Page 1: July 12, 2015 - July 19, 2015...2015/07/12  · July 12, 2015 Family Faith Formation 408-255-9950 Office is staffed on Tues. and Thurs. 8 -3 and on weekends by appointment. Please


No Continental Breakfast after the 9am Mass.

Monday Next Grief Group Meeting is 9/7 at 7 pm in the Rectory.


Thursday Adoration after the 9:30 am Mass and Benedic-tion at 6:30 pm.

Sunday No Continental Breakfast after 9 am Mass.


Saturday NA Meeting tonight.

Tuesday The next Ladies Guild meeting is 9/8 at 1 pm in the Fr. Jim Community Center meeting rooms. NEW MEM-BERS ALWAYS WELCOME .

July 12, 2015 - July 19, 2015

Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm

James Solchenberger † For Our Parishioners Mary Abraham† Irene Harbert †

Monday 6:30 am 9:30 am

Dario Lencioni † Dominico Huon Pham (liv.)

Tuesday 6:30 am 9:30 am

Special Intention David Trumbull †

Wednesday 6:30 am

9:30 am Julia Lobo † Sr. Mary Angela Lee †


6:30 am 9:30 am

No Intention Evelyn Rouseve †

Friday 6:30 am 9:30 am

.Donna Siri † Communion Service

Saturday 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Marge Hatfield , family & friends Amero & Bob Pisoni †

Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm

For Our Parishioners Michael Fratto † Christian Dobleman † Anton Quy Nguyen †

Grief Group

The grief support group’s next meeting will be 9/7. Please call Shirley 408-241-1209 if you have any questions or need to talk.

Weekly Stewardship Report

Collections for 7/5/2015 $ 9,783

Collections Year to Date $ 9,783 Budgeted Year to Date $ 12,125 Variance $ (2342) Thank you for your continued support !

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a religious formation program for adults and for children 7 years or older, who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. Participants explore their faith

while learning about the Catholic tradition. To learn more call 408.255.9950 or email [email protected]

July 12, 2015 - July 19, 2015


The Parish Office are operating on Summer hours. We are open from

9:00 am until 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday and closed on Fridays. Please take note of this for any business you may need taken care of.

SJ CORNER We have been hearing about prophets in our scripture read-ings these past weeks. A prophet is chosen by God to speak boldly God’s message of truth. This past week, Pope Fran-cis visited Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. He desired to bring God’s message of peace, hope and joy to the people. Pope Francis intent was to reach out “especially to the neediest, the elderly, the sick, those in prison, the poor and all those who are victims of this ‘throwaway culture.” Je-sus was sent by God to bring hope, compassion and heal-ing. He recognized the dignity of each person. We look to Jesus, to the Pope, and to the prophets around us as our models. For we, too, are chosen, and given the Holy Spirit and every spiritual blessing in the heavens to do what God intends. (Ephesians 1:11-13) How might I reach out this week to someone who is need, to an elderly or sick person I know, to someone in prison or looked at as an outcast? Help me, Lord, to go beyond my comforts and be a bold, compassionate prophet for you.

Page 2: July 12, 2015 - July 19, 2015...2015/07/12  · July 12, 2015 Family Faith Formation 408-255-9950 Office is staffed on Tues. and Thurs. 8 -3 and on weekends by appointment. Please

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Dear Friends,

Several weeks ago I participated in a four-day Kairos retreat for men in the California Medical Facility at Vacaville State Prison. It was the 44th time this retreat occurred at this site. At its end there was a kind of graduation ceremony with a featured speaker, a prisoner who had made the first retreat of this kind at this facility. I was so moved by his talk that I lifted it from the table it was on. Here you will see God’s amaz-ing power to heal. “In John 3:8, Jesus told Nicodemus, “The wind blows where it will.” He was speaking about God’s Holy Spirit and how we can’t control it. That’s what blew me back into prison. I admit, though, that I had more than a little something to do with that because we can control ourselves.

“I graduated as a candidate from Kairos #1 here at CMF in 1990. I went home. I came back with a 25-to-life sentence. While I was out there, I still lived my own way. I had been to Kairos, but when I left this place, the fire God had lit in me was very low.

“You know you can be a Christian throughout your life and still have room for a conversion experience. That was me. I did all the right things out there, followed the commandments, but it wasn’t enough be-cause I did not know myself as well as I thought I did. Still, God had something in store for me. He had something more for me. At home I went to church and didn’t break God’s laws. But my heart was empty. Kairos had been an emotional and intellectual experience for me. But it wasn’t spiritual. So God had me come back here so that I would be humbled enough to open the door to my heart, to look into myself and recognize the “me” that God called. “It took 20 years after my Kairos #1 experience, and fifteen after I returned to prison, before I really started to understand what God wanted for me. It started when I took some self-help classes out of curiosity. Then a friend got me meditating and doing centering prayers. This was the beginning of my conversion. Even as a Christian, I had to go through a conversion. It was a grad-ual conversion, and it took a long time. But that’s okay because I finally got it.

“The result of my conversion was that things got easier for me. The C/Os (guards) stopped giving me such a hard time. Guys still in the criminal lifestyle trusted me. A lot of men I don’t know call me by name. Most important, I’m happier even though I am still serving a life sentence. And all I did was fi-nally accept God as the ruler of my life. I started to really apply the lessons that I learned in my Kairos weekend to what I did in my life. This wasn’t easy for me because I’m a very proud man. But I learned to do it and it’s paid off in spades.”

“What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay to have strong feelings now. It’s okay if they last forever. It’s okay if they don’t. It’s okay if you live a good life and the fire burns bright forever, or if you don’t live quite so well and the flames grow a bit dim. Why is it okay? Because everyone is different! Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t stay on fire all the time. God has a plan that involves you. He lit that fire in you, and He’ll keep it going, if you just let Him. I’m not saying that it’s okay to neglect your fire. You have to tend it, to do your best. Just don’t be disappointed if the fire doesn’t stay as bright as it is right now. It’ll still be lit. “A fire needs fuel and air. It’s up to you to give it fuel. Let God’s Holy Spirit provide the air. “The wind blows where it will.” Be patient and stick with your fire. Keep feeding it. God will never for-get or fail you. Thanks be to God for you being here and listening.”

God bless us all, especially our incarcerated brothers and sisters. Deacon Brian

Page 3: July 12, 2015 - July 19, 2015...2015/07/12  · July 12, 2015 Family Faith Formation 408-255-9950 Office is staffed on Tues. and Thurs. 8 -3 and on weekends by appointment. Please

July 12, 2015

Family Faith Formation 408-255-9950

Office is staffed on Tues. and Thurs. 8 -3 and on weekends by appointment. Please call

before stopping by.

Queen of Apostles School is closed for the sum-mer. Classes will resume on August 20.

Have a safe and happy summer.

The school office is closed in July and open again in Au-gust. Please call the office for information about the few openings available.

Faith Formation: Registration for 2015 -2016 is now open. Log on to http://www.qofa/faithformation - for forms and tuition info. Register before August 31st to avoid late fees. Classes begin on September 20th. Remember, even when you travel, Jesus is waiting for you in the Eucharist. Check out to find a mass near your vacation destination!


Santa Clara County 2015

is a safe place for young people (12 through 20) who are affected by the drinking or drug abuse of a

family member or friend. There are no dues or fees. The “Heart to Heart Freedom” Alateen group meets every Thursday evening here at Queen of Apostles School at 7:45 p.m. in room 7. Please call Jay or Venice at 408-406-7081 for more information.

Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

Diocese of San Jose - Anthony Gonzalez Phone: 408-983-0113 Fax:408-983-0147 Emergency line: 408-983-0141


Hours of operation closed Monday and Friday. Open Tuesday through Thursday , from 9 am until 2 pm 408-257-8302 FAX Number 408-257-4600 Web Site: PO Box 9604, San Jose CA 95157.

Ascent will be closed during the Month of Au-gust, opening again on Sept. 1st. Ascent is also looking for winter coats. Please leave at the last garage. Thank you!


Registration for the 2015-2016 Confirmation year is now open. Log on to for online registration. Classes begin on September 20th. We are looking for adult volunteers to help with high school youth ministry. If interested, please email [email protected]. Youth/Young Adult Band & Choir Rehearsal Contact [email protected] for more information. *Like us on Facebook! *Follow us on Instagram: QOFAYM Contact: [email protected] | 213-6509

We lovingly pray for those in our Parish and fami-lies who cannot join us at Mass especially Trish Marvin, Dr. John Cantwell, Michael Olds, Rose Gandy, Linda Ann Hanson, Tomas Arguello, Will Keim , and Beth Solis. Please let us also pray for all our servicemen and women who serve in the Armed Forces throughout the world and remember them in our hearts today and everyday. We remember those dearly departed in our Queen of Apostles family and in our own families and special persons:

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We are in the last week of the Navajo drive. The needs are many in this large parish, Christ the King, in Shiprock, New Mexico. It is the poorest parish in the US and serves a very large area of the Navajo reservation. Pastor Fr. Patrick Wedeking has given us a wish list which includes irrigation for the grounds, lighting repair and payment of heating bill in winter. We have envelopes available at the dis-play table in order for you to donate to any of the above wishes of Fr. Wedeking. Fr. Mike Carson will be visiting and helping out at Christ the King parish in July. Thank you so much for your donations in the past and we hope to fulfill some of Fr. Wedeking’s wishes.

Save the Date! Queen of Apostles will host a Parish Picnic on September 27th. The theme

is ‘Let’s Picnic, Pray, and Play Together’ and we hope you will attend with your family to build community with your fellow parishioners. We are still in need of some help on the planning committee. If you are interested in helping to serve on a subcommittee for the planning of the picnic, please contact the appropriate person listed below. FOOD - Natalie Vidunas, [email protected] , 408-244-5177

ENTERTAINMENT - Thelma Floresca Ticzon, [email protected], 650-393-9920

ADVERTISING - Maria Apilado, [email protected], 408-813-5973

H O S P I T A L I T Y - C a r m e n M a c i a s , h e r n a n [email protected] , 408 -838-2765

SPIRITUALITY - Simonetta Spaccia, [email protected], 408-391-3447

YOUNG ADULT RETREAT We invite you to join faith-filled and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area on the Pure Fire Retreat as we en-counter God in everything, everybody, and everyday; Discover God’s mercy and selflessness; and answer the call to service. October 16-18, 2015 Friday evening to Sunday afternoon Mt. Hermon Ponderosa Lodge Felton, CA Questions? Email Mary at [email protected]

Queen of Apostles Mothers Group This group will meet the first and third Thursdays of the month from September 2015 – May 2016 from 9-10:30 a.m. Childcare will be provided. We would love to sup-port you in your journey as a Catholic mother as we come together to pray, share, and laugh. We will be using Momnipotent study program, which can be purchased (‘Mom’s Pack book and journal) here: It is not obligatory that you purchase the materials. Please contact Lindsay Caron for more information or to sign up for the group at [email protected] you are interested in helping to provide childcare, please contact

An Invitation to All Campers!

Do you enjoy camping, the fresh outdoor air, singing around the campfire? Would you like to meet other parishioners who also enjoy being outdoors? The Christian Family Movement (CFM) of Queen of Apostles is planning our annual family camping trip for the Labor Day weekend, Sept. 4 - 7. This year we have a group reservation at Big Basin State Park,, and you and your family are invited to join us. The cost is $120 per couple or family for the 3-day weekend. If interested, contact Jan Wedig, at 408-735-0408 or [email protected].

51st Eucharistic Congress

With a Pilgrimage to the Philippines

Join your fellow parishioners on a pilgrimage tour to the Philippines in January 2016. One of the highlights of the trip is celebrating the Eucharistic Congress in Cebu with pilgrims from around the world. Special full package price is $2999 per person, double occu-pancy, through July 15 only. For more information, call Patricia at Top Notch Getaways (408) 571-9087


Pope John Paul II

The first non-Italian pope in 500 years, John Paul II was born in Po-land in 1920. He studied for the priesthood during wartime and became Pope in 1978. He spoke often on human rights and peace. Perhaps his greatest act of peace was his reconciliation with the man who tried to assassinate him.

Pope John Paul visited him in his cell and forgave him. Quotes: “To everyone I affirm that peace is possible. It needs to be implored from God as his gift, but it also needs to be built day by day with his help, through works of justice and love.”

“Today, more than in the past, there is an urgent need to foster a consciousness of universal moral values in order to face the problems of the present. There is no true peace without fair-ness, truth, justice, and solidarity.” How do we see peace as Pope John Paul sees it? What can we do in our own lives to “build day by day” the peace of which he speaks?

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Queen of Apostles Church

4911 Moorpark Avenue

San Jose, Ca 95129

Never Give Up! PASTORAL STAFF: Rev. Thuc Si Ho, Pastor Rev. Reynaldo Sarmiento, Parochial Vicar Brian McKenna, Deacon Kristie Manning, Faith Formation/RCIA Director Gregory Elsner, Accountant Mary Ann Oddo, Receptionist / Secretary Marie McCarthy, Receptionist / Secretary Klarissa dela Fuente, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Family Faith Formation: 408-255-9950 Parish Office Summer Hours. 408-253-7560 Hours: 9-4 Mon. - Friday 4911 Moorpark Ave. Closed Friday and for lunch: 12-1 San Jose, Ca.. 95129 Fax: 408-253-9530 Web Site: Marty Chargin, School Principal School Address: 4950 Mitty Way 408-252-3659 San Jose, CA 95129

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday (Vigil Mass): 5:00 p.m. Sundays: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 and 9:30 a.m. Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. Holy Days: (Vigil Mass) 5:00 p.m., 6:30, 9:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Marian Devotions: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Seminar required. Please contact Rectory for information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays - 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Contact Rectory at least SIX MONTHS prior to any proposed wedding date. INQUIRY SESSION ABOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Contact number: 408-255-9950 or [email protected]

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