
JRC Geothermal Power Plant Dataset


Andreas Uihlein


EUR 29446 EN

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EUR 29446 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-97264-5 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/203858

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How to cite this report: Uihlein A., JRC Geothermal Power Plant Dataset - Documentation, EUR 29446 EN,

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1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1

2 Documentation .................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Geothermal power plants .............................................................................. 2

2.1.1 Data included in the dataset .................................................................. 2

2.1.2 Data sources used ............................................................................... 3 Africa ........................................................................................... 3 Asia ............................................................................................. 3 Europe ......................................................................................... 3 North America ............................................................................... 3 South America ............................................................................... 4 Oceania ........................................................................................ 4

2.2 Geothermal areas ........................................................................................ 5

2.2.1 Data included in the dataset .................................................................. 5

2.2.2 Data sources used ............................................................................... 5

2.3 Power plant type ......................................................................................... 5

2.4 Organisations .............................................................................................. 6

2.4.1 Data included in the dataset .................................................................. 6

2.4.2 Data sources used ............................................................................... 6

2.5 Locations .................................................................................................... 6

2.5.1 Data included in the dataset .................................................................. 6

2.5.2 Data sources used ............................................................................... 7

3 Validation and analysis ....................................................................................... 8

3.1 Validation ................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Analysis .................................................................................................... 10

References ......................................................................................................... 14

List of abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................... 16

List of figures ...................................................................................................... 17

List of tables ....................................................................................................... 18


1 Introduction

The JRC is collecting data on geothermal power plants for its technology and market

assessments of geothermal energy [JRC 2015a, JRC 2015b]. The aim of this report is to

document the geothermal power plant dataset that has been compiled in 2014 and since

then continuously being updated.

The JRC geothermal power plants dataset is part of the JRC C.7 data warehouse for the

Energy Union [Uihlein & Shortall 2017] and it is made available through the JRC data

catalogue to the general public at:

Section 2 of this report contains the full documentation of the dataset while Section 3

provides the results of the validation and cross-checking with other data sources



2 Documentation

2.1 Geothermal power plants

The dataset contains all geothermal power plants than are in operation and it is updated

every year. The most recent dataset is updated until end of 2017.1

2.1.1 Data included in the dataset

The data points for geothermal power plants that are included in the dataset are shown

in Table 1.

Table 1 Data points for geothermal power plants

Data point Comment

ID power plant JRC-Internal ID

Name power plant Name of the power plant

Gross electric capacity (nameplate) in MW Initially installed capacity

Current gross electric capacity in MW Current (running) capacity taking into

account deterioration of resource or other effects (e.g. lifetime)

Current net electric capacity in MW Current net capacity. Very rarely reported

Gross thermal capacity (nameplate) in MW Initially installed thermal capacity

Start year Year when the power plant (unit) went into


Location Information about location of the power plant.

See details below (Section 2.5)

Geothermal area Information about the geothermal area. See

details below (Section 2.2)

Maximum well depth in m Maximum well depth of all wells

Minimum temperature in °C Minimum well temperature

Maximum temperature in °C Maximum well temperature

Minimum flow rate in L/s Minimum flow rate

Maximum flow rate in L/s Maximum flow rate

Power plant type Information about the power plant type. See

details below (Section 2.3)

Turbine manufacturer Information about turbine manufacturer. See

details below (Section 2.4)

Number of units Number of different (turbine) units within the

power plant

Owner Information about owner. See details below

(Section 2.4)

Operator Information about operator. See details below

(Section 2.4)

1 All geothermal power plants that went in to operation in 2017 and before are included into the dataset.


2.1.2 Data sources used Africa

Table 2 Data sources used for power plants in Africa

Country Sources

Ethiopia Country Update on Geothermal Exploration and Development in Ethiopia [Kebede 2014];

Kenya Country Update Report for Kenya 2010-2014 [Omenda & Simiyu

2015]; Country Update Report for Kenya 2016 [Omenda & Mangi

2016]; Geothermal Power Generation in the World 2010 – 2014 Update Report

[Bertani 2015] Asia

Table 3 Data sources used for power plants in Asia

Country Sources

China Speeding up Industrialized Development of Geothermal

Resources in China - Country Update Report 2010-2014 [Zheng

et al. 2015]; Geothermal Power Generation in the World 2010 – 2014 Update Report [Bertani 2015]

Indonesia Country Update: Geothermal Energy Use and Development in

Indonesia [Darma & Gunawan 2010]; Country Update:

Geothermal Energy Use and Development in Indonesia [Darma & Gunawan 2015], news on Thinkgeoenergy

Japan Country Update of Japan: Renewed Opportunities [Yasukawa &

Sasada 2015]

Philippines Geothermal Development in the Philippines: The Country Update

[Fronda et al. 2015]

Thailand Update on Geothermal Utilizations in Thailand [Raksaskulwong

2015] Europe

Data for Europe was mainly based on the EGEC annual reports [EGEC 2017, EGEC 2018].

Other sources used are national information portals such as which provide information about projects. Locations of

power plants was manually retrieved. North America

Table 4 Data sources used for power plants in North America

Country Sources

Costa Rica Costa Rica Country Update Report [Rivera & Ruíz 2015], news on


El Salvador El Salvador Country Update [Herrera et al. 2010], news on


Guatemala Geothermal Resources and Development in Guatemala Country


Country Sources

Update [Asturias & Grajeda 2010]; Status Update of Geothermal

Development in Guatemala [Asturias 2012]

Honduras Geothermal Development in Honduras [Henriquez 2015], news

on Thinkgeoenergy

Mexico Present Situation and Perspectives of Geothermal in Mexico

[Gutiérrez-Negrín et al. 2015]

Nicaragua Geothermal Power Generation in the World 2010 – 2014 Update

Report [Bertani 2015]

United States The United States of America Country Update 2015 [Boyd et al.

2015]; 2016 Annual U.S. & Global Geothermal Power Production Report [Matek 2016] South America

Table 5 Data sources used for power plants in South America

Country Sources

Chile Geothermal Exploration in Chile: Country Update [Lahsen et al.

2015], news on Thinkgeoenergy Oceania

Table 6 Data sources used for power plants in Oceania

Country Sources

Australia Country Update — Australia [Beardsmore et al. 2015]

New Zealand 2015 New Zealand Country Update [Carey et al. 2015]; 2016

New Zealand Country Report [Bank 2017]

Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Country Update [Kuna & Zehner 2015]


2.2 Geothermal areas

2.2.1 Data included in the dataset

Table 7 Data points for geothermal areas

Data point Comment

ID JRC-Internal ID

Name Name of the geothermal area

Mean reservoir temperature in °C

Estimated reservoir volume in km3

Location Information about location of the geothermal area.

See details below (Section 2.5)

2.2.2 Data sources used

Information about the geothermal areas was adopted from the list of geothermal areas of

OpenEI (

2.3 Power plant type

The type of the power plant was classified following the conventions of the country

update reports of IGA (with small modifications) and is shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Classification of geothermal power plants

Code Type

1F Single flash

2F Double flash

3F Triple flash

D Dry steam


B-KAL Kalina

BP Back pressure

H Hybrid

O Other

U Unknown


2.4 Organisations

2.4.1 Data included in the dataset

The data collected related to organisations is shown in Table 9. This data was included for

the turbine manufacturers, power plants owners and operators.

Table 9 Data points for organisations

Data point Comment

ID JRC-Internal ID

Name Full name of the entity

Short name Short name

Website URL

Type of organisation Private/State-owned/Government agency

Country Country of the seat of the legal entity

Location Information about location of the headquarter. See

details below (Section 2.5)

2.4.2 Data sources used

The data related to organisations was retrieved from the website of the organisation.

2.5 Locations

2.5.1 Data included in the dataset

The data collected related to locations is shown in Table 10. This data was included not

only for the power plants themselves but also for the geothermal area, and the

headquarters of turbine manufacturers, developers, owners and operators.

Table 10 Data points for locations

Data point Comment

ID JRC-Internal ID



Region L1 First level administrative region. For Europe: NUTS1

Region L2 Second level administrative region. For Europe:


Latitude Geographical coordinates in WGS84

Longitude Geographical coordinates in WGS84

Exact coordinates Yes/No

Address Street name, street number, Post code, City


2.5.2 Data sources used

Geographical coordinates for organisations were collected using Open Street Map

( based on the addresses found.

For geothermal power plants, and geothermal areas, where coordinates were not given in

the original data source about the plan (Section 2.1.2), a manual search was performed

in Google Earth in order to locate the plant. This was not possible in all cases, since

information about the location often is vague and high-resolution satellite images were

not available for all areas. In case the exact coordinates could not be found, approximate

coordinates (e.g. next city) were used instead.


3 Validation and analysis

3.1 Validation

Three other sources which contain data about global geothermal power plants could be

obtained for comparison and validation.

WRI's Global Power Plant Database [WRI 2018], an open source database of

global power plants which also contains geothermal power plants

Platts World Electric Power Plants Database (WEPP); a global inventory of electric

power generating units as of 2018 [PLATT 2018]

A list from Think Geoenergy [Think Geoenergy 2017] showing the total installed

capacity at the end of 2016 (no detailed plant information available). This was

amended with more recent information about the TOP 10 geothermal countries

representing the situation end of 2017 [Think Geoenergy 2018]

A comparison of total installed capacity shows that the JRC database is very similar

compared to Platts and Think Geoenergy (13880 MW, 13850 MW, 14060 MW,

respectively) while WRI only reports 12550 MW which indicates that this dataset is

missing some power plants (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Total global installed capacity of geothermal power plants in MW


Figure 2 shows the installed capacity of the TOP 10 countries according to the four

datasets. For all countries except Turkey and Indonesia, Platts and Think Geoenergy are

in-line with the JRC. For Turkey, Platts misses the recent capacity additions (268 MW in

2017). For Indonesia, the reported results of JRC are a bit lower compared to Platts and

Think Geoenergy. Platts includes 140 MW of capacity additions in 2018 which are not yet

included in the JRC dataset. The WRI dataset shows some big data gaps, especially for

Turkey, Iceland and Indonesia.

Figure 2: Installed capacity of geothermal power plants of TOP 10 countries in MW


3.2 Analysis

Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the TOP 10 countries in terms of nameplate capacity and

running capacity, respectively. The United States have the highest installed capacity,

followed by the Philippines and Indonesia. Three European countries are amongst the

TOP 10: Turkey, Italy, and Iceland.

For some countries, there is a large difference between nameplate capacity and running

(actual) capacity. For example, the US running capacity is 75 % of the nameplate

capacity (most probably due to reservoir depletion). In other countries, actual capacity is

lower due to technical problems/issues at plants or some units of a power plant.

Figure 3: Nameplate (initial) capacity of geothermal power plants in MW of TOP 10 countries

Figure 4: Running capacity of geothermal power plants in MW of TOP 10 countries


Figure 5 shows the average size of geothermal power plants according to country. It has

be noted however, that it is often difficult to define what is an individual plant or maybe a

unit of a power plant. The global average size of geothermal power plants is about 38

MW. Some countries with very good resources have bigger power plants, namely Mexico

(9 plants, average size of 108 MW), Iceland (10 plants, average size of 75 MW),

Philippines (24 plants, average size of 77 MW).

Figure 5: Average size of geothermal power plants in MW according to country


Globally, the cumulative capacity has increased steadily and almost linearly since 1985

(Figure 6). The installed nameplate capacity has reached about 10400 MW in 2017. The

compound annual growth was about 310 MW per year.

Figure 6: Cumulative installed nameplate capacity in MW from 1985-2017


Trends in turbine types have changed in the past years (Figure 7). Before 2000,

installations were dominated by flash turbines (70 % of installed capacity). The share of

flash turbines has decreased since and is only about 40 % nowadays. In the same period

of time, market share of ORC and to a lesser extent of other types (e.g. Kalina) have

been increasing dramatically.

Figure 7: Market share of turbine types from 1985-2017



[Asturias & Grajeda 2010] Asturias F and Grajeda EC: Geothermal Resources and

Development in Guatemala Country Update. World Geothermal Congress 2010. Bali

[Asturias 2012] Asturias FA: Status Update of Geothermal Development in Guatemala.

Short Course on Geothermal Development and Geothermal Wells. Santa Tecla

[Bank 2017] Bank B: 2016 New Zealand Country Report. IEA Geothermal, Warakei

[Beardsmore et al. 2015] Beardsmore G, Budd A, Huddlestone-holmes C and Davidson

C: Country Update — Australia. World Geothermal Congress 2015. Available at:




[Bertani 2015] Bertani R: Geothermal Power Generation in the World 2010 – 2014

Update Report. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia,

19-25 April 2015

[Boyd et al. 2015] Boyd T, Sifford A and Lund J: The United States of America Country

Update 2015. Thirty-Fifth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford


[Carey et al. 2015] Carey B, Dunstall M, Mcclintock S, White B, Bignall G, Luketina K,

Zarrouk S and Seward A: 2015 New Zealand Country Update. World Geothermal


[Darma & Gunawan 2010] Darma S and Gunawan R: Country Update : Geothermal

Energy Use and Development in Indonesia. World Geothermal Congress 2010World

Geothermal Congress 2010. Bali

[Darma & Gunawan 2015] Darma S and Gunawan R: Country Update: Geothermal

Energy Use and Development in Indonesia. World Geothermal Congress 2015.

Melbourne. Available at:

[EGEC 2017] 2016 EGEC Geothermal Market Report. Angelino L, Dumas P and Pinzuti V

(ed). European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), Brussels

[EGEC 2018] 2017 EGEC Geothermal Market Report. Full Report. Dumas P, Garabetian T,

Pinzuti V and Marchitelli C (ed). European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC),


[Fronda et al. 2015] Fronda AD, Marasigan MC and Lazaro VS: Geothermal Development

in the Philippines: The Country Update. World Geothermal Congress 2015.


[Gutiérrez-Negrín et al. 2015] Gutiérrez-Negrín L, Maya-González R and Quijano-León J:

Present situation and perspectives of geothermal in Mexico. Proceedings World

Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015. Available at:

[Henriquez 2015] Henriquez WA: Geothermal Development in Honduras. World

Geothermal Congress 2015 (7)

[Herrera et al. 2010] Herrera R, Montalvo F and Herrera A: El Salvador Country Update.

Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 (1–6)

[JRC 2015a] Sigfússon B and Uihlein A: 2014 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report. EUR

26985. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Available at:

[JRC 2015b] Sigfusson B and Uihlein A: 2015 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report. EUR

27623. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Available at:


[Kebede 2014] Kebede S: Geothermal Exploration and Development in Ethiopia: Country

Update. Short Course IX on Exploration for Geothermal Resources

[Kuna & Zehner 2015] Kuna I and Zehner R: Papua New Guinea Country Update. World

Geothermal Congress 2015

[Lahsen et al. 2015] Lahsen A, Rojas J, Morata D and Aravena D: Geothermal Exploration

in Chile: Country Update. World Geothermal Congress 2015

[Matek 2016] Matek B: Annual U.S. & Global Geothermal Power Production Report.

Geothermal Energy Association, Baltimore. Available at: http://geo- Annual US Global Geothermal Power Production.pdf

[Omenda & Mangi 2016] Omenda P and Mangi P: Country Update Report for Kenya 2016.

6th African Rift Geothermal Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd – 4th November


[Omenda & Simiyu 2015] Omenda P and Simiyu S: Country Update Report for Kenya

2010-2014. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015. Available at:

[PLATT 2018] World Electric Power Plants Database (WEPP). S&P Global PLATTS.

Available at:


[Raksaskulwong 2015] Raksaskulwong M: Update on geothermal development in

Thailand. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 1 (337–340)

[Rivera & Ruíz 2015] Rivera ES and Ruíz OV: Costa Rica Country Update Report (19–25)

[Think Geoenergy 2017] Overview on installed geothermal power generation capacity

worldwide. Accessed: 10/17/2018. URL:


[Think Geoenergy 2018] Top 10 Geothermal Countries based on installed capacity – Year

End 2017. Accessed: 10/17/2018. URL:


[Uihlein & Shortall 2017] Uihlein A and Shortall R: JRC C7 data warehouse

documentation. JRC109682. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Petten

[WRI 2018] Global Power Plant Database. World Resources Institute (WRI). Available at:

[Yasukawa & Sasada 2015] Yasukawa K and Sasada M: Country Update of Japan:

Renewed Opportunities. World Geothermal Congress 2015. Melbourne. Available at:

[Zheng et al. 2015] Zheng K, Dong Y, Chen Z, Tian T and Wang G: Speeding up

Industrialized Development of Geothermal Resources in China -- Country Update

Report 2010-2014. World Geothermal Congress 2015


List of abbreviations and definitions

DB Database

EU European Union

IGA International Geothermal Association

JRC Joint Research Centre


List of figures

Figure 1: Total global installed capacity of geothermal power plants in MW ................... 8

Figure 2: Installed capacity of geothermal power plants of TOP 10 countries in MW ....... 9

Figure 3: Nameplate (initial) capacity of geothermal power plants in MW of TOP 10

countries .............................................................................................................10

Figure 4: Running capacity of geothermal power plants in MW of TOP 10 countries .......10

Figure 5: Average size of geothermal power plants in MW according to country ............11

Figure 6: Cumulative installed nameplate capacity in MW from 1985-2017 ..................12

Figure 7: Market share of turbine types from 1985-2017 ...........................................13


List of tables

Table 1 Data points for geothermal power plants .................................................. 2

Table 2 Data sources used for power plants in Africa ............................................. 3

Table 3 Data sources used for power plants in Asia ............................................... 3

Table 4 Data sources used for power plants in North America ................................. 3

Table 5 Data sources used for power plants in South America ................................. 4

Table 6 Data sources used for power plants in Oceania .......................................... 4

Table 7 Data points for geothermal areas ............................................................. 5

Table 8 Classification of geothermal power plants ................................................. 5

Table 9 Data points for organisations ................................................................... 6

Table 10 Data points for locations ......................................................................... 6


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