. She did not realize it; she had noticed no accident. When she reached her house, she set the jar down and found it


And for this empty jug, the big rogue wants to gull his victims into selling all their belongings and property (see Mt 19:21). In that way, he succeeds in plunging all his victims into that misery he himself is drowned. Jesus and/or the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners)

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void the -- not only the moral -- concepts of their meaning. In the end, when Christian robots have died and then are asking where there is "hell", "god", “vicarious atonement”, “eternal life” and "heaven" etc. they stare into space. In Christian robotics all terms are empty, if not filled with the meaning of each reverse for deceptive reasons. If at all, a Christian robot ever should have had relicts of decency and morals before, he gradually looses them by getting programmed with software of man's deceiver and man's felon, i.e. of Yehoshua-Ben-Pandera, gang name: Jesus "Christ" ! That is why the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) come to realize that:

“In this world, there is good and evil. Its good things are not good, and its evil

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things not evil.” [viii]

So, truths are not good and deceit as lies no bad. Perfidy at first has to confuse the concepts, especially those ones of god and evil. Consequently, god is not good and Satan (and consequently Jesus) is not bad. Why shouldn't he -- in view of the fact that according to the Christian desperadoes' (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners')' own doctrine Jesus and Satan resemble that much each other?! Murder is not bad and decency not good... Further, spite and maliciousness are not evil and love as well as kindness not good. So, Jesus and his Christian infamous schmucks – the scum of the earth - are not bad... Don't get pernickety...! Christendom is no topic of god, theism,

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religion, freedom of religion but liberty of deceit, enslavement, dehumanization, crime, felons, and barbarians, Mafia romping about the area of bad religion… There is no human right of lying, deceiving, enslaving or committing crimes and bestiality camouflaged by orders of a faked god. Jesus and Christendo(o)m -- that is abolishing all morals by feigning them – abolishing the god by replacing him by a homemade one (“golden calf”). Jesus "Christ" and Christendo(o)m that means poisoning all human relations by faking each reverse. Those wretched adherents worshiping this idol as their god did comprehend it very well. This is

· why they crowed to him. · what makes their conversion “being

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called by Christ”... · what is enabling to them getting rid of the toothaches while keeping their rotten teeth.

That is why Jesus Perfidious Christ is their god: Perpetrating spite, being despicable, yes, scums of the earth, however, being reputed as moral “whoppers”, “martyrs”, “saints”… A completely new “quality of life” to Mafiosi! Not incomprehensibly they argue that their perfidious slaveholders (Jesus) makes them „free“ and „happy“ although they look quite the reverse as also the truth is. In what way does Jesus free them? Free, full of courage and readiness for lies, deceit, crimes, felonies, pyre, stake, mass-murder, genocide, however while now reputed as “martyrs”...

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· That is their freedom! · Those are the “glad tidings” of them! · That is perfidy Jesus trains his accomplices

For that they commit everything: Each lie, each forgery, each deceit, each invective, malice, killing, murder, each barbarity, war and mass-murder! That all is only a question of political power and they always have enough conditioned sheepdogs in politics wherever they are spread. Aurelius Augustinus -- the so-called “ St. Augustine” -- once phrased it in a very Christian insolent way:

"The rule of the divine providence is

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not distorted by ranking the unjust ones as just and the ugly as

beautiful.” [ix]

Oh yes, and the evil as the good, love as “sin”, spitefulness as “love”, lies as “truths”, wolves as “sheep”, religious Mafiosi as “good shepherds”, felons as “martyrs”, deceit as “spiritual welfare”, Satan as “god”, Satan's son as “god's son”, falsehood as “truthfulness”, slaveholder as “servants” etc., etc., etc.... Oh yes, oh yes – that doesn't matter... Exactly in this manner Satan would argue why he reputes the ugly ones to be “nice”, spite for “charity”, lies as “truths”, himself to be “god”, Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) as his good fellows and more

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over why he is doting on all the failures of god and/or his son Jesus "Christ" and his infamous schmucks (Christians) are doing so...

· That is how those spiteful little devils would like to have it...! · Precisely in that way Satan also argued when making up his mind warfare on the god. So, what are the “glad tidings” of the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners)?: Getting rid of god by a “god” of its own. Where Jesus takes a seat as the “god” there is no place for god any longer and the Christian barbarians are apparently rid of the god...! All moral concepts become “Trojan Horses” in Christian sect and all gifts of

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the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) thus are tow-edged gifts. Not at all, that distorts Jesus ‘or Christian sinners tenets, because that is exactly his concealed malice and his training of infamy.

· Those are the “mysteries“ of Jesus Perfidious Christ and his sect. · Those are their „catacombs “! · That is the Christian catacomb-sect!: If we (Christians)come off badly in the mirror of truths, then we (Christians) make truths of our own and even a “god” of our own, i.e. we pass off lies as “truths”, a perfidious fellow of ours as the “god”.

So, presto we (Christians) come off very well because of our lies, deceit and “counterfeit money” that we fob off on our conspecifics. As each theft we (adherents of Jesus Perfidious Christ) crib

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that by lies, deceit, crimes, murderers and other barbarities that what we (Christians)are lacking by nature... Thus, those daring to tell the truths to us are “spiteful”, “evil”, “malicious”, “mean” and “full of hatred” and “devils” but not we (Christians) . That is why we Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) worship a fiend as the “god” that bigotedly and are ready to kill everybody that does not acknowledge our “god”... That is why Jesus and his Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners)’ sect of “charity” poison all human relations - up to the bedroom and the bed of dying ones.

Question: What are the “tenets” of Jesus "Christ" ?

Answer: How wimps n' shrimps, maggots n' faggots, bastards n' dastards or slob n'

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flops succeed in waging war by perfidy.

What the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) call “love” is only a semantic simulation and thus a Trojan horse of Jesus and his accomplices’ (Christian sinners’) perfidy! When saying that our (Christian) “counterfeit money” was not made by one of our infamous schmucks but by the “god” we (Christians) can sell a pup to everybody. Our „counterfeit money“ is: Our bogus notions of “truths”, “morals”, “Satan”, “god”, “ugliness”, “morals”, “beauty” and “justice” etc. – as “St.” August clearly pointed out. It works excellently! Fourthly: Jesus' trick of schizophrenia

However, that's not all. Jesus – himself lawfully death penalty convict -- is still

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much trickier than pointed out, here. Hey presto, he has some more tricks up his sleeves in order to muzzle the “voice” of the bad conscience and more over to feel very “moral” and as “reverends” instead of scum of the Earth... He instantly, directly and insolently proffers them to all those felons, Mafiosi, barbarians and even terrorists (Jesus: “the sick”) that worship him as the “god”, in exchange:

Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is


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Oh yes, oh yes – those are the psycho-tricks of Jesus "Christ" to get rid of the bad conscience, at least to muzzle it. In exchange of worshiping him as „god “he immediately will tell them to you... The right hand means the hollow of the word, for example, „truth “and the left hand is the meaning he is conferring to the hollow, i.e., „lie “. So no Christian is a liar and deceiver or felon because the right hand does not know the meaning of the word and the left hand does not know the hollow of the word. So if “truth” means lies Jesus and the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) are no liar and completely “innocent” because their right hand does not no that the left is doing wrong or vice versa. So Jesus is completely “innocent” when telling the planet Earth about „god's son “ but means Satan's son because his right hand

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did not know that his left hand always was conferring the reverse meaning to the (hollow of the) word... Isn't Jesus able to forgive sins, isn't he...? If all else fail, the Christian even has to chop off the one “hand” that is tormenting the ego (self) by reproaching the awkward and shattering truths by the “voice” of the conscience -- Jesus and his Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) made up the mind to repress, no matter it costs. In any case, they want get to rid off the truths about their selves and accomplish their dark and depraved nature. That means again: Getting rid of their toothache and preserve their rotten teeth:

Mr 9:43 RSV 43 And if your hand causes you

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to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.

My word, what spooky imaginations of “morals”...! One never knows what horrible “ideas” of “morals” felons; desperados, terrorists and other barbarians can have... Yes, even barbarians sometime think about “morals”... Cutting off the hand means in that language of schizophrenia: Getting rid off the truths... Jesus is a kind of business consultant for the subject or branch of committing maliciousness, spite, viciousness, crimes, felonies, murders, terrorism and other abominations without being pestered by a bad conscience...

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Therefore, the Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners) fool themselves that the are perfectly “innocent” pertaining to their very typical untruthfulness, hypocrisy, (concealed) malice, yes even crimes and abomination because, yes because Jesus instructed that lunatic asylum to them, that their left hand does not know, what the right is doing and vice versa... And so, of course in return of being worshiped as the “god”, perfidious Jesus now gets another trick across to his “the sick”, i.e. his slobs n' flops, liars in the mire, curs in furs, frogs in frocks, creeps n' crooks, schmucks n' mugs, fools n' goofs, villains n' Christian sinners:

Mt 10:16 RSV 16¶ "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves;

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so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Since the wolves now named as “sheep” and the stupid sheep – he can tell any whopping lie -- are apostrophized “wolves”, Jesus and his infamous schmucks, i.e. crooks, Mafiosi and barbarians, hey presto, are of course cunning like the snakes or brutes and “innocent” like pigeons ... How do they succeed so? Because their left hand does not know, what the right is doing and at first a comparison of the two – what the one is doing and simultaneously the other -- turns out lie, deceit, swindling, hoaxing of that planetary Mafia feigned and organized as religion. So juggling by names and (insanity) of schizophrenia are some of the tricks of

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perfidious Jesus – provided, one worships this death penalty convict as one's “god”. A death penalty convict whose right obviously even did not know what his left was doing when claiming or usurping the Jewish crown (“king of the Jews”) -- a felony that even deserves maximum penalty in most Christianly enslaved states of today...! And at all: What are the “glad tidings” of Jesus "Christ" ?: Tricks how to lie, deceive, hoax, libel, vilify, denounce, poisoning human relations and perpetrating crimes, felonies, atrocities, abominations and other barbarities at the easiest and at best, especially even with a clear “conscience”.

· That is why the scum of the Earth worships that misshapen monstrosity as its “god”! · Those are the Christian

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desperadoes' (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners')' “glad tidings”! · That is Satan's word...!

Those are the „catacombs“. Those are the “underground ways” (Friedrich Nietzsche) of a catacomb-sect!: If we (Christians) turn out badly in view of the truths, then we (Christians) concoct "truths" of our own, i.e. naming the lie truth and truths lies. Yes, then we Christian desperadoes (Christians' cant: "innocent" sinners), name a fellow terrorist or devil of our own as the “god” and all of a sudden – hey presto -- we turn out very excellently because lie -- hey presto -- now means “truth”, deceit -- hey presto -- “honesty”, Satan – hey presto – the “god” and the god – hey presto -- “Satan”, vengeance – hey presto -- “love” etc....

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That is no falsehood because our right hand that is handling the hollows of the words does not know what the left hand is doing that is used to handling the meanings (contents) of the words... So, if there still is anybody that “insolent” as to tell us the truths -- we (Christians) are convinced having annulled forever -- than he is a liar, hateful, wicked and a child of Satan or Satan himself... The one has all those traits (of our own) and we (Christians) do not have those ones we (Christians) , indeed, have...! Oh yes, you get something in return for worshiping Jesus "Christ" as the “god”. Aren't those “glad tidings” (for all malicious, wicked, evil, vicious, perfidious, infamous and barbarian ones)...? Contrived by a death penalty convict for all felons of the world...! That is why he is that worshiped as the “god”

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

by those “the sick”....

· Those are the “mysteries” and “secrets” of Jesus "Christ". · So, morals become “Trojan Horses” by Jesus "Christ". If we (Christians) have enough political power of pyres and stakes we will render so much gushy “charity” to our enemies… As “St.” August – full of the “Lord’s” and “god’s Hypocrite” spirit – profoundly professed the reign of our “god” and “Lord Hypocrite” ( Jesus "Christ") is not distorted if the pyre and the stake for our enemy is pass of as “charity” on our enemies… Oh, Jesus, oh Lord Hypocrite and god Hypocrite, thanks to you! You arranged that all on the cross… Oh, Jesus, Lord Hypocrite and god of all the hypocrites, we, Christian desperadoes (Christians'

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

cant: "innocent" sinners), thank you: Because we are now able to perpetrate crimes, felonies, hideousness, atrocities, terror and psycho-terror and are reputed as “victims”, “martyrs” and “moral” whoppers, yes even “saints”. One never knows what one is able to attain by a homemade “god”, homemade “morals”, homemade “truths” and “lies” and “deceit”. A solid castle is our idol Jesus, a good defense and weapon (to put upside down)... (Martin Luther) – and more over a terrific machine to produce “counterfeit morals” as well as “counterfeit money”…




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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

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[i] The Gospel of Thomas, NHC II,2, Translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, Logion 8, on: [ii] Gospel of Thomas, loc. it, Logion 107 [iii] Aurelius Augustinus, de vera religione, XXXIV (63), Translation from the Latin by my own: Latin text: “Nec ideo divinae providentiae administratio minus decora fit; quia et iniusti iuste, et foedi pulchre ordinantur”. I did not found an electronic edition in English of this writing. The Latin text electronically is published on:, last call on: 03/29/2008[iv] Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, Published 1895, translation by H.L. Mencken, Published 1920, § 52, on: [v] Friedrich Nietzsche, loc. cit. , § 49

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Jesus' Perfidy of Trojan Horses and his Juggling with Names

[vi] The Gospel of Thomas , loc. cit., Logion 98 [vi] The Gospel of Philip , Translated by Wesley W. Isenberg, Saying 62 (10f) on: [vii]

The Gospel of Thomas , loc. cit., Logion 97 [viii] The Gospel of Philip, Translated by Wesley W. Isenberg, Saying 63, on: [ix] See: Annotation iii [x] The Gospel of Thomas , loc. cit., Logion 62

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