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Let’s not Let Stress Beat Us Journeycare ROCKS!



© 2008 DW GROUP, LLC


JourneyCare Feb. 11th, 2011


Alton Baird & Dynamic Wellness Alton Baird & Dynamic Wellness STRESS-BUSTING! STRESS-BUSTING!


“It's not worth getting upset”“OH !#&$%!”

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Importance of Preventive Maintenance

How Will You Look In 30 Years?



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Some Good News!

Red WineRed Wine


Dark Dark ChocolatChocolatee


Some Good Things are GOOD FOR YOU!

(In Moderation)

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Sugar / “Fast-digesting” Carbs: – Addictive– Create rapid rise in blood sugar– Trigger a flood of Insulin– Cause energy to rise and fall– Serotonin rises then falls – mood swings

Don’t overdose on Caffeinated beverages: – Release adrenaline / Increase stress

White foods (White bread, rice, etc):– Immune-depressing; contribute to obesity and

cardiovascular disease– Lead to sluggishness



Attitude Act





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Fast Carbs quickly convert to blood sugar

Raise the level of blood fats like Triglycerides

Cause Platelets to become unusually sticky

Reduce levels of "good" HDL Cholesterol

Trigger the release of excess Insulin

Refined "Fast" Carbohydrates are a leading cause of Heart Disease!

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Blood Sugar / Insulin Roller Coaster

The Path to Heart Disease and Weight Gain!

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Sugar– 4 grams to a teaspoon

1 Packet =1 Teaspoon =

4 grams of sugarRule of Thumb—Divide grams of Carbs on Nutrition List by 4 and that will tell you how many teaspoons of sugar are in the product

10 teaspoons of sugar per serving

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Sugar is also hiding in unlikely foods like: • Pasta• Bagels• Bread• White Rice

A large plain bagel contains the equivalent of about 14 teaspoons of sugar!

A 1-cup serving of pasta contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar!

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Protein Foods– Esp. Salmon and Turkey, help to

create the amino acid, Tryptophan, which increases the amount of Serotonin made by the brain

Omega-3 Fatty Acids– Fatty Fish / Fish Oil / Ground


– Stress depletes Omega-3 fats so they must be replenished

– Omega-3 fatty acids keep cortisol and adrenaline from spiking (2003 study from Diabetes & Metabolism)


Almonds – contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that bolsters the immune system, and B vitamins, which may help your body hold up during seriously unpleasant events

Pistachios & Walnuts – lower blood pressure both at rest and under stress

Avocados – loaded with monounsaturated fat and potassium which can lower blood pressure – enjoy guacamole!

Oatmeal – a slow-digesting carb that makes and keeps serotonin flowing more steadily

Vitamin C – vitamin C reduces blood pressure and helps levels of cortisol returned to normal faster

Salmon – omega-3 fatty acids keep cortisol and adrenaline

from spiking

Spinach – contains magnesium which helps lower your stress levels

Stress-Busting Foods

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Antioxidants to the Rescue!

• Antioxidants neutralize or block the action of free radicals.

• They put out the stress fire!

• They are found primarily in fruits and vegetables, especially colorful ones.

• Exercise also helps generate antioxidants.

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Olive oil. Olive oil is a great source of oleic acid, an anti-inflammatory oil. In addition, researchers wrote in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition that those who consume more oleic acid have better insulin function and lower blood sugar. Tip: Opt for extra-virgin olive oil, which is the least processed, and use it instead of other cooking oils. Other “cold-pressed” or “expeller-pressed” oils can be good sources, too.

Salads. Dark-green lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and other salad veggies are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, nutrients that dampen inflammation. Tip: Opt for olive oil-and-vinegar salad dressing (vinegar helps moderate blood sugar).

Cruciferous vegetables. These veggies, which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale, are also loaded with anti-inflammatory agents. Plus they provide one other ingredient — sulfur — that the body needs to make its own high-powered antioxidants, such as glutathione.


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Antioxidant – Vitamins A & C, Folate – protects against heart disease, cancer and stroke, offers memory protection

Romaine Lettuce

Excellent source of vitamin A and lutein, vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, manganese, and chromium

Very good source of dietary fiber and 6 vitamins and minerals


High in Fiber, Antioxidant, memory protector

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It’s Easy to Add Vegetables!

Frozen: As healthy as

fresh . . . FreshFresh

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods Anti-Inflammatory

All Berries have Anthocyanins-A potent anti inflammatory

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Cherries. A study in the April 2006 Journal of Nutrition showed that eating cherries regularly can significantly reduce inflammation. Cherries are also packed with antioxidants and relatively low on the Glycemic index Tip: Frozen cherries are available all year long and make a tasty dessert with a little yogurt or cheese.

Blueberries. These tasty fruits are chocked full of natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries may also protect the brain from many of the effects of aging. Frozen are usually less expensive than fresh—and just as good.

Turmeric. This spice is a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory compound. Turmeric has long been part of curry spice blends, used in southern Asian cuisines. Tip: Buy powdered curry spice (which contains turmeric and other spices) and use it as a seasoning when pan-frying chicken breasts in olive oil.


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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Ginger. This relative of tumeric is also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, and some research suggests that it might also help control blood sugar.

Garlic. Garlic has anti-inflammatory and glucose-regulating benefits and it may also help your body fight infections. At the very least, it won’t hurt and makes for a tasty addition to food. Kitchen tip: Dice garlic 15 minutes before using to allow the Allicin to be more bio available.

Green tea. Like fruits and vegetables, green tea contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds. It may even reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Tip: Drink a cup a day — or brew it like sun tea, refrigerate, and serve.


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Onions:Powerful antioxidants called flavonoids (Quercetin) plus other amazing health benefits Lower Blood Sugar Improve Cholesterol People consuming the most Onions, Broccoli, Tea and

Apples lowered their heart disease risk by 20%

Garlic: Antioxidant and natural anti-biotic, blood cleanser

Tomatoes: Excellent source of Lycopene which has been shown to protect against cancer, esp. prostate cancer Best when cooked, especially with olive oil

More SuperFoods



Oil & Vinegar dressing

Hot Sauce



Green Tea

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