
July 2012 Updates: Alma is 23 months old! Our beautiful cheeky monkey is approaching two years old and is turning into a delightful toddler, with a wild hair style! At last we have officially finished breastfeeding (didnt plan to continue two years, but it was a good experience for both of us). She got her birthday present from her parents a bit early: a rocking horse! Needless to say, she was thrilled... Alma broke some food related records this month, like eating green beans and ice cream at the same time... She loves to try everything (especially is someone else is eating it) so shell eat stuff like pickles (bottom right) And now she makes her own picnics too... Alma insists on helping around the house, so I dont argue with her... She loves sorting the cutlery in place (she runs and brings her stool by herself) and she is always helpful with the groceries. During the week Alma rarely sees her dad, and she really misses him (and he misses her). She is always glad to share a story and a cuddle. Alma mastered the fine art of zippering very well Right: dolls are among her favourite toys She is always on the mobile... Alma is always ready for a play, on her own or with some help I tried to sort the LEGO blocks by colour with her, but she was much more interested in just building towers (which is perfectly fine, I was just curious if she can recognize colours). Her ability to put puzzle pieces (or train tacks) together has been constantly improving. She really likes this card set, that used to be mine, with Sesame Street people with professions. In our next presentation: Alma explores the world! These puzzles were popular this month (but this isnt her favourite activity)

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