  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    May 29, 2015 by Ken Wells

    Julferkar Ali Bhutto to represent India at 43rd World Skill Olympics Sao Paulo, Brazil-An Interview

    Julferkar Ali Bhutto – a XIIth pass out from Sant kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh lives with his parents, four brothers and two sisters. His father any how make the both ends meet by doing Embroidery work at his native place. The son of a tailor carried forward the legacy of his father and to give definition to his passion for the stitch world he joined Apparel Training & Design Centre ATDC Rohini. When he enrolled himself as a textile designing student at ATDC did he knew his passion for stitching would one day help him represent at the international level.

    Julferkar Ali Bhutto, a student of the Apparel Training & Design Centre ,ATDC who got a chance to represent India at the ‘43rd World Skills Competition’ the largest international vocational skill competition also known as skill Olympic to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 11 to August 16, 2015. He represented ATDC Rohini at regional skill level and won that challenge; this competition developed an urge inside him to earn more fame & establish himself in this field which in turn propelled him to work hard and at last but not the least won the National skill level competition.

    From where did you get the idea of learning Apparel Pattern Making (APM)?

    As a child, I was always attracted towards clothes and copied different styles. Designing and construction of garments has been a passion since long. It was my uncle who guided me to Apparel Training & Design centre for formalizing my training

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    in apparel pattern making apparel construction through ATDC, which is India’s largest vocational training provider for apparel sector.

    How was your journey at the Apparel Training & Design Centre, ATDC?

    It was a wonderful experience to be trained by professionals in the trade.

    In which way has ATDC supported you in your journey in World skills?

    ATDC centres are equipped with the latest machinery for sewing, pressing, finishing. These modern high speed machines and finishing equipment helped me in achieving the international quality parameters and provided me with technical know-how for garment manufacturing. The experienced trainers and my expert Gurpreet Kaur have helped me to understand the aspects / sub-criteria of the modules and helped in improving my timing. ATDC sponsored the training material, tool-kit etc and supported me with a stipendiary support of Rs 10000 per month. ATDC gave me the platform to participate in world skills and sponsored my participation in all aspects. My trainers, experts and especially DG & CEO Dr. Darlie Koshy are the motivating forces. Apparel Training & Design Centre has given wings to my dreams.

    Representing India internationally is a special achievement for any Indian and it has

    been more challenging for you, so how do you feel to represent the nation at the ‘43rd

    World Skills Competition’ to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil?

    To represent India at this level is itself a big achievement for me. I am very happy that I got this opportunity and want to make myself, my family, my friends, my nation and last but not the least ATDC, which made me capable of reaching this level, proud of me. This is a great platform for me to showcase my skills and I am very excited to participate in this. There are many challenges in my path but I am working hard day and night to give my best and achieve success.

    What are your plans for the future, will you be continuing the legacy of your father in

    stitching or you have thought of other things to explore in the near future?

    I have inherited these skills from my ancestors and I want to continue with this work with more innovations and creativity. I want to set an example for others who really wants to achieve something big in their lives. People from rural background can also come to such great height by following their dreams. In future, I want to see myself as one of the most famous and renowned garment exporter of India.

    What are the challenges you are facing for the preparation of world Skill competition?

    To be able to complete the task in the given time and present my creation in a time bound manner is what I am concentrating on. I am doing MOCKs every week and trying to improve my timing. The challenge in this World Skill is that there are two new mystery modules which are being taken up for the first time. One on draping and second on sketching. I am prepare well as these are unknown modules.

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Which are yours specialized areas in fashion and technology?

    Draping and garment construction are my specialized areas in fashion and technology

    What are your hobbies and how do you spend your free time?

    As a true Indian I love playing cricket and listen to old Bollywood melodies.

    To represent India at an international meet is a special achievement for any Indian. For Bhutto, the feat was many times more challenging but he overcame all this and now will be representing India at the ‘43rd World Skills Competition’



  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    Hindustan Hindi Gurgaon March 2, 2015 1

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    Dainik Jagran Gurgaon March 2, 2015 03

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    Aaj Samaj Gurgaon March 2, 2015 3

  • ATDC in News

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    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    National Duniya -- March 2, 2015 7

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    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    Dainik Tribune Gurgaon March 2, 2015 5

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    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    Publication Edition Date Page

    Gurgaon Mail Gurgaon March 2, 2015 5

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 04, 2015

    Julfekar Ali Bhutto to represent India at World Skill Competition 2015 in Brazil

    Julfekar Ali Bhutto, student of

    Apparel Training and Design Centre

    has brought laurels to the country as

    Bhutto will be representing India in

    World Skill Competition 2015

    organized in Brazil.

    Bhutto is a fashion designing

    student at Apparel Training and

    Design Centre, Gurgaon who participated in a competition organized in association

    with development ministry and got selected to represent India in the skill competition


    Bhutto is happy on his success and gives credit to his father who is a tailor by

    profession and hopes to make India proud.

    The competition will be held from August 11 to 16 in St Paul’s’, Brazil. A total of 42

    competition are organized in the skill Olympic which is organized after every two


    In 2013 this competition was organized in Germany.



  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 03, 2015

    Indian Bhutto will represent nation at 'Skills

    Olympics' in Brazil

    From the 15th century mystic poet Kabir's city 'Sant Kabir Nagar' to the city of Saint

    Paul of Tarsus in glittering S'o Paulo, Brazil, it will be a journey to fame and honour

    for Julferkar Ali Bhutto, a student of the Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC)

    who got a chance to represent India at the '43rd World Skills Competition' to be held

    in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 11 to August 16, 2015. Julferkar has been selected

    to represent the nation after he bagged the top position in the national competitions

    on fashion technology organized by World Skills India held at Pragati Maidan,New

    Delhi in association with the NSDC and ministry of skill development and

    entrepreneurship and supported by ATDC and Federation of In...



  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 03, 2015


  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 02, 2015

    भुट्टो 'स्किल ओलंपिि' में िरेंगे भारत िा प्रतततिधित्व जागरण संवाददाता, गुड़गांव : ब्राजील के सेंट पॉल शहर में होने वाली पररधान ननमााण की 43वी ं ववश्व कौशल प्रनतयोगगता में भारत का प्रनतननगधत्व जुल्फिकार अली भुट्टो करेंगे। भुट्टो गुड़गांव ल्थित पररधान प्रशशक्षण एवं डिजाइन कें द्र (एटीिीसी) के छात्र हैं। यह प्रनतयोगगता 11 अगथत स े16 अगथत तक चलेगी। फिक्की, राष्ट्रीय कौशल ववकास ननगम (एनएसिीसी), कौशल ववकास एव ं उद्यमशीलता मंत्रालय और एपैरल

    रेननगं एंि डिजाइन सेंटर (एटीिीसी ) के सहयोग स े 'वफिा ल्थकफस इंडिया' संगठन द्वारा नई ददफली के प्रगनत मैदान में आयोल्जत कायाक्रम में जुल्फिकार का चयन हुआ है। इस अतंरराष्ट्रीय प्रनतयोगगता को 'ल्थकल ओलंवपक' के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इसमें दनुनया भर से अलग-अलग देशों के प्रनतभागी दहथसा लेते हैं। इस प्रनतयोगगता में 42 कौशल शे्रणणयों में प्रनतथपधााएं होती हैं। ववश्व कौशल प्रनतयोगगता हर दो साल पर आयोल्जत की जाती है। 2013 में यह प्रनतयोगगता जमानी में आयोल्जत की गई िी। जुल्फिकार अली भुट्टो मूलत: संत कबीर नगर(उत्तर प्रदेश) के रहन ेवाले हैं। जुल्फिकार अपने माता -वपता, चार भाइयों और दो बहनों के साि ददफली के प्रेम नगर में वपछले आठ सालों से रहत ेहैं। इनके वपता पेश ेसे एक दजी हैं। एक साधारण पररवार स ेआने वाले जुल्फिकार के शलए एक अतंरराष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन में भारत का प्रनतननगधत्व करना एक ववशषे उपलल्धध है। जुल्फिकार का शसलाई के प्रनत अपने जुनून की ववरासत को आगे बढाया है। इस उपलल्धध को प्राप्त करने के बाद जुल्फिकार ने बताया फक मैं यह उपलल्धध हाशसल करके बहुत खशु हंू। मेरे में यह हुनर मेरे वपता और मेरे पूवाजों के द्वारा ववरासत में शमली है, पर इस ववरासत को आगे बढाने और इस मुकाम तक पहुचान ेमें एटीिीसी न ेकािी मदद की है। एटीिीसी के महाननदेशक िा. िाली कोशी ने बताया फक जुल्फिकार अली भुट्टो अपने काम के प्रनत जुनून और पूणाता की एक पररभाषा है। उसके इस उपलल्धध के शलए बधाई देता हंू। जुल्फिकार न ेसंत कबीर नगर (उत्तर प्रदेश) स े 12वी ंकी शशक्षा प्राप्त की, उसके बाद िीएसएििीसी के माध्यम से (ददफली सरकार द्वारा सहायता प्राप्त) एटीिीसी में एक पररधान प्रशशक्षण पाठ्यक्रम में शाशमल हुआ। हम ब्राजील में अपने संथिान के छात्र की सिलता के शलए रोमांगचत हैं। हम अगधक से अगधक ऐसे प्रनतभाशाली लोगों को समिान, धन आवश्यक प्रशशक्षण और कोगचगं की सुववधा उपलधध करात ेरहेंगे।


  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 02, 2015

    Indian Bhutto will represent nation at 'Skills

    Olympics' in Brazil

    From the 15th century mystic poet Kabir’s city “Sant Kabir Nagar” to the city of Saint

    Paul of Tarsus in glittering São Paulo, Brazil, it will be a journey to fame and honour

    for Julferkar Ali Bhutto, a student of the Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC)

    who got a chance to represent India at the ‘43rd World Skills Competition’ to be held

    in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 11 to August 16, 2015.

    Julferkar has been selected to represent the nation after he bagged the top position

    in the national competitions on fashion technology organized by World Skills India

    held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in association with the NSDC and ministry of skill

    development and entrepreneurship and supported by ATDC and Federation of

    Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) .Julferkar received the “winner”

    certificate from , Sh S Ramadorai, Chairman NSDA and NSDC in the presence of Sh

    Pawan Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Min. of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship,

    Sh Dilip Chenoy, MD & CEO, NSDC in an august gathering at the closing ceremony

    of the World Skills India Final Selections at Pragati Maidan on 28 Feb 2015.

    The world skills competition is the largest international vocational skills competition

    regarded as the Skills Olympics, World Skills (WS) is an event at the international

    level, held every two year where participants from all over the world compete in 42

    Skill categories. The World Skills competition enables the best of the world’s young

    people to motivate and inspire successive generations to see that vocational skills

    can lead to secure and fulfilling lives in a fast changing competitive world. In 2013,

    the World Skills was held in Leipzig, Germany.

    Julferkar Ali Bhutto is native from Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Julferkar has

    been living in a 12x14 feet room with no kitchen and shared toilet for the last eight

    years in Prem Nagar, New Delhi with his parents, four brothers and two sisters. His

    father any how makes the both ends meet by doing Embroidery work at his native

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    place. To represent India at an international meet is a special achievement for any

    Indian. For Bhutto, the feat was many times more challenging. The son of a tailor

    carried forward the legacy of his father and his passion towards stitching but there

    was no end to his financial woes yet.

    But he overcame all this and more to represent India at Brazil. Telling his story,

    Julferkar said, ‘‘I have inherited this skills from my ancestors and it flows in my DNA.

    My father is the secret behind my success and off course ATDC who give me wings

    to fly and to make our nation proud .My passion drove me to ATDC, Rohini, and this

    is like a stepping stone to firm up my skill development efforts and will open another

    chapter of my life.’’ Muniram who is a Bus conductor in Uttar Pradesh Roadways and

    best friend of Julferkar said “I am Proud to be a best friend of Julferkar and I really

    applaud his talent, hard work and recent success. This is just a start for him and yet

    many more success will touch his toes”.

    Congratulating Julferkar, DG & CEO of ATDC Dr. Darlie Koshy said, ‘‘In order to give

    definition to his passion and perfection, Julferkar joined an apparel training course in

    ATDC aided by the Delhi Government through DSFDC after clearing Class 12th from

    Saint Kabir Nagar in Uttar Pradesh.’’ The ATDC, under the aegis of AEPC has

    emerged as India’s largest vocational training network for the apparel sector with

    around 200 ATDCs, including 65 ATDC vocational institutes and over 135 ATDC-

    SMART Centres and Skill Camps, across 22 states & 85 cities of India.’’ We are

    thrilled for his successful at Brazil and are thrilled further by his continuing

    successes. We hope to see more such talented people to get the support and funds

    they deserve from ATDC to access the necessary training gear, facilities and

    coaching to be able to compete both nationally and internationally. We always assist

    many such talented people as they compete to win medals for India. “These

    achievements are just to make us sensitive of our actual potential which is

    immensely great.


  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    March 02, 2015

    Indian Bhutto will represent nation at 'Skills Olympics' in Brazil

    From the 15th century mystic poet Kabir’s city

    “Sant Kabir Nagar” to the city of Saint Paul of

    Tarsus in glittering São Paulo, Brazil, it will be a

    journey to fame and honour for Julferkar Ali

    Bhutto, a student of the Apparel Training &

    Design Centre (ATDC) who got a chance to

    represent India at the ‘43rd World Skills

    Competition’ to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 11 to August 16,

    2015. Julferkar has been selected to represent the nation after he bagged the top

    position in the national competitions on fashion technology organized by World Skills

    India held at Pragati Maidan,

    New Delhi in association with the NSDC and ministry of skill development and

    entrepreneurship and supported by ATDC and Federation of Indian Chambers of

    Commerce and Industry (FICCI) .Julferkar received the “winner” certificate from , Sh

    S Ramadorai, Chairman NSDA and NSDC in the presence of Sh Pawan Agarwal,

    Joint Secretary, Min. of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Sh Dilip Chenoy,

    MD & CEO, NSDC in an august gathering at the closing ceremony of the World

    Skills India Final Selections at Pragati Maidan on 28 Feb 2015.

    The world skills competition is the largest international vocational skills competition

    regarded as the Skills Olympics, World Skills (WS) is an event at the international

    level, held every two year where participants from all over the world compete in 42

    Skill categories. The World Skills competition enables the best of the world’s young

    people to motivate and inspire successive generations to see that vocational skills

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    can lead to secure and fulfilling lives in a fast changing competitive world. In 2013,

    the World Skills was held in Leipzig, Germany.

    Julferkar Ali Bhutto is native from Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Julferkar has

    been living in a 12x14 feet room with no kitchen and shared toilet for the last eight

    years in Prem Nagar, New Delhi with his parents, four brothers and two sisters. His

    fathers any how make the both ends meet by doing Embroidery work at his native

    place. To represent India at an international meet is a special achievement for any

    Indian. For Bhutto, the feat was many times more challenging. The son of a tailor

    carried forward the legacy of his father and his passion towards stitching but there

    was no end to his financial woes yet.

    But he overcame all this and more to represent India at Brazil. Telling his story,

    Julferkar said, ‘‘I have inherited this skills from my ancestors and it flows in my DNA.

    My father is the secret behind my success and off course ATDC who give me wings

    to fly and to make our nation proud .My passion drove me to ATDC, Rohini, and this

    is like a stepping stone to firm up my skill development efforts and will open another

    chapter of my life.’’ Muniram who is a Bus conductor in Uttar Pradesh Roadways and

    best friend of Julferkar said “I am Proud to be a best friend of Julferkar and I really

    applaud his talent, hard work and recent success. This is just a start for him and yet

    many more success will touch his toes”.

    Congratulating Julferkar, DG & CEO of ATDC Dr. Darlie Koshy said, ‘‘In order to give

    definition to his passion and perfection, Julferkar joined an apparel training course in

    ATDC aided by the Delhi Government through DSFDC after clearing Class 12th from

    Saint Kabir Nagar in Uttar Pradesh.’’ The ATDC, under the aegis of AEPC has

    emerged as India’s largest vocational training network for the apparel sector with

    around 200 ATDCs, including 65 ATDC vocational institutes and over 135 ATDC-

    SMART Centres and Skill Camps, across 22 states & 85 cities of India.’’ We are

    thrilled for his successful at Brazil and are thrilled further by his continuing

    successes. We hope to see more such talented people to get the support and funds

    they deserve from ATDC to access the necessary training gear, facilities and

    coaching to be able to compete both nationally and internationally. We always assist

    many such talented people as they compete to win medals for India. “These

  • ATDC in News

    Apparel Training & Design Centre

    India’s Largest Vocational Training Network for the Apparel Sector

    achievements are just to make us sensitive of our actual potential which is

    immensely great.



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