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  • 7/27/2019 Journal Amyloidosis


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  • 7/27/2019 Journal Amyloidosis


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    Journal Presentationcase records

    of the

    massachusetts general hospital

    An 80-Year-Old Man with

    Shortness of Breath, Edema, andProteinuria

    Fathia Rachmatina

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    Present History

    An 80-year-old man

    was admitted to the hospital because of

    shortness of breath, pleuraleffusions, and

    edema of the legs.

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    Past History

    Atrial fibrillation had developed seven

    years earlier, with bradycardia and


    a pacemaker had been placed. Angina

    developed two and a half years before

    admission and was treated with three-

    vessel coronary-artery bypass grafting.

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    urinalysis revealed 3+ proteinuria, an

    increase from 1+ one year earlier. Nine

    months before admission, a subtotal

    colectomy was performed because of

    ischemic colitis with bleeding.

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    Bilateral pleural effusions, pulmonary

    edema, and cardiomegaly were noted on

    chest radiography.

    Five months before admission, an

    increase in exertional fatigue and

    shortness of breath developed. A chest

    radiograph showed small pleural effusions,diffuse irregular opacities, cardiomegaly,

    and pulmonary venous hypertension.


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    The patient received treatment with

    furosemide, and there was improvement in

    his symptoms and radiographic findings

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    A fine-needle aspiration biopsy of an

    abdominal fat pad was performed; a

    Congo red stain for amyloid was negative.

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    Habitual History

    He did not drink alcohol,smoke cigarettes,.

    He had not traveled recently, was retired,

    and lived with his wife

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    Family and Medication History

    Both parents and several uncles had had

    coronary artery disease. His medications

    were warfarin sodium and furosemide

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    Physical Examination

    He appeared fatigued, with increased

    respiratory effort. The temperature was

    36.1C, the pulse was irregular at 77 beats

    per minute, the respiratory rate was 22breaths per minute. The blood pressure

    was 80/40 mm Hg. The oxygen saturation

    was 93 percent while the patient wasbreathing two liters of oxygen with the use

    of a nasal cannula

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    The tongue was enlarged and had a

    whitish shallow ulceration on the right side.

    The neck was supple with a jugular

    venous pressure of 7 cm of water.

    Therewere decreased breath sounds two

    thirds of the way up the posterior chest on

    the right side and halfway up on the leftside, with dullness to percussion

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    There were irregular first and second heart

    sounds. The abdomen was normal, and

    there was pitting edema (+++) of the legs

    from the feet to the knees

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    Laboratory FindingsTable 1. Laboratory Data.*

    Variable On AdmissionGlucose (mg/dl) 119

    Sodium (mmol/liter) 130

    Potassium (mmol/liter) 3.8

    Chloride (mmol/liter) 93

    Carbon dioxide (mmol/liter) 32

    Urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 29

    Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.9

    Calcium (mg/dl) 8.4

    Phosphorus (mg/dl) 3.5

    Magnesium (meq/liter) 1.8

    Protein (g/dl) 6.8Albumin 3.0

    Globulin 4.3



    Direct 0.2

    Total 0.5

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    Chest X-Ray

    Figure 1. Chest Radiograph.

    Two weeks before admission, a

    posterioranterior chest

    radiograph revealed a large right-sided

    pleural effusion

    extending to the level of the right hilum, a

    small left-sided

    pleural effusion, pulmonary venous


    and persistent diffuse irregular

    parenchymal opacities.

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    Figure 2. Transthoracic Echocardiogram.

    A four-chamber view shows mild symmetric left ventricular

    hypertrophy, left atrial enlargement, thickening of the

    mitral and tricuspid valves, and a small pericardial effusion

    (Panel A) (RV right ventricle, LV left ventricle, LA left

    atrium, RA right atrium). A four-chamber view shows

    moderate mitral regurgitation (MR) (Panel B). Pulsedwave

    Doppler evaluation of the mitral inflow gives information

    about the diastolic filling properties of the left

    ventricle and is expressed by two waves (Panel C).The E

    wave corresponds to rapid early diastolic filling of the left

    ventricle, whereas the A wave corresponds to atrial contraction.

    (The A wave is not present in this patient because

    of the presence of atrial fibrillation.) When leftventricular diastolic pressure is elevated, the equalization

    of pressures between the ventricular and atrial

    chambers is rapid, and the deceleration time (dec time)

    of early transmitral filling is shortened. A deceleration

    time of less than 150 msec indicates a restrictive filling

    pattern. In this patient, the deceleration time was 120 msec

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    Amyloidosis, AL type.

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    Anatomical Diagnosis

    Systemic amyloidosis involving the heart

    and colon,in the setting of a monoclonal

    gammopathy; probably AL amyloidosis

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    Organ Dysfunction in Systemic

    Amyloidosis The kidney is the most frequent site of

    amyloid fibril deposition in both

    immunoglobulin light chain (AL)

    amyloidosis and serum amyloid A (AA)

    amyloidosis,and this condition is typically

    manifested as the nephrotic syndrome, aswe see in this patient.

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    The proteinuria can be massive, and the

    accompanying edema can be resistant to

    diuretics, as in this case. The glomerular

    filtration rate may be normal, butprogressive renal impairment typically

    follows unless new amyloid production can

    be reduced or eliminated

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    Table 3. Clinical or Laboratory Findings in This PatientThat Might Be Due to Amyloidosis.


    Nephrotic syndrome


    Restrictive cardiomyopathy

    Valve thickening

    Conduction-system abnormalities

    Gastrointestinal tract

    Colonic bleeding or ischemia


    Elevation of alkaline phosphatase and aminotransferase



    Refractory pleural effusions

    Parenchymal opacifications

    Autonomic nervous system


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    Pathological Discussion

    The presence of amyloid in tissue is not

    always readily apparent, and pathologists

    frequently do not recognize it on

    examination of sections routinely stainedwith hematoxylin and eosin. Examination

    of slides from the resected colon revealed

    the presence of amyloid in the walls ofblood vessels in the submucosa and


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    Figure 3. Right Ventricular Endomyocardial-Biopsy Specimen.

    There is amorphous extracellular material present in a vascular

    distribution (Panel A, hematoxylin and eosin). With Congo

    red staining (Panel B), the deposits have a pinkorange color; under

    plane-polarized light (Panel C), the deposits display

    apple-green birefringence, which is indicative of the presence of amyloid.

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