Page 1: Jim Walker  - Walking and promotion of outdoor activities for health and sustainable living

Jim  Walker  

University  of  Surrey  13th  May  2014  

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‘The  threat  of  being  sued  is  now  the  greatest  barrier  to  volunteering  in  the  sport  and  adventure  training  world.  Society  must  establish  the  principle  that  accidents  can  happen  without  it  being  someone’s  fault,  and  re-­‐establish  the  principle  of  personal  responsibility.’  

Julian  Brazier  MP  Member  of  the  All  Party  Parliamentary  Scouts  and  Guides  Group  

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Green  =  Happiest    -­‐  Blue  –  Purple  –  Orange  -­‐  Red  =  Least  Happy  Grey  =  Data  not  available  

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Outdoor  Trail  Markets  

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Recrea0on  Route  Markets  

Needs  related  to  use  


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Natural  England’s  current  commitment  

Annual  spend  £3.4m  per  year  on  13  NaUonal  Trails  Annual  spend  £0  per  year  on  564  recreaUonal  routes  

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Get  Smart!  

Frequent  Users  (15%)  More  needs  met  resulUng  in  more  frequent  users.  

Infrequent  Users  (23%)  More  needs  met  resulUng  in  more  infrequent  users.  

Poten0al  Users  (37%)  More  needs  met  resulUng  in  fewer  potenUal  users.  

Unlikely  Users  (25%)  More  likely  to  become  potenUal  users.  

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8m on the Network per year (14x the 2003 number & growing by nearly 1million a year)

75% on the Network for everyday journeys (300% more than in 2003)

600,000 visitors to the website per year (68% of which download a map and walk)

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The Outdoor Marke t

TheOu tdoo rGu ide

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TheOu tdoo rGu ide

The Outdoor Money

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What’s  next?  

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Travel  Ume  to  major  ciUes:  A  global  map  of  Accessibility  

Travel  Ume  to  major  ciUes  (in  hours  and  days)  and  shipping  lane  density  

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288  days      71  NaUons      118,066  Miles  

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Don’t  just  go  where  the  path  may  lead  but  go  too  where  there  is  no  path  and  leave  a  trail.    

[email protected]  

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