Page 1: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

Jnited Nations Nations TJnies UN1U£S~!C'rED· ·· . t • ..-.



A/516 ' : . 25 November 1947 ORIGINJJ,: ENGLISH

}.'::,, ·.···


RappQr,tetW; . ~:r • 'Jlli(lr. :l"H()~lS ·. (.+qela.rtd) :i '. • ~ '-~; • • ' ,,

• The General Assembly, at .iiis· .ninetieth me~ting held on 23 Bepte~a.Qer l947, . . .· . ' . ~ ~- . . '• .,

stablished an Ad' Hoc Co:wmi ~tee'-on, $he PIM,f)s?.ti~'l:i,an ... Q;uestion, to. vhioh 1 it eferred the f6llowiij;gL:i:ce:ms-.:, · . _c • ,

(a) · Question ·of--P~lest;i.n,e:, ·:item proposed. b;r .the ,United K:i.ngdom - . . . . . . '

(document .A/?86 h \(

(b) Report of the Special Contta~ttee.on.~a;· (A/~64);_, ... (c) Termination of th~ Han9.ate .oyer ?,a.J.est~ne and the: recognition o;f .its. independence as· one St~:te;, c itelll.P+O])· Sa1fdi.Arabie: and 'l:>;r.·

· Iraq (A/3'17 and A/328}~· · .. , ., .. ~ The Ad Roc Coimuittee,. a't its first ·meeting held on 25 .Septem'berpe;Le~ted 'r. l!. V. ;Eva.'tet (Australia) as Chairman, Pr-ince 8ubha. Svasti (Siem,) ~s

'ice-Chairman and ~1!' • .- .. ·:J:hor. Tho:rs ·(:Lee land) as Ba.p.porteur, . It :alS<?·· .de~JQ.~d

.o invite 'the Arab Higher' Cdnlmittee ·and ;the) Jewish,.Ag~~wy for i'f'.l..e·S:tine to 1e represented at its deliberations in ord~lr to supply such il:ct'o:rrnatiQn· or . ,· .

·ender such assistance as .the Comittee might require. T.he ;invitat:Lon ~Tas ,cce11tecl. Re]?resentatives of· the Arab ·Jiigher · Comllitt~?e and of'··the ,.Tew:ts~1. ,gency attended the meetings>oi' the Ad II¢e· Oollllllittee• 1. At its: eiecond meeting, held, on_g6. Sep·cembefi. the ,qommiiitee. hear.d a . >reliminary statement· by the .. ·represe·ntativ·e. ot' t4e UnitedKiJ:;16dom~, lie ·e~alle9. that· the· United Kingdom;:t·e.present.ative. ~:~·.the. speoie.l sess:Lon o_f ~he General Assembly had ·indicated that his,,~ve:r:nrn~r,J.t would be in tP,.e ,~hi~est Legree reluctru1.t to oppose the Assem'Q;Ly' s .wishes ·in ;:regar-d. to th~. future of )alestine. lie added tl;ia.t the ;BJ;'itish Gove:r:nme.nt .was not, .. l19wev:er., prepar.ed ~o~impo·se by· fore~ of .. arms :e:'·settlemen.t.:.-:which·was not acce'Pta' _bo~)t· ;he Arabs aJ:ld the Jews ·of. •l'alestine; .. and ·that, in the··~PSE;mce ·at: a: ·~·

;ettl~ment I it must. plan .for ·an tearzy v:ttl1.Prawal: of Britis.J;l: forces and o:f'. ~11e BritiSh e.dmiriifJtrat·ion fl;:'oll\ Palestine.··

At the seine meeting, the :.chairman .of; the Sp~cial : Col'lmlittee 9n·· .. '·. ?alestine' introduced.· the .report of. the B'J?i5'cial. QoWPitte:e. ·. .. .. ~~~ ' ,. +. At its third meeting,. the··Ad 1i:oc Committee ·hearel,"~he. rep,J;;esejltt;ttiv.e · :>f the Arao . Il:igner COmnti ttee, who reae.cted· the. re-c,:O+!Jl1lend.a.tio:ns~· of t:P,e :, ... :. 3pecial C~ittee bri''.ralestine an.d.~ a,d.voc:ated:.the establ;:t.sJ:we,n:t .on . ,


Page 2: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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- u~ocratic lines, in the whole of Palestine, of an Arab State which would protect the legitimate rights and interests of all minorities. At the foutth meeting the :representative of the Jewish Agency indicated its readiness to accept, subject to further discussion Of the constitutione~ and terr:i.torial. provisions, the majority plan of the Special Committee on Palestine. 5. A gEmeraJ. discl;lssion of ·the three items of the agenda followed those prelinU,nary statements. It afforded an opportunity to delegations to e4tpress their views on the question of the future government of PaJ.estine and on related problems, particularly the p:roblem'·o:f' the

' . enforcement of the reeommende:bions which the Genera:z. Assembly might adopt and the r~oblem of Jewish refugees and displaced persons in Europe, whose connectio~ with the Palestiniw:( question had bee;n pointed out b¥ the Special Committee. '.rhe general discussion, begun at the fifth' meeting, . ' -

was closed at the end of the sixteenth meeting. The representative of ' ' ' .

the United Kingdom, in the course of the fifteenth meeting, stat eO.. that hi$ previous announcement of the decision, to witndr?-w the British for~es and administration from Palestine was designed to induqe both parties to face the consequences of failure to agree, to empllasize the urgency o:f' the ma:tter and to the United Nations unhampered in its

. -

recommendations'· as' to the tuture goverrunent of Palestine. In no case, however, would the B~:ttish Government accept responsibility for the enforcement of recomrnend~tions t;Jither alone or-'1;; th~ ~ajor role. 6. After the general discussion the representatives of the Jewish Ar;e; and of the Ara:b- H:i.gher Comr1i ttee -were again given an opportunity at the. seventeenth and' ei-ghteenth meeting~, .to state their views. ·. · They made decl~U"ations which confirmed their earlier stat'emehts. 7. At its nineteenth meeting the Committee discussed its future' procedu:r~ Seventeen dra.:f't resolutions had. be~n· submitted, ·s~me r~fer:hng to the problem as a whole, others to certain of its aspects. The Chairman proposed that no vote on matters or pri~lciple should be taken at that stage, but that the Committee shol.lid es·tabl:t~h;' .· (l) a conciliation group which woul.d try to bring the parties together, as · fi.uggested 'by the -delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority- proposals of the· Speci~ Committee on Palestine, as provided by the draft resolution of- the United Sta.tes of .Am~rica (A/ AC .14/17), amended by the Canadia.ii delegation (A/J:,.C.l4/23); a,nd (3) a Stib-c6m.Ul:tttee to draw up a detailed J?;i.~;U1. ·in-accordance with the proposal of Saudi Arabia and Iraq for the recognition of Palestine 'as an independent unitary State and the proposaJ. to the


Page 3: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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·~·- ··~ • --· •• # :. ~·-. • ·f.'_~ · ~· .'. r_. S~i~ b···.::.~·;:~: . .:V \~ .. -~ .. ;·,:.··":.,:...~ .···.< r ·.~:;~:·· .<) J··i:>.'> ... ·.··. same et'f.ect su'b~tted 'Qy t~e. del,e,gatiOJ:?. .of Syria (A/fl.C .. l.4/22), •. .' .·· '· ~ .·. --. ·;:····'.-<.t.~ .. L····-t -~~<---~:: -~-\~~~-'_:·:" .... -.~ ··.·.· ...... -_ · Chairman 1 s plan received. wide SUJ?XJOrt. SE~vera.l q.e,l.~zat:Lo~s f~vpured,

howev~r, that the Cor.omitt;.ee ~il"f?.t take O.eciS;ions. on w,atters of ,su'bsta;:1.ce . '. :_; ~ . . ... .. ::·:_~-·~··'··},-:· .. } .·_,···-... _ ... : : .· ' ,.,.-·: "' ' .. -~ . ,. ;-

and _th(3n entrust to a sub~committ~e ~ll~ worl~_i!'\.S out ot: details~ A . ; . . . . .. ( . . : ' ~ . ; .. ', ' . . . . . . .. . . : ' ;, ,' . .· . ··- . \ .. . "'

proposal to that effect, I!lOVed by ~'h,e of the .Soviet Un:i.on, ..... '· . ,'[" •', '

was not ~do:pte<'l:. {foux:tee:t:1c vot<?s, ,il.1,faY~lll"; .tw€!p.~i[·-~;i.;<;,.aga.tnst) .and the Commi tt~e approved the. J.)rocedure s~tg~~sted, .by ifhe Qhai:mnan~ . a. At its t'Wentieth meeting t~\e Cor~:l.ttee considered the question of

. the com:gqs.iti~n of the con;il.iation gro~:p and of .the two Sub-Comro.:i.ttees " \ ,.~ . ~ • • . • 1 ' . it had decid,ed i;;o creat.e. As J.'egards the conciliation gx·ou?, the . : ,· . . .

Chairman, Vi~e-Chairm..m a,nd. Hal11?0X' uere au:thorized1 ii' they succeeded .·.:··, ': ,. . in t:p.itiat~ng the conciliation r)rocess, i;o co•oj;lt other members to with their tasl~ • . As to .the com:position oi~ ·the two ~hl'b-CorJmittees, the re:presel:Jtative

of the Soviet Union :proposed that the Sub~Committee entrusted with the dr.awi:ng up of _the detailed pl~ of J?a:t'tition with economic un:l.on (~ub·C~it:t;ee: l), .should be COOlJ?~ed of. fifteen metnbers .and should include all the memb~rs of the Sqcurit;z Ccuncil, The proposeJ. was not adopted, (six Votes in fa~o1.:tr; thirty~two votes against) ru1d the Chairman '\-ras ' . . '• .

' . authorized to name the members of that Sub~Co.n:n.ui ttee as well as those

' •· ,s·, '

of Sub-C011'ltnittee. 2, :was to 'tvork out the details of .the ple.n for ' . ·, ·'

one State in l"'he Sub .. Commiti;ees were asked to subJ:;lit the:i,r . . •. ' . .

reports not later than 29 October' subj(1Ct to a.n ext~nsion of tha·t time :limit if necessary. . . . . . . . .

9. Hith regard to the verious draft r19solutions which the Comm:i.ttee had not yet cons_ider~d1 it was decided at the. t-1-rentieth meetingj (1) that the discussion of the draft J.~esolution 'by Sw·eden and the United Ste.tes .. '· '. ·, '. .

'• . ' . " approving the prinpiples _ot_ FJ:~e majo~ity pla.n .of the. Spec:I.e,l Committee· c,m Pal~stin.e (A/ AQ .14/1~) ~hould be deferred until the report of

' \: . .,

. Sub .. Comro, l had bee~. r.eceive.4;, (~) that t4e v~ious repolutions .. . - : . ... '~: : . . . . . . . ' ''

proposing to amend the plan of the majority of the Speci~U Co~tllUitte~ shou:l;.d be referre<l to 1Sv.b-:CoiJJmiti;ee 1; (31 .t_ha.t, th~ Q.olombie.n. draft •. resolution ~-n .acts of_ ,v;f,ol~;n~~~ .·.(A/AC.~~~/J.i} ~hO!Jld be co~~i~red wl;en

' ,:' . • , i 'r >" '• " '· ' • I ~- '· ' ,, . ''· \ , ·'

the Committee discu.sse4 i~s .r,e_qqn:m.epcia:t;iona. .to the .General Assemblyl ( 4) ,tha~ eith~:r f,J~Q~COllJR'~~tE!~. W&~ , e~p<;w~;rc,eg.. ~o .,taJte, ~l?. ~d co~~:i.der.

I : • <,; .... '•. ,,• ,._,• • ··. C· ' ' .• • •. •>" ,, . ,<" ,•" " ' "•· '

. any or_ all written prOJ?OSa,lf? ,i;l.efqre. ~-h.~~e A,q_ Eoc Q.omtJ,li'\i.~e~ :which it deemed ' i • " • ,,.' , ', '. , 1 .' ', < ''." • ' ._ , '1\ •'.• l, ,.,l >_ ~ , .._ ', I ,

to p~ releva,J.7t , ~q tl},e p~;rfo~qe. o_f ·:t"fi£:1 ,:().ln((1i.,iqns.1 . f?UCh as .the . dl~at;.:; 0 •. ' >' 0• i .. , f , ) 0 O • 0, 0 ., L 0 ' ' '· ', 0 ...... O • ' ' ',• ·~ 0 0 > 0

,l'~,sol~tions relating t.R :tihe :J!r.cit;llt;Jm, of .. -~.ewi$ ref\lC~E'fS ~q._, d~~placed • ' . ' '. • J . ; ' • \ •• • : . '· '• ·' \ ,,) ..... \ '· -~ ' • • ·.' "' • ' .:. > "·. ; ,! .. ~ ; ' ~ .•

persons • A :pl'Oposal by the Colombian delegation to set up a epee~~ .. SU,b-;7ommitte,~ to stud;y this problem wa,s not adopted (seven votes i;n fl'l.v<:>ur;

"· ' ~ • • ,f

nineteen votes against) .. 10 ~ By virtue

Page 4: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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19.· By·virtu~ oi\ th~ .a.u,the}l\'itv::'!fe~ted in him by the.Corarnittee, the appoi~lted; '.~n. 22 October, the following members tto' serve on the Snb~Cetnmi ttees: ,., '-' '·; ·. · ;!; \

(a) .. Sub·Conuni"jjtee l: Canada, CzechosJ:ovalda, Guatemala, Poland; . - ' '

South Africa, 1Jni ted States of l\lnerica, .Union ·of: Soviet 'Socialist Hepublics, Uruguay, Venez.uela. ·. '· (b) ,Sub-Conun;lttee 2: A,fghanistan, Colombia, Egypt,. Iraq; Lebanon, Pak:tstan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen.

11. 'l~he twD Sub~Committees held. their first meetings on 23 October. Su.b-Conunittee lalected the representative of Poland·as Chaiman and· the representative of Ul"uguay as. Rapporteur. Sub-Committee 2 elected. the representative of Colombia as Chairman and the representative of Pakistan as Eapporteur. After the representative of Colombia: resign·ea from Sub~c_ommittee 2, as eJ:"'.fllainecl in the int~oduction to the report of that Sub .. Coram_i ttee. (A/AC .li.I-/32), the representative of. Pakistan 1-ia.s elected Chairman, while ·:remaining Rapporteur.~ .. 12. Representatives:of the United Kingdom attended the meetings of the two Sub-Committees in order tofurnish information· and as$istance. A representatiye of the Jewish Agency sat. in' Sub'-Commi tt~e 1 and a representative of',the Arab Higher .committee in Sub-COlllinittee.2-; to give such i~forma tion and a:ss;i.;sta.:n:ce as mj_ght be required.;, The Arab· Higher Conuni ttee did· n;o"ji accept an in vi ta.tion to sit with the members of ~

Sub·Committee·l when the latter discussed' the question of boundaries. The Arab Higher Committee was prepared to assist and furnish information only wi i1h regard to the· question' of the termination of. the Nandate and the· cl:"et:ttion of· a. unitary ·S~a"te. 13. In vie,., of the com:;_JleJti ty of the problems 1n th which· they' had to deal,. the twa Sub-Co.mmittee.s ·were 'obliged to :ask for a1:i extension of the ti.Ple li-lU;i.t wh:icl:\. had been tenta:b1 vel.y fi:xecf~ ~The .. e.itension vras granted~ At the reg;uest oZ Sub~C.Onnni ttee 2, vhos·e worlt w·as completed f:l.rst, :j..t was ·& agre€2d tl;at·.~\the two reports would. 'be submitted to the Compli ttee aimultane·pusly. ; .. · 14 .• · 'l;'he reports of Suh··Conwt.itte~ · .l (ft./ AC .14 /34') ·and Sub-Committee 2 . (Pr,/AC.l4/32) were .sul:nnitted to the Ad .Hoe. Committee on 19 November (t"\~~nty~i;rhiJ;'d meetct.:n:g)/.. At· .:the same. mee.ting, the Ad Hoc'··comm:ittee was- informed by the· Cl+ai:t" .• speaking on behalf of the conciliation group) :that their effo'io·b~ :l3ad :not been fl"Uitful. Both parties se$fued. to be confid,ent as to· the· suc-!:!.ess of their case .before the Assembly and:· there .appeared to. "Qe litt.le h1)pe of conciliation, ,;at least at .the p!"ese:~:1t time. ·, ,.:,\

/15 . The ·l:'eport

· ..

Page 5: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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15. The report of Sub-Comni:tttee 1 reco:tnmended. the adoption of a draft resolution embodyine a .Pian· of partition \d th economic 1.mion. The plan followed, in rt ts genera1 li1rlE:ll3, the . proposals of the q~jpri ty

of tbe Special Committee on Palest:ine (t:wo, ;Ln.dependent States, ·a:~:City of Jeril.~alem an :Lr:•.ternational regime, a~10. economic UlJ.:.o:,l. o;f.

' '

these three unj.ts). A nevr solution Iva::; :r;;:ropcsed for the problem of implementation, in vievr of the statem(:m:cs of policy made by tho representatives of the Mandatory Power on that problem~ A Commission of five ro.erribers e.ppointed by the General Assen:bly wvuld be sent to, Palestine and WO'Ltl6. ~;;.srform, 1.m.cier. the guidra.::'.Ce of the Security Council,

. the f'l.Ulctions assignF.:d to it by the General Assembly for the preparati9n of the independence of the Arab and Jeiri.Sh States and o:f the establishment of the Economic Union and Joint Econo!nic Board provided for by the plan. As regards the City of Jeruso..leu, its statute would be elaborated by the Trusteeship Council. 16. The report of Sub -Comm:t tte~ 2 reconw.1ended the ad.opt:ton of · three draft resolutions. Accorc\ing to the first, the General Assembly, before recommending a solution of the Palestine problem; would rec1uest the Interne.tional Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on curtain legal questions col:'\..nected with or arising f;corn tho.t problem, inclv.ding questions concerning the com:pe~ence of the United Natj"ons to. reco1nmend or enfol~ce any solution contrary to the wishes of· the major:Lty of . the people of Palestine. '11he second draft resolution recommended an

• J ' •

international settlement of the problem of Jewish refugees and displaced persons, and stated principles and proposed machinery for the ~a-operation of Member S1~ates in such a settl.ement. The third resolution provided for the creation of a prov'isional· government of the lXJople of Palestine to 't-Thich the authority of the l-Iandatory Power \rould be trat:s.sferred1 ar: a preparatory step to the setting up of an electc;ld Constituent Assembly. The Constitution framed by the latter 1vould inter

' -·~-

!:l;lia contain guarantees as regn,rds the Holy Places, human rj.ghts and fundamental freedoms. Such guarantees were enumerated·in the·dru.ft resolution. 17. The discussion. of the t'T!l'O reports began at the t'lv<mty-fourth' meeting. At the twenty··fifth llleettng the representative of the United. Kingdom recalled the general principles contained-in the statement made to the Committee on behalf of his Government at the second meeting {see paragraph 3 above}.

/He applied

Page 6: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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He applied. those principles to tlie specific ·proposals of Sl.).b-Corlimittees and 2 regarding the role a.ssign~d .·to the United Kingdom· in the imple:nientati~n of those proposals. ·In both cases the United. Kingdom

. would have to :perform cei·tain fimctiop.s 'which were not com:patible with the declared intentionR of its Gove:rrunent. !~1 "both cases a:.J~o, as the Mandatory POi.;-e.r ]:nte:nJ.e.:~. +.o wi'thdra~' :f:::>a:n.i p.q,J.&f!tine without s.BStuning any respo:.asil;ility for the establisl11n0n.t of a new regime 'which uonld not cormnand general consent in Palestine, there would be no regularly const:t tuted auth:..:r.i~~.y ::tn t~e evacuated. aroas tr:1:Less the 1Jni ted illations

- . ' . recommended a W<:t.Y ::h · th~:; c;a.p. cou:!.d 't·e ef7.'e:::.tively filJ.ecl. 18. In view of the ;:;ta:t8ment made by the Urdted K::.ns.Y.o:n representative the Committee adjourned to allow the 'two Sub-Co:mm.ittees to meet immedtately and representatives vrho so desii·ed to consult the1r GoverJ:un( 19. 'l~he two Sub-Cor:n:.ittees re·viewed their r"espect:tve :p1ans' of implementation. Rc>presentatives of the United Kingdom. att.<:lu0ecl the meetings to a.ns'tver questions and furnish information. While Snb-Co!lliJlit· 2 decided not to e.lter 1 ts plan} Sub·Contd.ttce 1 revised certain of its proposals in the light of the British Statements. 20"; ·The discussion of the tiio' reports was res·iuned at the twenty-sixth meeting, the<question of implementation being left aside until Sub·Cmnn~i ttee 1 ha.ct subm.i tted its revised draft. 21. The revised drai' t of Sub-Committee 1 wa.s submitted at the ti-Tenty·"!seventh llleeting (A/AC .14/34/Add.2). 22. The discussion of the tw·o reports was pursued dul'ing four meetings (twenty-seventh to thirty-first). During the t-vrenty~eighth meeting, thE

1 '

re:presentati ve of the ~Tewish Agency reneved the offer he had made in

Sub -Com.mi ttee 1 to transfer to tile Arab State a part of' the :Beers~J.e ba area and a :Portion of-the Negeb along thf;l Egjrptian frontier). if ~uch an offer eould satisf:)r certain delegatlons which were in favour of part:i.tic but had. suggested an extension of territory for the Arab State, :i.n· the South of Palestine. Following the statement of the Jewish Agency, the delegation of the United States proposed a revision of the bov.:nde.ries o:f the two States in conformity with the snggestion of the Jewish Agency ·(A/AC .14/38). · 23. After the close 'of the discussion: ·an the two reports, the representatives of tho ·Jewish Agency for Palestine and of the Arab IIighe Co.ll1Illi ttee made final statements ( thirty-:ti~~t, meet1ng) . 24. At the beginning of the thirty-second meeting, the Chairman put to vote the first draft resolution proposed by Sub-Con:uni ttee 2, providing for the reference to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion of eight legal questions conne¢ted with cr arising from the


Page 7: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

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I'a:L~stine; .J.n .. •q'bl~~·~ ·At, :tiher• .JreqlJes;t:.of the rep.:re'sentativ~i oi'France, . . .. · :, . _; ., . '-~ \,.. . . " .

two votes, we~e. takep.~ Qn~.,¢P. t4e first :S~veri questl:ons, the other Ol1 ' . . ''' . . -·

. the. eigbth ~)..l.e~tion:.'Vfhich· t'~ad··aS?fOl!Oiirs: "Whether the :Unit.ed ·Nations, .o:r any. o\f its· Mem'Oei" States, '·:fs .co~peten~ tq <.,en:f'.orce J or ~commend· :the; eni'ore>ement "6f, ·any' p:~,~oposal concerning th~, eonsti tution ana future go'\re:nttnent of' P.a·le stine, in J?artiC:tJ.lar, any .Plan •qf partitiQti· which is···eontrary· to the

' ~ . . . ' . wishr..?s, pr ad:(');pted.:w:tthout. tl:l:e consent, of the ·i~bitants· o'f ~?a.lo.s..tine" •. . . . The proposal to refer to the International. Court of Justice the

first seven q,uestiol:;l.J? was. reje..cted by a vote o:t" eighteen· in favoUl', twenty-five, .. ·with eleven a.bstentions~ ·The prop'osal··to refer to

' . ,1,. .. .

the Court the e:!,ghth question wa$· !t'e·jocted by a vote of: twenty in ·favour,

twcnt;y .. ono e.~ainst, with thir-teen abstentions. 25. ?.'he r~oommer+d.ations contalner~. i:m.-,,the second. draft resolution proposed l?y S11.b~Committee 2 t~elti.'G~::ng. to an internationaFsolut:i.on of the pb'Oblem of Jew·:~sh · refugoes and d,is:pl.ace<l ·pel~s·ons: vorc then: put to thG

vote, pn:rngraph 'by ~1arag;t'aph ~ By e;evonte.<;m. votQs in favour, f(lu:rteen against and :twenty .. three

abstonti9~s~ .,the Co~m.ittoe adopted the :eirst rceomln:::md.:ltion. By eightqep. vr..ltes ill favo:t~r, .six.te(m agai:::wt.,, \l:Lth twenty-one

' . . . ''

abstentiqns, the Cormai t;toe adopted the :seccnct l'tl'.:n:m·nr:1ndation • • • 4 '. •• • • • •

TheCo:mmi tteo rejected by fifteen votes in fa.:rotcc, eighteen. against, with twenty··tyo a,b?tf;:1t:to:-/•:1s, the: tt•ird :~~e.Cclxmno::1d.'vl;iN1 providing for th;e

• • • ¥ • .~.

settin,g 1.\P of a S}.) UYrrn:L ttee. vrl;lich 'i/(Y'.:t:.::t ::·e0u1r:n.o·:~.d to ;the }1embe'rs· of the Un~ }:ed~ ~~ticns t.he e.•.:.Q>?.}itanqe o;f ~ sq~}eme '.n:(.; Cj_l...'.t,;l."i1.S of Jewish rofugee.s and displ~ced pe('B,~'!ls .to .be :resettled in their :t'eBper::tive tei .. ri tories ~ '

y , - .~ '

Af~er the Ca~nmi·~tec had, by o, ·sho"'l of han:ls; .aJ;:rpted or rejected va.l"io~is' paragra.pho of i(he pren.::J11(L:<" of the 're~ol.).::.-t;:Lcm, .·the final ··text· comp:t'is:i,:r:,g the fixst two ,.rer::c:·o;n:;:;;"d2.tio:t.ts ~a:rl:d'.thc adopted paragraphs of the :prcOJ1lbl,e J waG VtYH~J. 'l.:.}~O!.! p,r a. 'i•dY/\..a.,r That te~t w·as ·as follows:·

' ' ! ',+ '• .... ,•! t~_;, Jo- ~ ';.\~ \•' _· ',. ' ' • •

· . ·;'TEE. GE.;\IE.~4.L A_8.8E.M8~,Y., ha.yi'~.g ·regard tc t):te 1111ani:inous · ·· - ·-: ," ,, ,., }'. . :

recommendation of the Uni t~d. I~n:t,in:ns. ,S·!)ecial Co:n'D.i ttee on ~ •• . • !. •. - - ' • -· ' '- ' - - • ' • • -·~ • • • -

Palestine that the General Asse:·:.itl;,· U'1•lertake :l.Inm.ediately the in,ivatJo!'),. ~n~ exe,c.u~i.o:p. .of. ,an, ~n:te:rn,nJion:al ·.arrangement wiier~by the. :probl~nt of .tl;.e . distressed~ llJ'uropean Jews 'Will 'Qe '; - < . . . ' '; :, '' \ ·-,. '\;;- t . ~ ), ·. . . ~ .. ,

·dealt 1n th as a matter of extrol!le t;trg~ncy for .. ·the alleviation of ~heir plight, and .of the }:'alest;t:ne :problG:tn';.

- ' . • . .~· ' ; • ' ·~· . . i ... . ' ..

.;· ,· ',; ·,l

~. ·t "'· ·/BEARING :i •. ;.\ ~ ... ·, .,. '\~ .. :

Page 8: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 ~age v:lii

BEARING in mind that .genufn:e refugees .and. di;placed persons cc•nstitute a· problem·whi·ch is interna.ti<:>nai in scope and char~cter;

BEING of the opinion .t'ba.t where ·proves. :!,~possible, . i. .,

solution shoul.d 'be sought by. way of ~esettlement in ·th~ territories of the Members of the United ~la·tions · which are willing and in a. posi · . .. ' .. to ab~orb these refugees·and displabed persons;

HAVING- adopted resolution 62 (I) on 15 December 1946 culling fo: • r ' •

the creation .of c.n international re'f'ugee orgailiz.a.tion 11! th a view to th13 solution of the refugee problem thrOUj$h the combined efforts Of

. the United Nations; and " TAKING no·te of the assumption on l J'~y: 194 7 by the. .

Preparatory Commission of.the InternationQ.l Refugee Organization of operational res:pondbility for displa.ced persons e,nd refUf>~es:

RECO!vlNENDS: That the coun,tries of origin should he reqt,tested to take back

the Jew.l$h refugees and 'dis)?1aced persons belonging to them, .a,nd to J::'ender them o.11·possib1e o.ssistance to resettle in 1:l.f?.

'fhat those JeWish re~ugees OJ;l,d disp1{).Ced persons WhO. C®n-Ot 'be ro?atria.ted should be absorbed in the territo!'ie~ of M~mb~rs ot the Uni"ted Nv..tions in p:ro:portio~ to the;ir oren, economic resources, per capita income, population, and other relevant factors."

The vote on the abov•:~ text 11as sixteen in f'o.vour, sixteen a.g~~nst, with twenty .. stx abstentiOJls.

' 26. ThE~ third resolution of Sub-Collllllittee 2 providing f'~r th~


consti tuUon and future gove1•nment ot Palestine, as . a uni ta.ry 1 democratic, and independent State, wi,th safe~rds for minorities 1 was.. r~jected py a vote of t.tre1ve in favour, twenty.;.nin.e (;l.gainst, with, fourtee:p. ~bstentions.

' . . . 27. !J;'he Committee then considered the Ell!lendrnents whic.h hq.d been subzni tte respecting the plan recownended by Sub .. Committee 1. . . ; ,

The joint runendm.ent (A/AC .14/46) proposed by Norway and. to Part I, section 13, pa, 1, leaving to t~e Gener4J. Assembly the decision 1:1n the composition of the Commission which WQuld be se:p.t to

. ' . '~ ' '

Pal.estine wb.s adopted and substituted for the corresponding in the :p1an.

' . Paro.gruph 3 in the same section l3 of Part I wo.s also'ie.d as a

result of·the c.ctoption of a Net~erlf;Utda amendment (A/AC,l4/36) g:i,vin.g 'W'ider scO)?e to the :Bound£l.ry Connniss~on.

'lhe s,doption. of a French amendment '(A/AC.l4/37) to paragraph 2, Cho.pter 1 of section c, resulted in a new re ... wol·ding of that paro.gruph.

Paragraph 4 of the SC!llle Chapter l of section C was o; amended on the proposal of Australia (A/AC .14/39),~

/ 1-!Illend.nterrl.;s . ~--=~~~-,~ ..... "'-~--"

Page 9: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page ix

., ' .• · '~ ·"' ' ,- : . ~. ,_, ~ t. . '·"' • ".l" .• ,., _.. "'" ' . t

·. · Alriemdfuents· 'to' 1' .. O,nd.''6>:of. · Chipte·;r .2,of .;section-c, stfumitte.d by the d.e~e~dti6~~''6\.r1itiiii6:e· :(A/A.c .1.4/37>' were· ad.bpt;ed. . .in the. fQ~ tx~ ;'!lh~~lt th~y 1~p~~J.~./:j_~ \li~~\{Jit ~ ·' ., 1 . · •. .' ' , .:.: · ; • :., .. ·' • · .. ' : ' • i : ::· . .

PnragrhpJ:i S ~fi: dhdpter 2·:of ,;sedtiori C vas alte:~ed by·the adqp~iora.of .an :.:~-.·:.:.:;··.~ ..• -·:·:,;~'.· . __ ::~.:!.;·::( .·j ·--~~ ...... , ...•. ·,:, 4 ... _ ., •

o.mendrrient put fottmra·' separo.telY :by' the · delego.tionsd-of the Nether-l.~ets, _,. (.f./Ac .14/:36)·o.~r:Pnki~tan ~A/At:.:i4/l~o) ptoviding :for the· dele·tion t:J;om the ~ ,' t :. ' . . . ". ' . . o!:' prov·f~lons :. regarding· ·expropriation Of·' :L<:·.Ud for ·other; t~n: · ,. · ~-.:-:.--""r~:r_-:. ::-;- ·;-:~--- .. -· .... , ... >, 1, •. ~ ... _ • . _ _ •

:public purposes. · The vote was' t-vTelv'e· ir.k favour rind nine ago.inst the .. ' ·,;I < ~ \, .: .. i ',_~ •:• ,;· • ' ' ,• '•, ~ '' -" <

o.menfuuent. · · ~··

,. ' ,; ,•' •'' Th~· \ielego.t:tob. c;f the submitted on dm~nd.ment (A/ f?.C./j.4/3p.) _to, ~d~ <J,, .~ew: J?,ar.~~r.c::ph 9 to Chn:r>ter 2 of sectiop. C. The umendment ,was .. ... : ~- .. - :. ' - ' ,' ~ ·' ' . , .. · ' . . · ... " . ' ' - . ' wi thdro.Wri. on the thb.t i't might lJe. resubmi;tted to·. the. plenary ~e~ting of the';:Genei2l::'Assemb1y in a reYised form.

'•; ' . The•''delegb.tion Of c' s\ib~tted ~ o.mendment (A/:1.0.14/45) to .. :paro.gro.p:):l .3:- of CP.a1)ter 3 of section C re~pect:Lns ditizensll.ip, which wo.s · · ·, :~:)· ~ .. :·; -~:·r . ~. . . adopted.· · · · ·' · ' · · : · ' · ·· The ~~ieg~tion · ci:t the tJni ted States oi' Alllcr~cQ. JlUbmitted an Ull1~no.ment

(A/AC .J-4/42) to o.d.Ct b. new po.r~o.pli'to paragraph '9 of s·ectiolt. D.. ~. · · •.. ' , -·:~· .• :· '' ' < '/ ~- ~~ . I• ' ·,·,' . :. ·-wa.s} O.dopted'~ 1 · · ,, . ·· ._, •. • . , • .: . . : .•

. . . · .. The ''c'lel~ghtions of PDJcl~·.(;o.J:i. o.n(l o:t'' the United . .Sto.tes submitted .::. :: o.:mendments (A/A.C /i4/4b o.nd A/AC:.I4/42:, :resrfectively) to po.ragro.:ph 1;4 of.. ·

{•- ~ . ' ' ~ • ~ 1 f ··. ·.. .... ... . . .. '

sect1on···:o. Tli~"repre·sento.·tlve o:f Pnki'stM agreed not to :pr~s-s.. his :· -·~··' ",: .. , .:-:r•·. '.'. ~-•'• ~ . , -·~ . ·1 • . •

o.merid.nien,t, o.nd the amondinent proposed :py·the Q.elego.tion of the .United. Sto.tes 1 :·!~-~ f·> ., :: .:·. . . . -:\• .· i ''. . '··~ . .'. . . .

was (ldopted, witlr b. 'sli'ght chci.hge ir:t' the wording, in the form :lit whiich ·it . t'.,._ {''\~ :' . ~- . ' ' .; . • . .•• -. ~ ' ; ' ~ " . . \ ' ' . ' . •

o.p:pears in the' · text • .. · ' · · . . . . ··.i.: . . The defdgC:tion, or· Po.kistd.:ti. subnl:i tted o.n o.m~ndment (.P./A.C •14/40)-, yO,

-'",.~ . .. ··- .-. -... r-~·_., -..... -- · .... ,1 i~ ·~· .· . • • - •

delete ~tor secti·on E. 'The -woj,ding .of tlte pn;ro.aro.l:'h Jteq;uiril;lg the Mo.nd.~to~ :J?8'-i~~r t'6'·· 11 n~got:Late' 'vnth 'tne·conil:llii.ssion'•'. 't'lD.S ·changed to ..

·:·. · ".co~~ult' with'tne · ·c~ss:iQn'' ·5: o.nd the· ··et · Po.$;isty.n ~a,r't)~d ;. • . i

not to' press his ·~en~ent." · · '· · 1. , ,,

.... ; .·The delegatio~ of Pakistan supmi·tted-mf o.mendmen;t ·(A/AC.l.4/40) to delete the wh6:tJi· ot '-·PO.rt It w:t th: 'boundaries · o.nd to provicle fo;r a Boundo.l:'y Commission, appointed by the Security G:ounc·il, to· recommer1d

· • ·'; ixi o.ccordtu{ce with, the principi:'e tho.t ·not more . tho.n t.en ~e;rcent ·:_ ~f' the, ~xet~i~'e of state or:·wo:~te'lunds; ~in the -A:t'o.b or J~l!ii-s.h .Sto.te .shoul~·(b~ owned''bY' J6ws or r$spehtivelY• ··.'Jlle a..m$1\dluet.+t 'tfp.S .. :t;ejoe;ted by. 0. ~6te 'of'·: ~:t~t I~· fnY~Ur';·and.twent;st .. two •. : . · . .... '· .

. 'me· donlniittVie'<u;aopted 'the. 6.i'neia&n.ent<subm:t:tt'eq;; by, ~ll~ .·d.elegq.tion of the ··· · ;ui1i-t~d. stat~~·o;f;Mh~rio·ii···(A/AC·/)..4/36J:.tq)· Po.rt. ·:J:I><.:w:ov:d.dins th,o.:t_ t~ ~own · · 6':e' ·Beershelio: 'ci,n(t th~:/'•O.I:"eli• to,·~ northeast thereof' o.nd c. :portion ot ,the

"' .. : •.. ,~ :: . . ·:-; ,.<.\ ·· .. ' 1 ,/N~f$.eb

Page 10: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page X


Negeb ·o.long the Emtfcin' r!rorl.tier !!;hould be .~~c:I:udeP. .ft:~, ~he ar1?a of· the .... _ .. ,- ... ·. ·~r- .'\. ! :···~ .. ·. ·.,~-·--~-~

.:pro:posed: Jewish Sto.t~ futd ineorp(Jrated in th-e propos.ed. A,J;.ub stat.e .. The delegation. of sweden submitted an a.rnendment.,(Aj4C:.l1J./35) to delei

~· -# ••• ;··· • :., '. :- I . ~ '. 1~) • ' • .: , ' · .1

from paro.graph 2~' section C bf' P:irt III, in co:nne.ct;t..OILWith the . . - : . :·._ ; ~-.t -)· . ·· . .'. ·i ~ r .. -.:. ~-. , . . .. ·_· j :.. - •• .. • •

o.~~~i:strutive stb.ff' o:f the G0v!3rnor pf the .City .of Jerusalem,. the ' " . '.. . ' '.. . . ' '- ~ t . i :_ ' . ' ·. . i " ., •

"o.nd. •. c.hosen whenever possible .·from. the residents of. the ... City on 9-• . ···i_",:.•' ._. . ' • ..

non ... 'disoriminatol-y b0.sis 11•· Thk .o.mendnle~t.~ rejected by,a vote of ten: :b

favour imd fifteen D.gninst. · Tlfe· paragraph wo.s o.dopted with the phrcse in questi011. o.mended to re~d o.s tollo~:.. ncrnd. chosen wl:?,enever pra.cticnble :fr<

' · the l~esident.s ·of the City and of the reat of Po.lef!tinE;l on q, non-disc:timin< · basistl ~ . ·.

The delegation of France submitted. an a.men9Ju,~nt (A,/Ac·.~4/37) to 9-dd i 10, sectionc~· Po,rt III, the 'iolloWiJ.1B word~ .'~o.nd ,po.rticulo.rly • English. o..11d·· French''. Tlle. amendm~nt ~a.s ;rej~~t~d, by .. thfrteep in. fo.vour an<

\ ' . ' ' ' • • ; "! t f' ·.._) I • ·. ' ~ • "' '"

fifteen aguitlst ~- · · · . ; . The delegation of France submitte,d DJlle~flments. {A/AC.lr4/37), to

sub'7pc.rn.gruphs ·5 and 6 Of .~~t: s_~~.M.?n c.,: PC1rt ;l:Il,,:,which .were y.D.Q.o:p~ed iin• 'the 'torm in which' they appe~r in' theJ .. ~7~~·. '", ,:·. ,, '. ·.

The delegation of ~us~ralia..submi~~~d ~~~~~~~nt ·(AjAC~lhf3'tJ) con~is:ting .of a.n' ~:tddition to ~ub~pq1~P"~Ph 4 of Jilnl:!~~f~;t>.IJ 13_, .r~~pt;ton c,

. · :Po.~ III, ·which wo.s ·c.dopted o.nd ·.incorporq.te4. _in tl:le, te~t. . . : .. · ,. · ·• Tb.Q delegation of Sweden ~~b~ittect·~.e~~~~ts {A/P(;.l4/JJ5),to

' .. ·!, .~.. . I ' ·, :· • • •, -;. ' ~ · . .

. secti'on :0, Po.rt III, with a. viel-r to;t,g tP,e interJl,O>ltionoJ. regime for tl ' ' • ; '.· . J,l ,"·

City of! .Jeruso.lem more permmieri~. The ~~ndment to substitute the :word "re ... e.x::un:tno.tion" for "o. revision" (of the :regime) wo.s o.dopted bY, o. vote o:f

. E!eventeen in :favour mid twelve o.go.f~st. 1 By a v;te of sixteen in: .t'!;l.vour a.r

, ' , 1

r.•.,.,.. , · , · . • ; I'~ · ~ ' ~-· 1 · · -. · ·. '

:f'iv{;} agri.:iLp,st the Q.mend.tne:n.t to substitute the words "p.o.ssibJ.e. :modit'iC.o.tione , " . ,. . . . ~.~r. ;:~t·'-:;1.. ~, .f" ~-.~ • .. •

:f'or. "coni~inuo/t'iori' or modification,"' pt the ... :r:1g~me~ .y~s,efl.. The. :,'. o.mend:m.eni; !to delete the 'sentence reo.ding "If express~d py q, !llOi.jority

t'l-ro-thir6Ls, their wishes sha.ll be duly considerod~' ,1f\1S. o.; .a:dpptod. • 1• ' • ·,

. The discu!ssion of o.mendment~ to. tl:le plp.n .en~9d o.ft~r ._the t:;t' of Po.kistcm :naaf1 o,greetf not· to pr~ss hi~ ~en~en~· (4/ AC ~14/,~Q) t~:-t .' :po.rasro.'Ph 4, sect!t'on'A1 Pb.rt I~ . . · · .·i· .. ·'' .•.. · , .. .- .. '· ·:.:.

• • ; • • • ol ; -:- ~ , ' ': ; • : }: '. '~ ·, ' • - "' • •

'. ·28. After' the: discussion .. of amendments to tli~ .pl,o.n·,. tp.e .cpw ttee ~ <,' ~ ' ,1. • "\f . . :: ·.~: ·. ' ' " : 1 ~ \

turned its attention to the s·ole a.mendment regn;r!iing :~h~ ~{)$olution ' . '. 1 ~ • • ': • ~- :·. . • : • • ~ ' ··:' • ·.• ,. • ., . .-' • ·' • ' ., • ' '

,recommending the a.doptiori ru1.d pn~leil1eP.t,<!'~i<?n.. ot ... t~.e, 1,11p1~~ •·q.}li.s. OJnend.ment, ' . .,., • ' , ',· ~ It ' ' . " . .

:proposed by the del:6gd.tion of Deilln.qrk, {A/'AP •. 14/~3/Bev~l:}. Aml; c~msisting c .the uddi t1bri~ o:f' twa ;t'tu-~thef.' ~U'b~:P~~q.ti~phs . .,t9\ tD:~· ·.~~l'lql As~emblyJ s :roque

' . . . .. . ''•: , ... \ ., .,. ,. '. . .. •) ' '

·:to the Sei::hrft:Y; council',· wo.s o.dopi;ed· by .. !f .. vo~J;e .. Pt; . n1r1ete~n in. favour .t!.nd .... · ..... ;.• j '"" '·.\f .. ,. ,l; r.· ' ' ' ' ' ' •

fourt<eetf b.g6Inst, ... 6nd ·rl1coi-poruted.i~ the text o.s sub-pE>rp.gro.phs 11 (b)" n.nd "11 (C) II ,

/99. . The amended d:r

Page 11: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 xi

29. ~1e amended draft resolution embodying the 'Plo.n of Partition with Economic U1~on wo.s adopted by a. vote of twenty-five in favour, thirteen o.go.inst, with seventee:t o.b stentiOns, us f'ollo'\'i'S:

In~~: Austro.lio., Bolivia., Brazil, Byelorussio.n Soviet Socio.list Republic,, Chile, c·ostc. Rico., Czee:hoslovo.kio., Denmo.rk, DoLlinica.n Republic, :Ecuador, Gua.temo.lo. 1 Iceland,, Nor-tiCY,, Peru, Poland, Sweden, Ukrc.inio.n Soviet :Republic, Union of Sout..lJ. Africa., Union of Soviet Socio.list :Republics, United Stutes of America., Uruguay a.nd Vene2:uela..

Agc.!nst: Afgha.nisto.n, Cuba., Egypt, Indio., Ira.n, Iro.q, Lebunon, Po.kista.n, Sa.udi Arc:.b:to., Sio.m, Syrio., ',rurltey a.nd Yemen.

Abstentions: Argentino., Belgium, China., Colombia., El So.lvo.dor, Ethiopia., liro.nce, Greece, Ha.i ti, Hondu,rm>, Liberia., Lwcembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Ze~a.nd, United ~ngdom Yugos1o.via..

Absent: o.nd Philippine~? • 30. Before the vote, the representatiVes of mew Ze~a.nd, Syria., c.nd Iro.q ha.d statements explaining their votes. After the roll .. ca.ll, the representative of Egypt o.lso o. statement in connection with his vote • . 31. The Ad Hoc Committee on the Po.lestinia.n Question therefore recommends to the Generc:.l Assembly tho o.dopi:;ion of the follow:i,ng dro.ft resolution on the futwe govertUnent of Palestine emboCI.ying a. Pla.n of Po.rtition with Economic Union:


Page 12: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

' ~ : ,:·

._.., .;;

'·:· ...... ·'

.· .... · : ... ' .,\: ··.':

. ;'.' :,.v··"

·, :·; '\ ·':';' :_.;

' ~·' ' •• .i

,:., .... ·

'. . . ,.:.··..,. .....

·.' , ....... :~· .

,.. •.! •,,;


·~·· :; ,' •.·,~·. .<:


Page 13: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

. ('


'lWTI GENERAL ASSEM.BLY · , ' ·.' ' . 1

A/516, · Page 1·

HAVING MH!T in specie,l sess:i.on a.t the reg11est 'of'rthe Mandatory Po"trer to constitute and instr11ct a Special Com:rnitt'ee to prepare for the consideration of the aut;;stion of the futUJ,~e goverl'llllent" o'f

I '• • - ....

Palest'ine at the second reg1.~lar sess:i.on; ": ... . '

HAVING CONSTITUTED a Co1mn:l.ttee and instructed .·rt to investigate all questions and issues relevant to the'-prtil"ile:rtF···or Palestine 1 and to :prepare proposals fox· the solutiori of the problem; and '··

HAVING RECErJED AND E.XAMil'iJED the rep crt of the Spec~~af·:commi ttee . · .. (document A/364) ~ nut:·iber of unan3mous rer;uror.'-·xp:_3;:tfb'ns and

a plan of partitj.on economic union ap}?J:OYecl by the maj'otity of '/ the Special Connni ttee;

CONSIDEBS that the present situat:t.on in Palestine is one which is likely to impair the general lV'elfare and friendly relations among nations;

TAKmS NOTE of the declaration by the Handatory Power that it plans to complete 'its· evacuation of Palestine by 1 August 1948;

RECOMMr~NDS to the United, as the Handa tory Power for l)alestine, and to all o·t;her Members of the Unlted Nations the a.d:op.:tion and iiJWlementation, with regard to the future government df Palest:i:ne 1

of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below; 1Ui::Q:l1ESTS that

, ..

• !; (a) The Security Council. take thE; necessary measures as provided. for in the Plan for its iraplementation; · ·· :, (b) The Security Council consider if circU;'nstances during the···' transitional per:i.od require such consideration, vThether the· sH;uation in Palestine constitutes a threat to the peace. If i~:.

decides that such a threat e:x:i.sts, and ~n order to ma:lntatn· internatfonal. :peacr and security 1 the .Security Council should.: s\lpplemont the authorization of the General Assembly by taking · · measures 1 under 4ri:;icl~~ 39 .and 11-1 of the Charter, to empower the

' .: .~ :· 1• : : • • I'~ •• :Y. :,._:

United Nat~ons Cotnmiss;ton, as provided in th;i.s resolution, to · · . . exercise in Palestine the functions -vrhich. are assigned to it by··

' ' ' '

this resolution; (c) The §ecurity Covnci:t. deter111ine as a threat to the peace; breach

/of the peace

Page 14: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page 2

of' the peace. ;o~: aet or aggtessio:;l, j_n accordance with Article of the Charter, any attempt to alter by force the settelement envisaged· by this•. resolution;

. (d) The Trustees·hip Council be informed of the responsib:ili t envisaged for it. in this Plan; CAIJ.,S UPON the i:nhabi tants ot' P~estine to talce such steps as

· .be necessaJ;'y on their· part to put this Plan into effect;·_ .APPEALS ·to. all Goverll1Jlents ·and all pel.Dples to· refrain from tal

'· . ;a..u\Y' action lrhich' might hamper. or delay the carrying out: ·of these

•'• ,, i'' ! ., ••

recommendations; and , .·· ·.AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General ·ifo reimburse travel and . subsistence expenses of the m~bers of the Commission reterred 'to :l

.. Part. 11 . SecM.on B1· pa.r~.a:Ph l below on such basis ·'etnd in ·such 'torn as he may determine most appropr;i,ate in tP.e circrl!nstances, &nd to .

. prov.ide •to the. Commission the necessary staff to ass; ·in carrying out the functions a.ss1gned to the Comndssion by the General Assembl

P.LAN OF PARTITION HITH ECONO~ITC. UNION ' . ~ ' ' ~ . . ; ' .' ' . '


A:· TEP-M!NATION OF lM.NUATE., PAR~ITIOU .AND I:riDEPENDEJ1CE ' . . . . . .. ' '• . . . . . ··'


, l... · Tb(;l' Mandate f'c1r iPa.le't3tf:rie shall t'elininate as soon as po'ssible but i: any case not ·later tha.n·:.l ,~,il&_ust 1948. 2. The armed forces of the Yandatory Power shall be progressively

, wi thdr.awn, f)0)m Pale:st,ine;; the w:tthdr'awal to be completed as sao~ as possible but in any case not later than·l August 1948 •

. The !~tory J?ower Shall ·a.q.vise tl:ie Commission; as far in advance ~.

possible, o:tits intention to· terminate the MS.nda.te and to evacuate each area.

'J;'h.E;;• Na.ndatory Power shall .use its •best ·endeavours· to ensure that an area, situat~d in tllet territory of'. the ·Jet~ish State, 'including a seaport a hiif~erl.and, adequate to'· provide :f'acilitfe•s fot a substantial immigration, sl:!,all be ._evacuated at. the earliest ·possible· date and in any event not 1at than l Fjebruary 1948 ••. ·· 3. '· . Independent Ara'b and. Jewish· st·ates and the Spec3.e.l. International Reg tor the <Hty of' Jerus~em1 set forth in :Part III of this Plan, shall come ~nto,existence in Palestine two months attet the evacuatioriot the armed f0;r~es ot th~ Mandatory Power has been completed but in any qase not later tha.n 1 October 1948" .'l'he boundaries of the Arab State, the Je1dsh State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in P~:rts II and ~I: below. /4. 'lhe period

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4. The period between the adpption by the General Assembly of its '• .I • ' ; • • • ', • I t "'•

--recommendation on the que-stion of Pa1~stine and. the establishment. of ;the •' '· .,1 I ' ' , , ' ''•

;·, .. independence of the Arab and JewiBh;sta.t~~s -~hall be a transitional per~od. t •' . . ' . ' . ' ' ' ·• ' .;.•

B. - STEPS PEEl?ARATOEY TC) INDEPENDENCE . _ l. A Commission. shall be set ~ consiR1~i!lg of' one ;representative of each

' . ~ '

~f five Member_ State$. T·he M'3mbers represe:r!ted on the Cqmt!lissiorl .shal~ be .elected bJI'·the General Assembly on as broad a basis, geographiqall;y and otherw~,se 1 as possible. 2. '):he adrll.inistration of' Palestine shall, as the Mandatory Po~re:r:· withCI.raws its armed ;forces., be progr~ssively tUlmed over to the qow"!li~sion, which shall act in confO:!:'mi ty with the recor!llllendations of' .tl?.e Go:neral .. . . . . f.:.·

Assembly 1 under the guidance of the Security Council. T!le Manda4;~_ry :t:mver shall to the fullest possible extent co-ordinate its plans fo._. w+th<lra:vral with the plans of the Commission to take over and_ adminis·ter. areas.· \rh;lch ha~e been evac~ated.

In the discharge of this administra-tive :respo:r1sibility ,the Cor~ission shall have author•ii~y to i.ssue necessary :regulations and take othor

~ \ ' - . . . . \

mea~u:r~s as requi:i."ed. The Mandatory Powe~ shall not take any action to prevellt1 obstruct or

delay the implemzntation by the Commission .of the mee,sures recorr.:me:nded 'Qy . the General As!':lt::rJ;ly.

3. On its arrival in Palestine the Comm::.Lssion shall p1oceed to ce..::.."'rY, out ' J, I' < ·.•

measures for the establishment of the fronti.ers. of the .!'.,rab and Se'tfi~h States and the City of Jerusalem in accoro.ance witll. ~he geneY'al lines of the, recommendations of ~he General -AsseniU.y on the va.rtition of Palestine. Nevertheless,.the boundaries as described in Part II of this Plan are .. to be modified in sucrl a way·.thay vilJage areas as a rule will not be divided by state boundaries unless. pressing i·eason~. make that necessary. 4 •.. The Commis~ion, after c~nsultation '1'-rith the democ;atic parties and oth~~ public organizations of the Arab· and Je~1·ish States, sh~.J.ll select and esta:blisl:l in each State as rapidly as possible a l'rovisional CoLJncil of Government. The activities of both the Arab and Jewif.>l! P1·ovisional Councils of· Government· shal;L· 'be ca,rried out m1.der the gen.ereJ_. dj,rec:tlon of

the Commission. If by. 1 April 1948 a P:royj_sional Council of :aovern.ment ce.nnot ~ : ·

selected for e i the7' of the St.::~·r.;es} or 7 if' select~d.., cannot carry out its functions, the Coxr..Tnission>-shall: communic:~rte that fact to the Sec·urity Council f'or such action wijch respect to that State as the Security Council may deem pro:per 1 and to the Secr-etary-General for COmmllUication td the:.: Members of the Unitecl'Nations. ·

/5'. ·Subject

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5. Subject to the·provisions of these reco~.ndat:i:ons., durinz the transitional period: the·P~ovisiottaf Councils of Oovez"nment, acting under the Commission{·shall hav~ ':!Uit authoritV in the·;a:reas u.n:der their control including authority: over n1atters of. immigration and land regvlation. 6. The Prov:Lsional Coundl of Government of each Ste,te, acting under the Commission, shall :p!•ogr.essively receive from the Commission full responsib for thecadministration of that State in the per:i,od bet1-reen the termination of the Ma..11date and the establishment of the States 1 independence. 7 ~· The Commission she..ll instruct the. Provisional Cou.ncils of Government of both the Arab and. tTevtish States, after their fol"lll.ation, to proceed to the establish.trWnt of administrative orgarJ.S of gove:rn."Uent 1 centr?.l a1id loca~.

8. · The Provisional Council of Government of each Sta,te shall,. within 'the the shortest ti~ne· possible, recruit an armed militia from the resici.ents· of that State, sufficient in number to maintain internal or<;ler and. t;o :prevent frontier clashes.

Thi,s· armed mil~tia in each State shall, for opere,tional p<J.i'poses, -be under the command of Jewish or Arab of":f'icers resident in that·state, but • general i:~olitical and military control; inclti.ding the choice~ of the

· nrllitia' s Righ Command, shall be exercif3ed by the Conunissj.on. 9. The Provisional Council of Goverl1lllent of each State shall, not later

·,·than two months after the withdrawal o:f' the armeCl. forces of the Mandatory Power, hold elections to the Constituent Assembly vThich shall be conducted on democratic lines·~ , . . The election regulations in each State shall be drawn up by the Provisional Council of Government and appl~oved by the Commission •

.. Qualified voters for each State for this· elt;;ction shall be .perso11s over..· eighteen-years of age ·who are: (e). Palestinian citizens residfng in that State and. (b)"·Arobs and Jews in the1 State, although not Palestini

·· citizens, who, before voting, have sigr.ed a notice of intention to bec'ome citiZens of such State.

~abs and Jews residing in the City of Jerusalem who have signed a . . notice of intention to become citizens, the Arabs of the Arab State and the .Jews o:t t:qe Jewish State, shall be entitled to vote ;i.n the Arab and Jewish States respectiveJ.:t:.

Wome:n may vote and be electecl to the Constituent Assemblies • . D~ing th~ transiti~nal.period no Jew shall be_permitted to establish

\ ' ., ., • ' ' ' •.,;. • •.• ••. • •••• • l.

residence in t}le ,area..of the proposed Arab State, an<;l no Arab shall be . . . ' . ' -.. . . . . ' . ., . " : • :,· •. ·.: . ·t . .. . ._,

permitted. to establish residence in the area of t4e p~oposed Jewish Sta~e, ' .; ), ~-: . ( :· ' !-

. except by tspecial of the Coliilllission. ,._.' ' .''

/10. The Constituent

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10. ·The Constituent Assembly of each State shall draft a deraocre.tic Constitution for its State ·and choose ·a provisioilal-government to succeed the Provisional Council of Gover~1nent appointed by the Commission~ The Constitutions of the States shall embody chapters 1 and 2 of the Declaration provided for in Section C belovr an.d · j_:w;;l.ude ~~.2£ ~ provisions for:

(a)· EBt.abl5.ah:tng in eaeh Stn:l::e a legislative body elected by u.niversa.l suff:i.~age a::il. 'by o'.::·J:"'et ballot on the basis ot proportional· representation, arid an e:l~ec' body responsible to the legislature. (b) Settli:!:.g all inte:r.national disputes in which the State may·be involved by peace'i:'-:.ll mee.ns i~ such a manner that international peace and s!;:jcur:i.ty, and. justice, are not endangered. (c) Accepting the obligation of the State to refrain ln its international relations from the threa.t or use of force against the territorial ini:;eg:oj.ty or poll tical independence of any State 1 or in any othe~ mam1e~ inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. (d) Guaranteeing to all persons equal and n0n.:.discriminatory rights in civil, political, ·.economic and religious matters and the enjoyment of h'l.llllan rights and fundamental freedoms, inclt;.ding freedom of religion., la,nguage 1 speech and public~.tio!l, edi,.tcation, assembly and association. (e) Preserving freedom of ·transit ana. visit for all r.esidents and citizens· of i:;he other State in Palestine and the City of Jerusalem, subject to considerations of nation~l security, provided that each State shall control residence within its borders •

. 1. The Commission shall appoint a Preparatory Economic Commission of three tembers to,. make whatever arrangements are possible for economic co~operation, 'i th a vie-vr to establishing, as soon as practicable, the Economic Union and .he Joint Economic Board, as· provided in Section P below. 2. DtU;:'ing the ·period between the adoptior.l of the re.commendations on the .uestion o~ Palest~ne by the General Assembly and the termination of the


and.a.te, the Mandatory Power in Pales·bine shall maintain _full responsibility or administration in.areas from which it·has not"n its armed forces. h~ Connnission shall.assist the r.:tandatory :Power in the carrying out of.these unctions. Similarly the MandatorY' Po'i'rer :shall e::o-opel;'ate with the Commission n the execution of. its ·functions .. c •

3. With a view to ·ensuring that there shall be continuity in the_ functioning f adn).inistrati ve services and that·, on the wi.thdrawal ()f the armed forces of he Handato:ry Power,· the whole admin~stratj.on .shall be in the charge of the rovisional Councils and the ,Joint Economiq Board., resJ?ectively, acting under·

/the Commission,

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the Connnission-, there shall be aprogr~ssive transfer, from the Mandato:cy Pbwer :'to -the Commission, of r.esponsibility for all .the functionf/ or· , goverriment, .: fncluding that of maintaining la-vr ~d order in the areas from: ·

·· · whi0l1'·the forces of the Mandatory Power. have been w:t.thdraim. 14. :·Tlie Coitu:riisston shall be guided. in its ac~tivities hy the recommenda'tlons the Ge~ere.J~ A::'!seni'oly an::l :by such :J .. ;.::.;::~:ructlons as the Secu:ri ty Council may consider necessr:;,.ry :to isstte 0

11le :measvu:es ·taken: 1);-,r the Ccrr.uni~Jsion, 1-r:i.thin the recommendations of the General Asaembly, sha1l tecome im.'lleh.:i.a.tely effective unless the c·owlllission 1 :W-e\iious'ly received. co:·t~~::c-n:r i:nst:r.<..:.c:t:!.o:o.s from the Security Council.

The c~,mmission. sha11 reJ.1cter IJ0:t'iodic monthly progress reports, or more freqnently: if des:irt.'ble, to the Security Council. 15. The Ccm.mis!Sion shall mak.e. its final report to the next regular session

' . '

the Ge11ern:i Assertbly ein.d to the Security Cou,:ncil sinrul tal1eousiy. C, DECLARATION

1 ~ ·A Declaration· shet11. be· made to the United Na+.ions by the Provisional ·• ·,. •'. . '

Gover~ent. of each :prc)posed State befo:re indepem~ence. It shall contain i!~~er ~lli: the · foilovi':i:ng clau~es : General..£!~

The stipulations contained in the Declaration are recognized f.l.S

fund.amf;mtal laws of the State and· no law, :regulation or official apt ion aha: conflict or interfere with tliese,i.ons,. nor shall any lar;/ l:·egulatiol or official actionprevail qver them ..

· Chapter 1 ¥91z.J?1?:[email protected]. r•.e!:1J.i.i~:ll?:.6.~,2nd sites 1. Exis·ting rights in ·respect of Holy. Places o.pd religio,us buildings or s: shall not 'be denied or impaired.

' ' 2. In so far as Holy Places are concerned, the. liberty of access, visit a: . '

tral1sit shi9.ll be guaranteed, in· conformity with, existing rights, to all residents and citizens of the· other Sta~e and. of the cit,y of Jerusalem, as rrell as to aliens, without distinction as to ·J:lational.ity, subject to requirements of national security, p:u.blj,c :ordtsr and decorum.

Similarly, freedom of worship shallbe f0laranteed in conformity .rrith existing rights, subject td:the maintenance of:public order and decO!'lml. 3. J:Ioly Plar-es and religious buildings or s;L tes shall be preserved. No a·

.. shall be perruHted which may<·in any way impair their sacred c};laracter. If , any time it appears to ;,che Go\Ter:nm.ent ·that any partic~ar .Holy Plac'e, relig bttilding or site is· in need of urgent repair, the .Government may call upon coro.mtmity or communit:tes ·concerned to carry out .. such repair. The Governmen

/may carry

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may carry it out :i.tself ·at .·t:qe·. eiq:>ense df' ~t;he::.,cqAA!luni ~y· ·OJ;'· .com:ml»::i ti~~·s:: . ~ont::erned 'it 'n6 action: is taken. ,.,1 thin a; .. re:asonat;J;Le-: :t::t.~-· ~ ' ' ~ ,>,

4. No :ta:~;;ation shall be ·revied in res~.e6t or.··any Uoiy ·Pla9:e, r~el5.'gious,

build.ttis or site rrhi<3h was exe:ni:pt from ta~~~ition on the date of: the .crea:t:ton of the State.

No change in t'b .. e in~id.ence of such ·taxation sl1all be made .. wl~ieh would '.

e:tther discrimir..ate bei~~mer .. the ow:~~;:,rs or occup:i.ers of Holy PlaceJ.1 :ti01:i.g:i.ous buildines or sites, or 1-rould :place such o-:n:iers or occul'iers in a posi t;J.o:ri less favourable in :r.·elat.ion to the gene:!;'al incidence of taxat:icm than existed at the time of the· acL:::>r:'tiol::. of the M>.scmb:i.;r' s reco:l:'!4c.erida:tions. '·

5. ·The Governor of the City of J'e:r.1.~sal.em shall have the :right to d.eterm.ine 1-rhether the provisions of the Constitution of 1;;he State in co ·· Holy Places, religious buildings and: s:i. tes with:i.n the borders of tJje f}tate and the religious rights· appe:r:·::ain:!.ng thereto, a::.·e bei.11e propeily; a~:> ond respected, and to make decisions 011 the 'basis o:J:' ex:!.sting right:J :ln Cl~_ses of disputes which. may a:t•ise beb~·een th~: different religions .~onummities or the rites of a religious c:cmnnmity 1fith .Ji"especi:. to such Place5, buildings e.nd sites. He sh.a11 l'eceive full co-operation and such; :privileges eJ1d imnmhities as are necessary for the· of his functions in the State.

Chapter: 2 ~l.igi,~J"~£.s.~.i!~.J:k.h~ 1.. Freedom of. conscien·;:je and the free exorcise o:r. all fvrm~h of twrshJ:p;

,:·- .

subject only to the medntenanoe of p\tbl:l.c 6rder a.~d mo1•als, shEt.ll. b~; ensnrefl to all. 2. No disc:t'tmination· of e,ny k,ind shall· be made between. the inha'PJ.t.t'lnts an the· ground of race 1 religions ·lallf.~' or :3ex. 3. · All :persons 'Within the juriscliction of the State sha11 be enUt;Lod to ~qual protection of the laws. l-. The family lc:'\1 and pe:rson~?-1 sta,tus of the ·various minori~ies and their ~elig'ious interests, including 'endowments, shall be respec'ted .• 5-. Except as may be. requirecl.for. the ma.iilte:nance of public qr.c~er anrl good ~ove:r'l:lment ~·· n<D measur.e shall. be· taken to; ohstruct or interfere vd -th · ~he · mter:prise Of religious. b.i" .·charitable · bodiE~S ·pf . all. faithS .. 9!"'. to d:t'sCt'imfna te Lgainst any representative or member of these bodies on the grop.nd. oi' ,his •eligiun o;r na.tio_!iality ~-· : · ·· · . . •. • ' . ' ' ' . . ·. : . . . : '•' '', . ' _>; ~ .: .. : . '> " • • • 1 .. , • '. '

>. . The St;atf) ?~lfil.l~ ens~e adegu8;t\3. p;J."imary and. seqondary e(iucation for the .J_..;a,b 'ana Jewish mfno.tity: l'CSP,eotiv'ely:.,· in· :U;.s O"i't"n 'h.u1guage and ;lts C1lltural .radi tions. '

. " .. , . . ..... ' '·:_ ....... ·.·. J. ... . .. . . . . . . . . ..· .The right. of .each CoroiDU."'lity to maintain it.s O~'(n schoo:).s fo,r 'the

' ' " , • • ' , -· .< " . ,,1 ,'• ,' .-. . . /I-, · •' •' , • • ' · '!'' • , ••• . : '> , : ' : ;.\:- . . , .-. ,"- ;._ ~·


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A/516 J?age 8

educatior~ of it.s own members ifi' its o'W.n lengua~e.,. while conforming to such e,ducatioiiaJ. requirement's of a general nature as the· Stai may impcise 1 shall not be denied or impaired. ·Foreign educational establishments Sh<:t,l1 ·dontinue their activH~y on the basis of their' existin€

' rights.

7. No ;rest:rictio:1 s·n::tll 1Je ::i:o:a:;?osed on tl:e f:ree use by al!,.Y citizen of the State of arzy in privt.te intercou:rs,~, in co!llXllex·ee1 in religion, in the press or·'in publict:d:.:i.ons of any ·kind, or at pubJ.ic m&etil1gs. * 8. · No expropriatiol), of mm . .::cl by an Jl..reb iJ:j, the Jc~~·ish St3:t;e (by a

Jew in the Aral1 s-r.a.~~e )1~~- :;;~b.all be a.11mn:id. exae:11t :f.o:t· pub::.ic ptlX'pa£~es. In • oases of e:l:prop:riatio:n ~f•t:Ll co:npensati.:m as fixed l~y ti1e Sup1:.eme r~ourt sha: be paid :previous to dispossession.

C:Capter·3 Citizer.lsnip. inter~o.ati;:~n~l co:nYe:nti'OllS an.c't fin;;vn~~ieJ. ~hl.iz;ations

-~"""'"""'·---Giu',.,·-..- ... lt>--~ ......... --l.-,_,.._ _.-_ ....... ,,.,.._

1. Ci t:lze:a.sh1p ~--~

Palest'i:n.ian citizens residing in Palestine outside the City of' · Jerusalem, as well as A:t.'a'!:JS and Jews w:1o, not hoJ.di.:ug·i;;inian cj.tizens reside 'in Palestine ou+.side· the City of Jerusalem shall, upon the recoc;nit of independence, become Citizens of the State ·in which they are resident a enjoy t'ull civil and political rights~ Per·:~ons over the age of eighteen y may opt w·i thin o:1e year from the date of recognition oi indepenclence of th State in which they r.esid.e fo:: citizenship of the other State, prov1ding t no Arab residing in the area of the. proposed. Arab State shall ruive the rig to opt for citizenship in the proposed Jewif3h State and no Jew resicling j.n proposed Jewish State ·shaJ.l have 'the right to opt for citizenslii:p in the proposed Arab Sta:t.e. The exercise of this right of option will 'be talten t include i~he Wives antl childr·en under eligh·~eEm years 'of age Of :persons SO

opting. Ara1lS resid!i·g in the area· of' the proposed 'Jewish State and JeviS resi

in the area of the proposed P.rab State who have signed a notice· of :intenti to opt f<>r citizenship of the other ·state shall be elieible to vote in the electiom! to the Constituent Assembly of that State, but not fn the elect:i to the Constituent Assembly of the State in. which they reside.

* The :f'ollO't-ring st:i.pu.}.a.tion shall be. added, to the Declaration concernin£ the State: 'In th~ J' Sta·t,e adequate :'acUities shall be

·given to Arabic-speaking citizens for ti;.'3 use :of their language"' eithe orally or in vTritir.g; in· the legislatm:-e, before ·che Court~;~ and in thE

** administration11

• • ·

In the Declaratic:n concerning .the Arab d:tate, the words "by an Ar.ab ir Jewish St'ate" shcn.lld be replaced by the words "by a Je'-r in the /:.rab Si

/2. Interna.,E

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A/516 Page 9

• . ~ . . .;. . , •· \' ~<~ ~ ., .. , .... ;- ; '~ ftl'~-~{·\..~. -~ :'~~~~\~>r'i .. -.~·. ·; ".... , 2; ~I~i-~;.:,~-:-,.,, .... ,_~.,:···.'"'''·.~ .. ·.· ... ······

' -... • II. . ' • .. . ;\· ' " .• ,. "i" '~ ,. t·, '\•i:'l, _:>, ' } ' ~ . • •

.. (a:~·. :·~Ei sttit.;t;·slm:j;i'~l>e'-'bo&~e'by alftn.~''irit~r~tional ~greements I. ~- ·.••• ·""-.J· •• - .. ~~ .. ;~ .......... --~ •.• ~ .. :.·:.··~!/~·'-~' ··s{~\·_·-:;·· ~

·: an:d>·c·~ff9eti~ioiis, ·J6btl{'·gbnerai' "arid. ~:p;ecial..-. ~<?· ~Jt~cp_ ~alesti,ne ~as • ,.. • • •• " .. \· .~ • ,. ' ,. • - : '· • ... ' ••• '\ •• > •

· be,ccifiij','a ·~y'. ::,-su.b'je~t' ''td\\ni r:Lght 'oi · 4ent1neia1iion __ prov5,.Q.e4 for ···there !tnt ··such agreemenjczi dnci :~~~venti~n~· s~ll be. ~·esp:~e;telt;~;. ,~he


St~te throughout the period for which they were concluded • ...... $ ... ~.-t•t.~ ' .. ·• ,·~ ~·-,·~··:: ")-1·\~., .. t;,~· •• :.~.·· _:.,

(b) Any disputEf· about the .. a;t:iplicab:q.i ty a.nd C?U~Jn:Ued Vaftidi t}'" t of . :tnternati·oml ·6onve'tit:rbni3 ·~~ .-t~e~ ti~~· .. :~i.gne!}. ,;;r~. ~~.~r~~}.~~~ b;r _the

...... :, • ~·'ot/",f>l'~i~l·· . ~ ·.' ··-~ .·'l".\\.-1, ........ .

Manila tory.· POw~~:<~n,. b~~~lf · ~·~· -~~le~~hle . ~~~~l .. b~, :r~n&rr~£1::~~--' ~~; ·Inte:rnationaJ. ((ourt of Just :Lee in ae'?ordan~fi?, !J'l. tl:;t, ~he 1 p~pns;~.ons of the··statu,te .. ·o:t::ihe ~c6Uft~ ::t~ .• : · · · '· ·." · ,··· ··· :~, ... ·

I , ''' ' ••• <, 'i; '~''• of~~~'·) i ,_' ,-. ~1t~!...i~' , .~ ':',. >t:t·-"•,"' '' .' )_\. ", . ·. 3.. Financ:ta.l. o~11tat'i'?E:s'' '- . .. ........ . . :, _ ··t"' :· .:: ' ,.,, :·< , ·'·'·'

• (. l'.· .• ••• ,..:.-•. ,.~_;· .-.~···.~ .. ~··. ,..J~:~ ....... ~ .• ' ~ •.. · ·.·.· · (a) :'The ·St~~·e~ ·shall' :respect and tuifil all f'inan,c.:t,al. o:bliga.tions ot

• II;• ••• ,~•- ~ •• , • ~ ...... ':.··.,·. ·-·~.·i~ ,' .. ~ ·,··,'{: -'./'). ·-:~.t:;·,_·. ~ . ,· ', .,· . . . · .,, whatever•:.~t\ltte· assumed on ·oeha.J.f o~· Pa~estine P,y .-t;li,er ~P,.at~ Power

. • ! ' •J •• ~ • •• ··': • .,(:.! : ; ; ·.-. ;, ~ :_ ~:- i ...... ~ . _.1,.: " •, .. :t., ...... , ~"\..

. · ; .. ~: .du'r:tng·the e~eroise ., of· tlie 'Mand~te PJ._n4. re9o¢.~@51, b,y:_-~he ~~tat~. : This . • ..... ' -~~·. ~' '' .. -:-·~ , .• ·~- .. ,·,;..~11 . ' ............ .

· p:rov:ts:lon ·includes the' right of public se-rvants to pen~·i.?P:P.:,:.::~r, · ..,on or gratuities. . . . . . .. . .. .. ':i ~-., .• 1 •• , , •• "' •• .. /'J

¥ ' '\ .~ •• , ... .~ :.,:~l~""~;·. : .. ,_..~ .. ~ .... ,. .. , (b) These obligations shell be ruirn:fe~tJitO~j?~,t~eip~:J;ion in

, ,. I . f I 'c •, '•.:•it•'"t ;'r<$>-'"~\.f,\1! , :. : >' ;,_'- ~- '· 1 ),.~ff .. J.· ••*"'"'!' f

the ~Joint· Economic Boal:'t;l ·1:n ·:respect ot t??~~)'~j~~~~~Of\S applicable to Palestine as a whole, and ~ndividually in resP.~q~.of th9~e

. . .. , ·~· ·~·~· .... ~·~-·! ~ .. •.; '.: . .-.u .. :'t .·.\ ·~·.'\'It'\~;}"',:'"ft)·.~~ ,1~t:t r.. ·' ~ :1':•· ,: :· app;ticable·:to, ··and f;xi~lY ·apportiona.ole between., the Stat~s •.

(c) A Qo-u:rt of Claims 1 ~ffiliated 11ri "ch the Joint ~~oncmic l\Oard,; and ' . • •...! • •• ,,.~.•·{-·~ \ .. ,, •. :-~ ·.-·":!· ·~ ;'!(!~ .. ;{">. ''t;.}J•.\ ~ ... •. •.

·-; :' :: .pomposea··ot 'one 'lilembeJ!.· ap!>'ciin~ed by the 'O'nited .Nat~o~.,. one , :o:. :. ; ... :rein-esen'ta~!v~ :ot :tlte'·;unlftea:~~~~~·-·;~~~'-~ep~~~-~~~~tive .of the

' "<0."{1' • t.,~~- .. ;-~- .· ~: f::'\-/1, t~:l· ~:,;: ... }{i I,' •

'. '.• . '·State 'concern~d~ 'sho\ild.'-''be estabiislied.. ' .A:rzy' dispute ' the United Kingdom and the State respee1iing ~la~. !19~ r.eq0ff11~e~ 'by the

- , . , ~ .,, .. , _. '':·"~~-' ~ •. ~ '~~"41,;.S·~ ':':~ ~-'~! ,·,· ..• ~- '·· ". . . .

·.·>'. latter sh~P'Uld tre referre~ to tlili:f Ccmrt. .. .. . ... , .... (d) Comrnercia.l concess:tdn~-~g~ant~d ~h: ~e~~·~it. ot ·~·-'part. o~ Pa.le.stine

~, .. ,~.·,· ::-· ..... _, .... '.·· > ~·· .. " •• ·,~--•. ·.f.,.J'\~-l .•

. pr.:i;er: ~o-'tbEradoptiC>rl or··'the ~solution PY, the ~net',,:t .. ~~~mbly shall ~ i ... .... ,_, ~--.~~(! ·' ••• '"~ ·~~·:- }~~-: .. ·",:~ ':.::·,:.:.:~·.,·.·~-~·'i!,h•.".i!'.

contin~ ·te .. 'Qe · vali·d a:c·cdtding to' thei;r .t.erms, UllJ,e~ .J~odj.,:f'ied bY: . . , ~ .. ~ .·· .,,. _ . ~!~'!~ \)· .,'"!;.: . .,;.~.t~J,;·:_t ... __ ,.;_,. .L .. :.... .. ~ ~.

:; ~ .. ,7.', agreement 'between the·· ~6ncessicin .. hoi.der .8ll<'i:, t~e. ~~~~~·... . .. '\. • - ~ ...... _,)~- ·\::, 4.~.~-+ -~::· "'! •. ; .... .,.\r):-::..· ... _ :~~-} >·":~ .. ~;..-; L .. ~·. . . . ,. .... :·· ··.· .. · ',:·· ....... · ·· ·· ·Chanter~ . , ..

':;' ..•. ... . .;. ·.·Misce:Uahe6us·i,rovie1oii~ ,·::-. :'· .. : ... ] · .... l ·;.::;::·y··:·. .· .. ,, ;.·. ' · · . . .

............... oi ", . • :r . "'~.-. t ·~~~.,)~· ~ .. t-,, • : · ... ·.·~ :::·-~·.,· ·:. "':·<1 .. !~ .. r .. ;.::..4h~ ,;~1\·.-~ !;!"\,··!'-:· --\~~-~ ,_ ..• -· ~· :, l·· .... ' l'he provisions' of·· chapters ·1 ·and· 2 of the Dec;J.~at:l.ou.. sh~l be ~r

~· .~· ,.,, -~·-~·-~--: ·, .. )<\-f't·. ·. ·.:l."t~~.-~\ :' .. ~-~-~~--~OJ'··;-:.··~\.,.: -%.;,'\ ···~: '• ,., '''" ..

the. g~a:tt:tee''·ot tf>.e:i'Urifted 'Ntit'foh.a; 'and no' modifications Shal~.\1:?.~ .mad-e in them without th$ assent of the General Afu~emb!Y qf the .:tlni<f¢~d,)~la~;i.Qn(J •. , ·Any

~· ,w .. , ( • • ~,.., ".~.'- ,~.·.r ~- i .. ·:···;..J·.-~·:_·.· ~-~..t·_!, ~-,.~);t .:. t~.·.- ~\'~ r·.~ ~·· ~.,I. ·• .• ~ .. ·

'~<!ember Of:-., the trni ted· ·Nations sliall"iiave the right. to br.i~ :J;o .. the· ....... , : '~ - -t- -~ \ ,. ••• ~~ ~ ....... -._·!· .• ~ • .._.~r· ·~~->~~-.!'J;;~·,:··-.· .. ~·· ·:·~-~~~t ·'·'\'.:·.,•,,.''.'_'!.t;:'\'~,l "•""~: ... ._,\.,. . ·'f., .....

. attention; of the 1·00heral ~s~b;Lf a.i\Y. infraction or clanger of infraction • 1 ·' .:. ' '. ~- • /of e:rzy of

Page 22: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~


ot aey ot these s-tipUlaticne, end the Gener-4 .• !'~~ .. ~,~~~--: .,~.,,. ·~. • ••.• • • • ...... l" .. •• ~ • •• •

make . such rec~enCI.a.j;;ions . as i;t ·ma.1: deem proper in. the eirc~tances·. 2~ -:/my dispute. r~~ti~~tp: the ap;Pli:cation. or the_··interpret~tic:>n· ()~ thJ,.J

Decl~·ation,.~e~;nred, at thE:) ~equest ot·. either Pa.l"ty., to the lnte~natiQna.l,.. Cov.;1 of Jus_tic~, \.llll~ss .· tbe P~:Wtie~ ., ~e t.o ·.>t~r tnode ot $ettl~en.t. . ·. .. " . -. ., . . .... , . '"( .

D. . ECQ:ijou;t:C. UNI.~~ .· AWD TRANSIT 1.. ~e Provisional. Cc)uncil of Gove~U1\1el'lt qf e~cl?.: State JS~all· ;int9 an Unde:rya.king with. )!'elil:pect, to Economic ~ion. ~d ~~n~i'~~ · This.· .::~t ·

'Qnderta!t~-~ s~all be ~-dn~fte<t by the Conunissi9n pJi~ovid.~ fpr i1l ~ee:t.ion. .B, :par~gra~ 11 u·Ul~z~ng to the ffi:'eatest po$s;J.'ble e~ent the ~dvice ~d co~operation of F~presentative orgapizations and bo~es ~~- each.of. the

I . '~ '

:prqposed States. · ;J;t :.fJller+.l· eonta;i,n p:rqv~a~onf!l to ~stablish .. the Eco~ic ~o~ 9f P~esti~e ~d p~ovide fo~ ,o'lib~r -~"t~er~ ot ~oxnmpn ~:n.:terest. If l>Y l Ap:r.~;t 19~~ t~e ~oV*$;i.p~. Cq~(l~ . .\s .of Gqvel'l:)lll~ni; .. p.~xe: n,ot entered into th~ ~<l,erta.l\ins, tAA.-;Un,d,ert~i~ ~ha+~ be pt\t i:n.tP~fp;rc~;k.\lY .the Oq.mmts~:i,on. . ...

~~;,1llSOfl~~~~~gp; 9~t .. ,Pa~~St\~ ·... · .. , 2~ ... 1'he~. ob.~ectives ~t-the ]i:ponqmi~ t1~<?1\l ot ;P-alest~~:-§lWl-1 l:?e::,

(a.) ··A ~~t~_.unio~. •;. ::-:·~: ·.: . .· ... ,-~·-~;· (b) .A J~~nt .c~eDtCl·syst~ J?.p~vi9,il'l(S tor a·siJlgl~··fo~e;tew.·exc}lange

.,,.rate. "":.··:· · j_. ·: · .. _.,, .. , : ·,,._, ·<· ..

(c) Qp.e1r~tion; in_ ~~e c~ inter~st _on a n9n•disqrj,mi~tpey 'l.lasis ot ;t'll;l.:J,lwa;y~., ~nterata,te :q;!,gh~~~~ P,ostal., t~;J,ephone-~c1·:t;~:tegrap1lic

~~;rvicefS, .. ~d ports ~d airp9r,t~. ;t:nv91·ved· ~n.:~nt~;rnationN, tr!id.e and e~erce •. \ /" ~:; '• t ";' . . :" ".\.'~\

(d) Joint economic deve;topm.e:n.t,. es:peci~ly ... 1:n-·.re~ect ot·ir;rig~t:LonJ ·la.n~ reolJamatio:p. a;nd: so;i.l cons~yation-. ..,.~~ ... · . ·.-'

,: (e) Acce~s fo:r b:oi;h St~~es WJ.d·fQl" tlle C;it;y::-of Je;ou{[email protected] a,.,,

.~on,~diso;oirqipatory 'basis to wa.t~ ~. l>tJ.~E!~ f'a~_ilit~es• ·. :·· :S. ~lel'e sha.l:t. ,be : es~~blisbed. a. Jo:il?-t, :So@d, .. ~ch sh~l, -~consi£ of th1:"ee reJ:)re~e~tatiyes of each of ·the -t~ ... states and thre~ f~eign lllembers €~Pl'ointed by the EcononU.c a.nd SOci~l. Co\mc~~~- 9t', t~e ·~~e~ .. }j~t~~n~

,,., ~"'''" ·' '·~ ~')' ' ~ '., .... _,.. ... '"·-~··

The foreign .11\emb~~ ,~~;.. -r,e ~pointed. ~.:til' ~irs-t ~:ns~t:W-qe · for a .. :term o:f tbree. yee,rs; tl';~Y' ~1:.-:·S~l"'\fe:. as i~tiiiV'~~~~~ .·~~ .M;--a~ ~presenta:tives

. of States. . :: I•. ' . ' .. '". J. ""' n ' '' .• ,. ;.. -· .. .. • . : . .. ' • \ ' ' _.. \.> I ',,,, . •' ' '

4. Th,e ~ct.;o~ --o.~t t4e J:o:tnt ~o:n~~c.::lJo~d- ~ll:le ~o -~:plement· eith~ di:rect:+y or 'Qy delega,tiG>n the. ,m~s'UJ:'es .. n,eCJe~~~ey t~ real:tze ~he .o~Ject;tyee

·- . ~ . ~ : ' ' . ' ' . ~ ..

/of the Economic

Page 23: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page ll

of the Ece>.nomic Uhion • . . · .. :· . \. ' It .shall have all powers of organization !lnd

~ • I' ~

administration Jlecessa.ry to fulfil its ftmctions. 5. The st~tes shall 'bind, thems~lves to put into effect the decis:lons o:f' th~ Jo~n~ ~conomic Board. The Board's decisions shall be takeri. by ·a' majority vote • 6<1 . In .~e eyent of failure of a State t<:> take· the necessary action the Board may,; by a. vote of. six members, deci<le to withhold an appropriate

~ .. · ...

portion of that part of the customs revenue to which t!ie State ·.in quest:i.on is entit=!-ed under the Econom:i,c Union. $hou.ld the State pe·rsist in its failure to co .. operate, the Board may 'decide by a s:tinple majority vote · upon such :rul·ther sanctions, including ·disposition of funds -which it has withheld, ~s it m~ deem appropriate. 7. :rn r~latio~ to ~conomic deVelopment I the functions or the Board $hall be the planning, investigation and encoUJ:•agenHnlt of joint "'development proJec.ts, but it 'shall'not wdertake~;sttch project~ e~cept with the assent of both State(S and the City of Je~usal.em,, in· the event that Jerusalem is directly in~olved in the develop~ent project. 8. In regard to the joint currency~ system the ctu-l,"' cireu1ating in the two States and the City of Jerusalem shall'be issued. under the authority of tJ::te Joint Economic Board, which shall be the sole issuing authority and which shall determine the reserves to be held: against CUJ:"l"enCi~?S o

9. So far e.s is consi~tent 2 ·(b) a'bove-1 eachStei.te may operate its own cen~eJ. bank, eon~rol its own fiscal end credit policy, :l.ts fore:J,gn exchange rece~p'li~ arid expenditure a 1 t4e grcw~t of· :tmp.t>:v·t · J.:t:::<~dee 1 snd ~~Y c'Onduct international' financial operations on its own fa.i th a:ndi' ·cred;tt,. During the tirst .two :r~ars ··after the 'termi.nation of the Mandate I · t4l.

... . . ' . . . ' . ) .· '

Joi.I\t .Econq~ie Board shall have the a~:thority to take such measures as may' be -necess-ary to ex;E;mre that, to the extent that the tota,l foreign excl~nge :revenues of the tWo States from the e:4>-port. o:f goods and services permit, and :provided th~t each State takes. appropriate measures to conserve its own foreign excha;lge resources, each.State shall'have available, in any twelve months • :per:f.od, fore'ign exeheJ1ge sut'f':tc;tent to

' ' ~ ...,

ass'Ul"e the supply of qv.exi.ti ti.ea of i:nported good.s and services :f.or eons_i.~:m:ption in its territory oquivEtlent to the~ quantities of such goods ~;p.d services consumed in that territory in the twelve monthe' peTiod ending 31 December 1947. 10. All eeonon,lic autho~i ty not. s:peei:f';tca)J.y ·vested in the troint Eormor:.r:e

. \


Page 24: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page 12

Board':i:s reserved to' each· State. ...._;'"_1-

11. There shall be a cominon·customs tariff with dbmplete freedom ... of ttad.e/ heiween the ·states; euri:d. between the Sta.tes and. the• City of Jerusalem.

·.;.j ., ..... , i' ~- 4


12. The tariff schedules shall be drawn up by a Tariff Commission~ .. ·. conSisting· of representativ-e's · of· of the States in eq:nal n'Ulllbers, ana·· ~hall be submitted to the Joint Economic Board. ;for approval by: a'·:· . ·majority vote •. · ;rn· cas·e · of disagreement in the Tariff: C:otnraiss:l..on; :the"'< Joiilt Econonlic Board shall arbitrate the points of difference ... lti ' .. the ·e\rent that· the ·Tariff Comrdssion fails to draw up aey sch'edule by a d~te t~ ·be tix~d., the· Joint Econoraic Board shall determine the: · · : · tariff schedule. ·. ' ' · .

• 1f3'. . The' . 'roli'o"t-~i':ng' items shall be . a . first . charge ' on·; the custG>ms and oth~r cownon revenu~ of the Joint :Wconomic Board:· '1,"' ·. · • · :. ···

., (a) i'he. eX]?ens€fs ,·of the customs ·sel;'vice &l;Ct of the operation ;} . 'r ,. of the joi'nt serv'ices; •:·,

~> .·

(o) The ac1ministrative ex)?enses· of the Joint' ECOl+Omic. Boa:retf.. '· '( J,

( 6 j -The financial· obligations of the ~dlii:tnist:ration of . . " .... l'a:te$tt'ne consisting of: . ' . .. .' :·.

(i) The servic~'of the outstanding :public debt; ·. :··_;.."11 ·

. (ii)' ;'Xl~e cost of su11efam1liati6:tCbenefits,' ndw being paid;,t:.' o:r falling due in the future, in accordance with·the rilles and to_. the ·eXtent ~stablisliecl.: by ';paragraph' 3_. · ...

'- of ·Chaptei;· 3 above 0. ; · · .-, , · · ·· .. . · · · .. , i4.' ·.Art;er ihe~e obl:i.gat±on:s· have-: been:•inet ~ in: .. full,: the s~lus revenue :from the custdms ancl''othe~ c'6min6n services' shall be:·divide(iiin·the• following m~mle~: not ·Ies~ than ·five ~per c'ent· and -not mor·e· than ::; ten.' per cent tb' the City of Jerusalem; 'the ·residue:· shall.~: .•. · · .. 'c;_;·. ·::1

allocated t;. eacb. State by the Joint Rbn·)mic !Jbard ·eqUitably, with the obj~~ct:tve of ~a:hit'e:in:i.t.:.g a su:f:ficien.b· and· ~uita~~;ie level of ;~overmnen.t and so(:i;O.l ·servit~es · in· ef; 8-t;.:i..te, · <-;:xcept. :~hat the share' :: . :·: of either State·· shall not· exceed·~ the amdunt of that• St;ate's , ~.;-... ·"~ !\ ··'•

cohtl"ibi.l.tion to the .X.e<t.:'en.u8s of tl1e EcolJC)':~-ilc 'Ul'lion by niore ·than·'·: . .r 'i'6~ ·1 f.::-..,_~\'J. ,,,.~,;' •·•·'"t.'<~"'V ~ ... ~IC ~..:. .,.1'1::..\ a:pprox nu: . ..-6. y .J. (, :.u: Jll.J. ..... ~ .• c,n P-· v.,.lCti ~ .. 1 Q,~T .I •• ar. The f::..'n;;:;tmt granted ·

b "l.r.~- ..... f.· ;.t.·.,~ ... :tt... ~·- 1'4;1.··, ~ .. ·\ ., .. ,::~ ~a.-+~ t"' "<J"<)~' .,...,,.."'01 ;! ··, ,· may e 8.0-J ...Lo vO•,. ;,':J J \~ .jOO. .. ."L .:J/.,Cu1· ,,,.(.!.0 ,,,) .ne J?X ;J.;,e ·'-·'~' ,,., -·n '

relatio11 to the: pti~er.; :preva.:i.lirig a,t the ~.-ime c! ·~he·· et.rta.'t<'J.:iishnient of the Unlon. .After five yea:cs, the principles·· of' the dist'!:'ibution

., of the .. ;joint revenues· may be revised' 'by the· Joint'· Econoil:ti-o :Board· /on a basis

Page 25: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

.... -. ,.

A/516 Page 13

on .a."b13,sis l;)f,equitY:~~~\J· J.r.,:· i'i;,;,~... :. ·. ;·', ·,~.,. .;:t;~Xiht£\1!!' .. ~~;::·· 15. All~ in.t~rna~iona,.J. CP.',nve,~l;t~~l¥, ~~d;Jf.,1~~~~€},~ a:ffe9tj.~~ :~Mf?}~!Nh tariffs. r.ates .. and those. C,()JW!lltlic.a.t;Lons .. ser:~ric,es Wtder,.the j~:i,~d.~.ctj.,on

. ' "·!'•-· ...... , ··· ,,:~ .... '·· •·· ,. ·., ~~ ",, -•· ·,:._:,·: . :~·J· .. \ '. ;, -~_:r\ 1 "" ·_;:• :(~'£.1·}:·~;.:; .. ',·"-·.:'i .• t'~- ·· '··

of the 'Jo,:ln.t,:·~oponp.c .. B913.1'd shall be; eAtereg. ~nto by bo~l},§tatt;l,~~::·· \I;A.· .. these ~a;t;lje~s;... th~ two J3,tate~ .. ~h.~l.· pe.~:.~9~1P. t,~: act ~n. .a~99rd~9~,·v:ith . . . . - . " . ~- ' . ,. " ' . .. .. .. . .·.· the majorit..¥:' .vpte .. o.f ,t}l~ Join:f?. E.gonomic. ;a~a~~.·, .. , . .· .. 16. The J:~int E.con~mc Bo~rd,.sl~~ll e~d~~vo~ tc; secure for Palest:t~e's····

-~- ' ' . :.-_;·. ., . :.-:- • _-_ :_~: '·: . ;:: - _;. ·:'·'.'·.:- ~- :•.; . -,. ~ :"· ·.J'. '. . . ·, < !:. \ ' . •• • .• : •. "' '.

ex:Ppr~~ ~a·j!' ~d, ~~~1· .. l9 .~o:r:t.4 .~~Wilt~~-~· , . 17. Al,1. e.ntecyr,:L~es. ap,era;~ed by 'f.;he J.oint E.conom~c Board ~hall. pay

" ,. : •. ·• ,.• •. ·! • ·,. :' i' ,: :. ; ,· .. :.: -. '··: ; ' '.: .. ·.··

.fair wages on a. uniform bas is . . . ,. • • T. • • • • .. -· • : • • • • • • • :·· • • •• ~·. ~ ~ - ~ • ' • ' r \ ' • -

Freedo.m o;f' t=:a.nsi t .and visi~ ;. , . . . . ,. . . , ' ' . " t. + ,' •• , J "~ . \ . '": ' • ;:: . ' '. ' ' • : ., ·, • ' ' ' . ' • , , ,· _I :·

18. The Undertaking shall contain provisions preserving freedom of ' . .

transit and visit f.or all;t.P,~~.Jjjs or .c.itizens of both States and of ' ~ : ··, : ; . '' ;. • 'l ' ; .. ' • : : . : ... ' . . ~ '. : : \. . ' - -,.

:the Ci:by, .of. J,~l;"usalen;, subjec:t to, s~cur~ty considerations; PI'OVided that ~·~cl_l .st~t~ an9. the .cit.y · sha:ll ~o~t.r~l ree;Lden:ce ~ithin their · .

r "~:··:,. •. • ·-~1' ~. '··; .'. ''· (~,·.··.• .• ,'' .:• :'.•'. '., ·:' ·, . • :_~ :•': i ", • ' '

borders. · .. ·. ·- ~ ... _ . ' ' ' . ' ~

Term~~t~on, . mo,~}f'icatio:n al;\d inter~re;Y.a:t~:sn o:t, the. UA,de,rt~.~iJl6, · .. ! ,_. '' ····- .• , •. ' ' ; ,.•.' ' ·-: • . . ,• . ' '

19 •. ';fue}JnP,~;rtak:i,ng ,and any ~r.eaty .i~~uing therefrom shall, l'e1nain in :· '', .... ·.. . ·,\.f o> ·_,. : ~ • ' • • • ••• • • • !· ., ' . ' ' ' .·. :: ·, •. ,

force for a. period of ten years. It ehal.l. ¢ontinue in force 'l,lllti1. notice of termination, to take effect two years thereqfter, is given by either of' the Parties. ' · · 20. During the initial ten.-year peJ;"ioq1. the Undertaking and any treaty issuing therefrom may n~t be modified ex~ept by consent of both Par:ci:es and' •'W'ith: the· approval of the.•Gene:t~al Assembly.~ ·'

21: · · 1\hy •'dispute· relating to· the applicrat:ton or the interpretation of· the" Und~rtakitig 'ahd aey treaty issuing·· therefrom· shalJi be referred, at the :r·equest of either· Party:, :.Co thE> International 6o~t of ·Justice, U'tlle~·s· th~'?artfes agl:'ee:to anothlllri !modfi ()f.:a-ettXepH~nti.


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Page 26: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page .14

E. ASSET3 l.' The -:rJ'ld'fable assets of tbe P.dministration of Palestine shall be allocate

' ·~ < ~, .. '! '\ '

to the Ara~ and J€rwis~; States and t4e City of Je~~salel:!l on a~ e~~~t~ble basis.. /\~·~9C,:ations shquld be by the, .'(Jn1ted, ~a,iJ,;~s C~i.s.~ifl.~ ;e:r~i·rea to in Seci;f:tl~ B, paragraph 1; aboye, .. J:llllJ1ovable a.ssets shall beC9lJ1~- t~e ..

' ·,.. . . property Clf:Jih," goVert.lment o::' the .territory in .which they are situat,ed .•. , .

' . • ' • 'I • . ,,,

2. Dtlring the periocl betvrfE' J'l the appointment of 1 the Un~ t~d llat:1qns . , " ' . ' . ' ' . • . ' • . ' " ) ~ . • • I ' ,, and the ter'llline.t ... Jn of the Mlndate, the Mandatory Power shall, , ex.cept in respect of ordinE ~. y operations, cqnsul.t. yi th. the Commission .9n, ~an;y measure ·~h:t.~h· oit:.may coptEr.J rlate iny9~ving the 11Q:ui9EJ.ti9n, dispqsal or , encumbering of the assets r l the Palestine Goverl?l!J.en:~; such as .the acoumu;lai treasury surplus, the J?rr"~ds of Government bon~ 1 .State l~d.'L~,~~<~n:; other asset •

. · F.. ADMISS!1- :' ~'0 Ml)l.113.ERSHIP· Il\T 'l'l!E UNIT1BD NATIONS . . ~ . -' ' .,.

llhen the i~d~:pe:od.t·n-:.:·~ o:f .. e:l, ther, the._. Arab op· tP,e Stlite as envif?a{ .in this Pl<an,has beco:we ofi'ect;tve,n·~nd Under~kip.e?, ,. ·: as envisaged in this :2.:..c.r1, have been signed by either of tnem, sympatJ:.e:tic · consideration sbo%d pe ·$;i.ven tQ its applicatiqn .for .ad.I!li:?sion to, uwmber.~hiJ

~ . . ' ,. '" . ' ' . ' . '' . . : . . }

in the Uni·bed. Nations :I,r. nccorqance1 -vrith ArtiQle 4 o:f. th.e. Charter of .the United Na't!:to1;1~. · ·,· 1 ~ •l l' ' '\''• T~

PART II • ~O'I'J'Nl)Al"{IES ·::-

· THE ARAB· STATE .. .·. ~

The area of the Jl.rab sto.te in ivestern Galilee is bounded on the tte'st .·· \ . . . ; , ! . ·. L· . . , .. . . .. , .. iby·the Medlterranean tind on the north by the frontier of the Lebanon· from 'Raa en 'Na~~ra t~ a .po~~rlt ntrth of Seli~a, Froni'\here the' boundary proceed~

' ' , ' ', . ' ' •I _, '•f ''J ,. ' ' ;·' ._I • ; ;

·aou.thviards ~· leaving it'1e built-up 'area ?t Saliha in th~ Arab s'tate, to join tho southcr.n.m.O'at point: of this village. .,Thence 'it' foll,ows th6 yeetorn: boim1 line o:f thE) villages ·o:~ .1Aima, Riharii~;a and Teitaba, thence followf~g the .

no~thern b<)tmci~:ey li:r. ~ of Meirun village to ·Join the ·Acre ... sub .. distrie· boundary Une. It fc·llovs this line to a point vest of Es Srunm.u' i village Joins lt o.~nin a·~ tho nortb.ernoost poi~lt of' Fo.rro.diyo.o ';tb.once it follo1

I ..

the su.b·die1trict bom1dary line to the Acre-Safad main road. From here it foUovrs th~ western bou:ndar;;r of E;afr I' nan village until .it reaches the Tiberias-Aore sub-district boundary line, passing to the west of·the juncti< of the Acre ... Safad and tubiyao~Kafr l'nan roads~ From. the southwest cor:ner oj Kaf:r. t'nan village the boundary line follovrs the ~·restern boun~ary 6f the


* 1l'he boundary linos desc~ibod :f;n Part II e,:J;e indico.ted in Annex A. The baser map usoQ. in marking o.nd descr~bing this bountlo.:ry 1s ')P.nlestine

· 1~'250,000'~ published by the.~vey ~~ :pa;J.estine, 1946~

• •;c/~1~~£:!:~/l-~

Page 27: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/51(, ·. P'a'."ge··~l5

T·i'betias ··sub-l!ld':s'it:.r'tet :toi· a. point;) oiiG)':se::l·:tctrl:;he ;:bpu,pq~~y .li;tl_e·t::P~.~l'fe~fi::·t:he,,,, · \ 1'!\; :of' .Magha,i!:: ~nd·!.:Eiltabun}L.:bha_ncia ;;bul:gi..rJgt ;O'Ut···to· r:l'ih~i:'V{e~t: .. tg.-, ~np~~ld~e:~ 'r as much cO'f'-.:tne:·oost.el'n ·:par.t· ·:of'\the. 1p-la:tn 'of t:lat!flut::. ~f3 i,s, ·P~ce~et;~r;y:~,fov;. thy :reserv~tlr· Pi-opos~d ·by: theF·Ja~deh cfigt:rtiJy :ftJj~>:\thei;.:i:t:;dt;~tion,·. of,~ .l~d,p ·tq, ;l<lt·~·apd east •. ··~ ... :.· .. :·: ..... ,.,, ...... ···· .. J.,·.:, :,'···.<··"···::·.- .:·:' · .. :·' ·. :·;:':l;f. r:,.,.,·.

· ·~ boundary::;rej-o:trts· the :Tibertta:f;t· a:u.'b·~dis.t:rio~· 'bo·u;l').'da-p;r:,;~t.,.,~; p;qip"t;. 9n. the Naz-areth .. tti'b:erias :l;l"oa'd <southeast ·of! tlli!kbUilt~JlD 13.;r:~~· :Q~f ~tll"iJ an;· ,tl),~,Pce . . . ' .. ""

it l:'uns so'uth\rarda at firs'b1 'f'olilo.w:ttlg ~tha.J~itb*".distri-p-:1;. l;lO)..:\lld~l,"'Y ·~nd. t);].en :, ·paasirig' ·oetween the-; m.t'd.·ooria' AgtlicuitUl."'all:JSchool and Mt .. ,wa.~or~.rtq- er po~~~;t. due south a:t the . base· of Mt.; IJ!Ul;)or. · From .he~e · :t,t r).lt:~Ei .. ou.e w~~t ;:cPop;>tll,.;le,\ t<;>~ t;:\le hor:tzontt:Fl: -grid lii1e' 230, 'rto,·the .northee;st corne~. f;.)f ·the v~l:J,~.g:ei la.~ds o:r ..

'Tel Ad-asH:rtii~~ ·tt than runs to:-~"Vtest corner of these ;il;~l'.lqf3·:t -vthe.liC@roi t

turns 'sbuth'··ai'ld "Vres.t•: so 'as, to include .in the 1\rab ·ptq.te: .the aQ,UJ\:C?,'eS·· of ythe Na~areth•rwa·t'e:r su>.Pplr irl Ysfa v:Ellage •. ·:em , reachina·· G1:nt.'l~ig~r· ci'\i,· .f.O:;i;l9'WS the eastern,. north.~rr{ ta.nd·-11estern boundaries. o:e .. the· J,.ands ot tht:E~, v;11.lage, to .tl1eir SOUtk~·TeS:t C¢rner.j: w:P,errce it :p:r.Oceedel' in a:·s·t:traigl,lt··;l:i,t)e to ·,a,.,:point ,qxl: ·:the.· Haif~;.Afula tail1:ray- on -thE~~· ·boundacy beti.ree;'n the· viJ,lage.s, Q'f · S~.rid: ,and · ·: · . El MUj.eidil·.J/ This ·is..: the :point: of' inters-ection,. . ::; ~ . {:, l-. ~ ., > t".

'l'he s'outh•~e·s·tern bourlder~r of' the area of the [email protected] St~te ;Jn ~G~:l:t:L~f( ;t~kes a li'ne from thia'·point,.l pa-ssing•northvra:rds along,the ·e~s'b~ri).:l$1!1ndlf.:rJ~.I:! :·.of Sarid and ·Geva t:' to the· northeas1tern c-orne:,lr. of 'Nanalal; · .proceed i~e! tkiencre ·;,. : acrQs·s; 'the !;a'na o'f •K-efar ha Horash to a qenttal.: ~vint ()n ·t~lELeoutne:tm, :'tiou~dary of :the viltalge of· 'llut ;·· t]1eJfloe •vrest"V7ard~ ·~along that :v~J.lage ;~oun4,ary .. t.Q,,t;he bouitaat';f of Bei t Lahm,: thenoe · rio:t>thw~;trd.s an~.: nor.t!,lsaetw.@r\li~ '{tlOI'Ia: its western 1:ioundacy··tQ the northeastern oorner·'.of Weldheill'l···and ::tn:~nce ·. .,,.:, ,. ' .~

nofth~estwt1.r&s ··across the village. lands, .. of Shafa 'A;mr, to the; s~l,.tthEfa!?M:t~ ' corn'er·'':c)f .:aemat Yoha.ntin,. From here i t<tu:ns ·due· oorth .. Jil01.rblrena,~ .;to ·~l\···potnt on tne Shafa !' Aror~He:t:ra road, '·vest·: of 1 ts ju:ncti'On' with /the r®d·;~to .•,lf "B:tli.Lt:n If From tliere·'it' :Proceeds northeast tt.r:: a:JpG-i:ot orr<tll:e aou.the-rn ... :bot.m4~ry .. :of .. \: I''B'il!{n:situaroeo to the'\rest ot.'theH'l1.B!lHn .. ;sinra,•r,oad~' 'm"ffliPOth13il:On{3" :that bou:hddr~t t6 !te liestertlr-~st po~n-t},"Wheni::e::: tt tu:tttlis to ·~he -.north, tfol1ctts , .. · . a13ros's ~:th~ 1vil!ags land of'<"l'alnf>a: :;~o . the ''f.lo:l.'ithwes t.e:Jrlfu!lost ·· corl'l6r ·~·and, .. e,];cmg<the ~estern 'b<:nind~y·:<i;;r 'Julis 'lcitil ·'i-t: ~eil¢luss;·thG' Aofe.Ojsa~, taa4r ;:;\~t'i.:bhen~.runs wes'tward:s :a·lting ;th~ southatn side o:fr~the Saf'tUt .. Acre ::l!toad ·the, Qt:i.lileeo.~ifa District:~Uila&zyj·:rrom·'Vrhich~ pe±nt:·d:t fol.lovrs.'~tl!ia.t 'POuM:oey \.to the sea4·,:

The fbou.ridie-r;t)"' or·· the hill: j tountry> :of~: 'Sal!lar1a." t· and: iJ.'IItoee: · stavts · on .. 'the,. · . Jordal'l··River: at th.e·vN{d:i.···MaJ5ih sout!iS$,Sh,"l0f"·1B~'1san·.:aoo·:,)tunt:;~w!ue.!.weat,:tO:·ll'lGet the WJtlit~n~Jericn~ rcta:a arid thtm:':fe>;1:tews':':lt/he;::.wste£<nri s~Jtd:o::· of· t tb~t r.oa<J.' inn a northwaate;t.l# diretrtiionr:to>tl'i.e. ·s·imotttoti Ofi.i£hk·;botirida~4esf-'O:i'r;t:tn.e· tStt'b:'1e·isn.ricts of' Be:t,sa.n:,·>·Nabltts ;._. and ···Janil)\ '· Ff"~::,tha:~J tbiil.t ;t$,>folawa:.· $he Nablv.a .. l1enii1 su"\;> .. di strict bolllld~ey -westvm~s fmr':1'.&li}d!~~bce Oi':,amut.\'t..'f1t'eel· ldlomat~£1!$ .. 4nd . .. . . '.: :•' . , . /then· tu:rr1s

Page 28: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

· A/5!6,·. ,J? :1.6

trhen tu!'ns'''no;t?tli~Test-wafld:&~:r"paf1~-ing 'tt:;n~~e- east'-of tlie'l3l1llt~up aieas 'of·;the villac;ea or Jalbufi•:i~nct 1f~~~tt]ru'f'a} ~to':tn&·;~sounda.f<y '6f the sub.:::Cli·~hricts o£ ·'j6'n;

ci'rid Beisan at '•e;:·:po:tnt' nor'l1fi~a~t·~'()£~1Ntlt:ts. ;:'·r.rh&noe •'it: ;Proceeds--•f.:ttst -- '!' :· , .•

nortltvtest~ard ::i lto' a '' :·d ae::\•n&:-th of.' tlie ·i>td'J:tJ .. iip art3a r of' Ziir l irf e:rid···. ' . i '

tnen vrestwards to the Afula ... Jen:t.ri railway, thence nqrthwesti1ards' alone the di'st:t-i~t: bOundary ·line to ··the-'point of '·:1-rite:rseo:t:\ion·:on the· 'Re'ja~; rat1,vay. Froo1 here· 'tn~ 'b0uni1ary turis 'south'Westwa.l:'d s·r iriclud fng ·the 'tiuil:b~up area . and! someir6f · th'e ·land·· of the Vi•llag~· 'of Kh .;:Lid in. the Arab 'state to cross· .

' thEi -II"aifa-;;o·J~;tp.f~ road 'at a poil'lt''on 'the ;di8£l+::!..ct bouno·ary' bet-ween Haifa _ana :, Samaria -YPest"·o~ El' Minsi. ,; It folli'h-rs 'tni's boundat~,; to ;thSI· southernmos';t. ··

].JOint.'. of /·:the v-illage -~ of: El ·:B'Ute1niat /·:·. :rrr·om 'nifre 'it : ;foll'o,·r:f t~le'' no:i.'theyp·

'ilnd '•eastern 'bdi:md'·• of tne' 'Vil·lage of Ar •:ara, 'rejoinint~ tl1e ·:a:a:tfa.-Stu:Iir-tri district -'t>ound·ary-' ·'Vladi t:j\re·, and s!:theribe proceedin:'] ·south.;.c<!hith1-f$st\

··>:t:n an ·ap~~roxilllate!;F·a·-tt-aicht· 1ipe•·::· 'U::r;,· w·itn tlie 'J~S;'t:erxr 'bQupcihr:Y' ·or·. : .·' -~. Qaqttn ':to:.'a ::pofnt'···ea'eft . of the rail~ta;y" lirle' on th'e) eas:tcirb' "boundary'. o,f;, -<-~(q,un\.

vi ilage·. · · ,~:if:t>'om here· '1 t ·~tttis ialong 'the r~il\.ray .line -come · d :bsttiil·6·e to · tlw , •. east of' it 'to ·-a ·p'oint.: :ius-e- east' of· the TuU:arm 'il:>ai;L\ra;Y' sw.t':i!·on. -.11J;n1€i~d~ ;,. ·, '. the bound~:try follows a line. hlilf~way ~etween'·the:~ rai'l,laiy dhd' thd: Jtt-illfa:rin-- · ~e.1qi1f;_i/a·~~a1:Jti!k1yti ai1d' Ba'f3· e;L' 'Ein ·r()a~r to' a pbln·t :.jUs1:/ east --df' Rat;;· el Ein stat:tdn:, 'w-ht1hbe:·.:t.t prbce~ds ·:along· th€/'raib;ay; ·sonie: dd.:etance: to the east . of it tEf 1~h~ 'po':tnt!'on /the railway .. ·11.he' so~tlr-·"bf 1 the· jnnbt1b:n &Ailie .· . . :,

· Ha.ifa.o.tydcl~ apd Be:t't'·I~a.b'ala lines:; "\Thence· it probeeu~ aloh'g thEt southern:: ', bbr'd'er or ·l!Udda :'a:t~port to. its so~thvrest :corti~r'. ·thebda· ~iri a tf3outhweste!rly

·· oirecliidri.: to- ;?3.: ·potnt ·,just· vtest of 'the ouilt .. u).) a:rea ot: sarafE!:nd; $1 J.t-.mar~

t.fuence ,.t, ttttli)S fso'!.tth'. :pa.sbtng 'just 1 to'· the '\-TeSt: Of 'the ' .. up;area <of' i

Atn:l. ei'• to· the· north1:3ast corner' of the land a Cif Bee;r··ya. •~t{cfov~ • ·(The .. 1

t• bbU'.t.idar;r :J.ine: sbould·;·Zbe· so demarc:ated/. as to alH:n.; dd:re6't,acd.7ss froin :th'e ·· Arab Sta~~ tb :t.he; air"i,ort)' ~ · whence· the od'tmaar:7 lii:lEl folloWs the western:· and 'S:outhe~···bbt.mO.ariE~s of Ramle !Village:; t'O ·the' northeast' c6x•nl:lr:;i:&r · ··;:'

.. El' Na1ana ·~lltige,. thenc~ h:f-ai straight tine~ t:bL·the .soW;ihe~E!'t: 'Iloint,of~ El 13atr4:;r~-, s:!l:OJJg tle east~n boi:mda1'y.•IJ¢:f'.,"U:age Bind, the; sbhtlienn;i/::• .. ·

''·· 'botmdar:y ''<llf .,Itma'ba:,'V'i-ll~ge·~ · .. ·IJlli~-ae-i.t turns.l:)ox:th to foJllo~t:'·'the -~cmth(h:•n

·.~rs1de''i.Of ,t}le Jaffa•J'eru.salem·<road ·t.UirM.l·El Qubab, wh~:6ce 'it fo11i.t>~'l'S'ith'e·i;. ,, · . road . .tcy' th~ b®ndfir;Ft'f Jl.bu..\Shusha.- ,: :It·:.,runs.< al:·ong 'th'fi1 el::!.~t~n- bounoa:tf:tas r

of Abu. .Shti~hai~ Seid·t~n, :··nulda W the· •. s.outhernmost'i).oi·nt·of. H1:il<'Hi.?. thence',· westwards in·1:a '·s t'ra~g'ht'' J;;,imi\" t . .o.::the;::'llortheaate]h) ': corner' ':ef. 'tfmtit\Kalkha;

.th:apee -fo!k:lo1-rfng ;;'fDh:e tuDl"'theriJ ;>:Sotmdar1-es::of Un-rrh'-l\dlli"ha, .QS.£-:az:a and' ~e ·· morthern·-·a:aa,;*estaci:e:lilommar::tes:i':m' Mtikhe:z'in·;ter::·tne Gad1/·:Pi.str~ct·"·botind'ar~r :

:. · ~nd the tie~ rlii5s ~t:tcroil"s the,·w:t;Uage; -'lfi.n€1::$.~, of"t.Elli! ;:Mis~'0'-a ~ EL<Ka bira .,and . ' . · .. e. !a's:ur· to t:ner;st)ttthl:lrn;':PoinJe-:.o~~~'fntE!l!i'secta:-on:; w~j;:ch· !I:$ -:rnidway'be:t:!ve·an the ,.

> buil.t-u:p.!·;a:ieas r'()~6¥ali#:mt~ -ana ;;~~~id,;·;'$hat\q:i•~-'· , .: :-_ '.:·. · ·'· ,.; , · · · ·. · '' /From i;he sov.the:! ' ·> , .. ·,) ' : ~· .~-.}~

~~---=--_j_- --·-·----

Page 29: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/5~6 Pace 17

From the southern point' of intersection the bourida.ry lines run nor'th .. \feSt'\l3.l:'dS between tl"le v:1J.laGeS' of' Gan Yavr{e ahd'' Barga to· the sea at a point haJ.f wa"J between Nabi Yunis and Minat el Q:tla, and southeastwards to a point ivest of Qastina, whe~ce it turns in a south'l>resterly a'irection, passinc; to the east 'of the built .. up areas of Es Sairafir Esh Sharqiya and Ibdis: From the. southeast corner of Ibd is village it runs to a point s'outhwest of the bu.ilt-u:p area of Beit 'Affa~ crossing thE~ Hebron-El Najdal road ~t to the 1-rost of the built .. up area of Iraq Su~eidan. Thel'lcEP it proceeds aouth'uards along tHe vtestern village boundary o~ El Faluja to theBeershe'ba sub-district bouno.ary. :tt th~n runs across the tr;l.bal lands of tArab el Jubarat to a point on thE;~ bo1-mdm:-y ~etW'een the su.b .. distriotH of Beersheba and Hebron north of Kll. Khuweilifa, f~eno-e it proceeds in a sou.thwesterl;:r direetion to a l,)oint

~ .

on the Beersheba .. Gaza ma;tn rood 2 kilotleii~"es to the nortlwest 'of the tovm. ' ~

!t then turns southeastvrards to reach 'Vlac:ti Sao• at a point situat'Eid. 1 ·

ldlometre to the west of' it. From here j_t turns northeastwards and proceeds alone Hadi SaM and alone theBeersheba~Hebron·road for a distance of 1 kilometre, whence it turns e~stW'ards a·nd runs :bl a stratght line to· Kh. Kuse;tfa to join the Beershebe, .. Hebron ·sub ... district bound·ary. ; ·It then foLlows the Hebr(m.,:Seershoba boundary eal:'lt'l·rards to a point north of · H~.s E~s Zuweira~ only departing from it so as ·'to cut across the base of the indentation betveen vertical grid lines 150 and 160.

About five kilqmetres northeast. of .Has Ez Zuvreira. it turns north, e:~;:ol,uding from the··.Arab State a strip alcmg the of the Dead Sea· not more than 7 kiloro.etl"es in depth, as far eis Ein Gedd1 1 wh~oe it turns due east to join the T:l:'ans-Jordan frontier in the Dead Sea~

The northern boundary of the Arab. se•ction of· the coastal plain l~Ul'l3' ·from a po:tnt between l4inat · el C~i~ and Nabi Yvmis, pass~ng between 'tiie' buil.t-up ax·eas of Gem Yavne and Barga to the point; of interseot~on. From here it ·turns aouthuestwarda 1 runninc across the lands of Batani Sharqt, along the eastern boundary_; of the lands of Be1 t -Dares and ac.n~os~ the lands of Julia, lea vine the built~u.p areas of Batani Shax·qi and Julis to' the westwards, as fa~ as the northvrest corner of the lands ,of Bedt T:ima. Thence it ru~s eaet of El Jiya across the' village lands of E'l Barue.ra along the eastern ·' "Gcu.ndaries of the villages of Be:tt Jirja1 Deir Suneid and D:i.m:ra._ · From the southeast corner 6±' Dirnra .the 'boundary passes across the 'lands of Bei t Hanun, leavinc the Je'l>rfsh lands of Ni:r.;.Am to the east1vards. · )from the southeast ··

. ' ' cornel.~ of Beit·Hanun the line runs south'tvest to a point s·outh of the ·:parallel 8rid line 100, then turns northwest fo~ t11o kilome·li'ers, tUrning again in a sou.thw~etorl.y di:rectio~ and continuing ir.t an alrilost ·straight line to· the · north1·reot corner of the village lands 6:t.,IC:$.r'bet Ikhza'e. From there ft i'ollo-vfc the bounda:cy line of this village to its sout{.J.B~st :p~1nt, It

/then runs

Page 30: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

1\ }

J ., I.

A/516 Page 18

then runs :i.n a southerl;r direction alorig the vertical· grid line 90 to its Junction the horizontal grid 'lirie '~'6. ·It 'then tth-ns 'southeast;,rards to K11~ El Rt~Edba and 'thetl proceeds ·fn a soutlierly ;direction to 'a point kriovm o.s }!Jl Baha, "'beyond ; it crosses 'tlie Beorshebo.•E1 'Auja main road to the 'liest of Eh •. e1 MUshri:f'a. From there it joins Wadi :;'!Jl'Z,aiyatin just to the

·. '·rest. of El Subet ta .. From. there it turrts to the northeast and then to the

!;loutl~·oa~t- foJ.Iowing .this Hadi ·and passes -l;;Q the 61' 1Abda to join lladi Haf:kh~. ±t ;theri bulc;es to the southwaot. ~').long Ha.di ·wafkh, Hadi AJrim and \·TacH Las san 'to the point \.fhel"e \'lad i Lassi:ln crosses the Egyptian frontie:t .I • "

The area of the Arab enclave of ,Je;f"f'a cor.sists ot that·: part of the totm.; area' of tTaf.fa ,.rliich lies to "C-he 'Vrest of the. Jewish quarters

'lytnc; south Of Tel-Aviv, to the vrest C•f the continuation of' nerzl street UJ? to its -~!unction 'vi th the Jaffa.-Jt:lY.'USo.J.el-11. road, to the SOUthtve~t ·of the

~ . . .

aect;ton; of the Jaffa .. Jerus~lem i·oad ly 3.r:'Jg southeaert o:f' ·that junction, to thE '1-test of Miqve Yisraellands 7 to. the :!·:;rthvrest ot' Holon local counc.11~ to thl north of the line link:Lnc U);l the nOTt.hvmst corne:t.• of Hplon 'Vii th the no:rtheal corrier of·. I3at Yarn local· couno il ·area · and to the north· of Bat· Y 81ll lQCal counCil aroa~ Tho question o;f' Kurten; quarter will be' decided by the Bounda; Coll1Y!1iss~on ·bearing 111 mind among other considerations the aes.irabili ty of · inciud ing 1:.he s:tnaliest :poss1 ble number of its Arab inhabitants and the larg1

possible number of :l.ts Jei·risJ:i inhabitants :l.n the Jeuish State. THE Ml!SH STATE

·-The. riottheaetern sector of the Je\dsh State (:..:astern Galilee) is bound · __ on the north and \vest. by the Leba:nese frontier and on the east by the frontiers-- ()f Syria and '1.1:-ans-Jdrdah. It includes the vrhoie of the ;Huleh Ba

Lalce 'Tib~rJt~s, the whole of the :Beisan aub·d;tstrict, the bo'U.Qdaey line bein 'extended to: the crest of the GilbOa- motmtain$ and the Wad;t· Mali h. From the , the 'Je~TiSh Sta:te'·e:i.tends northwest :t'oD.ovrin~ the. boundary deser~bed in reap of the' Aral' State.

The JE~\-Tish. section of the coastal plain extends from a point bet1reen Minf1t el Qlla and Nabi Yt.mis in the Gaza . sub:..distric£ and includes the town

J, I . :, . , . .. :.. of Htdfa and Tel .. Avi v, ;Leav~ng Jaffa as an enclave of tQ.e Arab -state. The I , - . . . . ·.· . . . . . . . . f ·ea~tern frontier of the Jewish State folJ,ows the bot.mdary described in

.·, '.respect of ·the Arab State. The Bt}eri:lhci''ba ar-ea comprise~ the whole of the BeershErM sub .. district,

" the Negev ·a~ the eastern part c>f ·the Gaza sub-district, but · ·excihding' i~h~ to>m of; Beersheba 'and tliose areas described in· respect of the Arao' srete· .. - It· lncludes also a st:t-ip ·of li:uid alone;' the Dead Sea; ·stretch:l.nt;; from the Rebron~Beersheba sub-distri:ct "botmdary line 'to· Ein ·Geddi,-as descr':i~ · :tn :res:pebt of the :Arab· S~El.te ~- • . "~

·-.~- ...... 'r• ~.'I~ ..... ·~~·:·: I, .:.;<;• •. ~

"· /TffE · CITY OF

Page 31: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

, . THE; CI~, ~, ·JiJRUSALEH. - • '· It , .,

The bomidaties·of ,the. City~ Qf Mex;\l:s.a,1e~ 1:are as de:t)ned in .i;;he. recomrhendrAti ot1£l on :the ·City ·of!.. Jer~salem. · .. '·.

;,. ''.. ~.' . · P,i.\RT III·~,. CITY OF. ·JERUSALEM

A/516· Pace 19

A. The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus·separa~um under a Special !nt'ernationat· apd shall b~ administered"by the Uni t.ed Nations.

• • ' • :· < ., l ~

The Trusteeship Counci.l shall· be de_signated to di.s.charge .the responsibilities . . : ,' .

of the Administering l\uthori ty, on· behalf: pf the United Nations. B. The City· tz>f Jerusalem shall include the, present municipality' of., Je:t·usalem· plus the surrounding villages t;t.nd tmms, the mq,st eastetn of vrhich shal:r:' be· Abu Dis; the mos.t sou.thern Bethleherf,l.;, .the most western Ein IW.r:tm·(including.also the built-up a1~ea of"Motsa). and .. the most northern

' ' : .. ·· ' . Shu. 1f'at, as indicated .on· the attached ,sl::etch-ma.p (Annex B). C~ · The Trusteeship Council shall within five months from the approval 6£ the p~esent .plan elaborate an.d apDrov•9 a dErtai~ed Statute ,bf t~e \c:tty whic~l she.ll eorr~ain inter al,.ia the substanc~ of th!!) fo~lowing prov:i;~ions:

-~~ ~ ', '· .. :, ,;''.

1. Government'maohiner;r:. Special ol;>jectives .... - ·~ - ...,. ... ' ' ·'· · · The AdriJJnfster:tr:ig Authority ~n d:i.sch.arging., its Mministrativ7l 1

obHGations·: shall pursue the f'ollo:wing special objective,s: '(a) Tb: prote.ct (;).nd tO' prese~e the u,nique spiritual. and ,reli.gious

. itl'tei•ests located in the c~ ty of the three creat monothe;tstic .. faiths . . ' ',. ' '

thrcntgh.o'\lt the world, Ohristi,an, JE;:,vish and. lvloslem;. to this ~:~nd to 'ensure· that. order apd pee.ce.,. a:p~ ee1pecially religious pe~.ce, rei~n

' . ' . . ~ '

ln 'JEn~uselem~ · (b) rto·fostei< .co-operation among·lid.J: the inh.a,bita!lts of thE! c'ity in their Owl:\· ;tl'lterests as \vell El;S• in order t.o ~ncouras.f? and s~pport the

• .. .: ·: ,· / • t•<

pea:cef'ul 'development of. the muti,W.l rela tio:qs 'betvreen the , two · l?alGSt'ipiap ]eoples thr.oughout 'the Holy X..a!ld; to promote the security,

' ' ' ' ' . -. ·., . well-being and any constructive measures of development of the

' . ' ' . ~

residents, having regard to the S:f! <;:irm,unsi;.anqes a;nd customs of the:' various· peoples and communi ties.~ '2~ G¢vernor and.Ad:m.inistrati~ Staff.

·" .. ,

···A Governor o:f' the City of Jerp.salem shall b~ .ap,pointed by the TrusteeShip· Council and·· sb,alL be• responsible to it •. He shall be selected on the bas1s or· special (lualiticatiqns emd .wi tno.ut ;r:e~ard .. to ~ai;.iQna~~ ty. He shall not, however:, 'be ·a ci·ti.zen of· either ; [3t~te .. i,n .. :PaJ,;,es t.ine. <

' The ·Governor Sha.ll renresent the .United Nations i~ tne. City> and shall I ' - ' • <. •, , • •' •. '• -. • , ' , • . ' ·

exercise o:n their behalf, all po,vers· :.of :adm:in;istrat~on ~;nelucH_ng the conduct . ' . ~ ',. . ·. ' '

6f extdrnal affairs. He • shaJ;l·,"Qe" ass:t,~~ted . 'by ?P admi,Bis;~Jra, staff ola~secl aa-· ±nt~rne.t:l:onal' of,fl!e·e~~ if.l. the· ~eat~+n~ Qf·.~~~.c,l~ i90 of the

. , . . : /Chari~r . ,,· .';;

. : '·· :'\ ~ ... ·· ..

Page 32: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 PaGe 20


Charter and chosen vrhenever pract'icab!e from the residents of the City and of the rest of Paleettne on a :pon-di.scr1~j.natory basis. A deta:t~ed plan for the o:c~anizution of the administration of the City. shall be submitted

' '

bY the Governor to the ;rrunteeshi:p 'courlCil and duly approved by it.

-'-~· !,

'3. ·tocal· atitonon]J -"·~·-·-~-

'(a)· The existing local autonomous· units in the territory of the ·'city (v:Ulages, town~-hips and municipalities) shall, enjoy wide povrers

of local covernmen·t 'and adrn.inistl•ation. (b). The Governor she.ll study and E:rt1brlli t for the consideration and · decisiot1 of the Trusteeshi:P Council a :plan for the establishment or'· speci~l t61m units consis-t:t.n3, x•es:pecti vely, of the Je,·rish and ATab sections of ni:r\-r Je~·u.salem. The mm town units shall· continue· to form. part of the present mur.uteip~lity· of Jerusalem~ · '

'i~. Sec uri t:r' meE:.S1.11~es ~ ...--~~·~..,....._.,. •.. __ __

·_ (a) . The City ·of ,:h~rusai.etil e$au. be dem;tl:l. tarized 1 its nc;lutrali ty shall btl dec:L~-red and }?reserved 1 and no para-military formations, exercises or oct:Lvities shal.l be·permittedwithin its bord·ers •. (b1. Should t11e- administration of the city of Jerusalem be· seriously obstruclted or prevented by the non-co-operation or i:n:terference of I ... •

_,~ne _or more sections of the population, the Governor shall have aut~:Drt ty to take StlCll meaS!l!'eS as ~y be necessary to restore the ,effect:t ve function:tnc of the· ·administration. (c) To assi~t in 'tl1e maintenance o'f ·inter:na·l law· and order ,and .e.specially for the pro·tection of the Holy Places and • rel:igioti.s'

. . . .•· . . . ~ \

build irle,€1 and sites in the City, the GoveJ;'nor shall organize a special ;~f'i~~ force of adequate strength, the 'members of ,.rhich shall be

. recr~i ted outside. of Palestine~ The Governor 'be 'empowered '. ' !, ', .t. ••• ·. . . \ : !, • . . ' . • . ~ ' . ~ • • !:' :

to _dirElct such budgetary provision as may be necessary for the maitrtenance of this force." 5. · ·I.E~gislat:tve orGanization· .

.-- . -~· . -~"""

A legi~)lative co-uncil, ele.cted by adult residents of the City irres~cti VE~ Of nationality on the· :'bS:s;ts-- Of UTli V6l;'Sal and: ~eecfet SUffrage and pr~~~l'ttonal ~epresentat:ion, ~hall h'~ve potTere ·of legislation and taxation~ .. No J,egislatiye measures .shall, hovtever1 conflict 'or iinte:r.fera . with the ·_prc>~is'ions \·rhich vd~ll be set forth. in· the Statut~. of ·the Ci'ty 1

nor>y law1 ;t:'egtl.lation, or official actio11 pre~ail :over them. · T11e Statnte shall gra~t to the Goverb6r' a rif')lt of vetoing the bills ':tnconsister 1-rith the provision~ i~e:f'erred to in the preceding sentence. It shall also em:povrer him to pr~~l~lg~-t~· teinporary: ordinances in case· the Council fails to adopt in. :time a bill deem~d ·es~·entiai to th~- nomaJ. f~etioning of the


administra tton. /6.

4 ·1 I ,..,.._

Page 33: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Page ~~1

6. ~_?mlntst,r~.ti,on .. o! ~uE.Jt1,c~.. : , , ,, . The St?tute .shall provide fq:r t!:l€1 e,st~blislun~n.t of en lndependerit

judi:ciary system ·1.nclud.i:pg, a cottrt. of app~a{. AJ.l the inhabitants ~f.the' ' .. ' - ~ ,'., '' . . '

Jity shall be subject to it. T. :, Economic Union .and EconoPtic .Rei}..,~~ The City of Jerusalem.;tll bt,; included in the Economic Union of·

PalestJpe and be bound ,b;T .al:t stipulations .. of the m1dertaking and of any '. \, ! ; . '

treaties issued therefrom, a.s \·tell a~J by the decisions of the Joint 21conomia Board. The headg,uarters of the I~conom:ta Board shall be' established in the·terri~ory of the City.

The Statute shall 11rovide for the regu.latio11 of economic matters not falling .:w,ithin t)le regime of the Jscal'lOmic Urlicm, on the basis of equal treatment and non-discrimination for all Members of the United Nation's and theirnationals,

.8, Freedom of transit nnd v:i.sit; Control of residents ;;;.;;..;;..;;.,.....;;.;;;.....;;;.;;;......;;;;;.. ..... ,_._;,.._f•..._....~~ .......... ~- •

Subject to considerations of securi t;r;, and of economic \velfare as determined by the .Governor und~:t· the ciirecM.ons of tl1e Trusteeship Council, freedom. of entry· into, an<l, residence >-ri thin, the borders of the City ·shall

• . ! ' ' • '

be guaranteed for the residents or citizens of the A:rab and Je·H'iSh States. Immicration into, and reeidence vrithin, the borders of the City ~or natlonals of other States shall be controlled by the Governor under the

' d~recti9ns-of the Trusteeship Council. 9. Relations W'i th the Arab e.nd States . ~-........,

Represent:=i:':,ives of the P.rab. and JevriE1h States she.11: be accredited • to the, Governor of the C:t ty and char sed -vri th the :protect:lon of the interests·· of their States and ill connection ·Hith the :lnternational administra;tll.on of the City.


10. Off,:tsLal;_ lan£?U~~;e_s A:t;abio and Heorevr shall be the official languac;es ·of the City; · This . . '' . .

vrill not preclude the of one .or :m?re add.itiorlal wo:r'lting larigu.o.ges, as rtro:y b.e required.

' 11·. Citizen~hip

--· . • r

.,1\;11 the res.idents shall become i"[)SO facto cit:tzens of the City of ' .... ~.~~~ ,·,. '.. . .

·iJer'4-salem. .-unless. they opt for ci tizenshi:p qf the State of 'ivhich they have . . ·.·

peen. citizems or, if Arabs or Je,.rs, have filed the notice of '·intention to " , . " .·. ..· r ' .. '·

b~come citizens of the .l':rab or Je1vish St~te respectively, 'according tci Part I-1. section B, paracraph ~) of this Plan.

• > • '> ' I • • ' ~ •·

". ~h~ TJ;·ustees}lip Cm.mcil t;~hall make arrangements for Consular protection of :the cttizens of ·the,Ci ty outside its terri tory~ ... :;···

;l.2.· Freec1oms of citi?,ens 1,,., .. Subject only ,~o the. requirt:lmepi:is of public order and ·morals, the


Page 34: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~

A/516 Pac~ 22

inhabitant& of the City shall .be ensured the enjoyment of human rie-)lts and fundamental freedoma, :J.ncluding freedom of conscience, religion and

' i '

\·rorsh5.p 1 language, education, speech and press, assembly and association, and :petition. · :,) '

2. No discrimination o:f' any kind shell be :made betvreen the inb~bi tani on the c;:r,ounds of race, religion, language or sex ..

3. All persons within the City shall be ei1tftled to equal protection of' t1te la·iv-s. .c

~.. The family lau and perBonal status of the various ,persons and. conunun1.ti1;,s and their~ religiou~. inter~sts, .includinG ·endowments, shalJ. be respected.

5. Except as may be required for the maintenance of'public order and GOOd goverrlment, no shall be ta.l;:i:m ··to obstruct ·or -interfere 'v1t1 the enterprise of :relicious or charitable bodies of all faiths or to discriminate against any representative or member or' these bodies on the 'cronnd of his relig:i.on or nat:tonali ty.

6. The City shall ensure . ad eq tm. te pri:ma~y · and secondary ed uca ti on foJ." the Arab and Jeiri:~h co!lmlun;t ty respectively 1 in its o~rn language and its cul ttu~al traditions.

The right of each community to maintain its O\m schools· for the education of :1. ts otm members in its ovm language 1 · w·hile conforming to such educational requirements of a gen~ral nature aa·the City may impose, shall not be der1ied .or Foreigl! educational establisr.tlllents· shall c.ontinue t;heir activity on the basis of their existing rights.

7. No restriction shall be imposed on' the· fre.e use by any j,nhabi tani of the City of any languaee in private intercourse, in commerce, in relic;ion, in the press or il'l publications of ·any kind, or at public meetine

13. · Holy Places. 1. Existing ric:hts in respect of Holy Places and religious·.huildingl

or sites shall not be denied or .i:mp~ircid.' 2. access to the Holy Plnces and religious buildings or s~. tes

and tht-:J free exercise of vrorship shall be E,Jecured :i.b .copf()rrnity. with • _! • / ' • '

existinG right~ and su.bjept to the requirements of pl.1biic order and decorUJ ... , ' '. . "

3 .. Holy Plac~s .. and r,e,l.~giaus b1.1.t1dinc;s or d:~f.e's :sha1i1 be· preserved. l~o act shs.ll be .permitted :Uay ~in ::lr:y vra.y imJ:.i;·ir cht'i~':': s:icred charact If at any time it app~ars .to:\.i;e G<..·J~::nrJ!.:' tlif.Fb a~1y ~p.~:ctJ.~·~;,l.e·::- .Eoly Place, reliGious building or ;:?.ite ·is in n~sd. (;r u:;:dent ;:•bpa:ti"j the GovE?rnor

. ' .-.~.~~-~ '('·; ·.·. ; '.' ' .. ~ .

ma;,c call upon the t~~ O':" col!U:-"'--:.n~. t:.r. es · 6oi:J . .)ei'n~ ·iro · cil;rory out such :r·ep The Qoyernor may carry it out· M:mself: at 'the· e:z:pe;,se'; ·()f the· community or (Jommtm:l.ties -concerned.~ if .no e.ction is tal~an:·.within~O: r.et1f?otl~bLe time •

. . : 4,, .No taxati;n shail ,~~~ levi~d '1~ :r'espect of any Hoi~ Places, rel:i.,.~ious 'building or site •-rhich ,.,as exempt from taxation on the date of +

................ ,.i,s~J~~~,~

Page 35: Jnited Nations Nations TJnies...delegation of El Salvador (A/AC.l4/3);' (2) · a Sub-Committee entrusted with drawine up a detailed plan based on the majority-proposals of the· Speci~


A/516 Page 23


cr;~Jat;ton of the City. No chang(¢) in the incidence of such taxation shal.l be

made which would eithe~ discriminate bet.ween the 01mers or occupiers of Holy Places, religious buildings or sites 1 or "VTould place such owners or occupiers in a position less favourable in relation to the general incidence of taxation than existed at the time of the adoption of the Assembly's recommendations.

14. Special um·Ters of the Governor• ~n respect of the l:Iol.v Places, ·-religious ..,bpil~,incs !-'11~ s:1.tes in the Ci·~ and iJ?. any part _?f. Palestine

~ . .,....,... 1. The protection of the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites

located in the City of Jerusalem shall 1Je a special concern of the Governor,\ 2. With relation to such Places, buildincss and sites in Pnlestine

outside the City" tb.e Governor shall determine on the ground of powers cranted to him by the Constitutions of l~oth States ''hether the provisions of th,e Constitutions of the Arab and Je~-rish States in Palestine dealing

3. The Governor shall also be em:~;o,;.rered to :make decisions on the basis



there'd th and the relicious rights appertai11ing the:r•eto are beixlg properly applied and respected~

of existing rights in cases of disputes w·hich JJJJ3.Y a;rise bet'\ieen the different :r.·eligious comnmnities or the :~ites of a religious commu1Jity in respect of the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites :ln any part of Palestine.

In thif? tasl\: he may 'b.e assisted by a consultative council of representatives of different denominations acting in an advisory capacity. D. Duration of the Special Regime '_*..,_....

The Statute elaborated by the Trusteeship Council· on the aforementioned principles shall come into fo):'ce not later than 1 October 1948. It shall remain in force in the ;first instance for a :period of ten years, unless the Trusteesh:lp Council finds it necessary to undertake a re .. exam.ipation of these provisions at an earlier date~ .~fter the expiration of this ·period tb.e vhole scheme shall be subject to re, .. exa:mination b.Y the Trusteeshi:P Co~mcil in the light of tl1e experience acquired with its functionipg. The residents of the City shall be then free to express by means of a referend~ their wishes as to possible modificatim:ls of the recime of the City.

l?.I\RT IV. Cl\l'I:TULATIONS States whose nationals have in the' past enjoyed in Palestine the

privileges and i:pmtunities of foreinnersl 1 il"lcludinc; the benefits of Consular jurisdiction and protection as fa:cmerl;y- enjoyed by capi tulaticn or usace :!.n the Ottoman Empire, are. invited to renounce any ric;ht perta:J.niru:~ to them to the re ... establishment of such privile~ges and i!lJ.!llunities in the proposed J~ab and Jewish, States and the City of Jerusalem.



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A/516 Annex B




0Sur Bahir

0 Umm Tuba

~~~ii~!~!~l; i;~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~i



Main Road Railroad

Proposed Boundary





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