
To,1. Shri Narendra Modi, Date: 10-09-2015 Prime Minister of the Republic of India, New Delhi, India.Please visit inbox on Page No. 11. Thanks

2. Jinab Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Subject: A peaceful, practicable, equitable, honorable and everlasting solution of about Seventy years old unresolved Kashmir issue. The issue is as dangerous today as ever, having already caused three bloody wars in the past between India and Pakistan, now both nuclear powers, hence the continued tensions between them makes it more dangerous for even regional and world peace. Solution in a nutshell under the caption The Gist of The Appeal page 10.Dear SirsAadaab-Arz / Assalam-u-AlaikumThis communication including my joint appeal to the people of India, Pakistan and Jammu Kashmir State along with the covering letter was sent to both of you, although addressed separately, on 27th March 2015, to addressee no. 1 through Indian High Commission in Islamabad and to addressee no. 2 through his office in Islamabad, both via a courier service. It was also confirmed that the letters were received by the Indian High Commission and office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan the very next day. But despite the period of over five months, I am yet to receive even the acknowledgement of the receipt of my communication. As such, I am resending the documents containing almost the same matter to both of you individually, and through you to people of India and Pakistan, requesting them to consider my humble appeal.I may also add here that I am forwarding the copies of my submissions and covering letter to local, regional and world media, world dignitaries and world bodies including United Nations and other relevant international organizations.Covering LetterI- Following are the undeniable realities regarding different aspects of Kashmir issue, proved through arguments, documentation and verifiable facts mentioned in different parts of the enclosed appeal:- 1. For a longer part of its recorded history, Kashmir has been an independent country with its borders occasionally expanding and shrinking. After 1947 both India and Pakistan accepted, at one stage or the other, the independence of Kashmir either as Kashmiri peoples right or as one of the three alternative solutions of the issue i.e., complete independence, accession to Pakistan and accession to India.2. The right of self-determination, of now about 17.5 million people of Jammu Kashmir State, is their birthright per UN Charter, per various UN resolutions on the subject accepted by both India and Pakistan and the mutual correspondence between their two governments also confirms the acceptance of our birthright.3. Only the people of Jammu Kashmir State are entitled to decide about their ultimate national destiny.4. No law of limitations applies to the right of self-determination of any subjugated people.5. The best solution of Kashmir issue should be peaceful, equitable, honorable (for all its contenders), practicable and sustainable.6. The whole state of Jammu Kashmir or any of its parts is neither an integral part (Atoot-Ang) of India nor the jugular vein (Shah-Rug) of Pakistan as the future of the State is yet to be determined under UN resolutions accepted by both India and Pakistan.(For details please see concerned contents of my First, Second and Third Submission in the attached appeal).7. Kashmir issue can be solved peacefully and equitably within a period of one month if India, Pakistan and the UN honor their pledges and commitments previously given to the people of Jammu Kashmir State, and if all Kashmiri leaders and political parties act as real Kashmiri patriots instead working for the national interests of either India or Pakistan.8. A peaceful and equitable solution of Kashmir issue will prove in the best interests of both India and Pakistan politically, commercially and diplomatically. It will also relieve international community, especially United Nations, of their moral responsibility of solving Kashmir issue and above all, it will rid the people of Jammu Kashmir State of the miseries faced by them during last over six decades.9. But if the issue remains unresolved, the entire sub-continent will be exposed to a disastrous situation.II- MY COMMON AND HUMBLE APPEAL TO THE PEOPLES, GOVERNMENTS, POLITICAL PARTIES, HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS, INTELLECTUALS AND TO THE MEDIA OF INDIA, PAKISTAN, JAMMU KASHMIR STATE AND TO INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY INCLUDING WORLD DIGNITARIES, UNITED NATIONS AND OTHER RELEVENT INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ALONG WITH MEDIA.Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen!Peace be upon us all, I, Amanullah Khan, address this appeal to you in my personal capacity and as one of the founders in 1977 and now the Patron-in-Chief of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), and wish to bring to your notice my humble submissions in the best national interests of Pakistan, India, Jammu Kashmir and the international community. At the very outset, please accept my apologies for being a burden on your precious time while going through this lengthy but a document worth reading and favorably considering in the best interests of us all.Ladies and Gentlemen,The 20th century AD witnessed the consecutive rise of at least three dozen revolutionaries, statesmen and reformers, and their colleagues from Vietnam in the East to the Americas in the West. The struggle carried by them had germinated a revolution across the globe towards the second half of the century and thus precipitated the collapse of dominance of men over men, the curses of slavery and colonialism. The outcome was spectacular as, as many as 16 nations attained their political independence within the short-span of the year 1960. This task was unfolded by revolutionaries, statesmen or reformers namely, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), Ahmed Sukarno (Indonesia), Mahatir Mohamad (Malaysia), Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore), D.S. Senanayeke (Srilanka), Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman (Bangladesh), Mao Tse-Tung & Chou Enlai (China), Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, (Minus their unjust policy in Kashmir), Subhas Chandra Bose & Bhagat Singh (India), Maqbool Ahmed Butt (Kashmir), Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Pakistan), Imam Khomeini & Dr. Muhammad Musaddiq (Iran), Yasir Arafat & George Habash (Palestine), Gamal Abdel Nasser & Hassan-ul-Banna (Egypt), Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (Saudi Arabia), Ahmed Ben Bella (Algeria), Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Nelson Mandela (South Africa), Marshal Josip Broz Tito (Yugoslavia), Mehdi Sudani (Sudan), Mustafa Kamal Pasha (Turkey), Earl Bertrand Russell (Britain), Patrick Pearse (Ireland), Charles De Gual (France), Fidel A. Castro (Cuba), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Chee Guevara (Bolivia) and Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Junior (USA).Ladies and Gentlemen, Whereas the 20th century had the distinction of bringing an end to the dominance of men over men, it also carried a dark chapter that amongst the newly independent states some had snatched away the right to freedom of some of their smaller neighbors. In doing so, independent India and to an extent Pakistan too, had taken steps to deprive the neighboring State of Jammu Kashmir of its right to be free. Conversely, they have been using various pretexts to unduly claim ownership of the State. The issue has continued to remain unresolved for about seven decades. In this context, I wish to submit that the Kashmir issue merits your close and serious consideration as any move to the contrary, will be very expensive for all the stakeholders.My submissions are as follow:My First Submission: It is an undeniable fact that the State of Jammu Kashmir or any of its parts is neither an integral part of India nor a jugular vein of Pakistan. The sole ownership of the State and right to determine its future rests with the permanent residents of the State. The reasons are not too far to seek.A- Indias commitments in the past and claims of today:Today, the official Indian position describes the entire State of Jammu Kashmir as an integral part of the Indian Union. However, facts on the ground are as follow:i. World renowned thinker and torch-bearer of human rights Earl Bertrand Russell wrote in his world famous book New Hopes for a Changing World (pages 145-146): When one observes that the high idealism of Indian government in international matters breaks down completely when confronted with the question of Kashmir, it is difficult to avoid a feeling of despair. At this point, it is important to recall that Earl Bertrand Russell was otherwise known for his soft-corner for various Indian policies. Interestingly, the international opinion today continues to share the same view regarding Indian policy on Kashmir.ii. In numerous telegrams and letters, the-then Prime Minister of India had conveyed to the Governor General and Prime Minister of Pakistan that Kashmirs accession to India will be contingent upon Kashmiri peoples final decision regarding the fate of their State.iii. The very first Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru while speaking at All India Radio on 2nd November, 1947 made the following announcement: We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. The pledge we have given (and the Maharaja has supported it) not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it.iv. Indian representative at the United Nations Mr. Gopala Swami Ayyangar while presenting Kashmir issue at the United Nation Security Council (UNSC), made the following statement on 15th January, 1948:Whether she should withdraw from her accession to India and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent, with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations - all this we have recognized to be a matter of unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir, after normal life is restored to them.v. The Indian Prime Minister while addressing All India Congress Committee, made the following statement on 9th July, 1951:Kashmir has been wrongly looked upon as a prize for India and Pakistan. People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future.With the above three commitments on record what moral, legal, political, constitutional and historic justification does India have to claim of the Jammu Kashmir State or any part of it to be her integral part(s).vi. UNSC while adopting Resolution no. 47 (21st April, 1948), Resolution no. 51 (3rd June, 1948), Resolution no. 80 (14th March, 1950), Resolution no. 91 (30th March, 1951) and Resolution no. 122 (24th January, 1957) maintained that the final disposition of the State of Jammu Kashmir will be determined in a plebiscite under the UN auspicious. Both, India and Pakistan, had agreed to these resolutions, and for that reason Indian claim that Kashmir was an integral part of Indian Union is indeed negation of these resolutions.vii. The United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) while adopting Resolutions dated 13th August, 1948 and 5th January, 1949 made it clear that future of the State of Jammu Kashmir will be decided in a plebiscite to be held in the entire State under the UN auspicious. The two governments while confronting each other had accepted the two resolutions. This again raises a question as to whether there is any moral obligation on India and Pakistan, once they had accepted the resolutions.viii. Until ten years after Kashmir assumed an international character, India had been promising international community and Kashmiri people that fate of the State will rest upon the Kashmiri peoples choice. In this period until 1957 or even later, nothing new happened that would establish the State as an integral part of the Indian Union. With this background, the Indian claim regarding integral part does not hold correct under any constitutional, political, social, moral and legal basis.ix. Is there any government functionary in India or a common man who would tell us for sure as to when Kashmir had acceded to India? Not on 14th and 15th August, 1947 as then Jammu Kashmir State was an independent entity, a status that was acknowledged by the British, Indian and Pakistani governments. The very claim regarding accession of Jammu Kashmir to India stands contradicted by the very Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehrus letters to the Governor General and Prime Minister of Pakistan, moves to establish a separate Constituent Assembly for the State (that envisaged a separate President, Prime Minister, National Language and separate Laws for Jammu Kashmir State) and the White Paper on Kashmir situation that reaffirm the Kashmiri peoples right to decide their future. This is further enforced in the UNSC Resolutions no. 47, 51, 80, 91 and 122 and UNCIP Resolution of 13th August, 1948 and 05th January, 1949 which affirm Kashmiri peoples right to decide their future. The Indian Government had accepted all these resolutions. In this background, one can find two contradictory stances by the same party which can imply both. The accession had no legal, political, constitutional and factual standing and if so, the successive Indian governments have been untruthful over the years in their claims with the international community. Faced with this situation, a government taking a false stance so blatantly, has no right to take a seat at the UNSC. Rather, for not complying with these pending UN Resolutions on Kashmir issue, India should be expelled from the very UN. That scenario may not be acceptable to the Indian government hence the Maharajas accession on 27th October, 1947 has no constitutional, political, legal, moral and factual standing. The so-called accession was a shear fraudulent exercise.x. Some Indians claim that State of Jammu Kashmir became part of India when Pakistan refused to withdraw its troops from the State. In this context, one would like to submit that; (1) India too had committed a series of violations. For example, Indian troops had landed at Srinagar, the capital of the Independent state of Jammu Kashmir, prior to the signing of accession deed by the Indian Governor General. This was no less a violation than what Pakistan would have carried. Ironically, there were no protests against this violation. Why were the Indians not asked to explain? (2) Above all, no religion including Hinduism and Islam or any civilization or a set of moral values, would allow a discriminatory approach in relation to crimes or conviction of one for a crime committed by another. In this logic, the blame is on Pakistan for not withdrawing her forces from Jammu Kashmir but conviction is applied on the people of Kashmir by depriving them of their birthright of self-determination. This Indian approach is a glaring violation of the internationally established norms and ethical values which cannot be accepted.In short, the Indian claim that the State of Jammu Kashmir or any of its parts is an integral part of Indian Union on any political or moral ground is false and untenable. This claim symbolizes the worst example of might is right, Indias expansionist designs and Indian track record of breach of commitments that remains a dirty black spot on the face of India and Indians that must be erased as soon as possible for their own larger national interest. SOME Pakistanis claim of Kashmir being a jugular vein (shah rug) of Pakistan is also untenable. Let us see how?i. Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his capacity as President of All India Muslim League declared on 17th June, 1947:With the termination of British paramountcy, Indian States would be free to join either the Hindustan Constituent Assembly or the Pakistan Constituent Assembly, or to remain independent.This declaration by Mr. Jinnah is carried on page 16 of a compilation titled:Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Speeches and Statements 1947-1948. Published by the government of Pakistan, The preface of 1989 edition of the book was written by the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Late Benazir Bhutto.ii. The statement by Mr. Jinnah made on 17th June, 1947 is recorded by the Reuters News Agency as incorporated in India Office Library in London report on Transfer of Power (page 438, item 225). iii. Mr. Jinnah after meeting Kashmiri leaders: Chaudhry Hameedullah, Acting President of All Jammu Kashmir Muslim Conference (AJKMC) and Professor Muhammad Ishaq Qureshi issued a policy statement on 11th July, 1947. It reads as follows: The second question that is engaging the attention of the Muslims of Kashmir is whether Kashmir is going to join the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. I have already made it clear more than once that the Indian States are free to join either the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or the Hindustan Constituent Assembly or remain independent. I have no doubt that the Maharaja and the Kashmir Government will give their closest attention and consideration to this matter and realize the interests not only of the ruler but also of his people. The statement is more than clear about his being open to all the three options.iv. Under instructions from Quaid-e-Azam, the-then Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah Khan was instrumental in achieving a broad consensus as expressed in the UNCIP resolution of 13th Aug 1948 that stated that people of Jammu Kashmir State will decide the future of their State in a plebiscite that will be held under the UN auspicious. The Resolution did not refer to any integral part or to any jugular vein. v. Regardless of positions taken during discussions, at track-II, the declared position of Pakistan remains that Kashmiri people are entitled to self-determination in terms of UN Resolutions. This excludes theories such as jugular vein.

Ownership of Jammu Kashmir State rests with its permanent residents (State Subjects):i. Destiny of any State is determined by the permanent residents of that State in consonance with democratic and human precepts, and not by any ruler or any outside power. It is therefore important to uphold the rights of the people of Jammu Kashmir State (as it existed on 14th August, 1947) to decide their future. This right does not entitle those who came from outside, to settle down in the State after August 14, 1947. ii. The promise of Kashmiri peoples right to decide is enshrined in the correspondence which the Indian side had carried with the other parties to Kashmir issue. iii. The assurances regarding Kashmiris right to decide is contained in Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehrus statements of 2nd November, 1947 and 9th July, 1951 together with Indian Permanent Representative to the UN Mr. Gopala Swami Ayyangars statement at the UNSC on 15th Jan. 1948 (see part A, subsections iii, iv and v, page no. 4 of the Appeal). iv. Kashmiris rights were reaffirmed in the UNSC Resolutions 47, 51, 80, 91 and 122 dated 21st April, 1948, 3rd June, 1948, 14th March, 1950, 30th March, 1951 and 24th June, 1957, besides UNCIP Resolutions of 13th August, 1948 and 5th January, 1949 all of which were accepted by India, Pakistan and other nations afterwards.To sum up, the whole State of Jammu Kashmir, as it existed on 14th of August 1947 and fragmented following the incidents of October 1947, is neither an integral part (atoot-ang) of India nor a jugular vein (shah-rug) of Pakistan. Its ownership and right to decide its future rests with the permanent residents of the State itself who have not been allowed to exercise their right so for.

My Second Submission:The right of self-determination of nations under subjugation is not constrained by any law of limitations.In terms of international law and practice, the right of self-determination of any subjugated nation is not constrained by any law of limitations. If this was not so, neither India nor Pakistan would have attained independence. The right of Kashmiris to self-determination is sanctioned by the UN Resolutions and Human Rights Charter and therefore any effort on the part of Indian intellectuals to deprive them on the pretext of law of limitations is totally unjustified and unacceptable.

My Third Submission:A peaceful, democratic, just, honorable and viable solution of Kashmir IssueIn the preceding discussion, it is proved beyond doubt that the State of Jammu Kashmir or any of its parts is neither an integral part of India, nor a Jugular vein of Pakistan. The ownership of the State and right to decide its future rests with the permanent residents of the State. It is also established that right of self-determination of subjugated people is not subservient to the law of limitations.

In the past:1. Kashmir issue has been the cause of more than two wars between India and Pakistan that brought about loss of life to millions of people and disabled thousands, besides wide spread losses to property in the region.2. Both sides have employed undemocratic means to advance their interests.3. The two sides have been taking unjust postures vis-a-vis the dispute.4. Similarly, the competing powers while advancing their interests, often took dishonorable stands against the wishes of Kashmiri people.5. Contrary to un-implementable solutions offered from time to time by other quarters, the JKLF in general, and I personally in particular, have been putting forward solutions that would assure peaceful, democratic and just solution to the Kashmir issue. This would also be an honorable way out for the competing powers themselves. In short, this relates to the concept of a free and independent State of Jammu Kashmir (as emerged on 14th-15th August, 1947 as consequence of Indian Independence Act, recognized by Governments of Pakistan and India and as manifest in the then Stand Still Agreement between Pakistan and Jammu Kashmir State as two independent states). It is thus important that the State of Jammu Kashmir that has been fragmented since Indian moves of 27 October, 1947, should be re-united and for this, people of the State from all provinces namely; Kashmir Valley, Jammu, Azad Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan and Ladakh should be allowed to establish a democratic (Parliamentary), federal and secular (non-communal) State. This entity should be independent and poised to pursue peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. It is proposed that fifteen years after achieving the basic objective, there should be a UN supervised referendum in the entire State to determine, first of all, the peoples choice between independence and the broader question of accession. If the majority makes a choice for independence, all parties including India and Pakistan and international community should accept this popular verdict and carry out its implementation. But if greater numbers of people vote in favor of accession, then a second round of referendum should take place and the people of whole State should have the choice to vote for either Pakistan or for India. In this process the State will join either India or Pakistan depending upon the number of votes each gets. The two-tire referendum is suggested to ascertain the future of Jammu Kashmir State because the simple majority fixation of the winner, as per the British system of election, is most defective specially while determining the future of a nation. If there are three candidates aspiring for Independence, Accession to Pakistan and Accession to India. If the three candidates obtain 35%, 34% and 31% votes respectively, the candidate obtaining 35% will be declared as winner according to British system of elections whereas the other two have gained almost twice the votes obtained by the winner. This is most un-just because the winner represents just over one-third of the votes. This system may be easier to practice in ordinary elections, but while determining the future of a nation, it is most defective, almost amounting to depriving Kashmiris of their basic human right. In its fragmentation, Jammu Kashmir State has two more parts that would need attention: A part of Ladakh that was taken over by China as consequence of 1962 war with India and second, the areas ceded to China wide PakistanChina Provisional Border Agreement of 1963. These two parts have scares of populations. Nonetheless, the 1963 border agreement is already based on the assumption that final disposition of the border will be negotiated with the next sovereign authority in the State. In this background, it is advisable to postpone the question of Chinese controlled territory till the final disposition of the State.Let us now examine the benefits of solving the Kashmir issue and the losses in store for not solving it, for Pakistan and India, International Community and for the people of Jammu Kashmir State.

My Fourth Submission (TO THE PEOPLE OF INDIA):1. The edifice of Indias commitment to higher principles when put to test with reference to its Kashmir posture, crumbles down on the way. This dichotomy creates serious issues for India. For example, Indias rise to permanent seat at the UNSC, to which it aspires, is indeed halted because of the persisting negative image about her Kashmir policy. Otherwise, India would have already gained that status and together with its nuclear muscle would have succeeded to play its role in the international arena far more effectively.2. The inability to resolve Kashmir issue has led up to three wars between India and Pakistan, loss of lives of millions of people and material losses to both the countries. If not resolved, the issue will continue to haunt the region with the possibility of new wars. Needless to say, that any war between two atomic powers can lead to a wider destruction. It is therefore, in the national interest of both India and Pakistan to address the Kashmir issue for a peaceful settlement in keeping with our proposed plan.3. It is a matter of national ego that India would not like to cede Kashmir to Pakistan. Nonetheless, our proposal does not call for handing over Kashmir to Pakistan. Instead it calls for handing over Kashmir to its own people and for re-unification of various parts of the State to make it one independent State.4. India had accused Pakistan of having entered its troops and tribesmen into Jammu Kashmir on 22nd October 1947 and hiding this fact from the UNCIP. It is claimed that Pakistan had then refused to withdraw her troops and thus justified Indias refusal to hold the promised referendum. In the above context, it is recalled that contrary to the established laws and practices, India had kept the UN ignorant of several aspects of the situation. For example, it had entered its troops into Kashmir before signing the so called instrument of accession. This was as big a crime as compared to what is attributed to Pakistan. Secondly, no system of justice, religion or civilization would allow shifting of punishment from the perpetrator of the crime to another party. How could Kashmiris be punished for something attributed to or done by Pakistan? In this regard, the Indian steps are unjust, immoral and inhuman.

My Fifth Submission (TO THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN):1. In the absence of a Kashmir solution, Pakistan remains dependent on American and Chinese assistance to meet its requirement of armament, aircrafts, ships etc. This causes a challenge for Pakistans national independence and its capacity to defy the United States (e.g. drone attacks and loss of Pakistani lives). In the event of a Kashmir solution, Pakistan will be spared from challenges that confront her independence and sovereignty, and from further loss of life.2. Kashmir issue has caused three wars between India and Pakistan and loss of lives to many. If the issue remains unresolved, the potential of war will continue to haunt the two atomic nations.3. Our proposed solution holds the promise of a peaceful settlement of the issue.4. Pakistan is faced with a growing water shortage, while water sources in Kashmir remain in Indian control. In the case of independence of the State, the challenge will almost be finished.5. In the case of peaceful resolution of Kashmir, India and Pakistan can be friends that will benefit them both politically and diplomatically.6. The solution will unfold greater trade to the advantage of both the countries.

My Sixth Submission (to International Community):1. We, the people of Jammu Kashmir State, are grateful to the United Nations for having promised to us our birth right of self-determination. This was a matter of relief for us as the then British government that claimed to be the Mother of Democracy, Indian National Congress that claimed to represent people of India and All India Muslim League that claimed safeguarding Muslim interests, had in fact left Kashmiris fate to the mercy of their undemocratic, unjust and autocratic ruler. However, in spite of the promises, the United Nations has been unable to implement its resolutions.2. Over sixty-seven years have passed since the promises were made by the United Nations and agreed by India and Pakistan but have not been fulfilled as yet. Hence the Kashmiri peoples birth right remains unachieved. A solution to Kashmir issue will in fact accomplish the unfulfilled moral obligation of the United Nations.3. In the absence of Kashmir solution on the lines proposed by us, the issue will remain a source of threat for regional and international peace.

My Seventh Submission (To World Dignitaries):In near future, I will be writhing individually to world dignitaries who or whos national heros strongly believed in natural justice, in human and humanitarian values and are politically strong and diplomatically important rulers like President Barak H. Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry of Abraham Lincolns and Martin Luther King Juniors America, Head of the State Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister David Cameron of the Great Britain who actually created Kashmir issue, Xi Jinping President of Mao Tse-Tungs and Chou Enlais China, Vladimir Putin President of Lenins Russia, Joachim Gauck President of United Germany, Head of Late Lee Kuan Yews Singapore, government of Charles De Gauls France, President of Mahatir Muhammads Malaysia, President of the Islamic Republic of Ayatollah Khomeinis Iran, the successor of King Faisals Saudi Arabia, President of Nelson Mandelas South Africa, Head of Hugo Schavezs Venezuela, Head of Fiedel Castros Cuba etc. I am sure, if we could present our case properly, the world conscience is not that dead to ignore our nations sad saga.

My Eighth Submission (To the people of Jammu Kashmir State):1. It is a proverbial fact that revolutions are the product of struggle waged by dedicated cadre. This is also true of spiritual revolutions that brought about light against the ills. Similarly, the leaders and organizations dedicated to national liberation also resolved to continue their struggle until victory. If one set of leadership fails, another team takes over and continues the struggle with a view to reaching their goal. 2. In spite of anti-freedom dictate from India and Pakistan, the JKLF had carried forward its practical struggle for freedom that started on 31st July, 1988. This struggle would have achieved its desired goal if the Indian brutalities and manipulations in Pakistan had not sabotaged it. 3. The Kashmir issue could be solved within a month on the basis of our formula in keeping with norms of justice, democracy, honor and peaceful course for the competitors provided India and Pakistan fulfill their promises regarding unconditional referendum, UN plays its promised role and people of the State commit themselves to freedom and Kashmiri patriotism instead working for the interests of the neighboring countries of India and Pakistan. One month will be good enough to materialize demilitarization, removal of landmines and to reconnect three parts of the State.4. If our proposal is not carried forward, the State of Jammu Kashmir and its people will continue to face the sufferings they have faced so for.5. Inability to solve Kashmir issue on peaceful, just and honorable footing, can unfold the potential of more wars between the two atomic countries. In the midst of this conflict, Jammu Kashmir State will continue to serve as a pitch ground for the competitors to demonstrate their muscle at the cost of the natives sufferings.

My Prime Submissions:-1. The best solution of the Kashmir issue will have to be peaceful, democratic, just and honorable for the competitors. It will have to be implementable and permanent, based on the following outline. The entire State of Jammu Kashmir which is fragmented since October 1947 and divided as Jammu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, should be re-united to establish therein a democratic (parliamentary) , federal (consisting of five provinces namely: Kashmir Valley, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgat Baltistan), secular (non-communal) and independent sovereign state. This State shall have friendly relations with other countries of the world, especially with her own neighbors, particularly with India and Pakistan. It shall also facilitate holding of the UN sponsored referendum fifteen years after re-unificantion so as to reconfirm its independence or choice for States accession to India or to Pakistan. (Details of mode of referendum is given under the caption My Third Submission, Page no. 6 of my appeal).2. The above mentioned solution will serve the best national interests of India, Pakistan and above all, the people of all regions of Jammu Kashmir State. If this peaceful and equitable solution is not followed, the entire sub-continent, Jammu Kashmir State in particular, can be exposed to a disastrous situation.3. The Kashmir issue can possibly be solved within a short span of one month if India, Pakistan and the UN reaffirm their commitments given to Kashmiri people before 1957, and if various Kashmiri political leaders and parties act as true Kashmiri patriots instead of working for the interests of India and Pakistan.4. Let me clarify that while seeking re-unification of the State, we do not stand in opposition to the Indian Union or to Pakistan (None of the three parts of the State is a constitutional part of India or Pakistan). Nevertheless, it remains a point of distress and anger for us that India has been taking an unjust posture vis-a-vis people of State of Jammu Kashmir, violating its own commitments and following double standards in the pursuit of its Kashmir policy. Similarly, Pakistani posture vis-a-vis Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan has been contrary to democracy and peoples rights. It is shameful that Pakistans bureaucracy has for decades prohibited Kashmiri politics in Gilgit-Baltistan region, even though all the Pakistani documents including the constitution establish Gilgit-Baltistan as part of Jammu Kashmir State.

My submission to search your consciences:It is my humble submission to the people specially to the conscientious ones, of India, Pakistan, International Community and of all three parts of the State, their Governments, Political Organization, besides people associated with human rights, intellectuals and the media, I urge all of them to search their conscience, and see that the rulers, local (Kashmiries) and foreign (Indian and Pakistani), have in fact carried excesses towards Jammu Kashmir State and its people. These excesses were either direct or indirect and carried varying impacts, adding up to the peoples miseries. It is therefore important that in order to assure a brighter future for the people of entire sub-continent and their future generations, injustice already done to the Kashmiri People should be undone and the formula offered by us, (to accept the former State of the Jammu Kashmir as an independent political entity for fifteen years followed by an equitable referendum to decide their ultimate future) be carried forward towards implementation. This formula alone can lead to a solution that is peaceful, just, democratic, honorable for all, and sustainable. Again, this solution holds the promise of bringing an end to the difficulties which India, Pakistan and Kashmir have faced over the past about seven decades.

The gist of my appeal:The gist of my humble appeal to the peoples and governments of India, Pakistan, all the parts State of Jammu Kashmir, international community especially United Nations, relevant international human rights organizations, Groups of Independent States and to regional and international media is to let the State of Jammu Kashmir be re-united and to emerge as an independent political entity initially for next fifteen years. This independent State should have a democratic, federal (with Kashmir Valley, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan as its five provinces) and secular (non-communal) system of government, having friendly relations with all countries especially with its immediate neighbors, particularly with India and Pakistan. This independent State of Jammu Kashmir should also facilitate holding of UN sponsored referendum fifteen years after its re-unification. This divided state of Jammu Kashmir has since 1947 been under the control of India and Pakistan. The time period of at least fifteen years is required for the people to also taste the rights and wrongs of sovereignty and to compare the merits and demerits of independence of the State with those of accession to India or to Pakistan because only then could they be able to pin point the best possible solution of Kashmir issue for themselves and for their future generations.To begin with the process of plebiscite, let there be a referendum between complete independence of the State and its accession to India or Pakistan (without explaining to India or to Pakistan). If the majority goes for independence (i.e. if independence gets more than the total number of votes received by Pakistan and India put together), all the concerned parties to the issue (India, Pakistan, International community and the people of all the parts of the Jammu Kashmir State) shall accept the popular verdict and Jammu Kashmir State should be accepted as an independent and sovereign State for all times to come. But if the majority goes for accession, a second ballet shall be held between the accession of the State to Pakistan or to India, and whoever gains the majority of all the votes cast by the people of whole State be declared as the winner. This two-tier referendum is the best way to pin-point the real majority in a case like Kashmir issue where there are three candidates (i.e. Complete Independence of the State, Accession of the whole State to Pakistan and Accession of the whole State to India) in the run.For making the UN supervised plebiscite more effective and fruit bearing, two things will have to be adhered to: i). the voters during both the two phases twill have to be given full freedom in making their choice between independence, accession to India and accession to Pakistan and ii). Whatever may be the decision of the majority of the voters of entire State of Jammu Kashmir, it must be considered as permanent, final and unquestionable for all times to come and the losing parties will have to accept the decision with their hearts open.In conclusion:Before concluding my humble request, let me repeat the undeniable fact that the Kashmir issue can be solved within a month, if India, instead of unduly creating hurdles in the way, concedes their fully deserved and promised right of self-determination to Kashmiri people, if Pakistan agrees to withdraw its armed forces from the State of Jammu Kashmir, if United Nations tries harder to make India and Pakistan fulfil their promises previously made to the people of Jammu Kashmir and above all if political leaders, political parties, writers, media men, intellectuals, students and poets etc. of Jammu Kashmir State act like real Kashmiri patriots instead of defending national interests of India and Pakistan at the cost of their own national interest. With so much to gain for all the stake holders in solving the issue, and so much to lose by letting the issue go unresolved, only an extremely selfish, narrow minded and, I am sorry to say, an insane person or nation only would refuse to comply with such a peaceful, equitable, honorable, practicable, just and everlasting solution of the issue. As such I would repeat my prayer to Almighty God (Parmatma) that all of us be guided by selflessness, far-sightedness, large heartedness, by principles of justice and by human and humanitarian values. (Ameen)Requesting all the addressees to acknowledge the receipt of the appeal with their comments on the subject matter and thanking them all, Theirs faithfully,

(Amanullah Khan)Patron-in-Chief, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).(Note: Sorry for using stamp for my signature as my right hand is almost paralyzed)

For those receiving copies of the appeal and the covering letter:Mr. Altaf A. Khan (Azam Inqlabi), Patron JK Mahaz-e-Azadi, your / your organizations name is on page no 15, Item no. 8, Sub item no. 8.1 and Serial no. 21. Please go through my appeal and the facts mentioned in the preceding paragraph and act accordingly. Your point of view about our proposal shall be appreciated and awaited. Thanks.

1. Copy for information and appropriate actions to:1. Shri Pranab Mukherji, President of India.2. Jinab Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan3. Shrimati Sushma Swaraj, Minister for External Affairs of India.4. Mr. Sartaj Aziz Advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs to PM of Pakistan.5. Mr. Tariq Fatimi Advisor on Foreign Affairs to PM of Pakistan.6. Moulana Fazl-ur-Rehman, Chairman Parliamentary Kashmir Committee, Pakistan. 2. Copies to heads and members of different important institutions of India and Pakistan with the request to have the discussions on the topic in their respective houses and have justice done to the people of Jammu Kashmir State by opportuning them to exercise their birth right of self-determination:1. Leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha of India (If there is any).2. Syed Khursheed A. Shah, Leader of the opposition in National Assembly of Pakistan.3. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan.4. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate of Pakistan.5. Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker Lok Sabha of India.6. Shri Hamid Ansari, Chairman Raja Sabha of India.7. Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha of India8. Ms. Zohra Yusuf/Mr. Kamran Arif, Chairperson/Co-Chairman NHRC of Pakistan.9. Justice K. G. Balakrishnan, Chairman NHRC of India.10. President Federal Union of Journalist of Pakistan.11. President Federal Union of Journalist of India.12. Secretary General SAFMA India Chapter.13. Secretary General SAFMA Pakistan Chapter.14. President Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan.15. President Supreme Court Bar Association of India.16. President National Press Club of Islamabad, Pakistan.17. President National Press Club of New Delhi, India.3. Copies to the present concerned officials of the United Nations keeping in view the following facts (but before doing so please go through my sixth submission page no. 10):Kashmir issue has remained unresolved in the United Nations for about seventy long years because (i)- most of the concerned UN officials kept on giving-in to the most unjust, uncalled for and irrelevant demands of India and Pakistan. (ii)- The UN officials even agreed to totally wrong interpretation of the term Right of Self Determination, to suit the interests of India and Pakistan at the cost of the birth right (Independence) of Kashmiries as can be seen from the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) Resolution of 5Th January, 1949 where Kashmiries stand deprived of their Right of Self Determination of their motherland. (iii)- The UN authorities also ignored the fact that they were dealing with the fate of a nation whose population is more than that of the majority of UN member independent states. (iv). How unfortunate it is, especially for about 18 million Kashmiri people, that Kashmir issue remained unresolved in UNSC for as long as seventy years at the hands of so called worlds largest democracy India, Muslim Pakistan and above all international community including UN.All the above mentioned and other facts have taken the shape of an ugly black spot on the otherwise fairly beautiful face of the United Nations. As such, the ugly black spot needs be erased as soon as possible through the combined efforts of the world body. 1. His Excellency Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General United Nations.2. Permanent Members of UNSC (1. China, 2. France, 3. Russia, 4. UK and 5. USA)3. Non-Permanent Members of UNSC (1. Angola, 2. Chad, 3. Chile, 4. Jordan, 5. Lithuania, 6. Malaysia, 7. New Zealand, 8. Nigeria, 9. Spain and 10. Venezuela). Successors of expiring members after December 2015 are requested to take the responsibility.4. Human Rights Commission of UN at Geneva.5. Under Secretary General PDA, UN.6. Chairman FOURTH Committee UN.However, I have very recently dispatched a letter to UN Sec. Gen. H.E. Ban Ki Moon reminding him of his responsibilities vis a vis Kashmir issue. The gist of the letter is as follows:It will be in the fitness of things if Your Excellency makes a mention in your forthcoming annual report that twenty million people of Kashmir remain deprived of their birth right of Self-Determination for the last seventy years in spite of UNs promise to afford to them this right when the issue was presented to UN about seventy years ago. However, if you fail to expose even this naked truth publicly, we Kashmiries will be within our rights to think that UN has not proved itself the real defenders of basic human rights of the Kashmiri people.4. Copies to heads and members of the following important international organizations requesting them to have discussions on the topic and do the justice by not remaining silent spectators while about 18 million people of Jammu Kashmir State are being deprived of their inherent right of self-determination which is additionally supported by UN Charter, by a number of UN resolutions and promised in the past by very India and Pakistan:1. President General Assembly United Nations.2. Secretary General Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).3. Secretary General Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). 4. Amnesty International5. Speaker European Union Parliament.6. The Secretary of British Common Wealth.7. The Secretary General of League of Arab States.8. President SAARC.9. Organization of African Unity.10. Organization of American States.11. Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation.12. Doctors without Borders.13. Lawyers without Borders.5. Copies of my appeal and covering letter to all the heads of diplomatic missions in Pakistan with the request to forward them to their respective governments requesting them on our behalf, to raise their voices in favor of our genuine cause. 6. Copies for just action to important personalities and heads of Political Parties of India:1. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Former PM of India.2. Shrimati Sonia Gandhi, President Indian National Congress (INC)3. Shri Amit Shah, President Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)4. Shri Sitaram Yechury, Secretary General Communist Party of India (CPI-M)5. Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy, Secretary General Communist Party of India (CPI)6. Shrimati Mayawati, President Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)7. Shri Sharad Pawar, President Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)8. Shri Khejriwal, President Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)9. Shri Assaduddin Owaisi, President All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen10. Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, President Lok Janshakti Party (LJP)11. Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav, President Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)12. Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav, President Samajwadi Party13. Shri Prakash Singh Badal, President Shiromani Akali Dal (SKD)14. Shri Uddhav Thackeray, President Shiv Sena7. Copies for just action to important personalities and heads of Political Parties of Pakistan:1. Jinab Mian Nawaz Sharif, President Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N)2. Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)3. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, Co-Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)4. Mr. Raja Zafar-ul-Huq, Chairman Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N)5. Mr. Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)6. Mr. Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Vice Chairman PTI.7. Mr. Altaf Hussain, Head of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM)8. Dr. Farooq Sattar, Leader MQM.9. Mr. Asfandyar Wali, Chairman Awami National Party (ANP)10. Moulana Fazl-ur-Rehman, Ameer Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islami (JuI)11. Mr. Ishaq Dar, Federal Minister for Finance.12. Choudhry Nisar Ali, Minister for Home Affairs.13. Khuwaja Asif, Minister for Defense.14. Khuwaja Saad Rafiq, Minister for Railways.15. Mr. Pervez Rasheed, Minister for Information.16. Mr. Ehsan Iqbal, Minister for Planning, Development and Reform.17. Eng. Khurram Dastageer, Minister for Trade and Commerce.18. Gen (Rtd) Qadir Baloch, Minister for States and Frontier Regions.19. Mr. Abid Sher Ali, Minister of State for Power.20. Choudhry Birjesh Tahir, Minister for Kashmir Affairs.21. Mr. Jahangir Tareen, Sec. Gen. PTI.22. Mr. Siraj-ul-Huq, Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.23. Mr. Munawar Hassan, Former Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan24. Mr. Asad Umar, MNA PTI.25. Dr. Shireen Mazari, Sec. Information PTI.26. Mr. Choudhry Shujaat Hussain, President Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q)27. Gen(R) Pervez Musharraf, President All Pakistan Muslim League (APML)28. Mr. Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, President Awami Muslim League (APML)29. Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, President National Party (NP).30. Mr. Mehmood Khan Achakzai, President Pakhtoon Khwah Milli Awami Party.31. Mr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, President Pakistan Awami Tehreek.32. Mrs. Ghunwa Bhutto, Chairperson PPP (Bhutto Shaheed Group).33. Dr. Fahmeeda Mirza, Former Speaker National Assembly, Pakistan.34. Mr. Aijaz-ul-Huq, Former Minister.35. Mr. Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Former PM of Pakistan.36. Mr. Aftab A. Khan Sherpao, President Quami Watan Party (QWP-S).37. Mr. Irfan Siddiqui, Advisor to PM Pakistan.38. Mr. Asif Kirmani, Advisor to PM Pakistan.39. Mr. Shahbaz Sharif, CM Punjab, Pakistan.40. Senator Syed Mushahid Hussain.41. Maqdoom Javed Hashmi, Veteran Political Leader of Pakistan.42. Prof. Khursheed Ahmed, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.43. Senator Farhatullah Babar, PPP.44. Senator Aitezaz Ahsan, PPP.45. Senator Shery Rehman, PPP.46. Mr. Qamar Zaman Kaira, PPP.47. Mr. Zahid Khan, Sec. Information ANP.48. Prof Mushtaq Victor, Former MNA.49. Ms. Kashmala Tariq.8. Copies to the important decision making organs of the political parties and politically important persons of entire Jammu Kashmir State with the request to have discussions on the topic and to comment, as Jammu Kashmir State nationals, the appropriateness or otherwise of our above mentioned appeal keeping in view the fact that per our appeal, the ultimate solution of Kashmir issue will be based on the unfettered right of self-determination of the people of entire Jammu Kashmir State including the part of the state under Indian control, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. 8.1. Indian Controlled Kashmir1. Mr. Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Chairman All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC-G)2. Mr. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Chairman All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC-M)3. Mr. Shabir Ahmed Shah, President Democratic Freedom Party JK4. Mrs. Asiya Andrabi, President Dukhtaran-e-Millat JK.5. Syed Salahudin, Chairman UJC.6. Mr. Mufti Muhammad Sayed, CM Jammu and Kashmir.7. Mr. Omar Abdullah, Leader of the opposition Jammu and Kashmir Assembly.8. Mr. Kavinder Gupta, Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Assembly.9. Ms. Mehbooba Mufti, President Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)10. Mr. Ashok Kumar Khajuria, President Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP-J&K Chapter)11. Mr. Omar Abdullah, President Jammu Kashmir National Conference (JKNC)12. Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Mir, President Indian National Congress (INC-J&K Chapter)13. Mr. Sajad Gani Lone, Chairman Jammu Kashmir Peoples Conference (JKPC-Sajad)14. M. Yousuf Tarigami, General Secretary Communist Party (M) of India (J&K Chapter)15. Prof. Bhim Singh, President Jammu Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKPP)16. Adv. Mian Abdul Qayoom, President High Court Bar Association Kashmir17. Mr. M. K. Bardawaj Sr. Adv. President High Court Bar Association Jammu18. Dr. Karan Singh (Former Sadr-e-Riyasat)19. Mr. Krishan Dev Sethi20. Dr. Farooq Abdullah (Former CM Jammu and Kashmir)21. Mr. Azam Inqlabi, Patron-In-Chief Mahaz-e-Azadi JK.22. Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Butt, Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir.23. Mr. Shakeel A. Bakhshi, Chairman Islamic Students League.24. Adv. Pervez Imroz, President Coalition for Civil Society.25. Mr. Khurram Pervez, Coalition for Civil Society.26. Mrs. Parveena Ahangar, Chairperson APDP.27. President Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Jammu Kashmir.28. President Sikh Youth Federation, Jammu Kashmir.29. Haji M. Yasin Khan, President Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation.30. Mr. Qaisar Qalandar, President Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industries.31. Mr. Hashim Qureshi, Chairman JK Democratic Liberation Front.32. Prof. Abdul Gani Butt, President JK Muslim Conference.33. Moulana Abbas Ansari, Sarparast JK Ittehad-ul- Muslimeen.34. Mr. Bilal Gani Lone, Chairman JK Peoples Conference (Bilal).35. Mr. Fazl-ul-Haq Qureshi, Chairman JK People Political Front.36. Mr. Mukhtar A. Waza, Chairman JK Peoples League (Waza).37. Mr. Javed A. Mir, Chairman JKLF (H).38. Eng. Hilal Ahmed War, Chairman JK Peoples Political Party.39. Mr. Aga Hassan Al-Mosvi, Chairman JK Anjuman-e-Sharee-Shiyan.40. Mr. Sheikh Yaqoob, Sarparast JK Peoples League.41. Mr. Nayeem A. Khan, Chairman JK National Front.42. Mr. Shabir A. Dar, President JK Muslim Conference (Shabir).43. Mr. Ahsan Untoo, Chairman Forum for Justice and Human Rights.44. Mr. Zafar Fateh Butt, Chairman JK Solvation Movement.45. Mr. Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Chairman JK Muslim League.46. Mr. Farooq A. Dar, Chairman JKLF (Bita Karatey).47. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Sumji, President JK Muslim Conference (Sumji).48. Mr. M. Ashraf Sehrai, Gen. Sec. Tehreek-e-Hurriyet JK.49. Mr. Masarat Alam Butt, Chairman JK Muslim League (Masarat).50. Mr. Firdous A. Shah, JK Democratic Political Movement.51. Ms. Yasmeen Raja, Chairperson JK Muslim Khawateen Markaz.52. Mr. Ghulam M. Khan Sopori, Chairman JK Peoples League (Sopori)53. Ms. Fareeda Behanji, Chairperson JK Mass Movement.54. Mr. Syed Bashir Andrabi, Chairman Kashmir Freedom Front.55. Mr. Abdul Rasheed Hakeem, Chairman JK Muslim Democratic League56. Mr. Saleem Gilani, Chairman JK National Peoples Party.57. Mr. M. Yousuf Naqash, Chairman JK Islamic Political Party.58. Mr. Bilal Ahmed Sidiqi, Chairman Tehreek-e-Mazahamat JK.59. Mr. Mir Shahid Saleem.60. President Jammu Autonomy Forum.61. President Panun Kashmir.8.2. Azad Jammu Kashmir1. Haji Sardar Yaqoob Khan, President Azad Jammu Kashmir.2. Choudhry Abdul Majeed, PM Azad Jammu Kashmir.3. Raja Farooq Haider, Leader of the opposition Azad Jammu Kashmir Assembly.4. Sardar Ghulam Sadiq, Speaker Azad Jammu Kashmir Assembly.5. Ms. Shaheen Kousar Dar, Dy. Speaker AJK Assembly.6. President Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP-Azad Kashmir)7. President Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N/Azad Kashmir)8. Sardar Ateeq Ahmed Khan, President Jammu Kashmir Muslim Conference (JKMC)9. Barrister Choudhry Sultan Mehmood, President PTI-Azad Kashmir.10. Moulana Atteq-ur-Rehman, Jamait-e-Ulemai Jammu Kashmir (JUJK)11. Mr. Tahir Khokhar, Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM-Azad Kashmir)12. Sardar Khalid Ibrahim, Peoples Party Jammu Kashmir (PPJK)13. Justice (Rtd) Sardar Nawaz Khan, President JKPP.14. Justice Majid Malik, President Jammu Kashmir Liberation League (JKLL)15. Mr. Nasir Ansari, President Jammu Kashmir Plebiscite Front.16. Moulana Saeed Yousuf, President Jamait-e-Ulemai Islam (JUI-Azad Kashmir)17. Mr. Abdul Rasheed Turabi, Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir (JIJK)18. Chairman All Parties National Alliance (APNA)19. Chairman United National Awami Party (UNAP)20. President High Court Bar Association Azad Kashmir.21. Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan, Former PM/President AJK.22. Gen (Rtd) Sardar Anwar Khan, Former President AJK.23. Raja Zulkarnain, Former President AJK.24. Choudhry Yasin, Senior Minister AJK.25. Choudhry Latief Akbar, Sec. Gen. PPP, Finance Minister AJK.26. Sardar Abid Hussain, Information Minister AJK.27. Mr. Abdul Salam Butt, Minister AJK.28. Shah Ghulam Qadir, Sec. Gen PML (N) AJK.29. Mr. Tariq Farooq, Dy. Opp. Leader AJK Assembly.30. Mr. Matloob H. Inqlabi, Sec. Information PPP AJK.31. Raja Faisal Rathore, Minister AJK.32. Mr. Nishat Qazmi, Former Sec. Gen. PPP, AJK.33. Prof. M. A. R. K. Khaleeque, President NAP.34. Mr. Zahid Amin Kashif, Muzaffarabad.35. Khuwaja Farooq Ahmed, PTI-AJK.36. Mrs. Nabeela Irshad, PPJK.37. Mrs. Mehr-un-Nisa, Sec. Gen. MCJK.38. Moulana Farooqi, JUI.39. Mr. Showkat Ali Kashmiri, Chairman PNP, Switzerland.40. Mr. Sawaar Khan, Former Member Kashmir Council, AJK.41. Mr. Zulfiqar Raja, President PNP, AJK.42. Mr. Maroof Akhtar Abbasi, Sr. Leader Liberation League AJK.43. Mr. Farooq Azad, PPP AJK, Lahore.44. Ms. Maria Iqbal Tarana, Executive Director Youth Forum for Kashmir.45. Mr. Usman Haider Sony, Supreme Head JK Public Rights Party.8.3. Gilgit Baltistan1. Mr. Hafiz-ur-Rehman, Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan2. Mr. Fida M. Nashad, Speaker Gilgit Baltistan Assembly3. Leader of the opposition Gilgit Baltistan Assembly.4. President Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N/Gilgit Baltistan)5. President Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP-Gilgit Baltistan)6. Mr. Anayatullah Shumali, Chairman Gilgit Baltistan National Alliance (GBNA)7. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Sec. Gen. GBNA.8. Mr. Nawaz Naji, President Balawaristan National Front (BNF-Naji)9. Mr. Ab. Hameed Khan, President Balawaristan National Front (BNF-Hameed)10. Ameer Ittehad Bain-ul-Muslimeen (IBM-Gilgit Baltistan)11. President Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM-Gilgit Baltistan)12. Adv Ehsan Ali, President Appelete Court Bar Association Gilgit.13. President High Court Bar Association Gilgit Baltistan.14. Mr. Malik Miskeen, Former Speaker Gilgit Baltistan Assembly.15. Mr. Wazir Baig, Former Speaker Gilgit Baltistan Assembly.16. Mr. Muhammad Akram, Former Director Radio Pakistan, Gilgit.17. Peer Karam Ali Shah, Former Governor Gilgit Baltistan.18. Mr. Khursheed A. Khan, Rtd. Judge Appelete Court Gilgit.19. Mr. Altaf Hussain, Rtd. Judge Appelete Court Gilgit.20. Mr. Attiullah Khan, Rtd Home Secretary, Gilgit.21. Mr. Hashmatullah Khan, President PTI Gilgit.22. Moulana Abdul Sami, Ameer Jamat-e-Islami Gilgit.23. Mr. Sher Jahan Mir, Former CM Gilgit Baltistan.24. Mr. Janbaz Khan, Former Leader of the opposition GB Assembly.25. Haji Gandal Shah, PML (N) Leader Chillas.26. Mr. Wazir Farman Ali, Former Joint Sec. GB.27. Mr. Baba Jan, Leader Awami Workers Party, Gilgit Baltistan.28. President Press Club Skardu.29. President Press Club Gilgit.9. Copies to the print and electronic media of India, Pakistan, Jammu Kashmir and to the international print and electronic media with the request to generate the debate on the topic and to support our fully deserved and promised cause that will also not only bring permanent peace to the region but also will add to peace and harmony in the world:9.1. International Media1. New York Times2. Washington Post 3. Los Angeles Times 4. Le-monde/ Guardian 5. Gulf News/ Arab News6. BBC 7. VOA8. VOG9. CNN 10. Reuters11. Al-Jazeera12. AFP 13. DPA14. IRNA15. APA 16. NCNA17. CHA18. Lord Eric Evebury 9.2 International Mediamen1. Mr. Davidson, Journalist VOG. 2. Mr. Thompson, Journalist VOA. 3. Mr. Cathy Gaunon, VOA.4. Owen Bennet Junes, BBC. 5. Mr. Imtiaz Gul, VOA.6. Mr. Ayaz Gul, VOG. 7. Lyse Doucet, BBC. 8. Mr. Farhan Bukhari, BBC.9.3 Pakistani Media1. DAWN Group2. Jang Group.3. Nawa-i-Waqt Group 4. Express Group 5. Pakistan Group.6. Khabrain Group 7. Ausaf Group.8. Statesman.9. Dunya Group 10. Pakistan Observer.11. Online12. ANN. 13. NNI14. PPA.15. APP 16. PTV.17. KPI.18. SANA9.4 Pakistani TV Anchors/ Journalists/ Columnists1. Mr. Hamid Mir, GEO TV. 2. Mr. Talat Hussain, GEO TV. 3. Mr. Najam Sethi, GEO TV. 4. Mr. Saleem Safi, GEO TV. 5. Mr. Suhail Waraich GEO TV. 6. Mr. Shahzeb Khanzada, GEO TV. 7. Mr. Hassan Nisar, Sr. Columnist. 8. Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, GEO TV. 9. Mr. Kashif Abbasi, ARY TV.10. Mr. Mubashir Luqman, ARY TV. 11. Mr. Nadeem Malik, SAMA TV, 12. Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, GEO TV. 13. Mr. Israr A. Kasana, PTV. 14. Mr. Tariq Aziz, Senior TV Host. 15. Mr. Javed Choudhry, Express TV.16. Mr. Mushtaq Minhas, BOL TV. 17. Mr. Nusrat Javed, BOL TV. 18. Mr. Kamran Khan, DUNIYA TV. 19. Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed, Senior Journalist.20. Mr. Afsar Alam, DUNYA TV. 21. Dr. Moeed Pirzada, Duniya TV.22. Mr. Zafar Abbas, Senior Journalist. 23. Mr. Mujahid Barelvi, Ab Tak TV.24. Mr. Javed Siddique WAQT TV. 25. Mr. Ejaz Haider, Capital TV. 26. Mr. Abdul Rouf, GEO TV. 27. Mr. Imtiaz Alam, Senior Columnist.28. Ms. Naseem Zehra, Ch. 24. 29. Ms. Sana Bucha, TV Anchor.30. Ms. Asma Shirazi, SAMAA TV. 31. Ms. Asma Choudhry, Ch. 24.32. Ms. Jasmeen Manzoor 33. Ms. Ayesha Baksh, GEO TV.34. Mrs. Mehar Abbasi, DAWN TV. 35. Ms. Maria Sultan, Analyst.36. Ms. Mriana Babar, Sr. Journalist. 37. Rahimullah Yousufzai, Sr. Journalist.38. Mr. Ayaz Amir, Sr. Columnist. 39. Mr. Zahid Hussain, Sr. Journalist. 40. Dr. Rasool Bux Raees, Analyst. 41. Dr. Safdar Mehmood, Sr. Columnist. 42. Mr. Atta-ullah Qasmi, Sr. Columnist. 43. Mrs. Kishwar Nahid, Sr. Columnist. 44. Mr. Mazhar Barlas, Columnist. 45. Mr. Nazir Lagari, Senior Journalist.46. Mr. Zia Shahid, CEO Daily Khabrain. 47. Mr. Mehtab Khan Abbasi, CEO Daily Ausaf.48. Mr. Altaf Hussain, Urdu Digest. 49. Waseem Badami, ARY TV.50. Dr. Shahid Masood, News One TV. 51. Ms. Farah Hussain, Anchor ATV.52. Naeem Bukhari Adv. GEO TV. 53. Kamila Hyat, Sr. Journalist.54. Mr. Asadullah Khan, Sr. Journalist.9.5 Indian Media1. Times of India2. Hindustan Times3. Indian Express 4. The Hindu5. The Tribune6. Outlook 7. Statesman8. PTI9. NNI 10. UNI11. Asian Age12. India Today 13. IANS14. ANI 9.6 Indian TV Anchors/ Journalista/ Columnists1. Mr. Rajat Sharma, NDTV, 2. Mr. Rajdeep Sardesai, 3. Mr. Karan Thapar, 4. Mr. Vikram Chandra, 5. Mr. Arnob Goswami, 6. Ms. Barkha Dutt, 7. Mr. Bharat Bhushan, Sr. Columnist. 8. Mr. Vinod Mehta, 9. Mr. Kuldeep Nayyar, Sr, Columnist. 10. Mr. Dileep Padgaonkar, Sr. Columnist 11. A. Kumar, Punjab Kesri. 12. Mr. Amit Bharwa, 13. Mr. Razdan, 14. Mr. Verma, 15. Mr. Harinder Baweja, 16. Mr. Vinod Sharma, 17. Mr. Girja Shankar Kaura, 18. Mrs. Talveen Singh, 19. Niana Bose, 20. Mr. Ghose, Indian Express. 21. Dr. Ved Pratab Vedik, Columnist.9.7 Jammu Kashmir Media1. Greater Kashmir2. Rising Kashmir3. Kashmir Times 4. Excelsior 5. Kashmir Monitor6. Kashmir Reader 7. Kashmir Life 8. Kashmir Observer9. Chattan 10. Aftab11. Srinagar Times12. Kashmir Express 13. Sada-e-Chanar14. Jammu Kashmir15. Dharti 16. Kashmir Link17. Jammu Kashmir Times18. K2 19. Sada-e-Gilgit20. Baad-e-Shumal21. KMS 22. KNS23. KNA 24. Srinagar News 25. Kashmir Uzma26. Aafaaq27. Wadi Ki Aawaz 28. Mashriq29. Uqaab30. Kashmir Images 31. Tameel-e-Ershad32. Udaan. 9.8 Jammu Kashmir Journalists/ Columnists/ Civil Society1. Dr. Javed Iqbal, Columnist. 2. Mr. Z. G. Muhammad, Columnist. 3. Mr. Hassan Zenagiri, Columnist. 4. Eng. Rasheed, Columnist. 5. Ms. Naeema Mehjoor, Journalist. 6. Dr. Amit Wanchoo, Columnist. 7. Mr. Haider Ali Askari, Columnist. 8. Mr. Irshad Mehmud, Columnist. 9. Mr. Sultan Sikandar, Sr. Journalist. 10. Mr. Saleem Parwana, Sr. Journalist. 11. Mr. Arif Bahar, Journalist. 12. Mr. B. L. Saraf, Columnist. 13. Mr. Shujaat Bukhari, Editor-in-Chief RK. 14. Mr. Bashir A. Bashir, Editor ST. 15. Ms. Anuradha Basin, Senio. Journalist. 16. Mr. Zafar Meraj, Senior Journalist. 17. Mr. Sheikh Tajamul Islam, Director KMS.18. Mr. Fayaz Kaloo, Senior Journalist. 19. Zaffar A. Shah, Senior Advocate. 20. Mr. Muzammil Hussain, Columnist. 21. Sardar Naseem, Senior Journalist. 22. Raja Asgar, Senior Journalist. 23. Mr. Gh. Nabi Shaida, Editor Wadi Ki Awaz24. Mr. Ghulamullah Kayani, Journalist. 25. Mr. M. Aslam, Journalist (KNS).26. Mr. Shakeel A. Turabi, irector SANA. 27. Sardar Aashiq, Senior Journalist.28. Mr. Qaisar Butt, Columnist. 29. Mr. Arshad Aziz, Senior Journalist.30. Mr. Zulfikhar Ahmed, BBC. 31. Mr. Ab. Rashid Shah, Editor Mashriq32. Mr. Manzoor Anjum, Editor Uqaab. 33. Mr. Bashir Manzar, Editor Kashmir Images.34. Mr. Adv. Zaheer-ud-Din, Columnist. 35. Dr. Sheikh Showkat, Columnist.36. Mr. Naseer Ganaie, Senior Journalist. 37. Mr. Aijaz-ul-Huq, Columnist.38. Mr. Ab. Majeed Zargar, Columnist. 39. Dr. Altaf Hussain, Child Specialist/Columnist.40. Saadat Ali Mujahid, Journalist GB. 41. Mr. A. H. Hashmi, Journalist AJK.42. Mr. Iftikhar Gilani, DNA India. 43. Mr. Rashid Maqbool, Buland Kashmir.44. Ms. Bismah Malik, Tribune. 45. Mr. Irfan Rashid, DNA India.46. Ms. Shahana Bashir, Press TV, Iran. 47. Mr. Tariq Ali Mir, Kashmir Uzma.48. Mr. Mudasir Ali, Greater Kashmir. 49. Mr. Mehmood-ur-Rashid, Greater Kashmir.50. Mr. Faisal Yasin, Rising Kashmir. 51. Mr. Riyaz A. Malik, Kashmir Uzma.52. Ms. Rifat Mohi-ud-Din, Tribune. 53. Ms. Zeenat Zeeshan Fazil, Kashmir Images.54. Peer Ashaq Mushtaq, Hindustan Times. 55. Sherbaz Ali Burcha, Columnist, Gilgit.56. Abdul Khaliq Taj, Columnist, Gilgit. 57. Zulfikqar H. Butt, JK Times.58. Malik Abdul Hakim, Editor JK Times. 59. Gulshan Mughal, Journalist, Muzaffarabad.60. Khudi M. Tariq, Columnist, Gilgit. 61. Sardar Abdul Khaliq, Kashmir Times.62. Mr. Usman Haider Sooni, Sada-e-Kashmir. 63. Mr. Kamran Arif Magray, Kashmir Link.64. Mr. Jarullah, Producer CA, Radio Pak. 65. Sardar Hameed, President RIBJA, Islamabad.66. M. Zahid Tabassum, E-in-C KE. 67. Mr. Ejaz Abbassi, Editor Sada-e-Kashmir.68. Raja Kafeel, Editor Kashmir Link. 69. Mr. Zahoor Hashmi, Editor Aftab.70. Mr. Mehraj-ud-Din, Editor Srinagar News. 71. Mr. Javed Aazar, Editor Kashmir Uzma.72. Sheen Meem Ahmed, Columnist. 73. Mr. S. M. Peerzada, Columnist.74. Mr. Riyaz A. Masroor, BBC Online. 75. Mr. Yousuf Jameel, Senior Journalist.76. Mr. Marifat Qadri, Editor Aafaaq. 77. Mr. Wajeeh A. Andrabi, Senior Journalist.78. Raja Mohi-ud-Din, Editor Tamil-e-Ershad. 79. Mr. Qazmi, Editor Udaan.80. Mr. M. Sharif Sartaj, Senior Journalist. 81. Mr. Romitra, Editor Excelsior.82. Mr.Hilal A. Sofi, Editor Kashmir Reader. 83. Mr. M. Hayat Butt, Kashmir Reader.84. Mr. Masood Hussain, editor Kashmir Life. 85. Mr. Sajad Haidri, Editor Kashmir Observer.86. Mr. Tahir Mohi-ud-Din, Editor Chatan. 87. Mr. Haqnawaz Nehru, Senior Journalist.88. Mr. Shabnam Qayoom, Senior Journalist. 89. Mr. Ab. Rashid Rahi, Editor CNS.90. Mr. Maqbool Sahil, Senior Journalist. 91. Dr. Bashir Saraf, Writer.92. Mr. Basharat Peer, Writer. 93. Mr. Mushtaq-ul-Haq Sikandar, Columnist.94. Mr. Wajahat Peer, Writer. 95. Mr. M. Yousuf Teng, Writer.96. Mr. Khaliq Pervez, Writer.10. Overseas Diaspora1. Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, USA. 2. Mr. Farooq A. Kathwari (KSG). 3. Mr. Muhammad Yousuf Buch, USA.4. Raja Muzaffar Khan, USA. 5. Mr. Altaf Hussain Qadri, USA. 6. Mr. Haleem Khan, USA. 7. Mr. Qasim Khokhar, USA. 8. Mrs. Farida Gani, USA. 9. Dr. M. Arif Kasani, Sweden.10. Mr. Imtiaz A. Khan, USA. 11. Dr. & Mrs. Pervez Mir, USA. 12. Dr. Nazir A. Gilani, UK. 13. Mr. Showkat Ashaie, USA.14. Lord Nazir Ahmed, UK. 15. Lord Choudhary Qurban, UK. 16. Barrister Irfan Sabir, Canada. 17. Rafiq Khan, USA. 18. Choudhary Tanveer, Finland. 19. Raja Gilbahar, Holland. 20. Raja Hafiz, Holland. 21. Prof. Nazir A. Shawl, UK. 22. Mr. Ajeeb, UK. 23. Eng. Farooq Siddiqi, Canada.11. Copies to Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)1. Muhammad Yasin Malik, Chairman JKLF.2. Abdul Hameed Butt, Senior Vice Chairman JKLF.3. Adv. Bashir Ahmed Butt, Showkat A. Bakhshi, Master M. Afzal, Mushtaq Ajmal Dar, Saleem Haroon, Khuwaja Saifudin, Hafiz Anwar Samavi, Comm. Farooq and Abdul Shakoor Abid Gilgiti (Vice Chairmen JKLF).4. Eng. Ghulam Rasool Dar, Secretary General JKLF.5. Prof. Raja Zafar Khan, Chairman Diplomatic Beauru JKLF.6. Raja Haq Nawaz, Chief Organizer JKLF.7. Noor M. Kalwal, Dr. Toqeer Gilani, Azmat A. Khan, Raja Hanif (Zonal Presidents JKLF).8. Muhammad Rafiq Dar, Chief Spokesman JKLF.9. Altaf Hussain Khan, Dy. Chief Spokesman JKLF.10. Khuwaja Manzoor A. Chushti, Secretary Finance JKLF.11. Sajid Siddiqi, Dy. Sec. Gen. JKLF.12. Mir Siraj-ud-Din, Dy. Chief Organizer JKLF.13. Sheikh Ab. Rasheed, Saleem Butt, Tehseen Gilani, Sardar Ishtiaq (Zonal Gen. Secs. JKLF).14. Mr. Manzoor A. Khan, Member Supreme Council / In charge CIO, Rawalpindi JKLF.15. All the members of Supreme Council JKLF.12. Copies to some other notables from India, Pakistan, Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Overseas:1. Dr. Javed Iqbal, Lahore. 2. Mrs. Javed Iqbal, Lahore. 3. Mr. Hameed, CEO DAWN.4. Mr. Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami. 5. Mr. Javed Jabbar, Analyst. 6. Mr. Tanveer A. Khan, Former Dir. ISS. 7. Air Marshal (Rtd) Asgar Khan. 8. Air Marshal (Rtd) Shahid Latif, Analyst. 9. Mr. Zahid Malik, Chairman NPC. 10. Mr. Meraj Muhammad Khan. 11. Mr. Ataullah Khan Mengal, Politician.12. Mr. Abdul Haie Balooch. 13. Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, Politician.14. Mr. Qadir Magsi, Politician. 15. Mrs. Atiya Anayatullah, Politician.16. Mr. S. M. Zafar, Law Expert. 17. Mr. Farooq A. Naik, Former Chairman Senate. 18. Mr. Zia Mohi-u-Din, Writer. 19. Dr. Pervez Iqbal Cheema, Prof NDU/Analyst.20. Dr. Riffat Hussain, Analyst. 21. Mr. Abdullah Gul, s/o: Gen Hameed Gul Late.22. Mr. Abid Hussain Minto. 23. Mr. Abdul Basit, Sr. Advocate, Lahore. 24. Mr. Talal Bugti, Politician. 25. Prof. Hassan Askari, Analyst. 26. Mr. Arif Kamal, Former Ambassador. 27. Mr. Rifat Mehdi, Former Ambassador. 28. Mr. Bashir Malik, Former Ambassador. 29. Mrs. Asma Jahangir, Veteran HRs Activist. 30. Mr. I. A. Rehman, Veteran HRs Activist. 31. Mr. Akram Zaki, Former Foreign Secretary. 32. Dr. Mubashir Hassan, Lahore. 33. Masood A. Khan, Former Permanent Rep UN.34. Mr. C. Rajmohan Ghandi. 35. Mr. Tapan Bose, Senior Human Rights Activist.36. Mr. O. P. Shaw, Human Rights Activist. 37. Ms. Seema Mustafa, Columnist. 38. Mr. M. Yaseen Khan, President KTMF. 39. Mr. Ravi Nayyar, HRs Activist.40. Mr. George Fernandis, Indian Politician. 41. Mr. Ram Jathmalani, Former Chairman KC.42. Mr. G. M. Mir, Veteran Freedom Fighter. 43. Mrs. Mashal Mullick. 44. Fakhrudin G. Ibrahim, Former CJ. 45. Choudhary Iftikhar Ahmed, Former CJ. 46. Justice (Rtd) Ramdey. 47. Mr. Yasin Azad, Former President SBA. 48. Mr. Hameed Shaheen, Analyst. 49. Farooq Ahmed, Chairman Evaque Property. 50. Mr. Abdul Sattar Eidhi. 51. Mr. Markandey Katju, Former SC Justice, India.52. Mr. Anwar Maqsood, Playwrite. 53. Ms. Arundati Roy, Writer.54. Mr. Tanvir A. Khan, Former FS Pak. 55. Mrs. Hameeda Khordo, Former Leader.56. Khursheed M. Kasuri, Former FM Pak. 57. Mr. Jamsheed Dukhi, Writer, Gilgit.58. Col. M. Karim, Gilgit. 59. Eng. Qadam Khan, Gilgit.60. Maj. Ehsan Wali, Gilgit. 61. Mr. Ehsanullah, Businessman, Gilgit.62. Eng. Mehmood Alam, Gilgit. 63. Eng. Khursheed Alam, Gilgit.64. Commodore Shah Khan, Gilgit. 65. Dr. Aiman Mansoor, Gilgit.66. Agha Ameer Hussain, Publisher, Lahore 67. Asrar Shah, Islamabad.68. Dr. Aziz-ur-Rehman, Astore, Gilgit. 69. Bilal Niaz, Student, Rawalpindi.70. Ms. Bushra Rehman, Columnist, Lahore 71. M. Azam Khan, Rtd. CJ AJK, Mirpur.72. Col. Habibullah, Gilgit. 73. Col. Abrar Ismail, Gilgit.74. Dr. Abdul Rasheed, Gilgit. 75. Dr. Sharifullah, Boonji, Astor.76. Dr. Farooq Jalil, Gilgit. 77. Dr. Sultan Haider Malik, Rawalpindi.78. Dr. Usman, Karachi. 79. Dr. Ghulam Abbas, Gilgit.80. Mr. Muhammad Maqbool, Gilgit. 81. Mr. Mir Ghani, Businessman, Karachi.82. Baba Chillasi, Abbotabad. 83. Mr. Muhammad Saeed, Abbotabad.84. Mr. Saleem, Educationist, Jhaglot Gilgit. 85. Mr. Shafa, Former DC, Astor Gilgit.86. Senator Shahi Syed, ANP, Karachi. 87. Nasirullah Khan, Former MLA PPP, Gilgit.88. Hamid Ashraf, Businessman Rawalpindi 89. Mr. Khursheed Mir, President LOC TU.90. Munawar Ali, Businessman, Rawalpindi. 91. Mr. Mashroof, Social Worker, Astor.92. Mr. Saifullah Khan, Abbotabad. 93. Mr. Altaf Khan, Abbotabad.94. Shahidullah Baig, Rtd. CS Gilgit. 95. Mr. Shakir Shamim, Askardo.96. Mr. Zafar Nisar, Rawalpindi. 97. Mr. Sultan Mehmood, USA.98. Mr. Muhammad Haleem Khan USA. 99. Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Gulshan, USA.100. Mr. Yasin Janjua, USA. 101. Mr. Mushtaq Khan, USA.102. Mr. Tariq Mehmood, USA. 103. Mr. Ameen Khan, USA.104. Mr. Choudhry Iftikhar, USA. 105. Mr. Qasim Khokhar, USA.106. Mr. Ishaq Sharif, USA. 107. Ms. Laura Schuurmans, Research Expert.108. Mr. Ashraf J. Qazi, Former Amb. 109. Dr. Farrukh Shamim, Rawalpindi.110. Saeedullah Khan, Banker, Gilgit. 111. Dr. Mohsin Shakeel, Med. Practitioner AJK.112. Khuwaja Saeed, Former Justice AJK. 113. Mr. Raja Khursheed, Former Justice AJK.114. M. Siddiq Farooqi, Former Justice AJK. 115. Basharat A. Sheikh, Former Justice AJK.116. Mr. Sherzaman, Former C.J. AJK. 117. Mr. Riyaz Akhtar, Former Justice AJK.118. Choudhry M. Taj, Former Justice AJK. 119. Prof. Hameeda Naeem, Kashmir University.120. M. Ameen Malla, Senior Advocate. 121. Mr. Gh. Nabi Shaheen, Senior Advocate.122. Mr. Mir Shafaqqat Hussain, Sr. Advocate. 123. Mr. Bashir A. Dagga, Senior Advocate.124. Prof. Rehman Rahi, Senior Poet. 125. Dr. Mubeen Shah, Chamber of Commerce.126. Mr. Zarif A. Zarif, Poet. 127. Mr. Jagmohan Singh Raina, Sikh Leader.128. Mr. Kumar Ji Wanchoo, HR Activist. 129. Dr. Upider Koul, Sr. Medical Practitioner. 130. Dr. Javed Iqbal, Cardiologist. 131. Dr. Khursheed Alam Wani, Med. Practitioner.132. Dr. Saleem Wani, Med. Practitioner. 133. Dr. Sajad Rishi, Medical Practitioner.134. Mr. Zaffar Qureshi, Senior Advocate. 135. Prof. Fida Hussain, Historian.136. Prof. Gul A. Wani, Poitical Science, KU. 137. Prof. Noor A. Baba, Former HOD Pol. Sc. KU.138. Abdul Hai Khateeb, Baderwah. 139. Sampat Prakash, Employees Union Leader.140. Raja Tufail, Adv. Supreme Court, India. 141. Mr. M. Aslam Gooni, Senior Advocate.142. Mr. Nazir A. Ronga, Former Pres. KBA. 143. Mr. Wajahat Qazi, Economist.144. Ms. Zamrooda Habib, HR Activist. 145. Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir, Islamabad.146. Mr. M. Ashraf Butt, Senior Advocate. 147. Mr. Mushtaq A. Tramboo, Khyber Cements.148. Mr. Mushtaq A. Chaie, Businessman. 149. Mr. Gh. Rasool Hami, Islamic Scholar.150. Moulana Dawoodi, Islamic Scholar. 151. Moulana Showkat H. Keng, Islamic Scholar.152. Moulana Khursheed Naqeeb, Isl. Scholar. 153. Prof. G. M. Butt Madani, Pres. JEH.154. Dr. Ab. Latif Al-Kindi, Gen. Sec. JEH. 155. Mufti M. Yaqoob Baba, Islamic Scholar.156. Mufti Nazir A. Qasmi, Islamic Scholar. 157. Moulana Rehmatullah Qasmi, Rahimia. 158. Dr. Zahoor A. Paray, Islamic Scholar. 159. Moulana Riyaz A. Shah, Islamic Scholar.160. Dr. Aijaz Ashraf, Regional Dir. MAUU. 161.Dr. Hameed Naseem, HOD Isl. St, KU. 162. Dr. Mehraj-ud- Din Wani. 163. Dr. Taskeen Fazil, Ex. HOD Iqbal Academy, KU. 164. Prof. A. R. Wani. 165. Mr. Rahat Qazmi, Gilgit.166. Moulana Nisar Ahmed, Gilgit. 167. Mr. Afzal Ali Shigree, Gilgit.168. Brig. Zakir Shamim, Gilgit. 169. Mir Gazanfar Ali of Hunza.170. Incharge Ismaili Jamat Khana, Gilgit. 171. Dr. Noor Jaleel, Rtd. Medical Professional.172. Mr. Nematullah Khan, Former Minister. 173. Mr. Mehboob Ali Khan, Former MLA.174. Mr. M. Naseer, Former Minister. 175. Raja Azam, MLA Baltistan.176. Mr. Iqbal Hussain, MLA Baltistan. 177. Mr. Nasrullah, MLA Astur, GB.178. Maj. Muhammad Amin, MLA Baltistan. 179. Mr. Farman Ali, MLA Astur, GB.180. Mr. Barkat Jameel, MLA Astur, GB. 181. Mr. Shah Beig, MLA Chilas.182. Mr. Haider Khan, MLA Chilas. 183. Mr. M. Hanif, Former DIG Police.184. Mr. M. Shafi, MLA Baltistan. 185. Mr. Kacho Imtiaz, MLA Baltistan.186. Ms. Rani Ateeqah, MLA Hunza. 187. Dr, Mohsin Shakeel, Mirpur, AJK.188. Kifayat Hussain Naqvi, Muzaffarabad. 189. Mirwaiz Muhammad Ahmed, Rawalpindi.190. Mr. Mir Ikhlaq Adv. Gilgit. 191. Mr. Assadullah Khan, Gilgit.192. Mr. Showkat Ali, Rtd. Govt. Officer, Gilgit. 193. Mr. Amanullah, Rtd. Military Officer, Gilgit.194. Mr. Abdul Latif, Businessman. 195. Prof. Farrukh Faheem, Writer.196. Mr. Aga Ashraf Ali, Educationist / Writer. 197. Prof. Mazoor A. Wazeer.198. Eng. Pervez Fazil. 199. Eng. Jalal-ud-Din Sofi.200. Eng. Fayaz A. Jan. 201. Prof. Sidiq Wahid, Ex. VC Awantipora IU.202. Prof. Veshno Ji, Educationist. 203. Mr. Ab. Aziz Dar (Moosa), Sr. Leader.204. Mr. Kacho Imtiaz, MLA Baltistan. 205. Adv. Aurangzeb, MLA. 206. Capt. Sikandar, MLA Baltistan. 207. Mr. Wazir Sajad, Rtd. SSP Astor.208. Mr. Wazir Tajwar, Engineer.Requesting all the addressees to acknowledge the receipt of the appeal with their comments on the subject matter and thanking them all. Theirs faithfully,

(Amanullah Khan)Patron-in-Chief, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)(Note: Sorry for using stamp for my signature as my right hand is almost paralyzed)11

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