  • 1.

2. 3.

  • The wolf spiders habitat ranges from dry woodland areas, inland shrub lands to, wet coastal forests to alpine meadows.Wolf Spiders dont live in webs like most of them do.In spring and summer the wolf spiders burrow themselves in the woods and seal their burrow with a web.When it starts to get cold you might find these spiders in your basement or garage.
  • The wolf spiders diet contains of house flies, mosquitos, crickets and other spiders.
  • The wolf spider catches the prey by grabbing it then it will flip over on its back holding the prey and it inserts the fangs.


  • Male wolf spiders find a mate by their attraction to the females scent in the air.Mating usually takes place at night outside the females burrow.
  • Females can mate with more than one other male.What happens is that the females can store the different sperm from the males and when she lays her eggs the sperm combines producing new eggs.
  • The gestation period is 9-27 days depending on the surrounding temperature and species of wolf spider.
  • There can be several hundred babies produced!
  • Wolf spiders carry their egg sac with their spinnerets making sure it doesnt drag on the ground.After the egg hatches the babyspiders stay on their mothers back for however long it takes them to fend for themselves.
  • Once the babies hatch they are left to fend for themselves when they can and thats when reproduction ends.


  • The wolf spider hunts down insects such as ants, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, roaches, and other spiders.Predators for the wolf spiders include birds, lizards, scorpions, and other spiders.
  • Wolf spiders normally live around 2 years.
  • Common parasites include the tachinid flies, the broconid, the ichneumonid wasps.
  • Overpopulation doesnt really affect the wolf spider.There are plenty of insects the wolf spider finds and their underground burrows are being taken away from them.

6. Producer Autotroph Primary Consumer Omnivore Secondary Consumer Carnivore Tertiary Consumer Omnivore 7. The process of this food web is that the grass is the producer and the flies and beetles eat the grass and they are the primary consumers.The wolf spider eats the flies and spiders, just few of the many insects it eats.The wolf spider is the secondary consumer because it is the prey for birds, lizards, scorpions , and etc.The birds, lizards, and scorpions would be the tertiary consumer. 8.

  • To keep the wolf spider from becoming extinct would be to keep out streams and water sources clean.Having good water quality allows these species to have a source of food.
  • The population size of this animal is huge because so many of these spiders are produced when the female lays her eggs.


  • The graph shows the stream quality is very good by all the Class 1 organisms we found in the stream.
  • The high number of Class 1 is great because the stoneflys, mayflys, caddisflys, and etc. provide good quality in the water because they are generally pollution intolerant.Having many Class 2 organisms is also good for the water quality because they are tolerant of water pollution and can exist in a wide range of water quality.We had no Class 3 organisms and thats significant because Class 3 indicates poor water quality.These organisms are tolerant to pollution in the water.
  • Wolf spider s eat beetles and if there is poor water quality then the beetles wont be around.Therefore, the wolf spider wont have that source of food anymore.
  • If there was all Class 3 in the water system it would affect the wolf spider indirectly because the insects that are pollution tolerant would be gone and the wolf spider wouldnt have any of the insects to eat.


  • Describe what the different levels mean pertaining to the health of the ecosystem.
  • Describe the ideal range for each factor measured at Powdermill and the possible ramifications for levels outside the ideal range.
  • Describe how you organism would survive (using both direct and indirect evidence) if its habitat is close to the stream versus the marsh, and mine waters.
  • Turbidity affects the organisms in the stream because if its a high turbidity then its murky and could clog the fishes gills which kills them.It affect predator vs. prey relaitionships.


  • The importance of pH, potash, phosphorus, & nitrogen levels in the soil is that indicates the type of water quality there is and how it will effect the ecosystems in the water
  • All the ranges should be low in numbers but the Ph should be 7 which is neutral.
  • The chemical levels can definitely effect the water quality because if the ranges of the numbers are off scale then you will have poor water quality.For example, if you have lots of nitrogen and phosphates thats very bad for the water quality because those chemicals are polluting the water.If you have too much of them.


  • If the stream were marsh or mine the wolf spider would die because wolf spiders eat beetles, stoneflys , mayflys , and etc.These insects are very important for a stream.These insects indicate great water quality.If the water was marshy and AMD you wouldnt find any of these good insects.
  • The soil affects the wolf spider because if the soil was really bone dry and hard the wolf spider wouldnt have a home.The wolf spider makes underground burrows to live in so having good rich soil is crucial.
  • Positive factors would be that You should include common sources of pollution of PA streams and stress how to conserve and preserve the riparian habitat.Include in the description how these factors might affect the assigned organism.


  • What I learned that was new was that when I went to Powdermill, the insects we found in the stream made how he water good quality.It was interesting was caused poor versus good water quality.
  • An environmental topic I would like to research next would be Acid Rain and how it effects the environment and the facts about it.



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