Page 1: Johann and Andrea Vizagie April Newsletter

1 april 2011

Johann and Andrea Vizagie

Page 2: Johann and Andrea Vizagie April Newsletter


A New Season for Miracles Greetings again from Dublin! March has come and gone and it has personally been a busy and challenging one for us as far as ministry and life is concerned. But God never fails to show His grace in the midst of storms and trials.

Early last month we received a phone call with the news that our senior pastor and good friend Steve Gilmore was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called Leukemia. This news obviously came as a huge shock to our congregation but in the same time has caused us to draw closer to God and each other as we committed ourselves to pray and intercede for our dear friend. Steve has been doing well and the doctors are happy with his progress and at the same time surprised with the minimal side effects that he experienced during his five weeks of chemotherapy treatment and isolation in the hospital.

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inside2 Spring A New Season for Miracles

4 Arise Dublin

5 Intercessor Group

5 Journey 2 Freedom Seminar

6 Resurrection Sunday

7 The Campus Harvest is Ripe

7 Raising Up a Team

on cover: Johann and other Every Nation Dubliners worship on a Sunday morning.

left: Spring flowers blooming by the Howth Castle behind our apartment.

A New Season for Miracles We want to thank you for praying for Steve and his family at this time and for also lifting us up in prayer as we have now been given the responsibility to lead the congregation through this season.

In the past month or so we have seen how God has touched and transformed so many of our people in our congregation, and we believe that God is using this new season to grow us as a body of believers as we trust in Him for a breakthrough and for complete healing not only in Steve’s life but also in many lives across the city of Dublin.

Just the other day we had the privilege to pray and lay hands on one of our members in church on his right hand that was heavily strapped due to an accident that occurred. For several months he could not move or use his right hand due to some severe pain and infection. The next day he reported that when he got up the pain in his hand was completely gone and that God completely healed his hand! We all rejoice together in God’s faithfulness! We truly believe that this is a new season for miracles!


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Last month Every Nation Church Dublin hosted the monthly city-wide prayer meeting called Arise Dublin, where people from about ten churches in and around the city got together for a powerful time of prayer and intercessory. Arise Dublin’s vision is for the city church to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord (Isaiah 60) and for the Kingdom of God to be advanced by the power of the Holy Spirit through our unity and prayers.

In the week leading up to Arise Dublin, we found out that Steve had leukemia, so all the pastors in attendance decided to spend most of the time praying for Steve, his family, and our church. God gave us such peace and encouragment by all the prayers, that by the end of the meeting everyone was worshipping and dancing before the Lord!

We are truly blessed to be a part of the greater body of Christ here in Dublin, where we are all working together, praying for each other, and helping advance the Kingdom of God!

top: Members of different nationalities and ages from about ten churches around Dublin gathered together to pray for our church the government, and for Israel.

right: Johann led the Arise Dublin meeting and encourged everyone through a passage from the Word.

Praying for Our Churches and Our City

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Intercessor GroupWe have recently started a prayer group that is dedicated to interceding for our church and nation. We meet every Thursday evening and also before church on Sundays. Johann is currently teaching the group about the importance of spiritual warfare in the heavenlies and how to do warfare through prayer. We are trusting God for many more breakthroughs!

Journey 2 FreedomWe are also currently organizing a three-day seminar called Journey 2 Freedom from June 10-12 in Dublin. This seminar is not only for our church, but also open to other members of churches around the city.

Amanda Buys is a wellknown international speaker and friend of our church and together with her team from Kanaan Ministries in South Africa will be teaching us on how to WALK in freedom, POSSESS the land God has given us, and REACH our full potential in and for Him!Check out the Journey 2 Freedom Web site for more information on this seminar.


Praying for Our Churches and Our City

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Jesus is Our Passover LambThis past Sunday we wanted our church to really know why we celebrate Resurrection Sunday. And that it’s not about eggs, bunnies, and chocolate, but about Jesus’ resurrection!

Johann taught on the Passover (Exodus 12) and how it was a forshadowing of what Christ did on the cross for us. Everyone received a new revelation about Jesus as our passover lamb and that He enabled us to crossover from death to life by His love for us, His death on the cross, and His resurrection.

At the end of the service we gave everyone the opportunity to come forward and pin their fears, dissappointments, and offenses to the cross to allow God to heal and restore their wounded hearts. We believe there is victory and breakthrough through the cross!

top: People came up at the end of the service to pin their fears, dissappointments, and offenses to the cross.

right: This is a cross full of people’s breakthoughs by what Jesus did on the cross for us!

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The Campus Harvest is Ripe!Last week we went to Trinity College and city centre to ask students and Dubliners what Easter meant to them and if they believed in the resurrection of Christ. We were amazed at the answers and it gave us a better idea of just how ripe and ready the harvest is in Dublin!

Check out what was said on this short video we created and played on Sunday.

Every Nation on Webwww.everynation.iealso on facebook

E-mail [email protected]

Address17 Findlater AptsHarbour RoadHowthDublin 13, Ireland

Phone00353-087 9769981

Skypejohann vizagie jrandreaebbz

Giving InformationPlease contact us via e-mail

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support for us and our church!

All for Him,

Raising Up a TeamSince we have stepped into the head leadership role during this season, we have not been able to focus much on raising our Ministry Support Team. However, we are overwhelmed by how faithful God has been in providing for us during this time.

We are still trusting God to raise another €1500/$2200 a month of our remaining financial goal. At the moment we still need new partners to supporty us with the following: 10 partners @ €/$ 20 per month10 partners @ €/$ 30 per month5 partners @ €/$ 40 per month10 partners @ €/$ 50 per month10 partners @ €/$ 100 per month

Prayer PointsPray for us as we continue to build our Ministry Support Team.

We are heading to Poland from May 9-14 for a conference for all the Every Nation European churches. Please pray for safety and that it would be a great time of equipping and encouragment.

Please continue to pray for complete healing for Steve and also pray for his wife Cheryll and their four girls.

We are looking for a new church venue. Pray for direction, favour, and the right location.





Contact Info

design and photography by aviza design

Check out a video about our ministry by clicking on the following link: Our Ministry Video WATCH VIDEO

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