Page 1: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

Computer software can be defined as set of procedures or programs that can help you to perform all the targeted tasks. These set of instruction instruct the computer to do the required tasks without any error. Therefore John Perelesssuggests you to use a software company that take care of all the important aspects while offering their services.

Page 2: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

Computer software can be principally classified into three main categories namely:

• Programming software• System software• Application software

While the system software mainly comprises of operating system, device drive and server, the programming software helps the programmer to write the programs with the help of various devices and tools including linkers, compilers, debuggers and many other similar tools. However application software is the most crucial software as it is used to achieve various specified tasks

Page 3: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

For a given task, application software directly uses the capacity of a computer. It can easily manipulate numbers, graphics and text and can also be present in the form of software that is focused on a single task. Some of the different type of application software includes:

Page 4: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

In simple terms, database can be defined as a collection of data. For the organization of data and to enable a user to perform all the important database operation, the working of the computer’s database depends on the database software. In addition, this software also allows the users to store and retrieve the data according to their needs and demands from the database.

Page 5: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

This is a unique type of software that helps the users to create or edit a document. MS-Word, Notepad and WordPad are some of the text documents that make use of this software.

Page 6: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

The presentation software is often used by the users to present their data in the form of slide show. The three important functions of this software is editing or formatting of the text, inclusion of graphics in the text and the function to execute the slide show. The best example of this software is MS-PowerPoint.

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Spreadsheet software helps the users to perform accurate calculations with the help of spreadsheets. Some of the examples of this type of software include apple number, MS-Excel and Lotus 1-2-3.

Page 8: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

Education software, in large number of cases, is used for self learning or teaching. This software is capable of running tests along with tracking the progress. Dictionaries that include Encarta and Britannica along with mathematical software such as MATLAB or Google Earth fall in this category.

Page 9: John pereless helps to understand application software in better manner

According to John Pereless, an eminent name in the web development industry, application software has been designed for individualistic purposes and can come handy for completion of projects or other reports.

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