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Dear Jesus101 “Gang”: If you are receiving this email it’s because you are a friend, supporter, prayer warrior and/or donor of the Jesus101 Biblical Institute. And you are receiving this email because I am bursting with excitement to tell you all that has happened in the last month or so!!!! I have news from Africa and Latvia that you won’t believe! Well… you will believe it because Jesus promised these things… but it is SO AWESOME to experience them! And you are making all of this possible through your interest, prayers, support and encouragement! First, let me tell you about Africa. Some of you know that another Christian denomination found our Jesus101 Institute on the web, and contacted me to go to Kenya to train their pastors on how to interpret the Bible. We planned on this for several months. When the time came to go, there were political problems and the US Embassy issued a warning for US citizens to delay travel plans. We heeded that warning but I taped my lectures on DVD and sent several DVDs to them along with 840 books (Matthew, John and Luke) so that each pastor could have one of each of the Gospels we have done so far. They had pastors come from all over (four countries) and I just had to cry when I received some of their photos, in which the pastors are holding their very own booklets from the JESUS101 BI!!!!!! I couldn’t stop crying. This is a dream come true!! These are some of the photos they sent. They added some borders to them…

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I still want to cry when I see these photos… On the last Sabbath of the convention they asked me to call on the phone and I spoke to all the pastors by phone. They connected a cellular phone to speakers and I preached for almost one hour. WOW! Woo Hoo! That’s all I can say. They have many DVDs to continue their study and everyone went home with 3 books. I continue to get comments from their leader about their appreciation for the DVDs and books. Thank you all for making this possible! Now to Latvia. As you probably know, the Latvian SDA Conference publishing house translated my four books to Latvian. They made the “Surprised by Love” book their sharing book of the year. Then they asked me to go there to preach and teach for 9 days. We had members training in the Gospels almost every night and a special meeting for those who are not coming to church. I also had two full days with the pastors of the whole country and on the last Sabbath they rented a big theatre in Riga, Latvia, for a country-wide convention. Churches from all over the country came to that meeting. Some arrived in buses, trains, etc. One church brought their members in one big bus! It was such a treat for me! The first photo is from the big theatre they rented, the second one is from the pastors’ training, the third one is the platform of the main church in the country where the meetings took place every day. While there, we started a radio program through the Latvian SDA Conference communication dept. My good friend, Dr. Aivars Ozolins, was the translator for the meetings and the radio. Now we are continuing the radio program from the USA, so we are taping in the AMC studios on a regular basis and sending it to them. Many young people are interested in practicing their English as well, so this is the perfect setting for our program in English and Latvian that will air twice a month in the Christian station. These are the three photos. More to come in the future.

I can’t even start to tell you all that happened there! I hope one day I will be able to convey how meaningful the meetings were for me. God’s presence was palpable! Many people said their lives were changed forever, and many got interested in Jesus as the center of their lives for the first time!! The Jesus101 BI purchased 1000 booklets in Latvian so that every person attending could take books to study and share. Believe me… many will come to believe in the gospel because of those meetings. What a priviledge for this Institute to be used by God in the proclamation of the Good News! I am amazed, humbled, and excited, all at the same time!!! I have many more things to share from Latvia, but I will be sharing some stories as the time goes by. Now I want to tell you about new projects before I end this newsletter. I finished taping two new seasons for TV. One is in Spanish, and the studio and the professionals were all donated to us! It started airing in December. It is called “Cantico Nuevo” which means “A NEW SONG.” I also completed another season of “JESUS101.” This season will air first in the Hope Channel, starting in January 2012. After that, we will add it to the internet and make new DVDs. Doors are opening that I could have never imagined! A public broadcasting network from Oklahoma contacted me requesting permission to air the Jesus101 programs!!! Can you imagine? A public station? Well… “more than all we ask or imagine!” That is what God is planning to do!!! (Eph. 3:18-20). My schedule continues to be very busy. We are now booking for 2014. We are preparing new resources as well: I am now starting with the booklet on Mark to complete the four Gospels. After that, we have “Revelation” coming up as well as other good projects that I will be sharing with you as they come to fruition. I am particularly excited about one project that the North American Division is requesting from the Jesus101 Institute. But I will leave this one till next time… because it is still in the making… So… hang in there! Before I finish this year-end update, I want to tell you how thankful I am for you. The Jesus101 Biblical Institute started as a dream, deep in my soul. But that is all I had. Then you all came along and made it happen. God is using YOU

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to spread the gospel everywhere! And this is just the beginning!! I want to thank you for your constant support. The more you share with us, the more projects we are completing! Some of you have already sent year-end contributions and I am SO thankful! Others have been giving throughout the year, making all of this possible! Some of you are donating your time and talents to translate, tape, and produce new resources. Some of you are praying for us on a regular basis! What can I say??!! I couldn’t ask for anything more. GOD IS IN CHARGE OF THIS MINISTRY!!! He is the CEO and we are just following His instructions. What a blessing! From the bottom of my heart let me say this: I couldn’t have imagined such a fullfilling ministry in my wildest dreams! And I have a pretty good imagination… and yet God’s plans are greater than our best dreams. I love this quote: “God’s plans put man’s best dreams to shame!” And this is the case in point. Thank you so much for being part of this ministry! Only in heaven we will know the results… souls saved for the kingdom of God through the blood of the Lamb… with your encouragement and support. May God bless you- I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a WONDERFUL, AMAZING 2012! A big hug,

Pastor Elizabeth – – VOP – Attn: Jesus101 – P.O. Box 941659 – Simi Valley, CA 93094

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