Page 1: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Job Shadowing a College Teacher

By: Madison Bellinghausen

Page 2: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen


I job shadow a Community College Teacher. The college in Norfolk and she has been working there for a year know. They did three labs in their lab classes. It was cool seeing the students making new discovers and being in a college in the first place.

Page 3: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

The Company and the Location and How I Interviewed.

The person I interviewed has a master degree and works at a college in Norfolk. She ahs been working know and she loves teaching. She ahs one kid and two dogs. She takes care of her family and still has time to hang with friends. She has a lot of work values. She tries to make her classes seem fun and not boring. She works hard to make her students understand what she is teaching.

Page 4: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Daily Tacks Involving Her Job

When she has her lab classes she has to set everything up before the students get there. She also has to plan her labs and what days she can do it on. Then when she has her lecture class she ahs to plan out what she is going to talk about and how she is going to show her students what she is talking about in pictures.

Page 5: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Job Environment and Working Conditions

When we talked about this she said it was fun and weird at the same time in many ways. She said sometimes it like talking to someone your own age. Then it is also fun teaching college students because they are really mature and they always give her something to laugh about. It seemed like a good place to work at and it was really clean.

Page 6: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Job Rewards and Satisfactions plus Earnings

• She said that helping students makes her happy and seeing them reach their goals. That makes her happy knowing that if it wasn’t for her, her students would have not reach their goal. People in her field earn about 42,000 or 65,000 depending on promotion and how long you have been working there.

Page 7: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

What did you do on your Job Shadowing

• The students did three labs. One of the labs were a DNA Extraction Lab. I got to help them in the lab and seeing them do an DNA active. The students had to hear her talk about DNA. It was like a review for me because we talked about DNA in seven grade. Then after her class was finished I help her clean the class room up and had her answer some question.

Page 8: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Personality traits, skills or physical attributes needed for this job

You have to have many personal traits for teaching, like being able to talk to people. You have to have the skills to talk in front of people. Then you have to have work with the students earthier your own age or younger. Students I know can be a handful sometimes.

Page 9: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Shared insights and opinions from person interviewed

I do like the fact when you teach at a college you get to pick what classes you want. Instead of teaching classes that you don’t want to teach. You get to deal with people more mature instead of high school students and middle school students. I did like job shadowing a teacher. A teacher is one of the things that I would like to be when I grow up.

Page 10: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Reflections/observations about your Job Shadow

After watching her teach college students I would not want to teach college students. I would rather teach middle school students because I like seven grade life science. It does look fun teaching mature people and getting to pick the classes you teach. I had fun job shadowing and a teacher is something that I would like to do besides being in the medical field.

Page 11: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Job Outlook (potential need for this career in the future)

The potential you need for this job in the future is to be able to get up and teach kids every day. Have to be happy and work well with kids.

Page 12: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Education/Certification requiredBest and worst things about this career (In your opinion)

For this job you have to have a master degree. The worst things about being a teacher is grading papers and having to write out your plans for every class. The best part about being a teacher is that you get the summer off. Then you get the two breaks we get each school year.

Page 13: Job Shadowing a College Teacher By: Madison Bellinghausen

Things you learnedWhat surprised you the most

The things I learned is that college is not that different then public school. The only things that are different are the schooling systems and that you are teaching people around your own age.

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