
Digital Marketing on a Shoe String

Top Ten Twelve Tips

@JillLRobb Recovering Retail Manager (1998 – 2005)

Digital Marketing Newbie (2005-2006)

Self Taught SEO

Focus on eCommerce

Digital Marketing Exec (2006-2007)

Advanced SEO


E-Mail Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Social Media (Joined Linkedin)

Head of Digital Marketing (2008-2009)

Joined Twitter 2008

Started using social media for marketing clients

Advanced Digital Strategy

Digital Marketing Trainer

Founded Ambition Digital (2009- Present Day)

Lets Get Down To the Good Bits!

Top Ten Twelve Tips

Tip #1: Education

You will need to learn new techniques

Read up on the channels BEFORE you start using them

Take a look at the booklet in the goodie bag you’ll get later today

*Remember this may be digital- but it is just marketing

Tip #2: Research you Audience

Cultural differences can be surprising

You need to be where you customers are

How many people advertise in the Yellow Pages?

Tip #2: Research you Audience

Multi-Screen is a reality

Tip #2: Research you Audience

LIKE…for example…

Poor translations for international visitors…

Or…Honda Jazz… Was Originally a Honda ‘Fitta’

Tip #3: Strategy & Planning: Race Model


Tip #3: Strategy & Planning: Race Model


Tip #4: Become a Content King/ Queen

Writing great content on your website will work wonders!

Its great for SEO


Blogging is almost as useful as PR

AND it immediately is accessible to an international audience

Be aware of your website address - .ie addresses may restrict you

Engage with other bloggers to trade links – but not insults…

Don’t ‘Do a Ryanair’

Ryanair spokesman Stephen McNamara:

"Ryanair can confirm that a Ryanair staff member did engage

in a blog discussion," he told CNN. "It is Ryanair policy not to

waste time and energy in corresponding with idiot bloggers,

and Ryanair can confirm that it won't be happening again.

Lunatic bloggers can have the blog sphere all to themselves,

as our people are far too busy driving down the cost of air


SEO- Searcher Behaviour

There are three stages to the ‘search journey’ (how people search on

Google etc) that users typically follow:

Explorer – browsing stage, looking for inspiration: Example search term - B&B


Hunter – Now have made their mind up about exact requirements : Example

search term – B&B Bundoran

Tracker – Now at booking stage – Casa Mia B&B Bundoran rates

You must ensure you have pages that include content with keywords for

every stage

Relevance, quality, frequency

Tip #5: Become a Content King/ Queen

Watch your spelling

And Grammar!

Tip #5: Become a Content King/ Queen




DailyWild Camping



Six Tips to Writing Effective Copy

Write Like a Journalist.

Keep it concise and include keywords.

Make your text readable on a screen.

Remember that you want the most important points to be readable at a glance.

Don't make your reader work to find important information.

Break up the Text -include important keywords in headings or links

Ensure the language is natural and flows well. Don’t stuff with keywords.

Create content that’s relevant to your customers

What Difference Does Great Web Content Make?

Tip #6: Make the Most of Social Media

Listen for a while to what is going on & assess it

Don’t go overboard- only go where you customers are

Listen for mentions of your brand/ your location

Get involved if appropriate

Don’t forget that social media is two-way- you can expect interaction

It is also real time - & people are impatient!

Be emotive…

A picture can say a thousand words

Image Source:

Tip #6: Make the Most of Social Media

Be careful of how you construct and use Hashtags on Twitter

Tip #6: Make the Most of Social Media

Be different- don’t follow the crowd, you need to stand out

Be relevant & Interesting to your followers/ fans

Make use of technology- use tools to schedule in your updates

Like Hootsuite

Don’t be too salesy/ self-centred

Don’t forget about video

Engagement is key

Use Competitions

Use Facebook ads strategically

Tip #7: Use Strong Calls to Action

First rule of the Web: Don’t Make

People Think

Tell them exactly what you want them

to do

Click here

Book now

Buy now

Visit today

Call us today

Contact us today

Tip #8: Use E-Mail Marketing

An existing or past customer is a cheaper customer

E-mails can be tracked so easily to understand who is opening, clicking…

Personalisation and Relevance are key!

Open rates vary 20-30% usually regarded as good

Open rates for this conference were a huge 41-52% !!

It doesn’t have to be expensive – try MailChimp as a starter e-mail

marketing package

Tip #9: Get Smart

Affiliate marketing – getting other websites to market you and only pay

them when you get a lead/ sale

Use automation where possible - consider auto-generated e-mails/

marketing automation- tools such as Copernica

Include your website/ digital address on offline marketing

Get bloggers interested in what you are doing and get them to blog about


Save time by scheduling

If you need visibility online fast, consider Pay Per Click

Always set a goal to achieve- and focus efforts towards it

Tip #10: Spend Wisely

On the web most marketing spend can be measured

Always ask yourself ‘what goals do I want to achieve’

Google PPC can work well to drive traffic to your site

BUT entrust it with someone who is RESULTS focused rather than just

traffic focused

Facebook ads can be a cost effective way of generating more visibility

with target audiences

Consider what you can achieve yourself through you own efforts

Tip #11: Measure

Google Analytics is a great FREE Tool

Understand your customers and get great insight

How much traffic are you driving from Google?

What keywords do people search to find your site?

Do they then go on to contact you/ buy/ book?

What information do they spend most time reading?

Can they access all the pages?

Which pages and areas are they clicking on most?

How many people clicked through on that e-mail offer to look at your site?

Tip #11: Measure

Benchmarks for Comparison

2.5% - 4.5% typical sales conversion rate (leads only? Approx 7%)

Website bounce rate average – 45% - 50%

E-mail open rates- vary but above 25% - 30% usually good

Time on site- varies but 4-5 mins good

Click through rates on ads: PPC between 5- 10%, display ad between

0.14% - 0.2%

Tip #12: Think Bigger Picture & Think Continuity

Get involved and contribute to your local community

Be consistent online & offline

Enter Awards

Team up with other complimentary businesses to create packages

Cross Promote

Get Online Reviews, Referrals & Recommendations – Try YotPo as a

cheap/ free solution to put reviews on your site

Be professional & maintain a positive attitude

Use branding & offline displays

Look to your peers for inspiration – in Ireland and further afield

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Twitter: @JillLRobb or @AmbitionDigital

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