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Slide 2 Journey through the Underground Railroad Slide 3 Back Next Navigation Buttons Interested in seeing what you will be doing ? Well take a moment and watch this Instructional Video ! Slide 4 NEXT Slide 5 1 On the Plantatio n 2 3 4 Reaching freedom Play Me ! Slide 6 Click Me Click Me Slide 7 Tobacco and Cotton Plants Tobacco and cotton was a major crop in the many states in the upper South. Tobacco and cotton farms required a lot of work which is why it relied on so many slaves to plant them. Back Slide 8 Slave Cabins On the southern plantations, a group of slave cabins was usually set apart from the owners house. Usually in the woods near the plantation fields. One family typically lived in each small wood cabin. Most cabins were only one or two rooms with leaky roofs, drafty walls, and dirt floors. Back Slide 9 Plantation Masters Plantation owners often hired overseers to manage their slaves in the fields. A master could whip the slaves for many reasons. Like -not working -showing up late -running away Men and women, even children could fall victim to the overseer of punishment. Back Slide 10 Question 2: Which plant was the major crop in the upper south? A. Tobacco Plant B. Fern Plant Slide 11 Click Me Slide 12 Stars One way that the runaways slaves found their way was by looking at the stars. They used the big dipper and Little dipper. The brightest stars in the night sky, the north star guided runaways slaves to the north as they escaped from Canada. Back Slide 13 Rivers and Streams Runaways slaves often traveled by rivers and streams. Rivers could be safer than roads because the dogs couldnt track their scent in the rivers. But not all were easy to cross. Slaves escaping into Ohio or Indianan had to first cross the mighty Ohio river before reaching freedom. Back Slide 14 Moss on Trees To find their way, runaways slaves often looked for moss growing on the tree. Since moss typically grows on the north side of the tree trunks it served as a compass especially when the north star was out of sight. Back Slide 15 Question 1: What star constellation was the most famous for leading the slaves to freedom? A. The little dipperC. The milky way D. None of the aboveB. Orion's belt Slide 16 Hooray Your Half way done !! Now lets take a break and see what youve learned so far Next Slide 17 Watch Me ! Quiz time Slide 18 Quiz Question (click on circle to indicate answer): What industry had ended a period of rapid development and increased the demand for cotton ? A B C D Next Coal Textile Bread Wool Slide 19 Oh no ! Thats not right go back and take a closer look at he answers ! Back Slide 20 Yay you got it right ! Great job !!! Now lets continue on our journey Slide 21 Oh no ! Thats not right go back and take a closer look at he answers ! You are so close ! Keep trying ! Back Slide 22 Oh no ! Thats not right go back and take a closer look at he answers ! Lets try ONE more time ! You can do it Back Slide 23 Click Me Slide 24 Candle Signal The famous stationmaster put candles in their windows to signal that it was safe to cross the rivers. Slaves crossing the river flowed towards this light beacon. Station masters often took great risk by helping runaway slaves. Back Slide 25 Newspapers and Books During the 1800s people working against slavery spread their message through newspapers and books. One of the first and the most famous was The Liberator found in 1831. Back Slide 26 Horse Drawn Carriage Sometimes conductors used horse drawn carriage to safely carry slaves between safe houses. The runaway slaves would hide under the hay, crates, or bags. Some wagons even had secret compartment where the slaves would hide Back Slide 27 Q5: What did you think some of the hardest things about being a slave? Back Slide 28 Click Me Slide 29 Churches and Schools Even in the north blacks faced intense discrimination. They were often discouraged from worshipping and working in the same places as whites. Blacks started their own schools, business and churches. But despite their efforts they still werent citizens until 1866. Back Slide 30 Industrialization By 1860 industrialization was booming in the north. More and More factories sprung up in the north cities. Some factories produced textiles, like cotton, fabric, or yarn. These industries helped cities grow as more and more people left rural areas to work in areas where factories were located. Back Slide 31 Rewards When slaves escaped, slave holders put up posters in local papers. The papers described the slaves appearance and offered large rewards for their return. Train Schedule In 1860 most of the railroads in the united states stretched across the northern states. Trains transported raw material thus helped industries and northern cities grow rapidly (tying this back into industrialization) Back Slide 32 Q1: What did it mean to be a slave? What were some of the basic right slaves didnt have during this time ? Move on Slide 33 Play Me ! Next Slide 34 Q2: Why did people own slaves in the United States in the 1800s ? Next Slide 35 Q4: Describe the life of the slave on the Plantation? Where did you live and what kind of work do you do? Next Slide 36 Congratulations !!! You have finished your journey through the Underground Railroad ! I hope youve learned lots of information ! And is ready to share that information with everyone ! See you soon !!! Slide 37 Objectives Students will be able to: Provided information on slavery, students will be able to reflect on the hardships of slaves without grammatical mistakes. Provided various pictures of plants, the students will be able to identify major crops in the south without error. Without assistance, the students will be able to identify how slaves navigated without error. Slide 38 Standards 8.1.20 Give examples of how immigration affected American culture in the decades before and the Civil War, including growth of industrial sites in the North; religious differences; tensions between middle-class and working-class people, particularly in the Northeast; and intensification of cultural differences between the North and the South. 8.1.29 Differentiate between facts and historical interpretations of events, recognizing that the historians narrative reflects his or her judgment about the significance of particular facts. 8.LH.4.1: Integrate visual information (e.g., charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. Slide 39 Sites used rivers ccid=qjwTqepu&simid=608005844530889279&thid=JN.hyGp%2fuqn60cylBg7%2bvct3Q&ajaxhist=0 moss SAFETY PICTUR E VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=slaves+newspaper&imgrc=ql- VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACRWx1yVC_1vZkIjg5cpYK6nRYkk2oAuT8WYCotiOfF- KNItLhf_1SR1YxVKdasaVIyt8HVSidEUS6aTJwu1qkxBNiM3CoSCTlylgrqdFiSEei9YYrfB1VaKhIJTagC5PxZgKgRc63_16WnhdjYqEgm2I58X4o0i0hF6wOMdFD0z2SoSCeF_19JHVjFUpEUzI a8fmeSRvKhIJ1qxpUjK3wdURL-hT2hI-cvgqEglKJ0RRLppMnBGAZ6- yrV4YxyoSCS7WqTEE2IzcEQNYfHOEAUHi&q=slaves%20window%20signal%20&imgrc=OXKWCup0WJIcnM%253A%3B6L1hit8HVVoCaM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ilaxstudi %3B300 Slide 40 Sites continued reaching freedom VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=industrialization+during+slavery&imgrc=YjBGA92vbKSUOM%253A%3B28t_XJTFsFqBCM%3B VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=slaves+churches+&imgrc=9115OwuUIzKnwM%253A%3B4lxjqsUwOk5_iM%3Bhttp%253A%2 52F%252Fwww.county- 2F2011%252F01%252Fworst-kind-of-slavery-presbyterian.html%3B730%3B481 VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=slave+school+&imgrc=B3AwXCk6gMuf3M%253A%3BauYHU1IoLuYQeM%3Bhttp%253A%25 VaicG8rAsAX6uoC4CA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=1860+train+schedule&spell=1&imgrc=LhQODnsrB9Nd4M%253A%3Bkwxsth0rVxG0gM%3Bh 1860-train-schedule%252F%3B1680%3B1000 Slide 41 Oh no ! Thats not right go back and take a closer look at he answers ! Back Slide 42 Yay you got it right ! Great job !!! Now lets continue on our journey Slide 43

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