
KB+ Overview

Anne Simmons

What we’re going to cover Introduction to KB+ & it’s Uses Subscription Information Licences Journal Statistics in KB+ Questions/Feedback

Background Usage statistics are increasingly important as a

validation for our expenditure on e-resources Nearly 8m journal articles accessed, 2.7m e-book

chapters accessed and 7.7m database searches Collecting usage data is very time consuming Jisc were aware of the difficulties for libraries and setup

JUSP to provide a single point for some of the bigger e-journal deals (but by no means even close to all). JUSP statistics are fed into KB+

JUSP/KB+ statistics are only for e-journals Jisc also recognised that libraries have difficulties in

keeping track of what journals are included in ‘big deals’ and, as Jisc negotiate these deals, they decided to create KB+ as a tool for librarians.

KB+ Uses Verified, accurate and up-to-date publication

information for e-journal agreements. Made available under an open licence and disseminated to organisations including Ex Libris – to ensure SFX (and OU eJournals) is updated with accurate information

Provides Subject Librarians with access to full details of our titles included in journal deals

Gives access to (some) Usage statistics to aid decision making on subscriptions

Provides Librarians with access to licence details so that they know whether articles can be included in course packs / VLE / or used for ILL

Getting Started Go to: Each User Needs to register by logging in with

their Single Sign-on They can then be accepted for access by a

member of the eresources team

KB + Subscriptions Currently lists all our major Ejournal Deals Each subscription details

start/end dates Our entitlements (journals included in the deal) Licence

KB+ has journal titles lists for the NESLi2 deals And full lists for many publishers that don’t offer

NESLi2 deals Journal Lists are updated throughout the year

with any changes to deals/publishers. Will eventually list all our individual ejournal

subscriptions and database subscriptions

Licences Most licences are either Jisc licences or modelled on

the Jisc licence. The Jisc licence is very liberal and designed to

favour the institution. Most licences allow ‘walk-in’ user access. Those providers that do not allow ‘walk-in’ user

access use Shibboleth (SSO) to control access. Licences are displayed in KB+ in a ‘yes’ ‘no’ format. Licence terms for Jisc deals have been assessed by

Jisc and it is their interpretation. Other licences are by us but based on the Jisc


Journal Statistics

Report Types JR1 Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by

Month and Journal JR1A Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from

an Archive by Month and Journal. JR1A is a subset of JR1. Also newest report s include Open Access usage JR1A – the period covered varies by publisher e.g. SAGE

content prior to 1999, Elsevier content prior to 1995. JR1 is the most widely adopted e-resource report making

e-journal reporting more comparable than, for example, database and e-book reporting.

A small number of providers do not provide these reports. Only JR1 reports are counted for SCONUL.

Finding Journal Stats on KB+ KB+ will only show statistics for publishers

that are in JUSP It includes most of the major publishers Participants listed at:

Go to Titles Search for the title

You will need to amend the date if it is an expired subscription

Click on Subscription Name for your title Find the Journal and click on the link – scroll

down for JUSP statistics

Yearly Journal stats on KB It is possible to download a spreadsheet of

statistics for a particular subscription Only for publishers on JUSP Only contains stats from that subscription not

all titles we take from that publisher Go to University of Oxford > Subscription Click on the subscription you want Go to the Renewals tab > Click “Here” Click on Generate Comparisons Sheet Open Excel and Convert Text to Numbers

Questions and Feedback Any Questions Feedback on KB+ [email protected]

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