Page 1: Karoo News · Term 4 Week 10 Wednesday 12th December, 2018 DECEMBER Thursday 13th December Prep Crossing Safety Incursion Quicksmart morning tea Parent Helpers’ morning tea Emma

Karoo News

Term 4 Week 10 Wednesday 12th December, 2018


Thursday 13th December Prep Crossing Safety Incursion

Quicksmart morning tea Parent Helpers’ morning tea

Friday 14th December Mini Carols Performance

Monday 17th December Special Assembly—9:15am

(Karoo Christmas Raffle drawn at end of assembly)

Year 6 Graduation

Tuesday 18th December Book collection—3:00-7:00pm

Year 6 Tennis Day

Wednesday 19th December Year 6 Luncheon

Class parties Canteen open for counter sales only

(no lunch orders)

Thursday 20th December Year 6 Activities Day

Canteen open as normal

Friday 21st December Canteen open as normal

Last day of Term 4—students dismissed at 1:30pm (following Final

Assembly at 1:15pm)


Thursday 24th January Book Collection—10am-1pm

Wednesday 30th January First day of Term 1 (Years 1-6)


Thursday 7th February Preps first day of school

Friday 8th February School photos

Term Dates 2019

Term 1 30 Jan—5 Apr Term 2 23 Apr—28 Jun Term 3 15 Jul—20 Sept Term 4 7 Oct—20 Dec

2019 Preps start school on Thursday 7th February 2019.

Respect Responsibility Excellence Honesty & Fairness

Tolerance & Understanding



All visitors to the school must sign in and out at the office, and collect a green visitor’s badge. These badges help the students and staff identify you as an ‘authorised visitor’.

Please remember to return the

badge when you sign out.

Reminder ... SCHOOL HATS ARE


TERMS 1 & 4

Karoo Calendar Principal’s Comments

Staffing and School Structure for 2019

Jess Turner is taking a year’s leave to travel and work in the UK.

Alex Watson has accepted a position at Beacon Hills College for next year.

Josh Maroney has successfully gained the position of Student Wellbeing Coordinator for 2019.

Emma Finnerty and Sandra Donovan have been appointed as Learning Specialists, commencing next year for a 3 year term.

Fiona Marker and I will both continue our ‘acting’ roles for Term One next year.

Our Prep team have met the students during the Transition sessions and on Tuesday 11th

students met their teacher for next year. Last week we made the decision to have 4 Prep classes.

Students will meet their 2019 teacher and classmates next Thursday.

Significant dates for next week:

Monday 17th December at 9.15am – Special Assembly (ALL WELCOME). Citizenship Awards

will be presented and 2019 School Captains announced.

Monday 17th December at 6.30pm – Year 6 Graduation Ceremony at Rowville Secondary


Wednesday 19th December – Class Parties for lunch (details sent out by class teachers) . The

canteen will be open for counter sales only at recess and lunchtimes (no lunch orders)

Thursday 20th December – Students meet their 2019 Teachers and Classmates

Friday 21st December - Students dismissed at 1.30pm (following a Final Assembly at 1.15pm)

Achievements 2018 has been a very successful and rewarding year at Karoo. Student learning and engagement have been a highlight, this is due to the inclusion of activities designed by staff to ensure all students are being challenged and supported to meet their needs.

In 2018 we have achieved:

Turf installed outside rooms 1- 2 and Library

Successful Year 3 camp at a new venue in Mt. Eliza

Implementation of Compass- thanks to Karen, Anna and Sue for their support

Compass has provided useful ‘tracking’ of student attendance and late arrival at school- both key factors to student learning (presented in previous newsletter)

Successful use of Karoo Facebook page to communicate school events

Continued successful programs to support students (Toe by Toe and Quicksmart)

Appointment of Student Wellbeing Coordinator – one day a week

Successful fundraising efforts and community events by KPA and School Council

Staff Professional Learning Teams were established to ensure consistency of practice, to audit current programs and determine the school’s needs in relation to delivery of the curriculum

Three staff members completed a Literacy Program endorsed by DET, this has led to the successful implementation of a consistent reading model at Karoo for all year levels. After 3 terms we are seeing improvements in students’ comprehension skills, the model provides opportunities for the teacher to individually conference with students - together they discuss achievements, set future learning goals and importantly have the time 1:1 with the teacher.

...Principal’s comments continued overleaf

Phone: 9759-6222 Fax: 9759-6211 Email: [email protected] Web:

Unfortunately due to predicted rainfall and storms later today and tomorrow the

Karoo Carols will be cancelled. Due to the busy time of the year we are unable to

reschedule with the sound company. We acknowledge the great effort students

and staff have made to prepare for the evening; we will instead present a mini

carols performance on Friday 14th December.

Mini Carols Performance—Friday 14th December 2:00pm: Choirs and Years 3—6 classes perform

2:40pm: Choirs and Prep—Year 2 classes perform

(Raffle now to be drawn on Monday 17th December at end of Special Assembly)

Page 2: Karoo News · Term 4 Week 10 Wednesday 12th December, 2018 DECEMBER Thursday 13th December Prep Crossing Safety Incursion Quicksmart morning tea Parent Helpers’ morning tea Emma


A letter is coming home tomorrow to parents of students with

outstanding student absences. Please log into Compass and

explain these absences before the end of the school year.

Refer to your Welcome to Compass brochure if you are unsure

how to do this (brochure is also available on our website—

click on Community then Compass tab)


Tuesday 18th December 2018 from 3:00-7:00pm Thursday 24th January 2019 from 10am-1:00pm

2019 Book packs can be collected only during these times.

Fee payments can be made at the office at any time.


Rubbish Free snack days on Wednesday

Designated outside eating area- to reduce rubbish

Year 2 participated in the Swimming Program

Whole school events: Twilight Sports, Karoo Coin Challenge, Support the Farmers, Carols evening, Open day and night, One Day One Song

Modified timetable to allow all students access to Specialist curriculum areas

Consistent and improved practice for teaching of reading skills Prep to Year 6

Year 5 students participated in State School Spectacular

Individual and team participation in Sports activities at District, Regional and State level

Naplan results show Year 3 students are achieving above the State and Region in Reading and Numeracy. Importantly we have less students in the bottom 2 bands

Naplan results for Year 5 students indicate they are achieving slightly above the State but below our Region in both Reading and Numeracy. Our bottom two band indicate less students working below. This shows that our support programs Quicksmart and Toe by Toe and the teachers’ ability to differentiate for the students abilities are effective.

I would like to thank the dedicated staff at Karoo for their efforts and tireless work, this includes the office staff, ES (Education Support), Andrew (Wellbeing), Di and Louisa (Canteen), the supportive staff at OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) and Norm and Sandra (cleaning staff). Finally, thanks to the members of School Council and Karoo Parents Association, we look forward to continuing our partnership next year.

Year 6 Graduation A highlight of my role as Acting Principal will be the honour of presenting Year 6 students with their Graduation certificates at their Graduation ceremony on Monday 17

th December. Mrs Marker and I have enjoyed time spent not only with the student leaders but all

Year 6 students. They are an exemplary group of students who have worked conscientiously, supported each other and have been outstanding role models to other students. They have been supported by the Year 6 staff and their families. I would like to acknowledge the dedication of our Year 6 teaching team; thanks to Emma Finnerty, Matt Leeson and Simone Vitas.

Leanne Vines - Acting Principal

Letter of thanks from the Booth family …

On the 14th September at 6:50am, my family and I escaped in the nick of time with only our pyjamas and each other, as we

watched helplessly as our family home was engulfed in flames.

Since then, many incredible families, friends and even unknown strangers in the Karoo community have reached out to my

family and myself by contributing care packages and offering support. Receiving my replacement Year 6 jumper, School

Captain badge and school photos was incredible. My class wrote me a card with inspirational and heart-warming messages

that brightened up my day and changed my aspect of the fire completely. Everything happens for a reason, and the fire

was a learning experience that I have got a lot out of. The truly important thing in life is the unconditional love of families and

friends that I hope I will never lose.

On behalf of my family, Mum (Ngan), Dad (Lee) and brother (Dylan), we would like to thank the phenomenal Karoo

community for all of your love and support. The Karoo community is my second home, and it always will be.

Aimee Booth


Zoe and her fantastic Calisthenics achievement Congratulations to Zoe I (3C) who is a part of the very talented Karoo Calisthenics sub-juniors team (ages 7-10) who this year were the aggregate winners across 5 out of 6 of their competitions including the State Championships run by Calisthenics Victoria Institute and the much coveted Royal South Street competition held in Ballarat. This is Zoe’s 5th year in calisthenics, a team sport that she truly loves. Karoo are extremely proud of Zoe and her efforts. What a fantastic accomplishment Zoe—well done!


Re-Enrolment for 2019

Many of our existing families have not yet re-enrolled for 2019. If you are using OSHC again next year, please re-enrol as soon as possible. If you are having trouble with the online system, please speak to Melissa

Has your child got a great sporting story that you think we should know about? If so, please contact Josh Maroney.

Page 3: Karoo News · Term 4 Week 10 Wednesday 12th December, 2018 DECEMBER Thursday 13th December Prep Crossing Safety Incursion Quicksmart morning tea Parent Helpers’ morning tea Emma

KIDS OF GOLD CAMP For building self esteem and confidence for kids. Say NO to bullying! Overcome Shyness! Open to Years 4-6

(and 9yo in Year 3). Fun activities such as low ropes, initiative activities, wall climbing, games, drama and chal-

lenging interactive sessions. Camp runs Fri 17th—Sun 19th May 2019 at Lyrebird Park, Yellingbo—cost $70.

For more information contact Kids of gold on 0418 170 027 (Jenny) or 9737 9475 (Gary).

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