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OMICS JournalsOMICS Journals

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In today’s world which signifies a global village, scientific researchers and practitioners need to share and disseminate information regularly, a belief that OMICS Publishing Group strongly holds, thereby forming the proposition for its journals and publications.

OMICS Publishing Group operates in tune with the need for open access that is being constantly felt with passage of time by funding bodies and the associated research institutions alike. The Finch Report, developed by a committee chaired by Dame Janet Finch in Great Britain was accepted by the government in mid of 2012. The findings suggest strong need to enable more people to read and use the publications, particularly those featuring publicly funded research.

OMICS Publishing Group provides for easy sharing of knowledge and seeks to provide Open Access to scientific research papers and articles. OMICS Publishing Group publishes several scientific journals featuring knowledge-sharing articles that discuss latest advancements in the field of scientific research.

OMICS Publishing Group abides by the Bethesda statement on Open Access Publishing and regulated by the Creative Commons Attribution License. The content can be copied and distributed without changes, along with providing right citation.

An Editorial Management system is used to track the articles on way to acceptance and publication that also checks for meeting quality standards in terms of presentation and originality of the manuscripts. Publications are edited by authors & reviewers, and the articles are classified for genuine presentation before a vast audience of readers including academicians, tertiary-level researchers and industry leaders.

OMICS Publishing Group has a team of 20,000 editorial board members and about 25,000 reviewers across various specializations. Each article has the dates of acceptance, publication recorded, and undergoes a comprehensive review process that takes into account the sufficiency and completeness of facts and figures, and authenticity of the research activity that is being covered.

Removing barriers to knowledge-seeking, OMICS Publishing Group pursues a policy to promote sharing of updates and developments in advanced scientific research through journals across various domains in biomedical and other disciplines.

The OMICS journals are classified alphabetically with provision to browse or navigate by the subject of interest and relevance, while authors can select a journal from a list for submitting the manuscript for the relevant edition.

Manuscript submission for each journal is handled by a separate link which records details of the authors and editors for each of the journals, to facilitate smooth and efficient processing.

OMICS Publishing Group expects the authors who submit manuscript to keep the content in the reasonable size for smooth review. Submissions accepted include abstracts, addendums and announcements; in addition to those related to conference proceedings, case-reports and product reviews.

OMICS journals are presented in pdf, html and xml formats, and can be translated into international languages.

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As part of the efforts to disseminate knowledge, OMICS Publishing Group also presents readers with an exclusive section featuring Latest Research Reports that can be accessed for no cost. Each paper lists the approach, methodology, keywords, experiment approach, results and discussion, acknowledgements and references.

The research reports can be accessed for free by tertiary-level researchers, academicians and even practitioners for reference.

A scientific credit is provided to each of the editors based on the criteria that include total editorials published, quality of comments, justified decision and exemplary timelines, that also takes into account the number of publications handled by the editor annually. An author’s scientific credit would also depend on inviting articles from editorial board members; adding and assigning peer reviews.

Editors are selected based on their expertise and the credentials they carry, that is decided upon using reliable methodology and criteria. As OMICS Publishing Group aims to promote and regulate Open Access to remove barriers knowledge for the masses, the group has devised means to ensure the cream of professionals in the respective domains form part of the editorial and review team.

Editors are contacted either at events, or conferences organized by OMICS Publishing Group and those with the most relevant credentials are invited to present articles in the form of abstracts for OMICS online journals. A panel of reviewers goes through the manuscripts and an evaluation system is put in place for acceptance of the article in the relevant journal.

OMICS Publishing Group activities and operations center around quenching the thirst of knowledge with promoting and relying on the Open Access methodology needed to keep information flowing.

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The list of journals published by OMICS Group

Advances in Robotics and Automation

The OMICS Robotics and Automation journal talks about manufacture and application of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information technology to reduce the need for human work Anatomy & Physiology.

This OMICS journal describes connection between forms, function physiology and anatomy are intrinsically linked and are studied in tandem as a part of medical curriculum.

Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering by OMICS Publishing Group deals with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft and rocketry within the atmosphere.

Air & Water Borne Diseases

This OMICS journal provides scientific community with most crucial research and advances in the prevention of air and water borne diseases.

Allergy & Therapy

This OMICS Publishing Group journal presents a spectrum of exciting approaches in allergy research with the new strategies in diagnosis, therapy and prevention of allergic diseases.

Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

This OMICS journal publishes papers on psychological and sociological aspects of alcohol and its effects, including biomedical, biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, behavioral actions and clinical research in humans.

Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques

Novel techniques in Bioanalysis are highlighted with the quantitative determination of a chemical compound or chemical element using analytical and electro analytical techniques.


The OMICS Publishing Group journal of Anaplastology deals with the prosthetic rehabilitation of an absent, disfigured, or malformed anatomically critical location of the face or body.

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A publication of the problems of the male reproductive system and urological problems, this OMICS journal publishes significant new findings of basic and clinical research on male reproductive system.

Anesthesia & Clinical Research

This OMICS journal describes the scope of latest advances in the field of opinion pertinent to the control of pain and anxiety.

Applied & Computational Mathematics

The OMICS Applied & Computational Mathematics journal provides an open access platform to analyze new computational and applied techniques for solving the scientific or engineering problems.

Applied Mechanical Engineering

Applied mechanics examines the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to external forces. This journal by OMICS talks about latest advances in the systems mechanics.

Aquaculture Research & Development

The journal of Aquaculture published by OMICS talks about aquatic flora and fauna, ways of research in the concerned specialization.

Architectural Engineering Technology

This OMICS journal provides an open access platform to facilitate the exchange of information between architects & engineers, and to support the advancement of engineers and architects.


The OMICS arthritis journal addresses the cellular and molecular mechanisms of arthritis which help in translation of this knowledge into advances in clinical care for human welfare.

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

The Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology journal by OMICS Group publishes the latest contributions in the field of astrophysics and aerospace technology.


A journal published by OMICS covers autism related and autism associated developmental disorders in children and current research in Autism.

Bacteriology & Parasitology

This science journal by OMICS mentions the latest research on molecular and immunological aspects of bacteria and parasites.

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Bioanalysis & Biomedicine

This OMICS journal is about a theoretical medicine that incorporates the knowledge and research which is more or less in common in the fields of human medicine and other biosciences.

Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry

The journal of Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry published by OMICS talks about the latest chemical properties of bio-molecules in the living system.

Biochips & Tissue Chips

The research efforts in the field of genomics, proteomics, and pharmaceuticals, among other activities to make biochips are described in this OMICS journal.


This OMICS Publishing Group journal deals with different cellular processes such as cellular respiration and many other metabolic processes.

Bioengineering and Biomedical Science

The OMICS Journal of Bioengineering and Biomedical Science deals with the engineering solutions to both biological and clinical questions.

Bioequivalence & Bioavailability

The Bioequivalence & Bioavailability OMICS journal provides continuously growing literature and research activities on the regulatory requirements, scientific and practical issues.

Biometrics & Biostatistics

This OMICS Publishing Group journal talks about the progress in measuring and analyzing biological data based on physiological or behavioural characteristics like fingerprints, hand geometry, and handwriting.

Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics

This journal by OMICS Publishing deals with the use of biological materials or biological response modifiers in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, reversing the aging process, and improving overall health.

Bioremediation and Biodegradation

OMICS Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation addresses the study of microbial communities, genetic biodegradation, biotransformation technologies and also microbial degradation.

Bioterrorism & Biodefense

Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense by OMICS talks about the effects of the bioterrorism and

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approaches for biodefense of potentially harmful agents through an Open Access publishing strategy.

Blood & Lymph

This OMICS Group journal talks about the lymphatic, circulatory and serious conditions such as cancer from lymphatic causes that need to be addressed immediately, and the progress made in the field.

Blood Disorders & Transfusion

This OMICS journal publishes about molecular genetics, pathophysiology and epidemiology as well as prevention, diagnosis, and management of blood disorders.

Brain Disorders & Therapy

The OMICS journal of Brain Disorders & Therapy addresses both scientific research and clinical advancements in treatment of brain disorders and the latest advancements made in this regard.

Business & Financial Affairs

This OMICS Publishing Group journal talks about the research in finances and commerce domain and the latest developments in forging partnerships and running businesses.

Cancer Science & Therapy

This OMICS journal talks about benchmark on research with respect to performance of clinical afflictions to evaluate and compare applications of the several cancer therapies.

Cardiovascular Diseases and Diagnosis

This journal published by OMICS talks about a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels which include: Heart attacks and strokes are usually acute events, and are mainly caused by a blockage that prevents blood from flowing.

Cardiovascular Pharmacology

The diagnosis, characterization, therapy of various marked diseases and in other crucial fields of Medical Science particularly related to the heart and associated health factors are described in this journal.

Cell & Developmental Biology

This journal published by OMICS deals with single, multicellular organisms and models, tools of Molecular Biology, in addition to function, organisation, development and evolution of the cell.

Cell Science & Therapy

OMICS journal of Cell Science & Therapy describes biology of a cell and the process of pioneering new cells into a tissue in order to negotiate a disease and ways of treatment with cell therapy.

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This OMICS journal aims to provide information on current events, advantages and limitations in the field of chemotherapy and treatment of diseases using chemical agents/drugs that are selectively toxic to the causative agent of the disorder.

Child and Adoloscent Behaviour

The OMICS Group journal of Child & Adoloscent Behaviour provides an illuminating overview of the epigenetic, hormonal and neurological developments that takes place during Child and Adolescence.

Clinical & Cellular Immunology

This OMICS journal talks about the interactions among cells and molecules of the immune system, and how such interactions bestow to the recognition and elimination of pathogens.

Clinical Case Reports

The Clinical Case OMICS Group journal covers all types of case reports in the medical field regarding all types of diseases, including clinical aspects and diagnosis of patients.

Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics

The journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics describes the progress in the application of knowledge in designing the dosage form of a drug, route through which drug has to be administered.

Clinical Microbiology

The journal of Clinical Microbiology published by OMICS Group deals with the dynamics of pathological process with an account of treatment till complete recovery and describes interaction of microorganisms.

Clinical Research & Bioethics

The OMICS journal on Bioethics sheds light on ethical questions that arise in the relationships between biology, medicine, theology, politics, law and philosophy.

Clinical Toxicology

The OMICS journal provides in-depth review of affects of toxic agents an open access platform for researcher’s work in clinical toxicology in hospitals, academia, government or industrial sectors.

Cloning & Transgenesis

The journal from OMICS Publishing Group reflects the progress in this rapidly expanding field, promoting the exchange of ideas between scientists at a global level and talks about introducing gene into a living organism so that the organism replicates itself.

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Community Medicine & Health Education

This OMICS journal sheds light on early diagnosis of disease, the recognition of environmental and occupational hazards to good health and the prevention of disease in the community.

Computer Science & Systems Biology

This journal from the OMICS Publishing Group describes progress in Applied Computer Science & Systems Biology that is meant for further research, teaching and reference purposes and seamless dissemination.

Cytology & Histology

This OMICS journal talks about the progress and the advancements made in the area of etiology and management of human and plant diseases related to cells and tissues across research centers around the globe.

Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics

The journal of Genomics & Proteomics published by OMICS describes the organized use of genome information to ply new biological knowledge. Proteomics is the study of proteins, especially their structures and functions.

Depression & Anxiety

The Journal of Depression & Anxiety by OMICS Publishing Group aims talks about the action of drugs and their addictive processes, diagnosis, harmful effects as well as assist in prevention and treatments of addiction.

Diabetes & Metabolism

OMICS publishing Group journal of Diabetes & Metabolism sheds light on cutting edge research in the prevention, pharmacological treatment, management, and education of diabetes and related disorders.

Drug Designing

This OMICS journal is meant for disseminating information on both the theory and the application of computer-based methods in the analysis and designing of molecules and the basic units having medicinal impact.

Drug Metabolism & Toxicology

This journal published by OMICS deals with the study of adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms, usually through specialized enzymatic system and the pharmaceutical substances’ affect on the body and the living processes therein.

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Earth Science & Climatic Change

This OMICS Group journal is published to present the latest studies in atmosphere, hydrosphere, oceans, and biosphere, as well as the solid Earth. The journal provides an open access platform which deals with the origin, structure, and physical phenomena of earth.

Ecosystem & Ecography

The journal describes the research on coexistence between living organisms & non living abiotics in a natural environment and the interaction of components within the biological environment by OMICS Publishing Group.

Electrical & Electronics

This OMICS journal provides an open access platform for theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, which contributes to advance the understanding of phenomena related with all aspects of application of electricity.

Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome

The journal of Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome by OMICS Group provides information on current developments in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolic Syndrome including physiological function of hormones and with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete them.

Enzyme Engineering

The journal of Enzyme Engineering from OMICS Publishing Group deals with the applications of engineering tools to modify the structure of the enzymes and their functions which are required for various industrial processes.


This publication by OMICS Group talks about the study which includes supervision, monitor, perform statistical inference, analytic research and experiments with relation to various communicable diseases, and the remedies and solutions to prevent it in a population.


OMICS journal on ergonomics shed the light on advances in research pertaining to people and their technological tools and environments, the devices and tools that are compatible with the movement of humans.


The OMICS journal on exobiology sheds light on studies and research activities that look around for life out of the solar system and takes into account other aspects such as astronomy, general space biology, molecular biology, planetary science, ecology and the planet exosphere.

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Experimental Science

This journal published by OMICS Group covers Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Formal Sciences, and Applied Sciences along with the recent advances/ techniques in the fields of science and related domains.

Family Medicine & Medical Science Research

The journal of Family Medicine & Medical Science Research by OMICS Group, presented the ways to improve clinical practice, with respect to other fields of the diagnosis, characterization, therapy of various marked diseases and in other crucial fields of Medical Science.

Fermentation Technology

This journal by OMICS publishing talks about the type of chemical reactions induced by living or non-living ferments that split complex organic compounds into relatively simple substances, in addition to anaerobic conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast as a common fermentation process.

Fertilization: In vitro

The journal of In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an OMICS Group publication that provides latest updates on indications, methods, success rates, risks and complications, plus additional techniques and ethics associated to IVF.

Food Processing & Technology

The OMICS food processing journal provides an open access platform to publish the original research articles and enables the rapid dissemination of significant research in various disciplines encompassing food processing.

Forensic Research

This OMICS journal provides insights on forensic sciences on internet which are easy to access that are related to crime investigation and finding evidence through scientific means by application of a vast and various spectrums of science.

Fungal Genomics & Biology

OMICS Publishing journal of fungal genomics focuses on studies of gene organization; expression and of developmental processes at the cellular, sub-cellular and molecular levels and provides information on their growth, reproduction, morphogenesis and differentiation.

Gastrointestinal & Digestive System

The OMICS Publishing Group Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System publishes the overview of human research on substance abuse which includes the contents geared towards genetic, pharmacological aspects of the gastro-enteric system.

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Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy

This OMICS journal sheds light on disorders of genes in cells, revolving around phenotype analysis, birth defects; infant abnormalities including the various inherent disorders caused by single mutant genes and the changes that occur due to therapy.

General Practice

The OMICS Journal of General Practice deals with primary health care relationships comprising the foundations of an effective health care system and the progress made in the respective domain plus ability to apply the evidence appropriately in community settings, places of general practice.

Gene Technology

This OMICS journal deals with the progress made in natural genetic variation, modifying and transferring genes to new hosts and the progress made in the relevant field.

Geology & Geosciences

OMICS publishing Group talks about the research on solid Earth materials- rock and unconsolidated material and the sciences of Earth, complex relationships among its surface processes in this particular journal.

Geophysics & Remote Sensing

The journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing by OMICS publishing Group talks about methods to analyze potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, to locate groundwater, archaeological findings, to calculate thickness of glaciers,soils and more.

Gerontology & Geriatric Research

This OMICS journal sheds light on diseases and disorders related to aging process and aging mechanisms of both humans and animals discussing pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of diseases in old age and the latest research.

Global Economics

The OMICS Group Global Economics journal sheds light on issues such as open economy, International law, intellectual property, global marketing, immigration, trade policy, global economic inequality, optimum currency areas, in addition to globalization.


OMICS journal of Glycobiology talks about the aspects of the various roles saccharides play in biology in various medical, biochemical and biotechnological fields and focuses on breaking down of sugar molecules inside the human body.

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Gynecology & Obstetrics

The journal of Gynecology and Obstretics by the OMICS Group talks about clinical advances in diagnostic and management techniques pertaining to women with emphasis on the reproductive system and conditions that compromise the health of women, and the related progress made.

Hair: Therapy & Transplantation

This OMICS publishing Group journal sheds light on overview of hair transplantation techniques and research which includes hair therapy, strip harvesting, follicular unit extraction, mini-micro grafting, laser therapy and hair disorders.

Hereditary Genetics

This journal published by OMICS Group combines the original research articles helpful to understand the general concept of heritability, and to understand that genetic disease is not synonymous with hereditary disease.

Hematology & Thrombo-embolic Diseases

This journal by OMICS Publishing Group talks and reports about the latest development of researches with respect to the advancements and research activities of thrombo-lumberic complications and their cure.

Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine

This OMICS journal publishes papers on current developments in the field of Homeopathy and Ayurveda, the two streams of natural remedies that are the basis of alternative as well as holistic medicine; outlining the progress made in those fields.

Hotel & Business Management

OMICS Hotel and Business Management journal sheds light on the study of the professional management techniques used in the hospitality sector which includes hotel administration, accounts, marketing, housekeeping, front office or front of house.


Hydrology Journal published by OMICS sheds light on the study of the movement, distribution and quality of water on Earth, the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability, in addition to presence of water on other planets.


This OMICS journal highlights original and highly informative articles written by distinguished experts from all around the world, in addition to it being the cause of death and disability in the world and issues involved in treating cases of resistant and complex hypertension.

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Industrial Engineering & Management

This journal by OMICS publishing Group talks about mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design that could also provide contribution to biological and physical sciences.

Infectious Diseases and Therapy

A journal about infections is being published by OMICS Group that lists about the latest developments in diseases therapy or treatment, and the attempted remediation of a health problem and the relevant diagnosis.

Integrative Oncology

The Journal of Integrative Oncology by OMICS Publishing Group deals with the combination of traditional therapeutic methods of diagnosing and treating cancer like Naturopathy, Palliative Care, Herbal medicine, Acupressure; and the progress made in the respective disciplines.

Internal Medicine

The internal medicine journal by OMICS Publishing Group that is based on Open Access, deals with the studies on management of patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes, along with short articles in the field of internal medicine.

Information Technology & Software Engineering

The OMICS journal on Information Technology & Software Engineering talks about the approaches and information technology strategies for the use of computers and telecommunications to store, retrieve and transmit information that can also be of use in various scientific applications.


The studies and research on malignancy of any cellular element in the blood or bone marrow is published in this journal by OMICS Group and also deals with researches with respect to the conditions of leukemia, lymphomas and their diagnostic applications, and advancements made in the domain.


This journal by OMICS Publishing pertains to the studies on functions of liver and the potential hazards and infections, in addition to an overview on liver diseases including biliary atresia, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, alagille syndrome, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis.

Marine Science Research and Development

OMICS Publishing Group journal of Marine Science Research and Development illustrates the geology of sea floor, and sheds light on related multiple disciplines that enables oceanographers to further interpret their findings.

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Mass Communication and Journalism

This OMICS journal talks about reporting of events and developments. Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience, and this OMICS Publishing journal keeps track of the practice.

Material Science & Engineering

This OMICS journal is dedicated for Material Science Engineering that sheds light on the designing, synthesizing, and characterizing the new materials and development of modern research into the tests for condensed matter and other sophisticated materials.

Medicinal chemistry

The OMICS journal on medicinal chemistry provides updates on the identification, synthesis and development of new chemical entities suitable for therapeutic use with existing drugs, their biological properties, and their quantitative structure-activity relationships.

Medical Diagnostic Methods

The Medical Diagnostic journal by OMICS publishing Group talks about the latest diagnostic techniques, interpretation methods, research applications and the novel hardware/software technologies and equipment with respect to modern scientific inventions.

Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis

The OMICS Group journal talks about the study of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that cause diseases in human beings in addition to the latest progress in medical microbiology, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.

Medical & Surgical Urology

This journal by OMICS Group talks about the latest findings in studies concerned with the urinary tracts of males and females, and on the reproductive system of both males and females, in addition to the action of drugs, harmful effects as well as assist in prevention and treatments of addiction.

Membrane Science & Technology

OMICS Membrane Science & Technology journal by OMICS Group mentions the latest developments in filtration processes that are used to separate substances in addition to understanding of the separation process, with a wide variety of applications, both industrial and scientific.

Metabolic Syndrome

This journal by OMICS Group talks about medical disorders that, when occurring together, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes; specifically called metabolic syndrome X, cardiometabolic syndrome, syndrome X and the insulin resistance syndrome.

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Metallurgy and Mining

The OMICS Group journal on Metallurgy and Mining sheds light on advance research and education in the field of powder metallurgy & mining which involves creating new materials by blending fine powdered materials with the extracted valuable minerals.

Microbial & Biochemical Technology

The OMICS journal reports on studies to understand the enzymatic, protein and biochemical mechanisms of microbes in addition to the current research related to various aspects of microbial biochemical processes.

Modern Chemistry & Applications

This journal by OMICS Group focuses on all the aspects of Chemistry which include organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, material, environmental chemistry etc with current trends in computational, forensic chemistry and their applications.

Molecular Biology

This OMICS journal is published in order to report about the advancements in molecular basis of biological activity and the related studies that include nucleic acids and proteins, especially with their role in cell replication & the transmission of genetic information with the interaction between DNA, RNA and cell protein biosynthesis.

Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis

The journal of Biomarkers by OMICS sheds light on molecular biomarkers, their increasing role in the diagnosis, characterization, and therapy of various marked diseases and its emergence as an indicator for identifying particular disease state.

Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Process Research

The OMICS Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Research journal provides insight into organic chemistry, catalysis, analytical chemistry, and chemical engineering, with special focus on the development and optimization of chemical reactions and processes.

Mycobacterial Diseases

The OMICS journal reports on the studies about diseases caused by Mycobacterium species, basically Tuberculosis, Leprosy and research on remedial methods, in addition to disease progress and curative measures taken by healthcare administration.

Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery

This journal by OMICS Publishing Group talks about basic, clinical, and engineering research in the field of nanomedicine and the related biotherapeutic discovery, along with commercialization of nanomedicine advances, ethics in nanomedicine and the various funding opportunities.

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Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology

The publication on this specialization by the OMICS Group talks about the scopes and possibilities in the field of medicine, mainly centering around research tools and clinically reformative devices in tune with the technological advances in the field of medical, biological and nanoscale sciences.

Natural Products Chemistry & Research

OMICS journal on Natural Products Chemistry emphasizes on advances in the field of chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds or the biology of living systems from which they are obtained, along with their use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug design.

Nephrology & Therapeutics

This OMICS journal provides insight about the function and diseases of the kidney, diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, electrolyte disturbances and hypertension and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, with focus on dialysis.

Neurology & Neurophysiology

This journal by OMICS Publishing Group deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of diseases involving central, peripheral and autonomous nervous system with respect to neurology, neurobiology, psychology, neuroanatomy, electrophysiology, cognitive sciences and its relation to brain sciences.

Neurological Disorders

This OMICS journal talks about the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of diseases involving central, peripheral and autonomous nervous system, and the most exciting researches with respect to neurophysiology under the fields of Medical Science development and the medical applications.

Novel Physiotherapies

The journal by OMICS Group sheds light on the modern practices in physiotherapy that include novel procedures such as computers, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, electro myography and other new equipments, so that the patient leads a normally cognitive life.

Nuclear Energy & Power Generation Technologies

The journal of Nuclear Energy & Power Generation Technologies published by the OMICS Group talks about nuclear fuel reserves, fuel cycles, conversion of energy sources, processing, recycling, reactor physics, structural analysis, fuel management along with future developments and safety strategies.

Nutrition & Food Sciences

This OMICS journal focuses on dietary research that includes updates on nutritional requirements by the perceived palatability of foods and their applications in highly interdisciplinary applied sciences. This is in addition to all aspects of experimental nutrition and various sub disciplines of food science

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and the ongoing discoveries.

Nursing & Care

The journal of nursing by OMICS Publishing sheds light on progress in the rapidly expanding field and aims to be the reliable source of information on current developments in the field of Nursing & Care at various levels of hospitalization and patient needs.

Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

The journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy by OMICS Group sheds light on clinical study of the obesity, dietary changes and body mass index and therapeutic weight loss, in individuals who are overweight or obese, and the related symptoms.


This OMICS journal provides updates on studies related to scope of marine pollution impact and possible effects of the exploitation of marine resources, together with the role of the ocean in possible global warming and climate change.

Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs

The Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs journal by OMICS Group talks about the increasing role in the diagnosis, characterization, therapy of various marked diseases and in crucial fields of Medical Science, in addition to the occupational hazards.

Oral Hygiene & Vector Biology

The OMICS journal publishes studies around DNA molecule which can be used as a vehicle to transfer foreign genetic material into another cell for oral hygiene. The journal also talks on application of plasmids, viral vectors, cosmids and artificial chromosomes in curing gingivitis, periodontitis, and dental traumas.

Organic Chemistry

The Organic Chemistry journal by the OMICS Group talks about research on structure, properties, reactions, and preparation of carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons, and their derivatives, in addition to current developments in the field of Organic chemistry.

Organ Biology

The OMICS Organ Biology journal talks about the latest advanced innovative methods of the researchers in relation to analytical methods or improvement of existing ones useful for the separation of organic and inorganic components of a single organ.

Orthopedic & Muscular System

This OMICS Group journal talks about all phases of Orthopedic & Muscular system that encourages problem solving and decision making, with respect to the parts of the body covering joints, ligaments,

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tendons, muscles and nerves.

Osteoporosis and Physical Activity

This journal by OMICS Group focuses on research articles of authentic information and research includes the latest advanced innovative methods about the improvement of existing methods useful for the separation of organic and inorganic components of bone material density.


The journal of Otolaryngology by the OMICS Group talks about the diagnosis, management, and treatment of diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT) and related structures of the head and neck, including the sinuses, voice box, oral cavity, and the throat.

Outlook on Developing Drugs

This OMICS journal deals with the several pharmaceuticals studies the pipeline and thus aims to advance understanding of the action of drugs, their harmful effects, prevention and treatment of both existing and emerging disorders.

Pain & Relief

This OMICS journal sheds light on study of physiological and pathological pain integrated with molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, modern electrophysiology and neurobiology and also various distressing symptoms during treatment and healing.

Palliative Care & Medicine

This journal from OMICS Group provides information about progress on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients by addressing the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social concerns that arise with advanced illness, and providing treatment by relieving symptoms without having a curative effect.

Pediatrics & Therapeutics

The Pediatrics & Therapeutics journal from OMICS publishing Group provides new developments in all areas of the discipline from pediatricians across the world in the field of child and infant medicine apart from underlying surgery, preventive care, pharmacology, and biomedicine.

Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology

The OMICS journal sheds light on progress in the application of biotechnology in the field of environment such as biofuel production, bioremediation, and phytoremediation, and the implementation of biological processes in the oil industry to explore, produce, and transform petroleum into valuable derivatives.

Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta

This OMICS Publishing Group journal talks about the studies that involve a series of processes for

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identification, determination, quantification, and purification of a substance and also the separation of the components of a solution or mixture.

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs

The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs is an open access journal by OMICS Publishing Group that talks about advances in development of new pharmaceutical products by using biotechnology that are adopted and regulated for delivering new healthcare advances to market in a reasonable time with acceptable safety.

Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics

This OMICS journal deals with reports on influence of genetic variations on drug response in patients and the proteomic technologies in drug discovery and development, drug design and delivery for patient use.

Phylogenetics & Computational Biology

This journal by OMICS Group focuses on advances in evolutionary relation among groups of organisms and the computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems that aims to report the latest development in the domain.

Plant Pathology & Microbiology

The OMICS journal publishes reports on scientific study of plant diseases caused by pathogens, environmental conditions and physiological factors. It focuses on disease epidemiology and modeling post-harvest diseases, non infectious diseases, plant protection and crop management techniques.

Plant Biochemistry & Physiology

The OMICS Publishing journal Plant Biochemistry & Physiology sheds light on the cellular and molecular biology and interaction between biomolecules along with the study of photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrition, plant hormone functions, plant morphology, ecology and environmental effects on plants.

Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

The journal Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences from OMICS relates to discovery and dissemination of knowledge in conservation of biodiversity, natural resource management, and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Pollution and Effects

This journal published by OMICS Group disseminates the research-based information on assessment of risks from water, soil and air pollution; effective and viable remedies, protection of soil and groundwater, Ecosystem research waste disposal strategies and clean technologies.


This OMICS journal deals with studies on the anatomy, anthropology, physiology, psychology

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and genetics of the primates based on analysis methods, algorithms, data standards and databases including review and methodology chapters for clear explanation.

Proteomics & Bioinformatics

This journal by OMICS Publishing group focuses on the study of proteins expressed by a genome; and the analysis of biological information using computational and various statistical techniques that encompasses Bioinformatics, with the latest citations in research from both practices.

Psychology & Psychotherapy

This particular journal by OMICS Publishing Group talks about progress in major areas of psychology and explores the complexities and controversies facing psychotherapists along with modern developments in psychotherapy and the related challenges in the foreseeable future.

Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine

This OMICS Publishing Group journal relates to the treatment for the diseases of chest and contains the fields of pulmonology, thoracic surgery, and intensive care medicine, a field that is referred to covering chest medicine or respiratory medicine in some parts of the world.

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders

The publication Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders is one of the OMICS journals that talks about sexual reproduction and related complications in genders along with sexual dysfunction treatment, with respect to reproductive organs, hormones and the underlying processes.


The studies reported in the OMICS Publishing Group journal focus on inflammation and reduced function of connecting or supporting structures such as the joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles; and the associated chronic illnesses.

Rice Research

The highlights of this OMICS journal mention about ways to increase rice productivity and value for the poor and helps rice farmers adapt to climate change, and the need for advancements in rice crop cultivation in various geographic regions and countries.

Single-Cell Biology

This OMICS Group journal talks about advances in methods for genomic analysis at single cell resolution enabling new understanding of complex biological phenomena including revolutionizing analysis of microbial communities to boost up the therapeutics for several diseases.

Sleep Disorders & Therapy

This journal by OMICS Publishing provides insights into studies on the sleep patterns of a person or animal and the methods to address various sleep disorders and their causes in individuals encompassing expert knowledge in basic, clinical and applied studies related to sleep disorders.

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This journal from OMICS has been published in order to understand the deeper introspective of sociology and their subjects for understanding of social processes that involve social media, social networking, anthropology, psychology and human geography and the lifestyle transformation.

Sociology and Criminology

This OMICS journal publishes latest advancements and reports of socialistic and criminal views of crime, and plays a keyrole in criminal investigations that would help in deeper understanding of the nature of crime committed by different people at different locations.


The Spine OMICS journal provides overview of human Spine on substance abuse which includes the contents skull to the back and the studies of the spine with respect to overall human biological advancements.

Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

The journal of Sports Medicine and Doping by OMICS Publishing Group talks about clinical methods to manage, and rehabilitate injuries related to sport, exercise, or recreational activity. The journal also talks on doping that involves performance-enhancing drugs, particularly those forbidden in sports.

Steroids & Hormonal Science

This OMICS Publishing Group journal talks about the side effects on the human body on over doses which may lead to hormonal imbalance, along with the advances in studies on steroid abuse seen commonly in sports that is not deemed legal by competition-regulating bodies.

Stem Cell Research & Therapy

The OMICS journal talks about therapy performed using stem cells, referred to as “Regenerative medicine” and contribution in treating a wide variety of diseases and injuries in the human body without the risk of rejection and side effects.


The OMICS journal of surgery sheds light on recent advances that improve the understanding of disease and the safe and effective treatment of patients using surgical instruments and techniques, by diagnosis, prevention and treatments of various ailments and injuries and the harmful effects.

Telecommunications System & Management

The Telecommunications System & Management journal published by the OMICS group sheds light on both mobility management and security issues for mobile wireless networks, and is an ideal vehicle for bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers, academics and students.

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Thermodynamics & Catalysis

This OMICS journal publishes updates in the field of breaking of compounds and molecules that are a part of living system, as the studies are of fundamental importance in the chemical industry and in other technologically relevant applications.

Thyroid Disorders & Therapy

The journal provides information regarding the types of thyroid disorders, tests for detection, therapies to cure and prevention strategies as thyroid is the largest single endocrine gland and the resulting disorders from its enlargement like goiter are of prime concern.

Tissue Science & Engineering

This OMICS journal provides updates on the interdisciplinary field of tissue engineering, and opportunity to increase number of research groups throughout the world to develop various novel tissue engineering approaches for advancement of tissue engineering.

Transplantation Technologies & Research

This journal from OMICS Group provides information on all types of transplantations, its technologies and latest research updates about replacing the affected or damaged body part with an organ from donor’s own site or from an external donor and advancements in the field of transplant surgery.


The transcriptomics journal published by the OMICS Group reports about expression profiling that examines the expression level of mRNAs in a given cell population, and the high-throughput techniques based on the DNA microarray elaborating its cellular differentiation.

Translational Medicine

The journal of Translational Medicine published by the OMICS group focuses on the practice of transforming laboratory findings into new ways to diagnose and treat patients, which encompasses the underlying experimental and investigative techniques.

Trauma & Treatment

The journal of Trauma and Treatment by OMICS Publishing provides updates on musculoskeletal, visceral and multiple injuries causing substantial damage to the psychological development of patients and the proper approach and remedial measures for treatment of the same.

Tropical Medicine & Surgery

The journal published by OMICS Group deals with the diseases and their causes involving the population in the tropical and subtropical regions of the earth; that encompass the efforts of clinicians, scientists, surgeons, with immunologic, surgical and molecular approaches to tropical diseases.

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Vaccines & Vaccination

The research in this OMICS journal focuses on administration of vaccines to develop adaptive immunity in an individual against a disease with the clinical effectiveness of new vaccines in treating various infectious diseases.

Vascular Medicine & surgery

The aim of this journal by OMICS Publishing Group is to provide updates on vascular medicine so that researchers could also share their expert knowledge in basic, clinical and applied studies related to vascular medicine and surgical process.

Veterinary Science & Technology

The journal of Veterinary Science & Technology by the OMICS publishing group focuses on the latest advancements in the field of clinical veterinary methods and technology with respect to careful monitoring of livestock, companion animal and wildlife health.

Vitamins & Trace Elements

This OMICS journal sheds light on studies about components required in traces such as vitamins, and progress regarding the roles of vitamins and trace elements in metabolism and growth of the human body.

Virology & Mycology

This OMICS journal provides insights into the progress made in combating viral infections, in addition to the newest developments in the field of mycology while explaining about the application of dosages, disease progresses and curative measures for proper cure.

Women’s Health Care

The OMICS journal of women’s health care publishes the latest advancements in female medical care for diagnosis and treatment of fertility disorders, diseases of gynecological and mammary disorders, as well as related genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical reports.

Yoga & Physical Therapy

The latest research on the practice of yoga is highlighted in the OMICS publishing Group journal that concentrates on better ways of attaining physical and mental health through meditation and physical exercise, which combines the principles and practices of yoga with physical therapies.

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