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“Piramal Way of Problem solving” – “KAPS” approach

Sept ‘12

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•Our dynamic business will throw various challenges

•Needless to say, problems should be resolved quickly to effectively

manage the business

•You all will agree that, we need to have a very methodical approach to

resolve the problem

•Currently we all apply our own learning's or methods which may or

may not be very structured approach to resolve the problem

•Hence we all need to have a uniform methodical approach to resolve

the problem

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What is “Piramal Way of Problem solving?”


How will we learn to have this structured problem solving approach?

Through a well accepted real life “Case Study” methodology

Why “Case Study” Methodology?

To resolve the problem, we should have “Problem”; Case study captures live problems faced

by us. This helps participant to connect with the situation. Moreover Solving Case study

involves participant & ensures application of various tools\Techniques used in

“Piramal way of problem solving”

When is the training?

It will be rolled out today. We will take you through various tools & techniques

used. We call it as “KAPS approach”

What is “KAPS”?

K- Knowledge of problem, A- Analyze the root cause of problem

P- Prioritize high impact area, S- Sign-off (a time bound action plan)

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“Case Study” :KAPS Brief

Parag is an ABM who is based out of Kolkatta having 3 SOs and Hari is a performing SO in his

team who is in the system for last 2 years and is having 4 TSOs reporting to him. Anil is one

of the TSO in his team who is very energetic and want to earn more incentives.

Hari handles a cluster business of 8 lacs out of which Anil has been given a target of 1.25

lacs. Since the time company is driving for 30 PC Hari is conveying the same to his TSOs.

Anil has an avg PC of 17 and 80% of his POB is executed however he is struggling to increase

PC, during joint work with SO his PC goes up but again while working alone he is not able to

do 30 PC and hence ends up with 70% of target ach. When ABM did joint work along with

Hari he observed him speaking to his TSO over phone asking why everyday PC is low and is

telling him to start work early, don’t miss any outlets, do effective call, do effective visibility

activities and your PC will improve. Anil is frustrated and shares with ABM that he do not

know how to increase PC but his SO tells him to do 30 PC everyday.

What do you think is the problem?

What will you discuss with Hari to help his TSO to increase his PC

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Knowledge…(of Problem)


How to define the Problem Statement?

First and very important, Put yourself into the “case Study” situation

•What is the problem from your perspective?

•Is this description any different from the customer's\Business perspective?

• Why do you think this only is a problem?

•Do you have data to support this?

•What is the business impact

TIP: While writing Problem statement; The problem description must not include causes or


STEP 1 Read the “Case Study” & write down, according to you “What is the problem?”

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Knowledge…(of Goal)


Write Goal Statement

•What is to be accomplished and by when?

•Do you have time and resources required to resolve the problem?

•If not, how will you get it?

•What will you measure to show that the problem has been solved?

STEP 1 Cont. You will agree that we should start with end in mind…

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“Piramal way of Problem solving” KAPS approach



Problem Statement1. TSO is unable to achieve PC average of 302. TSO seems to have high willingness to improve

his PC, buts lacks ability (Knowledge & Skill)

Goal StatementTo___________________________


Start Date

End Date

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Correct Root Cause - Don’t Suppress only the Symptoms

Symptom –

Head Ache

Root Cause -

Eye sight


Symptom - Stomach Pain

Root Cause

Bad food

Don’t take pain reliever; change food


Don’t take painkillers; get eyes checked up

Should we only manage Symptoms OR understand the Root Cause & resolve it?


Analysis of Problem

STEP 2What is the problem – Why the stated objective is not happening currently?

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Professor Ishikawa

In 1953, Kaoru Ishikawa, Professor of the University of Tokyo, used the Cause & effect diagram for the first time.A cause & effect diagram is also called a Fish Bone diagram since it looks like the skeleton of a fish.


Equipment EnvironmentMaterial


1st Why2nd Why

3rd Why4th Why

5th Why


Identify “Cause & Effect” using Fishbone analysis

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Sales Training

Do Why Why Why Analysis for the significant causes.


Equipment EnvironmentMaterial


1st Why2nd Why

3rd Why

4th Why

5th Why


At least ask Why 3 Times

Part 1 :Cause & Effect Analysis

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Illustrative Example of Root Cause Analysis


IssueIssue Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected?Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected?



Machine (technology), Method (process), Material, Manpower, Measurement, Mother Nature

Product, Place, Promotion, People, Process

Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected

TSO capability Why is he unable to book? VAF communication? Low CTP placement & performance Poor relations with retailer Route plan adherence?

Planning & F/ U Before starting the market ,has he planned brand wise PC During the day has he checked the progress of plan?

POB execution 80% Last order not supplied Last order supplied late No F/U with DB for POB execution Route plan not aligned to DB

Policy I s TC 50? IF TC is <50, Is DVL complete? Is he starting market work late? Is OL sequence right

Sales Training

Applicable to Manufacturing Environment

Applicable to Sales & Marketing Environment

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Part -2 of Step 2: Using Why-Why?


STEP 2 What is the problem – Why the stated objective is not happening currently?

Use Why?

•Once you list down various causes for defined problem

statement, Ask Why is this cause?

•You should continue to ask “Why?” till you get real reason

for this cause

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Why 1?

Some Retailers do not accept DBs order supply

Why 2?

These retailers were having stocks

Why 3?

These retailers brought stocks from other DB as the supply was 5 days late

Why 4?

Because TSO & DBs beat days are not aligned




Illustrative Example of Why-Why?

IssueIssue Why POB execution is only 80%Why POB execution is only 80%

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“Piramal way of Problem solving” KAPS approach



Problem Statement1. TSO is unable to achieve PC average of 302. TSO seems to have high willingness to improve

his PC, buts lacks ability (Knowledge & Skill)

Goal StatementTo___________________________


Start Date

End Date

Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected

TSO capability Why is he unable to book? VAF communication? Low CTP placement & performance Poor relations with retailer Route plan adherence?

Planning & F/ U Before starting the market ,has he planned brand wise PC During the day has he checked the progress of plan?

POB execution 80% Last order not supplied Last order supplied late No F/U with DB for POB execution Route plan not aligned to DB

Policy I s TC 50? IF TC is <50, Is DVL complete? Is he starting market work late? Is OL sequence right

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• Pareto Principle– “20% of the process characteristics cause 80% of the problem”

– In other words “ Major problems are caused by very few reasons”

• Effort Impact Matrix- Out of many reasons which we have identified in step-2, very few will have high impact

We need to identify these high impact area (high score)

STEP 3 List down root cause as identified in step-2

Reasons Effort Impact Score1. _______ H/M/L H/M/L Effort*Impact

Eg. L*H=LH

2. ________ H/M/L H/M/L


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“Piramal way of Problem solving” KAPS approach



Problem Statement1. TSO is unable to achieve PC average of 302. TSO seems to have high willingness to improve

his PC, buts lacks ability (Knowledge & Skill)

Goal StatementTo___________________________


Start Date

End Date

Action Plan Effort Impact Score

Poor CTP Communication


80% POB execution H/M/L H/M/L

Improper beat alignment DB


No brand wise plan for the day


No checking of PC during the day


Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected

TSO capability Why is he unable to book? VAF communication? Low CTP placement & performance Poor relations with retailer Route plan adherence?

Planning & F/ U Before starting the market ,has he planned brand wise PC During the day has he checked the progress of plan?

POB execution 80% Last order not supplied Last order supplied late No F/U with DB for POB execution Route plan not aligned to DB

Policy I s TC 50? IF TC is <50, Is DVL complete? Is he starting market work late? Is OL sequence right

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Sign – Off

• Prepare time bound action plan

• Who will be owner of the activity

• Who will be responsible to execute that activity

• Follow-up on agreed action plan

STEP 4Prepare time bound action plan & the person responsible for each action


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“Piramal way of Problem solving” KAPS approach



Problem Statement1. TSO is unable to achieve PC average of 302. TSO seems to have high willingness to improve

his PC, buts lacks ability (Knowledge & Skill)

Goal StatementTo___________________________


Start Date

End Date

Action Plan Owner


Target Date

Asks him to Meet DB understand his Beat plan & align the days  

Direct TSO to check POB execution on daily basis

Morning call to TSO to help him plan his days brandwise target & ask him to keep tracking the progress 1-2 times in a day

Build communication skills thru mock calls, demo

Why PC is 17 & not 30 as expected

TSO capability Why is he unable to book? VAF communication? Low CTP placement & performance Poor relations with retailer Route plan adherence?

Planning & F/ U Before starting the market ,has he planned brand wise PC During the day has he checked the progress of plan?

POB execution 80% Last order not supplied Last order supplied late No F/U with DB for POB execution Route plan not aligned to DB

Policy I s TC 50? IF TC is <50, Is DVL complete? Is he starting market work late? Is OL sequence right

18Sales Training

Action Plan Effort Impact Score

Poor CTP Communication

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

Little F/U on POB execution

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

Improper beat alignment DB

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

No brand wise plan for the day

H/M/L OR 3/2//1

H/M/L OR 3/2//1

No checking of PC during the day

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

H/M/L OR 3/2/1

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Scoring on “KAPS” Approach…

• Rating Basic , Adequate & High

• Every quarter scores will be awarded, depending on approach of participant

– Basic will be awarded WHITE cap

– Adequate will be awarded YELLOW cap

– High will be awarded Green cap

• Every ZHRE will be applied 1 case per Quarter

• Every ABM will be present 1 case per month during MRM


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Case study solutions “KAPS” Approach…Rating

• Basic – Able to do basic data analysis. Marry it with organizational

Guidelines / Priorities / Benchmark industry practices or requirements.

• Adequate – Able to analyze different problems in the case by using

“Fish bone” technique. Is also able to drill down why is it a problem

(Using Why? Why? approach) & reach exact reason & propose required


• High – Able to identify different problems using “Fish Bone”

technique. Using “Pareto principle” able to analyze & prioritize focus

on high impact properties which needs to be resolved. Also proposes

solution using “Kaizen Approach” to get “Quick Hits”. Identify &

plan to arrest problems ensure follow up


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Thank You


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