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The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while the ordinary man takes everything

as either a blessing or a curse - Carlos Castaneda.

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GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt SScciieennccee CCoolllleeggee,, HHaassssaann.. JJOOBB IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN && PPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT CCEELLLL [[JJIIPPCC]]

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March 15, 2010 Issue:1 Volume:14 Member’s Copy

���� ���� ���� ���� ���� NEWSLETTER ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� P.T.O


General Knowledge will definitely pay in your prelims. Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must.

If you have been lucky enough to reach the interview stage, ‘book knowledge’ may not be the only thing you need. Your mental alertness will count as they ask you questions like (i) how many steps you walked up to reach here. Or (ii) what is the colour of the wall behind you? - So be prepared.

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(continued from previous issue…)



It is very important to understand the question first. Depending on what the question is, whether it is to "discuss", "elucidate", "explain”, “Critically Appreciate" or "give reasons for and against", the answer should be written accordingly. It is only through the examinee's style of answering questions that one can assess his or her originality of thought and analytical abilities. The question should be read properly, in fact the question paper should be read thoroughly in the first five or ten minutes of the exam and then one should decide on the questions which are to be answered first. Time should also be given to frame the answer so that there will be no confusion later on.

A good way to write effective and precise answers is to practise writing out answers. Our answers should present the facts and concepts in an interesting way and should never read like a passage from a book. It is best to use simple English and avoid flowery and decorative language which takes attention away from the original facts and our opinions about a given topic. Making a practice of writing out answers is especially useful in managing the time limit set for the exam and to write the best possible answer in the allotted time This not only improves style of expression, but also one gets used to the time and word limits.


It is just not enough to know all the facts and information. The most important thing to be kept in mind is to write an answer which (a) has a clear and a logical frame, (b) presents information in a clear and concise manner, (c) does not contain any irrelevant or piling up of information, and (d) is interesting and able to hold one's attention.

So the next logical step is to know how to write a good answer. The first step is to prepare the framework where one can list all ideas, thoughts and facts and write them down. Secondly, It is important to adopt an answering style which is natural, original and to the point. Thirdly, emphasis should be given to use the language, which is simple and clear without unnecessary use of nouns and verbs. Use of archaic and fancy words or language should be avoided at all costs. Fourthly, care should be taken to avoid grammatical mistakes which will give a negative opinion however good the answer may be. Last but not the least, it is very important to have a good and a legible handwriting.

Chief Editor: Prof.H.V.Lakshminarayan, Editor : Prof.A.Narayana Prasad., [email protected],

Student Editor : Arun.D.C, Final PMCs

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