
Judgmental Heuristics :

Mental shortcuts people use to make judgments quickly and efficiently


The conditions that lead to the use of heuristics rather than

more careful decision making :

• We simply do not have time to engage in systematic analysis

• We are overloaded with information so that it is impossible to process all that is meaningful and relevant

• We consider the issues in question to be not very important

• We have little other knowledge or information to use in making a decision

• We are in a positive mood, signaling to us that everything is fine and no effortful thinking is necessary

Beberapa faktor dalam heuristic :

1. Availability heuristic (ketersediaan informasi)

A strategy for making judgments on the basis of how easily specific kinds of information can be brought to mind.

The easier information we can bring to mind, the greater its impact on our judgments.

Mis : Bagi orang Amerika, Bali lebih besar daripada Indonesia krn mereka punya informasi yang lebih banyak tentang Bali.

Relying on availability in making social judgments, can also lead to errors. For instance, it can lead us to overestimate the events that are dramatic but rare, because they are easy to bring to mind.

Mis : Naik pesawat lebih berbahaya daripada mobil

Mobil SUV lebih aman daripada mobil sedan

When viewing scenes such this Olaha Airlines 1988 disaster, many people exaggerate the risk of flying

Physician have been found to use the availability heuristic when

making diagnoses. Their diagnoses are influenced by how easily they

can bring different diseases to mind

2. The Representativeness Heuristic : How similar is A to B

A mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case

Is this woman from California or Michigan? People often make such judgments by using the

representativeness heuristic, such as how similar the woman is to

your conception of Californians.

3. Base rate information

Berpikir heuristic yang didasarkan pada informasi khusus tentang satu orang anggota kelompok saja, lalu dipukul rata pada semua anggota kelompok.

Memicu prasangka, permusuhan

Mis : salah satu kasus di Poso, tawuran antar pelajar yang dipicu kasus satu orang

Controlled Social Cognition : High-Effort Thinking

Thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary and effortful in the sense that it requires mental


People have capacity to think in a conscious, controlled way about

only one thing at a time

Example : racial prejudice can be the result of automatic or

controlled thinking.

Racial profiling is official action toward people based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin

instead of their behavior. Since the tragic events of september 2001, some innocent people who looked

like of Middle Eastern have not been allowed on airplanes


Memperhatikan yang inkonsisten

Segala yang tidak konsisten lebih diperhatikan daripada yang konsisten.

Mis : ulama yang menipu, koruptor yang beramal

Memperhatikan yang negatif

Kecenderungan ini sering dilakukan karena dgn memperhatikan aspek negatif, kita dapat lebih waspada thdp bahaya, kerugian. Namun hal ini dapat mempersulit hubungan antarpribadi

Mis : ibu yang hanya bercerita kenakalan anaknya saja

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