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Fair Oaks United Methodist Church

9849 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628 | 916.961.6631 |

JUNE 2019


the acorn The monthly

newsletter of the

Fair Oaks United

Methodist Church

Missionary Katherine

Parker...pages 8-9

Reconciling Ministry

News...pages 4-6, 10

Baseball 7

Heifer Happenings…

page 10

Celebrating all of our fathers


What: Outdoor Service

When: Sunday, June 16 at 10 am (Father’s Day)

Where: In the Courtyard (grassy lawn between the Sanctuary and Spencer/Office building)

Bring your sun hats, your camp chairs, your blankets, your beach umbrellas, your sunglasses, your outdoor singing

voices, your sunny personalities, and anything else that will help you worship Our Father under the beautiful blue sky!

(Service will be moved inside the Sanctuary in case of extreme heat or unseasonal rain shower.)

Contact: Worship Ministry Members

Rosanne Stephenson, [email protected], 916-863-0227

Kathy Glass, [email protected], 916-454-5335

Betty Steinbach

Joan Mayberry

Sharon Jackson

Caregivers 11

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Greeting Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I write to you as I sit looking out at a simple sample of God’s beautiful splendor, my front yard. The birds are communicating all around me, new life is budding from plants, there is rebirth in the air. It seems as if spring has decided to make all things new again! For new birth, new life, and new beginnings I am truly grateful. Habits, routines, and rituals, can seem to rule our lives, Do you always take the same way to work? Do you eat the same breakfast most days? Doing something familiar and routinely can feel comfortable and allows us to move throughout our day without much thought or reflection. The changing of the seasons can often be a reminder that God is always performing miracles and I am able to witness them if I am willing to break my routine, and stop and look at God’s beauty that surrounds all of us each day. Psalm 104:24-25 reminds us:

How many are your works, LORD!

In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number—

living things both large and small.

Paying attention to God’s splendor isn’t limited to the awe inspiring views of nature. It is also contained in Christian relationship with one another. A few weeks ago we had a new member class and I had the joy of getting to know eleven new people who intend to join our church. Each of these people are a beautiful creation of God, (as you are too)! We spoke with one another about what does it mean to be the body of Christ using 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 as our text. Our challenge as Christians is to find out how each of us are part of the body of Christ and serve accordingly.

Our new members and our Church Council will be using the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 in an attempt to clearly see what our gifts are and how we can serve the church through our gifts and strengths, essentially building the body of Christ. I invite you to join the conversation! I’d like you to prayerfully consider, are you currently using your gifts to serve the church? If not, what are you able to bring to life within our Christian Community? Don’t let your gifts sit dormant in a wintery freeze, allow God’s work to spring forth through your gifts and graces and fully build up the body of Christ.

Blessings to you in this season,

Pastor Kim

New Birth, New Life,

and New Beginnings

by Pastor Kim Montenegro

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Prayer Requests

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Ben and Ellen Couch are asking prayers for the family and friends of their friend, Tammy who passed away in May. Continued prayers for Terri Himes’ brother-in-law. His second surgery was successful and he has started chemo treatments. Mary McCollum passed away Tuesday, May 21. Her service will be held in our sanctuary on Thursday, June 6 at 10 am with Pastor Kim and Pastor Jeong co-officiating. There will be a reception following the service at St. Mel's Catholic Church on Sunset. Everyone is invited to attend both the service and the reception. Please keep Mary’s daughter, Jenni, and her extended family in your prayers.

Please keep Stan and Alma Andrus, Doris Ashworth, and all of our church members and friends who may not make it to church regularly in your prayers.

Ongoing Prayer Concerns Communion for the Homebound

Communion for the Homebound will be offered on the first Sunday of each month. Please contact the Church Office if you or someone you know would like to receive communion in their home.

Do you have prayer requests? Contact Nancy Klanjac

([email protected]; 916-967-5427) or the Church Office

([email protected]; 916-961-6631) so the members of our prayer chain

can pray for you.

Nancy Klanjac does a great job of keeping our prayer chain up-to-date and scheduling meals for those in need. However, we need a back up for when Nancy is on vacation or under the weather and can’t do these things herself. Please contact the Church Office (916-961-6631; [email protected]) or Nancy Klanjac ([email protected]; 916-967-5427) if you are interested in volunteering in this way.

Prayer Chain Back-up Needed

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More Pride Fest &

Parade Information

on pages 5-6.

Tie Dye Photos on

page 10.

Page 4

Reconciling Ministry News Reconciling Sunday is June 2. Guest Speaker Julie Strathdee.

Sacramento Pride Fest is June 8-9 (parade is June 9).

Contact: Reconciling Ministry Chair Ruby Wicker, 916-833-8796

This year’s Sacramento Pride Festival is Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9. This is where we take a stand joining with 10 other Methodist churches in our area to represent our welcome to our community and to march in the parade for what we believe in. Please join us. If you are unable to join us for the whole march, just let us know where you wish to join along the way and we can help make that happen. If you wish to staff a booth or volunteer activity, please text Ruby at (916) 833-8796.

The tie dye event was a success and we look forward to seeing a sizeable crowd of people marching together in colorful love for all. 288 shirts of various sizes were designed printed and tie dyed. Only 77 shirts remain as of today (1 small, 26 medium, and 50 large). The shirts that do not sell by June 7th will be brought to the booths available for all to wear. We are asking for a $10 donation per shirt if possible.

Your love of God and Jesus Christ can only strengthen our church. Please join with us in our efforts to do no harm, to be kind, and to seek justice as we walk together in the light of God's love for all. We hope to see you there, either stopping by the booth, walking with us in the parade, or being there with us in spirit. We love and thank you all!

Prayerfully, and gratefully,

Fair Oaks Inclusive Methodist Ministry

(Reconciling Committee)

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Let’s go out to a ball game, Saturday night, July 27th, on Faith and Family night. Seats are available in many prices, ranging from $10 each on the grass up to $28 each in the Club section. I will have the price schedule and sign up sheets to take ticket orders after church. Order and payment will need to be completed by last Sunday in June.

Batter Up! Contact: Ellen Frosch, 916-676-5817, [email protected]

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Missionary Katherine Parker will give a presentation on Tuesday, June 11 at 3:30 pm in our Sanctuary. All are invited to attend. Katherine will also be speaking at Citrus Heights United Methodist Church on Tuesday, June 11 at 11:30 am and at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on Sunday, June 16 at 7 pm.

Missionary Presentation

Tuesday, June 11, 3:30 pm Contact: Sharon Jackson, 415-450-1115, [email protected]

Continued on next page...

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Fair Oaks

United Methodist Church




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Much has been happening with Heifer since we donated the last Ark in 2018. I have been impressed with the number of Arks this church has donated through the years. The graphic below shows the years we have donated Arks beginning in 1978. Since I did not live in California for many of those years, I don’t know who the chairperson was for raising the money for each Ark. Do you know? Would you fill in the blanks below each Ark with the names of chairpeople over the years?

Heifer Happenings

By Virginia Guffey

Carol Spiker Virginia Guffey Virginia Guffey Dedra Beauchamp

We will put a copy of this on the Heifer Sharing Table in the Narthex and you can fill in the blanks on a Sunday morning. Or call me with the information at 916-390-4340.

In the meantime, remember to use the book cart and the in honor and in memory cards!

Tie Dye for Pride!

May 19, 2019

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Music Ministry:

A Treasure from God “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”

Martin Luther

Choir Schedule for Summer Break

September 4 will be the first Wednesday rehearsal after summer break. September 8 will be the first Sunday that the Chancel Choir will be back in church.

Singers and Musicians Wanted The Chancel Choir will be on summer break until September. We are looking for Singers and Musicians to provide the anthem during church services during this time period. Please volunteer to share your talent by signing up on the clipboard located on the choir room door. Our Music Director, Accompanist, and Band Leader can help you prepare a piece to share.

For more information, contact Music Director Eliseo Paniagua

[email protected]; 209-423-9420

Fair Oaks United Methodist Church Caring Ministry is partnering with Dignity Health to provide a six week program of classes for our Caregivers. The classes will provide support, education and an opportunity to share your experiences as a caretaker. The classes begin Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in Wesley Hall and will continue for 6 Wednesdays in a row. More information will be provided as we get closer to the classes. We will be asking our church members to provide respite care during the classes.

Caregivers Series Sponsored by Caring Ministry with Dignity Health

Contact: Ingrid Kunkel, 916-560-3532, [email protected]

Caring Ministry meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10 am in

Spencer. However the June meeting will be held on the 4th Wednesday

(June 26) at 10 am. Meetings will resume on the 3rd Wednesdays in July.

Caring Ministry Chair: Diane Sommer, 916-397-6502

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“Human relationships are built on interpersonal agreements. We formalize these agreements as contracts or covenants. Covenants promise that debts will be paid or services will be performed regardless of the situations in which the parties may find themselves after the contract is finalized.

“At times, a party to a contract may be deemed a poor risk. That person may have a history that does not provide adequate assurance that he or she will be able to meet the obligations of a covenant. Situations such as these may require a guarantor or cosigner. The guarantor assumes the responsibility for terms of the covenant when a party defaults on the agreement." (Copied from Bible Teacher.) During this quarter, we will develop a clearer understanding as to why our relationship with God through Christ is expressed as a covenant.

The first two thirds of this quarter we shall focus on covenants from a New Testament perspective. Can you guess where this might take us?

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the Library.

Home Study Guides available on the Narthex Bulletin Board.

Adult Bible Study

by Loren Guffey

Little Methodist School will be holding Summer Camp between June 3 and August 1. The camp will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Students must be potty trained and have completed all of the necessary paperwork to participate. Please see Sue Jas in the office to sign up. Fall classes start on August 19. Registration packets are available through the church or from the school office. We have openings in our Toddler, 2/3 year old class and 3/4 year old class. Stop by for a tour between 9 and noon Monday through Thursdays. If you have any questions, please call Sue at (916) 961-0368.

Preschool News

by Sue Jas, Director

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FOUMC Finance Update

January-April 2019 General Fund April 2019 General Fund Total Income $66,066. Total Income $16,705. Total Expenses $79,518. Total Expenses $19,891. Net <$13,452.> Net <$3,186.> Average monthly deficit for Jan-Apr: $3,363/month.

Pledges and Designated Offerings

For January - April 2019, our general fund ended with a deficit of $13,452. This is slightly less than the projected deficit for that period. We continue to offset the monthly deficit with funds held in savings.

Your pledges and regular (undesignated) offerings provide income for the general fund (church budget). The general fund is the budget which supports the ministries, activities and regular functions of the church. Giving toward the general fund is the foundational level of congregational giving and is essential to supporting the life and ministries of the church.

When you designate offerings for a specific ministry, these funds do not support the general fund, but instead are set aside and used solely for the purpose you indicate. Our church has many ministries and activities you may wish to support, including Tarps and Seasonal Support for the Homeless, Caring Ministries, Sunrise Christian Food Bank, Downtown Ministries, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, Endowment Fund and many others. You can designate funds by writing on your check or including a note along with cash, indicating which ministry you wish to support with your gift.

Many thanks for your generous giving in support of Fair Oaks United Methodist Church and its ministries.

Free piano to any individual, church, school or other organization who would like it and can transport it! If interested, contact Diane Sommer at 916-397-6502.

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Church Office Hours

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Closed June 11-19, 2019.

Morning Jiffy Fixers meet on Mondays at 9 am. The morning crew works on small, one-day projects to help reduce costs of hiring from the outside to get easier projects complete.

Evening Jiffy Fixers meet on Mondays at 5 pm. The evening crew normally takes on projects of a greater demand and lengthier repair time.

Everyone is welcome to attend when convenient! If you happen to see an area that needs some repair, or attention, please let Renee Meyer or Tom Wold know!

Renee Meyer for Monday mornings, 916-868-5070, [email protected]

Tom Wold for Monday evenings, 916-622-1486, [email protected]

Jiffy Fixers at Work!

Mondays at 9 am & 5 pm

Congratulations to

Betty Steinbach’s grandson,

Derrek Robb,

2019 graduate of

Excel Christian School

in Reno, Nevada!

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Life's Challenges provides support for persons coping with difficult challenges such as divorce, unemployment, loss of a loved one, financial problems and more. We offer opportunities for renewal, restoration and kinship in a safe, nurturing and confidential environment. Meets on 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6 pm in the Library. Call the Church Office at 916-961-6631 or contact Loretta Dodge for more information.

Life’s Challenges Support Group

for Men & Women:

1st and 3rd Mondays in the Library

June 3 and 17

We are an INCLUSIVE, RECONCILING CONGREGATION We believe that each individual is of sacred worth. Therefore, we pledge ourselves to engage in the sacred hospitality and responsibility Christ taught. We commit ourselves to maintaining a place of safety and sanctuary for all who come together in ministry and mission: people of all races, cultures, ages, sexual orientations, family structures, economic situations, and mental or physical conditions. Through the grace of Christ we dedicate ourselves to live out these commitments creatively, humbly and with hope.

(Adopted by Fair Oaks UMC Church Conference November 2, 2003)

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Open minded young adult spirituality group. Come have some snacks, meet some new friends and have some good chats! Ages 18-30, all are welcome!!!

Contacts: Sydney Smith, Eliseo Paniagua

[email protected]

Instagram @fairoaksumcya

Young Adults Group:

2nd and 4th Mondays

at 7 pm in the Library

June 3 and 10

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Born to Phoebe Geneva (Bernard) Harvey and Roderick Garret Harvey in Sacramento, CA 7/8/1933. Died 5/21/2019 in Sacramento after a brief hospitalization. Survived by daughter Jennifer (Irey, Stevens) Murray and husband David (mom: "I'm so glad we married him"), and many loving extended family members including stepsons Bradley Clemmons (Jane); Loyd McCollum (Ginnie) and granddaughters Alicia Schwinn (Robert) and Deborah McCollum; and Steven Woodburn (Dawn) and grandsons Zachary and Maxwell Woodburn.

A native Californian and resident of Sacramento since 1977. Graduated Cal State University Chico, class of 1955, with a Bachelors of Art degree in Home Economics; received her Masters of Art in Counseling; and Garret Theological Seminary, Pacific School of Theology and Claremont School of Theology where she received her ministerial formation. Holder of lifetime teaching and counseling credentials. A home economics and counselor for 21 years at Red Bluff Union High School; school counselor at Cordova High School in Rancho Cordova; and United Methodist Diaconal Minister (St. Marks UMC, Sacramento) and local Pastor (Exeter UMC, Exeter, CA); continued to serve as a retired minister at Fair Oaks UMC (Fair Oaks, CA). Twenty-year leadership in International Christian Youth Exchange (ICYE) at Red Bluff UHS and Rancho Cordova where she established and maintained long-lasting relationships with exchange students from Africa, Holland (Jan Houben), Denmark (Karina Bundgaard), Sweden (Robert Svec) and her beloved "Italian" daughter (Annalisa Tommasoni). Enjoyed drawing, watercolor and acrylic painting, reading, knitting, music and travelling.

Memorial Services will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2019, 10 am, at the Fair Oaks UMC, 9849 Fair Oaks Blvd (Fair Oaks, CA) officiated by Pastor Kim Montenegro, Pastor Jeong Park and Reverend Aldrin Basarte. Luncheon reception immediately following at St. Mel Parish, 4745 Pennsylvania Avenue (Fair Oaks, CA) with plenty of time for sharing memories.

In lieu of flowers, please consider an ongoing memorial in her honor to: UM Conference Claimants Endowment Board, 1341 W. Robinhood Drive #A, Stockton, CA 95207 or to St. Mel Parish-Vocations Ministry, 4745 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.

For every life she touched, she was touched and changed by yours.

Mary McCollum Woodburn

Born July 8, 1933

Born to New Life May 21, 2019

Mary’s Pink



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Upcoming Events at United Methodist Churches

in the 50/80 Sunrise Circuit, the Los Rios District, & beyond...

(50/80 Sunrise Circuit Churches include Rio Linda UMC, Elverta UMC, Trinity UMC,

St. Mark’s UMC, St. Andrew’s UMC, Citrus Heights UMC, Sacramento Cho-Un Korean UMC,

Fair Oaks UMC, UMC of Rancho Cordova, and Wesley UMC.)

Page 18

First United Methodist Church, Sacramento

2100 J Street

Sacramento Ca. 95816

(916) 446-5025

July 23, 2019 at 3 pm

Circuit-wide Song Fest

at St. Mark’s UMC

St. Mark’s UMC Vacation

Bible School

June 28-29

St. Mark’s UMC will offer a weekend Vacation Bible School experience of Rolling River Rampage.

Join St. Mark’s on Friday, June 28 at 5 pm for a light dinner, followed by the first session of VBS.

Return the following morning at 9 am for an action packed day of celebration, learning, games, and crafts which will end at 3 pm. Lunch will be included.

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church

2391 St. Marks Way, Sacramento

(916) 483-7848

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Contact: Eliseo Paniagua,

[email protected]; 209-423-9420

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Food Bank Contact:

Phyllis Brantley



Canned Fruit or Vegetables

Canned Tuna (5 oz. preferred)

Macaroni & Cheese

Dry Beans — Rice

Peanut Butter (18 oz. preferred)

Ramen-type Soup Mix

Cold Cereal

Canned Meats

Tarps & Seasonal Support for the Homeless

In addition to providing tarps for shelter, Ruby and Paris Wicker hand out other items as the season dictates. (Think flip-flops in the summer and rain ponchos in the winter.) Monetary donations may be placed in the offering plate. (Please write “Tarps” in the memo line of a check or on the outside of an envelope for a cash donation.)

Contact: Ruby and Paris Wicker

A collection jar for Downtown Ministries can be found in the Narthex on the 1st Sunday of each month. Fair Oaks United Methodist Church makes ong o ing mone ta r y donations to support

Downtown Ministries’ many programs.

Downtown Ministries Contact: Karlene Brown

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my

family, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:40

Outreach Sunday is the first Sunday of every month. Please bring your donations to support our various local

outreach ministries including Sunrise Christian Food Bank,

Downtown Ministries, Tarps and Seasonal Support for the

Homeless, and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

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06/08 - 06/09 Sacramento Pride Festival

06/09 Sacramento Pride Parade

06/09 Pentecost Sunday

06/09 Guest Pastor in the Pulpit:

Rev. Don Fado

06/11 Missionary Katherine Parker

Presentation, 3:30 pm

06/11 - 06/19 Church Office closed.

06/16 Father’s Day

06/16 Outdoor Service

06/18 - 06/22 Annual Conference

in Modesto, CA

07/04 Independence Day.

Church office closed.

07/13 Red White Blue BBQ & Pie Auction,

5:30 pm

07/23 Circuit-wide Song Fest

at St. Mark’s UMC, 3 pm

08/19 Little Methodist School

Fall Session begins

09/02 Labor Day. Church office closed.

09/04 Choir rehearsals resume.

09/08 Chancel Choir

returns to Sunday services.

10/06 World Communion Sunday

11/03 All Saints Sunday

11/03 Daylight Saving Time ends.

Fall Back 1 hour.

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Pinochle Pinochle will be played this month on Friday, June 14 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Come on out for a night of fellowship and fun. We will teach you to play Pinochle if you have never played before!

Mark Your Calendar With These Upcoming Dates…

June’s Book Club selection is Sold on a Monday by Kristina Morris. From “2 CHILDREN FOR SALE: The sign is a last resort. It sits on a farmhouse porch in 1931, but could be found anywhere in an era of breadlines, bank runs and broken dreams. It could have been written by any mother facing impossible choices. For struggling reporter Ellis Reed, the gut-wrenching scene evokes memories of his family's dark past. He snaps a photograph of the children, not meant for publication. But when it leads to his big break, the consequences are more devastating than he ever imagined. Inspired by an actual newspaper photograph that stunned the nation, Sold on a Monday is a powerful novel of love, redemption, and the unexpected paths that bring us home.”

Bring a sack lunch and join us on Monday, June 24 at noon in the library.

Upcoming selections: Educated by Terra Westover; After Life by Alice Marie Johnson,

Paper Wife by Laila Ibrahim, The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again by Ingelman-Sundberg,

Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo, Pachinko by Min Lin Lee, The Rent Collector by Cameron Wright,

The Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly

Book Club

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Sunday School


2 Phyllis Martin

9 Nancy Klanjac

16 Nancy Klanjac

23 Adriane Samcoff

30 Phyllis Brantley

Easy Worship


2 Adriane Samcoff

9 Andrew Maret

16 Cameron


23 Adriane Samcoff

30 Andrew Maret

Page 22

JUNE WORSHIP SIGN-UPS June 2 - Communion, Reconciling Sunday, Guest Speaker Julie Strathdee

June 9 - Pentecost, Guest Rev. Fado

June 16 - Father’s Day, Outdoor Service, Band Sunday








2 Ruby Wicker

9 Loren Guffey

16 Paris Wicker

23 Mike Wilhoit


Children's Time

2 Dedra Beauchamp

9 Dedra Beauchamp

16 Pastor Kim Montenegro

23 Dedra Beauchamp

30 Dedra Beauchamp

June Communion


Barbara Damon


2 Jenni Murray in memory of Mary



16 Anderson’s 15th wedding


23 Kathy Glass









2 Ellen Frosch/Pat Eichner

9 Bill Floyd/Elaine Bach

16 Bill Floyd/Lyn Gras

23 Chong Suk Henderson/

Mike Wilhoit


Communion Servers:

Elaine Bach

Bill Floyd

Coffee Fellowship


2 Tongan Ministry

9 Marets

16 Kunkel/


23 Wicker/Martin

30 Easterbrooks

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June 2019 Calendar - Fair Oaks UMC

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Weekly on Sundays

9 am: Adult Bible Study

10 am: Worship Service and Children’s Sunday School

The Fair Oaks’ ACORN is published monthly by the Fair

Oaks United Methodist Church and is distributed at the

end of each month. Newsletters are also online at

Next Deadline: Monday, June 24, 2019, at 9 am.

Submit articles to the Church Office in person or by

email at [email protected]. Submissions may be

edited for accuracy, length or clarity.

9849 Fair Oaks Blvd.

Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Phone: (916) 961-6631

Fax: (916) 961-1572

E-mail: [email protected]

Promoting the love of Christ and nurturing

spiritual growth for each individual, the

church and the community.

Check us out online!


Instagram: fairoaksumc

Facebook: Fair Oaks United

Methodist Church

Fair Oaks

United Methodist Church

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