Page 1: John Carter of the Nest 1858 Date Book

John Carter of The Nest - from his Date Book of 1858 This Document is also known as MSS 1858 in the Draper Manuscripts [Phases of the Moon - Nov & Dec 1858] [Thomas of Lexington is proven to be the nephew of the writer, and a son of Joseph. Old Tom is Thomas Sr. while Great Grand Father is proven to be Capt. Thomas Carter Jr of the Barford Plantation, also at Lancaster County and which was next door to RKC at Cotoromon. Remember, this was Thomas Jr. who was the Manager of Accounts for Robert, and who was not to be questioned in the settlement of the RKC estate]. This was transcribed from images posted by Mimi Long on the RKC site at Special Note: I have checked 99% of the information contained herein, and it is at least 99% accurate - based on everything we know to date, some one hundred and fifty years later. As a consequence, we all now have the complete and accurate first two generations of Daniel Carter Sr. ..... and ..... some supporting evidence for the Uncles Joe, Tom and John who “went south”, John to Carolina. This is a beginning to resolve the confusion of the Thomas Carters of South Carolina and Georgia, including the alleged ancesters of Teddy Roosevelt. January - Sunday 10 – 1858 [Monday 11] Our old Ancestor "Our ancestors came to Virginia about two hundred years ago & settled in Lancaster County. The first one of the Carters was my grandfather's grandfather Thomas Carter son of a London merchant of good family. ”I have heard said there was two brothers of them the other being a John Carter who settled south of the river in Essex but further I can't say. And I have heard said we are kin to old Robert Carter who is buried at old Christ Church in this County but have never found out how. He was very rich-some say the richest man in Virginia.” Thomas Carter was just about 21 years old when he came to Lancaster and he was a man of substance and position as [Tuesday 12] a planter and tobbacco trader. He was married twice First to an English woman whose name I’ve never heard. They had 2 or 3 children who [January - Saturday 16 - 1858] She could talk by the hour about our people and I could tell you a great deal she said if you was here that is to relations? to put on paper. A few years agter aunt Fanny died I tried to write down what I could remember that she said about the Carters who they

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married and where they lived. and about the same time I hunted up the wills of some of them one day at the Court House It would appear that Uncle Tom is the subject of the missing section between Wednesday, 10 February 1858 and Tuesday, 2 March 1858: “They had 6 sons and 3 daugh-“ which skips to “Wm. Panil the oldest, John, Bob, Joe and Daniel the youngest who was my father”, which is only five sons, of course. January - Friday 22 - 1858: Joe, Peter, James, Edward Dale, Charles, and Daniel my grandfather - your great grandfather - who was 3rd? son I think. The girls was [sic] Peggy and Katy Grandfathers bro. Tom was the oldest. [Saturday 23] of the family. He married a Mifs Jane Miller and died in 1735 and his will is at the c. house. He had 2 sons Jefse and Tom. Aunt Fanny said they both went to Cumberland County when [Sunday 24] when she was a girl of fifteen or twenty and if they are like most of the others I guess? There are a good many Carters in Cumberland now. Joe Carter married a [January - Thursday 28 - 1858] in Westmoreland and had big families. James married a MiFs __________ and had Ja Robert, Tom and Edward and 3 or 4 others. Tom of the Neales and Popes are descended [Friday 29] from him. Edward married a Mif Bettey (H) Neales and had sons George, John, Edward and Charles who all moved away after the [Saturday 30] War of Independence. I’ve forgotten where Aunt Fanny said they ??? Charles the youngest of Great grand fathers sons had Page 3. of 7. twice. The first one I think was a MiFs Edwards and was the mother of his children. The last one was a widow I think but I don’t know her name. He had [Thursday 4] 6 sons and 3 daughters named Jeduthan Augustine John Jesse Billy and James. The girls was [sic} Bell, Fanny and Ann. Jed. went south and I don’t know [Friday 5] whatever? became of him. Augustine and Aunt Fanny were engaged to be married but she got mad one time when he danced 2 or 3 times * a disconnect in the photocopied pages - Uncle Tom, alleged ancestor of Teddy Roosevelt? February - Tuesday 9 – 1858 no wife or children - James died in his county 25 or 30 years ago bearing sons Hum- phrey, James, Dale and John. Wednesday 10 Grandfather Daniel Carter had a good plantation of about 250 acres and about a dozen servants. He died in 1759 in his 59th year. He [Thursday 11] married a widow who was a daughter of William Pannill of Richmond county She died at the age of 81. They had 6 sons and 3 daugh- *

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Page 4. of 7. March - Friday 5 – 1858 western part of the state & is reported to have been killed by Indians Uncle Joe and Uncle Tom after grandfather died moved to the southern counties Mecklenburg I think & [Saturday 6] John later on to Carolina They had big families but I don’t know anything about them. Robert had a quarrel with his father & left home before grandfather died and was never heard of [Sunday 7] again The youngest son Daniel was my father & your grandfather. He married late in life Rac.... Smith & died Octo. 1? [t.r. Uncle Tom is alleged ancestor to Teddy Roosevelt, although there is much confusion in GA] March -Thursday 11 – 1858 Company in the last war with England. Friday 12 Page 5. of 7. March - Wednesday 17 – 1858 was his cousin Kitty Rogers but I have forgotten the names of the other two. He had two sons Moses & Aaron and two or three daughters Kity * was one. They lived in St. Mary’s Parrish not far from old White Chaple Church. Aaron’s will is at the C. H. He died in 1779 and names his Martha and children Kitty, Molly, Willy, Betty Friday 19 and Aron the girls all married here in the county and and their children are some of them here yet Aron moved away I don’t know where. Special Note: this section on the ancestors of Mr. Norborn Sutton is priceless! March - Tuesday 23 - 1858 Lancaster before the county was formed. He did not know the name of John’s father but I believe it was from Old ancestor Tom who had a son John. He said his John was mar ried 3 times [Wednsday 24] – first to a Mifs Ball who was a sifter or a cousin to Gen. Wafing ton’s mother. She died and left him no children. He next married a Mifs Payne and had several daughters and a son Henry and [Thursday 25] none of these married he thinks. After she died he married a Mifs Tod from King and Queen and settled in that County. She was an Page 6. of 7. March - Monday 29 – 1858 married Curtis, Betty married Thomas and Sally married Sutton and was the mother of Mr. T. S. The last wife had son Robert never married and daughters [Tuesday 30] Mary married Stevens Margaret Chow married Taliaferro Judy married Sutton, Lucy married Taliaferro and Lilly never married. He was [Wednesday 31] a Captn in the War of Independence and was a man of great means & fine style of living. His children all had big families all scattered everyhere John Carter first of Caroline

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[January - Friday 1 - 1858] The Carter Family Pedigree for Thomas Carter, Esq. Lexington, Ky. [Saturday 2] Written out by John Carter of The Nest Lancaster [“this county”] County Virginia from notes from the old papers at the Court [Sunday 3] House and the recollections of his Aunt Mrfs Francis Carter who was born in the year 1739 and died in the year of 1830 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ January - Wednesday - 1858 all died young. She died and he married a Mifs Dale of good connections and had seven sons and two daughters named Thomas. Edward, James. John. Henry. Peter & Joseph. and the [Thursday 14] girls was Betty & Katy. Betty married a Mr. George [William] and has descendents in this county. Katy aunt Fanny said was a great beauty and married a Mr. Tabb and I guefs [Lawson?] was the [Friday 15] great grand mother of the Gloucester Tabbs who are a rich and [2nd marr?] prominent family. Aunt Fanny died at my house here in 1830 at the grand age of 92. Thomas Carter junr January - Tuesday 19 - 1858] Thomas Carter Junr was my grandfathers father and lived at the old Carter plantation, and had plantations in King George and Stafford also. He was a [Wednesday 10] tobbacco trader besides being a planter and was a man of affiars as a vestryman. Justice of the Peace etc. His will was filed in October 1733. His wife was a Mifs Arabela Williamson and aunt Fanny said she was a niece of one of the Mrs. Balls of Birdley? in this county who was the grand mother of Gen. Washington. They had 8 sons and 2 daughters - Thomas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ January - Monday 25 - 1858 Mifs Stevens and lived in Spotsylvania. He had sons Tom, Bob, John and 3 or 4 girls but I don’t know what became of any of them. Peter married a Mifs Nor- [Judith] ris and [Tuesday 26] lived on a good plantation in King [a very George I think Aunt important Fanny said it was old statement] plantation of his father’s and he bought his bro- [see the thers out. He had a Prayer Book] [proven] big family but all moved [Wednesday 27] away. I think he had sons Peter. Job, Tom, Joe and 2 or [all proven 3 more besides 5 or 6 in Amherst & girls - Scott Co VA] Grand fathers brothers James and Edward settled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ January - Sunday 31 - 1858 [proven] from his father a good plantation in Stafford [only on Quit but he later like so Rents in [Joyce many of the Carters Stafford] Neal] moved to newer lands in another county - [Amherst-1766] [John he had sons Dale and confirms John [February Monday 1] and per the Neal] haps others. [ditto] Grandfather and his brothers Dale and Tom was [sic] all that staid [sic] in this county Dale owned a good planton {Tuesday 2] in

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Christ Church parish [Lancaster] and was a man of great respectability he died in 1776 and his will is at the court house. He was married February - Wednesday 3 - 1858 February - Saturday 6 - 1858 at a ball with a girl [still she didn’t like and Unknown] told him he could marry her if he wanted to for she wouldn’t have him. and they never made it up and neither one [Sunday 7] married He died in this county during the last war with England. John married a MiFs Yenley? and went west. Jefe was an Episcopal minister and lived [Monday 8] a long time in King Edward County and I don’t know much about him. Think he had a son James and a son John. Billy died in this county and left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March - Tuesday 2 - 1858 * Wm. Panil the oldest, John, Bob Joe and Daniel the youngest who was my father. The girls [added was Aunt Fanny died at emphasis] my house in 1830 - at great age of 92. Peggy married Wm. Kent ? and had sons Wm., John, [Wednesday 3} and Dan’l and daughters Betsy Molly & Fanny. Mary Elizb married a Hirk? & had sons James John & Wm. Uncle William lived in Pr. William county & died just a month before father [Thurs 4] died in 1796 He had 7 children Dan’l, Billy John Molly Sally Catherine & Rachel named for mother [emp. added] Uncle John went to the March - Monday 8 - 1858 1794 at age of 56. Mother [1738] died Jan’y 10th 1829 aged 78. They had [1751] [t.r.] 3 sons and one daughter Betsy who [1775] never married. Your uncle Ambrose was the [1777] oldest son [Tuesday 9] and I was [re: Robert] next & and your father Jos. Carter was born 7 months [1781] after father died as [see d.b. of you know. I am now Daniel 79 years old & reasonably [1779] Younts] active for [Wednesday 10] my age. Father & all his brothers in the war of Independence and I was in Captn. Sherman’s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Carter March - Sunday 14 - 1858 I have heard that this son of our old ances tor Tom married first [Thomas Sr.] a Mifs Neale and then [Hannah] a Mifs Brent and settled [Mary] in Stafford. He had a [proven by big family by his two Overwharton] wives [Monday 15] There was sons Tom, Dan’l, Press, Joe [Presley] John, James, Will and I think 3 or 4 others and 3 or 4 girls one was named Kitty’s? and I don’t know any of this family and what became of them. Saturday 13 Tuesday 16 Peter Carter was another one of old Tom’s sons Aunt Fanny said he was married three times & died before he was thirty [b.1688 years old. The first wife d. 1721] March - Saturday 20 - 1858 [new info!] John Carter was another [Katherine * of old Tom’s sons I have Rogers & never known but one of Margaret this branch of the Carter Galbraith] family a Mr. Norborn Sutton a lawyer living in Caroline A few years ago Thursday 18 spent Sunday 21 several days in Lancaster taking depositions in a suit. I saw him at the C. H. and on hearing my name he said his Grandfather was a Carter He spent Sunday with me and Monday 22 I found him a pleasant well informed man. He knew a lot about his and told me his grandfathers father was a John Carter who . settled in Caroline from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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March - Friday 26 - 1858 heiress and brought him a nice lot in land and slaves. They had sons sons?, John (Mr. Sutton’s grand [true] father) William who now has descendents in Caroline Robert who lives in King & Queen and [Saturday 27) James who [Frances] left no children and a daughter Margaret who never married. John the oldest [Jos.Ball d.i.f.] son was married twice first to Mifs Betty Armstead of Richmond County & last to a Mifs Hannah Chow of Spotsylvania[Sun28] The first wife had sons William married Curtis John (Jr) m. [Custis?] [Margaret] ried St. John and daugh- ters Martha mar. Goodlo Ann mar. Keslop? Peggy mar. Marshall, Fanny April - Thursday 1 - 1858 lived to be very old. [1674-1740] [Chow] [Zachariah] [The Talliaferro are very important in determining the wife of Charles [Burton] Carter Sr., son of Peter. Richard . Taliaferro was the founder of [proven] Port Royal, on the Caroline side side of the Rappahannock - directly across from King George - where BOTH lines of Carter from London were established] . [END]

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