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15 December 2011

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Dressing inappropriately and badmouthing former employers are well-known job interview no-nos. But many of us are still committing these basic mistakes – along with much more bizarre ones like hugging the interviewer.

According to a recent survey of 2,482 hiring managers, the rebounding economy may be to blame.

With high competition comes high pressure, which may be causing these costly job interviewing-mistakes. The most outrageous ones reported by hiring managers were:

Provided a detailed listing of how previous employer made them mad. Hugged hiring manager at the end of the interview. Ate all the candy from the candy bowl while trying to answer questions. Constantly bad mouthed spouse. Blew her nose and lined up the used tissues on the table in front of her. Brought a copy of their college diploma that had obviously been white-ousted and

their name added. Wore a hat that said “take this job and shove it.” Talked about how an affair cost him a previous job. Threw his beer can in the outside trashcan before coming into the reception office. Had a friend come in and ask “HOW MUCH LONGER?”

The most common mistakes are a lot less amusing but are equally damning: Answering a cell phone or texting during the interview – reported by 71 percent of

hiring managers Dressing inappropriately – 69 percent Appearing disinterested – 69 percent Appearing arrogant – 66 percent Speaking negatively about a current or previous employer – 63 percent Chewing gum – 59 percent Not providing specific answers – 35 percent

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Not asking good questions – 32 percent

The following tips for successful interviews in a competitive job market:

Keep it upbeat: “Many job seekers may be experiencing tougher than usual job searches in this economy. Even if your job search process has been frustrating, do what you can to remain positive and upbeat.”

Prepare, prepare, and prepare: “Before the interview, research the company by looking at the press room for recent announcements, the About Us section for company culture, and the list of products so you are familiar with their offerings. Having this knowledge will allow you to easily answer and ask questions during the interview.”

Keep it professional, not personal: “Don’t let business decorum disappear even if the interview is in a casual setting. Refrain from discussing over-the-top personal issues and focus on the position and selling yourself.”

Practice does make perfect: Nerves are likely to rear their head in an interview, so help calm them ahead of time by practicing. Go through common interview questions with a friend or family member and practice in front of a mirror so you can see your body language.

Honesty is the best policy: “If questions come up that you don’t know how to answer, don’t lie or pretend you know. Admit that you may not know the answer, but then explain how you would go about finding a solution, proving your resourcefulness.”

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Job Interview Preparation – 4 Tips to be SMART

Carrying out a job interview preparation is something of great essence if you are truly serious about applying for a job you saw in the ads. Make sure that you browse through the countless of resources and reviews on job interview preparation available in the Internet so that you can be sure about getting the best tips ever. All you need to do is take on the preparations very smartly. Here are just five of the so many interview preparation tips that you will need in order to once and for all land the job you deserve:

1. S – SmileSmile a lot the minute you enter the interview room. After all, to smile will not cost you anything, and it might even work to your gain in the end. Smile as you walk to your seat and simply charm your interviewer away. But then, you will also need to exude a genuine confidence as you do so. Keep in mind that an interview is not all about smiling and showing how look you good.

2. M – MilestoneTalk about your accomplishments and achievements in your previous jobs, Make sure that the ones you are going to talk about are the ones worth mentioning and that they are in one way or another, related to the job position you are trying to seize. Elaborate on how you were able to achieve such milestones by enumerating the core values you have used such as patience, persistence, commitment, dedication, determination competence

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and skills. Then, make it a point that you also emphasize how such achievements can help you do better in this job you are applying for.

3. A – AttitudeTalk about your strengths and weaknesses and how each has helped you become successful in your chosen career. Discuss in detail how you would do an extra mile without expecting to get paid or rewarded for it; but simply for the reason that you would want to accomplish what you need to accomplish. Translate your weaknesses into strengths; such that your tendency to become workaholic can sometimes be uncontrollable. In other words, you are selling yourself that you are a persistent worker which of course, will be to their advantage.

4. R – ReadinessWhat is more, send the message across to your prospective boss how ready and apt you are to take on the job. Explain how prepared you are in becoming a part of their company and that you look forward to working with each one of them. Assure them that are a team-player by all means. Elaborate as well on how you take on responsibilities and accountability for everything you will do or say in work area.

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Did you know that your job interview counts for 95% of whether you will get the job or not. How you answer the questions that will be thrown at you in the interview holds the key to your future. The GOOD NEWS is that you can learn exactly how to answer even the toughest questions.

Are You Prepared For Tricky Behavioral Interview Questions Like These???

Does the thought of going on a job interview cause your palms to sweat and your body to break out in hives? Stop itching; you're not alone.

The vast majority of job seekers admit to emotions ranging from mild uneasiness to downright panic leading up to their interviews. The good news is there have been no reported cases of job seekers who died of nervousness during a job interview. So relax and follow these simple tips for keeping your anxiety at bay before and during your interview.

First, take the proper amount of time to prepare for your interview. Being well-prepared will boost your confidence and lower your anxiety. Experts recommend that you spend at least three hours preparing for each interview.

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You should draft answers to the most common interview questions and practice speaking them out loud. You also should read up on the company with which you will be interviewing and prepare some questions of your own. This lets the interviewer know that you are truly interested in the company and the position.

As a final step in your preparation, make sure you have good directions to the interview site. Some job seekers make a dry run to the interview site to ensure the directions are correct and to estimate the amount of time they will need to get to the interview on time. Going into a job interview is often like entering the great unknown. Although every interviewer is different and questions vary from industry to industry, there are some questions that are common across the board. Reading through the following questions and developing your own answers is a good place to start in your preparation. Once you have done that, remember practice makes perfect! Nothing impresses a potential employer like being ready for whatever is thrown your way.

Why should we hire you?Here's the chance to really sell yourself. You need to briefly and succinctly lay out your strengths, qualifications and what you can bring to the table. Be careful not to answer this question too generically, however. Nearly everyone says they are hardworking and motivated. Set yourself apart by telling the interviewer about qualities that are unique to you.

Why do you want to work here?This is one tool interviewers use to see if you have done your homework. You should never attend an interview unless you know about the company, its direction and the

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industry in which it plays. If you have done your research, this question gives you an opportunity to show initiative and demonstrate how your experience and qualifications match the company's needs.

What are your greatest weaknesses?The secret to answering this question is being honest about a weakness, but demonstrating how you have turned it into strength. For example, if you had a problem with organization in the past, demonstrate the steps you took to more effectively keep yourself on track. This will show that you have the ability to recognize aspects of yourself that need improvement, and the initiative to make yourself better.

Why did you leave your last job?Even if your last job ended badly, be careful about being negative in answering this question. Be as diplomatic as possible. If you do point out negative aspects of your last job, find some positives to mention as well. Complaining endlessly about your last company will not say much for your attitude.

Describe a problem situation and how you solved it.Sometimes it is hard to come up with a response to this request, particularly if you are coming straight from college and do not have professional experience. Interviewers want to see that you can think critically and develop solutions, regardless of what kind of issue you faced. Even if your problem was not having enough time to study, describe the steps you took to prioritize your schedule. This will demonstrate that you are responsible and can think through situations on your own.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?The secret to this question is being specific and selecting an accomplishment that relates to the position. Even if your greatest accomplishment is being on a championship high school basketball team, opt for a more professionally relevant accomplishment. Think of the qualities the company is looking for and develop an example that demonstrates how you can meet the company's needs.

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What are your salary expectations?This is one of the hardest questions, particularly for those with little experience. The first thing to do before going to your interview is to research the salary range in your field to get an idea of what you should be making. Steer clear of discussing salary specifics before receiving a job offer. Let the interviewer know that you will be open to discussing fair compensation when the time comes. If pressed for a more specific answer, always give a range, rather than a specific number.

Tell me about yourself.While this query seems like a piece of cake, it is difficult to answer because it is so broad. The important thing to know is that the interviewer typically does not want to know about your hometown or what you do on the weekends. He or she is trying to figure you out professionally. Pick a couple of points about yourself, your professional experience and your career goals and stick to those points.

Wrap up your answer by bringing up your desire to be a part of the company. If you have a solid response prepared for this question, it can lead your conversation in a direction that allows you to elaborate on your qualifications…

The Job Interview: 'Do You Have Any Questions?'

During a job interview, the interviewer's last question is often the most important one. That's when the interviewer invites you to ask questions to clear up any doubts or professional curiosities. "Now, do you have any questions for us?" is the question, the response to which can surprisingly seal your fate.

Always remember that you are at an interview, and are not facing an interrogation. This is not a situation where one person asks all the questions and the other is obliged to give all the answers. An interview is a two-way conversation. It is

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a professional dialogue in which both sides ask and respond to questions.

For you as an aspiring employee, the interview provides two opportunities. One is to sell yourself to prove your suitability for the job, and secondly it enables you to evaluate the employer, and get information regarding your future service. You may not otherwise be able to get some of this information until you accept the job, at which point it may be too late. So, when you are given a chance to ask questions, the worst thing that you could do is to say that you have nothing to ask. Having no questions to ask indicates your indifference, and creates an impression that perhaps you have not prepared for the interview, and therefore, are not keen to get the job.

Interviewers are often more impressed by the questions you ask than by the answers you give to their questions. In a survey, of the several blunders that candidates make in job interviews (e.g. poor personal appearance, failure to make eye contact, being late for the interview, etc.), the one that recruiters find most unforgivable is the failure to ask questions. By asking informed questions, you not only gain knowledge about your potential employer, but also make a good impression on him or her.Does it seem counter-intuitive to ask questions at an interview? Many candidates think so. They are wrong. Recruiters do expect the candidates to ask questions. From the questions asked, they assess and form an opinion on whether the candidate is really serious about the job. If you don't ask enough questions, recruiters, who may otherwise be prepared to make you an offer, may not do so because they are not sure that you know what you would be getting into.

Appropriate questions at the right time underscore the fact that you are taking a proactive role in the job selection process, rather than being just a passive participant. An action-oriented attitude, reinforcing your interest in the job, never fails to impress recruiters.

Asking the right questions is an excellent method to demonstrate your professional knowledge. The questions you choose indicate your general level of intelligence and awareness, apart from your professional knowledge of your field. An important point to note is that through your questions and answers, you

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can control and steer the interview to the path you want it to take, toward your own comfort zone. This also enables you to keep clear of the unknown, potentially disastrous topics that you would rather avoid.

For more senior positions in an organization, it is imperative to ask intelligent questions to demonstrate and highlight your initiative and leadership qualities that senior level positions demand.

It is of vital importance to anticipate, prepare and formulate your questions and answers before the interview. There are certain guidelines for formulating the appropriate questions. The first and foremost step is to gather as much information as you can about your future employers. Make sure that you learn all you can about the organization - the main focus of its business activities, who is who in the organization, its financial status, future plans, etc. You should concentrate particularly on the role and functioning of the department and the position that you would be joining. You are expected to have fairly good background knowledge about the company before walking in for the interview. This research about the organization can help you to formulate questions and prepare pre-conceived intelligent answers for critical questions like, "Why do you want to work for

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this company?" or "Why do you think that you are suitable for this position?"

You must avoid asking questions that are already known facts or are available on the employer's website. Such questions would imply that you have not prepared for the interview, or worse, that you have a casual attitude. Also, never ask about your salary and other benefits issues until the recruiter raises these subjects.

One of the smartest questions you can ask, once your resume has been discussed, is "Now that we have talked about my qualifications and experience, do you have any concerns about my capabilities regarding this position?" This enables any latent lingering doubts in the minds of the interviewers to be brought out in the open, and it provides an opportunity to the candidate to defend himself satisfactorily against the objections, if any.

Another smart question could be: "What are the three top priority tasks you would first like to see me accomplish?" The question establishes your commitment to action.

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Remember, "Accomplish" is a term very dear to every hiring manager.

The golden guiding principle for your selection of questions should be to maximize your chances of getting the job, and not to just get information. Here are 14 rules for asking better questions:

1. Ask open-ended questions.2. Keep the questions short.3. Don't interrupt.4. Use inclusive language.5. Ask questions that the interviewer can answer comfortably.6. Avoid questions that have obvious answers.7. Avoid "Why" questions.8. Avoid asking questions that call for superlatives.9. Avoid leading or loaded questions.10.Avoid veiled threats.11.Avoid questions that hint of desperation.12.Avoid asking questions that focus on what the company can do for you.13.Don't ask questions that are irrelevant to the job or the organization.14.Relax and smile.

Apart from these, remember that the employer is interested in hiring you, as he has a specific need, and wants to benefit from your services. Logically, questions that convince him of your loyalty, zeal and commitment, and an impression that you have the

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employer's interest at heart, should provide the ideal breakthrough. Some great questions to ask would be:

1. What's the organization and structure of my team? Am I going to be a mentor or will I be mentored?

2. What does the company value the most, and how can my work further these values?

3. What kinds of processes are in place to help me work collaboratively?4. What can I do to homogenize and build team spirit?5. Do team members usually eat lunch together, or do they eat at their desks?6. What's the most important thing I can do to help within the first 90 days of my

employment?7. Do you have any concerns about my ability to perform this job?8. When top performers leave the company, why do they leave and where do they

usually go?9. In your opinion, what are my strongest assets and possible weaknesses? Do you

have any concerns regarding my suitability that I need to clear up in order to be the top candidate?

Never ever ask any of the following questions which, believe it or not, have actually been asked by candidates at various interviews:

1. Is it possible for me to get a small loan?2. What is it that your company does?3. Can I see the break room?4. What are the psychiatric benefits offered?5. How many warnings does one get before one is fired?6. Can you guarantee me that I will still have a job here a year from now?7. Would anyone notice if I came in late and left early?8. What does this company consider a good absenteeism record?

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9. The job description mentions weekend work. Are you serious?10.What is the zodiac sign of the company president?

NEW JOB LEADSFounded in 1997, OFFICIAL Fast Freight, LLC. Was created to fulfill a desperate need for LTL services in the Phoenix Metro Area. Our services proved to be very successful and in 1999 we branched into Distribution Service and have established ourselves as Phoenix’s premier Pool Point and Distribution service Provider. Our services include Cartage, statewide LTL, Retail Distribution, Specialized & Dedicated services. Because of this extended service, OFFICIAL Fast Freight, LLC. Is able to provide service into areas that other carriers would normally interline or service intermittently.

1511 S. 47th Ave #300 Phoenix, AZ 85043 Ph. 602-352-1000 Fax 602-352-0551

General Labor Warehouse Worker Wanted.

Loading & Unloading Trucks and sorting freight. This is hard work and typically long hours.$9.00 HR Full TimeSunday-Thursday 3am till Done.Need Immediately- Start Tomorrow! You must be able to read, write and speak English as well as have 2 forms of Government Issue ID. You must be able to pass Drug Test and have no felonies.Includes Benefits - Sick/Vacation/Holiday Pay Medical Insurance available.Must be able to lift 50lbs. Position requires bending, stooping, standing for long periods of time.To apply, bring two forms of ID Monday through Thursday from 8.00 am until noon...Ask for Adolpho.

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(623) 209-8484 · 4919 W Colter St, Glendale, AZ 85301


Roadside Service from Apache Sands Service Center There are many times when your vehicle just needs roadside assistance. Apache Sands Service Center can quickly dispatch one of our roadside assistance vehicles that can

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provide the following help: Gas Delivery - Flat Tires - Locked out of Vehicle - Jump Start of Dead Battery…Apache Sands Service Center is a AAA Approved Roadside Assistance provider.

Looking for Battery Assist Drivers. Great Pay and Benefits. Flexible schedule will train! Skills / Requirements: No experience needed, we will train. MVR with no more than 2 moving violations. Must be prepared to drug test upon interview. Must be at least 21 years of age. No Felony convictions in the last 5 years. No DUI's in the last 5 years.

APPLY IN PERSONApache Sands Towing 7602 E. Main, Mesa, AZ

Revo Burrito is now hiring outgoing,

professional line cooks for our

Biltmore location.

This position must be filled immediately! Previous experience is a plus.

Please apply in person Monday-Friday from 2-4pm @ 3146 East Camelback Road, Phoenix…. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Anderson Merchandisers has grown up a lot since Charlie Anderson's grandfather Clyde Anderson Sr. started the business as a makeshift newspaper stand on an Alabama sidewalk in 1917. A key ingredient to the growth and success of Anderson Merchandisers has always been the team members who enjoy pushing the company forward and meeting new challenges. We are currently seeking professionals who possess drive and initiative and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Are you dedicated to meeting the needs of consumers across the United States and Canada? Are you looking for the chance to grow as an individual and a professional? Are you committed to providing the best service and value to our customers available? If so, please take a moment to review our career

14747 N. Northsight Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260Performance Bicycle, the nation's leading retailer of bicycling products, is actively seeking experienced, guest oriented Sales Associates who understand cycling to fill part-time positions at our Scottsdale store.

Sales Associates provide detailed information, education, and support to ensure that guests have a great cycling experience.

Looking for passionate and enthusiastic individuals to join America's #1 retailer of bicycles, parts, and accessories. Offers great working conditions and generous employee discounts.

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openings and take the next step to becoming a part of our point-to-point dedication to connecting shoppers with the brands they love.

Merchandising Specialist - Phoenix, AZ-1102822 SCOTTSDALE, AZ - 1102962DescriptionSUMMARY STATEMENT:

The Part Time Merchandising Specialist is responsible for stocking and zoning product, maintaining account aesthetics and may involve processing product returns. Daily communication and follow-up with the Sales Representative is expected. TYPE OF SUPERVISION RECEIVED:

This Part Time position is under the supervision of the District Sales Manager and is given direction from the Sales Representative. JOB REQUIREMENTS AND DUTIES: including but not limited to the following:

Maintain account aesthetics (zoning, alphabetizing, maintain modular integrity). Responsible for setting product to plan-o-gram, perform resets, POP placement,

inventory counts, and moving product from the stock room to the sales floor. Maintain excellent rapport with store personnel. Communicate to the Sales Representative on a daily basis as to all activities

accomplished as well as any sales opportunities. Work flexible shifts (am or pm) based on store requirements and needs. Work a minimum of one 4-hour weekend shift based on store requirements.

QualificationsPHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: including, but not limited to the following:

Must be able to lift objects and product up to a maximum of 50 lbs with frequent lifting and/or carrying of objects/products up to 35 lbs.

Work could be performed while sitting, standing or walking. Work performed will entail fine manipulation of hands and/or fingers, as well as

repetitive had action. It will additionally entail bending, twisting, squatting and climbing, as well as upper and lower body mobility.

Work is based on store requirements and could include flexible shifts (am or pm). A minimum of one 4-hour weekend shift as based on store requirements is

expected to be worked. Valid driver's license is required as travel to additional locations may be necessary Automobile liability insurance is required to be maintained.

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COMPETENCIES: To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following

competencies to perform the essential functions of this position: Problem solving - the individual identifies and resolves problems in a timely

manner, gathers and analyzes information skillfully and maintains confidentiality. Interpersonal skills - the individual maintains confidentiality, remains open to

others' ideas and exhibits willingness to try new things Oral Communication - the individual speaks clearly and persuasively in positive or

negative situations. Written Communication - the individual edits work for spelling and grammar,

presents numerical data effectively and is able to read and interpret written information.

Quality Control - the individual demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness and monitors own work to ensure quality.

Planning/Organizing - the individual prioritizes and plans work activities and uses time efficiently.

Adaptability - the individual adapts to changes in the work environment, manages competing demands and is able to deal with frequent change, delays or unexpected events.

Dependability - the individual is consistently at work and on time, follows instructions, responds to management direction and solicits feedback to improve.

JobSalesPrimary LocationAZ-Phoenix

Background Check ConsentPlease read the background check statement presented below carefully and accept it or decline it by selecting the relevant radio button at the bottom of the section. If you

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decline the background check, your job submission might be automatically excluded from consideration for this position. HIRING RESTRICTION(S) BASED IN CRIME….

Anderson’s success in connecting your brand to America’s shoppers is built on almost a century of experience in servicing retail accounts. Founded in 1917 in Florence, Alabama, Anderson started as a small newsstand in a makeshift shed. Within a year, the company began providing merchandising services to retail accounts in its hometown. By the 1920s, the work had spread across the region and Anderson established itself as only the second wholesale distributor in the Southeast.From a simple newsstand, we’ve expanded to more than 3,500 associates and seven state-of-the-art distribution centers strategically located to help you reach customers quickly anywhere in the nation.Today, Anderson is recognized as a leading distributor and marketer of music, DVDs, movies, books, magazines, consumer brands, and promotional products in the United States.

UNITED WAY Anderson Merchandisers associates get in the groove to help The United Way

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Stealth Solar is the industry leader of energy products for homeowners in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. The Stealth Solar System consists of distinct three eco-friendly products. They are a Stealth Solar hot water heater, the KVAR system, and the Aeroseal Certified Duct Sealing System. These three energy saving products will maximize energy usage in your home, decrease your monthly energy bills, and make a positive impact on the environment. Call Stealth Solar System today and make your Arizona home energy efficient with solar and energy saving products…

Stealth Solar, 7 years in Business is expanding. Looking for 7-10 communicators with great attitude and personality. Must have some type of phone experience. Set appointments with homeowners no selling involved. Hourly with demo & sale bonus paid weekly, health insurance is offered.

Not your typical call center! Easy Location 44th & Thomas on bus line! A happy place to work, that's why our attendance is awesome, Must be a reason? 2 shifts available 10-2pm 4-9pm

Call and Ask for Gail & Call between 11AM & 5PM (602) 578-0511


2600 N 44th St, Phoenix, AZ 85008

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6825 N 16th St, Squaw Peak Plaza, Phoenix, AZ 85014

Rainbow Cleaners is family owned and operated proudly serving the Central Phoenix area since 1978. We have been at the current location since 1992. Our employees are dedicated to quality clothing care, personal service, and attention to every detail.

Now hiring a Front Counter person/ Cashier to work at large dry cleaners in North Central Phoenix. Must be friendly, honest, and detail oriented. Full time, 40 hours/week. Must be available to work anytime from 7am-7pm M-F and 8am-6pm on Sat.

Please call 602-741-0424 and leave message or stop by Rainbow Cleaners to fill out an application at 6825 N. 16th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 (in the Bashas Center behind Moto) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

West Coast Amusements is a family-run business with an eye on exceptional customer service in everything we do. Three generations of the Hauser family along with our stellar Management Team can assist you throughout your event to make sure everything runs smoothly.

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CARNIVAL AMUSEMENT & RECREATION ATTENDANTS wanted for Midway West Amusements, Inc. 25 temporary positions open from 1-Apr-12 through 30-Nov-12. Job involves: Perform variety of attending duties at amusement facility (traveling carnival). Set-up, tear-down, operate amusement rides, food concessions and/or games. Post-employment and random drug testing, background checks, and travel with the Carnival is required.

No training or experience is required. Equal Opportunity, FLSA (13) (a) (3) exempt employer not subject to Federal hourly wage, overtime or recordkeeping requirements. No overtime expected. Overtime, if any, calculated and paid as per applicable regulations. Work schedule varies widely, typically 40 Hrs. /Wk. Wed-Sun, 1:00PM to 10:00PM.

The employer will pay the weekly salary for each week that the worker is employed. Employer will pay the applicable variable prevailing weekly wage for each location, as follows: $319.20 Sun City, Phoenix, $309.60 White river, Winslow, $326.00 Page, AZ; $327.20 Cedar City, $326.00 Richfield, $330.00 Eagle Mt, Orem, $322.80 Salt Lake City, $322.00 Clinton, $330.00 Spanish Fork, $326.00 Heber City, $327.20 Parowan, UT; $309.60 St Johns, $323.20 Duncan, AZ; $316.80 Deming, NM; $318.80 Prescott Valley, Camp Verde, $319.20 Bullhead City, Lake Havasu City, Glendale, AZ: $321.06 Average Weekly Wage.

If there are changes in work locations or applicable prevailing wage, employer will obtain and pay applicable prevailing wage. Employer makes available mobile housing valued at $125.00 /week. Employer makes available transportation from venue to venue and scheduled transportation to laundry, shopping valued at $25.00 / week.

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Send resume to Midway West Amusements, Inc., 13614 N. 99th Ave, Suite 809, Sun City, AZ 85351 or email to [email protected] or fax to 480-497-6872. Please include complete contact information in your submission.

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Sodexo strives to make every day a better day for the people and the communities we serve, and a better world for future generations. As a world leader in Quality of Daily Life Solutions, we are committed to continuing to lead our industry in addressing the challenges that are impacting our communities. Sodexo creates and offers services that contribute to a more pleasant way of life for people wherever and whenever they come together.

Catering Assistant $13.00 HourCatering Assistant, assist with setup and teardown, food handling, cleaning, etc. Work varied hours.The employer requests you apply in person. Always be appropriately attired when visiting an employer's office. Also have a current cover letter and your resume/statement of qualifications ready to present to the employer.Apply at 3300 W. Camelback road, PHOENIX, AZ 85017 US

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Here are some of our more frequently asked questions. If you don't find your question here, please contact us and ask.

Is Sodexo hiring now? Yes. Sodexo is always looking for new talent to join our team. For a full listing of open positions, visit our Job Search page.

How do I search open positions and requirements?Visit our Job Search page or join our Talent Community to search jobs at Sodexo. You can search all of our open positions or search specific jobs by location.

How do I apply for a position?To apply, you'll need to create a profile or log in as a return user. Once you find a position you'd like to apply for, can click the apply button.

Is there opportunity for advancement within Sodexo?Yes. At Sodexo, you have the unique ability to create your own career. No matter what position you come in to, there's limitless opportunity to advance. Because we're focused on growing our talent from within, you'll find support at every turn as your career develops.

Do I need to create an account to browse openings?No, you can search our job openings as a visitor, but you'll need to create an account in order to apply.

Do I need to create an account to apply for a position? You'll be prompted to create an account when you search or apply. Fill out the simple form online and you're ready to apply for positions with Sodexo.

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What is the Sodexo Talent Community?Our Talent Community is a personalized experience that will allow you to search jobs using an interactive map and keyword search before the application process.

How do I join the Talent Community?You can join our Talent Community from our Network with us page by clicking on "Talent Community." You can also join our Talent Community by searching for open positions on our Job Search page.

Why can't I log into the Talent Community?If you have misplaced your access id number you can click on the link provided and we will email you your assigned code.

What if I do not have a resume? We have a resume builder feature that allows you to give us the pertinent information your resume would include even if you don't have a resume.Can I submit my resume without applying for a specific position? What happens then? If you have not found the right job for you immediately after setting up a profile in the career center, it is advisable to set up your Job Agent or to join our Talent Community. This will insure that you receive an automatic notification each time a job is created that matches the criteria that you established in your agent. You can create several agents depending on criteria that you set up.

After I apply for a specific position, what happens? You'll receive notice that we have received your application. If you're selected as a potential candidate, HR will be in touch with you shortly. For more information, visit our Hiring Process page.

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How can I meet a Sodexo recruiter?Once you've decided to create your career - a career that fits in with and enriches your life, champions diversity and inclusion, and affords you the opportunity to learn and grow professionally - it's time to apply! Visit our Job Search page and apply online to the job of your choice. Once resumes for an open requisition have been reviewed, a Sodexo recruiter will contact the best-qualified candidates for a phone interview as soon as possible - ideally within two days of posting a resume. You can also meet a Sodexo representative by attending one of our upcoming recruiting events or by networking with them through our social networks.

Does Sodexo provide benefits for employees?Yes. Our employees are our biggest asset, so we strive to make Sodexo a great company to work for. We offer benefits and programs that help our employees' professional, personal and financial well-being. For more information, visit our Benefits page. What if I do not see an open position that interests me? How can I find out about future openings?

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How can I find out about future openings? There are two answers to this question:When you join our Talent Community we will automatically email you every job in your area of interest and invite you to apply for future positions. You can create several search agents depending on criteria that you set up. These agents can be changed or you can add more at any time by logging into the Talent Community. Creating a Job Agent in the Career Center will also insure that you receive an automatic notification each time a job is created that matches the criteria that you established in your profile. You can create several agents depending on criteria that you set up within the Career Center. What is the difference between the Talent Community and the Career Center?The Talent Community is a personalized experience that will allow you to search jobs using an interactive map and keyword search before the application process. When you apply for a job in our Talent Community, you will automatically enter our Career Center on the Sodexo USA web site to complete the application process. The Career Center is linked to our applicant tracking system with data managed by our recruiters.How do I update/change my contact information, email address, resume and password?You can edit your profile, including contact information, password, and resume by logging in to the Career Center. Click Submit to save your changes.

Why can't I log into my Career Center account? If you have any difficulty, please contact Sodexo's Talent Acquisition's Support Specialist at 1-800-763-3946 extension 44217 for assistance. A representative will be glad to assist you with any technical difficulties that you may encounter.

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Application for position: DISPATCHER/SCHEDULER Job description: Dispatcher/Scheduler coordinates transportation activity by scheduling and monitoring cab operations/trips.This position is at 4600 W Camelback Rd

Essential Functions/Duties and Responsibilities: Builds a rapport with independent contractor drivers through honesty and open

communication. Responds to the questions and concerns of independent contractor drivers. Assists independent contractor drivers with locating addresses and solving

problems. Investigates service problems and provides recommendations. Answers telephone calls in a courteous and timely manner. Ensures that customers are satisfied with transportation. Monitors trip cancellations and independent contractor driver “no shows” for

accuracy. Schedules and routes service requests through the dispatch system. Monitors the pickup and drop-off times of scheduled trips.

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Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required: Understanding of Phoenix

geography Developed map-reading skills Positive and professional demeanor Excellent customer service skills Willingness to work flexible hours Proficiency with Windows-based

computers Ability to work independently and

self-motivate Strong problem-solving skills Good communication skills; ability to communicate in Spanish is desirable Ability to maintain a focus on the customer Understanding of all telephone functions


One of the largest roofing companies in the Southwest are currently looking for a Roofing ForemanPosition: Service Foreman Location: Phoenix, AZ (Valley Wide) Pay: $15-17/hr -- 90 day temp to hire Summary: Experience with various roofing systems. Must have VALID driver’s license and RELIABLE transportation. Special attention will be given to candidates with proven work history that shows growth and advancement. Skills/ Requirements: Need to have a strong work ethic, positive attitude; be a team player and are motivated to succeed. Pay Rate $15.00 to $18.00/hour Pay Comments 90 day temp to hire Important Call 480.633.3392 ask for Charlie or Roy

1431 West Harvard, Gilbert, AZ 85233 T: (480) 633-3392 F: (480) 545-8020

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Celebrating its 90th year of innovation, Pitney Bowes is a $5.6 billion company that employs 33,000 worldwide and provides software, hardware and services that integrate physical and digital communications channels.

Long known for making its customers more productive, Pitney Bowes is increasingly helping other companies grow their business. Every connection is a new opportunity™.Here's an opportunity to earn while you learn, we employ 13,000 people in 1,200 locations around the country, helping large companies such as law firms, financial institutions, and government agencies, create and distribute vital business communications

Your duties could include printing, copying, collating, inserting and mailing documents. Electronic imaging and archiving, and assuring the security of mail delivered to government offices and large companies. PBMS offers life-friendly work arrangements, a benefits package featuring a flexible medical plan, savings and retirement plans and tuition reimbursement for job-related courses.

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Customer Service Associate-On Call (Switchboard/Mail/Shipping/Receiving)-Flexible Opportunity, North PhoenixUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/14/11-Requisition ID 116722

Product Marketing Manager (Customer Analytics & Interaction Line of Business)United States-MA-Boston, United StatesJob Posting:12/08/11-Requisition ID 114116

Product Marketing Manager (Customer Analytics & Interaction Line of Business)United States-MA-Boston, United StatesJob Posting:12/08/11-Requisition ID 114094

Customer Service Associate- On Call, Copy/Mail/Fax/Hospitality (Flexible Opportunity), Downtown Tucson AZUnited States-AZ-TucsonJob Posting:12/06/11-Requisition ID 116887

Customer Service Associate-On Call (Mail/Shipping/Receiving/Copy/Fax)-Flexible Opportunity, Phoenix and Chandler AZUnited States-AZ-ChandlerJob Posting:12/05/11-Requisition ID 116841

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Customer Service Associate- On Call, Copy/Mail/Fax/Hospitality (Flexible Opportunity), Downtown Tucson AZUnited States-AZ-TucsonJob Posting:12/05/11-Requisition ID 116800

Customer Service Associate-Mail/Floater (Backup Driver) Part-Time 20 hours (M-F 1:00 p.m-5:00 p.m.), North PhoenixUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/05/11-Requisition ID 116850

Customer Service Associate-Mail Operations 37.5 Hours M-F (8:30 am-5:00 pm), North PhoenixUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/05/11-Requisition ID 116618

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Customer Service Associate-Digital Copy Operator -Legal Site (FT 40 Hours, M-F 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.), Downtown PhoenixUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 114173

Customer Service-Mailroom Operations (FT 40 hours M-F, 9:15 a.m.-6:15 p.m.)-Law Firm, Downtown PhoenixUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 116619

Customer Service Associate-On Call (Mail/Shipping/Receiving/Copy/Fax/Records)-Flexible Opportunity, Phoenix AZ and surrounding areasUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 116749

Customer Service Associate-On Call (Mail/Shipping/Receiving/Copy/Fax/Records)-Flexible Opportunity, Phoenix AZ and surrounding areasUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 116748

Partner Account Manager (VAR)United States-NY-Troy, United StatesJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 115138

Geography Sales Executive III - Phoenix, ArizonaUnited States-AZ-PhoenixJob Posting:12/01/11-Requisition ID 115478

Geography Sales Executive 3 - Tucson, ArizonaUnited States-AZ-TucsonJob Posting:11/30/11-Requisition ID 113550

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How’s the pay?We believe there’s more to compensation than a paycheck, including the flexibility to balance work with life, the ability to grow professionally—perhaps get an advanced degree, to get and stay healthy, and to build a career with a company of integrity.

So, along with competitive, market-based pay, we offer a rich variety of benefit programs, including medical and dental, financial counseling, retirement, life insurance, disability insurance, and much more. The Pitney Bowes 401(k) Plan lets you build a diverse portfolio and after a year of service contributes matching funds. Employees also have the chance to share in our success through a Stock Purchase Plan that allows them to buy Pitney Bowes common stock at a discount.

Can I focus on staying healthy?

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We’ll do our part by offering you a broad array of health and wellness programs—including nutrition education, stress management and weight control. Our healthcare plans stress preventive care, chronic condition management and provide protection against the potential costs of a major illness. We provide resources such as maternity management, nurse hotlines, free financial advice and a strong employee assistance program. Depending on location, you’ll have access to one of our seven award–winning on-site clinics, our on-site pharmacy, fitness centers and nutrition-focused cafeterias. We want you to take control of your health and we’ve come up with some pretty thoughtful ways to help.

Will I still have a life?You have friends, family, and social commitments outside of work. We value and respect that. Most employees have two to five weeks of vacation, depending on years of service, as well as 12 paid holidays a year. (Hourly employees of Pitney Bowes Management Services accrue time for planned and unplanned absences through the Choice Time program.) Pitney Bowes also encourages flexible work arrangements such as part-time schedules, telecommuting, and compressed workweeks that allow employees to integrate their personal needs with the needs of the business.

How do you define “grow”?

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We encourage professional development and provide employees with access to a variety of online learning, performance support tools and instructor-led courses through Pitney Bowes University. We also sponsor a generous tuition reimbursement program so that employees may pursue advanced degrees (college and graduate degrees) from accredited institutions. Plus, our training and development professionals have designed programs that identify, educate, and support future leaders. In fact, Pitney Bowes ranked among the top 20 in leadership development among 300 major U.S. companies surveyed by CEO Magazine and Hewitt Associates.

How diverse is the workforce?With more than 35,000 employees in 130 countries, we have long understood the value of a diverse and inclusive workforce in creating a culture where “new,” “better”and“different are popular. In fact, inclusion is one of the metrics we use to measure our year-to-year success. And it’s been a core value for some time. For example, in 1942, our CEO, Walter Wheeler, boycotted a hotel when it refused to register one of our African American sales people. In 1950, the National Urban League recognized Pitney Bowes for its leadership in providing job opportunities to African Americans. Most recently, Black Enterprise Magazine listed Pitney Bowes as one of the “40 Best Companies for Diversity”. We have undertaken innovative initiatives for women in leadership, people who are early in their careers, and strive to be an employer of choice for older workers. We have not been timid in this area. View all diversity awards.

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Is there a Pitney Bowes “green” movement?We began to reduce our carbon footprint, minimize our waste, and protect resources long before these became buzzwords. Our Board of Directors’ Corporate Responsibility Committee was founded back in 1980. And today, our Energy Task Force is set to eliminate more than 380 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Our Go Green campaign in Canada reuses or recycles 100% of imaging equipment returned from leases. And 2007 marked the ninth year in which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized Pitney Bowes for significant recycling and solid waste reduction with an induction into their Hall of Fame. Now, Pitney Bowes and four other companies have teamed with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to create Eco-Patent Commons—an initiative that provides access to intellectual property before patent protection expires, so inventors can get new energy-saving ideas to market sooner. View all Environmental Health & Safety awards.

Will I be proud to say I work for you?Too many times, market pressures tempt leaders to compromise the integrity of their firms—often creating a devastating impact on their organizations, workers, and customers. But as you’ll hear in the videos of our senior executives, “Pitney Bowes has never lost its soul.” That’s due to a number of factors, including the ability of our management teams to transmit the Pitney Bowes standards to succeeding generations.

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It’s a culture that has always stressed ethical conduct in every business venue. And it’s manifest in our focus on employee development, advocacy for a diverse workforce, and a longstanding commitment to the environment and to the communities where we live and work—particularly in the areas of literacy and education. Business Ethics Magazine puts us on their list of “100 Best Corporate Citizens”, but we hope you’ll do your own research on this topic, too. We welcome your inquiries. View all leadership awards.

What if the type of job I want isn’t featured on the site?Go to Search All Jobs and enter the job description, for example, “administrative assistant” or “manufacturing” into the search window to see what’s available. Or you can submit your resume and we will respond promptly on how best to proceed.

Here are some other categories that you can search under.

Administration + Document processing + Executive + Facilities + General management + Legal + Logistics/distribution + Manufacturing + Postal relations + Procurement + Quality + Strategic planning


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Jiffy Lube® pioneered the fast oil change industry by establishing the first drive-through service in 1979. The mission of Jiffy Lube was to provide customers with fast, professional service for their vehicles. For more than thirty years, the brand has helped redefine the vehicle preventive maintenance experience for drivers by upholding the values the company was founded upon: convenience, speed and quality service.

To apply for any position within a Jiffy Lube Service Center, please visit the location nearest you…PHOENIX, AZ Jiffy Lube LocationsJiffy Lube® Service Center #1664 2005 E CACTUS RD, PHOENIX 602-482-2331jiffy Lube® Service Center #1668 4848 E WARNER RD, PHOENIX 480-592-9598Jiffy Lube® Service Center #1807 2630 W THUNDERBIRD PHOENIX 602-375-9040Jiffy Lube® Service Center #1882 4944 E Bell Road, Phoenix 602-787-8177Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2085 2921 N 32nd St, Phoenix 602-956-5742Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2087 2702 W Bethany Home Rd 602-242-6642jiffy Lube® Service Center #2088 1202 E Northern Ave 602-997-4150Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2093 13801 N 32nd St 602-482-1848Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2095 1414 W Bell Rd 602-375-9119

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Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2096 6601 W Thomas Rd Ste 21 623-849-8020Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2098 5040 N 7th St 602-265-5023Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2100 2745 W Peoria Ave 602-943-7749Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2102 1645 N 51st Ave 602-269-9143Jiffy Lube® Service Center #2269 2702 E Indian School Rd602-957-4549Jiffy Lube® Service Center #3191 9010 W THOMAS RD 623-877-5600Jiffy Lube® Service Center #3230 7836 W LOWER BUCKEYE RD 623-936-8900Jiffy Lube® Service Center #3386 15422 S. MARKET PLACE 480-460-6268


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5537 N. 59TH AVENUE, GLENDALE, AZ PH: 623•247•9252 FAX: 623•435•8577

Jim Brown & Sons Roofing Co., Inc. is a family owned and operated roofing company. Our business was started in 1982 when Ron Brown was issued a license as a partnership along with Jim Brown and Jerry Brown.

Experienced Tile Installers RoofersResidential Repairman

-Customer Service Oriented-Presentable Appearance-Experience in Shingles, Tile, Coatings, Metal & Peel N Stick

ALL employees must pass a drug and alcohol screening and e-verify before they can start. The drug test cost $40 and is at your expense, no exceptions. Once you pass the drug test and work for 5 complete days we will reimburse you the $40.00

FAX Resume to 623•435•8577

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Let your career bloom at Sunflower Farmers Market

Would you like to be a part of a fast growing healthy grocery retailer? Are you excited by the opportunity for rapid career advancement? We offer a friendly working environment, competitive wages, shopping discount, medical & dental insurance, paid benefit hours, direct deposit, flexible hours and more.

Apply today to join the Sunflower team!

Courtesy ClerkLocation: Tempe - Southern Ave. - TEM06

Courtesy Clerk The Courtesy Clerk is responsible for the quick and efficient bagging of customer groceries at the checkout stands. They are required to assist customers as needed and maintain a friendly, energetic demeanor. This position requires adhering to all procedural guidelines set by the Front End Department.Essential Duties & Responsibilities• Ensures each customer who passes through their lane receives outstanding service by greeting and acknowledging every customer, inquiring if any assistance is needed, maintaining solid product knowledge and thanking them for shopping at Sunflower.• Packs grocery items carefully in paper or plastic bags, arranging heavy and bulky items at the bottom and ensuring meat and cleaning products are separated from all other products.• Carries grocery bags or uses cart to bring bags to customer’s vehicle if requested.• Verifies price of product against price of same items on stock shelf as requested.• Collects shopping carts from parking lot and surrounding areas and returns carts to store.• Removes all trash and ads from carts when returning to the store.• Returns all unwanted items left at checkout counter to appropriate shelf locations.

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Assists in maintaining an orderly appearance of checkout area; includes regular wipe down of food belt and scale.• Maintains adequate supply of bags at each register.• Communicates customer concerns and request to management.• Ensures cleanliness of front end department, storage area, and work area for safety; includes cleaning of shelves and products, keeping floors free of liquid spills or water, removing hazardous debris from floor and sweeping.• Responds positively to customer’s inquiries and assists customers with purchases, information and product selection.• Sustains a high level of product knowledge and product preparation.• Walks department regularly to ensure an organized, sanitary, and overall clean appearance at all times.• Keeps front dining counter clean and wiped down.• Other duties as assigned.Education and Experience• High school diploma or equivalency degree.• Preferred 1 -2 years grocery retail experience in Front End department processes and procedures. Previous experience in a natural foods industry is a plus.Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities• Must maintain the highest level of customer service at all times.• Ability to adapt to the ever changing high volume retail while working in a cross-functional team environment.• Must have the capacity to take initiative when problems arise. • Flexibility to adapt in a variety of situations.• Must have advanced attention to detail with the capability to prioritize and meet deadlines.• Excellent written communication and documentation skills.• Excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills for dealing cross functionally with peers and senior management.• Must have knowledge with MS Office including Outlook, Word, and Excel.• Ability to multitask and have excellent organizational skills is essential.• Must be able to support and contribute to team goals. • Ability to work varied hours/days as business dictates.

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Eviction or Mortgage Foreclosure AssistanceThe Homeless Prevention Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) may assist families or individuals retain existing rental housing or, if the families or individuals are homeless, may provide assistance to move into rental housing. To get more information on this program, visit the website.

The qualifying families or individuals are those who would be homeless but for this assistance and earn below 50% of the Area Median Income.

No mortgage assistance is available through this program and services provided may vary by service provider. Arizona Department of Housing does not administer any of the HPRP programs in Maricopa and Pima Counties. To check service providers in your area, click here.

If you rent, the Arizona Residential Landlord & Tenant Act applies to you. This law explains what rights and responsibilities landlords and tenants have. For example, it explains what to do when a tenant needs a landlord to make repairs and what a landlord needs to do to legally evict a tenant.

Tenants and landlords both have responsibilities or obligations under the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. Free copies of the Act are available from the Arizona Secretary of State at (602) 542-4086. Requests for alternate formats for this publication may be made five days in advance by contacting the Secretary of State ADA Coordinator at (602) 542-4285.

Assistance in PhoenixIf you live in the City of Phoenix and need assistance, please call the Landlord/Tenant message line at (602) 262-7210 and a counselor will return your call as quickly as possible.

For emergency situations involving Landlord/Tenant issues, please walk in to:City Hall200 West Washington, 4th Floor8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

A counselor will assist you with the problem. The City of Phoenix Counseling Office holds monthly workshops on the third Thursday of each month. For reservations, please call (602) 256-3517.

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Foreclosure is the legal means your lender has to repossess your home. When this happens, you must move out of your home. In some circumstances, if your property is worth less than the total amount you owe on your mortgage, your lender may be able to seek a deficiency judgment. You may wish to seek the advice of legal counsel about the risk of a deficiency judgment in your situation. Additionally, homeowners facing foreclosure can receive free counseling services; Arizona Foreclosure Help Line (877) 448-1211

Do not ignore the letters from your lender. If you are having problems making your payments, contact your lender immediately. Explain your situation. Be prepared to provide them with financial information, such as your monthly income and expenses.

Arizona Department of Housing1110 W. Washington Street, Suite 310 Phoenix, AZ 85007PHONE: 602.771.1000 TTY: 602.771.1001 FAX: 602.771.1002

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Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm16404 N. Black Canyon Hwy Suite 100. Phoenix, AZ or apply online anytime!

Class starting 12/19TeleTech is now hiring. Join our team of upbeat, friendly Customer Service Associates. If this describes you ... Customer-service oriented Outgoing & Kind Passionate & Motivated Strong written & verbal communication skills High level customer resolution skills ... Then, APPLY TODAY!

Being a TeleTech Customer Service Associate can be an exciting, fast-paced career where you can go as far as your ambitions will take you. TeleTech is looking for people who LOVE making customers happy. We are a company filled with high

energy people with a willingness to put the customer's needs first.

In this position, you'll be fielding questions from customers of Fortune 500 brands. You'll be assigned to an account and have full training on the product or service which you'll be assisting customers with. As a Customer Service Associate, you get to hear the satisfaction from your customer after you've been able to help them get the most out of

Behind on your mortgage payments or facing foreclosure? FREE counseling service is available. Call 1-877-448-1211 (toll-free). Check the Quick Links and Document Links for the following documents and web sites that can assist you.For a list of participating counseling agencies, visit these important tips about what to do if you believe you may face a foreclosure on your home. What information will you need to talk to your mortgage servicer?

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their products or services.

Become a Member of the TeleTech Team

TeleTech has a 30-year history of hiring great people just like you! In fact, our team includes more than 40,000 employees in over 17 countries worldwide, handling approximately 3.5 million customer transactions daily. Its people just like YOU that make TeleTech a great place to work.

And here's the important stuff... TeleTech provides our associates with:

Competitive salary + bonuses Advancement and Career Opportunities Tuition Reimbursement & Retirement Savings Employee Rewards and discounts New car discounts!

What we're looking for: Motivation, Passion, Integrity. Those are just some of the attributes valued at TeleTech. Of course, there are some other requirements too. These include:High School Diploma or equivalent 6 months or more of customer service experience Competency using Microsoft Windows Exceptional Communication & Verbal skills Ability and desire to excel in a fast-paced work environment.

Are you ready to accept the challenge? Because TeleTech is ready for YOU!Click on the Apply Now button to let us know about you. Even better, apply now and tell your friends to apply too.

For more information on the world of opportunity that waits you at TeleTech visit our career website at


Bilingual Spanish Team Lead, Service Delivery

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Operations Management / Business Support

December 9, 2011

Spanish Bilingual Customer Service Representative

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Customer Care / Customer Service / CSR / Call Center

December 9, 2011

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Chandler to get 100 jobs as packaging company expandsA major manufacturer of packaging has signed a lease for 104,000 square feet in Chandler, creating 100 jobs.Phoenix Packaging Operations LLC, which is investing $6 million in Chandler, will manufacture injection-molded plastic packaging and related products.The company is a subsidiary of Grupo Phoenix, based in Bogota, Colombia.Phoenix Packaging exports its products throughout the U.S. and to more than 30 countries.It will be at 464 E. Chilton Drive in northeast Chandler, in the former Red Rock Stamping facility."This is a significant announcement for our community," said Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny. "This is in line with what we're trying to do to fill vacant buildings, which we see as a critical component of the economic recovery."Chandler had competed with Las Vegas for the facility.Landing it was a joint effort among Chandler, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, the Arizona Commerce Authority and Colliers International."A lot of collaboration is occurring, and that's important," Tibshraeny said. "We can get more by partnerships, and with limited resources, partnering on economic development projects makes a lot of sense."Details of the activities to take place at the site were initially sketchy, but the mayor said phase one would involve printing services, labeling and distribution, and phase two would involve manufacturing. Phase two would bring 20 more jobs, he said.Barry Broome is president and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council."Landing a company that exports products means new revenue into this region," he said. "GPEC's international prospects have increased 121 percent in the last five years. This is yet another example of our region's ability to attract global companies to help diversity our economy."The U.S. headquarters of Grupo Phoenix is in Hollywood, Fla., and the U.S. base of Phoenix Packaging is in Dublin, Va.

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Thursday - December 15, 2011

9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Mesa Employment Services

163 N Dobson Rd - Mesa, Arizona 85201

Currently hiring for the following positions

Equipment Operator Class A  # 387961

Heavy Equipment Mechanic # 387971

Copper Wire Splicer # 387980

Foreman # 387981

Utility Construction Laborer # 387996

Utility Construction Laborer Class A

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In 1936, Ken Fishel founded The Fishel Company with strong values and a commitment to providing our Customers with Service Excellence. With 26 offices nationwide and 1,000 skilled Teammates, we have the technical expertise and financial muscle to take on any size project.Whether you are building a fibre to the home network or residential duct system for gas and electric distribution, Team Fishel delivers best value, on-time solutions to meet our Customers' needs and project specifications. Let us show you why we are the best choice for utility construction and network installation services on your next project

Team Fishel will provide on-the-job training in all areas of safety, including flagging certification, tool operation and maintenance.

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Qualified candidates should apply online at for immediate consideration, Or apply at our office at:

1819 S 27th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85009 Voice/Data/Fiber Installers and Technicians in Phoenix, AZFull time Team Fishel, the Best Choice for Utility Construction and Network Installation, is hiring Voice/Data/Fiber Installers and Technicians for our Phoenix, AZ office. Responsibilities: Install and Ter our Phoenix, AZ office. Responsibilities: Install and Terminate Cat5 and RG6 Analyzes and troubleshoots basic technical problems or issues Reviews, interprets and works with various...

Supervisor in Phoenix, AZ - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire a Supervisor for their Phoenix, AZ location. The purpose of a Supervisor at Team Fishel is to sell projectsn. The purpose of a Supervisor at Team Fishel is to sell projects, communicate with customers and Teammates, set

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direction for the work and remove roadblocks so the Teammates will be successful, the custo...

Laborer w Class A CDL - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire Utility Laborer with a Class A CDL for their Phoenix, AZ location. A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will handle pir Phoenix, AZ location. A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will handle projects of various complexities and perform site work. Responsibilities: Work as a part of a crew. Assist as required in al...

Laborer in Phoenix, AZ - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire Utility Laborer for their Phoenix, AZ location. A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will handle projects of various ... A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will handle projects of various complexity and perform site work. Responsibilities: Work as a part of a crew. Assist as required in all manual labor aspe...

Heavy Equipment Mechanic in Phoenix, AZ - 85009Full time Team Fishel’s Phoenix, AZ office is looking for a skilled Heavy Equipment Mechanic. A heavy equipment mechanic at Team Fishel is someone with someone with experience in gasoline and diesel engines, as e with someone with experience in gasoline and diesel engines, as well as heavy equipment. You must be able to work as part of a team, or unsupervised as needed. Responsibilities: Inspect vehicles ...

Forman in Phoenix, AZ - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire Foreman for their Phoenix, AZ location. The purpose of a Foreman at Team Fishel is to manage the job site, the main purpose of a Foreman at Team Fishel is to manage the job site, maintain a safe working environment for our Teammates, customers, and general public, and be accountable for quality, productivity, and costs.�...

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Equipment Operator with a Class A CDL in Phoenix, AZ - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire Equipment Operator with a Class A CDL for their Phoenix, AZ location. A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will hand their Phoenix, AZ location. A Utility Laborer at Team Fishel will handle projects of various complexities and perform site work. Responsibilities: Operates Company vehicle on a daily basis to deliver ...

Copper Wire Splicer in Phoenix - 85009Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice for Utility Construction and Network Installation, is hiring Copper Wire Splicers for our Phoenix, AZ office. The purpose of a Copper Wire Splicer is to perform functions including. The purpose of a Copper Wire Splicer is to perform functions including splicing, testing, pair continuity and count verification of all types, sizes and gauges of existing and newly constructed PIC and Paper ...

Heavy Equipment Mechanic in Chandler, AZ - 85225Full time Team Fishel’s Chandler, AZ office is looking for a skilled Heavy Equipment Mechanic. A heavy equipment mechanic at

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Team Fishel is someone with someone with experience in both gasoline and diesel engines, as with someone with experience in gasoline and diesel engines, as well as heavy equipment. You must be able to work as part of a team, or unsupervised as needed. Responsibilities: Inspect vehicles...

Voice/Data/Fiber Installers and Technicians in Chandler, AZ - 85225Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice for Utility Construction and Network Installation, is hiring Voice/Data/Fiber Installers and Technicians for our Chandler, AZ office. Responsibilities: Install and Te our Chandler, AZ office. Responsibilities: Install and Terminate Cat5 and RG6 Analyzes and troubleshoots basic technical problems or issues Reviews, interprets and works with various ma...

Supervisor in Chandler, AZ - 85225Full time Team Fishel, the Best Choice Employer in the utility construction business, is looking to hire a Supervisor for their Chandler, AZ location. The purpose of a Supervisor at Team Fishel is to sell projections. The purpose of a Supervisor at Team Fishel

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is to sell projects, communicate with customers and Teammates, set direction for the work and remove roadblocks so the Teammates will be successful, the cust...

TOYS"R"US - OFF HOURS STOCK CREW JOBLocation: Phoenix, AZ, US - 245 East Bell RoadTOYS"R"US - OFF HOURS STOCK CREW(Job Number: 15615)**Please note that we recruit for this position on an on-going basis in order to build a talent pool of potential candidates. When a position becomes available, we will review applicants at that time. Due to the volume of resumes that we receive, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Thank you for your interest in Toys"R"Us, Inc.!DescriptionThe Off Hour Stock Clerk is responsible for maintaining a well-stocked appearance in the store which helps ensure the best guest experience is achieved. This individual will work closely with the Store Management team to ensure company standards are met during the stocking process. The hours for this shift are commonly early morning, however in certain locations or during holiday seasons, overnight shifts may be available.Responsibilities:• Replenish a shelf, bin or pegged area with stock and transporting merchandise by hand/pulling. This also includes picking up loose pieces of merchandise from the floor.• The physical removal of goods from a truck and putting empty pallets, security cages, and transfers back on the truck. Requires the use of various material-handling equipment.• Re-merchandise any selling space, to regroup items, or to make space for new merchandise.• To read both written and numerical verbiage, comprehend spatial relationships, and have the ability to set merchandise according to the layout.• Take empty cardboard cases from the sales floor to the baling machine.• Safe operation of a blade-type instrument designed for opening cased merchandise, as well as returning the blade to its non-operational position when not in use.• Returning merchandise to its proper location on the sales floor as designated by aisle layouts. This requires knowledge of sales floor locations and proper merchandising

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techniques, and can be accomplished either by hand or pushing a sales cart.• Manually placing price shelf labels on lip below merchandise or on scanner peg hooks.• Moving merchandise to and from the perimeter and gondola overstock areas and requires climbing a ladder up to 12 feet.• May also be assigned other duties within the store at the direction of the store management team.Qualifications• Knowledge of shipping and receiving process in a Retail environment• Ability to lift up to 25 pounds• Ability to climb ladders, up to 12 feet

Cintas designs, manufactures, and implements corporate identity uniform programs, and provides entrance mats, restroom cleaning and supplies, promotional products, first aid and safety products, fire protection services, and document management services for over 800,000 businesses. Cintas is a publicly held company traded over the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol CTAS, and is a Nasdaq-100 company and component of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The company operates over 390 facilities in the U.S. and Canada, including four manufacturing plants and eight distribution centers

Warehouse Processor-10106076DescriptionCintas is currently looking for a Warehouse Processor to become a partner within our First Aid and Safety division. The job duties will include receiving and processing incoming and outgoing orders, maintaining the organization of the warehouse, tracking orders and backorders, pulling orders, and working with vendors and customers to maintain the highest level of customer service.

Assistant Cleaning Specialist - Floor Cleaning

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US-AZ-Chandler, US-AZ-ChandlerEmployee Status: RegularSchedule: Full-timeShift: FloaterJob Posting: Dec 5, 2011

Assistant Service Sales Representative - UniformUS-AZ-Chandler, US-AZ-ChandlerEmployee Status: RegularSchedule: Full-timeShift: FirstJob Posting: Dec 13, 2011

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