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King’s Cross Ministries July 2012

Planting People

July 2012

A Year in Haiti

vehicle because it would be more costly to rent a vehicle when 10x10 storage building with a few items in it and kept our everything we had to fund the non-profit startup. We have a closing doors that needed to be closed. We sold most of

A few years ago planting people was one of the furthest things on my mind. It’s funny how God works. I thought my family would soon have a second income and start thinking about building a new home, but He had other plans. We were called to Haiti a full year before we arrived. God opened the doors that needed to be opened that would allow us to move to Haiti and He also starting

There is a Haitian proverb that says “If your planting for a year you plant grains. If you’re planting for a decade, you plant trees. If you are planting for a generation, you plant people.

please contact us. You can even come help us build We can build it for $4000. If you can help

home. We are wanting to build them a simple 3 bedroom King’s Cross would like to bless this family with a safe new

The house in the photo here has 10 people living in it.

Latest News


7-10-12Started our women’s bible study. Over 20 women are coming each Tuesday morning. Bible.

King’s Cross Schools

We at King’s Cross Schools have had a wonderful and blessed year! We have worked so hard to make our first year a successful one. It takes a lot of people to pull off what we have been able to do in just one year. It has taken people like you, our supporters to make this happen. Without the help of our Lord God and your prayers and financial support, it would not have been possible to be able to provide

By Ginger Lovan

these children a Christian education (some for the first time in their lives)! So thank you for sharing God’s love with these precious ones in a practical and life changing way. If they could tell you themselves, they would say how much they appreciate all that you do for them. You have given them hope and shown them that there are people in the world that really care about them.

worked very hard at getting their grades up and

The second half of the school year has been quick and tough, but our teachers took on the great challenge before them of educating almost 100 students! Some of these students were far older than others in their grade. We had a 19 year old in our 3rd grade class and a 21 year old in our 5th grade. The students

The top boy and girl from each class earned a new backpack! These, along with many award certificates were given out at our Awards Ceremony on June 29th. Many parents were there to pick up report cards that day, so there were quite a few very

ceremony too. Many of the parents helped prepare the land, built the school and made sure the teachers were stocked up with melon during watermelon season!

Our school has already gotten a very good reputation in and around our area. Even the students from the other

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of

mine, you did for me.”Matthew 25:40

Pg. 1

Cajuste house in Galgal

Cross Boy’s Soccer team

The King’s

and wanted to thank you for thinking of

Coach Brent Crenshaw and the Owasso athletic dept. generously donated home and away jerseys to our new boys soccer team. The boys were so excited

watermelon grown at King’s Cross


There’s a funny thing about watermelons that everyone should know. They need lots of water! The Galgal area does not get consistent enough rain for watermelon to grow to the size we have in America. These are American watermelon but at about a 3rd of the size. We have a test garden we are planting to see what


we returned to the states to visit and fundraise. We arrived on the 4th of July 2011 with the help from some great friends and our church Owasso First Assembly. The love and giving we experienced while preparing to minister in Haiti was wonderful.

People ask me all the time what’s it like in Haiti? I use to respond with one word, “challenging”, but I think the better words to use are Life Changing. We came to teach the people of Haiti and have learned as much from them as we have given out.

The people of Galgal call us family. It’s heart wrenching to see all the needs here and not be able to do much about them. We see people that go without food and water for days. Children with bloated stomachs and red hair from malnutrition. It’s our belief that more then half of our students get their only meal each weekday from the school. We have at least another 100 children that are not attending school in our area that need our help.

In the past 12 months we were able to give out over 30,000

This year has been difficult and has been full of challenges. We have learned to put our family before our ministry and always continue to seek His will for our lives. Thank you for taking this adventure with us.

We did all of this a much more because of the generosity of people willing to partner with us. Thank you for your prayers and support.

clothing, cleared about 20 of 50 acres of land, built a cistern, dug a latrine, cleared a container through customs, started building a house for a family in need and purchased a vehicle.

meals. We also feed one family of 10 for over 8 months. We built a school, taught 90 kids, started a soccer team, gave away over 500 articles of

that our 4th and 5th graders are beyond them academically. I’m so proud of the students and our great and flexible teachers! The teachers had

schools have said

and some school kids playing a



Partnered with Devine Faith Ministries. They have committed to build a clinic, drill a water well and build the school some tables and benches.

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July 2012


needs to care for Mickenlove properly and need a sponsor for this family to help with food, sanitary issues, and medical care. The students in our school have learned, by example, how to love this little guy and look out for him. He loves to go to school to see all his little friends and feel like he can be free to learn and smile a LOT!

Please continue to pray for these precious children and we just want to praise the Lord for all He has done in their young lives so far and are believing that God is not finished blessing them!

King’s Cross Schools is excited to tell you that we have plans for our school next year to have a special needs class being that we are finding more and more special needs children in the area that just need a chance to have a better and healthier life. We are blessed to have a special education teacher come in the month of August to help set up the classroom and train our teacher for this important and much needed job. We don’t have the funds yet for all of this, but as in the past we move forward in faith believing for the Lord to provide what is needed to fulfill His will! We will keep you updated on this important project.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all you do for King’s Cross Ministries and our precious

Continuedput up with an American director and her far out ideas and ways!

I would like to tell you about a couple of exceptional students this last half year. They both have had stories featured on the King’s Cross facebook page. The first one is Dieumeline (Jamielyn) Cajuste. She got very sick over Christmas break and had to go to the hospital. She had to have a mass removed from her intestines and then she got tuberculosis! It was not looking good for her. She got down to under 60 pounds at 12 years old. Her family had to sacrifice a lot and she of course couldn’t go to school for about 3 months. During her recovery time, she came to stay with us in our home for about a month to help her recover in a cleaner and healthier environment. We had more possibilities of getting her to a hospital if there was an emergency. She was finally well enough to go home and finish recovery. She soon returned to school and finished the year receiving the Most Improved Student award for her 3rd grade class! We are so very proud of her and her family too. She is a darling girl and was so very excited to go back to school to learn and be with her friends.

Another student I would like to highlight is little Mickenlove. This little guy was enrolled in January.

He was 5 years old and had stopped walking and talking when he was 4. This little guy had been severely malnourished! Doc gave his mother a year’s supply of vitamins that we found out a month in a half later were all gone. We believe she allowed the other children in her family (8) to eat them like candy. So we prayed and sought God on what we could do for this precious baby with a beautiful smile. We decided to enroll him in our Kindergarten class and make sure he got cared for every day with love, food, and a daily vitamin. If you don’t know, a special needs student in school is almost unheard of. In fact, special needs people are often disregarded and seen as a burden to the family and society. Many parents begin to feel regret and lose their love for their child. In Haiti 1 in 10 people are disabled and those with special needs are often treated appallingly.Discrimination against disabled children is common, many children with physical or mental disabilities are permanently left at home and denied the right to integrate into mainstream life. Due to a severe lack of education in the area of disability, many families simply don’t know what’s wrong with their child or how to care for them, sadly resulting in many being abandoned from an early age. We are doing what we

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July 2012


King’s Cross School

The school at King’s Cross is the center of our ministry right now. It allows us to minister to each student and their families. We currently have 4 temporary classrooms that we will be using again for the 2012-2013 school year. We need to build at least 3 classrooms before October 1st so that each grade will have their own classroom. This will also allow us to increase the amount of children that attend our school from 90 to 210. We will also get to hire 3 additional teachers. Our estimated cost per classroom is $3840 or $15 per square ft. We will need to replace the 4 temporary classrooms after these 3 classrooms are built. We also need $500 to finish a bathroom.

King’s Cross Orphanage

The land has been cleared and we’re ready to build our first home and a bath house. We are estimating each home to cost $5000. Each home will house 8 children and a mommy. They will learn to function as a family working with a monthly budget, chores, bible studies… Naming rights for each house is given to the person or group that donates the $5000 needed to build the house.

Sustainable Gardening

We are planting a test garden using American seeds by 7-15-12 to test what could be grown if

We just finished the first 3 rabbit cages we need to start breeding rabbits. Rabbits are a great source of protein and


Haitians rely on rain only to water their plants. Once this test is complete we will start FAITH gardens near each home. (Food Always in The Home)

watered daily. Most

What’s next at King’s Cross

to help us reach the community of Galgal.

months. Were looking for partners looking to do over the next 12

several projects that we will be opportunities for us. We have

God has opened up some great

Goats will be an important part of our breeding operation

and kids4kids program.

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July 2012


King’s Cross Clinic

Through a partnership with Divine Faith Ministries we will be building a small clinic for the Galgal area. We are in the design stage of this project and will have more details soon.

Clean Water

The Bio-Sand water filter forms that Robert Archuleta and Flameco built and donated will be used this year to produce water filters to clean drinking water.

Divine Faith has committed to drilling a water well on our property for the community.


We would like to build a bunk house for groups that come to our property. This building would sleep groups up to 16 people and will cost $5000 to build.

We would also like to build some staff housing at a cost of $5000 each.

Cajuste Family Home

The Cajuste family has 10 members in it. They live on our property in house that is falling apart. Kesnel, the father of the family, volunteers to work with me everyday. His wife volunteers to cook for the school each day. Eight of the children attend our school. We need to relocate them soon. A house will cost us about $4000.

Pierre Family Home

A family of 6 that lives about 100 yards away from us was living in what I would describe as an old Boy Scout pup tent made out of sticks, rice bags, and sheets. Two of the kids were and still are very malnourished. We can feed them for $50 a

Bible studies, revivals, VBS, worship nights…

We will also be ministering to other missions & neighbors. Starting English


volunteering their labor.

house. The community is

and building them a simple home. We need $300 more to buy cement to finish the


the ways you can help us:

Most of our support comes from individuals giving $25 to $300 monthly. Here are all of

- Automatic monthly donations can be setup via credit card or check by going here:

- If you prefer to use PayPal you can click the PayPal button here:

- You can also contact us by phone at 918-960-9708 or email us at

[email protected]

- You can send mail to King’s Cross Ministries PO Box 2370 Owasso, OK 74055

- In the next few weeks we will have an address for you to send items to us in Haiti.

How you can help

Running the business side of a non-profit is very time consuming and we are looking for people that would like some additional information on how they can partner with us to help stateside.

We are looking for volunteers that are willing to commit 2 hours or more a week to help us in the following areas.

Grant Writing

As a grant writer you would research possible grants, write proposals and track the application process. We are looking for someone with good writing and research skills.

Board Members

We are always looking to add additional board members. If you feel called to be a board

member contact us for more details.

Website Development

We would like to find someone with Wordpress knowledge to update our website on a regular basis.


We need a team of people that can help plan large and small fundraising events. This could range from dinners to golf tournaments.

Group Coordinator

We need someone that would be willing to help answer questions about coming to Haiti on a mission trip and send out packets of information.

In Country Missionaries

We would like to begin looking at bringing on another missionary or couple. The person or couple would be responsible to fundraise to cover their cost of living in Haiti.

Public Relations

This person would be responsible for the overall image of King’s Cross. They would be responsible to find ways to get King’s Cross stories shared and in the media.

Financial Partners

Most of our funding comes from individuals. We are only limited in what we do because of funding If you’re your not a financial partner we ask you to consider a monthly donation so we can continue to serve this community. If your already a financial partner we would ask

Helping King’s Cross From the


field. Sometimes it’s our backyard and sometimes it’s Haiti…

have all been called to the mission humanitarian aid. However we

God’s Word, love and offer go to another country to share

Not everyone has been called to

Pierre family house.

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King’s Cross Ministries July 2012

Interested in a free trip to Haiti? HaitiHaiti?

Haiti and partner with King’s Cross Ministries we would love to have you.

We are offering a limited amount of free trips to people willing to be group coordinators for Mission Trips in 2012. If you’re willing to find a group of 9 or

more to come serve the people of

Contact Ginger at [email protected] for

an information packet.

King’s Cross MinistriesEducating the Mind… Feeding the Soul.

Phone: 918-960-9708 E-Mail: [email protected]:

PO Box 2370 Owasso, OK 75055

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